Anda di halaman 1dari 9

Cheryl J. Cherpitel, Dr. PH, Gina Martin, MSc, [...], and Rob Stenstrom, MD, PhD
The r isk of int ent ional injur y due t o alcohol and ot her dr ug use pr ior t o injur y is analy zed in a sample
of emer gency depar t ment pat ient s in Vancouv er , BC (n=43 6). Those r epor t ing only alcohol use wer e
close t o 4 t imes mor e likely (OR = 3 . 7 3 ) t o r epor t an int ent ional injur y , and t hose r epor t ing alcohol
combined wit h ot her dr ug(s) almost 1 8 t imes mor e likely (OR = 1 7 . 7 5 ) t han t hose r epor t ing no
subst ance use. Those r epor t ing bot h alcohol and dr ug use r epor t ed dr inking significant ly mor e alcohol
(1 5 . 7 dr inks) t han t hose r epor t ing alcohol use alone (5 dr inks). While t hese dat a suggest t hat alcohol in
combinat ion wit h ot her dr ugs may be mor e st r ongly associat ed wit h int ent ional injur y t han alcohol
alone, t his may be due t o t he incr eased amount of alcohol consumed by t hose using bot h subst ances,
and is an ar ea r equir ing mor e r esear ch wit h lar ger samples of int ent ional injur y pat ient s.
While a subst ant ial lit er at ur e exist s demonst r at ing a st r ong associat ion of alcohol and v iolence-r elat ed
(int ent ional, not including self-inflict ed) injur y , much of which has come fr om st udies of emer gency
depar t ment (ED) pat ient s (1 , 2 l), less is known about t he associat ion of int ent ional injur y wit h
r ecr eat ional dr ug use, eit her alone, or in combinat ion wit h alcohol. Pr ev ious st udies hav e suggest ed
t hat many of t hose who hav e used alcohol hav e also used ot her dr ugs pr ior t o t he ED admission, and
t hat use of eit her alcohol or ot her dr ugs is associat ed wit h a 40% higher r at e of use of t he ot her
subst ance (3 , 4), wit h r at es for dr ug use in combinat ion wit h alcohol higher t han for dr ug use alone,
acr oss all classes of dr ugs (5 ).
Most ED st udies examining t he associat ion of dr ug use wit h injur y hav e measur ed t he pr ev alence of
posit iv e t oxicology scr eens (which may r emain posit iv e for day s t o weeks aft er t he last use, depending
on t he specific dr ug and pat t er n of use) in injur ed pat ient s at t he t ime of t he ED v isit (r ev iewed in el-
Guebaly (6)). In t hese st udies, cocaine and cannabis had t he highest pr ev alence r at es (5 , 7 9). The
major it y of t hese st udies, howev er , unlike st udies of alcohol and injur y , hav e not used r epr esent at iv e
samples of ED pat ient s, nor hav e t hey det er mined t he t iming of dr ug use r elat iv e t o injur y . These
limit at ions pr eclude est imat ion of t he pr ev alence of dr ug inv olv ement in t he injur y ev ent , or of t he
r isk of injur y associat ed wit h dr ug use.
Those few epidemiologic st udies examining t he acut e effect s of dr ug use and t he likelihood of int ent ional
injur y in t he ED hav e found t hat dr ug use may be mor e closely associat ed wit h int ent ional injur ies
t han wit h ot her t y pes of injur y (1 0), as has been found for alcohol (1 , 2 , 1 1 , 1 2 ). One st udy found t hat
pat ient s wit h int ent ional injur ies ar e mor e likely t han t hose wit h unint ent ional injur ies t o t est posit iv e
for dr ugs in combinat ion wit h alcohol, and for dr ugs alone, as well as for life-t ime and last -1 2 -mont h
dr ug dependence (3 6%) (1 3 ). An ED st udy in Mexico, howev er , found no r elat ionship bet ween dr ug use
six hour s pr ior t o t he ev ent and int ent ional injur ies (1 4), while a r ev iew of illicit dr ug use and injur ies
in ED st udies found dr ug use st r ongly associat ed wit h v iolence-r elat ed injur ies (1 5 ).
Differ ent classes of dr ugs hav e differ ent phar macological effect s, eit her alone, or in combinat ion wit h
alcohol. This may account for t he mixed findings r epor t ed. Howev er , t he small amount of av ailable
lit er at ur e suggest s t hat dr ugs may be impor t ant t o consider alongside alcohol in injur y occur r ence,
especially for int ent ional injur ies. Cocaine, a cent r al ner v ous sy st em st imulant (1 6), has been
par t icular ly implicat ed in int ent ional injur ies (9, 1 7 1 9), and while disagr eement cont inues ov er t he
exact nat ur e of t he r elat ionship (2 0), t her e is gr owing consensus t hat acut e alcohol and cocaine effect s
ar e at least par t ially causally r elat ed t o v iolence (9, 2 1 ). A r ev iew of t he exper iment al lit er at ur e on
alcohol and cocaine concluded t hat simult aneous use of t he t wo subst ances may be sy ner gist ic in t er ms
of t he number and int ensit y of psy chomot or effect s, including agit at ion and feelings of par anoia (2 2 ,
2 3 ), and t hat t he enhanced and pr olonged euphor ia following simult aneous use of t he t wo subst ances
may incr ease t he cr av ing for bot h, r esult ing in incr eased likelihood of sev er e out comes including
int ent ional injur ies (2 4).
St udies of t he r elat ionship bet ween int ent ional injur ies and cannabis hav e also y ielded mixed r esult s
(9), and lit t le r esear ch exist s on ot her t y pes of dr ugs.
Recr eat ional dr ug use is becoming mor e pr ev alent in t he U. S. , in Canada and elsewher e, and is
especially common in heav y dr inker s (2 5 , 2 6). The 2 008 Nat ional Sur v ey on Dr ug Use and Healt h
(2 7 ) found t hat 2 9% of heav y dr inker s r epor t ed illicit dr ug use in t he last mont h (compar ed t o only 3 %
among t hose not r epor t ing alcohol use). Dat a fr om t he Nat ional Epidemiology Sur v ey on Alcohol and
Relat ed Condit ions (NESARC) found past y ear fr equency of r epor t ing 5 or mor e dr inks on an occasion
was an accur at e scr eener for past y ear cannabis or cocaine use (2 8), and a dr ug use disor der (pr imar ily
cannabis and cocaine) was mor e pr ev alent among t hose wit h a past y ear alcohol use disor der t han
among t hose wit hout (2 9). Rat es for bot h cannabis and cocaine use ar e higher in Canada t han in t he
U. S. , and in Canada ar e highest in Br it ish Columbia (BC) (3 0). Despit e t he mar ked incr ease in dr ug use
in gener al, lit t le r esear ch has examined whet her an associat ion exist s bet ween dr ug use alone, or in
combinat ion wit h alcohol, and int ent ional injur y .
To addr ess t his issue, we compar ed t he odds of subst ance use (alcohol use alone, dr ug use alone, or
alcohol combined wit h dr ug use) in int ent ionally injur ed pat ient s (not including t hose wit h self-
inflict ed injur y ) v er sus unint ent ionally injur ed pat ient s who sought t r eat ment in t wo EDs in
Vancouv er , Br it ish Columbia (BC). The t wo hospit als wer e chosen because bot h r eceiv e pat ient s fr om
t he downt own Vancouv er cat chment ar ea which includes t he ent er t ainment dist r ict s as well as dr ug
using v enues. In t his st udy , we define dr ug use as illicit dr ug use or non-pr escr ipt ion use of
psy chot r opic medicat ions such as pr escr ipt ion opioids.
Dat a wer e collect ed ov er an 1 8-week per iod (Apr il t o August 2 009) on pr obabilit y samples of injur ed
pat ient s 1 8 y ear s and older at t he t wo Vancouv er EDs. Samples wer e dr awn fr om comput er ized
admission logs t hat r eflect ed consecut iv e ar r iv al t o t he ED, and pr ov ided equal pr opor t ional
r epr esent at ion of each shift for each day of t he week. The sampling scheme y ielded a t ot al sample of
443 int er v iewed pat ient s, which r eflect ed a 69% r esponse r at e (2 7 % r efused t o par t icipat e in t he st udy
and 4% wer e unable t o pr ov ide infor m consent due t o medical r easons). The non-int er v iewed wer e no
differ ent on gender t han t hose int er v iewed, but wer e older (ov er 65 ). Pat ient s wer e appr oached wit h
wr it t en infor med consent t o par t icipat e in t he st udy and wer e int er v iewed as soon as possible aft er
r egist r at ion. Int er v iews wer e conduct ed in a pr iv at e ar ea t o ensur e confident ialit y of r esponses. When
possible, int er v iews wer e car r ied out pr ior t o t he pat ient s examinat ion; ot her wise t he int er v iew was
complet ed aft er t he examinat ion. Pat ient s who wer e t oo sev er ely injur ed t o be int er v iewed while in t he
ED wer e int er v iewed in t he hospit al aft er t heir condit ion had st abilized.
A cadr e of int er v iewer s wer e t r ained by t he aut hor s and super v ised by sur v ey r esear ch st aff fr om t he
Cent r e for Addict ions Resear ch, BC t o administ er a 2 5 -minut e quest ionnair e, adapt ed fr om t he WHO
Collabor at iv e St udy on Alcohol and Injur y (3 1 ), wit h addit ional quest ions on dr ug use. The
quest ionnair e obt ained dat a, among ot her it ems, on t he t y pe and cause of injur y t hat br ought t he
pat ient t o t he ED, and whet her v iolence was inv olv ed (an int ent ional injur y ), t aken fr om t he following
quest ion: Why wer e y ou injur ed? Did y ou get int o a fight , wer e y ou beat en, at t acked or r aped? Dat a
wer e also obt ained on dr inking and dr ug use wit hin six hour s pr ior t o t he injur y , t he number of dr inks
consumed in t he six hour s, and demogr aphic char act er ist ics. Par t icipant s also pr ov ided a br eat he
sample which was analy zed for alcohol using t he Alco-Sensor IV br eat hanaly zer (Int oximet er s, Inc,
St . Louis, MO).
Dr ug dat a wer e obt ained fr om a ser ies of quest ions on use in any of t he following cat egor ies of dr ugs in
t he six hour s pr ior t o injur y : 1 ) met hamphet amines, 2 ) ot her amphet amines, 3 ) cocaine, 4) sedat iv es
including bar bit ur at es, 5 ) met hadone, 6) her oin, 7 ) ot her opiat es including codeine, 8) psy chedelics,
9) cannabis, 1 0) ot her dr ugs not including medicinal use of pr escr ipt ion or ov er t he count er
medicat ions.
Pat ient s who r epor t ed dr inking or using dr ugs pr ior t o t he injur y ev ent wer e also asked whet her t hey
believ ed t he injur y would hav e happened if t hey had not been dr inking or using dr ugs, r espect iv ely
(causal at t r ibut ion of injur y t o alcohol or dr ug use).
Data Analysis
Dat a wer e analy zed compar ing populat ion pr opor t ions for per cent s, and t -t est s for means, on
demogr aphic and subst ance char act er ist ics bet ween t hose wit h int ent ional and t hose wit h
unint ent ional injur ies (Table 1 ). Logist ic r egr ession analy sis was used t o examine t he pr edict iv e v alue
of subst ance use (alcohol only , dr ugs only , bot h alcohol and dr ugs) in t he six hour s pr ior t o injur y on
t he likelihood of r epor t ing t o t he ED wit h an int ent ional v er sus an unint ent ional injur y , cont r olling for
age and gender (Table 2 ). Odds r at ios (ORs) ar e r epor t ed for v ar iables simult aneously ent er ed in t he
model, and 95 % confidence int er v als (CIs) for t hose found t o be significant pr edict or s. For t hose
r epor t ing alcohol use in t he six hour s pr ior t o injur y , t he mean number of dr inks consumed was
compar ed bet ween t hose r epor t ing only alcohol use and t hose r epor t ing bot h alcohol and dr ug use.
Number of dr inks was calculat ed by div iding t he t ot al amount of absolut e alcohol consumed by t he
pat ient by 1 6ml (t he amount of absolut e alcohol in a nor mal beer ) (Table 3 ). For t hose r epor t ing dr ug
use in t he pr ev ious six hour s, t he mean number of dr ug cat egor ies r epor t ed was compar ed bet ween
t hose r epor t ing only dr ug use and t hose r epor t ing dr ug use combined wit h alcohol (Table 3 ).
Independent t -t est s wer e used t o examine significance differ ences in t he mean number of dr inks
r epor t ed and t he mean number of dr ug cat egor ies r epor t ed bet ween t hose using eit her subst ance alone
compar ed t o combined use of subst ances.
Tabl e 1
Char acter i sti cs of pati ents wi th i ntenti onal (i .e. v i ol ent) and uni ntenti onal i njur i es (per cent or
Tabl e 2
Odds r ati os (ORs) and 95% conf i dence i nter v al s (CIs) f or sel f -r epor ted use of al cohol and/or other dr ugs
i n the 6 hour s pr i or to the ev ent on i ntenti onal (coded 1) v er sus uni ntenti onal (coded 0) i njur i es
Tabl e 3
Mean number of dr i nks and mean number of dr ug categor i es r epor ted i n the 6 hour s pr i or to i njur y
Table1 shows demogr aphic and subst ance use char act er ist ics for t hose wit h int ent ional injur ies (n=3 6)
compar ed t o t hose wit h unint ent ional injur ies (n=400). Compar ed t o pat ient s wit h unint ent ional
injur y , t hose r epor t ing int ent ional injur ies wer e significant ly mor e likely t o be male, t o r epor t alcohol
use alone (3 0. 6% v s 1 7 . 8%), and t o r epor t combined alcohol and ot her dr ug use (2 7 . 8 % v s. 3 . 3 %), but
no differ ence was found for dr ug use alone.
Table 2 shows ORs and 95 % CIs for subst ance use pr ior t o injur y for pat ient s wit h an int ent ional v s.
t hose wit h an unint ent ional injur y , cont r olling for age and gender . Bot h alcohol use alone, and alcohol
used wit h ot her dr ugs wer e significant ly pr edict iv e of an int ent ional injur y . Injur ed pat ient s r epor t ing
alcohol use alone wer e close t o 4 t imes mor e likely t o hav e a v iolence-r elat ed injur y t han t hose
r epor t ing no subst ance use, and t hose r epor t ing alcohol combined wit h ot her dr ug(s) wer e almost 1 8
t imes mor e likely t o be admit t ed for a v iolence-r elat ed injur y . When compar ed t o t he alcohol only
gr oup (not shown), t hose r epor t ing bot h alcohol and dr ug use wer e close t o 5 t imes mor e likely
(OR=4. 7 6; CI= 3 . 7 3 1 7 . 7 5 ) t o be admit t ed wit h an int ent ional injur y (Wald st at ist ic=8. 6, p=0. 003 ).
Dr ug use alone was not found t o be pr edict iv e of int ent ionalit y .
It is possible t hat t he lar ger associat ion seen in Table 2 bet ween int ent ional injur y and alcohol in
combinat ion wit h ot her dr ugs compar ed t o alcohol alone (or t o dr ug use alone), may be because
pat ient s who used bot h subst ances consumed mor e alcohol (or mor e dr ugs) t han t hose r epor t ing only
alcohol use (or only dr ug use). The mean number of dr inks r epor t ed for t he alcohol only gr oup
compar ed t o t he alcohol in combinat ion gr oup, and t he mean number of dr ug cat egor ies r epor t ed for
t he dr ug only gr oup compar ed t o t he combinat ion gr oup can be seen in Table 3 . Ov er all, t hose
r epor t ing bot h alcohol and dr ug use pr ior t o injur y r epor t ed a significant ly lar ger number of dr inks
dur ing t he six-hour per iod (mean of 1 5 . 7 ) compar ed t o t hose r epor t ing alcohol use alone (mean of 5 . 0).
The differ ence was significant (at p=. 06) for unint ent ional injur ies, but not for int ent ional injur ies
(alt hough in t he same dir ect ion), likely due t o t he small number of t hose wit h int ent ional injur ies. The
opposit e t r end was found for dr ug use, howev er , wit h t hose r epor t ing dr ug use alone r epor t ing use in
mor e dr ug cat egor ies t han t hose r epor t ing dr ug use in combinat ion wit h alcohol, alt hough t his
differ ence was not significant . Est imat ed blood alcohol cont ent (BAC) was also compar ed bet ween t hose
r epor t ing alcohol alone and t hose r epor t ing alcohol in combinat ion wit h ot her dr ug use, wit h similar
r esult s t o t hat found for self-r epor t ed consumpt ion (not shown). Ov er all, mean BAC was lower for t hose
r epor t ing only alcohol use (. 04 mg%) compar ed t o t hose r epor t ing alcohol in combinat ion wit h ot her
dr ugs (. 1 0 mg%; p=. 03 ), but t he differ ence was not significant by int ent ionalit y , most ly like due t o
small number s (. 03 9 mg% v s. . 07 7 mg%, r espect iv ely , for unint ent ional injur ies and . 05 9 mg% v s.
. 1 2 mg%, r espect iv ely , for int ent ional injur ies).
Pat ient s wer e also asked if t hey believ ed t he ev ent would st ill hav e happened had t hey not been
dr inking or using dr ugs (causal at t r ibut ion). Among t hose wit h int ent ional injur y , a lar ger pr opor t ion
(alt hough not significant ; most likely due t o small number s at t r ibut ed a causal associat ion bet ween
t heir dr inking and t he injur y t han bet ween t heir dr ug use and injur y (2 4% v s. 8%), while lit t le
differ ence was found in casual at t r ibut ion of injur y t o alcohol compar ed t o dr ugs among t hose wit h
unint ent ional injur y (2 9% v s. 2 2 %, r espect iv ely ) (not shown).
While a subst ant ial lit er at ur e document s a st r ong associat ion of alcohol and int ent ional injur y (1 , 1 1 ),
lit t le dat a hav e been r epor t ed on t he associat ion of int ent ional injur y wit h ot her dr ug use, or wit h
alcohol in combinat ion wit h ot her dr ugs, alt hough bot h subst ances hav e been found t o be used t oget her
fr equent ly (3 , 4). To fill t his gap, t he r isk of int ent ional injur y due t o alcohol alone was compar ed t o
t hat due t o alcohol in combinat ion wit h ot her dr ug use, in a sample of ED pat ient s. While alcohol use
pr ior t o injur y was pr edict iv e of int ent ional injur y , alcohol combined wit h dr ug use was significant ly
mor e pr edict iv e of int ent ional injur y , and may be mor e at t r ibut able t o heav ier alcohol use in t he
gr oup using bot h subst ances, t han t o a sy ner gist ic effect bet ween alcohol and dr ug use. A st udy of
alcohol and v iolence-r elat ed injur ies in ED pat ient s in Mexico, Br azil and Ar gent ina found a st r onger
dose-r esponse r elat ionship (higher lev els of self-r epor t ed dr inking pr ior t o injur y associat ed wit h
gr eat er r elat iv e r isk) for v iolence-r elat ed injur ies compar e t o injur ies fr om ot her causes (3 2 ), and a six
count r y sur v ey of ED pat ient s also found a significant dose-r esponse r elat ionship bet ween BAC lev el and
int ent ional injur ies (1 1 ). These findings suggest t hat ot her mechanisms may be impor t ant for
int ent ional injur y , ov er and abov e t hose associat ed wit h impair ed psy cho-mot or coor dinat ion; for
example, alcohol r educes inhibit ions and may lead t o mor e aggr essiv e behav ior , r esult ing in incr eased
likelihood of a v iolence-r elat ed ev ent r esult ing in injur y . It is impor t ant t o not e, howev er , based on
dat a r epor t ed her e as well as t hose fr om ot her st udies, t hat it is not possible t o det er mine whet her a
pat ient s dr inking, per se, led t o t he v iolent -r elat ed injur y , or whet her ot her fact or s, such as cont ext of
dr inking and t he ev ent may hav e been r esponsible, and t his is an ar ea r equir ing fur t her r esear ch.
Addit ionally , t he magnit ude of alcohols cont r ibut ion t o int ent ional injur ies is likely an under est imat e
when based on compar ison wit h alcohol use in pat ient s sust aining unint ent ional injur ies, since t hese
lat t er pat ient s ar e mor e likely t o be alcohol inv olv ed t han bot h non-injur y cont r ol pat ient s and t hose
fr om t he gener al populat ion (3 3 ).
Dr ug use alone was not found t o pr edict int ent ional (or unint ent ional) injur y . Pat ient s also t ended t o be
mor e likely (alt hough not significant ) t o at t r ibut e a causal associat ion of int ent ional injur y t o t heir
dr inking t han t o t heir dr ug use pr ior t o t he ev ent . One possible explanat ion for lack of findings
r egar ding dr ug use is t hat not all dr ugs would be expect ed t o act in a similar manner t o one anot her , or
in combinat ion wit h alcohol, acr oss all t y pes and causes of injur y . For example, cocaine used wit h
alcohol for ms a new met abolit e, cocaet hy lene, t hat has differ ent phar macological pr oper t ies wit h
gr eat er and longer last ing behav ior al effect s t han t hose fr om eit her subst ance used alone (2 2 , 3 43 6),
pot ent iat ing an incr eased likelihood of injur y . On t he ot her hand, while cannabis use has been found t o
be pr edict iv e of injur y in an ED st udy of injur ed pr oblem dr inker s, it was not pr edict iv e of int ent ional
injur y , (2 5 ). In anot her st udy of t r eat ment client s, howev er , cocaine and alcohol, but not cannabis,
was pr edict iv e of a pr ev ious int ent ional injur y (2 1 ). While cannabis and cocaine ar e t he dr ugs most
commonly found among injur ed pat ient s in emer gency depar t ment st udies (1 5 ), some few ot her
st udies hav e implicat ed ot her dr ugs, for example benzodiazepines (3 7 ) and opium (Heber t et al. , 2 007 )
in mot or v ehicle cr ashes.
Giv en t he differ ing phar macological effect s acr oss classes of dr ugs, as well as t heir v ar y ing effect s when
combined wit h alcohol, one might expect an elev at ed r isk of injur y due t o specific dr ugs, and alcohol in
combinat ion wit h cer t ain dr ugs (possibly a sy ner gist ic effect ) but not wit h ot her s, for specific t y pes of
injur y . Howev er , r elat iv ely small number s of pat ient s wit h int ent ional injur ies her e (n=3 6) pr ecluded
analy ses of alcohol in combinat ion wit h ot her dr ugs by specific dr ug cat egor ies. Small number s also
likely affect ed obser v ed significance in differ ences found in t he number of dr inks consumed bet ween
t hose using only alcohol compar ed t o t hose using alcohol in combinat ion wit h ot her dr ugs, and in
casual at t r ibut ion of int ent ional injur y t o alcohol compar ed t o ot her dr ugs.
Dr ug use, especially cannabis and cocaine, is becoming incr easingly mor e pr ev alent in Nor t h Amer ica
and elsewher e, and is par t icular ly common in heav y dr inker s (2 5 2 8). The debat e on whet her t he
combinat ion of alcohol and dr ugs may pr oduce a sy ner gist ic effect (incr easing t he likelihood of
v iolence) st ill r emains, due in par t t o challenges such as achiev ing sufficient st at ist ical power in
analy zing dr ug effect s, giv en t hey ar e used r elat iv ely infr equent ly in t he populat ion, and t he difficult y
of measur ing dr ug quant it y and impair ment . Nev er t heless, since injur ies, especially int ent ional
injur ies, hav e been found t o be st r ongly associat ed wit h alcohol in combinat ion wit h ot her dr ugs
(especially wit h cocaine and cannabis) (1 5 ), t his is an ar ea of impor t ant need in fut ur e r esear ch on
int ent ional injur ies, ut ilizing lar ger samples of subst ance using pat ient s.
Suppor t ed by a Canadian Inst it ut es for Healt h Resear ch, New Emer ging Team Gr ant (RAA 7 991 7 ) and
by a gr ant fr om t he U. S. Nat ional Inst it ut e on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (RO1 2 AA01 3 7 5 0-04)
Presented at the Kettil Bruun Society for Social and Epidemiological Research on Alcohol, Melbourne, Australia, April 1115, 2011.
Contributor Information
Cher y l J. Cher pit el, Alcohol Resear ch Gr oup, Emer y v ille, CA 94608, Cent r e for Addict ions Resear ch of
BC, Univ er sit y of Vict or ia, Vict or ia, BC, Canada V8W 2 Y2 .
Gina Mar t in, Cent r e for Addict ions Resear ch of BC, Univ er sit y of Vict or ia, Vict or ia, BC, Canada V8W
2 Y2 .
Scot t Macdonald, Cent r e for Addict ions Resear ch of BC and School of Healt h Infor mat ion Science,
Univ er sit y of Vict or ia, Vict or ia, BC, Canada V8W 2 Y2 .
Jeffr ey R. Br ubacher , Depar t ment of Emer gency Medicine, Univ er sit y of Br it ish Columbia, Vancouv er ,
BC, Canada V6T 1 Z4.
Rob St enst r om, Depar t ment of Emer gency Medicine, Univ er sit y of Br it ish Columbia, Vancouv er , BC,
Canada V6T 1 Z4.
Article information
Am J Addict. Author manuscript; available in PMC Mar 1, 2014.
Published in final edited form as:
Am J Addict. Mar 2013; 22(2): 8792.
doi: 10.1111/j.1521-0391.2013.00316.x
PMCID: PMC3579212
Cheryl J. Cherpitel, Dr. PH, Gina Martin, MSc, Scott Macdonald, PhD., Jeffrey R. Brubacher, MD, MSc, and Rob Stenstrom, MD, PhD
Cheryl J. Cherpitel, Alcohol Research Group, Emeryville, CA 94608, Centre for Addictions Research of BC, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada V8W 2Y2;
Contributor Information.
Corresponding Author: Cheryl J. Cherpitel, Dr. PH, Alcohol Research Group, 6475 Christie Avenue, Suite 400, Emeryville, CA 94608, 510 597-3453, Fax: 510
985-6459, Email: ccherpitel/at/
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