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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment in the Requirements in Research II
Holy Cross of Davao College
Sta. Ana Avenue Davao City
ohn !ichael ". Dumandan
!ay#ane $i%a &. Alinsub
!aria 'eila R. Pacatang
Raniel ". $ocom
!rs. &race Castigon( !S)
Research Adviser
Cha!"# I
"his cha*ter *resents the bac+ground of the study( statement of the *roblem( assum*tions
of the study( theoretical and conce*tual frame,or+( significance of the study( sco*e and
limitations( and the definition of terms.
$a%&'#()*+ (, !h" S!)+-
)hen students are motivated they tend to get better mar+s at school( ,or+ more
effectively on difficult school,or+( ma+e the most of their abilities( behave ,ell and en#oy
school. -n the other hand( if a student is not motivated to learn( they may become disru*tive(
a**ly minimal effort and as result are more li+ely to *erform *oorly. A motivated student is one
,ho has the energy and drive to learn( ,or+ effectively and achieve at school. !otivation *lays a
+ey role in a student.s interest( engagement and en#oyment in school and associated tas+s such as
home,or+ and study. !otivation also under*ins a student.s achievement. /Dr. !artin( A. and
Dr. "racey( D. 01123
Student.s motivation to,ards statistics is a *roblem faced by the mathematics community
no,adays. 4Students believe math has little or nothing to do ,ith the real ,orld5. / 6runing et
al.( 7888 3. "his statement sho,s ho, statistics students envision the sub#ect ,hich is quite
alarming es*ecially to the teachers and institution offering levels of education su**orting
statistics efficiency. Fe,er girls than boys students. ta+e statistics com*etently. Although these
trends are im*roving( students. disinterest in continuing mathematics study beyond statistics is
still a tremendous *roblem / 6runing et al.( 78883.
Statistics is an essential *art of being a social ,or+ student. "his hel*s the students to be
ready in their res*ective field of social ,or+ es*ecially in conducting research studies. "he
+no,ledge of statistical analyses enhances the students. ability to design research studies and to
dra, #ustifiable conclusion from their findings. Social ,or+ers also rely on others. research
findings. )e use the result of others. statistical analyses research data to inform our *ractice
decision ma+ing.
"he researchers ,anted to determine the motivation on the sub#ect statistics and its
relation ,ith the learning on the sub#ect of the Holy Cross of Davao Social )or+ students. "he
*ur*ose of determining the motivation of the social ,or+ students at Holy cross of Davao
College is to assess the student ,illingness( need and desire in the sub#ect.
S!a!"."*! (, !h" P#(/0".
"he research ,as conducted to determine motivation on the sub#ect statistics and its
relation ,ith the learning on the sub#ect.
S*ecifically( this study aims to ans,er this question9
7. )hat is the characteristic of social ,or+ students in statistics in terms of9
a.3 Age
b.3 &ender
0. )hat is the level of motivation of social ,or+ students in statistics:
;. )hat are the *reliminary e<amination scores of Social )or+ statistics students:
=. Is there a significant relationshi* bet,een the students. motivation on statistics and their
*reliminary e<amination score:
R"1"a#%h H-(!h"1"1
"he study is a test of correlation bet,een the relationshi* of students. motivation and
learning on the sub#ect statistics. "he follo,ing are the s*ecific hy*othesis of the study9
HA > "here is a correlation bet,een the *relim e<am score of Holy Cross Social )or+
students ta+ing statistics and their motivation to,ard the sub#ect.
H( ? "here is a no correlation bet,een the *relim e<am score of Holy Cross Social )or+
students ta+ing statistics and their motivation to,ard the sub#ect.
O/2"%!34"1 (, !h" S!)+-
"he study aims to determine if there is a relationshi* bet,een the students. motivation on
statistics and learning on the sub#ect.
S3'*3,3%a*%" (, !h" 1!)+-
"he research study ,ill be conducted to inform everyone ho, motivation on the students
affects their learning on the sub#ect statistics ,hich is a sub#ect in their tertiary *rimarily in Holy
Cross of Davao College.
"he study aims to hel* the follo,ing9
S%3"*%" a*+ Ma!h".a!3%1 C(..)*3!-
"o be able to give more information in the field of Social Science Research and for them to
be a,are of ho, motivation on students affects their retention on the sub#ect mainly on statistics
that is *art of the sco*e mathematics. "his ,ould also hel* them to +no, ho, motivated the
students ,ho are ta+ing statistics.
"o let the institution determine the learning of their students on statistics and for them to be
able to find techniques on ho, to orient the teachers of the school on the *ro*er and best ,ay of
teaching or the most effective and efficient instructional *ractices to,ards the students in relation
,ith their motivation on the sub#ect.
"o let them +no, on ,hat level of retention on statistics did the students acquire and let
them +no, ho, their students motivation affect their grade in the sub#ect. "his ,ould be a great
advantage to their *art for the very reason that they may be able to hel* students ,ho are not
motivated in the sub#ect and not good at it at all. In result( this ,ould hel* *roduce more
com*etent and *re*ared Holy Cross of Davao College students.
"o evaluate themselves on ho, good they have *erformed on statistics and to facilitate
themselves on their level of motivation ,ith the sub#ect. "his study ,ould be a great hel* as to
,hat *art of the students. motivation on the sub#ect statistics is needed to be settled or im*roved.
S%(" a*+ L3.3!a!3(* (, !h" S!)+-
"he study focuses on the motivation of ;2 social ,or+ student ,ho are enrolled at Holy
Cross of Davao College in the first semester of school year 017;?017= and ta+ing u* statistics
sub#ect. It also focuses in the learning of the sub#ect matter and its relation ,ith the motivation of
social ,or+ student in statistics.
D",3*3!3(* (, T"#.1
"he follo,ing terms are defined for clarity and common frame of reference.
L"a#*3*' M(!34a!3(* refers to the *rocess ,here the learners. attention becomes focuses
on meeting their scholastic ob#ectives and their energies are directed to,ards reali@ing their
academic *otential.
P#"03. E5a.3*a!3(* refers to *reliminary e<amination of the students in the sub#ect
S!a!31!3%1 refers to the study of the collection( organi@ation( analysis( and inter*retation of
data. It deals ,ith all as*ects of this( including the *lanning of data collection in terms of the
design of surveys and e<*eriments.
S(%3a0 W(#& S!)+"*!1 refers to the *artici*ants of the study ,ho are students ta+ing u*
statistics in Social )or+ in the first semester of school year 0170?017; situated in the Holy Cross
of Davao College.
Cha!"# II
In this cha*ter( the researchers revie, some related literatures and studies ,hich have
bearing on the *resent study.
!otivation refers to 4 Student )illingness( need( desire and com*ulsion to *artici*ative
in( and be successful in the learning *rocess 4 6omia et al.( 788A3 !iddleton and S*anias
/ 78883 vie,ed motivation as reasons individuals have for behaving in a given situation . A
more com*rehensive definition ,as *rovided by ages /78803 ,ho stated that motivation e<ist as
*art of one.s &oals in structures( one.s belief about ,hat is im*ortant and it determines ,ither
or not one ,ill engage in a given *ursuit( s+inner and belmontr /78873 e<*lained that students
,ho are motivated to engage in school 4 Select tas+s at the border of their e<ert intense effort
and concentration in the im*lementation of learning tas+sB they sho, generally *ositive
emotions during on going action( including enthusiasm( o*timism( curiosity ( and interest.
According to !iddleton and S*anias /78883( research indicates that success in
mathematics( as indicated by Dic+inson and 6utt /78C83( students Duro*ean #ournal of social
science > Eolume A( $umber = /01183 ,ill find a tas+ more en#oy able ,hen they have
moderately high *robability of success as com*ared to one ,ith a lo,er chance of success.
!otivation contributes to the ability to solve *roblems. 6ase on several *roblem solving
models( D. $eil and Shalter /788A3 develo*ed the CRDSS" model of *roblem solving that in
coordinates four elementsB content understanding( *roblem solving strategies( meta cognition
and motivation in their model ( motivation com*rises of three com*onentsB self efficacy( effort
and ,orry. Dffort is synonyms to motivation an individual ,ho sho,s greater effort is
considered to be motivatedB ,hist one ,ho is motivated ,ill also sho, greater effort.
Students. *erformance or learning in school is determined by their grades or scores in
their *articular sub#ect. "his informs the students ho, they *erform inside the classroom and to
their *artici*ating #ob trainings. It also evaluates the students ,hether they e<ecute ,ell or not.
Algebra students *erforming ,ell establish a good *erformance in their future mathematics
related sub#ects.
D<tending the learning time for students ,here schools can use fle<ible and creative
scheduling during school hours or e<tra time outside of the regular school day are some ,ays to
intensify student learning /Denton( 01173. Students. learning ca*acity may de*end on ho,
s+illed teachers could intensify their learning by *roviding authentic instruction and meaningful
assignments ,hile holding high e<*ectations for all students.
Such assignments deal ,ith the significant conce*ts of a disci*line( incor*orate higher?
order thin+ing s+ills( are connected to the Freal ,orld(F and allo, substantial time for discussion
and idea sharing among students. !a+ing assignments easier is no solution to *oor *erformance.
Sim*ler lessons offer no assurance that students ,ill achieve better test scores. Intensified
learning( on the other hand( affords better results. Recent research and *ractice indicate that
alternative strategies( ,hich stri+e at the root causes of *oor *erformance( offer genuine ho*e for
hel*ing all students succeed./Rudol*h G ohnson( 01173
R"0a!"+ S!)+3"1
In the study 4!otivation( Autonomy Su**ort( and !athematics9 A Structural Dquation
Analysis5 by Hm( Corter and "atsuo+a /011I3 in Columbia Hniversity found out that there is a
unique and substantial *ro*ortion of math achievement arises from the student.s math self?
conce*t. "hey e<*lained that there is a significant difference in math *erformance even if they
controlled the effect of intrinsic motivation on mathematics *erformance. Further( they found
that math *erformance is determined by motivation( but even more by !athematics self?conce*t.
"he researchers concluded that intrinsically motivated students ,ere more li+ely to *erform ,ell.
"his study is related to the *resent study because the researchers ,ere analy@ing about
the factor of motivation in the *erformance of students in !athematics. It also established a
conclusion ,hich deals ,ith the achievements of students because of motivation. "he only
difference of this study to the *resent study is that they have also determined the effect of
!athematics self?conce*t ,hich *resented a higher effect *ercentage than the motivation.
A collaborative study of !iddleton and S*anias /78883 from Ari@ona State Hniversity
entitled 4!otivation for Achievement in !athematics9 Findings( &enerali@ations( and Criticisms
of the Research5 concluded that findings across theoretical orientations indicate that students.
*erce*tions of success in mathematics are highly influential in forming their motivational
attitudes. "hey also concluded that motivation can greatly affect the *erformance of students in
"he *revious study is related to the *resent study because the researchers ,ere trying to
determine the general effect of the *erce*tion of success in !athematics ,hich is form of
motivation to the students. *erformance and their research found out that it is highly influential.
"heir study also e<*osed the relation of the students. *erformance in !athematics and their
motivation on the sub#ect. "heir study im*lies that a greater motivation( results to a higher
*erformance in !athematics. Ho,ever( this study ,as conducted on the grade school students of
Hnited States and used !athematics as their second variable.
From a study conducted by 'e**er( &reene and $isbett /78A;3 entiltled 5Hndermining
childrenJs intrinsic interest ,ith e<trinsic re,ard9 A test of the Fover#ustificationF hy*othesis.5(
the researchers as+ed t,o grou*s of children to do some dra,ings. -ne grou* ,as *romised a
Jgood *layer medalJ for their ,or+ and the other ,as *romised nothing. -n a return visit( the
grou*s ,ere given *a*er and crayons and ,hat they did ,as observed. "he grou* ,ho had been
given the medal for dra,ing *reviously s*ent significantly less this time dra,ing as com*ared
,ith the no?re,ard grou*.
"his research ,or+ is related to our study since it em*loys the effectiveness of the
a**lication of motivation on a certain tas+ ,hich resulted to a lesser time of finishing the ,or+.
Ho,ever( the study ,as conducted on a ;?I year old nursery school children and the motivation
in their only affects the s*eed of the *artici*ants ,herein the *resent study focused on the
Freshmen Civil Dngineering Day Program students of the Hniversity of Southeastern Phili**ines.
Th"(#"!3%a0 a*+ C(*%"!)a0 F#a."6(#&
Discussed herein are the theories ,hich this study ,as anchored on( including the
conce*tual frame,or+ that summari@es the flo, and *resents the variables of the study.
Th"(#- $a1"
Determining the motivation level of Civil Dngineering students and establish its
relationshi* ,ith the learning on the sub#ect is the center of this study. "his study ,as anchored
on the Self?Determination "heory by Ryan and Deci /01113 ,hich has Five Key Princi*les. -nly
the t,o *rinci*les ,ere used in the Self?Determination "heory ,hich are the -rganismic
Integration "heory /-I"3 and the Cognitive Dvaluation "heory.
S"0,-D"!"#.3*a!3(* Th"(#-
Self? Determination "heory re*resents a broad frame,or+ for the study of human
motivation and *ersonality. SD" articulates a meta?theory for framing motivational studies( a
formal theory that defines intrinsic and varied e<trinsic sources of motivation( and a descri*tion
of the res*ective roles of intrinsic and ty*es of e<trinsic motivation in cognitive and social
develo*ment and in individual differences.
O#'a*31.3% I*!"'#a!3(* Th"(#- 7OIT8 addresses the e<trinsic motivation ,hich states
that *eo*le drive to do things for tangible re,ards or *ressures. "here are three *rimary ty*es of
e<trinsic motivation. First is the e<ternal motivation caused by environmental re,ard or the
*unishment contingencies. Second is the inter#ected motivation ,hich is sustained by the desire
to avoid internally the im*osed guilt and recrimination and last( is the identified motivation that
is observed to e<*ress im*ortant self?identifications.
C('*3!34" E4a0)a!3(* Th"(#- 7CET8 concerns ho, social conte<ts and inter*ersonal
interaction either facilitate or undermine intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is defined as
doing something for its o,n sa+e( and a**lies to activities such as *lay( s*ort( and leisure.
Intrinsic motivation ha**ens ,hen *eo*le *erform or engage on activities for no re,ard other
than the interest and en#oyment that accom*anies them.
"his motivation theory is a significant *art of our study in determining the relationshi* of
the learning motivation of the students to,ards statistics and their *relim e<am score on the
sub#ect since this establish the relationshi* of the reason of effort of *eo*le in a certain situation
and this ,ould give the researchers ideas and later this study could su**ort and *rove these
e<isting theories.
C(*%"!)a0 F#a."6(#&

Inde*endent Eariable De*endent Eariable
F3')#" 1. A Pa#a+3'. 1h(63*' !h" D""*+"*! a*+ I*+""*+"*! Va#3a/0"
Cha!"# III
Preliminary D<amination
Scores in Statistics
"his cha*ter describes the research design( research locale( *artici*ants( *rocedure(
instruments and statistical treatment that ,ere utili@ed in the study.
R"1"a#%h D"13'*
"he study used a descri*tive ty*e of research. "his method intends to find the level of
motivation of HCDC Social )or+ students in statistics through the use of an ada*ted survey
questionnaire. "he study also ,anted to determine the *reliminary e<amination scores of the
students and determine if there is a correlation bet,een their learning motivation and their scores
on the sub#ect. In this study( ;2 Social )or+ students learning motivation ,ere determined by
the use of selection ,hich ,ould ta+e the ada*ted questionnaire of learning motivation. "he
*reliminary e<amination score ,ould serve as students. *erformance ,ill also be gathered
through the students. *rofessor in statistics.
R"1"a#%h L(%a0"
"his study ,as conducted at the Holy Cross of Davao College.
R"1"a#%h Pa#!3%3a*!1
"he res*ondents of the study ,ere ;2?Social )or+ students of the aforementioned school
in the first semester of school year 0170?017;.
"his *art of the cha*ter includes the *rocedures of the study. "his describes ho, the
study ,as conducted.
See+ Permission to Conduct the Study
Pre*are the Instruments $eeded by the Study
Fig. 2 Flow Chart of the Research Procedures
1. A1&3*' P"#.3113(* !( C(*+)%! !h" S!)+-
a. "he researchers as+ed *ermission through a letter to !rs. &race Castigon( !S) the
De*artment Head of Social )or+ Program to conduct the study.
b. "he researchers as+ed *ermission to Dr. De<ter Cora#e to ada*t the motivation
2. P#"a#3*' !h" 9)"1!3(**a3#"
"he researchers ada*ted a ;1?item survey questionnaire ,hich determined the learning
motivation level of Social )or+ students in statistics.
3. C(*+)%!3*' !h" S!)+- "he
survey questionnaire ,as administered to the res*ondents and as+ed them to ans,er the
questionnaire as honest as they can by the researchers. "he res*ondents ans,ered the survey
questionnaire in their classrooms during their vacant *eriod.
:. Ga!h"#3*'; A*a0-<3*' a*+ I*!"##"!3*' !h" Da!a
Present the Survey Luestionnaire to the Res*ondents
&ather the Results of the Survey Luestionnaire
Analy@e and Inter*ret the Data
After the res*ondents ans,ered the survey questionnaire( the questionnaires together ,ith
their ans,ers ,ere gathered by the researchers. "he data ,as analy@ed and inter*reted using the
statistical treatment a**ro*riate for the study.
R"1"a#%h I*1!#)."*!1
"he researchers used an ada*ted standardi@ed ;1?item questionnaire from Cora#e /01183
,hich ,ill measure the level of motivation in algebra. 'i+ert scale method ,as used to scale the
ans,ers of the questionnaire. "he ans,ers ,ere scaled through the follo,ing9 A /Al,ays3 > I( H
/Hsually3 > =( ! /!oderately3 > ;( R /Rarely3 > 0( $ /$ever3 >7 and the results of each student.s
res*onse to each question ,ere quantified and had its res*ective averages. Preliminary
e<amination score ,as also obtained through the students. *rofessor.
Ta/0" 1. O#+"#"+ I*!"#4a0 (, S%a0" (, !h" L"4"0 (, M(!34a!3(* 3* A0'"/#a
7Ga#+*"#; T#"./0a- = Ma1'(#"!; 1>>?8
Ta/0" 2. O#+"#"+ I*!"#4a0 a*+ I*!"##"!a!3(* (, S%(#"1 3* S!a!31!3%1
7U*34"#13!- (, W"003*'!(*; N"6 @"a0a*+; 20128
N)."#3%a0 Va0)" D"1%#3!34" EA)34a0"*! I*!"##"!a!3(*
=?I Eery high Eery high enthusiasm( effort and
*ositive attitude to,ards learning
;?;.8 High High enthusiasm( effort and *ositive
attitude to,ards learning algebra.
0?0.8 Average Average enthusiasm( effort and
*ositive attitude to,ards learning
7?7.8 'o, Poor enthusiasm( effort and *ositive
attitude to,ards learning algebra.
1?1.8 Eery 'o, Eery *oor enthusiasm( effort and
*ositive attitude to,ards learning
Ta/0" 3. P(113/0" Va0)"1 (, # a*+ !h" C(##"1(*+3*' S!#"*'!h (, C(##"0a!3(*
7 L)*+ R"1"a#%h; 2013 8
Ealue of M Strength of relationshi*
?7.1 to ?1.I or 7.1 to 1.I Strong
?1.I to ?1.; or 1.; to 1.I !oderate
?1.; to ?1.7 or 1.7 to 1.; )ea+
?1.7 to 1.7 $one or very ,ea+
Cha!"# IV
"his cha*ter *resents the analysis and the results of the study. Statistical tables and
figures obtained from the analysis ,ere included for basis of inter*retation.
C(##"0a!3(* A*a0-131
Pearson?*roduct !oment Correlation ,as used to determine the relationshi* bet,een the
motivation of the students to,ards statistics and their learning on the sub#ect. "he students.
scores on their *reliminary e<amination on statistics *osed a ,ea+ relationshi* ,ith their
motivation on the sub#ect statistics. Also( ,e determined the motivation level of boys and girls
by getting its average and it sho,ed that girls are more motivated on the sub#ect statistics
com*ared to boys / &N;.1=1 6N;.10I3. In terms of age( *erson ,ho belongs to the age brac+et of
&rade Percentage Range Inter*retation
AO CIP ? 711P D<cellent *erformance in all as*ects
A C1P ? C=P D<cellent *erformance in almost all as*ects
A? AIP ? A8P Eery good( some as*ects e<cellent but others not
6O A1P ? A=P Eery good( some as*ects e<cellent but others not
6 2IP ? 28P &ood *erformance overall
6? 21P ? 2=P &ood *erformance overall
CO IIP ? I8P )or+ satisfactory overall( strengths out,eigh
C I1P ? I=P )or+ satisfactory overall( strengths out,eigh
D =1P ? =8P Poor *erformance overall( ,ea+nesses out,eigh
D 1 ? ;8P )ell belo, the standard required
=I?=A is more motivated com*ared to the *erson ,ho belongs to the age brac+et 7C?01( 07?0;
and 0=?02 /7C?019 ;.178I0 07?0;9 ;.7A1C;; 0=?029 0.;; =I?=A9 ;.03
Ta/0" :. L"a#*3*' M(!34a!3(* L"4"0 3* !"#.1 (, G"*+"#
Ma0" F".a0"
;.10I ;.1=1
'earning motivation ,as also obtained through the statistical treatment of the research
and results sho,ed that female has a higher learning motivation of ;.1=1 com*ared to male of
;.10I ,hich means female has higher *robability of getting higher scores in statistics.
Ta/0" B. L"a#*3*' M(!34a!3(* (* !h" D3,,"#"*! A'" $#a%&"! (, S(%3a0 W(#& S!)+"*!1
A'" F#"A)"*%- A4"#a'"
7C?01 07 ;.178I0
07?0; 70 ;.7A1C;;
0=?02 0 0.;;
0A?08 1 1
;1?;0 1 1
;;?;I 1 1
;2?;C 1 1
;8?=7 1 1
=0?== 1 1
=I?=A 7 ;.0
"he Social )or+ statistics students ages 7C?01( 07?0; and =I?=A *osted a high motivation
of ;.178I0( ;.7A1C;; and ;.0. -n the other hand( HCDC Social )or+ students ages 0=?02 have
0.;; ,hich mean having an average motivation to,ards statistics.
Ta/0" C. L"a#*3*' M(!34a!3(* S)#4"- 9)"1!3(**a3#" M"a* S%(#"
9)"1!3(* M"a*
7. I en#oy learning the statistics. 0.22222A
0. "he statistics I learn relates to my *ersonal goals. 0.CCCCC8
;. I li+e to do better than the other students on the statistics tests. 0.C;;;;;
=. I am nervous about ho, I ,ill do on the statistics tests. ;.777777
I. If I am having trouble learning the statistics sub#ect( I try to figure out ,hy. 0.8A0000
2. I become an<ious ,hen it is time to ta+e a statistics test. ;
A. Darning a good statistics grade is im*ortant to me. ;.28====
C. I *ut enough effort into learning the statistics. ;.777777
8. I use strategies ensuring that I ,ill learn the statistics ,ell. ;.10AAAC
71. I thin+ about ho, learning the statistics sub#ect can hel* me get a good #ob ;.72222A
77. I thin+ about ho, the statistics I learn ,ill be hel*ful to me. ;.000000
70. I e<*ect to do as ,ell as or better than other students in the statistics. ;.;;;;;;
7;. I ,orry about failing the statistics test. ;.I0AAAC
7=. I am concerned that the other students are better than me in statistics. ;.72222A
7I. I thin+ about ho, my statistics grade ,ill affect my overall grade average. ;.10AAAC
72. the statistics I learn is more im*ortant to me than any grade I receive. ;
7A. I thin+ about ho, learning the statistics can hel* my career. ;.1IIII2
7C. I hate ta+ing the statistics test. 0.CCCCC8
78. I thin+ about ho, I ,ill use the statistics I learn. 0.8=====
01. It is my fault if I do not understand the statistics. 0.CCCCC8
07. I am confident I ,ill do ,ell on the statistics *ro#ects. 0.C1III2
00. I find learning the statistics interesting. 0.CCCCC8
0;. "he statistics I learn is relevant to my life. ;.72222A
0=. I believe I can master the +no,ledge and s+ills in the statistics course. ;.777777
0I. "he statistics I learn has *ractical value for me. 0.8=====
02. I *re*are ,ell for the statistics tests. 0.AI
0A. I li+e statistics that challenges me. 0.87222A
0C. I am confident I ,ill do ,ell on the statistics tests. 0.8=====
08. I believe I can earn a grade of 48I5 in the statistics sub#ect. 0.8A0000
;1. Hnderstanding the statistics gives me a sense of accom*lishment. ;.1C;;;;
T(!a0 3.03?03?
!otivation data ,as obtained through getting the average res*onse of ;2 res*ondents on
a ;1?item standardi@ed questionnaire about the students. learning motivation to,ards statistics.
"he researchers utili@ed their statistical treatment and result sho,ed that the students have a
;.1;A1;A motivation level. !otivation ,as inter*reted using "able 7 and it sho,ed that students
have high enthusiasm effort and *ositive attitude to,ards learning algebra.
!otivation as defined by 6omia et al.( /788A3 that refers to studentJs ,illingness( need(
desire and com*ulsion to *artici*ate in( and be successful in the learning *rocess. It gives the
students the drive to do something. "his is the reason ,hy the researchers ,anted to determine
the motivation of the students. 6ased on the definition of motivation given by &ardner( et. al.
/788A3( the students have high enthusiasm( effort and *ositive attitude to,ards learning algebra.
"his means that the Social )or+ statistics students are more li+ely to have a high
*erformance( desire and ,illingness in learning algebra.
Ta/0" ?. P#"03.3*a#- E5a.3*a!3(* M"a* S%(#" (, S(%3a0 W(#& S!a!31!3%1 S!)+"*!1
P#"03.3*a#- E5a.3*a!3(* M"a* S%(#"
S(%3a0 W(#& S!a!31!3%1 S!)+"*!1 00.A0
"he Social )or+ statistics students. *erformance ,as gathered from their *rofessor.
"heir *reliminary e<amination scores ,ere used to determine their *erformance in statistics. "he
researchers obtained their *erformance by getting the average grades of all the *artici*ants and
result sho,ed that the students have an average score of 00.A0 from a I1?item test. 6ased on the
grading system of the *rofessor the resulting grade *ercentage of the e<am is A0.A0. "he grade
*ercentage ,as inter*reted and it sho,ed that students is very good in some as*ects but in others
"he students. *erformance ,ere inter*reted using the table *osted by the Hniversity of
)ellington( $e, Qealand /01703 and it is found out that the res*ondents have an e<cellent
*erformance in all res*ects in their sub#ect( *articularly in Algebra.
Social )or+ statistics students are very good in statistics but in other *arts not ,hich
means that they are com*etitive and determined in the sub#ect.
Ta/0" D. C(##"0a!3(* /"!6""* S!)+"*!1E L"a#*3*' M(!34a!3(* a*+
L"a#*3*' (* S!a!31!3%1 7NF3C8
P#"03. S%(#"
M(!34a!3(* P"a#1(*
Pearson?*roduct !oment r Correlation ,as used to determine the strength of relationshi*
bet,een the learning motivation and the *reliminary e<amination score of Social )or+ statistics
students. As defined by &raf /01703( Pearson?*roduct moment r correlation is the standard
statistical measurement to re*resent the degree of correlation bet,een t,o variables. Hsing the
said statistical treatment( results sho,ed that the students. motivation level and academic
*erformance in algebra have a 1.=1= correlation ,hich has a moderate strength of relationshi*.
!otivation level can really affect the *erformance of students in statistics because in the
study conducted by !iddleton and S*anias /78883( they concluded that motivation can greatly
affect the students. !athematical *erformance. Furthermore( as the motivation level gets higher(
there is a moderate chance of having a greater *erformance because in the study conducted by
Hm et. al./011I3( they found out that motivation determines the !athematical *erformance of a
student but it is more determined by !athematics self?conce*t. !oreover( students. *erformance
and motivation in statistics *osted a moderate correlation because based in the study conducted
by 'e**er et. al. /78A;3( they have assigned t,o grou*s of students to do a certain tas+ and
*romised one grou* a re,ard. "he grou* ,hich ,as *romised to have a re,ard finished first yet
the quality and quantity of the ,or+ is similar to the other grou*. -nly the s*eed of students ,as
tested but the accuracy and creativeness ,hich are ma#or *arts of the com*utation of
*erformance in algebra( ,ere not e<amined. A tangible re,ard for students such as grades is a
form of e<trinsic motivation and based on the study conducted by Hm et. al./011I3( they have
concluded that intrinsically motivated students are more li+ely to *erform ,ell.
Social )or+ statistics students. learning motivation and *reliminary e<amination score in
Statistics has a moderate correlation ,hich means to say that if the students have a high
motivation( there is a moderate chance of attaining a higher *erformance.
Cha!"# V
"his cha*ter *resents the summary of the study as ,ell as the conclusion dra,n from the
results and findings of the study. Recommendations for further study are also included.
"he *ur*ose of the study is to e<amine if there is a relationshi* bet,een students.
motivation to the sub#ect statistics and their learning on the sub#ect. "he researchers give the test
questionnaires about motivation on statistics to the students ta+ing u* the sub#ect and results
sho,ed that they are moderately motivated and sho,ed that there is a moderate correlation
bet,een the motivation level of students on statistics and their *reliminary scores on the sub#ect.
!otivation and academic *erformance in Algebra have a relationshi* ,ith each other.
Academic *erformance is not solely de*endent in the motivation of the students because there
are so many factors to be considered in attaining a good *erformance in school.
"he follo,ing are the conclusions of the study9
7. "he Holy Cross of Davao College Social )or+ students ages 7C?01( 07?0; and =I?=A has a
high motivation ,hich is good because based on the results of the study that ,hen a student is
motivated to learn he could *robably do a certain tas+ ,ell. -n the other hand( HCDC Social
)or+ students ages 0=?02 have an average motivation to,ards statistics. !oreover( both male
and female res*ondents have high motivation to,ards the sub#ect but female res*ondents have a
higher motivation value com*ared to the male.
0. "he res*ondents have a high motivation to,ards statistics ,hich means high enthusiasm(
effort and *ositive attitude to,ards learning statistics.
;. "he students. motivation level and academic *erformance in statistics has a moderate
relationshi* to each other ,hich means that ,hen motivation gets higher( there is also a chance
of having a greater e<amination score. "his *roves the researchers assum*tion of the study that
motivation is related ,ith learning. As motivation increases( the academic *erformance of
students in statistics also increases. "herefore( motivation level and e<amination scores ,ere
significantly correlated.
For the im*rovement and the over?all effect of this study to the society( here are the
researchers. recommendations9
7. "eachers should no, be a,are that ,hatever techniques they ,ould give to the
students in learning they must first consider to motivate the students to learn the sub#ect because
this ,ill give the students the desire( ,illingness and effort in the sub#ect.
0. "o the students( they must learn to motivate themselves to learn because if a student
itself ,ill not ,or+ and give effort( it ,ould be hard for others to motivate them also.
;. "he researchers recommend that further studies must be conducted on other factors
affecting the academic *erformance of students. Also( the researchers suggest the future
researchers to conduct the study in other sub#ects so that greater institutions ,ill be affected and
influenced by the relationshi*.
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A"*+35 A
L"!!"# (, P"#.3113(* !( C(*+)%! !h" S!)+-
Re*ublic of the Phili**ines
Holy Cross of Davao College
S(%3a0 W(#& D"a#!."*!
Sta. Ana Avenue( Davao City
M#1. G#a%" Ca1!3'(*; MSW
Social )or+ De*artment Head
)e( the undersigned( are fourth year 6SS) students of this institution. In line ,ith our
requirement and as *artial fulfillment for Research II( ,e ,ould li+e to conduct a study entitled
FIRST SEMESTER S.Y. 2012-2013.
In connection to this( ,e ,ould li+e to as+ from your good office to allo, us to conduct a
study in a section of First Sear Civil Dngineering. "his study ,ill need your *ermission for us to
be able to give test questionnaires and obtain the motivation level and their academic
*erformance in Algebra.
)e ho*e that you ,ill considerably give us the o**ortunity to *ursue this study. "han+ you very
Res*ectfully yours(
D(#""* N. A.3'(
E00"* Ga+" P. D3a<
Gha--a# L. Pa0(
$oted by9
P#(,. I#31h Ma" F"#*a*+"<
"hesis Adviser
A"*+35 $
L"!!"# (, P"#.3113(* !( C(*+)%! !h" S!)+-
Re*ublic of the Phili**ines
Hniversity of Southeastern Phili**ines
C(00"'" (, E*'3*""#3*'
-brero( Davao City
M#. D"5!"# C(#a2"
!athematics "eacher
Davao City $ational High School
)e( the undersigned( are first year 6SCD students of this university. In line ,ith our requirement
and as *artial fulfillment for Dnglish II( ,e ,ish to conduct a study entitled 4L"4"0 (,
M(!34a!3(* a*+ !h" A%a+".3% P"#,(#.a*%" (, F#"1h."* C3430 E*'3*""#3*' S!)+"*!1 3*
In connection to this( ,e ,ould li+e to as+ from your good office to allo, us to use your
formulated survey questionnaire ,hich determines the !otivation 'evel of students in Algebra.
"his study ,ill need your *ermission for us to be able to give test questionnaires and obtain the
motivation level and relate it to their academic *erformance in Algebra.
)e ho*e that you ,ill considerably give us the o**ortunity to *ursue this study. "han+ you very
Res*ectfully yours(
D(#""* N. A.3'(
E00"* Ga+" P. D3a<
Gha--a# L. Pa0(
$oted by9
P#(,. I#31h Ma" F"#*a*+"<
"hesis Adviser
2012 J 2013
Alinsub( !ay#ane $i%a &.
Dumandan( ohn !ichael ".
$ocom( Raniel ".
Pacatang( !aria 'eila R.
)hen students are motivated they tend to get better mar+s at school( ,or+ more
effectively on difficult school,or+( ma+e the most of their abilities( behave ,ell and en#oy
school. "his study ,as conducted to determine the motivation of Holy Cross of Davao College
social ,or+ students to,ards statistics and its relationshi* ,ith the learning on the sub#ect for the
first semester for school year 0170 > 017;.
"he researchers used the Pearson?!oment Correlation to determine the relationshi* of
motivation to the *reliminary scores of the students on the sub#ect statistics. Results sho, that
the social ,or+ students are moderately motivated on the sub#ect statistics and there is a lo,
correlation bet,een the motivation of social ,or+ students and the *reliminary scores on the
sub#ect statistics.

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