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Naiketing Seivices
ueneiic Package Betails of SE0 & SEN

This uocument outlines a typical stiuctuie of package seivices offeieu unuei SE0 oi
SEN package fiom BiveNinus along with ueliveiables, moue of opeiation anu piicing.
"#$%& '( )'*+&*+,
0nline Naiketing Stiategy ............................................................................................................................. S
Piicing ................................................................................................................................................................ S
SE0 0ffeiing ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Package Betails ............................................................................................................................................... 4
Piicing ................................................................................................................................................................ 4
SE0 Beliveiables ............................................................................................................................................ 4
"#$%& '($ "(')*+%+ ......................................................................................................................................... S
,&-'&./* 0 1#%$.)%(.+ ................................................................................................................................... S
234).3.(&'&%5( 0 6%(7 8#%)$%(/ .............................................................................................................. S
9.45-&%(/ 0 9.:%.; ....................................................................................................................................... S
SEN 0ffeiing ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Package Betails ............................................................................................................................................... 6
Quality Netiics ............................................................................................................................................... 6
Piicing ................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Contact us ......................................................................................................................................................... 7

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BiveNinus has extensive expeiience is woiking with teams to launch theii consumei
oiienteu piouucts anu seivices online. We help oui clients with assessing maiket
segments, iuentifying oppoitunities, foimulating the go-to-maiket stiategy anu
taigeting foi uiffeient consumei piofiles.
BiveNinus is unique in theii offeiing foi Naiketing Stiategy as we always focus on the
consumei anu piouuct in woiking out the maiketing plan foi oui clients. 0ui team is
veiy well veiseu with piouuct uevelopment, consumei taigeting along with shaip
business acumen to uelivei holistic solutions foi long teim success of clients.

Consulting houis aie piiceu oi a fixeu time engagement is offeieu at a pieuefineu piice
as pait of the Naiketing Stiategy 0ffeiing.
roducL &
LvaluaLe 8each
& Medlum
8esulL urlven
uellvery lan
Allgn wlLh
8uslness Coals
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BiveNinus is a piemium pioviuei foi SE0 seivices. We pioviue Analysis, Stiategy anu
Execution tuneu foi uoogle anu Bing. We have specializeu local seaich offeiing also.
We woik closely with Naiketing heau foi stiategy & planning anu have the piocesses in
place to collaboiate woik with youi in-house team.
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A Biief oveiview of the Package Betails is as shown below:

We also uo App Stoie 0ptimization, Local SE0 anu Real Time SE0.
Packages aie piiceu aftei evaluating the scope of woik anu ueliveiable. We uo fixeu
payment packages baseu on monthly payments. We aie open to a vaiiable pay with a
bonus payout on milestones.
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We woulu maintain constant inteiaction with the Client to keep them up-to-uate on the
status of SE0, stiategy anu piocess.
Below is a tentative commitment on the ueliveiables baseu on the scope anu package
uefineu foi you.
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8evlew 8uslness
Cb[ecuves & SLC
ueLalled SlLe
keyword 8esearch
keyword SegmenLs
& 1argeung
.!/ !(0#(1232(45
SlLe ArchlLecLure
SlLe navlgauon for
lnLernal Llnk
SLrucLure ueslgn
SlLe AuLhorlLy &
AsslsLed ConLenL
age SLrucLure
7289':; <#:-242;
keyword Allocauon
& AuLomaLed lnLer-
age Level keyword
keyword locused
Llnk 8ulldlng
=2>':&(- *
MonLhly SlLe 8eporL
Weekly segmenL
wlse progress reporL
MonlLor compeuLor
!"#$% '(# !(')*+$+
Betaileu Site Auuit foi SE0 coveiing Site Aichitectuie, Link Stiuctuie, Navigation,
Page Layout, Page Loau Peifoimance, Content anu Keywoiu Taigeting
Betaileu Competition Analysis foi Taigeteu Keywoiu Segments anu
implementeu SE0 stiategy
,%-'%./* 0 1"$#.)$(.+
Stiategy, uuiuelines & Suggestions foi optimal Site Aichitectuie, Navigation
Stiuctuie, Page Layout, Loau Peifoimance.
Stiategy anu Assistance in implementing an effective Inteinal Link Stiuctuie
Stiategy anu Implementation of Page Level 0ptimization foi keywoius
Stiategy anu uuiuelines foi Content on Website to taiget keywoius
234).3.(%'%$5( 0 6$(7 8"$)#$(/
Website 0ptimizeu foi appioximately 2uuu keywoius taigeting 2 Nillion
Seaiches fiom uoogle & Bing
Link Builuing necessaiy foi the keywoius anu website pages to ensuie
competitive ianks on Seaich Engines
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Nonthly Repoit on the status of the SE0 piocess anu metiics by
o SE0 Netiics with Bistoiy foi
! Taigeteu Keywoius
! Links by Keywoiu & by Page
! Total Links & Pages Inuexeu in uoogle, Yahoo anu Bing
! uoogle anu Bing Webmastei Peifoimance
! Tiaffic Numbeis as seen on Analytics System (uoogle Analytics)
o Piogiess fiom the plan of pievious month
o Focus foi the cuiient month
o Keywoiu Recommenuation Plans anu Stiategy
Analysis of stiategy anu iecommenueu plan of action
Check Annexuie I foi moie uetails of SE0 Package
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BiveNinus pioviues SEN stiategy, ieview anu campaign management seivices.
Cuiiently we catei to text aus only on :;<'0;,= >#6&$''1 #*; :;6&*+&0. We uo
Retaigeting aus anu Bisplay aus thiough ?''2%&= >#6&$''1 #*; :;0'%%.
We unueitake enu to enu execution of campaigns with ueliveiables baseu on iesults.
5#61#2& 8&+#.%,

BiveNinus has a veiy Robust Piocess in place to ensuie Efficient anu Quality iesults
while keeping the Clients upuateu on a iegulai basis.
We will auapt anu uelivei as pei any uynamic change in iequiiements fiom the Client
anuoi exteinal factois influencing SEN.
@A#%.+4 /&+0.6,
We woulu maintain constant inteiaction with the Client to keep them up-to-uate on the
status of SEN, stiategy anu piocess.
It is uesiiable to set up a quality metiic foi constant tiacking anu impiovement.
A sample set of quality metiics to measuie the effectiveness of SEN Campaign at high
level woulu be
- 1exL Ads : Search/
- roducL Ads
- Cllck Lo Call
.24%> *
- uemographlc
- 8e-Largeung
- Scheduled bld
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- Creauon of Landlng
- keyword
- Converslon 1unlng
C#(;,(- +#-2
- SlLes based on
producL oerlng
- SlLes based on
demography of users
- 8y aurlbuLe seLs
- 8y brand / producL
- Crouplng keywords
by semanuc or
producL relauon
- AuLomaLed campalgn
launches per
- 8ld conLrol by
producL prlce or
brand based
- roducL Ads from
D22> +:';%14
- Addlng new creauve
- Messaglng on
Landlng age
- Creaung 8anner Ads
- Semng up lacemenL
- uynamlc Ads
- hased Selllng
- Muluple neLworks
Time to launch a Campaign pei bianu oi piouuct
Ninimum au impiessions oi any metiic foi ieach pei bianu oi piouuct
Cost of Customei Acquisition
Conveision Netiics - Sale Leaus Time Spent
Active campaigns oi au inventoiy manageu pei uay
Tiauitional piicing foi SEN campaign management is 1u% of spenu.
We also woik with a piicing baseu on iesults ueliveieu - management fee is baseu on
leaus geneiateu insteau of amount spent to align goals moie closely. The client have a
well tuneu sales piocess in place anu the leau cost can be negotiateu only at pieuefineu
inteivals oi baseu on the contiact.
If the au inventoiy that has to be manageu is expeiimental oi is to taiget a laige catalog
of piouucts a vaiiant mouel baseu on setup fee anu a uiscounteu management fee is
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2( <'+. 5= '(* >#.-%.+? 4).'+. =..) &5 <5(&'<& #+ '&@

B4'+C.0D#4&& B"
CE0, Naiketing Stiategist
Nobile: +91-988uu-44427

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2nu Flooi, SERENITY, 1u A Cioss, 0ff Palm uiove Roau
Austin Town, Bangaloie, INBIA
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-A+%.*& '( 37- 5#61#2& #+ KDL%&D&*+#+.'* M&9&%
Site Architecture & SEO Review
Site Architecture Review
Site Information Architecture Review for optimal depth, reachable links
HTML Page Layout Review
Review Design and HTML element placement for SEO eg. Search Engine friendly navigation, layout.
Placement of flash/videos, images, content
Website Link Structure
Propose an Information architecture of the website for improved crawl and link juice flow
On Page SEO Review
Review On Page SEO quality on the website for at least 5 different pages
Site Content Review
Review Content alignment & new content potential for the keyword & traffic targeting

Site Performance Tuning & Engagement Metrics
Load time analysis & suggestions
Analyze, Suggest improvements for load time of important pages. Google has credits for performance
as seen on Webmasters
Crawl speed analysis & suggestions
Check daily crawl speed and pattern from search engines. Suggest improvements for improved crawl of
the website
Server Log Analysis
Finding discrepancies in Google crawl and frequency of crawl for different page types
Text to Code ratio analysis & suggestions
HTML vs Scripts analysis, Suggest changes to optimize text to code ratio

Site Wide SEO
Webmaster settings & monitoring
Review webmaster settings with Search Engines & support with daily monitoring
Sitemap creation & submission
Create xml sitemap of the site and submit to Search Engines
Robots File Validation
Verify and update robots.txt for effective crawling
Header / Footer optimization
Update layout and Prioritize links in header / footer for maximum SEO benefits
Spider Friendly Navigation
Design and Implement Search Engine spider friendly navigation structure and urls
Interlinking Strategy
Logic and ideas for interlinking keywords within content and link blocks seamlessly blending into
existing page without disrupting user experience
Content Placement & Data Highlighting
Review placement of content in html layout and ensure data structured for DataHighlighting
Video Optimization Strategy
Video sitemaps, URL structure suggestions, Embedded descriptions
Image optimization strategy
Naming conventions, placement and image sitemaps
Handling duplicate content
Site wide canonical strategy, Defining meta robots rule
AJAX Implementation check against SEO
Check if any AJAX urls need to be crawled and validate implementation

Page Level SEO
Review Title, Headings & Paragraph Content
Implement all Page level SEO changes proposed in On Page SEO Review
Meta Tag Adjustments
Templates for meta tags on all pages tuned for keyword strategy
Structured Data Implementation
Update / Review rich snippets for all page types and verify Search Engine visibility
Content Optimization Enhancements
Review content blocks and possible enhancement to provide more opportunity to insert keywords
naturally in the content.
Unique template content across large page sets
Ideas and methodology to be able to generate content, randomization logic to minimize possibilities of
duplicates across few thousand pages

Web Mentions
Review outgoing PR or blogs or link building activities for SEO impact
Fine tune any off page activity happening for maximum SEO impact
Improve web mentions for important keywords through blogs, forums
To increase number of blogs & forums referring to the site
Devise Link Building strategy leveraging any business affiliations, widgets or customer referrals
Outline a plan that can be executed by sales or business development team for natural links

Blog optimization
SEO Review of Blog Element
Check use of author snippets, tags, interlinking, pretty url and usage of keywords across blog posts.
Fine tune any process for higher impact for SEO
Improve keyword coverage on blog
Outline a strategy to cover more SEO keywords naturally into blog content

Social Media Integration
Integrate social media plugins for SEO enhancements and natural links
Integrate social plugins from facebook, Goolge plus, twitter into the product for increasing social shares
Review Google Plus Page and any other listing mentions
Provide optimization guidelines for g+ page, yahoo local business
Measure and guide optimal use of social media
Understand the current bandwidth and effort spent on social media initiatives and the impact on SEO.
Fine tune for maximum impact

Local Search SEO
Suggestion for Local Reference
Identify if any part of the product caters to a local audience or search demand is local and suggest for
local optimization
Review Webmaster Settings for Local SEO
Register site for local search/ geo search through webmaster, business listings
Review Google Plus Page and any other listing mentions
Provide optimization guidelines for g+ page, yahoo local business
Geo tag suggestions
Optimize pages with source, longitude and latitude
Content localization
Tune site content with microformats to be recognised for local search, maps etc

Link Spam Detection & Recovery
Link Analysis
External link & domain analysis based on various parameters to identify potentially harmful links
Handling Manual spam
Devise strategies to remove manual spam action and recover status
Domain Audits
Identify potential spam across site like doorway pages, cloaking, keyword stuffing.

Analysis & Reports
Potential analysis
Identifying potential for each category of search queries
Position vs CTR Analysis
Analyzing CTR for individual positions based on category/segment of search queries
Ranking reports and analysis
Track rankings for a given set of keywords and devise strategies to improve positions
Competitor Analysis
Understand Competitor strategy and devise plans to overcome rankings
Mobile Site Optimization
Handling various types of mobile sites
Devise optimization strategies for Dynamic serving, Responsive design and multiple URL serving
Improving page load time & engagement metrics
Suggest changes to optimize load time for mobiles
Sitemap creation
Create and maintain mobile XML sitemaps

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