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Talk by Alice Bailey to Arcane School students January 21, 1944

AAB: Last week I read the opening pages of the Tibetans answer to the question What is an
esoteric school? Tonight I want to go back to the Rules. I dont know quite what you will make of
this lesson of the Tibetan, which was written at the time of the May Full Moon last year, because to
my great surprise he moves into the field of numerology. There is a prejudice against numerology
among people, and yet the world is founded upon sound and number. The Secret Doctrine is full of
numbers, and so is Masonry. The description of the temples in the Bible the Tabernacle, which
stands for the personality; the Temple of Solomon, which stands for the Soul; and the temple of
Ezekiel, which has never been built and which stands for the Monad all is sound and
measurement, and I am quite sure that the time is coming when the new esoteric school of the future
will use the science of numbers. Humanity today, where numbers and astrology are concerned,
always makes the matter personal.

We have been studying Rule 3 [Reading from The Rays and the Initiations, pp. 77-78]:

As we continue our study of Rule 3, I am myself struck with the appositeness of its words in
connection with this particular historical cycle and in relation to the truths that are slowly
taking form in the consciousness of humanity. New truths (and by that I mean truths that are
new to the most advanced thinkers and that are only dimly sensed by the most advanced
esotericist) are hovering on the horizon of the human mind.

What are these new truths that are only dimly sensed by the most advanced esotericists? I think that
there may be divine attributes of which we absolutely have not the faintest conception. We talk of
God as intelligence and love and will. Perhaps there is something else, and when we have
discovered that, we shall know why things are.

I can know why things are in my own life, but why is there evil in the world, why do we have the
law of suffering, why do we have this particular method of appropriation when it isnt the only
method, why is there so much cataclysmic disaster in nature itself? To these problems we have no
clue. Take the answer, which I suppose is the best answer that has ever been evolved, as to why
there was creation, why there was form: that God, having desire in Himself, had to have something
that he desired. That is the most basic answer as to why things are. To me it is utterly inadequate.
Take the question of evil and trace it back as far as you can go. There was war in the heavens, and
hence cosmic evil, but that is no answer.

M: I wonder why people have to do things over and over again. Why cant they be stimulated?

AAB: That way is in myself, in you.

M: When I say stimulated, I mean impressing certain things on the mind so that they can quickly
be understood.

AAB: I have some plant food that I use on my plants. When I first used it, I gave them too much,
and they all died. You want somebody outside of yourself to do it. I think there are certain divine
qualities that are so latent in divine nature that there is nothing developed enough in us to evoke
them. The more you study relationships in the world, the more you find that the whole history of
humanity is a process of evocation. Humanity evokes through its development, in certain periods
and cycles, certain ideas that come out of the divine mind. They have always been there. The idea of
brotherhood has always been a fact in divine consciousness, but it is only as humanity has
developed that there has been that in humanity that has invoked that revelation. There is that rain
cloud of knowable things to which Patanjali refers, and as we develop and we are developing fast
we will evoke a revelation. I dont know what word to use a new attribute of divinity, which,
when we know it, will give us a clue to many of our problems. It will only be recognized by the
most advanced thinkers and will have no effect upon the masses. If I were to get up in a Salvation
Army meeting and talk to those people, they wouldnt have an idea of what I was saying because
there is nothing in them as yet that could respond. I dont believe that the ordinary individual has
experienced enough, played with fire enough, delved into matter enough to turn away from it and
begin to grasp the higher things. When this new thing appears, that new hovering truth that can only
be sensed by the most advanced esotericists, it will be only the advanced esotericists that will
recognize it.

M: What is going to be done with these revelations? The person who sees them, what is he going to
do with them?

AAB: When you sense the truth you begin to live it and you try to put it into words. The next layer
below us begins to grasp it and it gets stepped down. As it gets stepped down it doesnt improve,
but it has an effect. [Reading further from The Rays and the Initiations, p. 77-78]:

New truths (and by that I mean truths that are new to the most advanced thinkers and that
are only dimly sensed by the most advanced esotericist) are hovering on the horizon of the
human mind. The ground is being prepared for the sowing of this new seed and the stage set
for the emergence of new Actors in the great drama of the unfolding revelation of Deity.

Certain great concepts are firmly grasped by humanity. Certain great hopes are taking form
and will become the pattern of living. Certain great speculations will become experimental
theories and later be proven as demonstrated facts. Behind all this, two things are happening:
People are being stimulated and brought to that point of necessary tension that (as a result of
a crisis) must precede a great moving forward upon the Path of Evolution. Secondly, a
process of reorientation is going on that will eventually enable the mass of humanity to
present a united front upon views hitherto regarded as the vague visions of intelligent and
optimistic dreamers. A great stirring and moving is going on. The world of humanity is
seething in response to the inflow of spiritual energy. This energy has been evoked by the
unrealized and inaudible cry of humanity itself. Humanity has become for the first time in
its history spiritually invocative.

Humanity goes back 18 million years or more, and this is the first time that it is spiritually
invocative. That is going to have as important an effect as when the animal kingdom became
invocative and they invoked the Lords of Mind, who are ourselves. We are here, the Lords of
Wisdom and of Knowledge, because the animal kingdom called us. We have now reached another
point in the history of humanity where we are again spiritually invocative, and so what? At the last
great invocation of the animal kingdom it produced the evocation of the divine attribute that we call
the mind, and until that revelation came and the germ of mind was implanted in the animal, such a
thing as mind never existed. What is going to be invoked through the invocative cry of humanity,
which is for the first time heard today? Some people believe that it will be the appearance of the
embodiment of love in the world, which has never yet appeared except in Christ and those who
have taken initiation. It means that the goal that the initiate sets for himself, which he achieves at
the third initiation, will be the inheritance of future humanity, without the need for initiation. There
is your stimulation, if it is a correct theory. I dont know. I do know that in spite of all the platitudes
that are spoken about love, we do not know what love is until we are initiates, and then we find, I
presume, that it is something very different from what we thought. There is no emotion in it.

Do you know what we all need more? We need to use our creative imagination and romance more.
It is letting yourself go in an effort to create for yourself a thoughtform that will enable you to get
what is for you some understanding of pure love. I do not use the word pure in the usual sense but
in the sense of completely unadulterated divine love, free from emotion, free from any self-seeking.
We say, asking nothing for the separated self, but in the back of our minds we know that if we
love enough we will get love. Maybe the new revelation wont be love; that love is already
anchored in the world. It may be the revelation of something as yet unknown because there is
nothing in us that could register it. So a Master might enter this room and speak, and we wouldnt
know he was a Master. But if we were far enough along we would understand the revelation
immediately without his saying very much.

RK: Under the evolutionary sequence, the next stage is the incarnation of Buddhi.

AAB: I think that possibly has already happened among the most advanced. The thing that is
revealed is very far ahead of anything existent. Maybe it is not love, because the seeds of love are
here; maybe it is not the intuition, because the intuition is here. Maybe it is not the emergence of
anything on the seven planes of our solar system because they are all material. So maybe it is
something outside of our solar system altogether. I am speculating. I think that when we endeavor
to see what is not there yet, it is probably one of the greatest methods whereby we grow.

Humanity has become for the first time in its history spiritually invocative. We really have been
privileged. In 1936 we were privileged to crystallize the invocation, several million people invoking
consciously, and I believe that that worldwide invocation will bear fruit and surprise us. We were
the only group in the world that crystallized that invocation, and on such a large scale. The Tibetan
says he is going to give us a new invocation at the end of the war. [Reading further on pp. 78-81]:

Let us now consider briefly the nature of that which is being evoked, and thus gain an
insight into the interrelation that exists between the three great planetary centers: the human
center, the Hierarchical center, and Shamballa. Each of these is evocative to the one
functioning at a slower or lesser speed (if I might use such inappropriate terms) and
invocative to the one above it.

Humanity is the result of all sub-human forms of expression and experience and of the
activity of superhuman Beings. These superhuman Beings are the product of past
evolutionary systems and are in Themselves the sum total of the great Divine Sacrifice as it
focuses itself in our planetary life. Having passed through all previous phases of existence
and perfected the consciousness aspect in Themselves through human experiences, They
have transcended all that humanity can know and all states of consciousness with which they
are or may be in the future familiar, and are now expressing a phase of divinity of which
humanity can know naught. They LIVE. They are energy itself, and in Their totality They
form the bright center lying far ahead.

To this center we give the name Shamballa, the component letters of which are numerically:
S.H.A.M.B.A.L.L.A. or This word equals the number 24, which in its turn
equals 6. I would call your attention to the fact that the word has in it nine letters, and as
you know nine is the number of initiation. The goal of the initiatory process is to admit
humanity into realization of and identification with the will or purpose of Deity. The number
6 is the number of form or of manifestation, which is the agent or medium through which
this realization comes and by which the consciousness is unfolded so that it can become the
foundation of the higher process that is instituted at the third initiation. That initiation is
closely related to the third major center, Shamballa; it is the third, from the angle of a
persons perception and understanding, but the first from the angle of Deity Itself. Again, 6
being the number of the Sixth Ray, it is therefore the number of idealism and of that driving
force that makes humanity move forward upon the path and in response to the vision and
press upward towards the light. It is in reality devotion to an unseen goal, ever on ahead, and
an unswerving recognition of the objective.

The number 24 is of deep interest, expressing as it does the double 12 the greater and the
lesser zodiac. Just as the number 6 expresses space, so the number 24 expresses time and is
the key to the great cycle of manifestation. It is the clue to all cyclic appearance or
incarnation. Its two figures define the method of evolution; 2 equals the quality of love-
wisdom, working under the Law of Attraction and drawing humanity from one point of
attainment to another; while 4 indicates the technique of conflict and the achieving of
harmony through that conflict; 4 is also the number of the human hierarchy, and 2 is the
number of the Spiritual Hierarchy. Technically speaking, until the third initiation, the initiate
is occupied with the relationship of the 2 and the 4; these, when placed side by side,
connote relation; and when placed the one above the other, the initiate passes from the 4 into
the 2. Needless to say, there is much more to say about these figures, but the above will
suffice to show the satisfactory nature of esoteric numerology not numerology as
understood today.

I would have you note that the sounds that compose the word Shamballa are
predominantly along the line of will or power or of First Ray energy. Of the nine letters, six
are on the First Ray line of force. spirit and matter, will and intelligence. Two
of them are along the Second Ray line of force, 4 and 2. The number 8 inaugurates ever a
new cycle, following after the number 7, which is that of a relative perfection. It is the
number of the Christ-consciousness; just as 7 is the number of a human being, 8 is the
number of the Hierarchy, and 9 is the number of initiation or of Shamballa. Forget not that,
from the angle of the Hierarchy, the third initiation is regarded as the first major initiation.

These preliminary remarks are intended to convey much esoteric information to those who
realize that number gives the clue to the form and purpose of the life that the form veils. At
the third major initiation, the third planetary initiation (which is in fact the first solar
initiation), the liberated disciple for the first time alone and unaided invokes the highest
spiritual center on our planet, Shamballa. This he does because, for the first time,
consciously and with understanding, he registers the life aspect (which has brought his Soul
into action through the medium of form) and vibrates to the Monad. That registration
enables him to contact the bright center, lying far ahead, to blend his individual will with
the divine will, and to cooperate with the purpose aspect of manifestation. He has learned to
function through form; he has become aware, as a Soul, of the divine form in its many
aspects and differentiations; he now starts off upon the way of the higher unfoldment, of
which the first step is contact with Shamballa, involving the fusion of his self-will and his
spiritual will with the Will of God.

I think that that is a tremendously occult piece of writing. I wonder what each of you thinks is the
most interesting part in the reading.

FB: The relation of the 2 and the 4 that is close enough so that you can really get hold of it.

AAB: The Soul and the personality, isnt it? 2 equals the quality of love-wisdom working under the
Law of Attraction, while 4 indicates the technique of conflict and the achieving of harmony through
that conflict.

RK: Isnt that because of the rays?

AAB: It is more than just the rays, 4 is the number of the human hierarchy.

CH: It is the number of the cross and crucifixion.

R: You cant get 9 as long as you have 2 and 4.

AAB: 9 is made by adding the 2 of the Soul, the 4 of personality and 3. We regard harmony as
settling a row, but it isnt; it is the process of harmonizing 2 and 4. Technically speaking, until the
third initiation, the initiate is occupied with the relationship of the 2 and the 4; these, when placed
side by side, connote relation; and when placed the one above the other, the initiate passes from the
4 into the 2.

RK: Its very interesting that 6 stands for space and 24 for time.

AAB: To me time is experience. Time and field of experience are closely related.

RK: There are 24 hours in the day.

AAB: Two twelves, light and dark, objective and subjective.

CH: I think it is in White Magic where it says, time is the length of a thoughtform, which brings it
down to the field of experience.

AAB: After all, isnt that the definition of time that is common in philosophy? Time is the sequence
of events. It has nothing to do with minutes and hours. Its curious how power numbers come out in

1 8 1 4 2 1 3 3 1

1-3-5-7 only two numbers connected with the Second Ray, which is, of course, the complete
exemplification of Shamballa.

P: How do the numbers work out in other languages?

AAB: I have always wondered about that. However, English is the most complete language in the
world and contains words from many other languages. It is compulsory in many foreign countries in
the public schools. In Holland, English is taught as well as in Switzerland, Belgium, Sweden and
Denmark. I have addressed porters in France in French and been answered in English. In India,
English is not compulsory, but it is the only language understood by the educated class because
there are so many dialects in India that they cannot understand each other. It is the only means of
communication among the intelligentsia.

What would you think was the most important point this evening?

P: The idea of new truths, of new relationships.

AP: The first time that humanity became spiritually invocative. Think of what the results will be in
hastening evolution and in bringing through these things that are currently beyond humanity.

AAB: Another law that we dont understand is why everything starts in the mud and then beautiful
things emerge. When a more advanced nation comes into contact with a less advanced nation, the
less advanced nation takes on all the vices of the more advanced one. It is able to be receptive to
those, but the virtuous points that the more advanced nation offers are lost.

One of the new truths that is emerging in the world today is the sense of divinity. This is seized
upon by some groups and is distorted.

RK: You spoke about spiritual romancing. If one is properly invocative, it amounts to the same
thing as letting a child play and learn through playing.

AAB: You can be spiritually invocative and be quite unconscious of it. When to your invocation
you add the creative imagination, I think you have something, and that is the plus that makes things
happen. If we are spiritually invocative as a group, there has to be something of the creative
imagination brought in so that we know how to shift our curriculum in order to evoke a response
from people that will enable us to help them. Invocation will effect something in us, and we will be
more effective.

CH: I think one of the reasons why esotericists fail in making occult contact with people who have
Christian backgrounds is that they cant reduce the fundamentals to Christian terminology. The two
sides are presented in conflict. I think the Triangle work and the Invocation work has a bearing on
that, and I have spent time in trying to reduce the ideas of the Tibetan to Christian terminology.

AAB: I really think that the major hiatus comes from the fact that we havent made a clear
distinction between prayer and meditation.

CH: I think most intelligent people dont like prayer because of the prayers they have heard in the

R: You say that every esotericist should have prayer as part of his equipment. I think that as a group
we really dont know much about prayer and what you mean by it. It might be a valuable thing in
the School to stress this meaning.

AAB: The other day one of our group went to the Reformed Church of America, and the minister
said he had a copy of the New World Religion. He wanted to come in and talk to me about it. We
cannot estimate the Tibetans influence through the things he writes.

N: One of the highest points, I think, is the exercise of the creative imagination. Its always
invocative of new revelations of new truths such as the example of the animal kingdom evoking the
mind. I believe that is a tremendous implication.

RK: There is an evocation of the lower toward the higher in the technique, And I, if I be lifted up,
will draw all men unto me.

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