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Astrology and Faith (special article)

Astrology and Faith

Today is a great day for me! Today is the most holy day of Mahasivaratri (lingodbhava subha raatri), birth-day of Bhagavan ri iva and also my Birth !ay ("nglish calendar)# $n this holy occasion, % publish this special article (e&tra) in my blog# ivaarpana Mastu ! March--'--'()) The astrologer is not a medical doctor. He should keep himself within the limits of his own profession (knowledge) and not claim to be a miracles-worker. Maharishi Parasara (sage-astrologer) has suggested chanting stotra or manthra with devotion, and charit etc. can undo the malefic effects of planets and or periods. !n an scheme of faith-cure, pra er to "od is primar and important. !t should be done according to the religion the person belongs to. Muslims, #hristians, $ikhs, %uddhists, &ains etc. have done it sincerel , with deep faith, and have stories of full successful or half successful cures to report. These claims should be closel e'amined astrologicall b an astrologer, and medicall b a doctor. !t is a double e'planation of such phenomena that will restore faith and keep intact a belief in a good s stem of medicine and pra er - %(TH. The astrologer is aware of Prarabdha (destined karma) in human life and knows that in some cases nothing can be done. )octors generall keep treating a patient even when the know that it is a case without an hope because the have to, because the are paid for it or because the are greed . "reed astrologers also prescribe ver costl remedies and keep e'ploiting their clients. %ut then it will not solve the real problem of the client. *hat is to be done+ $urrender to the lord (%hagavan) in whatever form ou worship him. %elieve in pra er to "od and surrender to Him. )oes it solve the problem+ The answer is mostl es, if ou pra honestl and lead an honest and pious life. There are cases when nothing worked, there are cases when it worked partl , and there are cases where it worked like a miracle. !t is better to tr the well known spiritual method, remed of honest pra er and increase our tapobalam (spiritual strength). *rasna Marga-- Karma-arjitham poorva bhave sadaadi Yat-tasya panktim sam-abivynakti . The entire bundle of the fruits of

/arma, both good and bad, he would have ac0uired through man , man births and lives in the past and present would be distributed to present and man births in future. *ith asubha /armas in this life, it can manifest as bad effects in this life even if horoscope shows ver good results. 1ikewise, subha-karmas in this life can manifest as good effects in this life, even if horoscope shows some malefic effects in its charts, so poo2as, homas. )annas (donations for charitable purposes and temples), 2apas of manthras alleviate the malefic effects. . yatajaatakataha prasno guna-doshirvividyatae Tataasubha-subham vidhyaat karma-vedai-r-iha-aarjitai (3- 45). Maha+avi ri ,aalidaasa (e&pert-astrologer also) remar+ed * STHOTHRAM KASYA NA THUSTAYAE? * - ./$ % T/"0" ./$ % 1$T %MM"1 23 *2"A "! B3 *0$F4 " *0A% "5 o all deities, gods, goddesses and planetdeities are definitely pleased 6hen 6e recite these manthrams at least three times daily, 6ith true devotion7 FA%T/ % T/" MA%1 *%22A0 7 faith and devotion definitely protect the persons from the malefic 8 harmful effects of planets and doshams (defects) in the horoscope# They also give mental and physical strength, needed to face the challenges in day-to day life, and lead life 9uite successfully# This is the foundation of modern psycho-treatment for many diseases# Faith :ures ! Faith 0emedies ! Vane, rane, sathma, jala, agni-ma h!e, maha-arna"e, #ar"atha mastha$a e"aa% s&#tham-#ramatham% "ishama-sthitham "aa, Ra$shanthi #&n!aani, #&raa$r&thaani. (sloka b 6eda 6 asa Maharshi) . 7ven if a person is in perils like in thick forest, in the middle of a battle-field fighting fiercel , in the middle of flood-waters surrounding on all sides, in the middle of forest fire around him, or in the middle of a ocean, or on the top of a steep mountain sleeping there, or consumes poison, he 8 she is rescued b the ( pun aphalam) fruits of good deeds he 8 she performed in previous and present life. !f a person does pun a (good deeds) and pious performances like 2apam, tapam, poo2as and such other good tasks, he alwa s is protected b the effects of these pun a-karmas in times of dangers and losses. $o suitable santhi-performances (pun akarmas) to malefic periods and planets is strongl recommended.

Here are some suggestions3. !f the patient can pra himself it is best, e'ample - $ri /.9.:ao (a renowned and e'pert-astrologer) did in ;<<< when the doctors in )elhi and 1ucknow said that he would never be able to walk again. He took no medicines. He did his 2apam with true devotion, chanting 6ishnu $ahasranam, 9ara ana /avacham, and did some oga e'ercises. !n two ears he recovered and was able to walk without a walker, climb stairs both in his own house and in the Bharatiya ;idya Bhavan ()elhi) and resumed teaching =strolog to students. ;. !f the patient is unable to pra himself as happens in some cases, someone in the famil who loves him and who is interested in his getting cured, sincerel , should do it. 5. There are cases when the entire famil pra s and what happens after that is described as a miracle b all. 4. !n some cases where a kamakandi pandit (purohit) is asked to do it. Make sure that the pandit knows karmakanda properl and is pure, spirituall disciplined and not greed . These da s, it is like asking for the impossible. >. There are cases where Mahatmas (saints) have showered their grace on a patient and cured him or her. These are rare but ver ama?ing. $ri $aibaba cured some devotee-patients was wellknown. Here is a stor which tells us how pra er with faith and devotion can save a person even from death.

tory of Mar+andeya 6ho con9uered death - (nce upon a

time, there lived a sage called Mrikandu with his wife Marudvati on the banks of hol river "odavari. %oth were devotees of $hiva. The couple was childless, and so decided to perform austerities so the would be blessed with a child. Then one da , $hiva appeared before them. $hiva asked the couple if the desired an ordinar son who would live a long life, or an e'ceptional son who would live a short life. The couple asked for the latter. !n due course, Marudvati gave birth to a bo and the child was named Markande a (literall -son of Mrikandu). Markande a was an e'ceptionall gifted child, and became an accomplished sage earl in his childhood. He was especiall devoted to $hiva, and had mastered the Mahamrityun<aya Mantra, he chanted it thousands of times daily with devotion and faith for over nine ears. -------------------------------- The mrit un2a a mantra is considered one of the maha mantras of efficac or a great $anskrit mantra because of

its high potenc to give protection and manifold blessings. Maha mrit un2a a literall means the great victor over death. !t is associated with %hagavan $hiva, the destro er of ignorance, and the liberator from the c cle of death and rebirth. !t is therefore a life giving mantra that not onl protects the ph sical bod and gives health, but purifies the mind at a deep level.

The Maha Mrityun<aya Mantra

$m tryamba+am ya<amahe sugandhim pushtivardhanam urvaru+amiva bandhanan mrityor mu+shiya mamritat#
! bo" do"n to that three-eyed #ord $hiva% "ho is full of s"eet fragran&e% "ho nourishes all living beings' May (e free me from the bondage of samsara and death% just as a ripe &u&umber is separated from the vine' May ! be fi)ed in immortality* %hagavan $hiva is said to have three e es, because he sees the past, present, and future simultaneousl . He is the lord of the three worlds - ph sical, astral, and causal. He is also be ond the three gunas - sattva, ra2as, and tamas - or creation, sustenance, and destruction. =s we chant the maha mrit un2a a mantra we identif with $hiva, develop his attributes, and receive his blessings. !n the +rihat Parashara (ora $hastra% sage-astrologer Maharshi Parashara prescribes the maha mrit un2a a mantra as an astrological remedial measure on at least ;4 separate occasions. !n #hapter >> and in verse >; he sa s, !n this &riti&al period% "ith the re&itation ,japa- of mrityunjaya mantra the malefi& ,harmful- effe&ts "ill get mello"ed do"n ,redu&ed- "ith the blessings of +hagavan $hiva' ....................... =t the age of si'teen, his time on this earth had come to an end, and so @ama, death personified, came to take him awa . =t the time, Markande a was in a temple worshipping the icon of $hiva ($hiva 1ingam). *hen he saw @ama, out of fright, Markande a grabbed a tight hold of the $hiva 1ingam and pra ed (1ord) %hagavan $hiva to

protect him. @ama threw his noose around the bo -sage, which encircled the $hiva 1ingam too. $uddenl , the $hiva 1ingam burst open with a thundering roar and a ma2estic, fier form of $hiva appeared out of the bla?ing light. 7nraged that @ama should have the audacit to encircle the $hiva 1ingam with his noose, $hiva struck down /ala (@ama is also called /ala,time, since time brings death to all things) with His trident, and /ala was no more. Markande a was spared from death. $hiva blessed Markande a with eternal life and proclaimed that he shall forever remain a si'teen- ear-old sage, he shall never have death. The assembl of )evas ("ods) who had witnessed the spectacle begged $hiva to revive @ama, as a world without death would put unnecessar burden on the earth. $hiva then revived @ama, and declared that His devotees were forever to be spared from the noose of @ama. $ince that da , the fier form of $hiva that appeared to save the bo sage Markande a is called /alasamhara Murti ignificance of the story = The stor as narrated above comes to us from the $kanda Purana. There are other versions of the stor that differ in details, but our concern here is to understand what we are being told in this beautiful tale. *hat does it mean for Markande a to be saved b $hiva and for $hiva to destro /ala+ Aor Markande a to be saved b $hiva means that $hivaBs =nugraha $hakti (divine love) had descended upon the bo -sage. Markande a had at a oung age attained enlightenment and become a 2ivanmukta. He was no more bound b time (kala) or death. He had broken through the c cle of birth and death. 6eril , Markande a had gained oneness with 1ord Mrit un2a a and con0uered death itself. Aor $hiva to destro @ama and become angr that @ama should have the audacit to encircle the 1ingam indicates that $hiva is be ond death and time. He is the 7ternal 1ord. He is the :uler of time (Mahakaleshvara), He is the (riginator of time (Mahakala) and )estro er of time (/alari or /alasamhara Murti). Time in the stor is represented b @ama since time brings death and dissolution to all things, but $hiva brings death to time itself. $o, He is called Mahakalakala or Mahakalabhairava. *hen all things deca , $hiva

alone remains. =s He alone is be ond death and time, $hiva is called Maha Mrit un2a a, the great #on0uer of )eath. The moral of the stor is that we, like the bo -sage Markande a, should also pra and meditate on $hiva-Mrit un2a a, for He alone can take us unto the state be ond the c cles of samsaraaum mtyu.jaya mah/deva tr/hi m/ 0ara/gatam C janmamtyujar/vy/dhi p1ita karmabandhanai CC =um, ( "reat 1ord Mt uD2a a, ! take refuge in @ou, pra protect me, =nd relieve me of the painful e'periences of birth, death, old-age and disease. 2um Kalasamhara-Murtaye 3amah' !n short, what is being suggested in this article, E 2strology and 4aith% is - never stop pra ing whatever be the circumstances. ----------------- ! dedicate all these articles in this blog to $ri Parama Paalakas ($upreme :ulers of this entire Fniverse)%hagavan $ri $iddhi 6ina aka,$ri 1akshmi 9ara ana and $ri "ouri $ankara and $ri $araswathi and %hagavan $ri 6enkateswara G --------------- @ou can get m full particulars from m web-site @ou can get m astrological services b contacting me b and know m fee particulars. ! have 4H ears of e'perience 8 practice as an active astrologer...............
Posted by '!(thishi at )*+, -M #abels5 Ne"er st(# #ra!ing .hate"er /e the 0ir0&mstan0es1

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