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A survey study on Formal dressing vs.

informal dressing
Name ------------------------------------------------ Gender ---------------------- Age------------------
Occupation---------------------------------------- Phone #------------------------------------------------
Q. #1 Department relating to your job--------------------?
A) Accounting B) Finance C) Marketing D) R&D E) Sales F) other.
Q. #2: your designation--------------------?
A) Manager C) Sales person D) Receptionist E) Student F) Other.
Q. #3 Dress requirement of your job-------------------?
A)formal B) Informal C) Dress code D) Casual wearing E) other.
Q. #4 does dress effect the quality of performance in a workplace---------------?
A) Yes B) No
Q. #5 In choosing dress, indicate the importance to each of the following.?
A Dress code -------------------------------------
B Formal dressing -------------------------------------
C Casual wearing -------------------------------------
D Informal wearing -------------------------------------
Total 100
Q. #5 As a student of college/university, which dress would you like to wear.?
Q. # 6 some professional said, casual dressing affect the productivity/performance?
Strongly disagree Disagree Neither disagree
not agree
agree Strongly agree
Q. # 7 In which dressing you enjoy your work?
Q#8 A dress code is also a productive advertisement of an organization..?
Strongly disagree Disagree Neither disagree
not agree
agree Strongly agree

Q. # 9 Formal dress, how much promotes the efficiency in performing task?
A) +3 B) +2 C) +1 D) 0 E) -1 F) -2 G) -3

Q.#10 let suppose you are boss in a firm, what type of attitude you will demonstrate to ensure
dressing of workers.?
A) Strictly B) Normal C) Polite D) Friendly E) offensive
Q. # 11 How pleased you are with your dressing..?
Very glad 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 unhappy
Q#12 does casual wearing decrease the employ morality?
A) Not at all B) Very little C) Somewhat D)To moderate extant E)Eminent
Q# 13 Informal dressing, how much enhance the quality of performance?
Very little 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 excellent
Q. # 14 Formal dressing in your profession?
Responsive unresponsive
Beautiful ugly
Bold timid
Q. # 15 dressing constitutes norms of an organization ?
A) Absolutely wrong B) some extant wrong C) few cases D) Exactly right
Q# 16 In Banking sector, formal Dressing should .?
A) Not significant B) At some extant important C) generative D) compulsory
Q# 17 formal dressing reflects personality of an individual, is it right?
A) Wrong B) Somewhat C) right D) Specify your ans ------------------------------
Q# 18 Formal dressing attracts clients .
A) Strongly disagree B) disagree C) Neither disagree not agree D) Agree E) Strongly agree
Q#19 your profession demands .wearing?
A) Formal dressing B) informal dressing C) Uniform D) casual wearing
Q#20 your Involvement & suggestions about this survey----- specify below
Thank you

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