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Component 2:

The Culture of
Instructor Manual
Version 3.0/Spring 2012
otes to Instructors
This Instructor Manual is a resource for instructors using this component. Each
component is broken down into units, which include the following elements:
Learning objectives
uggested student readings, te!ts, reference links to supplement the
narrated "ower"oint slides
Lectures #voiceover "ower"oint in $lash format%& "ower"oint slides
#Microsoft "ower"oint format%, lecture transcripts #Microsoft 'ord format%&
and audio files #M"( format% for each lecture
elf)assessment *uestions reflecting +nit ,bjectives with answer ke-s
and.or e!pected outcomes
/pplication /ctivities #e.g., discussion *uestions, assignments, projects%
with instructor guidelines, answer ke-s and.or e!pected outcomes
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum The 1ulture of 0ealthcare 2
3ersion (.4.pring 2452
This material was developed by Oregon Health & Science University, funded by the Department of Health and Human Services,
Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
6otes to Instructors............................................................................................................2
1omponent 2.+nit 5.........................................................................................................(9
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E!amples. <etrieved from author, +sed with "ermission. ............................................(=
1omponent 2.+nit 2.........................................................................................................(>
1omponent 2.+nit (.........................................................................................................8(
+nit <eferences...............................................................................................................8(
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3ersion (.4.pring 2452
This material was developed by Oregon Health & Science University, funded by the Department of Health and Human Services,
Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
C.Hournal of the /merican Medical /ssociation.#2455%. :lossar- of methodologic terms.
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This material was developed by Oregon Health & Science University, funded by the Department of Health and Human Services,
Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
(.2 1hart: E!ample of a healthcare organiLational structure #0ickman 2452, 11 FA)
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Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
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5.:awande., /, #2442%. 1omplications: / -oung surgeonOs notes on an imperfect
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3ersion (.4.pring 2452
This material was developed by Oregon Health & Science University, funded by the Department of Health and Human Services,
Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
8.Le- ". 1ommunicating with patients: Improving communication, satisfaction and
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5.7ohert- 6$, Bing M. #2449%. $rom technical to socio)technical change: tackling the
human and organiLational aspects of s-stems development projects. European Hournal
of Information -stems .58, 5;9......................................................................................>5
2.Mc:l-nn, E., /sch, ., et al. #244(%. The *ualit- of healthcare delivered to adults in
the +nited tates. 6ew England Hournal of Medicine, (8>: 2D(9)2D89..........................>5
(.Miller, T., Frennan, T., et al. #244C%. 0ow can we make more progress in measuring
ph-siciansO performance to improve the value of care? 0ealth /ffairs, 2>: 582C)58(=.. >2
8.ociotechnical s-stems at ........>2
9.Tang, "., <alston, M., et al. #244=%. 1omparison of methodologies for calculating
*ualit- measures based on administrative data versus clinical data from an electronic
health record s-stem: implications for performance measures. Hournal of the /merican
Medical Informatics /ssociation, 58: 54)59.....................................................................>2
D.Timeline of medicine and medical technolog- at ...............>2
=.3onnegut, M. #244=%. Is *ualit- improvement improving *ualit-? / view from the
doctorOs office. 6ew England Hournal of Medicine, (9=: 2D92)2D9(...............................>2
>.'orld 0ealth organiLation 99th 'orld 0ealth /ssembl-. Gualit- of care: patient
safet-. <eport b- the ecretariat, 2442'0/99.ea995(.pdf ..........................................>2
1omponent /cron-m :lossar-........................................................................................>(
1reative 1ommons /ttribution)6on1ommercial)hare/like (.4 +nported ....................>9
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Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
Component !"er"ie#
$or individuals not familiar with healthcare, this component addresses job e!pectations
in healthcare settings. It discusses how care is organiLed within a practice setting,
privac- laws, and professional and ethical issues encountered in the workplace.
Component !$%ecti"es
/t the completion of this component, the student will be able to:
5. 7escribe the major t-pes of clinical personnel involved in healthcare, including their
education and training, certification and licensure, and t-pical roles in healthcare.
2. 7escribe the major t-pes of settings in which healthcare occurs including ambulator-
care, acute and emergenc- care, hospital based and critical care, and communit-
health and public health settings.
(. 7escribe the major processes of information gathering, anal-sis, and documentation
used b- clinicians to detect, understand, and prevent or treat diseases.
8. :ive e!amples and e!plain the differences between common forms of care deliver-
including episodic one)on)one care, multidisciplinar- care, interdisciplinar- care,
care of chronic conditions, population based care, disease management, long)term
care, and end of life care.
9. 7escribe the role of communit- health and public health in managing illness
outbreaks, epidemics, and pandemics.
D. +nderstand the basic principles of evidence)based practice, including the application
of the best evidence in clinical decision)making.
=. 7escribe common forms of *ualit- measurement, performance improvement, and
incentive pa-ment schemes meant to influence care deliver-.
>. 7iscuss the role of medical ethics and professional values in care deliver- including
such issues as ethical conflicts, and health disparities.
C. +nderstand the concepts underl-ing the application of privac-, confidentialit-, and
securit- to health care practice and information technolog-, being able to help
individuals and organiLations adhere to the 0I"// "rivac- and ecurit- <ules.
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Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
Component &uthors
&ssigne' Institution
,regon 0ealth P cience +niversit-
Team (ea'
3ishnu Mohan, M7
,regon 0ealth P cience +niversit-
)rimar* Contri$uting &uthors
"aul :orman, M7
,regon 0ealth P cience +niversit-
Tim 0ickman, M7
+niversit- of Missouri, Bansas 1it-
3ishnu Mohan, M7
,regon 0ealth P cience +niversit-
'illiam 0ersh, M7
,regon 0ealth P cience +niversit-
(ecture arration
3oiceover Talent
1onnie Fowman

Soun' +ngineer
Mike 1ollins, :lenwood ound
Faltimore, M7 . 'ashington, 71
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum The 1ulture of 0ealthcare (2
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This material was developed by Oregon Health & Science University, funded by the Department of Health and Human Services,
Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
Team Mem$ers
helb- /cteson, MEd
Instructional pecialist
,regon 0ealth P cience +niversit-
1orke- 7evlin, F$/, "M"
"roject Manager
,regon 0ealth P cience +niversit-
'illiam 0ersh, M7
"rincipal Investigator
"rofessor and 1hair of the 7epartment of Medical Informatics
,regon 0ealth P cience +niversit-
6athan kidmore, F/
Instructional 7esign /ssistant
,regon 0ealth P cience +niversit-
1hris 'eldon, F
'eb pecialist
,regon 0ealth P cience +niversit-
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Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
These materials were prepared under the sponsorship of an agency of the United
States )overnment( Neither the United States )overnment nor any agency thereof, nor
any of their employees, ma*es any warranty, e+press or implied, or assumes any legal
liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any
information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would
not infringe privately owned rights( ,eference herein to any specific commercial
product, process, or service by trade name, trademar*, manufacturer, or otherwise
does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring
by the United States )overnment or any agency thereof( The views and opinions of
authors e+pressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States
)overnment or any agency thereof(

-i*ewise, the above also applies to the urriculum Development enters .including
olumbia University, Du*e University, /ohns Hop*ins University, Oregon Health &
Science University, University of "labama at 0irmingham, and their affiliated entities1(
The information contained in the Health !T 2or*force urriculum materials is intended
to be accessible to all( To help ma*e this possible, the materials are provided in a
variety of file formats( Some people may not find the 3lash video and (S23 files
accessible and should instead utili4e the 5ower5oint slides together with the (mp6
audio file and7or 2ord transcript to access the lectures( 3or more information, please
visit the website of the National Training and Dissemination enter at http877www(onc9
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Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
Component 2/-nit 1
-nit Title
&n !"er"ie# of the Culture of Healthcare
-nit ,escription
This introductor- unit discusses some of the underl-ing concepts of health, culture, and
how health informatics applications can be used to stud- culture.
-nit !$%ecti"es
F- the end of this unit the student will be able to:
5. 7istinguish between disease and illness. #Lecture a%
2. 7iscuss the relationship between health and the healthcare s-stem.
#Lecture a, b%
(. 7efine OcultureO in the classic sense, as well as in the modern sense of the
term, and what it means for culture to be partial, plural, and relative.
#Lecture a, b%
8. E!plain the concept of Ocultural competenceO. #Lecture a%
9. E!plain the concepts and distinguish between OcultureO, Ocultural safet-O,
and Osafet- cultureO, as applied to organiLations. #Lecture a%
D. Fe aware of the multiple cultures that interact in healthcare deliver-.
#Lecture a, b%
=. 7efine OacculturationO and how it relates to working in healthcare settings.
#Lecture a%
>. Fe able to give e!amples of health informatics applications of the stud- of
culture. #Lecture a, b%
-nit Topics / (ecture Titles
5. 'hat is meant b- Vthe culture of healthcareV
2. Learning more about the culture of healthcare
-nit .eferences
(ecture 1a
5. Fateson, M. 1. #5C>C, 6ovember%. 0ealth as artifact. /ournal of 5rofessional
Nursing, '#D%, (22)(29.
2. ulture 9 #%&& :eSH Descriptor Data. #2455%. <etrieved 7ecember 58, 2455,
from 6ational Librar- of Medicine ) Medical ubject 0eadings website:
(. Bleinman, /., Eisenberg, L., P :ood, F. #5C=>, $ebruar- 5%. 1ulture, Illness, and
1are ) 1linical Lessons from /nthropologic and 1ross)1ultural <esearch. "nnals
of !nternal :edicine, ;;#2%, 295)29>.
8. 2hat !s ultural ompetency< #2449, ,ctober 5C%. <etrieved 6ovember 24,
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum The 1ulture of 0ealthcare (9
3ersion (.4.pring 2452
This material was developed by Oregon Health & Science University, funded by the Department of Health and Human Services,
Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
2455, from +.. 7epartment of 0ealth P 0uman ervices website:!?lvlE2PlvlI7E55
(ecture 1a Charts/ Ta$les an' 0igures
5.5 1hart: http877www(healthsentinel(com7=oomla7images7stories7graphs7us9deaths9
&>%%9&>?'(=pg. #n.d.%. <etrieved 6ovember 24, 2455, from 0ealth entinel website: +sed with "ermission.
2.2 $igure: 'agner, E. 0. #5CC>%. hronic disease management8 2hat will it ta*e to
improve care for chronic illness< <etrieved from Improving 1hronic Illness 1are
website: +sed
with "ermission.
(ecture 1a Images
lide 55: :orman, ". #"hotographer%. #n.d.%. Q+ntitled images of healthcare
professionalsR, <etreived from author, +sed with "ermission.
(ecture 1$
5. /gar, M. #5CC5%. The biculture in bilingual. Language in ociet-, 24 , pp 5D=)5>2
2. Feuscart)Uephir, M. 1., "elavo, ., /nceau!, $., Meau!, H., 7egroisse, M., P
7egoulet, ". #2449, /ugust%. Impact of 1",E on doctor;nurse cooperation for
the medication ordering and administration process. !nternational /ournal of
:edical !nformatics, @$#=)>%, D2C)D85. <etrieved from>D949D4944459>
(. Foutin)$oster 1, $oster H1, Bonopasek L. "h-sician, know th-self: The
professional culture of medicine as a framework for teaching cultural
competence. "cad :ed 244>&>(#5%:54D;55.
8. FruLLi, H. $. #244D, $ebruar-%. "erspective: The 'ords 1ount X <adiolog- and
Medical Linguistics. New Angland /ournal of :edicine, 6'$, DD9)DD=.
9. $afchamps 7, Aoung 1A, Tang "1. Modelling work practices: input to the design
of a ph-sicianOs workstation. "roc /nnu -mp 1omput /ppl Med
1are. 5CC5:=>>;=C2.
D. $ors-th, 7. <. #5CCC%.)roup dynamics #(rd ed.%. Felmont, 1/: 'adsworth.
=. $ors-the 7E, Fuchanan F:, ,sheroff H/, Miller </. E!panding the concept of
medical information: an observational stud- of ph-siciansO information
needs. 1omput Fiomed <es.5CC2 /pr&29#2%:5>5;244.
>. 0o, 7., Siao, A., 3aid-a, 3., P 0u, ". #244=%. 1ommunication and ense)Making
in Intensive 1are: /n ,bservation tud- of Multi)7isciplinar- <ounds to 7esign
1omputeriLed upporting Tools. ":!" "nnual Symposium 5roceedings "rchive,
(2C;(((. <etrieved from"M12D99C24.
C. Bleinman, /., P Fenson, ". #244D%. /nthropolog- in the clinic: The problem of
cultural competenc- and how to fi! it. 5ublic -ibrary of Science
:edicine, (, 5D=(;5D=D.
54. "atterson, E. ., 1ook, <. I., P <ender, M. L. #2442%. Improving "atient afet- b-
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum The 1ulture of 0ealthcare (D
3ersion (.4.pring 2452
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Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
Identif-ing ide Effects from Introducing Far 1oding in Medication
/dministration. / "m :ed !nform "ssoc, >, 984)99(.
55. "aul, ./., <edd-, M.1.: +nderstanding together: sensemaking in collaborative
information seeking. In: "roceedings of the 2454 /1M 1onference on 1omputer
upported 1ooperative 'ork, pp. (25;((4. /1M, avannah #2454%
52. aikh, F. T. #n.d.%. Supercourse. <etrieved 6ovember 24, 2455, from website:
5(. 3entres, '., Booienga, ., 3uckovic, 6., Marlin, <., 6-gren, "., P tewart, 3.
#244D, March%. "h-sicians, "atients, and the Electronic 0ealth <ecord: /n
Ethnographic /nal-sis. "nnals of 3amily :edicine, $#2%, 528)5(5. <etrieved from
58. 3uckovic, 6. 0., Lavelle, M., P :orman, ". #2448, eptember%. Eavesdropping
as 6ormative Fehavior in a 1ardiac Intensive 1are +nit. National "ssociation for
Healthcare Buality, '9)5 ) '9)D. <etrieved from www.nah*.org.journal
(ecture 1$ Charts/ Ta$les an' 0igures
5.( Table: :orman, ". #n.d.% $ield tudies to upport 0IT 7esign and Evaluation ;
E!amples. <etrieved from author, +sed with "ermission.
-nit Suggeste' .ea'ings
5. /gar. 1ulture: 1an Aou Take It /n-where? Invited Lecture "resented at the
:evirtL :raduate chool of Education, +niversit- of 1alifornia at anta Farbara.
International Hournal of Gualitative Methods #244>% vol. 9 #2% pp. 5)52.
2. Foutin)$oster et al. 3iewpoint: ph-sician, know th-self: the professional culture of
medicine as a framework for teaching cultural competence. /cademic Medicine
#244>% vol. >( #5% pp. 54D
(. Bleinman et al. 1ulture, illness, and care: clinical lessons from anthropologic and
cross)cultural research. /nnals of Internal Medicine #5C=>% #>>% pp. 295)29>
8. Bleinman and Fenson. /nthropolog- in the clinic: The problem of cultural
competenc- and how to fi! it. "Lo Med #244D% vol. ( #54% pp. e2C8
9. Uhang et al. afet- culture: / concept in chaos. 0uman $actors and Ergonomics
ociet- /nnual Meeting "roceedings #2442% vol. 8D #59% pp. 5848)584>
Stu'ent &pplication &cti"ities
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum The 1ulture of 0ealthcare (=
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Component 2/-nit 2
-nit Title
Health )rofessionals 1 the )eople in Healthcare
-nit ,escription
This unit discusses the health professionals who deliver healthcare and the training
needed to work in these professions. The following professionals are described in this
unit: ph-sicians, nurses, advanced practice nurses, ph-sician assistants, pharmacists,
therapists, allied health professionals, paramedics, EMTs, dental professionals, mental
health professionals, and social workers.
-nit !$%ecti"es
F- the end of this unit the student will be able to:
5. 7efine terms used in healthcare including clinician, patient, disease, and
s-ndrome and in health professionalsK education and training. #Lecture a%
2. 7escribe the education, training, certification, licensure and roles of
ph-sicians including those in primar- care and other specialties. #Lecture
(. 7escribe the education, training, certification, licensure and roles of
nurses, advanced practice nurses, L"6s, M/Ks and Medication /ids. .
#Lecture b%
8. 7escribe the education, training, certification, licensure and roles of
ph-sician assistants, pharmacists, therapists, allied health professionals.
#Lecture c%
9. 7escribe the education, training, certification, licensure and roles of
paramedics, EMTs, dental professionals, mental health professionals, and
social workers. #Lecture c%
-nit Topics / (ecture Titles
5. Introduction and "h-sicians
2. 6ursing "rofessionals
(. "h-sician assistants, "harmacists, Therapists, Technicians, "aramedics, 7ental
"rofessionals, Mental 0ealth "rofessionals, 1are 1oordinators
-nit .eferences
(ecture 2a
5. /ccreditation 1ouncil for :raduate Medical Education. #2454%. Number of
accredited programs for the current academic year .#%&%9#%&&1( <etrieved from
2. /merican Foard of Medical pecialties. #2454%. How a physician becomes board
certified( <etrieved from
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum The 1ulture of 0ealthcare (>
3ersion (.4.pring 2452
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Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'('ho@'e@0elp.1onsumers.process.asp!
(. /merican Medical /ssociation. #2454%. Health professions( <etrieved from
8. /merican Medical /ssociation. #2454%.1areers in healthcare <etrieved from
9. /merican Medical /ssociation. #2454%. Health professions associations(
<etrieved from http:..www.ama)
D. /merican Medical /ssociation. #2454%. Health professions education accrediting
agencies( <etrieved from http:..www.ama)
=. /merican Medical /ssociation. #2454%. Health care income ranges( <etrieved
from http:..www.ama)
>. E!plore 0ealth careers. #2454%. 1areer e+plorer( <etrieved from
C. 0ealth careers in Michgan. #2454%. Health careers videos( <etrieved from,5D4=,=)225)(C=82@(C89=))),44.html
54. 0</: Fureau of 0ealth "rofessions. #2454%. National center for health
wor*force analysis8 health wor*force personnel factboo*. <etrieved from
55. Medline "lus. #2454%. Health occupations( <etrieved from
52. Merriam)'ebster Medical 7ictionar-. #2454% #various terminolog- definitions%
<etrieved from
5(. 6ational Institutes of 0ealth. #2454%. Office of science education lifewor*sC8
e+plore health and medical science careers( <etrieved from'orks.nsf.feature.inde!.htm
58. 6ational Institutes of 0ealth. #2454%. Office of science education lifewor*sC8
e+plore health and medical science careers(. "lphabetical list( <etrieved from'orks.nsf.alpha.htm
59. 6ational Institutes of 0ealth. #2454%. Office of science education lifewor*sC8
e+plore health and medical science careers( Aducation reDuirements. <etrieved
5D. 6ational Institutes of 0ealth. #2454%. Office of science education lifewor*sC8
e+plore health and medical science careers( Interest area( <etrieved from'orks.nsf.interestarea.htm
5=. 6ational Institutes of 0ealth. #2454%. Office of science education lifewor*sC8
e+plore health and medical science careers( :edian salary( <etrieved from'orks.nsf.salar-.htm
(ecture 2a Charts/ Ta$les an' 0igures
2.5 $igure 0ickman, T. #2454% <etrieved from author, +sed with "ermission.
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum The 1ulture of 0ealthcare (C
3ersion (.4.pring 2452
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Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
(ecture 2$
5. /merican Medical /ssociation. #2454%. Health professions( <etrieved from
2. /merican Medical /ssociation. #2454%.1areers in healthcare <etrieved from
(. /merican Medical /ssociation. #2454%. Health professions associations(
<etrieved from http:..www.ama)
8. /merican Medical /ssociation. #2454%. Health professions education accrediting
agencies( <etrieved from http:..www.ama)
9. /merican Medical /ssociation. #2454%. Health care income ranges( <etrieved
from http:..www.ama)
D. E!plore 0ealth careers. #2454%. 1areer e+plorer( <etrieved from
=. 0ealth careers in Michgan. #2454%. Health careers videos( <etrieved from,5D4=,=)225)(C=82@(C89=))),44.html
>. 0</: Fureau of 0ealth "rofessions. #2454%. National center for health
wor*force analysis8 health wor*force personnel factboo*. <etrieved from
C. Medline "lus. #2454%. Health occupations( <etrieved from
54. 6ational Institutes of 0ealth. #2454%. Office of science education lifewor*sC8
e+plore health and medical science careers( <etrieved from'orks.nsf.feature.inde!.htm
55. 6ational Institutes of 0ealth. #2454%. Office of science education lifewor*sC8
e+plore health and medical science careers(. "lphabetical list( <etrieved from'orks.nsf.alpha.htm
52. 6ational Institutes of 0ealth. #2454%. Office of science education lifewor*sC8
e+plore health and medical science careers( Aducation reDuirements. <etrieved
5(. 6ational Institutes of 0ealth. #2454%. Office of science education lifewor*sC8
e+plore health and medical science careers( Interest area( <etrieved from'orks.nsf.interestarea.htm
58. 6ational Institutes of 0ealth. #2454%. Office of science education lifewor*sC8
e+plore health and medical science careers( :edian salary( <etrieved from'orks.nsf.salar-.htm
(ecture 2c
5. /merican Medical /ssociation. #2454%. Health professions( <etrieved from
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum The 1ulture of 0ealthcare 84
3ersion (.4.pring 2452
This material was developed by Oregon Health & Science University, funded by the Department of Health and Human Services,
Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
2. /merican Medical /ssociation. #2454%.1areers in healthcare <etrieved from
(. /merican Medical /ssociation. #2454%. Health professions associations(
<etrieved from http:..www.ama)
8. /merican Medical /ssociation. #2454%. Health professions education accrediting
agencies( <etrieved from http:..www.ama)
9. /merican Medical /ssociation. #2454%. Health care income ranges( <etrieved
from http:..www.ama)
D. E!plore 0ealthcareers. #2454%. 1areer e+plorer( <etrieved from
=. 0ealth careers in Michgan. #2454%. Health careers videos( <etrieved from,5D4=,=)225)(C=82@(C89=))),44.html
>. 0</: Fureau of 0ealth "rofessions. #2454%. National center for health
wor*force analysis8 health wor*force personnel factboo*. <etrieved from
C. Medline "lus. #2454%. Health occupations( <etrieved from
54. 6ational Institutes of 0ealth. #2454%. Office of science education lifewor*sC8
e+plore health and medical science careers( <etrieved from'orks.nsf.feature.inde!.htm
55. 6ational Institutes of 0ealth. #2454%. Office of science education lifewor*sC8
e+plore health and medical science careers(. "lphabetical list( <etrieved from'orks.nsf.alpha.htm
52. 6ational Institutes of 0ealth. #2454%. Office of science education lifewor*sC8
e+plore health and medical science careers( Aducation reDuirements. <etrieved
5(. 6ational Institutes of 0ealth. #2454%. Office of science education lifewor*sC8
e+plore health and medical science careers( Interest area( <etrieved from'orks.nsf.interestarea.htm
58. 6ational Institutes of 0ealth. #2454%. Office of science education lifewor*sC8
e+plore health and medical science careers( :edian salary( <etrieved from'orks.nsf.salar-.htm
59. 6ational <egistr- of Emergenc- Medical Technicians. #2454%. National A:S
certification e+aminations( ,etrieved from http877www(nremt(org
-nit Suggeste' .ea'ings
5. /bood . Gualit- improvement initiative in nursing homes: the /6/ acts in an
advisor- role. /m H 6urs QInternetR. 2442 Hun Qcited 2442 /ug 52R&542#D%:Qabout 5
p.R. /vailable from:'awatch.htm/rticle
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2. 1arlson FM. 0uman embr-olog- and developmental biolog-. (rd ed. t. Louis:
Mosb-& 2448.
Stu'ent &pplication &cti"ities
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Component 2/-nit 3
-nit Title
Healthcare Settings 1 The )laces 2here Care is ,eli"ere'
-nit ,escription
This unit describes healthcare deliver- sites including outpatient care, hospitals, tertiar-
care centers, academic medical centers, the 3/ healthcare s-stem, the militar- health
s-stem, the Indian health service, and non)traditional deliver- sites such as school)
based, communit-)based, and emplo-er)based sites. It also specificall- e!amines the
structure, function and interrelationship between healthcare settings.
-nit !$%ecti"es
F- the end of this unit the student will be able to:
5. 7ifferentiate the range of care deliver- organiLations, including primar-
care, specialt- care, tertiar- care, inpatient and outpatient facilities, long)
term care hospitals, and long)term care facilities #Lecture a%
2. /nal-Le the organiLation of healthcare deliver- from the perspective of a
Jcontinuum of care,M such as ambulator- services, in)patient care, long)
term care, and end)of)life care #Lecture a%
(. Evaluate the similarities and differences of communit- hospitals, teaching
hospitals, and communit- health clinics #Lecture a%
8. 7escribe the various departments and services offered b- an outpatient
clinic, communit- hospital, academic medical center, and long)term care
facilit- #Lecture b%
9. E!plain the wa-s in which these departments interact and the services
relate #Lecture b%
D. peculate on the data and information that are created and used b-
people in these departments #Lecture b%
=. 7escribe wa-s in which medical and.or information technolog- has
improved interdepartmental communication and how that has improved
the patient e!perience #Lecture b%
-nit Topics/(ectures
5. <ange of care
2. 1ontinuum of care
(. 7epartments and services
8. Interrelationships
9. Medical data use and impact
-nit .eferences
(ecture 3a
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum The 1ulture of 0ealthcare 8(
3ersion (.4.pring 2452
This material was developed by Oregon Health & Science University, funded by the Department of Health and Human Services,
Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
1. /merican 0ospital /ssociate. #2455.% $ast facts on + hospitals. <etrieved from'ies/fast3facts.shtml
2. 1enters for Medicare and Medicaid ervices. #2455%. 'hat are long)term care
hospitals? <etrieved from'icare.go"/pu$lications/pu$s/p'f/11345.p'f
3. 7epartment of 0ealth and 0uman ervices, 6ational 1learing 0ouse for Long
Term 1are Information. #2455%. ervices and providers. <etrieved from
8. 7epartment of 3eterans /ffairs. #2455% /bout the 30/ #3eterans 0ealth
/dministration%. <etrieved from
8. 7onaldson M, Aord- B7, Lohr B6, 3anselow, Eds& 1ommittee on the $uture of
"rimar- 1are, Institute of Medicine. #5CCD%. "rimar- care: /mericas health in a
new era. 'ashington, 71: 6ational /cadem- "ress. p. (5)(2. <etrieved from:
;. 0ealthcare trateg- :roup. Emplo-er health clinics)threat and opportunit-.
<etrieved from
5. 0ealth <esources and 0ealth /dministration, Fureau of 0ealth "rofessions.
#2455%. 'hat is a health center? <etrieved from
>. Indian 0ealth ervices, 7epartment of 0ealth and 0uman ervices. #2445%.
Indian 0ealth ervice: / *uick look retrieved from"ublic/ffairs.I0Frochure.GuickLook2455.asp.
<. Hournal of the /merican Medical /ssociation.#2455%. :lossar- of methodologic
terms. <etrieved from http://%ama.ama3*
54. Bane <L. #2455%. $inding the right level of posthospital care: J'e didnKtK realiLe
there was an- other optionM. The Hournal of the /merican Medical /ssociation,
(49#(%, 2>8)2C(.
55. Militar- 0ealth -stem, + 7epartment of 7efense. /bout M0. <etrieved from,rganiLations.Inde!.asp!
52. 6ational /ssembl- on chool)Fased 0ealth 1are. #2455% /bout school)based
health. <etrieved from,3LkBDE.b.=92>C(9.k.>8E/./bout@F01s
13. "alliative 1are /ustralia. 244>. "alliative and End of Life 1are: :lossar- of
terms. <etrieved from
(ecture 3a Charts/ Ta$les@ 0igures
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3ersion (.4.pring 2452
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Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
(.5 $igure: 0ickman #2452%. <epresents the range of care deliver- and the referral
patterns between the t-pes of care of deliver- organiLations. #11 FA)61)/ (.4%.
(ecture 3$
1. Longnecker 7E, "atton M, 7ickler <M. #244=%. <oles and responsibilities of 1hief
Medical ,fficers in member organiLations of the /ssociation of the /merican
Medical 1olleges. /cademic Medicine, >2#(%, 29>)2D(. <etrieved Han 2452 from'emicme'icine/0ullte7t/2005/03000/.oles6an'6
2. Medicare "a-ment /dvisor- 1ommittee. #2448%. 1hapter =: Information
technolog- in health care. In <eport to the 1ongress: new approaches in
Medicare. <etrieved Han 2452 from:'pac.go"/pu$lications
3. cribd. #2455%. ,rganiLational structure of a hospital. <etrieved Han 2452 from
8. hortliffe E0, Farnett :,. #244D% Fiomedical data: their ac*uisition and use In:
hortliffe E0, 1imino HH, eds. Fiomedical 1omputer /pplications in 0ealth 1are
and Fiomedicine. (rd ed. 6ew Aork, 6A: pringer& 244D: p84()88(.
8. +nited 0ospital $und. #244>%. $amil- care giver guide. 0ospital admission: how
to plan and what to e!pect during the sta-. <etrieved Han 2452 from's/0ile/Hospital6&'missions.p'f.
;. +niversit- of <ochester Medical 1enter. #2455%. trong Memorial 0ospital
organiLational chart. <etrieved Han 2452 from
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(.2 1hart: E!ample of a healthcare organiLational structure #0ickman 2452, 11 FA)
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Stu'ent &pplication &cti"ities
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Component 2/-nit 4
-nit Title
Healthcare )rocesses an' ,ecision MaDing
-nit ,escription
This unit describes the process used b- a clinician to make a diagnosis and determine a
care plan. This includes gathering information from the patient as well as other objective
and subjective sources, managing and organiLing the information, comparing the
information to known states of disease, and developing a care plan for the patient.
-nit !$%ecti"es
F- the end of this unit the student will be able to:
5. 7escribe the elements of the Oclassic paradigmO of the clinical process
#Lecture a%.
2. List the t-pes of information used b- clinicians when the- care for patients
#Lecture a%.
(. 7escribe the steps re*uired to manage information during the patient)
clinician interaction #Lecture a, b, c%.
8. List the different information structures or formats used to organiLe clinical
information #Lecture b%.
9. E!plain what is meant b- the Oh-pothetico)deductiveO reasoning process
#Lecture a, b%.
D. E!plain the difference between observations, findings, s-ndromes, and
diseases #Lecture a, b, c%.
=. 7escribe techni*ues or approaches used b- clinicians to reach a
diagnosis #Lecture a, b, c, d, e%.
>. List the major t-pes of factors that clinicians consider when devising a
management plan for a patientOs condition, in addition to the diagnosis and
recommended treatment #Lecture e%.
-nit Topics/(ectures
5. The clinical process ) overview of the classic paradigm
2. :athering data and anal-Ling findings
(. Making a diagnosis
8. 1hoosing therap-
9. 1ommunicating the plan
(ecture 4a
1. Evans, 7/ and "atel, 3. #5C>C% 1ognitive cience in Medicine: Fiomedical
modeling. MIT "ress, 1ambridge, M/ <etrieved from':858522
2. $riedman, 1". #244C%. / J$undamental theoremM of biomedical informatics.
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum The 1ulture of 0ealthcare 8D
3ersion (.4.pring 2452
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Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
Hournal of the /merican Medical Informatics . <etrieved from
(. :orman, "6. #5CC9% Information needs of ph-sicians. Hournal of the /merican
ociet- for Information cience and Technolog-
8. 0unter, BM. 7octorsO #5CC5% stories: The narrative structure of medical
knowledge. "rinceton +niversit- "ress #5CC5%
9. Bassirer, " and Bopelman, I. Learning clinical reasoning. pp. ((2.
D. Tumult-, "hilip /., #nd.% Guotation. J7isease hides its secrets in a casual
(ecture 4a Charts/ Ta$les/ 0igures
8.5 Table: T-pes of information that clinicians utiliLe when making decisions
8.2 Table: 1omparison of the classic paradigm with the operating room.
8.( Table: 1omparison of the classic paradigm with the operating room and acute
comple! illness.
8.8 Table: 1omparison of the classic paradigm with the operating room, acute comple!
illness and emergenc- dept.
(ecture 4$
5. Elstein et al. #5C>5%& Medical problem)solving. /cademic Medicine.
2. Elstein /, chwartL /. #2442 Mar 2(%& (28 1linical problem solving and
diagnostic decision making: selective review of the cognitive literature. FMH.
(. Evans 7/, :add 1. #5C>C%& Managing coherence and conte!t in medical
problem)solving discourse. In: Evans 7/, "atel 3L, eds. 1ognitive science in
medicine: Fiomedical modeling. 1ambridge, M/: MIT "ress& 255)299.
4. :orman, "6. #5CC>%& Information seeking of primar- care ph-sicians: <etrieved
from conceptual models and empirical studies at<<B/<B6?orman.p'f.
(ecture 4$ Charts/ Ta$les/ 0igures
8.D Table: 0ierarch- for clinical data . Evans, 7./., and :add, 1..,#5C>C%& Managing
coherence and conte!t in medical problem)solving discourse. In: Evans 7/, "atel 3L,
eds. 1ognitive science in medicine: Fiomedical modeling. 1ambridge, M/: MIT "ress&
8.= Table: 7epiction of how the 0ierarch- for 1linical 7ata might work for man with
Edema, or swelling of the ankles
(ecture 4c
5. Folstad 'M. #244=% Introduction to Fa-esian tatistics. 'ile-)Interscience& 2
edition .
2. Elstein /, chwartL /. 1 #2442% linical problem solving and diagnostic decision
making: selective review of the cognitive literature. FMH. (28#=((C%:=2C)(2.
(. Bassirer, " and Bopelman, #5CC5% I. Learning clinical reasoning. pp. ((2.
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum The 1ulture of 0ealthcare 8=
3ersion (.4.pring 2452
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Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
(ecture 4'
5. :awande., /, #2442%. 1omplications: / -oung surgeonOs notes on an imperfect
science. 0enr- 0olt and 1ompan-, LL1.
2. 'eed, LL. #5CD>%. Medical records that guide and teach. 6ew England Hournal of
3. 'ikipedia #2455% 7ecision anal-sis, retrieved from
(ecture 4' Charts/ Ta$les/ 0igures
8.> $igure: The comple! and d-namic processes that are in pla- when a patient care
problem has to be translated into problem management b- the clinician. Mohan, 3.
8.C 1hart: 7ecision /nal-sis 1hart. Mills #5CC5%
http://###.nlm.nih.go"/nichsr/hta101/tree18.%pg. <etrieved 6ov. 2454 from the
6ational Librar- of Medicine website http://###.nlm.nih.go".
8.54 Table: Evolving Management "lan. Mohan, 3. #2454%
(ecture 4e
5. 1onan 7o-le /. ilver FlaLe. The Memoirs of herlock 0olmes #5>C(%
2. Evans, 7. /., P :add, 1. . #5C>C%. Managing coherence and conte!t in medical
problem solving discourse. In 7. /. Evans P 3. L. "atel #Eds.%, 1ognitive science
in medicine: Fiomedical modeling #p. 258%. 1ambridge, M/: MIT "ress.
(. $eldman M, 1hristensen H. Fehavioral Medicine: / :uide for 1linical "ractice,
Third Edition. Mc:raw)0ill Medical& ( edition #244=%
8. Le- ". 1ommunicating with patients: Improving communication, satisfaction and
compliance. "s-cholog- and medicine series. 6ew Aork, 6A, +: 1room 0elm.
(ecture 4e Images
lide (: 1orner, T. 1. #5C49%. <etrieved
6ovember 2455, from 'ikimedia 1ommons website: http://commons.#iDime'
"ublic domain image #"7)+%.
Stu'ent &pplication &cti"ities
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3ersion (.4.pring 2452
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Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
Component 2/-nit 8
-nit Title
+"i'ence3Ease' )ractice
-nit ,escription
This unit describes the application of evidence)based medicine #EFM%. The discussion
begins with the framing of clinical *uestions that can be answered b- appropriate
evidence. It then demonstrates how to find and appl- the best evidence for answering
four major t-pes of clinical *uestions: interventions, diagnosis, harm, and prognosis.
The unit also introduces summariLing of evidence #s-stematic reviews% as well as
clinical practice guidelines and concludes with a discussion of the limitations of EFM.
-nit !$%ecti"es
F- the end of this unit the student will be able to:
5. 7efine the ke- tenets of evidence)based medicine #EFM% and its role in
the culture of healthcare #Lecture a, b%
2. 1onstruct answerable clinical *uestions and criticall- appraise evidence
answering them #Lecture b%
(. /ppl- EFM for intervention studies, including the phrasing of answerable
*uestions, finding evidence to answer them, and appl-ing them to given
clinical situations #Lecture c%
8. +nderstand EFM applied to the other ke- clinical *uestions of diagnosis,
harm, and prognosis #Lecture d, e%
9. 7iscuss the benefits and limitations to summariLing evidence #Lecture f%
D. 7escribe how to implement EFM in clinical settings through clinical
practice guidelines and decision anal-sis #Lecture g%
-nit Topics/(ecture
5. 7efinitions and application of #EFM%
2. Interventions
(. 7iagnosis
8. 0arm and prognosis
9. ummariLing evidence
D. "utting evidence into practice
-nit .eferences
(ecture 8a
5. /non-mous. #2445%. 1rossing the Gualit- 1hasm: / 6ew 0ealth -stem for the
25st 1entur-. 'ashington, 71: 6ational /cademies "ress.
2. /non-mous. #244Ca%. $ederal 1oordinating 1ouncil for 1omparative
Effectiveness <esearch ) <eport to the "resident and the 1ongress. 'ashington,
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum The 1ulture of 0ealthcare 8C
3ersion (.4.pring 2452
This material was developed by Oregon Health & Science University, funded by the Department of Health and Human Services,
Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
71: 7epartment of 0ealth and 0uman ervices. <etrieved from
(. /non-mous. #244Cb%. Initial 6ational "riorities for 1omparative Effectiveness
<esearch. 'ashington, 71: Institute of Medicine. <etrieved from<eports.244C.1omparativeEffectiveness<esearch"riorities.a
8. /non-mous. #244Cc%. Initial 6ational "riorities for 1omparative Effectiveness
<esearch. 'ashington, 71: 6ational /cademies "ress. <etrieved from>
9. 1ohen, /., tavri, "., P 0ersh, '. #2448%. / categoriLation and anal-sis of the
criticisms of evidence)based medicine. International Hournal of Medical
Informatics, =(, (9)8(.
D. 7escriptions of methodological details and challenges for EFM( .#%%@1( In
:edical are E Supplement # .8=:54%.
=. Eden, H., 'heatle-, F., Mc6eil, F., P o!, 0. #Eds.%. #244>%. Bnowing 'hat
'orks in 0ealth 1are: / <oadmap for the 6ation. 'ashington, 71: 6ational
/cademies "ress.
>. Bida, T. #244D%. 7onKt Felieve Ever-thing Aou Think: The D Fasic Mistakes 'e
Make in Thinking. /mherst, 6A: "rometheus Fooks.
C. Luce, F., Bramer, H., :oodman, ., 1onnor, H., Tunis, ., 'hicher, 7., P
chwartL, H. #244C%. <ethinking randomiLed clinical trials for comparative
effectiveness research: the need for transformational change. /nnals of Internal
Medicine, 595, 24D)24C.
54. 'ashington, /., P Lipstein, . #2455%. The "atient)1entered ,utcomes <esearch
Institute X promoting better information, decisions, and health. 6ew England
Hournal of Medicine, (D9, e(5. <etrieved from
(ecture 8$
1. entre for Avidence 0ased :edicine 9 Homepage. #n.d.%. <etrieved 7ecember
58, 2455, from 1entre for Evidence Fased Medicine website:
2. entre for Avidence90ased :edicine, Toronto 9 Homepage. #n.d.%. <etrieved
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3. entre for Health Avidence 9 Homepage. #n.d.%. <etrieved 7ecember 58, 2455,
from 1entre for 0ealth Evidence website:
8. 1lanc-, 1., P Eisenberg, H. #5CC>%. ,utcomes research: measuring the end
results of health care. cience, 2>2, 289)28D.
9. 7i1enso, /., Fa-le-, L., P 0a-nes, <. #244C%. /1" Hournal 1lub. Editorial:
/ccessing preappraised evidence: fine)tuning the 9 model into a D model.
/nnals of Internal Medicine, 595#D%, H1()2, H1()(.
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from 6etting the Evidence ) Flog website:
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Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
=. :u-att, :., <ennie, 7., Meade, M., P 1ook, 7. #244>a%. +sersO :uides to the
Medical Literature: / Manual for Evidence)Fased 1linical "ractice. 6ew Aork,
6A: Mc:raw)0ill.
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Medical Literature: Essentials of Evidence)Fased 1linical "ractice. 6ew Aork,
6A: Mc:raw)0ill.
C. 0a-nes, <. #5CCC%. 1an it work? 7oes it work? Is it worth it? Fritish Medical
Hournal, (5C, D92)D9(.
54. 0a-nes, <. #2445%. ,f studies, s-ntheses, s-nopses, and s-stems: the V8V
evolution of services for finding current best evidence. /1" Hournal 1lub, 5(8,
55. 0a-nes, <. #244D%. ,f studies, s-ntheses, s-nopses, summaries, and s-stems:
the V9V evolution of information services for evidence)based healthcare
decisions. Evidence)Fased Medicine, 55, 5D2)5D8.
52. 0ersh, '. #5CCC%. V/ world of knowledge at -our fingertipsV: the promise, realit-,
and future directions of on)line information retrieval. /cademic Medicine, =8, 284)
5(. Mulrow, 1., 1ook, 7., P 7avidoff, $. #5CC=%. -stematic reviews: critical links in
the great chain of evidence. /nnals of Internal Medicine, 52D, (>C)(C5.
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5D. lawson, 7., P haughness-, /. #2449%. Teaching evidence)based medicine:
should we be teaching information management instead? /cademic Medicine,
>4, D>9)D>C.
5=. traus, ., <ichardson, '., :lasLiou, "., P 0a-nes, <. #2449%. Evidence Fased
Medicine: 0ow to "ractice and Teach EFM, Third Edition. 6ew Aork, 6A:
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#2445%. ,f studies, s-ntheses, s-nopses, and s-stems: the V8V evolution of services for
finding current best evidence. /1" Hournal 1lub, 5(8, /55)/5(.
9.( $igure: /dapted from 0a-neKs J8M model of the 0ierarch- of Evidence with t-pes
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3ersion (.4.pring 2452
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Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
(ecture 8c
5. /non-mous. #5C8>%. treptom-cin treatment of pulmonar- tuberculosis. Fritish
Medical Hournal, (4, =DC)=>2.
2. /non-mous. #2442%. <isks and benefits of estrogen plus progestin in health-
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(. Fenson, B., P 0artL, /. #2444%. / comparison of observational studies and
randomiLed, controlled trials. 6ew England Hournal of Medicine, (82, 5>=>)5>>D.
8. 7ouglas, <., 1halker, E., P Treac-, F. #2444%. 3itamin 1 for preventing and
treating the common cold. 1ochrane 7atabase of -stematic <eviews, 2,
9. Epstein, /., 0allstrom, /., <ogers, '., Liebson, "., eals, /., /nderson, H., . . .
'-se, 7. #5CC(%. Mortalit- following ventricular arrh-thmia suppression b-
encainide, flecainide, and moriciLine after m-ocardial infarction. The original
design concept of the 1ardiac /rrh-thmia uppression Trial #1/T%. Hournal of
the /merican Medical /ssociation, 2=4, 2895)2899.
D. $ukase, B., Bato, M., Bikuchi, ., Inoue, B., +emura, 6., ,kamoto, ., . . . /saka,
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C. Lindemann, M. #5CCC%. Medicine and ociet- in Earl- Modern Europe.
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55. Moher, 7., "ham, F., Hones, /., 1ook, 7., Hadad, /., Moher, M., . . . Blassen, T.
#5CC>%. 7oes *ualit- of reports of randomised trials affect estimates of
intervention efficac- reported in meta)anal-ses? Lancet, (92, D4C)D5(.
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7julbegovic, F. #2449%. Evaluation of new treatments in radiation oncolog-: are
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#2455%. creening for prostate cancer: a review of the evidence for the +..
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Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
2. $olsom, /., 1hambless, L., Fallant-ne, 1., 1oresh, H., 0eiss, :., 'u, B., . . .
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1)reactive protein and other novel risk markers: the atherosclerosis risk in
communities stud-. /rchives of Internal Medicine, 5DD, 5(D>)5(=(.
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54. 'ells, "., ,wen, 1., 7oucette, ., $ergusson, 7., P Tran, 0. #244D%. 7oes this
patient have deep vein thrombosis? Hournal of the /merican Medical
/ssociation, 2C9, 5CC)24=.
(ecture 8' Charts/ Ta$les an' 0igures
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:uides to the Medical Literature: Essentials of Evidence)Fased 1linical "ractice. 6ew
Aork, 6A: Mc:raw)0ill.
(ecture 8e
5. :abriel, ., ,O$allon, '., Burland, L., Feard, 1., 'oods, H., P Melton, L. #5CC8%.
<isk of connective)tissue diseases and other disorders after breast implantation.
New Angland /ournal of :edicine, 66%, 5DC=)5=42.
2. :ardin, H., chumacher, 7., 1onstantine, :., 7avis, B., Leung, 1., P <eid, 1.
#2444%. 3alvular abnormalities and cardiovascular status following e!posure to
de!fenfluramine or phentermine.fenfluramine. /ournal of the "merican :edical
"ssociation, #;6, 5=4()5=4C.
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Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
Magnuson, /., P /dami, 0. #2448%. 6atural histor- of earl-, localiLed prostate
cancer. /ournal of the "merican :edical "ssociation, #>&, 2=5()2=5C.
8. MacMahon, F., Aen, ., Trichopoulos, 7., 'arren, B., P 6ardi, :. #5C>5%. 1offee
and cancer of the pancreas. New Angland /ournal of :edicine, 6%$, D(4)D((.
9. Magee, L., MaLLotta, "., P Boren, :. #2442%. Evidence)based view of safet- and
effectiveness of pharmacologic therap- for nausea and vomiting of pregnanc-
#63"%. "merican /ournal of Obstetrics and )ynecology, &;?, 29D)2D5.
D. Marlow, 6., 'olke, 7., P Fracewell, M. #2449%. 6eurologic and developmental
disabilit- at si! -ears of age after e!tremel- preterm birth. New Angland /ournal
of :edicine, 6'#, C)5C.
=. wan, . #2444%. Intrauterine e!posure to dieth-lstilbestrol: long)term effects in
humans. "cta 5athologica, :icrobiologica et !mmunologica Scandinavica, &%;,
>. Uheng, '., McLaughlin, H., :ridle-, :., Fjelke, E., chuman, L., ilverman, 7., . .
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dietar- factors for pancreatic cancer #+nited tates%. ancer auses & ontrol8
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(ecture 8e Charts/ Ta$les an' 0igures
9.9 1hart: urvival 1urve, /dapted from 7unn, . #2442%. urvival 1urves: The Fasics:
(ecture 8f
5. /non-mous. #244C%. Effects of a pol-pill #"ol-cap% on risk factors in middle)aged
individuals without cardiovascular disease #TI"%: a phase II, double)blind,
randomised trial. Lancet, (=(, 5(85)5(95.
2. 7ickersin, B. #5CC=%. 0ow important is publication bias? / s-nthesis of available
data. /I7 Education and "revention, C, 59)25.
(. $einstein, /. #5CC9%. Meta)anal-sis: statistical alchem- for the 25st centur-.
Hournal of 1linical Epidemiolog-, 8>, =5)=C.
8. $ranco, ,., Fonneu!, L., deLaet, 1., "eeters, /., te-erberg, E., P Mackenbach,
H. #2448%. The pol-meal: a more natural, safer, and probabl- tastier #than the
pol-pill% strateg- to reduce cardiovascular disease b- more than =9N. Fritish
Medical Hournal, (2C, 558=)5594.
9. :u-att, :., <ennie, 7., Meade, M., P 1ook, 7. #244>%. +sersO :uides to the
Medical Literature: / Manual for Evidence)Fased 1linical "ractice. 6ew Aork,
6A: Mc:raw)0ill.
D. 0a-nes, <. #2445%. ,f studies, s-ntheses, s-nopses, and s-stems: the V8V
evolution of services for finding current best evidence. "5 /ournal lub, &6$,
=. 0elfand, M., Morton, ., :uallar, E., P Mulrow, 1. #2449%. 1hallenges of
ummariLing Fetter Information for Fetter 0ealth: The Evidence)based "ractice
1enter E!perience. /nnals of Internal Medicine, 582#52 ) "art 2%.
B. 0ersh, '., 0elfand, M., 'allace, H., Braemer, 7., "atterson, "., hapiro, ., P
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Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
:reenlick, M. #2445%. 1linical outcomes resulting from telemedicine interventions:
a s-stematic review. FM1 Medical Informatics and 7ecision Making, 5, 9.
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:reenlick, M. #2442%. / s-stematic review of the efficac- of telemedicine for
making diagnostic and management decisions. Hournal of Telemedicine and
Telecare, >, 5C=)24C.
54. 0ersh, '., 0ickam, 7., everance, ., 7ana, T., Brages, B., P 0elfand, M.
#244D%. 7iagnosis, access, and outcomes: update of a s-stematic review on
telemedicine services. Hournal of Telemedicine P Telecare, 52#upp 2%, ()(5.
55. 0opa-ian, B. #2445%. The need for caution in interpreting high *ualit- s-stematic
reviews. Fritish Medical Hournal, (2(, D>5)D>8.
52. Law, M., 'ald, 6., Morris, H., P Hordan, <. #244(%. 3alue of low dose combination
treatment with blood pressure lowering drugs: anal-sis of (98 randomised trials.
Fritish Medical Hournal, (2D, 582=)58(5.
5(. Law, M., 'ald, 6., P <udnicka, /. #244(%. Guantif-ing effect of statins on low
densit- lipoprotein cholesterol, ischaemic heart disease, and stroke: s-stematic
review and meta)anal-sis. Fritish Medical Hournal, (2D, 582()582=.
58. Levin, /. #2445%. The 1ochrane 1ollaboration. /nnals of Internal Medicine, 5(9,
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,polon, ". #2442%. Truth survival in clinical research: an evidence)based
re*uiem? /nnals of Internal Medicine, 5(D, >>>)>C9.
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disease: evidence on causalit- from a meta)anal-sis. Fritish Medical Hournal,
(29, 5242)524D.
5=. 'ald, 6., P Law, M. #244(%. / strateg- to reduce cardiovascular disease b- more
than >4N. Fritish Medical Hournal, (2D, 585C)582(.
(ecture 8g
5. Fo-d, 1., 7arer, H., Foult, 1., $ried, L., Foult, L., P 'u, /. #2449%. 1linical
practice guidelines and *ualit- of care for older patients with multiple comorbid
diseases: implications for pa- for performance. Hournal of the /merican Medical
/ssociation, 2C8, =5D)=28.
2. 1abana, M., <and, 1., "owe, 6., 'u, /., 'ilson, M., /bboud, "., P <ubin, 0.
#5CCC%. 'h- donOt ph-sicians follow clinical practice guidelines? / framework for
improvement. Hournal of the /merican Medical /ssociation, 2>2, 589>)58D9.
(. 1houdhr-, 6., telfo!, 0., P 7etsk-, /. #2442%. <elationships between authors of
clinical practice guidelines and the pharmaceutical industr-. Hournal of the
/merican Medical /ssociation, 2>=, D52)D5=.
8. 7iamond, :., P Baul, . #244>%. The disconnect between practice guidelines and
clinical practice ) stressed out. Hournal of the /merican Medical /ssociation, (44,
9. :abba-, H., P leMa-, /. #2448%. Evidence based guidelines or collectivel-
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Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
constructed Vmindlines?V Ethnographic stud- of knowledge management in
primar- care. Fritish Medical Hournal, (2C, 545(.
D. :u-att, :., <ennie, 7., Meade, M., P 1ook, 7. #244>%. +sersO :uides to the
Medical Literature: Essentials of Evidence)Fased 1linical "ractice. 6ew Aork,
6A: Mc:raw)0ill.
=. 0ibble, /., Banka, 7., "enchion, 7., P "ooles, $. #5CC>%. :uidelines in general
practice: the new Tower of Fabel? Fritish Medical Hournal, (5=, >D2)>D(.
>. Lin, :., 7udle-, <., Lucas, $., Malenka, 7., 3ittinghoff, E., P <edberg, <. #244>%.
$re*uenc- of stress testing to document ischemia prior to elective percutaneous
coronar- intervention. Hournal of the /merican Medical /ssociation, (44, 5=D9)
C. Maviglia, ., Uielstorff, <., "aterno, M., Teich, H., Fates, 7., P Buperman, :.
#244(%. /utomating comple! guidelines for chronic disease: lessons learned.
Hournal of the /merican Medical Informatics /ssociation, 54, 598)5D9.
54. ,hno)Machado, L., :ennari, H., Murph-, ., Hain, 6., Tu, ., ,liver, 7., Farnett,
:. #5CC>%. The :uideLine Interchange $ormat: a model for representing
guidelines. Hournal of the /merican Medical Informatics /ssociation, 9, (9=)(=2.
(ecture 8g Charts/ Ta$les an' 0igures
9.D 1hart: E!ample guideline algorithm for the flu shot #0ersh, 2454%
9.= 1hart: 7ecision anal-sis for anticoagulation in atrial fibrillation ; adapted from
#:-att, 244>%
Stu'ent &pplication &cti"ities
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Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
Component 2/-nit ;
-nit Title
ursing Care )rocesses
-nit ,escription
This unit describes the processes used b- a nurse in making clinical decisions and
assessing patients. It also describes how nurses are trained, where the- work and the
procedures that the- perform.
-nit !$%ecti"es
F- the end of this unit the student will be able to:
5. Learn what nurses do and how the- are trained #Lecture a%
2. Learn how nurses make clinical decisions and assess patients #Lecture b%
(. Learn about the settings where nurses work #Lecture a, c%
8. Learn about the procedures that nurses perform #Lecture c%
-nit Topics/(ectures
5. 6ursing roles, responsibilities and work settings
2. 6ursing process including clinical judgement and patient assessment& legal and
societal e!pectations& roles in improving patient care
(. 6ursing routines and procedures including invasive procedures, administering
medication, documenting procedures and technolog-
-nit .eferences
(ecture ;a
1. /merican /cadem- of 6urse "ractitioners QInternetR. 244= Qcited 2455 7ec 5R.
$re*uentl- /sked Guestions: 'h- 1hoose a 6urse "ractitioner as -our
0ealthcare "rovider? Q( pagesR. /vailable from:
2. /merican Medical Informatics /ssociation QInternetR. +ndated Qcited 2455 7ec 9R:
6ursing Informatics Q5 pageR. /vailable from:
3. /merican 6urses /ssociation QInternetR. 2455 Qcited 2455 7ec 9R. 0ow to
Fecome a 6urse Q5 pageR. /vailable from:
4. /merican 6urses /ssociation QInternetR. 2455 Qcited 2455 7ec 5R. 'hat 6urses
7o Q5 pageR. /vailable from:
8. /merican 6urses /ssociation, 1enter for 1ontinuing Education and "rofessional
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum The 1ulture of 0ealthcare 9=
3ersion (.4.pring 2452
This material was developed by Oregon Health & Science University, funded by the Department of Health and Human Services,
Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
7evelopment QInternetR. 2455 Qcited 2455 7ec DR: Frowse 1E: ubject Q2 pagesR.
/vailable from:*.asp79
;. /merican 6urses 1redentialing 1enter QInternetR. 2455 Qcited 2455 7ec DR: /611
1ertification 1enter Q2 pagesR. /vailable from:
5. Fureau of Labor tatistics, +.. 7epartment of Labor QInternetR. +pdated 244C
7ec 5= Qcited 2455 7ec 5R. ,ccupational ,utlook 0andbook, 2454)55 Edition:
Licensed "ractical and Licensed 3ocational 6urses Q( pagesR. /vailable from:
B. Fureau of Labor tatistics, +.. 7epartment of Labor QInternetR. +pdated 244C
7ec 5= Qcited 2455 7ec 5R. ,ccupational ,utlook 0andbook, 2454)55:
<egistered 6urses QD pagesR. /vailable from:
(ecture ;$
1. /merican 6urses /ssociation QInternetR. 2455 Qcited 2455 7ec >R. The 6ursing
"rocess: / 1ommon Thread /mongst /ll 6urses Q5 pageR. /vailable from:
2. 1ape $ear 1ommunit- 1ollege QInternetR. +ndated Qcited 2455 7ec >R. Module 9:
6ursing "rocess Q(8 pagesR. /vailable from:
3. The 1enter for 1ritical Thinking and Moral 1riti*ue QInternetR. 2455 Qcited 2455
7ec >R. 1ritical Thinking: 'here to Fegin Q5 pageR. /vailable from:$egin/5<;.
4. Ma-o /M, 7uncan 7. 6urse "erceptions of medication errors: what we need to
know for patient safet-. H 6urs 1are Gua. 2448&5C#(%:24C)25=. &"aila$le from:
http ://$rar*/Aournal&rticle.asp9
8. Medi)mart QInternetR. 2455 Qcited 2455 7ec 52R. 6ursing Legal Issues: 0ow to
"rotect Aourself Q5 pageR. /vailable from:'
;. <esources in 6ursing QInternetR. 244> Qcited 2455 7ec >R. "haneuf M. 1linical
Hudgement: /n Essential Tool in the 6ursing "rofession Q54 pagesR. /vailable
from: http://*scriptor#e$/scripto.asp9
5. < QInternetR. 2455 Qcited 2455 7ec 59R. 'hat Is a 6ursing 1are "lan
and 'h- Is It 6eeded? Q5 pageR. /vailable from:$rar*/careplans.
B. *ue M, 1hipulu M, Mc:onigle 7. 244C Qcited 2455 7ec >R. 1linical decision
making. In: 0all M, 6oble /, mith , eds. " 3oundation for Neonatal are8 "
:ulti9disciplinary )uide( ,!ford, +B& <adcliffe& pp. 2(9)295. /vailable from:
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum The 1ulture of 0ealthcare 9>
3ersion (.4.pring 2452
This material was developed by Oregon Health & Science University, funded by the Department of Health and Human Services,
Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
<. tate of 1onnecticut 7epartment of 7evelopmental ervices QInternetR. 244C
Qcited 2455 7ec >R. 6ursing tandard: 6ursing "rocess I 6 4C.5 Q8 pagesR.
/vailable from:
10. Tanner 1/. Thinking like a nurse: a research)based model of clinical
judgment in nursing. H 6urs Educ. 244D&89#D%:248)255. /vailable from:
11. Thompson 1, 1ullum 6, Mc1aughan 7, heldon T, <a-nor ". 6urses,
information use, and clinical decision making: the real world potential for
evidence)based decisions in nursing. Evid Fased 6urs. 2448&=:D>)=2. /vailable
from: http://e$n.$;B.full.
(ecture ;c
1. /merican /cadem- of /mbulator- 1are 6ursing QInternetR. 2455 Qcited 2455 7ec
58R. /bout //16 Q( pagesR. /vailable from:
2. /merican /cadem- of /mbulator- 1are 6ursing QInternetR. 2455 Qcited 2455 7ec
58R. /mbulator- 1are 6ursing 7efined Q2 pagesR. /vailable from:$in/2e$!$%ects/&&&CMain.#oa/#a/"ie#Section9
3. /merican /ssociation for Long Term 1are 6ursing QInternetR. 2454 Qcited 2455
7ec 59R. Eliopoulos 1. 'h- the Time 0as 1ome for an /ssociation for Long
Term 1are 6ursing. /vailable from:$app611433B;/2h*6the6Time6Has6Come6for6an6
4. /merican "ublic 0ealth /ssociation QInternetR. 2455 Qcited 2455 7ec 59R.
7efinition and Fackground Q2 pagesR. /vailable from:$ergroups/sections/aphasections/phn/a$out/'ef$
8. /merican "ublic 0ealth /ssociation QInternetR. 2455 Qcited 2455 7ec 59R. The
<ole of "ublic 0ealth 6urses Q2 pagesR. /vailable from:$ergroups/sections/aphasections/phn/a$out/phnr
;. Fureau of Labor tatistics, +.. 7epartment of Labor QInternetR. +pdated 244C
7ec 5= Qcited 2455 7ec 59R. ,ccupational ,utlook 0andbook, 2454)55:
<egistered 6urses QD pagesR. /vailable from:
=. 0ughes <:, Flegen M/. Medication administration safet-. In: 0ughes <:, ed.
5atient Safety and Buality8 "n Avidence9based Handboo* for Nurses( <ockville,
M7: /genc- for 0ealthcare <esearch and Gualit-&244>&chap (=.
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3ersion (.4.pring 2452
This material was developed by Oregon Health & Science University, funded by the Department of Health and Human Services,
Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
B. Mar-land 6ursing 'orkforce 1ommission QInternetR. Ma- 244= Qcited 2455 7ec
58R. :ugert- F, Maranda MH, Feachle- M, et al. 1hallenges and ,pportunities in
7ocumentation of the 6ursing 1are of "atients Q(9 pagesR. /vailable from:
<. QInternetR. +pdated 244C Mar 29 Qcited 2455 7ec 59R. 'hat is Long
Term 1are? Q2 pagesR. /vailable from:'icare.go"/longtermcare/static/home.asp.
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11. 6ational /ssociation of chool 6urses QInternetR. 2454 Qcited 2455 7ec
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13. ,ccupational afet- and 0ealth /dministration, +.. 7epartment of Labor
QInternetR. +ndated Qcited 2455 7ec 59R. 6ursing in ,ccupational 0ealth Q2
pagesR. /vailable from: http://###.osha.go"/'ts/oohn/ohn.html.
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+pdated 244D Qcited 2455 7ec 59R. 6ursing 7ocumentation QD pagesR. /vailable
1;. +niversit- of 1alifornia, an $rancisco QInternetR. 2455 Qcited 2455 7ec
59R. M pecialt- /rea: /cute 1are 6urse "ractitioner Q( pagesR. /vailable from:
15. +niversit- of outh $lorida QInternetR. +ndated Qcited 2455 7ec 59R. 'h-
"ursue a 1areer in ,ccupational 0ealth 6ursing? QD pagesR. /vailable from:
5>. 'estbrook HI, <ob MI, 'oods /, "arr- 7. Errors in the administration of
intravenous medications in hospital and the role of correct procedures and nurse
e!perience. 0:/ Bual Saf( 2455& 24:542=)54(8.
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Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum The 1ulture of 0ealthcare D5
3ersion (.4.pring 2452
This material was developed by Oregon Health & Science University, funded by the Department of Health and Human Services,
Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
Component 2/-nit 5
-nit Title
Iualit* Measurement an' )erformance
-nit ,escription
This unit describes the concepts of *ualit- measurement and performance
improvement. The unit begins b- setting the conte!t of known *ualit- problems in
healthcare and then describes how *ualit- is measured and efforts to improve it. The
unit also discusses the role of information technolog-, incentives for *ualit-
improvement, and *ualit- measurement under meaningful use.
-nit !$%ecti"es
F- the end of this unit the student will be able to:
5. 7efine healthcare *ualit- and the major t-pes of *ualit- measures:
structural, process, and outcome measures #Lecture a%
2. 7escribe the current state of healthcare *ualit- in the +nited tates
#Lecture a%
(. 7iscuss the current healthcare *ualit- measures used in various
healthcare settings in the +, including those re*uired for the 0ITE10
meaningful use program #Lecture b%
8. 7escribe the role of information technolog- in measuring and improving
healthcare *ualit- #Lecture c%
9. 7escribe the results of current healthcare *ualit- efforts in the + #Lecture
-nit Topics/(ectures
5. 7efinitions and framework for assessing *ualit-
2. 'hat is known about healthcare *ualit-
(. 1urrent *ualit- measures in use
8. <ole of IT and informatics
9. <esults of current approaches to *ualit- assessment
-nit .eferences
(ecture 5a
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measures. /ournal of the "merican :edical "ssociation, 6%&, 254)252.
(. /sch, ., Berr, E., Beese-, H., /dams, H., etodji, 1., Malik, ., P Mc:l-nn, E.
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum The 1ulture of 0ealthcare D2
3ersion (.4.pring 2452
This material was developed by Oregon Health & Science University, funded by the Department of Health and Human Services,
Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
#244D%. 'ho is at greatest risk for receiving poor)*ualit- health care? New
Angland /ournal of :edicine, 6'$, 558=)559D.
8. /sch, ., Mc:l-nn, E., 0ogan, M., 0a-ward, <., hekelle, "., <ubenstein, L.,
Berr, E. #2448%. 1omparison of *ualit- of care for patients in the 3eterans 0ealth
/dministration and patients in a national sample. "nnals of !nternal :edicine,
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connectedness and *ualit- of primar- care. "nnals of !nternal :edicine, &'%,
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and beneficiariesK *ualit- of care. Health "ffairs. <etrieved Han 2452 from
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'enger, 6. #244D%. "atientsO global ratings of their health care are not associated
with the technical *ualit- of their care. "nnals of !nternal :edicine, &$$, DD9)D=2.
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stop, high reliabilit-. 0ealth /ffairs, (4, 99C)9D>.
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measures))using measurement to promote *ualit- improvement. 6ew England
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does good care take longer? "rchives of !nternal :edicine, &?>, 5>DD)5>=2.
55. 7onabedian, /. #5C>>%. The *ualit- of care: how can it be assessed? Hournal of
the /merican Medical /ssociation, 2D4, 5=8()5=8>.
52. 7onabedian, /. #Ed.%. #2442%. /n Introduction to Gualit- /ssurance in
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Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
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Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
(D. ,OFrien, ., 7elong, E., P "eterson, E. #244>%. Impact of case volume on hospital
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Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
Effectiveness of public report cards for improving the *ualit- of cardiac care: the
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Component 2/-nit B
-nit Title
+thics H )rofessionalism
-nit Description
This unit describes the traditions and values that guide ph-sicians, nurses, and allied
health professionals. It e!plores medical ethics, professionalism and legal duties and
applies ethics and professionalism to specific topics, including health informatics.
-nit !$%ecti"es
F- the end of this unit the student will be able to:
5. "rovide an orientation to ideas about medical ethics and professionalism
#Lecture a%
2. E!plore the relationships among ethical ideals, professionalism, and legal
duties #Lecture a, b%
(. /ppl- the general principles of ethics and professionalism to specific
topics #Lecture c, d%
8. E!amine ethical issues in health informatics #Lecture d%
-nit Topics/(ectures
5. Ethics and professionalism
2. Ethical and legislative standards and how the- interact
(. 1ontemporar- topics in medical ethics
8. Ethical issues in health informatics
-nit .eferences
(ecture Ba
1. /merican Foard of Internal Medicine $oundation QInternetR. 1assel 1B. 25st
centur- medical professionalism: renewing the social contract Q5( pagesR.
/vailable from: http://###.a$imfoun'
2. /merican Foard of Internal Medicine $oundation QInternetR. +ndated Qcited 2455
7ec 24R. Medical professionalism in the new millennium: a ph-sician charter Q2
pagesR. /vailable from:
(. /ulisio M", /rnold <M. 0elping to address value conflicts or uncertainties: role of
the ethics committee. hest( 244>&5(8&85=)828.
4. Ethics <esource 1enter QInternetR. Ethics glossar-. Ma- 2C, 244C Qcited 2455 7ec
5CR. Ethics glossar- Q9 pagesR. /vailable from:*.
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum The 1ulture of 0ealthcare =4
3ersion (.4.pring 2452
This material was developed by Oregon Health & Science University, funded by the Department of Health and Human Services,
Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
9. :illon <. Medical ethics: four principles plus attention to scope. 0:/(
D. :illon <. Ethics needs principles: four can encompass the restXand respect for
autonom- should be Jfirst among e*uals.M / :ed Athics( 244(&2C#9%:(4=)(52.
5. The 0astings 1enter QInternetR. 244= Qcited 2455 7ec 24R. Hennings F, Fail- M/,
Fottrell M, L-nn H, eds. Health are Buality !mprovement8 Athical and
,egulatory !ssues Q5>> pagesR. /vailable from:'e'0iles/)u$lications/Special6.epo
B. 0istor- of Medicine 7ivision, 6ational Librar- of Medicine, 6ational Institutes of
0ealth QInternetR. +pdated Hune 28, 2454 Qcited 2455 7ec 24R. :reek medicine:
the 0ippocratic oath Q5 pageR. /vailable from:
C. Birk LM. "rofessionalism in medicine: definitions and considerations for teaching.
5roceedings .0ayl Univ :ed ent1( 244=&24:5()5D.
10. +niversit- of 'ashington chool of Medicine QInternetR. +pdated /pril 55,
244> Qcited 2455 7ec 5CR. Mc1ormick T<. Ethics in medicine: principles of
bioethics Q8 pagesR. /vailable from:
11. +niversit- of 'ashington chool of Medicine QInternetR. +pdated 6ovember 5,
2454 Qcited 2455 7ec 5CR. "earlman </. Ethics in medicine: ethics committees
and ethics consultation Q( pagesR. /vailable from:
(ecture Ba Charts/ Ta$les/ 0igures
>.5 $igure: $our basic principles of healthcare #11 FA)61)/ (.4, 2452%.
>.2 Table: 6on)Maleficence #11 FA)61)/ (.4, 2452%.
>.( $igure: Ethical dilemma #11 FA)61)/ (.4, 2452%.
(ecture B$
5. /asland ,:, $orde <. Impact of feeling responsible for adverse events on
doctorsO personal and professional lives: the importance of being open to criticism
from colleagues. Bual Saf Health are( 2449&58#5%:5()5=.
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3. /ssociated "ress QInternetR. 7ecember 5C, 2455 Qcited 2455 7ec 22R. "ickler 6.
Hustice reports record false claims recoveries Q5 pageR. /vailable from:
8. Folsin , $aunce T, ,akle- H. "ractical virtue ethics: healthcare whistleblowing
and portable digital technolog-. / :ed Athics( 2449&(5#54%:D52)D5>.
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Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
8. 1ouncil on Ethical and Hudicial /ffairs, /merican Medical /ssociation QInternetR.
244D Qcited 2455 7ec 25R. ode of Athics of the "merican :edical "ssociation
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+pdated 6ovember 244D Qcited 2455 7ec 25R. ,pinion E)9.49, J1onfidentialit-,M
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5. Ethics <esource 1enter QInternetR. Ma- 2C, 244C Qcited 2455 7ec 25R. Ethics
glossar- Q9 pagesR. /vailable from:
B. $ederation of tate Medical Foards QInternetR. +pdated Ma- 2454 Qcited 7ec 22R.
Assentials of a :odern :edical and Osteopathic 5ractice "ct Q(2 pagesR. 52
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<. $ederation of tate Medical Foards QInternetR. +ndated Qcited 2455 7ec 22R.
'hat is a state medical board? Q2 pagesR. /vailable from:
54. :runwald 0', 0oward 7, Mc1abe M, torm 17, <odrigueL M/.
Misdiagnosis: disclosing a colleagueKs error. H ,ncol "ract. / Oncol 5ract(
55. 0affert- $'. Fe-ond curriculum reform: confronting medicineOs hidden
curriculum. "cad :ed( 5CC>&=(#8%:84()84=.
12. ,ffice of the 'histleblower "rotection "rogram, ,ccupational afet- and
0ealth /dministration, +.. 7epartment of Labor QInternetR. +pdated 7ecember
C, 2455 Qcited 2455 7ec 22R. The whistleblower protection program Q5 pageR.
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*uestions Q2 pagesR. /vailable from:'ocuments/tools3an'3resources/me'ical3$oar'3
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Qcited 2455 7ec 25R. 3incler L/. Ethics in medicine: law and medical ethics Q5
pageR. /vailable from: http://'epts.#ashington.e'u/$ioeth7/topics/la#.html.
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2455 7ec 25R. 5rinciples of :edical Athics and Opinions and ,eports of the
/udicial ouncil of the 2ashington State :edical "ssociation Q=5 pagesR.
/vailable from:':8B5.
(ecture B$ Charts/ Ta$les/ 0igures
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3ersion (.4.pring 2452
This material was developed by Oregon Health & Science University, funded by the Department of Health and Human Services,
Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
>.8 $igure: tandards of "rofessionalism #11 FA)61)/ (.4, 2452%.
>.9 1hart: 0ealthcare fraud #11 FA)61)/ (.4, 2452%.
>.D Table: "rotection of whilstleblowers #11 FA)61)/ (.4, 2452%.
(ecture Bc
5. 1ommittee on Fioethics, /merican /cadem- of "ediatrics. "olic- statement:
ph-sician refusal to provide information or treatment on the basis of claims of
conscience. 5ediatrics( 244C&528#D%:5D>C)5DC(.
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research: a review. Oncologist( 2449&54#>%:D(D)D85.
3. Institute of Medicine QInternetR. 244C Qcited 2455 7ec 2=R. onflict of !nterest
in :edical ,esearch, Aducation, and 5ractice Q8(D pagesR. /vailable from:$i.nlm.nih.go"/$ooDs/EL22<42.
8. "ope TM. Legal briefing: conscience clauses and conscientious refusal. /
lin Athics( 2454&25#2%:5D()5=D.
9. chneiderman LH, Hecker 6, Honsen /<. Medical futilit-: its meaning and
ethical implications( "nn !ntern :ed( 5CC4&552:C8C)C98.
D. Till-ard /<. Ethics review: Jliving willsM and intensive careXan overview of
the /merican e!perience. ritical are( 244=&55#8%:25C.
5. +niversit- of Minnesota 1enter for Fioethics QInternetR. 2449 Qcited 2455 7ec
2DR. And of -ife are8 "n Athical Overview Q=9 pagesR. /vailable from:
B. +niversit- of 'ashington chool of Medicine QInternetR. +pdated /pril 55,
244> Qcited 2455 7ec 2DR. Edwards B/. Ethics in medicine: informed consent
Q5 pageR. /vailable from:
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2455 7ec 2=R. 'hitehead M. The concepts and principles of e*uit- and health
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>.> Table: "ros and 1ons of advance directives #11 FA)61)/ (.4, 2452%.
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Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
2455 7ec 2CR. /merican 0ealth Information Management /ssociation 1ode of
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5. International Medical Informatics /ssociation QInternetR. +ndated Qcited 2455 7ec
2CR. The IMI/ 1ode of Ethics for 0ealth Information "rofessionals Q54 pagesR.
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7epartment of 0ealth and 0uman ervices QInternetR. ,ctober 2455 Qcited 2455
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ethics. In: 5roceedings of the 3irst ": !nternational Health !nformatics
Symposium( 6ew Aork: /ssociation for 1omputing Machiner-, 2454. /vailable
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>.54 $igure: 1onflicts of interest #11 FA)61)/ (.4, 2452%.
>.55 $igure: 7uties to patients #11 FA)61)/ (.4, 2452%.

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Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
Component 2/-nit <
-nit Title
)ri"ac* H Securit*
-nit ,escription
This unit defines privac-, confidentialit-, and securit- of health information, including the
0I""/ "rivac- and ecurit- <ules.
-nit !$%ecti"es
F- the end of this unit the student will be able to:
5. 7efine and discern the differences between privac-, confidentialit-, and
securit- #Lecture a%
2. 7iscuss the major methods for protecting privac- and confidentialit-,
including through the use of information technolog- #Lecture b%
(. 7escribe and appl- privac-, confidentialit-, and securit- under the tenets
of 0I"// "rivac- <ule #Lecture c%
8. 7escribe and appl- privac-, confidentialit-, and securit- under the tenets
of the 0I"// ecurit- <ule #Lecture d%
-nit Topics/(ectures
5. 7efinitions of privac-, confidentialit-, and securit-
2. Tools for protecting privac- and confidentialit-
(. 0I"// "rivac- <ule
8. 0I"// ecurit- <ule
-nit .eferences
(ecture <a
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medical records.'ering3piCCa. Last accessed Han
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data. 5roceedings of the National "cademy of Sciences, &%?, 54C=9)54C>4.
3. /non-mous. #2449%. 6ational 1onsumer 0ealth "rivac- urve- 2449. ,akland,
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4. /non-mous. #244=%. 7ata "rotection in the European +nion. Frussels, Felgium:
European 1ommission. <etrieved from"ac*/in'e76en.htm
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Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
;. /non-mous. #2455a%. 0ealth Information Technolog- P "rivac-. "hiladelphia,
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the 6ationwide
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robust population health records. /ournal of the "merican :edical !nformatics
"ssociation, &@, (D=)(DC.
52. ElEmam, B., 6eri, E., Honker, E., okolova, M., "e-ton, L., 6eisa, /., P cassa,
T. #2454%. The inadvertent disclosure of personal health information through
peer)to)peer file sharing programs. /ournal of the "merican :edical !nformatics
"ssociation, &@, 58>)59>.
13. :ostin, L., P 0odge, H. #2442%. "ersonal privac- and common goods: a
framework for balancing under the national health information privac- rule.
:innesota -aw ,eview, ;?, 58(C)58=C. <etrieved from,eli"er*.cfm/SS.6I,34;80;6co'e021104;30.
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59. 0odge, H., :ostin, L., P Hacobson, ". #5CCC%. Legal issues concerning electronic
health information: privac-, *ualit-, and liabilit-. /ournal of the "merican :edical
"ssociation, #;#, 58DD)58=5.
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Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
5C. Mc:uire, /., P :ibbs, <. #244D%. 6o longer de)identified. Science, 6&#, (=4)(=5.
24. Malin, F., P weene-, L. #2449%. 0ow #not% to protect genomic data privac- in a
distributed network: using trail re)identification to evaluate and design anon-mit-
protection s-stems. /ournal of 0iomedical !nformatics, 6@, 5=C)5C2.
21. "onemon, L., P Bam, <. #2454%. Fenchmark tud- on "atient "rivac- and
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22. "ritts, H., P 1onnor, B. #244=%. The Implementation of E)consent
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2(. <odwin, M. #244C%. The case for public ownership of patient data. /ournal of the
"merican :edical "ssociation, 6%#, >D)>>.
24. <ojas)Furke, H. #244D, Hanuar- 2=, 244D%. "rovidence critics push for
safer records, The Oregonian. <etrieved from
29. <othstein, M., P Talbott, M. #244D%. 1ompelled disclosure of health information:
protecting against the greatest potential threat to privac-. /ournal of the
"merican :edical "ssociation, #>', 2>>2)2>>9.
2D. weene-, L. #5CC=%. :uaranteeing anon-mit- when sharing medical data, the
7atafl- -stem. "roceedings of the 5CC= /MI/ /nnual $all -mposium,
6ashville, T6, 95)99.
2=. 'right, /., P ittig, 7. #244=a%. Encr-ption characteristics of two +F)based
personal health record devices. /ournal of the "merican :edical !nformatics
"ssociation, &$, (C=)(CC.
2>. 'right, /., P ittig, 7. #244=b%. ecurit- threat posed b- +F)based personal
health records. "nnals of !nternal :edicine, &$?, (58)(59.El Emam, 244=
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C.5 $igure 5 /dapted from weene-, L. #5CC=%. :uaranteeing anon-mit- when
sharing medical data, the 7atafl- -stem. "roceedings of the 5CC= /MI/ /nnual $all
-mposium, 6ashville, T6, 95)99.
(ecture <$
5. /llan, /. #2449%. "assword /ging 1an Furden an /lread-)'eak /uthentication
Method. tamford, 1T: :artner.
2. /non-mous. #5CC=%. $or the <ecord: "rotecting Electronic 0ealth Information.
'ashington, 71: 6ational /cademies "ress.
3. /non-mous. #2442%. ecure 0ash ignature tandard. :aithersburg, M7:
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4. /non-mous. #244>b%. Mitigating medical identit- theft. /ournal of "H!:", @>#=%,
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Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
D()DC. <etrieved Han 2452 from
9. 7aemen, H., P <ijmen, 3. #2442%. The Design of ,i=ndael8 "AS 9 The "dvanced
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D. 0erLig, T. #Ed.%. #2454%. Information ecurit- in 0ealthcare ) Managing <isk.
1hicago, IL: 0ealthcare Information Management -stems ociet-.
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AveryoneFs 5rivate -ife "n Open Secret. 6ew Aork: imon P chuster.
54. 'agner, <., /llan, /., P 0eiser, H. #2449%. Eight ecurit- "ractices ,ffer More
3alue Than "assword /ging. tamford, 1T: :artner.
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C.2 1hart. $low of information in healthcare #<indfleisch, 5CC=%.
C.( 1hart. 0ealth information securit- is a trade)off #11 FA)61)/ (.4, 2452%.
(ecture <c
1. /non-mous. #244=b%. ecurit- 545 for 1overed Entities. Faltimore, M7: 1enters
for Medicare and Medicaid ervices. <etrieved from
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in a registr- of patients with acute coronar- s-ndrome. "rchives of !nternal
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Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
5. 0ouser, ., 0ouser, 0., P hewchuk, <. #244=%. /ssessing the effects of the
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ecurit- <ules, Third Edition. Largo, $L: 0ITE10 urvival :uide.
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55. Mc:raw, 7., 7empse-, H., 0arris, L., P :oldman, H. #244C%. "rivac- as an
enabler, not an impediment: building trust into health information e!change.
Health "ffairs, #;, 85D)82=.
52. 6ass, ., Levit, L., P :ostin, L. #Eds.%. #244C%. Fe-ond the 0I"// "rivac- <ule:
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6ational /cademies "ress.
5(. 6ess, <. #244=%. Influence of the 0I"// "rivac- <ule on health research.
/ournal of the "merican :edical "ssociation, #>;, 25D8)25=4.
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1. /non-mous. #244=%. ecurit- 545 for 1overed Entities. Faltimore, M7: 1enters
for Medicare and Medicaid ervices. <etrieved Han 2452 from
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Stu'ent &pplication &cti"ities
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3ersion (.4.pring 2452
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Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
Component 2/-nit 10
-nit Title
Sociotechnical &spects: Clinicians an' Technolog*
-nit ,escription
This unit looks at the challenges of adapting work processes to new technolog-, and the
resulting impact on *ualit-, efficienc-, and safet-. This unit also e!amines the
phenomena of social and technical resistance to change, especiall- among clinicians.
-nit !$%ecti"es
F- the end of this unit the student will be able to:
5. 7escribe the concepts of medical error and patient safet- #Lecture a, b%
2. 7iscuss error as an individual and as a s-stem problem #Lecture a%
(. 1ompare and contrast the interaction and interdependence of social and
technical Jresistance to changeM #Lecture c%
8. 7iscuss the challenges inherent with adapting work processes to new
technolog- #Lecture c%
9. 7iscuss the downside of adapting technolog- to work practices and wh-
this is not desirable #Lecture c%
D. 7iscuss the impact of changing sociotechnical processes on *ualit-,
efficienc-, and safet- #Lecture a, b%
-nit Topics/(ectures
5. Medical errors
2. "atient safet-
(. ociotechnical aspects of healthcare
-nit .eferences
(ecture 10a
5. /uerbach, /., Landefeld, 1., et al. #244=%. The tension between needing to
improve care and knowing how to do it. 6ew England Hournal of Medicine, (9=:
2. 7onabedian, /. #5C>>%. The *ualit- of care: how can it be assessed? Hournal of
the /merican Medical /ssociation, 2D4: 5=8()5=8>.
(. Bohn, L., 1orrigan, H., et al., eds. #2444%. To Err Is 0uman: Fuilding a afer
0ealth -stem. 'ashington, 71. 6ational /cademies "ress.
8. BrumholL, 0. and Lee, T. #244>%. <edefining *ualit- )) implications of recent
clinical trials. 6ew England Hournal of Medicine, (9>: 29(=)29(C.
9. Leape, L. #2444%. Institute of Medicine medical error figures are not e!aggerated.
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3ersion (.4.pring 2452
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Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
Component &cron*m ?lossar*
/1$ ; /dministration for 1hildren and $amilies
/7/ ; /merican 7ental /ssociation
/7L ; activit- of dail- living
/0<G ; /genc- for 0ealthcare <esearch and Gualit-
/I7 ) /c*uired immune deficienc- s-ndrome
/M/ ; The /merican Medical /ssociation
/o/ ; /dministration on /ging
/T7< ; /genc- for To!ic ubstances and 7isease <egistr-
11+ ; critical care unit
17)54)"1 ) The International 1lassification of 7iseases, 54th <evision, "rocedure
171 ; 1enters for 7isease 1ontrol and "revention
1701 ) 1onsumer 7riven 0ealth 1are "lans
17 ; 1linical 7ecision upport
17T ) 1ode on 7ental "rocedures and 6omenclature
1M ; 1enters for Medicare and Medicaid ervices
1"I ; 1onsumer "rice Inde!
1"T ) 1urrent "rocedure Terminolog-
1T ; 1omputeriLed Tomograph-
76< ; do)not)resuscitate order
7<: ) 7iagnosis <elated :roups
EFM ; Evidence Fased Medicine
E7 ) Emergenc- 7epartment
E7I ) Electronic data interchange
EMT ; emergenc- medical technician
EMT/L/ ; Emergenc- Medical Treatment and /ctive Labor /ct
E", ) E!clusive "rovider ,rganiLation
E< ; emergenc- room
$7/ ; $ood and 7rug /dministration
$$ ) $ee)for)service
:7" ; gross domestic product
01, ; 0ealth 1are ,rganiLation
01"1 ) 0ealth 1are 1ommon "rocedure 1oding -stem
00 ; 7epartment of 0ealth and 0uman ervices
0I"// ; 0ealth Insurance "ortabilit- and /ccountabilit- /ct
0IT ; 0ealth Information Technolog-
0ITE10 /ct ) The 0ealth Information Technolog- for Economic and 1linical 0ealth /ct
0I3 ) 0uman immunodeficienc- virus
0M, ) 0ealth Maintenance ,rganiLation
0</ ; 0ealth <esources and ervices /dministration
I17)54)1M ) The International 1lassification of 7iseases, 54th <evision, 1linical
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum The 1ulture of 0ealthcare >(
3ersion (.4.pring 2452
This material was developed by Oregon Health & Science University, funded by the Department of Health and Human Services,
Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
I17)C)1M ) The International 1lassification of 7iseases, 6inth <evision, 1linical
I1+ ; intensive care unit
I0 ; Indian 0ealth ervice
I"/ ; independent practice association
H1 ; Hoint 1ommission
HTT ; Hoint Theater Trauma -stem
L"6 ; licensed practical nurse
L<6 ) Lab <esponse 6etwork
M1, ) Managed care organiLation
M0 ; Militar- 0ealth -stem
M<I ; Magnetic <esonance Imaging
M</ ) methicillin)resistant taph-lococcus aureus
6ational 7rug 1odes #671
6/T, ; 6orth /tlantic Treat- ,rganiLation
6I0 ; 6ational Institutes of 0ealth
6, ; 6ot ,therwise pecified
,I: ; ,ffice of Inspector :eneral
,< ; operating room
"/ ; ph-sician assistant
"M"M ) per member per month
", ) "oint of ervice "lan
"", ) "referred "rovider ,rganiLation
"T7 ; post)traumatic stress disorder
<F<3 ) <esource Fased <elative 3alue cale
<6 ; registered nurse
/M0/ ; ubstance /buse and Mental 0ealth ervices /dministration
TFI ; traumatic brain injur-
3/ ; 7epartment of 3eterans /ffairs
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum The 1ulture of 0ealthcare >8
3ersion (.4.pring 2452
This material was developed by Oregon Health & Science University, funded by the Department of Health and Human Services,
Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(
Creati"e Commons &ttri$ution3onCommercial3Share&liDe 3.0
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3ersion (.4.pring 2452
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Office of the National oordinator for Health !nformation Technology under "ward Number !U#$O%%%%&'(

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