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March 8, 2011

Basic Business 10: Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship Qualities/Venture Opportunities
Module Inormation !Entrepreneurship 1010"
#peciic $earner Outcomes
%&1 #tudents 'ill demonstrate s(ills in )eneratin) ideas* alternati+es and
%&% #tudents 'ill outline conditions needed to promote idea )eneration and
chan)e initiation
%&3 #tudents 'ill e,plain -ailure o a .usiness +enture/ as an opportunit0 to learn
%&1 #tudents 'ill sho' sensiti+it0 and respect or the perspecti+es* needs* 'ants
and priorities o others
%&5 #tudents 'ill demonstrate characteristics o creati+e thin(in)
2eneral $earner Outcomes
%& #tudents 'ill )enerate ideas or possi.le +enture opportunities in their
$esson O.3ecti+es
#tudents 'ill participate in )roup acti+ities that 'ill demonstrate certain s(ills that
are common to successul entrepreneurs
#tudents 'ill e,plore +enture opportunities that initiate chan)e in their
#tudents 'ill e,plain ailure o a .usiness +enture
4ssessment o #tudent $earnin)
5u.ric or tas( that is to .e completed&
E,it 6ards
Instructional Model
4cti+e participation in )roup acti+ities
$esson 8rocedure
Introduction (10 minutes)
5e+ie' o 0esterda09s class and discuss some o the results o the
:ace.oo( proile 'or(sheet&
o ;ometo'n: < o the students 'rote the0 'ere rom 6al)ar0* and <
said some'here else in +arious places around the 'orld& 7id most
put the place the0 'ere .orn or are the0 actuall0 rom these
dierent places=
o 2rade: Most are in )rade 10
o 4cti+ities: Variet0 o 4cti+ities- ;oc(e0* :oot.all* #no'.oardin) or
.o0s& 2irls- 7ancin)* tra+elin)* and shoppin)
o :a+orite Music- ;u)e +ariet0
o :a+orite Mo+ies- Beaut0 and the Beast* >a(en* 5esident E+il
o :a+orite >&V& #ho's- ?hat not to 'ear* Bi) Ban) >heor0* :amil0
2u0* >reehouse* @erse0 #hore
o ?hat do 0ou 'ant to learn- some students illed this out .ut not all&
-;o' to inno+ate m0sel in helpin) others and m0sel
-;o' to )et the .all rollin)/
-:inancial 4spects/
-;o' to .e an entrepreneur/
o >hese are all thin)s that 'e 'ill .e co+erin) in the course& 4s an
entrepreneur 0ou 'ant to .e a.le to set 0oursel apart rom others
in some 'a0 that ma(es people attracted to 0our ser+ice and
product& ?e 'ill deinitel0 learn ho' to start* and ho' to ma(e
5e+ie' o ' 2et class to lo) onto .asic.usiness10&'ordpress&com
o >here 'ere some pro.lems 0esterda0& 2o throu)h ho' to 'or(
their 'a0 around the '
o Aesterda09s 8oll 5esults: 11 people +oted& B1C -D people said 0es*
%DC- 1 people* and EC-1 person said no&
o Encoura)e to +ote on toda09s poll
>oda09s 8lan o 4ttac(:
o 6omplete some acti+ities that 'ould identi0 'hether or not
students ha+e some o the characteristics that successul
entrepreneurs ha+e&
Development (45 minutes)
#pirit o 4d+enture !5 minutes"
1" Aou ha+e .een oered the e,perience o a lietime& 5ichard
Branson* the o'ner o Vir)in has oered or 0ou to ha+e the chance
to spend 1 0ear tra+elin) around the 'orld all e,penses paid& But*
there9s a catch& On this e,perience 0ou 'ill .e reFuired to complete
+arious tas(s& >hese 'ill include:
#(0di+in)* .un)ee 3umpin)* s'immin) 'ith shar(s* eatin)
orei)n oods: e,ample camel& Are you illin! to "e
adventurous and ta#e the ris#$
One o the reasons #pirit o 4d+enture is a common trait amon)
entrepreneurs is that the0 are 'illin) to tr0 ne' thin)s and ta(e
ris(s that other mi)ht not& >he0 are 'illin) to step out o their
comort Gone into the un(no'n& 4re 0ou 'illin) to )o 'here no man
has )one .eore=
%pirit o& Adventure De&inition' An underta#in! involvin!
dan!er and un#non ris#s
>eam'or( !%0 minutes"
4ssi)n num.ers to students 1-5& >his 'ill .e the team that the0 are
'or(in) 'ith in class& ;and out +arious cards to )roups&
6ard 1- Balloon 4cti+it0
Each person ta(es one .alloon and .lo's it up& >he )roup
needs to stand in a circle to start& >he0 start 'ith one .alloon
and end up 'ith 5 .alloons& >he catch is that 0ou ha+e to put
0our hands .ehind 0our .ac( and onl0 use 0our eet or
.reath to (eep the .alloons up& E+er0 minute the0 need to
add a ne' .alloon&
6ard %- #ol+e a 6ase #tud0
5ead throu)h the case stud0& 2roup has to come up 'ith
solutions to the Fuestions
6ard 3- ;i)hest #tructure
;a+e a certain amount o cand0 desi)nated or the tas(&
>he0 ha+e to 'or( 'ith 'hat the0 ha+e& 6and0 and stra's&
Marshmallo's and toothpic(s&
#tudents need to desi)n the hi)hest structure rom o.3ects
6ard 1- Mine ield
6hairs 'ill .e placed in a certain area o the classroom& % o
the students 'ill .e .lindolded and the other students 'ill
ha+e to )uide them throu)h the mineield& I the0 touch
somethin) the0 ha+e to start o+er&
>eam'or( is an important characteristic or an entrepreneur to
ha+e& It means .ein) a.le to 'or( colla.orati+el0 'ith a )roup to
accomplish a common )oal& Aou 'ant to ma(e sure that the people
0ou 'or( 'ith as an Entrepreneur are supporti+e and that 0ou )et
alon) to accomplish certain tas(s
6reati+it0 !10 minutes"
7esi)n the most attracti+e/.est l0in) airplanes
#tudents 'ill ha+e construction paper/mar(ers/instruction
sheets on ho' to ma(e an airplane& In case the0 ha+e
6reati+it0 sets 0ou apart as an entrepreneur& It is the a.ilit0
to create somethin) out o nothin)& It also means that 0ou
can see somethin) that others ma0 not .e a.le to reco)niGe&
7iscussion: >al( a.out some o the traits that are common amon)
successul entrepreneurs&
$ast class 'e 'or(ed on a tas( a.out +enture opportunities& #ome o
these are )reat ideas .ut completel0 not easi.le& 4s )reat as a 'arp )ate
'ould .e or a space ele+ator* there are 3ust some opportunities that are
not possi.le at the moment& Hot to sa0 that the0 'ill ne+er .e possi.le* .ut
ri)ht no'* .ecause o limited technolo)0 or other thin)s the0 pre+ent these
ideas rom happenin)&
$ie in %0%0 +ideo clip: http://'''&0outu.e&com/'atch=+I.B3+FnJQs>I
(atch your li&e in 2020
Instructions or He,t acti+it0: 6ha-6ha-6ha-6han)es
>he0 'ill open up the .asic.usiness10&'ordpress&com .lo) and
read the inormation posted relatin) to dierent +enture !ser+ice
and product" and then the0 'ill ind some inormation on a .usiness
mi)ht ail
>as(: 8artner to)ether 'ith someone !ma0 .e one )roup o three"&
4s the0 'or( to)ether the0 need to come up 'ith a list o 5-10
+enture ideas that 'ould pro+ide chan)e to a current +enture or a
need that 'ould .e illed& )*ample+
Ma(e sure that the0 put their name and their partners name at the
top o the pa)e&
>he0 then need to ans'er some Fuestions a.out 'h0 a +enture
mi)ht ail and 'hat the dierence is .et'een a ser+ice +enture and
a product +enture&
I the0 inish this acti+it0* the0 need to ma(e sure that the0 ha+e
completed 0esterda09s acti+it0* >as( 1- Entrepreneurship >erms*
>as( %- 5eco)niGin) Heeds* ?ants* and 7esires* and to
>he0 can also complete an online FuiG relatin) to entrepreneurship&
>ime permittin) 'e 'ill potentiall0 )o throu)h the ans'ers or >as( 1-
6ommon Entrepreneurship terms
4lso )roups ma0 present one o their ideas or >as( 3: 6ha-6ha-6han)es
E,it 6ard: #tudents 'ill .e handed an inde, card and need to ans'er the
ollo'in) Fuestion: ?hat did the0 learn a.out themsel+es in the acti+ities
that 'e completed= 7o 0ou thin( 0ou ha+e some traits that 'ould ma(e a
)ood entrepreneur= ?hat are 0our stron)est a.ilities= ?hat could 0ou
potentiall0 'or( on=
#tra's* toothpic(s* )umm0 .ears/3ell0 .a.ies* and marshmallo's
Blindolds o some sort
6ase stud0 printed out 1-5 copies
6onstruction paper/mar(ers/paper airplanes instructions

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