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Journal Definitions

The basic book of accounting is called journal. Precisely it is the book of prime entry
which means- Day book. Trader records his total daily transactions in it. The process of
recording the transactions into journal is called Journaliing!." - #owland
The Journal! or Daily record! as originally used was a book of prime entry in which
transactions were copied in order of date from a memorandum or waste book. The entries
as they were copied$ were classified into debits and credits$ so as to facilitate their being
correctly posted afterwards in the ledger." - %arter
& journal is a book$ employed to classify or sort out transactions in a form con'enient
for their subse(uent entry in the ledger." ) %ropper
Thus journal may be described as a book in which the transactions are recorded in the
order of occurrence i.e. in chronological order. *t is called a book of prime entry or
orginal entry because all business transactions are entered first in this book. The process
of writing a transaction in journal is known as journaliing and the transaction written in
journal is known as journal entry.
The journal has two functions+
,. To analye each transaction into debt so as to enable their posting in the ledger
-. To arrange transactions$ chronologically i.e. order of date.
Need of Journal: journal is needed and is useful in the following respects.
.a/ %on'enient recording of a transactions0
.b/ 1aintaining and preser'ing the identity of a transactions0
.c/ &scertaining the true nature of transaction-with the help of narrations and
.d/ 1aintain permanent record of information.
Source document:
2'ery transaction to be recorded in the books of accounts must be backed by some
documentary e'idence which is known as 'oucher. 3or e4ample+ #eceipts0 Pay-in-slips0
bills0 in'oices0 debit note0 credit note etc0 are all 'ouchers.
Debit and Credit
&s is clear from the form of account gi'en abo'e it is di'ided in two parts. 5eft-hand side
is known as debit side! and right hand side is known as credit side!. &mounts entered
on the debit side .left hand side are called debits and amounts on the credit side/ right-
hand side/ are calledcredits. To debit! means to make and entry in the left-hand side of
an account! and to credit! ha'e no other meaning in accounting. &bbre'iation used for
debit is Dr. and for credit %r.
%lassification of accounts .e(uation based/
The classification of accounts according to &ccounting 2(uation &pproach is gi'en
below+ %lassification of accounts according to accounting e(uation approach.
Rules of debit and credit (equation based)
Dual aspect concept in accounting implies that e'ery accounting transaction would be
e4pressed by a debit amount and an e(ual and opposite credit amount. Thu$ the rule that
for each transaction debit amount must e(ual the credit amount has absolutely no
e4ception. The (uality of debits andcredits may be e4pressed in the form of an e(uation.
*f each account was to be considered in isolation it would make no difference whether
increases were recorded on the debit side or on the credit side but since theaccounts are
inter-dependent therefore a system of recording increases and dresses on the two sides
had to be fi4ed. Traditional or con'entionally increases in assetaccounts are recorded on
the debit side while increases in liabilities and capital are recorded on the credit side. The
abo'e rule ensures that when account balances are totaled will confirm to theaccounting
e(uation discussed abo'e. *t gi'es rise to the following rules.
,/ *ncrease in asset accounts are debits$ decreases are credits
-/ *ncreases in liability accounts are credits$ decreases are debits.
6/ *ncreases in owner!s e(uity accounts are credits$ decreases are debits.
Total classes of accounts maintained by any business will include the accounts relating to
e4penses$ losses$ re'enues and profits in addition to assets$ liabilities and proprietor!s
funds. #ules of debit and credit regarding assets$ liabilities and capital ha'e been stated
abo'e and the rules for e4penses7losses and re'enues7profits can be deri'ed from the
8. *ncreases in e4penses7losses accounts are debits.
9ince the e4penses and losses when incurred and suffered lead to reduction in the capital
and decreases in owner!s e(uity accounts are debits$ therefore increases in e4penses and
losses accounts are Debits.
:. *ncreases in re'enues7profit accounts are credits.
Classification of accounts (traditional)
The classification of accounts and rules of debit and credit based on such classification
are gi'en below.
Personal Accounts
&ccounts recording transactions relating to indi'iduals or firms or company are known as
personal accounts. Personal accounts may further be classified as+
*. ;atural person!s personal accounts+ The accounts recording transactions relating to
indi'idual human beings e.g.$ &nand!s a7c$ #amesh!s a7c$ Pankaj!s a7c$ are classified as
natural person! personal accounts.
**. &rtificial person!s personal accounts+ The accounts recording transactions relating to
limited companies$ bank$ firm$ institution$ club$ etc. e.g. Delhi %loth 1ill0 179 9ingh <
9ingh0 =ans #aj %ollege7 >ymkhana %lub areclassified as artificial persons! personal
***. #epresentati'e personal account+ The accounts recording transactions relating to the
e4penses and incomes are classified as nominal accounts. ?ut in certain cases .due to the
matching concept of accounting/ the amount$ on a particular date$ is payable to the
indi'iduals or reco'erable from indi'iduals. 9uch amount .i/ reltes to the particular head
of e4penditure or income and .ii/ represents persons to whom it is payable or from whom
it is reco'erable. 9uchaccounts are classified as representati'e personal accounts e.g.$
wages outstanding account"$ pre-paid insurance account$ etc.
Real Accounts
The accounts recording transaction relating to tangible things .which can be touched$
purchased and sold/ such as goods$ cash$ building$ machinery etc.$ areclassified as
intangible real accounts.
@hereas the accounts recording transactions relating to tangle things .which do not ha'e
physical shape/ such as goodwill$ patents and copy rights$ trade marks etc.$ are classified
as intangible real accounts.
Nominal Accounts
The accounts recording transactions relating to the losses$ gains$ e4penses and incomes
e.g.$ #ent$ salaries$ wages$ interest$ bad debts etc. areclassified as nominal accounts.
&s already discussed$ where'er a nominal account represents the amount payable to or
recei'able from certain persons it is known as representati'epersonal account.
Steps to Journalizing
The process of recording a transaction in the journal is called Journaliing!. The 'arious
steps to be followed in journaliing the business transactions are gi'en below.
9tep ,+ &scertain what accounts are in'ol'ed in a transaction.
9tep -+ ascertain what the nature of accounts in'ol'ed is.
9tep 6+ &scertain which rule of debit and credit is applicable for each of the
accounts in'ol'ed.
9tep 8+ &scertain which account is to be debited and which is to be credited.
9tep :+ #ecord the date of transaction in the date column!.
9tep A+ @rite the name of the account to be debited 'ery close to the left hand
side .i.e.$ the line demarcating the date column! and the particular column/!
along with the abbre'iation Dr.! on the same line against the name of the account
in particulars column! and the amount to be debited in the debit amount column!
against the name of the account.
9tep B+ @rite the name of the account to be credited in the ne4t line preceded by
the word To! at a few spaces towards right in particulars column! and the
amount to be credited in the credit amount column! against the name of the
9tep C+ @rite narration! .i.e.$ a brief description of the transaction/ within
brackets in the ne4t line in particulars column!
Draw a line across the entire Particulars column! to separate one Journal 2ntry
from the other.
Caracteristics of Journal
,. Journal is a book of original entry because transaction is recorded at first stage in this
-. Journal is the first step in the recording process of double entry system of book-
6. Journal is also known as day book or diary because transactions are recorded in it on
day to day basis as and when they take place.
8. Journal is a chronological record of all transactions taking place according to the order
of occurrence.
:. 2'ery entry in journal is accompanied with narration which describes$ briefly$ true
nature and conte4t of the transactions.
A. &mount of the transaction is recorded in both debit and credit column-side by side. *t
helps in maintaining arithmetical accuracy of the books.
B. Journal and ledger are interred linked because ne4t step after journal is the ledger.
Rules of Debit
!" Personal account is debited #en
i. & person owes us for recei'ing the benefit e.g. credit sales by the business.
ii. Dbligation of the business is discharged or reduced e.g. payment to a creditor.
iii. & person becomes liable to business for performance in future e.g. prepaid insurance.
$" Real account is debited #en
i. 9ome asset is purchased
ii. Ealue of the asset increases
%" Nominal account is debited #en
i. 24penditure is incurred e.g. payment of salary$ rent etc.
ii. 5oss is suffered due to some reason like fire$ theft etc.
Rules of Credit
!" Personal account is credited #en
i. ?usiness owes to some one for benefit recei'ed e.g. goods purchased on credit.
ii. Dbligation towards business is discharged or reduced by a person e.g.$ receipt from a
iii. 5iability of the business towards someone increases for getting some ser'ice or
benefit e.g.$ salaries7wages outstanding.
$" Real account is credited #en
i. &sset is sold
ii. &sset 'alue decreases due to depreciation etc.
%" Nominal account is credited #en
i. ?usiness earns income by way of interest$ di'idend0 commission etc.
ii. ?usiness gains e.g.$ bad debts reco'ered etc.
Some Specimen &ransactions ('llustration)
5et us consider few transactions to understand as to how the journal entries are recorded+
.,/ &mar started business with #s. ,F$FFF.
This means that &mar is a personal account and he is the gi'er of #s. ,F$FFF to the
business. ?usiness has recei'ed #s. ,F$FFF cash. &s per the rules debit what comes in
and credit the gi'er.
=ence the journal entry is+
%ash account G.Dr.
To &mar!s capital account
.?eing the commencement of business/
.-/ Dut of the abo'e #s. -$FFF are deposited in the bank.
This transaction results in opening an account with bank. ?ank account may be
considered as personal hence recei'er is debited. %ash goes out therefore credited. Thus
the journal entry is+
?ank account G.Dr.
To cash account
.?eing %ash deposited in the bank/
.6/ Purchased office furniture for cash worth #s. ,$FFF
This transaction results in ac(uiring a new asset i.e. furniture. #eal account debit what
comes in$ cash is paid for its purchase- credit what goes out.
3urniture account G.Dr.
To %ash account
.?eing the cash purchase of furniture/
.8/ Purchased goods for cash #s. ,$:FF
Purchase .of goods/ is real account- debit what comes in$ paid cash in e4change ) credit
what goes out.
Purchase account G.Dr.
To %ash account
.?eing cash purchases of goods/
.:/ Purchased goods from ?irender on credit for #s. -$FFF. Purchases account being the
real account will recei'e debit. ?irender!s personal account$ being the gi'er$ will recei'e
Purchase account G.Dr.
To ?irender
.?eing purchases on credit
.A/ 9old goods for cash #s. 6$FFF
9ales .of goods/ are real account ) credit what goes out. #ecei'ed cash in e4change )
debit what comes in.
%ash account G.Dr.
To 9ales account
.?eing the cash sales of goods/
.B/ 9old goods to %hetan on credit for #s. 6$:FF
9ales .of goods/ the real account ) credit what goes out. %hetan personal account ) debit
the recei'er.
%hetan G.Dr.
To 9ales account
.?eing the credit sales of goods/
.C/ #ecei'ed cash from %hetan #s. 6$86F. &llowed him discount of #s. BF
This transaction results in receipt of cash ) real account0 debit what comes in0 allowed
discount ) nominal account0 e4penses are debited0 %hetan a personal account ) credit the
%ash account G.Dr.
Discount account G.Dr.
To %hetan
.?eing cash receipt and discount allowed/
.H/ Paid cash to ?irender #s. ,H:F in full settlement of his account
*n this transaction ?irender is personal account0 he is the recei'er ) debit the reci'er0
account settled by paying #s. :F less is the discount a'ailed ) nominal account ) credit
income and cash-real account ) credit what goes out.
?irender G.Dr.
Discount account G.Dr.
To %ash account
.?eing payment of cash in settlement/
.,F/ Paid salaries #s. :FF
9alary is an e4pense0 nominal account0 e4penses are debited. %ash .real account goes out+
%redit what goes out.
9alaries account G.Dr.
To %ash account
.?eing the payment of salaries/
.,,/ #ecei'ed commission #s. ,FF
%ash has been recei'ed$ debit what come in. %ommission recei'ed is income. *ncomes
are credited.
%ash account G.Dr.
To %ommission account
.?eing the receipt of commission/
.,-/ %harged depreciation for full year on furniture I ,FJ
Depreciation in the 'alue of an asset is a loss$ it is nominal item and the rule is debiting
the losses. The 'alue of asset has decreased hence credit furniture account.
Depreciation account G.Dr.
To furniture account
.?eing depreciation on #s. ,FFF I ,FJ/
;ote on goods in-trade or stock-in-trade or merchandise is the term used to denote the
goods which are purchased and sold by a particular business in routine course. 3or
e4ample furniture for a dealer of furniture is known as goods" but for e'ery business
other than that of furniture is an asset.
>oods account is$ normally$ not opened instead it is sub-di'ided into for accounts namely
purchases0 sales0 #eturns inwards and #eturns outwards. *t is for con'enience and
practical utility.
(ints for Journalizing
The following discussion will help you in diagnosing the transaction with a 'iew to find
out which accounts are rele'ant for passing the journal entry.
!" &reatment of cas)credit transaction"
i.Purchased goods for #s. ,$-FF cash.
ii.Purchased goods for #s. ,$-FF
iii.Purchased goods for #s. ,$-FF from &run.
i'.Purchased goods for #s. ,$-FF from &run on cash
Transaction .i/ and .i'/ are clear as it has been specifically stated that purchases ha'e
been made on cash. Thus the entry is+
Purchases account Dr. ,$-FF
To %ash account ,$-FF
Transaction .ii/ and .iii/ are not specific as to whether the purchases are for cash or on
credit. =owe'er transaction .ii does not mention any name of the supplier0 therefore it
implies that the purchases are for cash. 9imilarly transaction .iii/ mentions the name of
the supplier but is silent regarding cash- it implies that purchases are on credit. Thus the
entry for transaction .iii/ is
Purchase account Dr. ,.-FF
To &run ,$-FF
$" &reatment of pa*ment on personal)e+penses account"
@hen payment is made to a person against amount due to him as per his ledger accont )
the personal account of the creditor should be debited. =owe'er if the payment is being
made to a person representing business e4penditure then the particular e4penditure
.nominal/ account should be debited. 3or e4ample .i/ Paid #s. :FF to Earun on account0
.ii/ Paid #s. :FF to Earun for his salary. *n transaction .i/ the entry is+
Earun Dr. :FF
To %ash account
*n transaction .ii/ the entry is+
9alary account Dr. :FF
To cash account :FF
%" &reatment of receipt on personal)income account"
@hen amount is recei'ed from a person against amount reco'erable from him as per
ledger account - the personal account of the debtor should be credited. =owe'er if the
amount recei'ed represents business income$ then the particular income .nominal/
account should be credited. 3or e4ample
i.#ecei'ed #s. CFF from Tarun on account.
ii.#ecei'ed #s. CFF from Tarun as commission
%ash account Dr. CFF
To Tarun CFF
%ash account Dr. CFF
To %ommission account CFF
," &reatment of trade discount
*n many cases the seller allows to the buyer deduction off the list price. 9uch deduction is
known as trade discount!. Trade discount as such is not recorded in the books. The
transaction is recorded with only the net amount i.e. .list price ) trade discount/. 3or
9old goods to #aman list price #s. ,FFF$ trade discount ,FJ
#aman a7c Dr. HFF
To sales a7c HFF
-" &reatment of cas discount (full settlement)"
*n some cases creditor may allow some concession to his debtor to prompt him to make
the payment within the period of credit allowed. 9uch concession is known as cash
discount!. *t allowed by the person recei'ing the payment and represents e4penditure. *t
is a'ailed by the person making the payment and represents income. 3or e4ample+
.i/ #ecei'ed #s. ,$FFF from Triloki ;ath in full settlement against the amount due from
him #s. ,$F:F.
%ash a7c Dr. ,$FFF
Discount allowed a7c Dr. :F
To Triloki ;ath ,$F:F
.ii/ Paid #s. HAF to Darbara 9ingh in full settlement against the amount due to him #s.
Darabara 9ingh Dr. ,$FFF
To %ash a7c HAF
To Discount recei'ed a7c 8F
." &reatment of /ad debts (debtor becoming insol0ent)
&n amount due from a debtor may become irreco'erable either partially or wholly.
#eason may be that he has been declared insol'ent or any other. 9uch irreco'erable
amount represents loss to the business and is debited to bad debts account. 3or e4ample+
9arkar who owed us #s. ,$FFF is declared insol'ent and AF paisa in the rupee is recei'ed
as final di'idends form his estate.
%ash a7c Dr. AFF
?ad debts a7c Dr. 8FF
To 9arkar ,$FFF
1" &reatment of /ad debts reco0ered"
*t is e'ident from the abo'e entry that whene'er irreco'erable amount is written off the
personal account is credited. *f after some time any payment is recei'ed a debt pre'iously
written of then it represents income and as such should be credited to an accounted styled
as bad debts reco'ered amount!. Personal account must not be credited. 3or e4ample+
%handji remitted #s. 8FF against the amount pre'iously written off as bad.
%ash a7c Dr. 8FF
To ?ad debts reco'ered a7c 8FF
2" &reatment of personal e+penses of te o#ner"
*t is (uite common for the proprietor to withdraw cash or goods from the business for
personal or domestic use. 9ometimes premium on the life policy of the owner may also
be paid by the business. 9imilarly income ta4 payable by the proprietor may be paid by
business. &ll this represents owner!s personal e4penses and are debited to his personal
account 'i. drawings account. 3or e4ample+
K withdrew goods for the marriage of his daughter$ ;alini$ selling price of which was #s.
CFF .-:J is added to the cost for fi4ing the selling price/.
K!d drawing a7c Dr. A8F
To Purchases a7c A8F
;ote that drawings account has been debited by #s. A8F0 representing cost of purchases
.,FF7,-:KCFF/ and purchases account has been credited at cost price.
3" &reatment of pa*ment)receipt on bealf of customer or supplier"
*n some cases business might pay e4penses on behalf of its customers. 9uch payments do
not constitute the e4penditure of business. =ence it should be debited to the personal
account of the concerned customer. 3or e4ample+
Paid cartage on behalf of our customer 1r. ?hushan #s. :F
?hushan Dr. :F
To %ash a7c :F
9imilarly business might recei'e any amount on behalf of its supplier. 9uch receipt does
not become the income of business. =ence it should be credited to the personal account
of the supplier. 3or e4ample.
#ecei'ed interest #s. BF on behalf of our supplier 1r. 9ashi.
%ash a7c Dr. BF
To shashi BF
!4" &reatment of e+cange of ne# asset #it old one"
9ometimes business may e4change its old asset with new one ) only the diference in
'alue is paid in cash. *n such cases asset account needs debit only with the actual amount
paid in cash.
24changed old furniture for new0 the 'alue of old furniture was #s. 6:F while the 'alue
of new furniture was #s. HFF balance paid in cash.
3urniture a7c Dr. ::F
To %ash ::F
!!" &reatment of goods gi0en as carit*)ad0ertisement
?usiness might distribute goods as free samples! to ad'ertise its products. *n some cases
it may also distribute goods as charity to boost its image. ?oth ad'ertisment! and
charity! are e4penses of the business$ hence should be debited and purchases account
should be created. 3or e4ample+
>a'e away as charity goods costing #s. ,FF and cash #s. :,
%harity a7c Dr. ,:,
To purchase a7c ,FF
To %ash a7c :,
!$" &reatment of goods lost in accident)fire"
*n certain case a business might suffer loss of goods due to some accident or fire etc.
destroyed or damaged goods might ha'e been insured also. *n such cases total 'alue of
goods lost or destroyed is credited to purchases account and the .i/ insurance claim
admitted is debited to *nsurance %ompany .ii/ balance is debited to loss by accident7fire
account. 3or e4ample+
>oods worth #s. 8$FFF were destroyed in a fire. 9tock of goods was insured against fire
to the e4tent of CFJ of their 'alue. *nsurance company paid proportionate claim in cash.
%ash a7c Dr. 6$-FF
5oss by fire a7c Dr. CFF
To purchases a7c 8$FFF
!%" &reatment of depreciation carged on fi+ed assets"
3i4ed assets are those properties7possessions of the business which are used for carrying
on of business 'i. plant$ machinery$ building etc. Depreciation is the permanent decrease
in the 'alue of an asset due to wear and tear0 passage of time and obsolescence.
Depreciation is treated as business e4penditure. Depreciation account is debited and the
respecti'e asset account is credited. 3or e4ample+
Plant purchased for #s. BF$FFF. Pro'ide depreciation I ,FJ p.a. for full year on original
Depreciation &7c Dr. B$FFF
To plant a7c B$FFF
!," &reatment of pa*ment)receipt of representati0e personal accounts"
&t the close of the pre'ious accounting year a business might ha'e incurred e4penditure
which remained unpaid. *t is known as outstanding e4penditure!. *t is a representati'e
personal account. @hen actual payment is made in current accounting period the
concerned account is debited and cash account is credited. 3or e4ample+
9alary due in December$ -FFH were paid in January$ -F,F #s. :$FFF
Dutstanding 9alaries a7c Dr. :$FFF
To %ash a7c :$FFF
9imilarly income accrued due but not recei'ed in the pre'ious accounting period is
known as *ncome accrued due! and is representati'e personal account. Dn actual receipt
the concerned account is credited and cash account is debited. 3or e4ample+
#ent accrued due$ on building let-out$ in December -FFH amounting to #s. :$FFF
recei'ed in January -F,F.
%ash a7c Dr. :$FFF
To &ccrued rent a7c :$FFF
Compound (combined) 5ournal entries
*n most of the cases journal entry has one account to be debited and one account to be
credited it should be termed as simple journal entry. *n some cases entry may contain
more than one debit or more than one credit or both. *n such cases the entry is known as
compound journal entry. %ompound entries are passed only when the following
conditions are satisfied.
i.Transactions take place on the same day0
ii.Dne aspect of these transactions is common and
iii.;umber of accounts in'ol'ed is more than two.
&ctually when more than one entry is combined it becomes a compound entry.
%ompound entries may assume me anyone of the following forms+
i.Debiting one account and crediting two or more accounts.
ii.Debiting tow or more accounts and crediting one account.
iii.Debiting se'eral accounts and crediting se'eral accounts.
The following e4ample makes the process of passing compound entries clear.
,. 1oti 5al starts business with #s. ,F$FFF cash and a building worth #s. :F$FFF.
-. Purchased goods worth #s. -F$FFF out of which goods with #s. ,-$FFF was on
credit from 9hyam 5al.
6. 9old goods on credit worth #s. ,A$FFF to #am ;ath.
8. #ecei'ed #s. ,:$AFF from #am ;ath in full settlement of his account.
:. Paid #s. ,,$CFF to 9hyam 5al in full settlement of #s.. ,-$FFF due to him.
A. Paid wages #s. :FF and salaries #s. -$FFF
B. Purchased machinery from 1arshal and 9ons for #s. -$FFF on %redit.
C. Depreciation of #s. -FF was pro'ided on the machinery at the year end.
H. @ithdrew #s. :FF from the business for personal e4penses.
,F. & che(ue amounting to #s. :FF deposited in the bank was returned dishonored.
Journal 6ntries
9. ;o. Date Particulars 5.f. Debit .#s./ %redit .#s./
.a/ %ash a7c Dr. ,F$FFF
?uilding a7c Dr. :F$FFF
To %apital a7c
.?eing business started with cash and
.b/ Purchases a7c Dr. -F$FFF
To %ash a7c C$FFF
To 9hyam 5al!s a7c ,-$FFF
.c/ #am ;ath!s a7c Dr. ,A$FFF
To 9ales a7c
.being goods sold on credit/
.d/ %ash a7c Dr. ,:$AFF
Discount allowed a7c Dr. 8FF
To #am ;ath!s a7c
.?eing cash recei'ed and discount
.e/ 9hyam 5al!s a7c Dr. ,-$FFF
To %ash a7c ,,$CFF
To Discount recei'ed a7c
.?eing cash paid and discount
.f/ @ages a7c Dr. :FF
9alaries a7c Dr. -$FFF
To %ash a7c
.?eing machinery purchased on
.g/ 1achinery a7c Dr. -$FFF
To 1arshal and sons
.?eing machinery purchased on
.h/ Depreciation a7c Dr. :FF
To %ash a7c
.?eing amount with drawn for
personal use/
.i/ Dr. awings a7c Dr. :FF
To %ash a7c
.?eing depreciation pro'ided for the
.j/ %ustomer!s a7c Dr. :FF
To bank a7c
.?eing %he(ue deposited dishonored
&rticle 9ource+ Double 2ntry ?ook Leeping .?ook/

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