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Catherine Matta

Were the Dark Ages Truly Dark ?

The Middle Ages started from roughly from 5th century and ended in
the 15th century. Some people say that during the Middle Ages, Europe
experienced darkness. The Dark Ages are characterized by the non
existence of the enlightenment. The western part of Europe changed after
the collapse of the Roman Empire because of the loss of learning. Europe
developed a social hierarchy called feudalism as a way to protect
themselves from chaos. I think the Middle Ages were truly dark because of
the loss of power. Europe lost their power under the following
circumstances: huge control of the church, barbarian attacks, and the Black
Initially, the church was the center of the life in the Middle Ages, the
Pope had a huge influence on people's lives. The Pope's orders had to be
obeyed otherwise, the Pope would excommunicate the person who
disobeyed the orders and will not gain salvation in the heaven. According to
Pope Urban II in 1095, the power of the Pope and the Catholic Church is
above every social heirachy.As stated in Document 4, " All who die by the
way, whether by land or sea or in battle against the pagans, shall have
immediate remission of sins." This connects that whoever goes to the war
and risk their lives, will gain a remission or removal of sins. Also it was
stated in Document 4, "Your brethren who live in the [Middle] East are in
urgent need of your help..." This evidence refers to the Turks attacking the
Byzantine Empire. This evidence proves that the Dark Ages were truly
Furthermore, the barbarian attacks are one of the main reasons the
Roman Empire collapsed. According to the historian, Frantz Funck-
Brentano, the condition in Europe during the 800s were extremely
terrorizing. As cited in Document 1, " The Hungarians swarm over the
Eastern provinces... they sacked town and village, and laid waste the fields.
They burned down the churches and then departed with a crowd of
captives ..." From the fear, the peasants have left the land and hid in the
abandoned areas. As stated in Document 1, " There is no longer any trade,
only unceasing terror... The peasant has abandoned his ravaged fields to
avoid the violence of anarchy." Because of these events, the author, Frantz
Funk-Brentano, would agree that the Dark Ages were truly dark.
Additionally, the Black Plague is a natural disaster, according to an
Italian Chronicle, Agnolo di Tura, in 1348, the Plague made people think
that it was the end of the world. People were buried in layers that kept filling
up and later the dead bodies were eaten and devoured by dogs. For
example in Document 5," And there were also those who were so sparsely
covered with earth that the dogs dragged them forth and devoured many
bodies throughout the city."As also cited in Document 5, " There was no
one wept away for any death, for all waited death. And so many died that
all believed that it was the end of the world". Because of these events,
Agnolo di Tura, supports that the Dark Ages were truly dark.
On the other hand, there were also factors during the Middle Ages
that were positive such as: the riches, the philosophy and the knowledge
that the Middle Ages had. According to Gray C. Boyce in Document 3, H.C
Davis from Document 6, and the chart in Document 7, the Dark Ages were
not truly dark. As stated in Document 3, the knowledge and treasures of
what had come before, but even more it was creative and inventive, and
transmitted to later ages great riches of its own. Meaning that the Dark
Ages had more knowledge than darkness.According to Davis, It flourished
in the midst of rude surroundings, fierce passions, and material ambitions
we must judge their philosophy and law, by their poetry and architecture
The Medieval Ages were not perfect, but it has done many achievements
that have flourished the modern world. According to the chart in Document
7, there was abundance of knowledge since many universities opened from
the 12th century to 15th century. Based on this evidence, Gray C. Boyce in
Document 3, H.C Davis from Document 6, and the chart in Document 7,
would disagree that the Dark Ages were truly dark.
Ultimately,Some people say that during the Middle Ages, Europe
experienced darkness. The Dark Ages are characterized by the non
existence of mental enlightenment. The western part of Europe changed
after the collapse of the Roman Empire because of the loss of
learning.Europe lost their power under the following circumstances: huge
control of the church, barbarian attacks, and the Black Plague. Europe
developed a social hierarchy called feudalism as a way to protect
themselves from chaos.The Middle Ages started from roughly from 5th
century and ended in the 15th century. I think the Middle Ages were truly
dark because of the loss of power.

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