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LESSON PLAN FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE YEAR 3 SJKt Subject : Date : Time : Class : Number of Pupils : Proficiency Level

: Focus : Theme : Topic : Content Standard : Learning Standards : Lesson Objectives : English 10/4/2014 8.35a.m. 9.35a.m. 3 Pagalavan 29 Low to intermediate Listening and speaking World of Knowledge Move Your Body

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: 1.

Cross Curricular Element (EMK) : Educational Emphases :

Creative & Innovative i. CCTS Critical Thinking: Identify main idea ii.Multiple Intelligences Linguistic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Naturalistic, Bodily Kinesthetic iii. Moral Values Love, Live peacefully iv. Olympic Values Joy of effort Picture card, picture puzzle,

Teaching Aids :

Activity Set induction (5 mins)

Teaching & Learning Strategy/ Activity Notes Fortune balloon & poison envelope Teaching materials: Fortune balloon & 1. Teacher plays music pupils will pass the balloon to poison envelope their friends. 2. When music stop, pupil who holds the balloon needs Example: to choose an envelope and do the action that written 1. Show me how to swim. on the paper. 2. Show me how to play football. 3. Teacher can do 3 rounds. 3. Show me how to dance. 4. Teacher writes on board the action that they supposed to do. 5. Teacher relates the words on the board with the lesson of the day. Puzzle and input 1. Teacher divides class into 6 groups and there will be five in a group. 2. Pupils sit in their group. 3. Teacher gives each group an envelope of picture puzzle. 4. The picture puzzle related to the activity that will be introduces later. 5. After pupils done arranging the picture puzzle, teacher will asks the pupils the name of the activity and write it on the whiteboard. 6. Teacher asks the pupils to read all the words and teacher talks about the activity. Listening and Q&A session. 1. Teacher paste the some picture on the board with word about the picture. 2. Teacher distributes an envelope that contained sentence strips.

Presentation (15 mins)

Teaching materials: Picture puzzle MI:

Practice (20 mins)

MV: Love, Live peacefully MI: interpersonal, Linguistic, Bodily kinesthetic

Production (15 mins)

Closure (5mins)

3. Teacher asks pupils to listen the text for the first time without doing anything. 4. Pupils listen attentively. 5. Teacher asks pupils to take out the sentence strips and asks pupils to listen and try to rearrange the sentence strips. 6. After that, teacher asks questions and group that want to answer need to raise their hand. 7. Each correct answer will get a sticker. Spelling and jumble word worksheet. 1. Teacher asks pupils to sit at their own place. MI: Linguistic, Interpersonal, bodily 2. Teacher asks if there is any volunteer to spell any kinaesthetic word that given by the teacher. 3. Each word that spelled correctly will get 1 sticker. 4. Teacher gives 5 different words that they had learnt previously and repeats two times. 5. Next, teacher distributes jumble word worksheet. 6. Once they completed the worksheet, they need to hand in to the teacher and if they get all correct they will get 1 sticker. MI: visual spatial, Naturalistic, intrapersonal

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