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Ioseph M. ap
Assoc|ate Informat|on-keference L|brar|an
De La Sa||e Un|vers|ty - Man||a
1o learn how Lo assess and conducL onllne
evaluaLlon of blblloLherapy maLerlals.
1o provlde examples of exlsLlng onllne
developmenLal blblloLherapy for llbrarles and
llbrary personnel.
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
Maln ob[ecLlve
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
Sources used ln flndlng lnformaLlon
Cnllne daLabase aggregaLors such as:
Search englnes such as:
Coogle (chooslng only academlc webslLes)
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
Cur expecLed cllenLs (noL paLlenLs)
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
Who are we worklng wlLh?
rofesslonals llke:
hoLo credlLs: hLLp://
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
WhaL we wanL Lo achleve?
CLlLn1 Wl1P PlCP
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
ehrsson & McMlllen, 2010
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
lmplemenLaLlon sLraLegles
96 asslgned lndependenL readlng
92 read Lo or wlLh cllenLs
48 conducLed classroomguldance unlLs
61 used group Lherapy readlng
39 used readlng wlLh accompanylng arL
83 accompanled readlng wlLh wrlLlng
38 employed drama acLlvlLles ln con[uncLlon
wlLh readlng
33 had cllenLs read Lo Lhem
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
lormaLs used
self-help maLerlals (78)
workbooks (77)
lnformaLlon pamphleLs (63)
Less commonly employed formaLs were
plcLure books (39)
poeLry (22)
easy readers (37)
flcLlon (33)
nonflcLlon(49), and
audlo books (29)
Speclal formaLs Lo accommodaLe dlsablllLles (e.g., 8rallle or large prlnL) were
rarely used (3)
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
Source: hLLp://
Chooslng a book
Pow does a counselor choose [usL Lhe rlghL book for a parLlcular cllenL? A
seasoned counselor conslders mulLlple facLors based on prlor experlences, learned
from cllnlcal Lrlal and error. 1heoreLlcal framework, LherapeuLlc conLexL, cllenL
needs and slLuaLlon, cosLs, developmenLal level of Lhe cllenL and developmenLal
sLage of Lherapy are [usL some of Lhe concerns welghed ln Lhe declslon of book-Lo-
cllenL flL. 1here ls much Lo conslder. unseasoned counselors lack sufflclenL relevanL
experlence Lo fully appreclaLe Lhe complexlLy of Lhls declslon maklng process.
1hey Loo could learn from experlmenLaLlon, however, chooslng Lhe wrong book
could have eLhlcal and deLrlmenLal consequences LhaL mlghL lmpacL Lhe cllenL,
counselor or cllnlcal seLLlng repuLaLlon.
Chooslng an approprlaLe book wlLh expllclL plcLures may have a poslLlve
LherapeuLlc lmpacL on a chlld who ls sLruggllng wlLh Lhe fallouL from sexual abuse.
lL could have dlsasLrous lmpacL lf Lhe school board does noL approve of such
maLerlals ln Lhe counsellng offlce or lf Lhe parenLs have noL been noLlfled.
1herefore, as educaLors for emerglng menLal healLh professlonals, Lhere ls an
eLhlcal lmperaLlve Lo prepare our novlce LheraplsLs Lo choose books or oLher forms
of llLeraLure effecLlvely and approprlaLely for Lhe parLlcular LherapeuLlc slLuaLlon.
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
1he new llsL of 20 8eadlng Well Mood-
boosLlng book LlLles are:
1hls llsL ls almed aL all adulLs, parLlcularly Lhose who mlghL have experlenced mlld menLal-healLh condlLlons llnked Lo sLress,
anxleLy and depresslon.
8ee !ournal by Sean 8orodale
uarL by Allce Cswald
1he Lnchanted Apr|| by L||zabeth von Arn|m *
LssenLlal oems from Lhe SLaylng Allve 1rllogy edlLed by nell AsLley
1he Cuernsey LlLerary and oLaLo eel le SocleLy by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annle 8arrows
1he ne|p by kathryn Stockett *
l CapLure Lhe CasLle by uodle SmlLh
Mlss CarneL's Angel by Salley vlckers
Mlss eLLlgrew Llves for a uay by Wlnlfred WaLson
A MonLh ln Lhe CounLry by !.L. Carr
A Sea Change by veronlca Penry
1he SecreL ulary of Adrlan Mole Aged 13 by Sue 1ownsend
Soul Muslc by 1erry raLcheLL
A SLreeL CaL named 8ob by !ames 8owen
1he 1hread by vlcLorla Plslop
1hursdays ln Lhe ark by Pllary 8oyd
1oo Much Papplness by Allce Munro
1urned ouL nlce Agaln by 8lchard Mabey
1he unllkely llgrlmage of Parold lry by 8achel !oyce
varlous eLs Allve and uead by Marlna Lewycka
u8L: hLLp://
* Ava||ab|e |n DLSU
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
.and chosen by younger readers
ArLlchoke PearLs, by SlLa 8rahmacharl
8lg naLe on a 8oll, by Llncoln elrce
8oys uon'L Cry, by Malone 8lackman
Ch|cken Soup for the 1eenage Sou|, ed|ted by Iack Canf|e|d, Mark V|ctor nansen and
k|mber|ey k|rberger *
CoodnlghL MlsLer 1om, by Mlchelle Magorlan
no|es, by Lou|s Sachar *
!usL LlsLen, by Sarah uessen
Lla's Culde Lo Wlnnlng Lhe LoLLery, by keren uavld
Max|mum k|de: 1he Ange| Lxper|ment, by Iames atterson *
nobody's Clrl, by Sarra Mannlng
numbers, by 8achel Ward
1he 8ecrulL, by 8oberL Muchamore
1he SecreL CounLess, by Lva lbboLson
1o k||| a Mock|ngb|rd, by narper Lee *
now|'s Mov|ng Cast|e, by D|ana Wynne Iones *
Mllllons, by lrank CoLLrell 8oyce
My name ls Mlna, by uavld Almond
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
uo you have an CAC? ls lL
avallable onllne?
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
CredlLs: hLLp://
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
20 Mllllon llllplnos are onllne (LhaL's 22 of
Lhe hlllpplnes' currenL 90 Mllllon
1he number ls also expecLed Lo lncrease by
10 every year.
Accordlng Lo Ms. !aneLLe 1oral: 1here are 41 Mllllon
lnLerneL users by 2014."
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
WhaL Lo prepare?
Ll88A8lAn / Ll88A8? S1All
SL8vL8 / PCS1
WL8 uLSlCn
LL8 8LvlLWL8S / 8l8LlC1PL8A? 8LvlLW
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
8lblloLherapy LducaLlon ro[ecL
ur. ehrsson and ur. McMlllen, Cregon SLaLe
CenLral Mlchlgan unlverslLy
llLeraLure and sLorles as LherapeuLlc Lools
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
1hls slLe has Lools, resources and llnks Lo asslsL
you ln:
LvaluaLlng maLerlals for blblloLherapy work
wlLh chlldren and adolescenLs.
llndlng evaluaLed books for cerLaln age groups
and lssues.
Learnlng more abouL Lhe use of books ln
8lblloLherapy LducaLlon ro[ecL
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
8eglsLer here
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
ConflrmaLlon of successful reglsLraLlon!
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
Check your emall accounL for conflrmaLlon.
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
Search for LlLle enLrles. ?ou may also
search for auLhor, publlsher and lS8n.
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
LvaluaLe on Lhe followlng
Ceneral lormaL & SLrucLure
Sub[ecL MaLLer
8eadlng Level
8ook LengLh
1exL & lcLures
uevelopmenLal Level
ulverslLy lacLors
ConLexL/LnvlronmenL or SlLuaLlon/use
1herapeuLlc uses
AddlLlonal ConslderaLlons
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
Ceneral lormaL/ SLrucLure
Can ma[or aspecLs of Lhls sLory be applled Lo
dlfferenL slLuaLlons? ?es
ls Lhe ploL coheslve? ?es
Are Lhe characLers well-developed? ?es
ls Lhe book well-wrlLLen? ?es
ls facLual lnformaLlon presenLed accuraLely? ?es
ls facLual lnformaLlon presenLed ob[ecLlvely? ?es
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
Are Lhe flcLlonal slLuaLlons reallsLlcally deplcLed? noL
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
When evaluaLlng a conLemporary
reallsLlc flcLlon novel, ask:
Are Lhere engaglng and Lrue-Lo-llfe, well-rounded characLers who are boLh wlse
and foollsh whlle Lhey are growlng and changlng?
ls Lhere an accuraLe reflecLlon of Lhe human condlLlon and conLemporary llfe
wlLhouL sLereoLyplng?
ls Lhere a senslLlvlLy Lo all people regardless of sex or sexual orlenLaLlon, race,
rellglon, age, socloeconomlc level, soclal group, or culLure?
uoes Lhe ploL appeal Lo young adulLs, address Lhe challenges, hopes, and fears as
well as Lhe problems faced by conLemporary adolescenLs, and offer hope for Lhe
uoes Lhe ploL ask young adulLs Lo conslder or reconslder Lhelr own values and
bellefs, lnsplre wlLhouL provldlng handy resoluLlons" (Aronson, 2001, p. 119), and
noL Lalk down Lo readers or Lell Lhem whaL Lo Lhlnk?
ls Lhe seLLlng bellevable?
ls Lhere an approprlaLe LreaLmenL of vlolence LhaL never glamorlzes vlolence,
records lL more graphlcally Lhan necessary, or lncludes lL graLulLously?
uoes Lhe language accuraLely reflecL Lhe characLers as well as Lhelr educaLlonal
sLaLus, soclal class, culLure, and Lhe place ln whlch Lhey llve?
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
Sub[ecL MaLLer
LvaluaLor LhoughL Lhe book's Lhemes were
approprlaLe for Lhe followlng groups:
lamlly, LxLended famlly, klds
ls Lhe sub[ecL maLLer of endurlng lnLeresL? ?es
ls Lhe sub[ecL maLLer ouLdaLed? no
uoes Lhe sLory/LexL offer posslble soluLlons Lo
problems presenLed? ?es
Pow lnLeresLlng ls Lhe sub[ecL maLLer?
Pow engaglng ls Lhe sLory?
I|at Very Lngag|ng
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
8eadlng Level/SulLablllLy
LvaluaLor LhoughL Lhe vocabulary was sulLable
for Lhe followlng grade levels:
Preschoo//0-5 yeors
ls Lhe book fun Lo read? ?es
ls Lhe vocabulary of Lhe book approprlaLe for
Lhe readlng level of Lhe LargeL audlence? ?es
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
8ook LengLh
LvaluaLor esLlmaLes lL would Lake 13 - 30 mlnuLes
Lo read Lhls book aloud.
ls Lhe book seL up ln a chapLer formaL LhaL lends
lLself Lo serlal or ongolng use?
ls Lhe book's lengLh approprlaLe for Lhe readlng
level of Lhe LargeL audlence?
uoes Lhe book lengLh allow for use wlLh cllenLs
wlLh speclal aLLenLlonal needs?
noL Appllcable
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
uoes Lhe fonL maLch Lhe sLory conLenL and Lone? ?es
ls Lhe LexL Loo dense for read-aloud or read-LogeLher acLlvlLles? ?es
LvaluaLe Lhe slze of Lhe LexL:
1oo Sma|| 1oo Large
lllusLraLlons: Color
Are Lhe plcLures developmenLally approprlaLe? ?es
Are Lhe plcLures aLLracLlve? ?es
ls Lhere permlsslon Lo reprlnL? noL Appllcable
ls Lhe layouL of Lhe lllusLraLlons approprlaLe Lo Lhe LexL? ?es
uo Lhe plcLures enhance Lhe sLory? ?es
Are Lhe lllusLraLlons well-done? ?es
8aLe Lhe sLyle of Lhe lllusLraLlon:
Abstract kea||st|c
Pow engaglng are Lhe plcLures:
I|at Very Lngag|ng
LvaluaLe Lhe number of plcLures:
1oo Iew 1oo Many
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
uevelopmenLal Level
LvaluaLor conslders Lhls book approprlaLe for Lhe followlng
readlng levels:
Crade 1-2/3-8 years, Crade 3-4/8-10 years,
klndergarLen/4-6 years
1he age(s) of Lhe maln characLer(s) ls/are:
Crade 1-2/3-8 years, Crade 3-4/8-10 years,
klndergarLen/4-6 years
uo Lhe Lhemes maLch Lhe developmenLal level of Lhe LargeL
Can Lhls book be used wlLh cllenLs aL a varleLy of
developmenLal levels?
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
ulverslLy lacLors
1he evaluaLor LhoughL Lhe followlng elemenLs of
Lhe book reflecL or suggesL dlverslLy:
Age, CulLure, naLlonallLy, 8ace, Soclo-economlc
1he gender of Lhe maln characLer ls: unspeclfled
uoes Lhe book convey respecL for all groups
referred Lo ln Lhe readlng?
noL Appllcable
uoes Lhe book avold sLereoLypes? noL Appllcable
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
ConLexL/LnvlronmenL or SlLuaLlon/use
ls Lhls a book LhaL Lhe evaluaLor would en[oy
uslng mulLlple Llmes? ?es
ls Lhls book a good value for Lhe money? noL
ls Lhe book reproduclble? noL Appllcable
uld Lhe evaluaLor Lhlnk Lhere were elemenLs LhaL
mlghL be of a senslLlve naLure?
noL Appllcable
LvaluaLe how speclallzed Lhe conLenL of Lhls book
n|gh|y spec|a||zed Very versat||e
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
1herapeuLlc use
1he evaluaLor suggesLed Lhe followlng posslble uses for Lhls book:
CllenL 8eadlng, 8eadlng for enacLmenL, 8eadlng Lo Lhe cllenL, 8eadlng
LogeLher, 8eadlng wlLh workbook / ulrecLed acLlvlLy, SllenL 8eadlng
uoes Lhe conLenL promoLe dlscusslon? ?es
uoes Lhe conLenL faclllLaLe cllenL growLh? ?es
uoes Lhe book explore problems LhaL need Lo be lnLroduced Lo chlldren?
uoes Lhe book explore problems LhaL need Lo be lnLroduced Lo
Are Lhere plcLures LhaL ask for a response from Lhe reader? noL Appllcable
uo Lhe plcLures enhance Lhe chlld's deslre Lo draw or creaLe more relaLed
Lo Lhe sLory? ?es
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
AddlLlonal LvaluaLlon ConslderaLlons
uescrlbe Lhe values / beneflLs of Lhls book ln a LherapeuLlc seLLlng:
l Lhlnk Lhls book could be very beneflclal for chlldren who's parenLs
are golng Lhrough a dlvorce. l Lhlnk lL can help chlldren feel as lf
Lhey are noL alone ln Lhe famlly change Lhey are golng Lhrough.
Lspeclally, how Lo communlcaLe Lhelr feellngs as well as even Lhelr
uescrlbe Lhe drawbacks Lo Lhe use of Lhls book ln a LherapeuLlc seLLlng:
Llke all Lherapy and books, Lhls book may noL be beneflclal for Lhe
chlld ln Lherapy.
uescrlbe any conLenL ln Lhls book LhaL could cause pollLlcal problems:
uescrlbe any conLenL ln Lhls book LhaL could cause emoLlonal Lrauma:
osslble plcLures or wordlng ln Lhe book could be LraumaLlzlng for
chlld. l Lhlnk dependlng on Lhe severlLy of Lhe slLuaLlon Lhe chlld
may be experlenclng, Lhls book could cause emoLlonal Lrauma.
uescrlbe any conLenL ln Lhls book LhaL may be lnapproprlaLe for cerLaln populaLlons or seLLlngs:
Cverall lmpresslon of Lhe LherapeuLlc value of Lhe book and recommendaLlon Lo oLher counselors:
Llke many oLher books and dependlng on Lhe chlld's level, l Lhlnk Lhls
book would be very useful for LherapeuLlc use.
SuggesLed use wlLh cllenLs / cllenL reacLlons observed:
Pow comforLable would you be readlng or glvlng Lhls book Lo a cllenL?
Very comfortab|eNot at a|| comfortab|e
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
CLher Lxamples
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
Dub||n C|ty ub||c L|brar|es and
1hey creaLed a readlng llsL.
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
CPlLuPCCu 8l8LlC1PL8A?
Cn-golng daLabase of chlldren's books LhaL are useful
when worklng wlLh chlldren and famllles who are
experlenclng crlsls.
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
1ype or emot|ona|]cr|s|s |ssue(s) addressed:
ear of ub||cat|on:
ub||sher & Locat|on:
1arget Age Leve|:
# of ages:
ua||ty of I||ustrat|ons:
8r|ef Summary:
ersona| Comments]8|ases, and]or 1h|ngs to Cons|der When Us|ng 1h|s 8ook W|th Ch||dren:
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
Age group levels
re-k for ages 1-4
Lower L|ementary for ages 3-8
Upper L|ementary for ages 9-12
Iun|or n|gh for ages 13-13
n|gh Schoo| for ages 13-18
oung Adu|t for ages 19-24
Adu|t for ages 23+
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
Abuse (10)
AddlcLlon (1)
Adolescence (4)
AdopLlon (3)
AdulL (7)
Aggresslon (1)
Alcohollsm (1)
All Ages (1)
Anger (11)
AnxleLy (12)
8aslc LmoLlons (9)
boundarles (2)
8ullylng (17)
Careglvers (2)
chlld sexual abuse (8)
ConfllcL 8esoluLlon (8)
Coplng (1)
ueallng wlLh ulfferences (14)
ueaLh (19)
deaLh of a peL (1)
depresslon (3)
dlsablllLy (1)
ulvorce (12)
urug Abuse (4)
Larly elemenLary (8)
LLhnlc ulverslLy (3)
laclng roblems (1)
lamlly 8elaLlonshlps (21)
lear (9)
llnaclal roblems (13)
llnanclal dlfflculLles (6)
llrsL uay (1)
lrlendshlp (8)
Cardenlng (2)
grandparenL (3)
Crlef (6)
Plgh School (8)
Pomeless Chlldren (2)
lllness (3)
lnsenslLlvlLy for lndlvldual Croup ulfferences (6)
lnLellecLual ulsablllLy (1)
!unlor Plgh (2)
keeplng frlends (2)
Lonellness (2)
Loss (8)
Lower LlemenLary (1)
Maklng lrlends (16)
Manners (1)
MenLal PealLh laclllLles (1)
MenLal lllness (12)
MeLal 8eLardaLlon (1)
MeLh (2)
MeLhampheLamlnes (2)
Mlddle school (1)
naLural ulsasLers (12)
negaLlve LmoLlons (3)
neglecL (3)
CCu (2)
arenL MenLal lllness (1)
arenL-Chlld 8elaLlonshlp (17)
eer pressure (2)
eL Care (3)
re-school (4)
revenLlon (1)
8ape (2)
8esolvlng argumenLs (1)
8ules (1)
8unnlng Away (1)
Schlzophrenla (1)
School (1)
Seals (1)
SecreLs (1)
Self-ConLrol (1)
Self-LsLeem (4)
Slbllngs of lndlvlduals wlLh ulsablllLles (1)
SlsLers (1)
SLep-arenLs (3)
SLroke (1)
SubsLance Abuse (4)
Sulclde (16)
1emplaLe (1)
1herapy (1)
1ornados (1)
Louchlng (1)
1radlLlons (1)
upper LlemenLary (1)
vlolence (3)
War (1)
?oung AdulL (7)
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
WanL Lo learn more?
8lblloLherapy aLhflnder
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
8ecommended book LlLles
Aoxlety ooJ lboblo wotkbook (8ourne, 4Lh ed.,
8oooJotles (Cloud & 1ownsend, 1992)
coJepeoJeot No Mote (8eaLLle, 1992)
cootoqe to neol (8ass & uavls, 4Lh ed., 2008)
uooce of Aoqet (Lerner, orlg. 1983)
leelloq CooJ (8urns, orlg. 1980)
1be llve love looqooqes (Chapman, 1992)
1be kooJ less 1toveleJ (eck, orlg. 1988)
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
uloosoots ulvotce (8rown & 8rown, 1988).
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
Dinosaurs Divorce Will Help you
Understand: * Divorce Words and What
They Mean * Why Parents Divorce * What
About You? * After the Divorce * Living with
One Parent * Visiting Your Parent * Having
Two Homes * Celebrating Holidays and
Special Occasions * Telling Your Friends *
Meeting Parents' New Friends * Living with
Stepparents * Having Stepsisters and
Sample crlLerla
1he followlng crlLerla were used Lo selecL approprlaLe blbllographlc
maLerlals used durlng Lhe blblloLherapy sesslons:
accuracy and currency of Lhe lnformaLlon on Plv/AluS,
relevance of Lhe conLenL (readlng and dlscusslng Lhe book provldes
lnslghL lnLo Lhe problem Lo be solved),
approprlaLeness of Lhe lnformaLlon Lo Lhe chlldren's developmenLal
a hlgh level of senslLlvlLy ln approachlng Lermlnal lllness and deaLh,
llLerary value,
lllusLraLlons creaLlng a good vlsual lmage,
accuracy of culLural deLalls and lnLerpreLaLlons.
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
1he app||cat|on of deve|opmenta|
b|b||otherapy |n ch||dren's ||brar|es
Llbrarlans wlll have beLLer opporLunlLles of developmenLal blblloLherapy ln Lhe
fleld of boLh readlng developmenL and personal developmenL.
1he knowledge Lo be acqulred wlll make Lhe llbrarlans' work more versaLlle
and dlfferenLlaLed, hlgher-sLandard and LargeL-orlenLed.
Currlculum wlLh 10 sub[ecLs.
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
WhaL Lo do afLer Lhls conference?
hase 1: LvaluaLe your
own llbrary collecLlon.
Check your CAC. 1hls wlll
deLermlne lf you are ready
Lo esLabllsh a blblloLherapy
secLlon based from Lhe
8L and oLhers.
hase 2: repare yourself Lo
become a conLrlbuLor. SelecL
and submlL books for revlew,
evaluaLe llbrary maLerlals.
hase 3: CreaLe your own
blbllographlc llsL or make a
blblloLherapy daLabase.
hase 4: 8ulld a llllplnlana collecLlon
LhaL ls easy Lo comprehend and
paLrons can relaLe wlLh.
?ap, !oseph M. c2014
LeL's evaluaLe
l am an apple by Crace u. Chong. - sub[ecL:
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
LeL's go local
LeL's bulld a pro[ecL among school llbrarlans.
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
llllplnlana 8lblloLherapy
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014
Maramne SaIamat ot:
!oseph ?ap
1wlLLer: [[osephyap
3/27/2014 ?ap, !oseph M. c2014

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