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Manual on the work with the 17 Planetary Channel and two of Elements


3....................................................................................................................Introduction Collective Thoughtforms and Artificial Egregors......................................................5 #..................................The Star' pictogram the tuning on the 1 th !lanetar" Channel' #.........................................................................Activation of Consciousness $Super%I$& #.......................................................... 'oining of Consciousness and Su(consciousness )(vious *eaning of the Card+...................................................................................# The ,idden *eaning of the Card+.............................................................................Esoteric *eaning of the Card+...................................................................................The .l"phs of the Card........................................................................................................The Tuning on the Channel+...............................................................................................11 11...................................................................The first *agic Initiation Sphiroth /aat 13................................................................The 0or1 0ith Elements t0o of Elements The Cross of Elements.............................................................................................13 Ad2acent 3orlds.......................................................................................................14 The perception of the !resent& the !ast and the 5uture............................................16 *agic of 3ater and *agic of Air............................................................................1# !ractices of Shamanism in the 1 th Channel...........................................................73 The 8pper and 9o0er 3orld Shamanic 'ourne"s...................................................7# The .roup Egregor's 3or1......................................................................................7.roup !ractices 0ith Consciousness $Super%I$ !reparation for Initiation ..........31 The 0or1 in the Sphiroth ,od the $meeting$ place of the 1 th& 7:th& 13th and 16th Channels.............................................................................................................................31 The !ractice+.......................................................................................................................37 The 0or1 in ;irtual Sphiroth /aat the place of $intersection$ of the 1 th and 15th Channels.............................................................................................................................37 The !ractice+.......................................................................................................................33 The 0or1 in Sphiroth <et=a1h the Crossing of the 1 th and 1#th Channels..................33 The !ractice+.......................................................................................................................34 35..................................................... The general principles of the 3or1 0ith Elements The general principles of Tuning on t0o of Elements.............................................36 T0o of S0ords 5ire...............................................................................................3# T0o of Cups 3ater...............................................................................................4: T0o of 3ands Air.................................................................................................47 T0o of !entacles Earth.........................................................................................45 4 .....................................3or1 0ith *andalas 0ithin the limits of the ,ealing Course S"m(ols for the plotting of *andalas......................................................................5: The list of the enclosed schemes of *andalas.........................................................57

The training of the *aterial stated in the given *anual is possi(le onl" in the .roup. The activation of our Egregor>s Consciousness $Super%I$ occurs on this level of development of !ersonalit" and Consciousness... It cannot (e achieved independentl"& using o0n !ersonal Consciousness $I$. !ersonal Consciousness $I$ 0or1s in the internal Energ"%Informational Space of the Cocoon and (uilds our $inner life$ ?including all our imaginations and illusions@... Consciousness $Super%I$ is connected to the S"stem to the eAternal 0orld... /uring the 0or1 0ith advanced .roup& the Egregor of .roup& 0hich allo0s for mem(ers to activate and to feel Consciousness $Super%I$& is formed...

)(vious meaning of the Card of the 1 th Arcanum is copied from the (oo1 of A. 3aite... ,idden meaning of the Card of the 1 th Arcanum is copied from the (oo1 of B. *. *onosov... Esoteric meaning of the Card of the 1 th Arcanum is from the researches and materials of our Center...

Horizontal Channels of the Sphiroth Tree

Three ,ori=ontal Channels of the Sphiroth Tree ?1 th& -th and 4th@ are the (orders (et0een the 3orlds... The fundamental Change of the !roperties of ,uman Consciousness& 0hich is called in Esoteric 'Initiation'& 'Capture' etc.& occurs in these Channels. At the moment& 0e consider 1 th ,ori=ontal Channel& in 0hich the 5irst *agic Initiation occurs the 2oining of !ersonal Consciousness $I$ 0ith the S"stem Consciousness $<ot%I$ and activation of the united Consciousness of *onad $Super%I$... 3ith the united Consciousness $Super%I$ man continues his o0n !lanetar" Evolution and enters Det=irah 3orld the 3orld of Creativit" and 5ormation. The (asic difference (et0een the 3orld of Action and the 3orld of 5ormation consists eAaclt" in various Consciousnesses& 0hich the person possesses and operates in these 3orlds... !assage through the 1 th Channel in the 3orld of 5ormation is simpl" impossi(le 0ithout the activation of Consciousness $Super%I$... 3or1 0ith the Channels a(ove 1 on the Sphiroth Tree& that are in Det=irah 3orld& means the presence of active Consciousness $Super%I$... .l"phs '*an' and '3oman' on the cards of *a2or Arcana a(ove 1 ?according to the Sphiroth Tree@ concern Consciousness $Super%I$ instead of !ersonal Consciousness $I$ and Consciousness $<ot%I$... The attempts to 0or1 0ith the !lanetar" Channels of Det=irah 3orld ?13th& 16th& 14th& 11th& 17th& 1:th& the (ottom aspects of the 3rd& th and 5th& and also the top aspects of the 15th@& 0ithout having Consciousness $Super%I$ activated& are simpl" imaginations and profanation of the Esoteric ,eritage... The true sense and po0er of the !lanetar" Channels of Det=irah 3orld is opening onl" in the process of activation of Consciousness $Super%I$... The 5irst *agic Initiation occurs in the 1 th Channel the activation of Consciousness $Super% I$ and fiAing in this position... After the passage of the 1 th Channel and transition to Det=irah 3orld& a(solutel" other Consciousness and .l"phs of the !erson are 0or1ing *an and 3oman in the Det=irah 3orld mean a(solutel" other !roperties of Consciousness in realit"& incompara(le to the Consciousness and Su(consciousness of Asi"ah 3orld... Accordingl"& all !lanetar" Channels a(ove the 1 th impl" the presence of the Adept's Active Consciousness $Super%I$. *an and 3oman on the cards of Det=irah 3orld mean Consciousness $Super%I$& 0or1ing in t0o ranges... It>s either the perception of the S"stem Signal and its Changing ?modulation@ Creativit"& Creation (" means of Consciousness ?.l"ph '*an'@& or the perception and tracing of the change of the S"stem Signal ?.l"ph '3oman'@E The Transition of Consciousness in the 5ollo0ing 3orld means fundamental& Fualitative Changes of Consciousness and of all Adept's life instead of illusions and imaginationsE

Accordingl"& understanding and interpretation of the Arcana a(ove the 1 th should (e made proceeding from the level of active Consciousness $Super%I$... Glyph 'Man' in the First Arcanum and Glyph 'Man' in the #i$ differences!%%% nd Arcanum are !two "ery

.l"ph '*an' in the 5irst Arcanum is Consciousness 0hich has passed the 5irst *agic Initiation in the 1 th Channel& the Second *agic Initiation ?Capture@ in the -th Channel& 0hich has 8nited in the 4th Channel 0ith other *onads& having (een ended their !lanetar" /evelopment... It's the Consciousness of /emiurge...

Collective Thoughtforms and Artificial Egregors

It is considered that man 0as created in the image and li1eness of .od. 3hat does it mean from the Esoteric point of vie0G 3orld is a set of the Consciousnesses $enclosed$ in each other the principle of the Cussian /oll. Ever" eAternal Consciousnesses is more compleA and multidimensional than internal and $creates$ ?thin1s@ the internal realit". So 0e ourselves and the 0orld round us are the $thoughts$ ?Energ"%Informational Structures@ of the eAternal Consciousness Consciousnesses of the !lanetar" S"stem. Thus& 0e also possess the compleA enough Consciousness& 0hich is a(le to thin1 and $create$ on the follo0ing& more lo0%freFuenc" level 0ith the less Fuantit" of dimensions ?three%dimensional 3orld@. )ur .odli1eness is here in the a(ilit" to Create... <o0ada"s developing computer technologies& 0ith 0hich help our Consciousness recreates general planetar" and universal principles& (ut on the less measured level and 0ith the accessi(le to us no0ada"s technologies& are the (est eAample of it... ,ermetic principle $All that a(ove is that (elo0$ is ver" 0ell traced in ho0 our civili=ation reali=es $separate consciousness$ a computer& $united Consciousness$ a local computer net0or1& $planetar" Consciousness$ Internet etc... !eople& 0ho are familiar 0ith Esoteric model of the 0orld& can see independentl" various analogues of the planetar" processes& realised in the computer technologies... It sho0s and confirms the Esoteric principle a(out the enclosed Consciousnesses& each of 0hich $creates$ the 0orld on o0n level ?o0n dimensionalit"@... 3hen dimensionalit" of the human Consciousness 0ill raise ?o0ing to the development transition to the 4th Caste@& our civili=ation 0ill (e a(le to create more compleA $artificial 0orlds$ on the more compleA technologies& for eAample on (iotechnologies... *an is the Energ"%Informational structure in the eAternal Energ"%Informational space and he possesses his internal less dimensioned Energ"%Informational space for $creativit"$... *an is connected in (oth these $spaces$ (" various t"pes of Consciousness+ 1. In eAternal space 0ith the S"stem Consciousness $Super%I$ on the freFuenc" of Sahasrara Cha1ra&


In internal space 0ith the !ersonal Consciousness $I$ on the freFuenc" of ;ishuddha Cha1ra...

Accordingl"& man could ma1e all deeds in these spaces onl" 0ith the corresponding t"pe of Consciousness... Consciousness $Super%I$ (ecomes active onl" on the level of development 0hich corresponds to the 4th Caste ?the A! on Anahata Cha1ra@. )nl" from this moment the person gets real possi(ilit" to $0or1$ 0ith o0n Consciousness $Super%I$ in the eAternal 0orld ?to $create$ in eAternal realit"@... Before this moment& onl" !ersonal Consciousness $I$& 0or1ing in internal realit"& is accessi(le to the person... All $constructions$ in internal realit" 0e call $imaginations$ of the person... These imaginations can (e sho0n in eAternal 0orld onl" (" means of creation of material ?ph"sical@ o(2ects... EAactl" for this reason the given level of development of Consciousness is called 'the 3orld of Action' it's necessar" to ma1e action in the !h"sical 3orld ?for eAample to 0rite the letter or to call (" phone@ in order to have our internal $imagination$ turned to eAternal realit"... Thus& Consciousness $Super%I$ is alread" a(le to change eAternal realit" of itself& 0ithout the need to create ph"sical o(2ects... Such level of Consciousness is called 'the 3orld of 5ormation'... It's alread" possi(le to hand over information Telepathicl" 0ithout the need in the letter or phone call on this level... 3hen man thin1s in o0n internal space& he creates Energ"%Informational Structures ?Thoughtforms@ in it. These thoughtforms possess the dimensionalit" of human Consciousness 3 dimensions... 3hen eAternal Consciousness thin1s in the Energ"%Informational space& it creates Energ"% Informational Structures in 77 dimensions. 3hen *an $thin1s$ 0ith Consciousness $Super%I$ in the eAternal space& he can create $thoughtforms$ in a range from 3 to 17 dimensions& depending on the position of A!... Several people possessing !ersonal Consciousness $I$ could (e s"nchroni=ed on an" one idea for eAample& on a common technological process. As the result& Thoughtforms 0ill (e (uilt in the consciousness of ever"one ?in the internal Energ"%Informational space@& and the"'ll eAchange and correct them 0ith each other... And the similar Energ"%Informational Structures called 'Collective Thoughtform' 0ill (e (uilt as the result in the consciousnesses of these people. These structures are onl" in Consciousness of man and cannot appear in the eAternal 0orld eAcept as (eing realised in the form of the document or an" other o(2ect of the eAternal 0orld... Internal Energ"%Informational Structures cannot (e feeded independentl" 0ith energ" (ecause the" $are closed$ in the Consciousness of the person. If the person 0ill periodicall" thin1 of them& he 0ill feed them 0ith energ" there(". )ther0ise& these structures 0ill (e disintegrated after a 0hile... !eople should Co%tune 0ith each other in order to create Collective Thoughtforms... But if several people& possessing Consciousness $Super%I$& 0ill ma1e such $creativit"$& then each of them 0ill create Energ"%Informational structure in the eAternal Energ"%Informational space. These structures 0ill (e 2oined in one 8nited Energ"%Informational structure called 'Egregor'... The higher is the level of development and dimensionalit" of Consciousness $Super%I$ ?from 3 up to 17 dimensions@& the more compleA Egregor 0ill (e created...

The given structure is in the eAternal realit" and can independentl" $resound$ 0ith other people& coinciding 0ith it on o0n Energ"%Informational parameters... So& egregor is transforming to the independent Energ"%Informational (eing& 0hich is $developing$ and $feeding$ independentl" 0ith the energ" of Consciousness of those people& that it can $capture$ ?the"'ll coincide on properties 0ith it@... Being created in the eAternal realit" 0ith the united Consciousnesses $Super%I$ of a certain Fuantit" of people ?not less than 1:@& Egregor is the $organism$ of the 3rd level and possesses o0n Consciousness. Collective Thoughtform does not possess an" o0n Consciousness as if it's the $derivative$ of the !ersonal three%dimensional Consciousnesses $I$ and sta"s in the internal Energ"%Informational space...

'The Star' pictogram the tuning on the 17th Planetary Channel Acti ation of Consciousness !Super"I!# $oining of Consciousness and Su%consciousness

Obvious Meaning of the Card:

A great& radiant star of eight ra"s& surrounded (" seven lesser starsHalso of eight ra"s. The female figure in the foreground is entirel" na1ed. ,er left 1nee is on the land and her right foot upon the 0ater. She pours 3ater of 9ife from t0o great e0ers& irrigating sea and land. Behind her is rising ground and on the right a shru( or tree& 0hereon a (ird alights. The figure eApresses eternal "outh and (eaut". The star is l'Itoile flam(o"ante& 0hich appears in *asonic s"m(olism& (ut has (een confused therein. That 0hich the figure communicates to the living scene is the su(stance of the heavens and the elements. It has (een said trul" that the mottoes of this card are $3aters of 9ife freel"$ and $.ifts of the Spirit.$ The summar" of several ta0dr" eAplanations sa"s that it is a card of hope. )n other planes it has (een certified as immortalit" and interior light. 5or the ma2orit" of prepared minds& the figure 0ill appear as the t"pe of Truth unveiled& glorious in und"ing (eaut"& pouring on the 0aters of the soul some part and measure of her priceless possession. But she is in realit" the .reat *other in the Ja(alistic Sephira Binah& 0hich is supernal 8nderstanding& 0ho communicates to the Sephiroth that are (elo0 in the measure that the" can receive her influA. The foreteller meanings: 9oss& theft& privation& a(andonmentK another reading sa"s%hope and (right prospects. Reversed card: Arrogance& haughtiness& impotence.

The Hidden Meaning of the Card:

The card is called 'Circulation'... Starting from the 1 th Arcanum& 0e're getting into the astral plane and the 0orld of Spirits there's nothing similar on the ph"sical plane& "ou 0ill not acFuire an" eAperience during the interaction 0ith the ph"sical plane& 0hich 0ill help "ou to 0or1 0ith Arcana there's no point of engagement on the ph"sical plane& (ut the point of engagement in the 0orld of Spirits appears. In this card 0e deal 0ith vital Energy and 0ith the Energy of death& so here 0e have two riversides+ The first& 0hich is sho0n as the side from our part& is Lthe 0orld of livingM& and other side is Lthe 0orld of spiritsM. It is necessar" to cross the St"A river ?to get into the 0orld of Spirits@ in order to receive Initiation. This card is connected with several egregors: 1@ There is a school in Taoism& connected 0ith the circulation of vital Energ"& there is an aspect of Lmerging 0ith <atureM. ,ere 0e deal 0ith the cults of merging with the Nature and ladling of Energy from the Nature& 2oining 0ith the <ature corresponds to the 1 th Arcanum ?hermits& tourists and so on are here@& and here 0e deal 0ith the interaction of a human organism 0ith the <ature& 0ith natural Energies. Thus& there are man" 1inds of *agic& 0here Energ" is ta1en from the $living$+ Energ" of trees& plants& 0aterfalls& rivers etc. 7@ The second egregor 0hich is connected 0ith the 1 th Arcanum is the egregor of Initiations& i.e. all rituals of Initiations are connected 0ith the Energ" of 1 th Arcanum and it's possi(le to reach rituals of Initiation through this Arcanum.

Esoteric Meaning of the Card:

The card is called 'the Star' '3hich gives the 9ife'... The S"stem Cloc1 !ulse... EAternal Consciousness... This card is also the 5ull ,uman Consciousness $Super%I$... Eight%(eam star In Ancient India 0as a s"m(ol of 2oining of the male and female origins& 0hich create life. The eight%pointed star s"m(olised )siris for Eg"ptians the god of the resurrection& the 1ing of the under0orld... 5rom Esoteric point of vie0 it means the 'oining of Consciousnesses ?man@ 0ith Su(consciousness ?0oman@ and formation of the united Consciousness $Super%I$ the ne0 Star& the ne0 *agician... It is the Energ" of 9ife& Energ" of the sta"ing of *onad in the Incarnated State and the formation of Consciousness $Super%I$... The 5irst *agic Initiation... 1 th Channel 2oins in itself mechanisms of Su(consciousness& 0hich 0e have comprehended in the 7:th Channel and mechanisms of Consciousness& 0hich 0e have comprehended in the 1#th Channel... 1 th Arcanum 2oins these 7 !lanetar" *echanisms in itself and forms the united Consciousness $Super%I$...

The &lyphs of the Card


1. 7. 3.

4. 5. 6. . #. -.


11. 17. 13.

Seven 0hite Stars s"m(olise Cha1ras Bodies of the incarnated *onad ? <otes the )ctave& Colours the Cain(o0@... The active 0or1 of all Energ" Bodies... Big Star is Consciousness $Super%I$ our inclusiveness in the Consciousness of the S"stem. Consciousness $Super%I$ activates during the simultaneous perception of the 3orld of the 9iving and the 3orld of Spirits ?t0o E0ers@... <a1ed 9ad" is the 0or1ing Intuition& the *onad released from the Bod"... Cight Cere(ral ,emisphere is active. 3or1 in this Channel is made 0ith the Active Cight%hemispheric Consciousness $<ot%I$... In this Channel the 8niting of Consciousness and Su(consciousness occurs& therefore the sense of the .l"phs '*an' and '3oman' changes. 3oman in the higher Channels means the !erception 0ith the 8nited Consciousness& and *an means Creativit" 0ith the 8nited Consciousness. *an possesses such Consciousness in Det=irah 3orld the 3orld of Creativit" and 5ormation... Ceservoir is the receptacle of *onads ?Souls@ in the Consciousness of the !lanetar" S"stem the 3orld of Spirits... The Earth is our !h"sical 3orld. 9ad" stands 0ith one foot on the Earth and 0ith another on the 3ater the presence in t0o 3orlds simultaneousl" in the !h"sical 3orld and the 3orld of SpiritsE T0o E0ers are *echanisms of Incarnation for Consciousness and Su(consciousness... *aiden dra0s 0ater 0ith t0o e0ers and pours it out simultaneousl" on the Earth and on the 3ater the process of Incarnation of the *onad and her life ?the pouring of the 3ater@. The life of Consciousness in the !h"sical 3orld and Su(consciousness in the 3orld of Spirits... The e0er in the 9eft ,and is our 9eft%hemispheric !ersonal Consciousness $I$& incarnated in the !h"sical 3orld. ,aving poured out to the Earth ?in the !h"sical 3orld@& Incarnated *onad forms 5 Streamlets !h"sical Bod"& Etheric& Astral Bod"& Structure of the !ersonalit" ?the Assem(lage !oint@ and the Internal Energ"%Informational Space of our Consciousness. )nl" one streamlet flo0s do0n (ac1 in the Ceservoir it's our !ersonal Consciousness& acFuired during the Incarnation& 0hich is re0ritten at the moment of death and is 2oining the united structure of 9ast Incarnations... All other streamlets onl" feed the Earth... 3e do not consider here that fact that Cight%hemispheric Consciousness operates the left hand and 9eft%hemispheric operates the right hand. 3e should feel here the structure of our Consciousness $I$ itself& (eing $around$ the 9eft Cere(ral ,emisphere and Consciousness $<ot%I$& (eing $around$ the Cight Cere(ral ,emisphere... The e0er in the Cight ,and is our Cight%hemispheric Consciousness $<ot%I$& our Su(consciousness& last Incarnations. The" are sta"ing in the 3orld of Spirits and& therefore& even during the *onad Incarnation the" continue to remain in the 3orld of Spirits... This energ" does not disappear and pours out (ac1 in the reservoir... The (ird on a Tree s"m(oli=es the Channel of the *agic Animal $the (lood vessel$ of the S"stem& 0hich approaches to each living !erson as to the $cellule$ of the S"stem... ;iolet *ountains on the ,ori=on is *agonia the neAt stair on the Evolutionar" stair0a"... Ced%Beige E0ers and Dello0 hair of the *aiden s"m(oli=e the Incarnated State& the Energies of 9ife...

&hen we enter the 'tate of the 17th Channel (the takin$ of the 'iddha)* the e+pansion of Consciousness should occur and simultaneous perception of the Physical &orld and the &orld of 'pirits should appear%%% The s"nchronisation on the freFuencies of the 0or1 of Consciousness and Su(consciousness occurs on this level of development& for their further 2oining in the 8nited Consciousness the 5irst *agic Initiation... Thus& the leading part in this process is assigned to the active Cight%hemispheric Su(consciousness... 3e are stud"ing to feel onl" o0n 8nited Consciousness $Super%I$ at the given stage. 5urther& 0e 0ill learn to Activate and to train it... .l"ph '*an' in the !lanetar" Channels of Det=irah 3orld means Activel" 3or1ing& Creating Consciousness $Super%I$...

Transition to the follo0ing 3orld of the Sphiroth Tree means the changing of some initial conditions. Transition from Asi"ah 3orld ?Action@ to Det=irah 3orld ?Creativit"@ is connected 0ith the fundamental change of Consciousness. If 0e had !ersonal Consciousness $I$ 0or1ing in 7 aspects ?.l"phs '*an' and 'Child'@ plus S"stem Consciousness $<ot%I$ ?.l"ph '3oman'@ in Asi"ah 3orld& then in Det=irah 3orld 0e are alread" having 8nited Consciousness& and .l"phs '*an' and '3oman' no0 mean t0o modes of its 0or1 .l"ph '3oman' is the !erception mode& and .l"ph '*an' is the Creation mode... These operating modes of Consciousness $Super%I$ are connected 0ith the 0or1 of Assem(lage !oint& 0hich is turned inside and $assem(les$ eAternal 0orld to us& or is turned outside and $changes$ the eAternal Energ"%Informational Space... If in the 71st Channel 0e learnt to perceive onl" Cight%hemispheric Consciousness $<ot%I$ the *aiden dancing in a garland& then in the 1 th Channel this *aiden is alread" standing $firml"$ 0ith one foot on the Earth and other foot on the 3ater leans against 7 3orlds...

The Tuning on the Channel'

1. 7. 3. 4. Activate all Cha1ras... Activate the /irect Circle... Connect to the Channel of the *agic Animal and fill all Bodies 0ith Energ"...

The polari=ation and releasing of the Su(tle Bod"... In the process of !olari=ation& tune on the Cight Cere(ral ,emisphere& on the Su(consciousness& living in the 3orld of Spirits and on the 9eft Cere(ral ,emisphere on the Consciousness living in this 0orld... 5eel t0o Energ" Structures of o0n Consciousness $I$ ?around the 9eft Cere(ral ,emisphere small& simple@ and Consciousnesses $<ot%I$ ?around the Cight Cere(ral ,emisphere (ig& compleA@ simultaneousl"... The ta1ing of the .l"ph 'T0o E0ers'... T0o Consciousnesses merge in one and flash out the (right Star the feeling of o0n Consciousness $Super%I$ the ta1ing of the .l"ph 'the Star'... The !erception of Consciousness $Super%I$ sta"ing in t0o 3orlds simultaneousl" the ta1ing of the .l"ph 'the *aiden standing on the Earth and on the 3ater'...

5. 6.

All $tunings$ on the 1 th Channel& given (efore this moment& 0ere the tunings on the Channel of the *agic Animal and nothing more than that... $The Sun ,er(ivores !redators the Energ" Channel$& as a result 0e have ta1en the .l"ph 'Bird on a Tree'... 5or the 0or1 0ith the 1 th Arcanum& the real 0or1out of all previous Arcana and the fiAing of A! on the level of Anahata is reFuired. )nl" in this case the enough amount of Energ" is fed on the cere(ral corteA for activation of Consciousness $Super%I$...

The first (agic Initiation Sphiroth )aat

The uniting of Consciousness and Su(consciousness and Consciousness $Super%I$ occurs in the 1 th Channel.

formation of the $8nited$

All Cituals of Initiation are al0a"s spent in the !resent in $,ere and <o0$& on the crossing of the 1 th and 15th Channels. The Egregor of Cituals of Initiation 0as formed in the eAternal Energ"%Informational Space on the crossing of the 1 th and 15 Channels for man" millenia of carr"ing out of Cituals of Initiation... This Artificiall" Created $space$ is called ;irtual Sphiroth /aat... The space of Sphiroth /aat ?means 'Jno0ledge' in translation@ is created (" *agicians 0ith active Consciousness $Super%I$. It means that all (eings are $Initiated$ in this artificial 3orld... .etting to this space& 0e create the $cop"$ of ourselves in the state of activated Consciousness $Super%I$ and further 0e tr" to 0or1 as much as possi(le 0ith this $cop"$ ;irtual Bod" of /aat... 3e are fiAing and learning to live in the state of active Consciousness $Super%I$ in a such 0a"... It is necessar" to enter into the State of the 1 th Channel ?to activate o0n Consciousness $Super%I$@ and to tune then on o0n Silver Thread for the tuning on Sphiroth /aat. As if the state of the 1 th Channel ?.l"ph '*aiden'@ means !olari=ation& the Silver Thread is released $outside$ from the Cocoon and it's eas" to tune on it... Sphiroth /aat is the Egregor's Consciousness and it's possi(le to tune on it onl" (" means of the Egregor of .roup of the prepared Adepts& 0ho are capa(le to activate o0n Consciousness $Super% I$...


The *or+ *ith ,lements t*o of ,lements

5our Elements are 4 various 0a"s of perception of the EAternal S"stem Signal& or perception of the Energ"%Informational Signal of the 3orld (" 4 various Aspects. Fire is the perception of Amplitude of the Signal energ" saturation of o(2ects& Earth is the perception of Structure of the Signal densit" and structure of o(2ects& &ater is the perception of Time Coordinate the eAtent of o(2ects on the Time aAis and speed of movement of various o(2ects on the Time aAis& Air is Chaos& the ratio of the Amplitude of the Signal to the Amplitude of the <oise... The appearance ?!ro(a(ilit"@ of the 5uture events. The perception of the Signal is done (" Consciousness $Super%I$ on Sahasrara Cha1ra.

The Cross of Elements

The cross of Elements is an eFuilateral cross inscri(ed in 3 concentric circles. Each of the cross aAes is the aAis& on 0hich the shift on the one of Elements occurs. )n the dra0ing a(ove& coordinate aAis from the centre up0ards represents Element 5ire& from the centre do0n0ards Element 3ater. 5rom the centre to the right is Element Earth& and from the centre to the left is Element Air. The Circle of Elements is com(ined 0ith the cardinals as follo0s+ 5ire is the South& 3ater is the <orth& Earth is the 3est& Air is the East... Each coordinate aAis is mar1ed (" the S"m(ol of the corresponding Element... Three circles mean 3 hori=ontal Channels of the Sphiroth Tree the 1 th ?the Ced circle@& the -th ?the .reen Circle@ and the 4th ?the /ar1 Blue circle@. These Channels eAist in all Elements& as it's noted in the dra0ing.


The internal part of the Ced Circle means Social 3orld. Consciousnesses of !eople of the 1%3 Castes are sta"ing here. /egrees of Elements are laid off the aAes. As it's sho0n on the top right dra0ing& segment of aAes (et0een Ced and .reen Circles is divided on - sections or /egrees that are designated 0ith numerals from 7 to 1:... Segment of aAes (et0een .reen and /ar1 Blue Circles is divided on 5 sections or /egrees& that are designated 0ith the !ictures of cards of the *inor Arcana of Tarot the !age& the Jnight& the Nueen& the Jing& the Ace. It's meant that values : and 1 are as if in the Ced Circle and are not designated... So& each Element have 14 /egrees& 14 Stages of /evelopment... The left upper Circle is the 0or1ing tool. It's possi(le to tune on Elements (" it...

From the 2s to the 10ths of the Cards of Minor Arcana of Tarot


Ma icians of the 1st le%el Ma icians of the 2nd le%el Ma icians of the 3rd le%el


Social world of the 1-3 Castes


The 17th channel The 'th channel

!Pa e !"ni ht! #$een "in ! Ace of the Cards of Minor Arcana of Tarot

The &th channel


The Worlds of Fire

The Worlds of Air

($r World

The Worlds of Earth

The Worlds of Water

Adjacent Worlds

It's necessar" to remem(er that all our reasonings a(out Elements are the models of our perception of the *ultidimensional Energ"%Informational Signal. 3e are ourselves the part of a compleA multidimensional Energ"%Informational Signal and 0e tr" to comprehend it $from 0ithin$... Therefore& 0e (uild simplified *odels& 0hich are reflecting one or other properties of this Signal... Elements are certain !roperties ?parameters@ of the Energ"%Informational Signal. If 0e 0ill move on an" AAis of the Cross of Elements& 0e 0ill enter such =one of a signal 0here !ropert" of the given Element ?the given parameter of the Signal@ 0ill remain& (ut other Elements ?parameters@ 0ill (e changed... Such =ones of the Energ"%Informational Signal are called 'the Ad2acent 3orlds'. Intersection 0ith the ad2acent 3orlds (egins on the level of the 5th /egree of Element ?the fives of *inor Arcana of the Tarot@. Such concepts as Spirits of Elements& Elementals ?Salamanders ?5ire@& 8ndines ?3ater@& S"lphs ?Air@ and .nomes ?Earth@@ are no more than the appearances of o(2ects of the Ad2acent 3orld on the corresponding Element for our Consciousness... Such concepts as !ortals ?of 5ire& 3ater& Earth and Air@ mean the creation of Energ"% Informational transition (et0een our 0orld and Ad2acent 3orld on some Element... !ortals are created on the level of the 6th /egree of Element... Creation of !ortals is (rea1ing the !h"sics of our 0orld (ecause energ" $remains$ onl" in the closed s"stems. 5rom the moment of !ortal opening& closed s"stem is alread" several 3orlds& and energ" flo0s from there& 0here is more amount of it& there& 0here is less amount of it...


The perception of the Present the Past and the !uture

)ur 3orld is the *ultidimensional Energ"%Informational Signal& 0hich is changing in time. It is sho0n conditionall" and simplified on the dra0ing a(ove. Energ" of the Signal is distri(uted as follo0s+ 1. The Energ" pea1 is in the Oone of the !resent. This is the =one called $,ere and <o0$ in Esoterics& 0here all events occur. All living o(2ects are s"nchroni=ed in this =one. The Sun is a cloc1 pulse source a signal& s"nchroni=ing all living o(2ects in the Oone of the !resent. 7. The part of signal& 0hence energ" has alread" gone& is called 'the Oone of the !ast'. The Structures created in the process of Activit" of the S"stem in the Oone of the !resent are there. It can (e imagined as the record on a laser /is1. That place 0here information is 0ritten no0 is the Oone of the !resent. The maAimum of energ" of the 0riting laser is there no0... After the record is made and laser head moved further& the =one 0ith the alread" 0ritten do0n Information has passed to the !ast... 3. The Oone of the 5uture outstrips the Oone of the !resent on the time. S"stem is planning its 5uture Actions in this =one. 'ust as an" of us 1no0s 0ith a certain pro(a(ilit" 0hat he 0ill do in the near future& the S"stem plans its 5uture Actions in the multidimensional space%time& that for human Consciousness is the multiple development of the 5uture for our three%dimensional 0orld...


The dra0ing is sho0ing& ho0 the Energ"%Information of the Signal moves in time& creating the Oones of the !ast& the !resent and the 5uture... In the Oone of the 5uture all Energ" of the Signal is distri(uted in the pro(a(ilistic manner (et0een all possi(le variants of the 5uture& creating more and less pro(a(le ?Energ"%saturated@ variants of the developing of events. The section of the *ultidimensional Cealit" sho0n on the dra0ing is called Space%Time Continuum& (ecause first Coordinates ?of the Space and Time@ for all pro(a(ilistic future variants remain invaria(le. Thus& all other parameters are changing& creating the Infinite Fuantit" of ;ariants of development of the 5uture... The Infinite Fuantit" of ;ariants of the development of events in the Space%Time Continuum is descri(ed in the (oo1s of ;. Oeland Cealit" Transurfing...

Magic of Water and Magic of Air

There is a certain mess in the understanding of *agic of 3ater and *agic of Air... There is the Space%Time Continuum a certain multidimensional energ"%information& 0hich is transformed 0ith our Consciousness to concepts of Space and Time& interconnected among themselves... It's possi(le to imagine someho0 that Space is multidimensional at that& (ut it's much more difficult to imagine multidimensional time though either or (oth of them are coordinate aAes in the multidimensional Signal... )n the one hand& 0e perceive Time as a ;ector having the !ast& the !resent and the 5uture... )n the other hand& 0e sa" that the !ast& the !resent and the 5uture are eAisting simultaneousl"... The seeming arising contradiction here is indeed the multidimensionalit" of time and its section on the ;ectors& accessi(le to our 8nderstanding...

3e can imagine the infinite set of ;ectors of Time& in each of 0hich there is the !resent point& the !ast and the 5uture... Each of these ;ectors is the plane ?section@ of the multidimensional time continuum on the components accessi(le to our Consciousness. It means that all !arallel 3orlds ta1en together are the one *ultidimensional Signal& 0hich 0e cannot perceive and therefore 0e are (rea1ing it into the more $simple$ components... Thus& the Oone of the !resent on each ;ector is the =one of the main events& maAimum of energ". The !ast on each ;ector is the 0ritten do0n information& and the 5uture on each ;ector is some multi%pro(a(ilistic development of events in the given plane of the space%time continuum... An" !oint l"ing in the !ast or in the 5uture on our ;ector is the !resent !oint on one or several other ;ectors... All these vectors ta1en together are the S"stem *ultidimensional Time ?as 0ell as also the S"stem *ultidimensional Space@ and the" are !arallel 3orlds for our Consciousness...

)ur Consciousness is not a(le to perceive all multidimensional space%time continuum& therefore it su(divides this continuum into the set of the more simple ?less measured@ su(%spaces and su(% times... ,uman Consciousness& 0hich can perceive onl" 3 /imensions& has no access neither to the !ast& nor to the 5uture. Therefore& social model of the 0orld for the people of 1%3 Castes is (ased onl" on the !resent the (lue oval on the top dra0ing... The person starts to perceive the 4th dimension the aAis of time in the process of development of Consciousness& and the movement 0ith the Consciousness in the !ast and in the 5uture of o0n Space%Time Continuum (ecomes accessi(le to him one figure 0ith for1s on the top dra0ing... At the further development of Consciousness& other Space%Time Continuums are (ecoming accessi(le to the person the !arallel 3orlds& all top dra0ing... 3hen 0e spea1 a(out Teleportation 0e spea1 a(out the moving in Space and in Time in the Space%Time Continuum... Teleportation in time means the moving to the other ;ector in its point of the !resent& 0hich can (e in the !ast or in the 5uture relative to the point of the !resent of our Time ;ector... All that 0e perceive as past events on our ;ector of Time is not *agic of 3ater... It is simpl" the 0ritten do0n information. It can (e changed& having created there(" the ne0 lin1 (et0een the past and the present& 0hich 0ill (e reflected on the future& (ut onl" on the future of that ;ector on 0hich 0e are... ,o0ever 0e 0ould move to the last events on our Time ;ector& 0e 0ill not appear in their real developing ?in the Oone of their !resent@& (ut onl" in their record in the Energ"%Informational field of the planet... The magic of 3ater means Teleportation in the !resent moment of a such ;ector of Time& in 0hich given events ?on 0hich the *agician of 3ater is tuned@ are occurring no0... 3hen the person is (orn& the record of his Energ"%Informational $coordinates$& 0hich 1eep the person in the given Space%Time Continuum ?on the given ;ector@& is made. *agic of 3ater is reali=ed and controlla(le changing of these Coordinates... Thus& the moving can occur (oth in the !ast and in the 5uture relative to our !resent...


The dra0ing a(ove sho0s the possi(le $0a"s$ of moving of the *agician of 3ater in the *ultidimensional Space%Time Continuum... So& *agicians of 3ater are moving on the $0idth$ of the time... *agic of Air is something a(solutel" another. 3e have no teleportation here 0ithin the limits of *ultidimensional Space%Time Continuum& (ut 0e have the shift of Consciousness $Super%I$ to the =one of the 5uture ?multiple li1elihood events@ on our Time ;ector... In the =one of one (ranch of pro(a(ilit" of the 5uture developing of events& Energ" of Consciousness of the *agician of Air (ecomes compara(le to the Energ" of the eAternal Signal& therefore the Consciousness of the *agician can change the eAternal Signal. The further 0e succeed to shift 0ith o0n Consciousness to the =one of chaos& the more the level ?amplitude@ of our Consciousness comes nearer to the level ?amplitude@ of the eAternal signal& 0hich is forming our eAternal 0orld. And the easier 0e can affect this eAternal signal... Tuning of Consciousness $Super%I$ on the Element $Air$ allo0s to perceive the $Appearance$ of the Signal of the 3orld ?Signal to <oise Catio@. 3e use the given tuning of o0n consciousness for the 0or1 0ith the 5uture& as if it's necessar" for us to allocate all possi(le ?accessi(le to our perception@ appearances of the pro(a(ilistic development of the Signal of the 3orld in the future... Tuning of Consciousness $Super%I$ on the Element 3ater allo0s to perceive ?and further to change@ the Speed of *ovement of the Signal in time. 3e use the given tuning of o0n consciousness for the 0or1 0ith the perception of other Space% Time Continuums 0ith the greater appearance of the Signal... So& 0hen 0e change the speed of movement in time& 0e co%tune 0ith other Space%Time Continuums& in 0hich the alread" ended or not happened "et in our Space%Time Continuum events are ta1ing place...


T"o s#stems of the perception of $nformation about the World

Ancient Jno0ledge is tal1ing that the 0orld 0hich 0e supposedl" see around is Illusion... 3e perceive not the true 3orld& (ut its reflection (uilt (" our !ersonal Consciousness in our internal Energ"%Informational space& and $Fualit"$ of this Image depends on the !osition of A!. Similarl" to ho0 an" o(2ect on the Computer Screen is onl" the reflection of an" processes in the computer or memor" states of the computer... 3hen 0e choose the o(2ect on the screen 0ith a mouse& 0e are starting there(" the addressing to the corresponding process or memor" and are (ringing therefrom the updated information& 0hich is displa"ed further on the Screen... Similarl" to this& 0hen 0e choose some Information 0ith the Sense organs from that& 0hat 0e perceive around ?that is the reflection of the model of the 0orld in our Consciousness& in other 0ords& actuall"& 0e are moving in the reflection of the eAternal 0orld in our internal Energ"% Informational space@& then 0e focus our Astral Bod" in the given =one of the Energ"%Informational Signal& 0hich is constantl" received (" our A! and processed (" our Consciousness $Super%I$& and 0e (ring therefrom the updated information in our internal Energ"%Informational space... This information is displa"ed further on the corresponding Ceceptors of our )rganism... *an possesses t0o S"stems of perception of the information a(out the 0orld. The first& lo0%freFuenc" is (ased on the 0or1 of our Astral Bod" ?the Bod" of Sensations@ and our sense organs. Each of sense organs allocates the small range of the S"stem Energ"% Informational Signal& 0hich is transferred on Bod" receptors ?;isual& Acoustical& Tactile and other@ and transfers us the allocated information in a such 0a"... The second s"stem of !erception is started during the activation of the Consciousness $Super%I$ the allocation ?the tuning@ of the S"stem Signal directl" 0ith *onad& and the Information anal"sis through the mechanism of the Third E"e operated (" Ad2na Cha1ra. Thus& mechanisms of the perception of )rganism are not involved at all... The second S"stem of perception does not reFuire the presence of the first and eAactl" this s"stem can (e started after eAercises and trainings 0ith the Blind and the /eaf. It is sho0n (" the school of ;. Bronni1ov... /epending on the level of A!& the Third E"e is perceiving various ranges of the Information of the eAternal Signal. 3hen the position of A! is on Anahata& it's the range of our Tactile sensations and Emotions. 3hen the position of A! is on ;ishuddha& it's the range of our Thoughtforms and Images. 3hen the position of A! is on Ad2na& it's a ne0 range of perception for us $direct vision$ of the Energ"%Information of the EAternal Signal... /uring the 0or1 0ith the 1 th Channel and t0o of Elements 0e are in the range of A! on Anahata cha1ra and mechanism of the 3rd E"e perceives the eAternal 0orld in the range of Tactile sensations. The difference from the first s"stem of perception in this case is that in the first s"stem 0e use Astral Bod" ?the Bod" of Sensations@ and internal model of the 0orld for the gathering of

Information& 0hile in the second S"stem of !erception 0e use the *onad ?as the 9ocator@ for the reading of eAternal Information... 3e receive the result in the form of Tactile Sensations in !alms (oth in the first and in the second case. !alms are used as the indicator of tactile sensations onl" (ecause there are man" receptors in them& and our Consciousness have got used to lin1 Tactile Sensations to the !alms of ,ands... 3or1ing 0ith the t0o of Elements& 0e tune o0n Consciousness $Super%I$ on the perception of the S"stem Signal on the parameter of one of Elements. 5urther& 0e tune 0ith the released *onad on the test o(2ect and trace Tactile Sensations& arisen in the palms. These sensations 0ill (e various during the testing of various Elements+ It's 3arm it's Cold& during the 0or1 0ith t0o of 5ire... It's /ense it's Care& and the sensations of various structures during the 0or1 0ith t0o of Earth... Sensations of ;iscosit" and more or less EAtent& the speed of movement on the time during the 0or1 0ith t0o of 3ater... Sensation of the !ric1ing and <um(ness during the 0or1 0ith t0o of Air... ,aving learnt to tune o0n perception on the parameter of Element& 0e start to learn to perceive the 3orld on the parameters of this Element and to acFuire o0n /ata(ase& similar to the data(ase that is acFuired during the life using Sense )rgans. 'ust as 0e can easil" see 0hat o(2ect is (igger than another on the geometrical si=es& 0e can measure no0 0hat o(2ect has more Energ"& more /ensit"& 0hat o(2ect is more stretched on the aAis of Time or moves faster in time& 0hat o(2ect has more Chaos... 3or1 0ith Elements is the (eginning of mastering of the Second S"stem of the !erception of the 3orld. /uring the 0or1 0ith the second s"stem of perception& first s"stem is s0itched off (ecause 0e have either 0or1ing !ersonal Consciousness $I$ or 0or1ing Consciousness $Super%I$... The 0or1 0ith the !ersonal Consciousness $I$ and Astral Bod" is called 'Bioenergetics'. The 0or1 0ith the Consciousness $Super%I$ is called 'EAtrasensor" perception'... /uring the 0or1 0ith Bioenergetics 0e can tune on the o(2ects 0ith o0n Consciousness& (ecause the reflection of the eAternal 0orld in our internal Energ"%Informational space eAists& and to direct Astral Bod" there for the gathering of Information... /uring the 0or1 0ith EAtrasensor" perception 0e do not have an" reflection of the eAternal 0orld and our *onad $scans$ the space round us li1e the 9ocator or the Cadar& fiAing all Energ" Structures on the set parameter ?5ire& 3ater& Air& Earth@... The ver" serious and long 0or1 in the mode of EAtrasensor" perception is needed to learn to perceive the 0orld in other range and to (uild its ne0 EAtrasensor" model in the internal Energ"% Informational space... Thus& these t0o models (uilt (" the Astral Bod" and Sense organs and (uilt (" the *onad and the 3rd E"e in the lo0%freFuenc" range ?tactile sensations and thoughtforms@ 0ill (e superimposed one on another& as Satellite !ictures of some area are superimposed on the .eographical *ap...


Practices of %hamanism in the &'th Channel

Shamans have o0n Contract& o0n description of the 3orld. In the Shamanic Contract $o(2ects$ are the Spirits ?incorporeal reasona(le In(eings@. All interactions in the 3orld& ,ealth and Illnesses are perceived in the Shamanic Contract as interactions of Spirits... !ractices of Shamanism are (ased on that fact that 0e are connecting 0ith o0n Consciousness $Super%I$ to the Egregors of Animals and 0e start to perceive the 0orld through Egregors of animals. Animals perceive the Energ"%Informational 0orld& the 0orld of Spirits... Animals have no concepts a(out illnesses and their names& (ut thus can remar1a(l" cure themselves. The" perceive Energ"%Informational Structure& feel 0hat is not good 0ith it& and are in a condition to restore a(normalities... 3e should do the follo0ing for the connection to the Egregors of animals ?to Totems@+ 1. 7. 3. 3e enter the 1 th Channel and 0e form Consciousness $Super%I$& 3e start to (eat the /rum ?Bu(en@ and 0e select such freFuenc" of the (eats 0hich $resounds$ 0ith Consciousness $Super%I$& 3e hoo1 Consciousness $Super%I$ 0ith the /rum and 0e start to lo0er the freFuenc" of (eats in the /rum& reducing the rate of Consciousness $Super%I$ to the freFuenc" of Ad2na Cha1ra ?Egregors of Animals are on this freFuenc"@& 3e o(serve o0n state and 0e trace the inclusion in the Egregor of the Animal. Animal Egregors are located on freFuencies (elo0 the Egregors of the ,uman 0orld... 3e perceive our animal o0n Totem and identif" 0ith it... 3e start to perceive the 0orld through the Egregor of Totem... Totem feels the Energ"%Informational a(normalities of the Cocoon and corrects them...

4. 5. 6. .

!ractices of Shamanism allo0 Adepts to shift to the a(solutel" other position of the A!& to other Contract& other perception of the 3orld& to tr" to feel o0n Essence in various aspects& to approach the person to the understanding of himself in the aspect of Totem Animal. 3or1ing 0ith the !ractice of Totem& 0e perceive the Egregor of Animal& 0ith 0hich 0e resound... *uch in ha(its and in the 0orld%vie0 of the person resounds 0ith the ha(its and properties of his Totem. Indians are ma1ing the great account of Totem Animals... Each animal in American Indian songs and legends possesses certain properties& 0ith 0hich the person can (e identified& (eing tuned on o0n Totem. The eAamples of such properties. This is the material to thin1 a(out for the (est understanding of oneself& for those& 0ho have defined o0n Totem in the 0or1. Ant+ group mind& patience& action Antelope+ action& agilit" and sacrifice

Bat+ re(irth& secrets and initiation Bear+ po0er& healing Bears hi(ernate in the 0inter& 0hich 0as the s"m(ol of the prolonged state of shamanic trance among the ancients. Therefore our ancestors (elieved that (ear is in the state of connection 0ith the .reat Spirit or thin1s a(out the past. The s"m(olism of the Bear's cave reflects returning to the 0om( of *other Earth. A Cave is an archet"pe of the strong feminine aspect& one of nurturing and protection. 5emale (ear fa0ns in the earl" spring& and (ear cu(s can spend as man" as seven "ears 0ith their mother (efore reaching maturit". It is not t"pical for other animals. !eople 0ith Bear *edicine are considered (" man" as self%sufficient& and 0ould rather stand on their o0n t0o feet than rel" on others. The" are often considered dreamers. *an" have developed the s1ill of visuali=ing ne0 things& (ut as a result can get caught up in the dreaming& ma1ing little progress in 0a1ing realit". Bear's medicine includes introspection& healing& solitude& 0isdom& change& communication 0ith Spirit& death and re(irth& transformation& astral travel& creature of dreams& shamans and m"stics. Beaver+ (uilder& protector Boar+ is one of the most important totem animals of the .aelic Celts+ the South and the element of 5ire+ The life giving po0er of the sun Butterfl"+ metamorphosis and transformation Scientific research has sho0n that the (utterfl" is the onl" living (eing capa(le of changing entirel" its genetic structure during the process of transformation+ the caterpillar's /<A is totall" different from the (utterfl"'s. Thus& it is the s"m(ol of total transformation. Butterfl" represents a need for change and greater freedom& and at the same time it represents courage+ one reFuires courage to carr" out the changes necessar" in the process of gro0th. Its *edicine is related to the air and the mental po0ers. It teaches us to find clarit" in the mental processes& to organi=e pro2ects or to figure out the neAt step in our internal gro0th. If Butterfl" is "our !o0er Animal or if "ou feel in an" 0a" attracted to it& this means "ou are read" to undergo some 1ind of transformation. EAamine 0hich stage calls "our attention the most+ the egg is the (eginning& the (irth of some pro2ect or idea. The larva is de decision to manifest something in the ph"sical 0orld. The cocoon represents the internal development of idea. The (rea1ing of the cocoon deals 0ith sharing the splendor of "our creation 0ith the 0hole 0orld. )nce "ou understand the stage "ou are on& "ou can discover 0hich is the neAt step. Cat+ Independence In Eg"pt cats 0ere al0a"s given special privileges and 0ere treated li1e ro"alt". The case 0hen opponents of Eg"pt have (rought 0ith themselves in the field of fight of cats is 1no0n. As a result& the Eg"ptian arm" ran& as could not put harm to a sacred animal. In Scandinavia the cat stood for fertilit"& and in India it is a s"m(ol of child(irth. In ancient times it 0as (elieved that 0itches too1 the form of their cats at night. Cats are fiercel" independent. Dou can never o0n one+ it allo0s "ou to ta1e care of it and love it& (ut onl" on its terms. Cat's medicine is independence& curiosit"& man" lives& cleverness& unpredicta(ilit"& healing& the a(ilit" to fight 0hen cornered& seeing the unseen& and protection. ,e also represents love and can assist us in meditation.


If Cat is "our !o0er Animal& then "ou have magic and m"ster" in "our life. Dou are independent and a free thin1er. Dou pro(a(l" feel energi=ed at night. Dou 0ill sta" 0ith a person or situation until it (ores "ou& and then "ou're gone. Crane+ solitude and independence Cro0+ la0& shape shifting& change /eer+ gentleness& caring and 1indness /eer (lend ver" 0ell 0ith their environment (ut are ver" sensitive to ever" sound or movement. !eople 0ith /eer *edicine are often descri(ed as (eing s0ift and alert. The" are intuitive& often appearing to have 0ell developed& even eAtrasensor" perceptions ?so sensitive the" are to the environment@. Sometimes their thoughts seem to race ahead& and the" appear not to (e listening. /eer's medicine includes gentleness in 0ord& thought and touch& a(ilit" to listen& grace and appreciation for the (eaut" of (alance& understanding of 0hat's necessar" for survival& po0er of gratitude and giving& a(ilit" to sacrifice for the higher good& connection to the 0oodland spirits& alternative paths to a goal. The gentleness of /eer is the heart%space of the .reat Spirit 0hich em(odies ,is love for us all. /eer teaches us to find the gentleness of spirit that heals all 0ounds& to stop pushing to get others to change and to love and accept them as the" are. The onl" true (alance to po0er is love and compassion. /og+ no(le& lo"al& teaching /og 0as the servantPsoldier that guarded the tri(e's d0ellings and protected them from surprise attac1s. /og helped during the huntings and provided 0armth in 0inter. It is a s"m(ol of lo"alt"& unconditional love& protection and service. Its *edicine incorporates the loving 1indness of the (est friend and the protective energ" of the guardian. If "our !o0er Animal is /og& "our devotion to0ards "our famil" and friends is infinite. Dou get great satisfaction from rendering service to others& offering "our hand to a friend in need. A 1ind 0ord& a caress& an act of 1indness mean much more to "ou than material things. ,o0ever& there is a ris1 of coming too close to the other side+ allo0ing people to ta1e advantage of "ou (ecause of "our gentle nature. /og reminds "ou that "our lo"alt" should al0a"s (e to "ourself& to "our o0n truth. ,e reminds "ou that (" respecting and valuing "ourself "ou can trul" render a service to those 0ho honor 0hat "ou can give them. /olphin+ 1indness and pla" energ" The (eautiful& graceful& slee1 dolphin carries man" messages for the t0o%legged. Even though it is a mammal& its home is the sea and has mastered the art of (reath control. Since 0ater is the s"m(ol of all life % of creation& passion and even seAualit" % dolphin (rings us teachings from the 0aters of life. !la"ful creatures& dolphins have long entertained man 0ith their 2o"ful antics. Stud"ing dolphin communication has proved to (e an a0esome tas1 for man. As in all animals& dolphins have developed sophisticated auditor" signals that 0arn others of impending danger. Some (elieve that these animals are no0 0arning man of impending danger as he ignores the (alance of the natural 0orld. S0imming 0ith the dolphins has (ecome a po0erful eAperience for man" people& and as the" interact 0ith these pla"ful creatures& the" cannot help (ut feel their communication. /olphin reminds us that time to pla" is a crucial element to 0al1 in (alance. It moves through the 0ater Fuic1l" and 0ith great grace. /olphin tells us to move 0ith the e(( and flo0 of life& and not to search for (ric1 0alls to smash into& for to spend our energ" fighting the current gets us no0here.

/olphin medicine includes change& 0isdom& (alance& harmon"& communication s1ills& freedom& trust& understanding the po0er of rh"thm in "our life& use of (reath to release intense emotions& 0ater po0er. /ragon+ longevit"& infinit"& 0isdom& movement through space /ragonfl"+ Illusion Transcendence Eagle+ divine Spirit and connection to creator Eagle feathers are used all over the 0orld as ceremonial instruments and are considered to (e the most sacred healing tools. The" are a s"m(ol of po0er& healing and 0isdom. Eagle represents a state of grace that is reached through inner 0or1& understanding and passing the initiation tests that result from reclaiming our personal po0er. Eagle *edicine is the !o0er of the .reat Spirit. It is the spirit of tenacit". It is the gift of clear vision 0ith 0hich one can trul" see the things one sees. It is the patience to 0ait for the appropriate moment. It is to live in (alance 0ith heaven and Earth. Eagle reminds "ou of "our connection 0ith the .reat Spirit. It tells "ou that the universe is giving "ou the opportunit" to fl" a(ove "our life's 0orldl" levels& or a(ove the shado0 of past realities. Eagle teaches "ou to loo1 a(ove in order to touch .randfather Sun 0ith "our heart& to love the Shado0 as much as the 9ight. Eagle as1s "ou to grant "ourself permission to (e free in order to reach the 2o" that "our heart desires. 5oA+ cunning& agilit"& Fuic1%0itted 5rog+ 0ater energ" ,a01+ messenger& intuition& discernment ,orse+ stamina& mo(ilit" The horse sho0s up in almost ever" m"thological 0riting& fol1lore& and realit". There is the might" 0inged !egasus& the eight%legged horse of the <orse god )din& the stallions of the ,indu sun god& the stallions of Apollo& and so on. *an" legends spea1 of the horse as (eing clairvo"ant and a(le to perceive humans 0ith magical po0ers. <o single animal has given man the ph"sical freedom of movement as the horse. If "ou are dra0n to ,orse& "ou feel a po0er in "our spirit that is sometimes difficult to control. ,orse is a s"m(ol of lo"alt" and devotion& of unFuestioning love and faith in his master. ,e sa"s that "ou love to travel& and have more than a touch of g"ps" in "our soul. ,orse is also "our 0arrior spirit % the (rave fighter 0ho (rings "ou safet" in "our 2ourne"s& (oth ph"sical and metaph"sical. ,orse's medicine includes po0er& stamina& endurance& faithfulness& freedom to run free& control of the environment& a0areness of po0er achieved 0ith true cooperation& interspecies communication& eApanding one's o0n potential a(ilities& friendship and cooperation& travel& astral travel& guardian of travelers& 0arns of possi(le danger& guide to overcoming o(stacles. Bee+ messenger& timelessness& diligence& self%defense Bee is the tin" insect& 0hich (rings special messages for us. It lives on nectar and searches for the s0eetness of life. Its long tongue lets it ("pass the often tough and (itter outer la"er to find the hidden treasures underneath. Bee is loved (" the flo0ers and plants& for as it suc1s the nectar from the flo0er& the plant reproduces and more of its 1ind are created. Solving its pro(lems& it solves the pro(lems of a flo0er. A s"m(ol of harmon". It is said that Bee (rings love& s0eet as hone"& on its 0ings. But (ee is not harmless. It can stand for itself& punish the offender % true& at the cost of o0n life. Bee is also diligence and accuratel" organi=ed structure. 9et's recollect the organi=ation of (ees in a (eehive& 0ith their accurate distri(ution of duties.


If "ou have Bee medicine& "ou adapt easil" to 0hatever situation "ou ma" find "ourself in& and ma1e the most of "our ne0 circumstances. Dou don't 0aste time loo1ing (ac1 and 0ishing for $0hat 0as$ for "ou are concerned 0ith ma1ing the most of $0hat is$. Also& "ou could never (ecome addicted to an" artificial stimulants& for "ou find 2o" in "our o0n heart. Dou ta1e great pleasure in spreading 2o" and love and (eaut" to all around "ou& and have the gift of ta1ing that inner 2o" into ne0 and different surroundings. Dou have a talent for finding the good in people& and are not put off (" a gruff or a(rupt eAterior& for "ou 1no0 that& if "ou can onl" get (e"ond that tough outside la"er& "ou'll find goodness and (eaut" inside. Dou ma" have a gift for 0or1ing 0ith flo0ers& ma"(e gro0ing them to share 0ith others& or using flo0er essences for healing. Aroma therap" ma" (e "our calling. Dou have high energ" and a spirit that must (e free. To restrict that 0onderful& free& loving energ" is to suffer great depressions and feelings of uselessness. Bee must fl" free in search of (eaut"& spreading 2o" and love to all it touches. 9ion+ !o0er of feminine energ" The female hunts and 1ills pre"& feeds the group and ta1es care of the "oung. She is the nurturing force in all senses. The male roars to frighten pre" and force them to0ard the lioness& 0ho 0aits patientl" for the right moment to attac1. Although the male is the group's protector& he doesn't loo1 for confrontation nor attac1s needlessl". ,e onl" acts 0hen challenged and 0ill fight to death in order to protect& (ut in realit" he prefers the eas"& peaceful life. 9ion's *edicine teaches us the magic of group interaction& of group energ". It also teaches us the secrets of silence and patience. !atience is to pa" attention to detail. 9ion suggests that 0e eAamine ourselves closel" in order to understand our strengths and 0ea1nesses& and to 0ait for the proper moment to act and ta1e full advantage of a given situation. 9earn from 9ion the proper 0a" to use po0er and strength. It com(ines the calmness of 0aiting and a(solute confidence in its po0er and might. But if necessar"& don't hesitate to fight for the things "ou are interested in. 9i=ard+ conservation *ouse+ scrutin"& order& organi=er )tter+ pla"ful& prognostication& 0oman medicine )0l+ deception& clairvo"ance& insight ?the night eagle@ )0ls come in all si=es& from a tin" miniature that actuall" lives inside the cactus in the desert& to the great horned o0l& 0hich is the onl" (ird that can out fl" the golden eagle. A full" gro0n great horned is an a0e inspiring creature. Its talons are furr"& and closel" resem(le the pa0s of a (a(" mountain lion 0ith cla0s eAtended. It is a meat eater& 0hich means it can (e a fierce 0arrior if challenged& or if something dear to it is threatened. It is often referred to as <ight Eagle. )0l is at home in the night and travels in the night. It has great a0areness of all that is around it at all times. It has great intuition+ it is the totem of ps"chics and clairvo"ants. It has the courage to follo0 its instincts. )0l's medicine includes seeing (ehind mas1s& silent and s0ift movement& 1een sight& messenger of secrets and omens& shape%shifting& lin1 (et0een the dar1& unseen 0orld and the 0orld of light& comfort 0ith shado0 self& moon po0er& freedom. Ca((it+ fear& timidit"& nervousness& humilit" Ca((it's medicine includes moving through fear& living (" one's o0n 0its& receiving hidden teachings and intuitive messages& Fuic1 thin1ing& strengthening intuition& and paradoA. Ca((it also represents humilit"& (ecause he is Fuiet and soft and not self%asserting. Ca((it reminds us not to (e afraid. 5earful thoughts reproduce ?li1e ra((its@ and (ring the ver" thing 0e fear. Ca((it people are

so afraid of traged"& illness& and disaster& that the" call those ver" fears to them to teach them lessons. If "ou see Ca((it or in an" 0a" feel attracted to him& it ma" (e telling "ou to 0ait for the forces of the universe to start moving again& to stop 0orr"ing and to get rid of "our fears. It al0a"s indicates a need to rid "ourself of an" negative feelings or (arriers& and to (e more hum(le. Caven+ introspection& courage& self%1no0ledge Sna1e+ shre0dness& re(irth SFuirrel+ planner& gatherer S0an+ grace& (alance and innocence Turtle+ nurturer& protector& mother energ" *an" <atives refer to <orth America as Turtle Island& (ecause their legends sa" that 0hen the earth 0as covered 0ith 0ater& Turtle dove to the (ottom of the oceans (ringing up earth on its (ac1 so that the people could have a safe and dr" home. Turtle is at home an"0here (ecause it carries its home on its (ac1. It does not (ecome attached to places& for it is free to search for ne0 opportunities 0herever the" ma" (e found. 3hen the" sense danger& or are in uncomforta(le and insecure settings& the" 0ithdra0 into their shell& and are protected. If "ou have Turtle medicine& "ou value (oth the po0er of the earth and the 0aters. 8sing Turtle energ" can help "ou achieve real (alance in "our life and "our spirit so that "ou don't get $stuc1 in the mud$. Turtle's medicine includes a connection 0ith the center& navigation s1ills& patience& self% (oundaries& associated 0ith the feminine& po0er to heal female diseases& respecting the (oundaries of others& developing ne0 ideas& ps"chicall" protecting oneself& self%reliance& tenacit"& non%violent defense. 3easel+ ?ferret@ strength& energ"& ingenuit" and stealth 3olf+ lo"alt"& perseverance& success 3olves are pro(a(l" the most misunderstood of 0ild animals. In fair" tales the 0olf is presented as a spiteful& perfidious and severe animal. But 0olves indeed are fiercel" lo"al to their mates& and have a strong sense of famil" 0hile maintaining individualism. <ative Americans considered 0olf as a teacher or pioneer. Tales of cold%(loodedness a(ound& in spite of their friendl"& social and intelligent traits. The" are trul" free spirits& even though their pac1s are highl" organi=ed. The" seem to go out of their 0a" to avoid a fight. Traditionall"& someone 0ith 3olf *edicine has a strong sense of self& and communicates 0ell through su(tle changes in voice inflection and (od" movements. The" often find ne0 solutions to pro(lems 0hile providing sta(ilit" and support. 3olf's medicine includes facing the end of one's c"cle 0ith dignit" and courage& death and re(irth& Spirit teaching& guidance in dreams and meditations& instinct lin1ed 0ith intelligence& social and famil" values& out0itting enemies& a(ilit" to pass unseen& steadfastness& s1ill in protection of self and famil"& ta1ing advantage of change.

The (pper and )o"er World %hamanic *ourne#s

The 8pper and 9o0er 3orld Shamanic 'ourne"s $are measured$ from the level of the hori=ontal 1 th !lanetar" Channel. 'ourne" to Sphiroth Desod& to the Astral 3orld& the 3orld of our Animal *ental is called 'the 9o0er 3orld Shamanic 'ourne"'& and 2ourne" to Sphiroth ,od& <et=a1h and Tiferet& to the *ental 3orlds is called 'the 8pper 3orld Shamanic 'ourne"' ...

Both 'ourne"s are carried out (" the Consciousness $Super%I$ as if all 0orlds eAcept of *al1ut possess more than 3 dimensions... Thus& our !ersonal Consciousness $I$ has onl" 3 /imensions...

The +roup Egregor,s Wor-

The aim of the 0or1 is to Create the Egregor of the .roup in the eAternal Energ"%Informational Space and to connect 0ith it to the eAisting !lanetar" Egregor for the reception of Information... ,aving tuned (" Consciousness $Super%I$ on an" Egregor's idea or image& .roup Creates the Egregor of .roup& 0hich connects to the Egregor of the given idea. It can (e simpl" imagined as the (ig spaceship the Target Egregor& and the space shuttle sent to it the Egregor of .roup... The Egregor of .roup connects to the main Egregor and the Energ"%Informational eAchange (egins... Thus& all mem(ers of the .roup perceive information from the Egregor... .iven practice includes the follo0ing stages+ 1. 7. Entering in the 1 th Channel and activation of Consciousness $Super%I$. Individual tuning of all mem(ers of the .roup on the common Egregor's o(2ect.


3. 4.

S"nchroni=ation of all Consciousnesses $Super%I$ of the .roup (efore the achievement of a united Cesonance and formation of the Egregor of .roup. The reception of Information from the Target Egregor...


+roup Practices "ith Consciousness .%uper/$. 0 Preparation for $nitiation

The *or+ in the Sphiroth Hod the !meeting! place of the 17th# 1/th and 10th Channels111
Sphiroth ,od is ver" compleA Energ" Centre. The transition (et0een the 3orld of the 9iving and the 3orld of the /ead occurs in it... The St"A Civer 0ith the Oone of the 3hite 5og in the middle $is flo0ing$ eAactl" here... The 3orld of the 9iving and the 3orld of the /ead differ 0ith the Time aAes eAcept of the distinction in Cate and Energ" Saturation. It is possi(le to tell simpl" that these AAes are perpendicular to each other... Therefore& 0hen the !erson is d"ing in our 3orld& his movement on the time of our 3orld comes to an end... Certainl"& 0e spea1 a(out the *onad instead of the disintegrating Bodies... Thus& the eAistence of *onad is going on in the other 3orld the 3orld of the /ead. There is the transition stage& 0hen the died !erson is sta"ing as if (et0een the 3orlds. This stage is called 'the St"A Civer'& one Side of 0hich is the 3orld of the 9iving& and other Side is the 3orld of the /ead... Oone of a 3hitish 5og over the Side of the /ead is a =one of ,"perspace& a transition =one& =one 0ith uncertain parameters for our Consciousness... Similarl" to ho0 the signal of one !rogram ?one 3orld@ decreases& then completel" disappears ?the transition =one ,"perspace@& and then the signal of other !rogram ?other 3orld@ starts to appear in the television Ca(le during the changing of the tuning& as 0ell $the St"A Civer$ is the $place$ of the transition (et0een the 3orlds for our Consciousness... 5rom the one side of the St"A Civer is the 1 th Channel the 3orld of the 9iving& and from the other side is the 13th Channel the 3orld of the /ead ?9im(o@... There is the 7:th Channel& the St"A Civer& (et0een these 3orlds... Energies of the Transition... The $processing$ of Energ"%Information& 0hich 0as accumulated in last Incarnation& and the $re0riting$ of Consciousness in the Su(consciousness occurs In Sphiroth ,od. Information in Su(consciousness is called 'Jarmic Information'... Jarmic Information $is 0ritten$ on the Energies of the 16th Channel& 0hich is also presented in Sphiroth ,od... ,od means .lor" ?splendour& ma2est"& grandeur& magnificence& gloriousness& grandioseness& grandiosit"& greatness& princeliness& pulchritude& resplendence& solemnit"& solemnness& gala@... This is that .lor" ?those achievements@& 0hich *an ?the EAtended !ersonalit"@ has got for all his Incarnations... )ur Consciousness $<ot%I$ $lives$ in Sphiroth ,od& and also the transition from the 3orld of the /ead in the 3orld of the 9iving occurs here the preparing of *onads for the Incarnation ?to the Birth@. Jarmic Information on the energies of the 16th Channel also influences on this process...

Energies of the 7:th Channel are presented in our Cocoon in our Su(consciousness& 0hich sta"s in the 3orld of the /ead& (ut $is hoo1ed$ thus on the living )rganism... Energies of the 16th Channel are presented in our Cocoon in the form of so%called $Jarmic Core$ the storage of Algorithms of Behaviour...

The Practice'
1. 7. 3. 4. 5. 6. . #. -. 1:. 11. 17. Spinning of all Cha1ras& Spinning of the /irect Circle& Activation of the Channel of !o0er Animal and the filling of Cocoon 0ith Energ"& 5iAing of the A! on Anahata or a(ove (" means of 5ire(all& The Tuning on the 7:th Channel& The perception of the St"A Civer& !olari=ation on the parameter 'is 9iving is /ead' ?'Consciousness Su(consciousness'@& Activation of Consciousness $Super%I$& Integration of the .roup in the Egregor& The entrance to the Oone of the 3hitish 5og ,"perspace& Transition to the Side of the /ead& The perception of the 3orld of Spirits...

The *or+ in 2irtual Sphiroth )aat the place of !intersection! of the 17th and 13th Channels111
All Cites of Initiation occur in the !resent... The !resent on the level of the 1 th Channel is presented (" the 15th Channel... So& the point of intersection of the 1 th and 15th Channels is $the fiAed placeQ in the eAternal 0orld. The place on 0hich an" Consciousness $Super%I$ can (e tuned... Consciousness $I$ can thin1 up such place in the internal Energ"%Informational Space to itself ?can create Illusion@& therefore& it's important to 0or1 0ith Consciousness $Super%I$... All Cites and Cituals of Initiation too1 place eAactl" in this $point$& (ecause the" too1 place on the level of the 1 th Channel and in the Oone of the !resent... So& there is some acFuired area 0ith the parameters of Consciousnesses of the Initiated *agicians in this =one of the eAternal Energ"% Informational Space... This area has received the name ';irtual Sphiroth /aat'... Each real Sphiroth is the Signal .enerator& the 3orld. )ur Astral and *ental Bodies $are living$ in man" such 3orlds... Initiated *agician has the changed *ental Bodies the 8nited Consciousness and Su(consciousness... .etting to ;irtual Sphiroth /aat and 0or1ing in it 0ith o0n Consciousness $Super%I$& 0e create the additional Energ"%Informational Structure the ;irtual *ental Bod" 0ith the configuration of the Initiated *agician. This configuration is given to the ;irtual Bod" automaticall" (ecause 0e have such !arameters of the Space of Sphiroth /aat... <umerous Cites of Initiation spent for man" millenia on the Earth have created the Egregor of Initiation in Sphiroth /aat...

It's necessar" to create the Egregor's Consciousness of .roup of the advanced Adepts in order to connect to it... 1. 7. 3. 4. 5. 6. The (asic compleAities for the 0or1 in Sphiroth /aat are+ 5iAing of the A! on the level of Anahata Cha1ra& Active Consciousness $Super%I$& The 0or1 0ith Consciousness $Super%I$ in the eAternal Space instead of imaginations in the Internal... The formation of Egregor's Consciousness of .roup& Tuning on Sphiroth /aat& The formation of the ;irtual Bod" of /aat...

The Practice'
1. 7. 3. 4. 5. 6. . #. -. 1:. 11. 17. 13. Spinning of all Cha1ras& Spinning of the /irect Circle& Activation of the Channel of !o0er Animal and the filling of Cocoon 0ith Energ"& 5iAing of the A! on Anahata or a(ove (" means of 5ire(all& The raising of Energ" of the Bottom Cha1ras up0ard& The Tuning on the 15th Channel& The raising on the 15th Channel to the level of the 1 th Channel& !olari=ation on the parameter '*an 0oman' ?'Dang Din'& 'Consciousness Su(consciousness'@& Activation of Consciousness $Super%I$& Integration of the .roup in the Egregor& Tuning on the *agic Circle of Initiation& Egregor's connection to Sphiroth /aat& The 0or1 in Sphiroth /aat...

The *or+ in Sphiroth 4etza+h the Crossing of the 17th and 15th Channels111
1#th Channel sho0s the !ath of the Adept from the 0ithdra0al from the Social S0amp and up to the passage of Initiation on the level of *agic To0ers... This is the 3a" of development of our EAtended in time !ersonalit"& 0hich passes through various stages and acFuires eAperience during man" Incarnations. The level of A! at a (irth defines the level of development of the EAtended !ersonalit"... *an could raise or not raise his level of development during the 9ife... In the latter case 0e spea1 a(out $empt" Incarnation$... 3hen A! is fiAed on the level of Anahata Cha1ra and !ersonalit" comes up to the level of the To0ers of the 1#th Arcanum in o0n /evelopment& having successfull" passed all previous Stages of the 3a" ?/evelopment@& then it corresponds to the point of intersection of the 1#th and the 1 th Channels Sphiroth <et=a1h... )ur EAtended !ersonalit" on the timeline is the storage of !roperties& of Algorithms of Behaviour. )ur !ersonal Consciousness $I$ is forming and sta"ing In Sphiroth <et=a1h ?Eternit"@...

The Practice'
1. 7. 3. 4. 5. 6. . #. -. 1:. 11. 17. 13. Spinning of all Cha1ras& Spinning of the /irect Circle& Activation of the Channel of !o0er Animal and the filling of Cocoon 0ith Energ"& 5iAing of the A! on Anahata or a(ove (" means of 5ire(all& The raising of Energ" of the Bottom Cha1ras up0ard& The Tuning on the 1#th Channel& *ovement on the 1#th Channel to the level of To0ers& !olari=ation on the parameter 'the Sun the *oon' ?'Dang%Din'& 'Consciousness Su(consciousness'@& Activation of Consciousness $Super%I$ ?'the 5ace' on the alignment of the Sun and the *oon@& Integration of the .roup in the Egregor& Tuning on our eternall" developing Consciousness& Egregor's connection to Sphiroth <et=a1h& The 0or1 in Sphiroth <et=a1h... Sphiroth ,od and <et=a1h are the $Beams$ of the /ivine 9ight& splitted (" Sphiroth Tiferet... Consciousness of the *onad $lives$ in Sphiroth Tiferet Consciousness $Super%I$& 0hich is divided into Consciousness $<ot%I$ in Sphiroth ,od and Consciousness $I$ in Sphiroth <et=a1h... /uring the passage of Initiation& 0e unite these t0o $(eams$ and 0e acFuire the 8nited Consciousness... This state ?of the 8nited& Solid& Immortal Consciousness@ is characteri=ed in Esoteric Tradition 0ith the term 'Tiferet' *agnificence& Beaut"... The a(solutel" other stage in the /evelopment of !ersonalit" (egins from the acFuiring of such Consciousness...


The general principles of the 6or+ *ith ,lements

3or1 0ith Elements is made (" means of Consciousness $Super%I$. Therefore& real 0or1 (egins onl" 0hen the Assem(lage !oint is fiAed in the area of Anahata Cha1ra and Adept can activate o0n Consciousness $Super%I$ (" means of the entering to the 1 th !lanetar" Channel... 3or1 0ith Elements is $training$ and $development$ of Consciousness $Super%I$ the .reat 3or1 on the second 9evel of *agic& after the passage of Initiation... 3or1 0ith the Elements is going on step%("%step. Each su(seFuent stage leans against the alread" acFuired s1ill of the previous stage. T0o of Elements are the acFuaintance 0ith elements& the entr" into Elements (" Consciousness. 3e are stud"ing the most important and difficult in the t0o to change the Tuning of o0n Consciousness $Super%I$ and to perceive the 3orld on various parameters of the Signal. All Cards of the *inor Arcana of Tarot descri(e the practices of the 0or1 0ith Elements. Each su(seFuent Card leans against the previous... Cards of the three descri(e the tuning on the 3rd degree ?stage@ of Element and practices& 0hich are carried out in this State from the position of t0o... It means that it's impossi(le to enter into the three of Element 0ithout having entered (efore into the t0o and so on... The !roperties& 0hich are acFuired in each Caste (efore the transition on the follo0ing level& are descri(ed (elo0. Cards of the *inor Arcana of Tarot descri(e the practices for the acFuiring of these !roperties in the transition from the first level of the caste of *agicians on the second... Adepts 0ho have not passed the Initiation "et ?have not passed through the hori=ontal 1 th Channel@ can get acFuainted onl" 0ith the !roperties of the t0o... 7 the acFuaintance 0ith the level& entrance to the level... 3 accumulation of the primar" eAperience on the ne0 level... 4 the (eginning of active independent actions on the given level... 5 interaction 0ith the eAperts of the given level... 6 mastering and ac1no0ledgement of the principle of the given level... optimi=ation and modification of o0n s1ill on the given level... # the acFuiring of the greatest possi(le eAperience on this level... - the change of Consciousness under the influence of the vigorous activit" on the given level... 1: the change of EAistence the transition to the neAt level... 3or1 0ith Elements means the follo0ing for the *agicians of the first level+ 7 EAtrasensor" !erception. The Entrance to Element. 3 Interaction of o(2ects on the propert" of the given element. The esta(lishment of communications (et0een o(2ects on the !roperties of the given Element. 4 $!o0er$ over Element. Control under the parameters of the Signal corresponding to the given Element. Cop"ing of the parameters of o(2ects. 5 Sensation of o(2ects 0ith parameters of the given Element ?Spirits of Element& Elementals@... 6 The opening of the entrance to the 0orlds of the .iven Element ?!ortals of Element@. The moving and the 0or1 $in a flo0$ of the given Element. # The management of the !roperties of the given Element. The gaining of the supera(ilities. - The change of the Consciousness under the influence of the given Element.

1: Capture on the given Element. The transition to other level.

The general principles of Tuning on t"o of Elements

The 0or1 0ith t0o of Elements is made in the State of the 1 th Channel& in the State of Active Consciousness $Super%I$E .l"phs '*an' and '3oman' have some other meanings here the meanings of Det=irah 3orld Active and !assive Consciousness $Super%I$... )nl" Consciousness $Super%I$ is in a condition to change the $Tuning$ of our $receiver$ of the Energ"%Informational Signal and to perceive the initial Signal a(out the 3orld on its various Aspects ?Elements@. !ersonal Consciousness $I$ couldn't do this (ecause it receives onl" the part of the EAternal Signal& alread" passed through the Consciousness $Super%I$& 0hich is tuned on the 0ell%defined perception of the 3orld... !ersonal Consciousness $I$ operates onl" the Internal Energ"% Informational space of the Cocoon... !ersonal Consciousness $I$ anal"=es a picture on the T; screen& 0hile Consciousness $Super%I$ operates the Tuning on the Channel... )nl" Consciousness $Super%I$ is included in the eAternal Energ"%Informational space and can $move$ there on various parameters... B" the analog" to the *ultimeter device& 0hich is capa(le to measure Electric Current& ;oltage& Cesistance and !o0er if 0e 0ish to measure other parameter ?for eAample resistance after 0e measured intensit" of a current@& then 0e should change the configuration of the input circuit instead of the $games$ 0ith various ranges of tuning on the Current *easurementE Information from the Assem(lage !oint comes on the Consciousness $Super%I$ and therefrom separatel" on Consciousnesses $I$ and $<ot%I$... 3e start to $master$ and to $train$ our Consciousness $Super%I$ in t0o of Elements 0e learn to perceive the 3orld on various parameters through it. Similar perception is inaccessi(le to usual !ersonal Consciousness $I$... The Fuantum leap in the possi(ilities of Adept& 0hich is connected 0ith the raising of A! on the level of Anahata& occurs eAactl" o0ing to that moment& that Adept starts to activate& comprehend and $0or1$ 0ith his Consciousness $Super%I$& 0hich is connected to the eAternal realit"... 3hile it has not occurred& all $0or1$ is carried out (" Consciousness $I$ in o0n Energ"% Informational Space& 0hich is& in fact& the construction of 5anatasies and Illusions %some a(solutel" real Energ"%Informational Structures in the internal Energ"%Informational Space... ,he $eneral principles of tunin$ include the followin$: The 0or1 is made in the /irect Circle. /irect and Inverse Circle matter during the 0or1 0ith !ersonal Consciousness $I$. /uring the 0or1 0ith Consciousness $Super%I$ ?Consciousness of *onad@& 0e are 0or1ing onl" in the /irect Circle (ecause 0e need a lot of Energ"... !olari=ation during the entrance in the 1 th Channel on the parameters of the given Element...

So 0e tune our $input circuit$& Consciousness $Super%I$& on the perception of the given ElementE The Tuning on the 1 th Channel. The 0or1 is made in the 1 th Channel. Both Cere(ral ,emispheres are active 0e have Active Consciousness $Super%I$. The release of the Su(tle Bod". All Tuning is made (" the released Su(tle Bod"... *an is the Creative& Inventive aspect of Consciousness it is necessar" to tune ?to create Intention@ on the parameter of the given Element. 5or eAample& densit"& eAtent in time& pro(a(ilit"... 3oman is the !erceiving aspect of Consciousness there's no need in an" Intentions it's a pure !erception... It's impossi(le to tune on the usual to us images of $o(2ects$ during the 0or1 0ith Consciousness $Super%I$& (ecause all $images$ are the result of the 0or1 of our !ersonal Consciousness $I$& 0hich should (e s0itched off no0... 3or1 0ith Consciousness $Super%I$ is carried out (" means of Energ"%Informational $*essages$ Intention. *essages are 0ell descri(ed in the (oo1s of C. *onroe...

T"o of %"ords 0 !ire

Element 5ire is the perception of Amplitude of the Signal& Fuantit" of Energ" in various o(2ects... Some Base& Oero State $the Oero of Energ"$ is reFuired for the measurement of the Fuantit" of Energ". Such o(2ect for us is the *oon& considered to (e $a(solutel" cold$ Bod" in Esoterics... ,he Glyphs: 1. 7. .l"ph 'the *oon' is A(solutel" Cold Bod"& the reference point. Nuiet 3ater 3ater means time& the course of Time. Stagnant 3ater means the stoppage of Time and the position of Consciousness in $,ere and <o0$... The !resent... Energ" of o(2ects changes in time& therefore it's necessar" to spend short $pulse$ measurements... 9ad" is Consciousness 0or1ing in the !erception mode& the 9ocator... The ,ands crossed on the Chest the Assem(lage !oint is on Anahata Cha1ra. T0o S0ords is the !olari=ation on the Energ" parameter+ 'it's ,ot' 'It's Cold'... The Celease of the Su(tle Bod". E"es (lindfolded 0ith a scarf to a(stract from the eAternal 0orld ?to s0itch off the first s"stem of perception@& not to see& not to hear& not to sense 0ith the !h"sical Sense organs... Su(tle Bod" ?*onad@ is 0or1ing 0ith the second S"stem of !erception... 9ad" sits on the throne the stead"& fiAed position... Clothes of the 9ad" the 0or1 is made over the o(2ects of the !h"sical 0orld. 3e measure the Energ" of o(2ects of the ph"sical 0orld... Islands in the 3ater are o(2ects for the Energ" measurement... 3e *easure Energ" of o(2ects relative to the *oon...

3. 4. 5. 6.

. #. -.

1:. 11.

Dello0 feet of the 9ad" the 9o0ermost Energies& the Energies of *anipura. It means that Energies of *uladhara and Svadhisthana are lifted on *anipura... Bac1ground of the card is /ar1 Blue the 0or1 of Consciousness $Super%I$...

It is the uniFue card of t0o on 0hich there is no *an and one 9ad" is depicted the !assive State of Consciousness. )n other three cards there is a *an Active Consciousness. 3e need Active State of Consciousness to carr" out Active Actions during the Tuning on Element... In 5ire 0e do not need to carr" out an" Active Actions 0e simpl" measure the Energ" $Fuantitativel"$& (ecause Energ" is the entire 3orld... ,unin$ on the channel: 3e tune on *uladhara. 3e start to Spin *uladhara and too1 it to Svadhistana on the freFuenc"... 3e continue to t0ist it and too1 it to *anipura on the freFuenc"... 3e enter into the 1 th Channel& activate Consciousness $Super%I$. /uring the !olari=ation 0e use the tuning on the parameters of Energ"+ Cight part of the Bod" is ,ot& Strong... 9eft part of the Bod" is Cold& 3ea1... 3e connect the left part of the Cocoon to the *oon... It is the $=ero$ of Energ"... 3e tune 0ith the released *onad on the o(2ect of measurement and trace Tactile sensations in the palms... Sensations should (e in the range $It's ,ot It's Cold$... ,he formula of a spell: LAll o(2ects have energ". I am moving to such point of the 0orld& 0here the Energ" of )(2ects is feltM.


T"o of Cups 0 Water

,he Glyphs: 1. 7. Bac1ground is Dello0%)range& .reen& Blue& 0hich corresponds to the natural arrangement of Cha1ras from Svadhisthana to ;ishuddha& up0ards from (elo0& and promotes the natural flo0ing of Energ"... T0o figures *ale and 5emale& designating fe0 moments+ 1. Din and Dang the !olari=ation needed for the releasing of the su(tle (od" ?*onad@& 0hich carries out EAtrasensor" perception. 7. The formation of Consciousness $Super%I$ from the 9eft%hemispheric Consciousness $I$ and Cight%hemispheric Consciousness $<ot%I$& 0hich interaction allo0s to start to perceive time AAis the 4th dimension. The man in (right clothes 0ith the red garland on a head designates !ersonal Consciousness $I$ ?9eft Cere(ral ,emisphere@& and the 0oman 0ith a high%freFuenc" (lue cloa1 designates more high%freFuenc" S"stem Consciousness $<ot%I$ ?Cight Cere(ral ,emisphere@. !ersonal Consciousness $I$ ?the right hand of the man@ touches ?enters into hoo1ing@ 0ith the S"stem Consciousness... 3e eApand o0n perception and activate Consciousness $Super% I$. Energies of the Bottom Cha1ras ?the Ced 9ion@ are lifted on the 0and%Caduceus ?on the channels Sushumna& Ida and !ingala along the spine@ up0ards and energi=e (oth cere(ral hemispheres& creating this $0inged$ force ?lion@ Consciousness $Super%I$& capa(le to perceive the river ?$Time AAis$& cups@ $from a(ove$ and to move on it (ac10ards... )nl" Consciousness $Super%I$ is a(le to $move$ ?to change the tuning@ in the eAternal Energ"%Informational space... !ersonal Consciousness $I$ $is moving$ onl" in the internal Energ"%Informational space of the Cocoon. The card (ac1ground is /ar1 (lue 0e have the 3or1ing Consciousness $Super%I$... ,unin$ on the channel: 3e enter the 1 th Channel& 0e activate Consciousness $Super%I$. /uring the !olari=ation 0e use the tuning on the parameters of Time+

3. 4. 5.

6. .

Cight part of the Bod" is 5ast& EAtended... 9eft part of the Bod" is Slo0& Short... 3e tune on *uladhara. 3e activate it. 3e feel 3 streams of Energ"+ 1. 7. 3. Central& moving up0ards on the Spine Column& The right stream& moving up0ards& 0hich ent0ines the Spine& The left stream& moving up0ards& 0hich also ent0ines the Spine&

Energ" Streams reach the ,ead and activate left cere(ral hemisphere& right cere(ral hemisphere and Sahasrara Cha1ra... 3e start to feel the structures of o0n Consciousness $I$ and Consciousness $<ot%I$... Some $5lash$ is happen& 0hich 2oins all three structures in the united one and activates our Consciousness $Super%I$...'3inged 9ion' .l"ph... The 4th dimension is opening the perception of the Time aAis. 3e create Intention to perceive the eAtent on the Time AAes and Speed of *ovement in time. 3e tune 0ith the released *onad on the o(2ect of measurement and trace Tactile sensations in the palms... 3e feel the 3orld on the coordinate of eAtent in Time and speed of movement of the given o(2ect in time... Sensations should (e in the range of Adherentl"& Slo0l"... 3e can move palms to0ards one another for the (etter o(2ectification of sensations... ,he formula of a spell: LAll o(2ects have eAtent on the time aAis and are moving in time. Ever" o(2ect has its o0n speed of movement in time. I am moving to such point of the 0orld& 0here the movement in time and the eAtent of o(2ects on the Time aAis is felt$.


T"o of Wands 0 Air

,he Glyphs: 1. The man is mind... 7. ,e is fenced off from the 0orld and from the river of time (" the 0all the eAit from the time flo0& the sight from outside... 3. 7 0ands the !olari=ation on the parameters of Air+ Cight part of the Bod" is )rder& StructureK 9eft part of the Bod" is Chaos& /isorder... 4. The merlon of the 0all is the cloc1 pulse all interactions occur here& the !resent. *an is in the !resent 0ith his !h"sical Bod" and perceives ?left hand is the perception@ information from the 5uture... 5. The 3and (ehind is attached to the 0all the !ast& fiAture of events. Events (elonging to one li1elihood $line$ are considered here. !ast event is that have alread" occurred and it cannot (e changed... The present developing of the event as 0e perceive it. The possi(le li1elihood 5uture variant of development of the given event& 0hich pro(a(ilit" 0e 0ish to measure... 6. The 0and in a front is the 5uture& the possi(le variants of development of the given event... . /ra0ing on the 0all under the 0and is the tested variant of development of the given Event... #. 3and in the left hand of man in the 5uture time Din& the perception of the possi(le future... -. The 3orld in the right hand of man in the Oone of the !resent. 3e can change the perception of the interesting to us Event in the !resent& and then the ne0 pro(a(ilit" of the developing of the given Event in the 5uture 0ill appear... 1:. Colours of the 0orld (ehind the 0all top Cha1ras are 0or1ing& Consciousness $Super%I$... 11. The red cloa1 and cap the energies of *uladhara are lifted up0ard. 3e $disconnect$ from the ph"sical 0orld and 0e use these energies for the 0or1 of Consciousness... 17. Bac1ground of the card is ;iolet the 0or1 of Consciousness $Super%I$... ,unin$ on the channel: 3e measure the pro(a(ilit" of this or that supposed development of events.

3e need to allocate 3 events on one line of their !ro(a(le provenance in order to do this+ 1. 7. 3. The !ast& alread" ,appened Event& The Situation of the given Fuestion on the !resent moment as 0e perceive it ?various relations and understanding of situation are possi(le here@. The EApected 5uture development of Events& that is interesting to us& as the continuation of the line $the !ast the !resent$& pro(a(ilit" of 0hich 0e are testing... 3e concentrate (elo0 on *uladhara cha1raK 3e su(limate the (ottom energies on the spine up0ards to the level of Anahata cha1raK 3e pump the area of Anahata cha1ra& the fiAing is leaving from (elo0K 3e enter into the Inverse Circle. 3e enter the 1 th Channel& activate Consciousness $Super%I$. /uring the !olari=ation 0e use the tuning on the parameters of Chaos+ Cight part of the Bod" is ordered& structured... 9eft part of the Bod" is chaotic& disordered... 3e tune on the contact 0ith the .enius of the Earth. 3e feel this consciousness in 0hich 0e areK 3e tune out from the !resent moment ?fence off (" the 3all@K 3e loo1 (ac1 in Time and 0e find there the Alread" ,appened Event ?the 3and fiAed to the 3all@K 3e move from the past to the present moment& to the current condition of the Fuestion& 0hich is interesting to us. 3e feel this moving and continue it further... 3e are moving further again& for0ard in the 5uture& tuning on the eApected Event. 3e appear on one of the possi(le $(ranches$ of the developing of events. 3e create Intention to perceive the Energ"%saturation of the Event interesting for us... 3e tune on )ur 5uture Event on this (ranch and feel tactile sensations in the !alms in the range of !ric1ing& <um(ness... After that& it's possi(le to do similar Testing in other la"out of events ?other !ast Event& real !resent Event and other 5uture Event@& and to compare the force of Tactile sensations. There is a greater pro(a(ilit" of the event 0here sensations are stronger...

,he formula of a spell: LAll o(2ects have future& and this future is multivariate. I am moving to such point of the 0orld& 0here these variants can (e o(servedM.


The scheme a(ove illustrates the idea of testing of the pro(a(ilit" of future events. Each of the possi(le future events is defined (" the vector& 0hich (egins in the alread" happened !ast Event and our possi(le action in the !resent... /epending on various actions in the !resent& 0e 0ill have various variants of development of the given Situation in the 5uture... 3e are testing the !ro(a(ilit" of these variants from the S"stem position in the t0o of Air... Certainl"& such testing ma1es sense onl" for the Adept 0ho can test Consciousl" and (uild o0n Behaviour... Those& 0ho act in an" situation on the onl" one $0ell%trodden$ scenario& 0ill eternall" lament for the $Cruel /estin"$... The more li1elihood events from the position of the S"stem not al0a"s coincide 0ith our desires and our vision of the Situation... It's that situation& 0hich is called $open$ and $closed$ 0a" in other schools... If Adept has the possi(ilit" to test the development of Situation& he can reali=e it (etter and (uild more successful Algorithm of Behaviour...


T"o of Pentacles 0 Earth

3e deal 0ith Element Earth 0ith the *atter& 0ith the !h"sical 3orld... ,he Glyphs: 1. 7. *an in the red%orange clothes is Consciousness& 0hich is tuned on the !h"sical 3orld& on the Energies of *uladhara and Svadhisthana... <evertheless& foot0ear is green. It means that Energies of the (ottom Cha1ras are lifted up0ard on Anahata and a(ove. But Consciousness is tuned on the *atter& on the /ensit" and Structure parameters... 7 /enarii the !olari=ation on the parameters of Earth+ Cight part of the Bod" is /ense& Cr"stallineK 9eft part of the Bod" is Carefied& !orous... The infinit" sign infinite variet" of Structures& the segue of one forms into others... The Storming Sea is Element Earth ?Structure@ it does not depend practicall" on the course of time... Therefore& it's necessar" to perceive Structures not $impulsivel"$ ?as Energ"@& (ut in some time interval. )n the Card the !ast& the !resent and the 5uture are sho0n& 0ith the Ship moved from the !ast moment of time to the 5uture moment... Thus& 0e 0or1 0ith element Earth in the !resent $,ere and <o0$. Bac1ground of the card is /ar1 (lue the 0or1 of Consciousness $Super%I$... ,unin$ on the channel: 3e lift the Energies of the Bottom Cha1ras on Anahata. 3e enter the 1 th Channel& activate Consciousness $Super%I$. /uring the !olari=ation 0e use the tuning on the parameters of Structure+ Cight part of the Bod" is /ense& StructuredK 9eft part of the Bod" is Carefied& Amorphous...

3. 4. 5.


3e tune 0ith Consciousness $Super%I$ on *uladhara on the !h"sical 3orld& on the structures... 3e create Intention to perceive Structures and /ensit". 3e tune 0ith the released *onad on the o(2ect of measurement and trace Tactile sensations in the palms... Sensations should (e in the range of /ensit"& Structure... 3e allocate those sensations 0ith o0n Consciousness& that do not var" in time... Structure and /ensit" are not changed in time... ,he formula of a spell: LAll o(2ects have structure and possess densit". I am moving to such point of the 0orld& 0here the structure and densit" of o(2ects can (e perceivedM.


6or+ *ith (andalas *ithin the limits of the Healing Course

8nder *andala 0e understand the graphic imaging of the Energ"%Informational structure or fiAing of Energ"%information of the EAternal Structure on the paper. The 0orld round us is energ"% information. Being tuned on some energ"%informational o(2ect& 0e can reflect it someho0 or fiA its energetics on a sheet of paper % to $fasten$ its Energetics to the paper. ,o0 does it occurG In1 as an" liFuid easil" changes its energ"%informational structure under the influence of the eAternal Energ"%Information& and during dr"ing& fiAes this state on a paper. Attaching energ"%informational structures of the person to the paper& 0e create his instant picture % ;olt. 3e LanchorM energetics of the person at the concrete moment. There is a communication (et0een the person and the dra0ing. And& affecting this dra0ing& 0e can influence on the person& on people& on some situation. The changes made in the dra0ing 0ill (e transferred to the depicted o(2ect at the eApense of communication& 0hich eAists (et0een them. There are two types of Mandalas: 1% ,he ones* which affect the Consciousness% The eAample of them are Ti(etan *andalas& co%tuning 0ith 0hich (rings Consciousness in the changed State ?0hich is put in the *andala@. It is necessar" to loo1 at *andala& moving o0n attention in it for the 0or1 0ith such *andala.

3e can also create *andala of the given t"pe& (eing in the changed state of Consciousness ?for eAample& (eing in the !lace of !o0er@ and to attach this changed state to the paper. Co%tuning 0ith this dra0ing in the future 0ill shift our Consciousness in that state& 0here 0e had (een during the s1etching. % ,he ones* which affect Ener$etics of the person% /uring the plotting of the given t"pe of mandala& 0e tune on certain components of the cocoon of man ?cha1ras& organs& parts of the (od"@ and $se0$ all energ"%information& 0hich is read point (" point& to the paper. It means that 0e receive a certain energ" dra0ing of the person. This *andala should (e placed in the cocoon ?should (e carried 0ith oneself@ or 0ater should (e charged (" means of it. Thus& energetics of the person starts to gain the configuration depicted on the *andala.

It should (e noted that !laces of !o0er influence simultaneousl" (oth on the Consciousness of the person ?at the eApense of interaction 0ith the Consciousness of the !lace of !o0er@ and on his Energetics. 3hen 0e are in the !lace of !o0er& 0e can ma1e (oth t"pes of *andalas& and each 0ill have its o0n purpose. 5or eAample& 0e are in the !lace of !o0er % in the primordial forest. 3e can trace that our Consciousness is in the changed state. If 0e'll ta1e a sheet of paper and simpl" reflect our general state of the changed Consciousness % an" dra0ing& free letter& lines % then in the future& (eing tuned on the given dra0ing (" Consciousness& (eing identified 0ith it& 0e 0ill enter that changed state again. !lace of !o0er affects our Energetics as 0ell. Being tuned on our cha1ras and organs& 0e feel their fullness 0ith the energ" of 9ife and 0e $se0$ the state of energetics to a sheet of paper (" cha1ras& (" organs. The *andala placed in the cocoon 0ill influence our cha1ras and fill them 0ith the Energ" of 9ife. In the course of the 0or1 0ith *andalas 0e are stud"ing generall" the techniFues of the plotting of *andalas& 0hich influence on Energetics. There are Egregor's S"m(ols& used for the plotting of *andalas since ancient times. These S"m(ols connect us to the Citual of *andala's creation& and it 0or1s more strongl" (ecause it's fed from the Egregor of Creation of *andalas. The small li(rar" of S"m(ols& 0hich 0e use for the plotting of *andalas& is given (elo0. *andalas are 0idel" used in ,ealing for the purpose of prolongation of medical influence on the person. 3e have a certain influence on the patient& and it proceeds 0hile 0e are fiAing it 0ith our Consciousness. The healing effect ceases on the termination of influence (ecause man comes (ac1 in his usual energ" condition. *andala allo0s us to prolong this influence in time& to fiA the person in the desira(le state for da"s or 0ee1s. The plotting of *andala is possi(le onl" 0ith the A! on Anahata cha1ra& as if the presence of eAtrasensor" potential is reFuired for the reading of energ"%information. ,he techni-ue of the plottin$ of Mandala: 1. 5ill "ourself 0ith the Energ" of the /irect Circle. 7. Caise A! on Anahata. 3. 5ill the part of the cocoon from Anahata to Sahasrara 0ith the energ" of the Channel of !o0er Animal. 4. Activate the Inverse Circle. 5. Tune on the o(2ect ?person@ (" means of the 'tructure of Consciousness $I$& read information point (" point ?the condition of cha1ras& organs& parts of the (od"@. 6. 5iA information on the paper 0ithout the anal"=e. . 5iAing of information (" means of in1 is made in the /irect Circle. "ariants of the fi+in$ of the healin$ influence on the Mandala are possi#le% 1. To fiA the state of energetics of the person point (" point ?cha1ras& parts of the (od"@ at the moment. The (igger Fuantit" of fastening points 0e ta1e& the more precise energ"%informational $cop"$ ?;olt@ of the person 0ill (e. Then to enter into a certain state of Consciousness ?for eAample& the conducting of energ" of the Channel of !o0er Animal@ and to fill all cha1ras of the person 0ith energ". To reflect the changed state of energetics on the *andala. 3e correct Energetics put in the *andala in a such 0a"& and the person is influenced (" the alread" corrected variant.

7. To tune on the person. To diagnose the state of Energetics of the person& to define the places demanding correction ?0ithout fiAing on the paper@. To (egin harmoni=ation of energetics after that ?for eAample& to fill some cha1ra 0ith the energ" of the Channel of !o0er Animal@ and to fiA the state of the changed cha1ra on the paper immediatel". It is recommended at first to use the first techniFue in order to acFuire the s1ill of the 0or1 0ith *andala. .ow does Mandala make the healin$ effect/ 3e fiA the corrected state of Energetics of the person on the paper. At the eApense of the eAisting communication (et0een the person and *andala& *andala starts to $shift$ the person constantl" to the corrected state of Energetics and to fiA him there. 5or the total reali=ation of the *andala's effect& it should (e placed in the Cocoon of the person ?should (e carried 0ith oneself@ or 0ater should (e charged (" means of it& and it's recommended to drin1 this 0ater each 7 hours in a fe0 drin1s. From what does the duration of effect of the Mandala depend/ The duration of effect of the *andala depends on t0o ma2or factors+ 1. 5rom the Fuantit" of energ"& put during the dra0ing of the *andala % from the energ" potential of the healer. 3hen healer is in a good energ" condition& 0hich means that A! is on Anahata or a(ove& *ental Bodies are filled 0ith energ"& healer is tuned on this or that Channel ?conducts the Energ" of this Channel@& then a certain Fuantit" of energ" 0ill (e put during the ma1ing of a dra0ing in the *andala& 0hich 0ill (e graduall" spent for the $shifting$ of the person in the corrected state. 7. 5rom the difference (et0een the state of Energetics of the person (efore the influence and the state of Energetics fiAed on the *andala. The more is the difference& the more energ" is reFuired to 1eep energetics of the person in the desira(le state& the faster 0ill end the energ" put in it and *andala 0ill cease to 0or1. .ow to define* is Mandala !workin$! or not/ Dou should enter into interaction 0ith the *andala ?to place it in the Cocoon& to tune on it 0ith Consciousness $I$@. If "our State of Consciousness ?in case of 0or1 0ith the first t"pe of *andala& influencing Consciousness@ or the state of Energetics ?the 0or1 0ith the second t"pe of *andala@& varies and comes nearer to 0hat is fiAed& then *andala is 0or1ing. If no change occurs& then there can (e 7 variants+ 1. Dou are alread" in the State& fiAed on the *andala ?0hich means that *andala has performed its 0or1@. 7. The $Charge$ of *andala has ended. All energ" put in the *andala is spent for "ours shifting in the other state. S"m(ols of the *andala and some eAamples of *andalas& 0hich 0e use during the 0or1 on the ,ealing Course& are given (elo0.


%#mbols for the plotting of Mandalas

S"m(ol of man. !h"sical (od". 7P3 or 1P7 of a sheet. The !hantom. The soul 0hich has left the (od".

The *altese Cross. S"m(ol of the compleA of parallel 0orlds. 3orlds 0ith the decelerated and accelerated time.

Seven%pointed star designation of the *agician& the person 0ith all 0or1ing cha1ras.

The personal signature of *agician& 0ho have made this *andala. Signature of *agician is inside the star. Energ" source is connected to the (ottom end ?for eAample& the Sun& energ" of the Arcanum@. The Cross of ,ierophant ?the !apal Cross& 5erula@. /esignation of the 9o0er Connection.

/esignation of the S"stem. )rganism of the 3rd level ?Egregor@& the ,igher Connection.

Compensation of t0o processes

/esignation of processes from the ph"sical to the higher plane

/esignation of processes from the higher plane to the ph"sical


T"pe of personalit"+ strong%0illed& uncompromising person.

T"pe of personalit"+ strong%0illed person& 0ith constraining Fualities.

T"pe of personalit"+ strong%0illed& nonintegral person.

T"pe of personalit"+ lo"al& gentle& compromise person.

T"pe of personalit"+ lo"al& gentle and compleAed person.

T"pe of personalit"+ gentle& nonintegral person.

/esignation of the movement of Time for0ard& in the 5uture. Time acceleration.

/esignation of the movement of Time (ac10ard& in the !ast. Time deceleration.

The Cross of Elements. Balance of Elements. The ph"sical 0orld.

Nuintessence of a plant& animal& non%human o(2ect of the su(tle plane.


The list of the enclosed schemes of Mandalas 0ith 0hich 0e are 0or1ing during the ,ealing Course.
1. The Star 0ith Cha1ras *andala. The (asic 0or1ing *andala& to 0hich the energ" cop" ?;olt@ of the person is fiAed (" the cha1ras. 7. The SFuare *andala. Speciali=es on the 0or1 0ith the structures of organism. 3. The *andala of Communication. The attachment of Energ" cop" of partners to the *andala& diagnostics and harmoni=ation of communications on the hori=ontal channels. 4. The ,ealth%Improving *andala % according to organs& for the esta(lishment of communication of organs 0ith the Cloc1 !ulse of the !lanet 0ith the purpose of their harmoni=ation and healing. 7 variants % for man and for 0oman.






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