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Grade Level: Spanish 1A


Students will know be able to use indirect object pronouns (me/te/le/nos/les/os)
with the verb gustar appropriately.
Students will be able to use the concept of gustar-like verbs and conjugate them
when given the subject and the indirect object.

The Lesson:

Activity Teacher should Student should

Do Now

Do now : Write two things that someone
or multiple people in your family like and
two they dont in Spanish (put this aside,
well use it later)

I will put up the do now and pass out the
guided notes, the first part of the guided
notes for the do now activity.

The do now activity will spark students
interests in being able to express these
concepts that we have not formally
learned yet.

Students will work individually
according to the Do now

gusta vs.

of indirect

I will put up quotes from our current
novella that utilize the gustar structure.
This is listed on the students guided
notes as well.
Do you notice anything different about
gustar in these sentences?

The students will come up and
interact with different parts of
the sentences (pronouns,
subjects) and recall when to use
gusta and when to use
gustan. Students will find the
different indirect object
pronouns embedded in the
sentences. They will also make
individual notes on their sheet.


Synthesize and clarify thoughts on
relationship of person as an indirect

of gustar

object pronoun of the sentence.

Write down and define each pronoun.

Cues: for whom is it a like? What is it
they like (singular/plural)?

Call and response:
____ gusta fruta/ _____ ________
(refrescos, limonada, sandwiches, etc.)

I will have stick figure people drawn on
board to point to and indicate the indirect
object pronoun so that they can have a
visual of whom the verb is affecting.

We will go back to the Do now and
share with several people in the class.

When we come back together, I will ask a
few people to share something interesting
they heard or they wrote. We will write
down the example as a class to make sure
the structure is correct.

Take comments and questions.

The students will be taking notes
on their guided notes as I write
on the board.

As I call out the subject of the
sentence and point to the
drawings, students will call out
as a chorus the pronoun and the
correct form of gustar.

Students will use their new
knowledge to check their do
now sentences from the
beginning of class.

Students will walk around the
room and talk to at least 4
people. They will ask: Qu (no)
le gusta la familia?. They will
use what they wrote earlier in
class to answer their classmates.


I will give an overview of the verbs, their
meanings and how they work. We will do
one example as a class encantar

Call and response examples:
Le __________________ los refrescos
(point to verb, point to pictures)

The students will write down the
word definitions and the

Students will when prompted
call out the indicated indirect
object pronoun and the indicated
verb conjugated correctly.

They will individually write an
example sentence for two more

I will check for their understanding.
When we come back together as a class
we will use student example sentences to
review and revise.
verbs. The students will then go
around the room and get one
sentence per person from other
classmates until their notes are
filled out.
Apuntes (guided notes)
Tarea del minuto

What do you notice in these sentences?

A Paquita y a m no nos gusta el caf. A Paquita le gustan los pasteles de todo

Nos gustan los pasteles. A m solo me gustan los pasteles de chocolate.

Indirect Object Pronouns

Para yo
Para t
Para l/ella/Ud.
Para nosotros
Para vosotros
Para ellas/ellos/Uds.

Gustar-like verbs:

- Encantar-

- Molestar-

- Interesar-

- Importar-

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