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Gareth Colman

Unit 1
Learning Style
Their are several different learning styles ranging from physical to naturalistic.
Learning styles is a theory in that everyone one comes under 8 different learning
styles hich defines the !est ay that you learn. " am going to go through all 8 of
Linguistic learning is the a!ility to learn and solve pro!lems using language. This is
most affective in spea#ing and listening type of su!$ects and activities. They should
!e a!le to collect information through listening and note ta#ing.
%hysical& 'odily
%hysical learning is hen you !enefit more from doing physical activities or activities
here you(re involved. )lso you ill find it easier to understand if you ta#e part in
something rather than doing some linguistic or# or note ta#ing.
This is a type of learner that is independent and learns more effectively using their
on resources. This can also !e #non as a Solitary learner. They ill find it
easier to learn !y their self and use !oo#s or the internet to learn.
) inter personal learner ill have a social personality hich is a!le to learn
effectively hen tal#ing in a group or if they are in direct communication of someone.
This can also !e #non as a Social learner. This is effective say if you are doing one
to one lessons or if you are learning in a direct ay.
) musical learner li#es to or# ith sound and music to aid their learning.
They ould usually use rhythm and sound to remem!er stuff for their
su!$ects. They ould typically !e good at su!$ects such as music and
performing arts.
+isual& Spatial
) visual learner ould prefer to use images, pictures, colours and graphs to
understand information and to !e a!le to learn effectively. They should !e a!le to
use them to their advantage and use them to present their or# ell.
Gareth Colman
Unit 1
Mathematical& Logical
) learner should !e a!le to use their !rain for logical and
mathematical pro!lem solving. They should find it easy to ma#e an
order of something and find it easy to follo steps. They should !e
good at su!$ects li#e maths and science !ecause they follo steps
and have a logical nature to them.
-aturalistic learning is the a!ility to understand features of the
environment and to !e a!le to learn a!out easily.
My learning style
" did a test to see hat my learning styles are and my
main learning style as Mathematical& Logical. .hich
does ma#e sense since maths is one of my strongest
su!$ects. )lso my physical learning style as high so that
shos that "(m good at learning hen " ta#e an active
part in class.
/o ill an aareness of my style help me achieve0
" am aare that " can use my mathematical&logical
strength to help me achieve my personal development
plan. 1irstly " can order my notes so it(s in logical order hich ill ma#e finding notes
easier. This ill help me #eep on top of my notes especially in my 'T2C su!$ects
here note ta#ing is #ey. )lso " can use a logical approach to designing e!sites
here " can place information in a logical order and put pages into a logical order.
)lso " can use high !odily&physical s#ills to get people in a presentation in front of a
group hich ill improve my ver!al s#ills in front of a group hich is a part of my
development plan and " am going to do that to ensure " develop my s#ills.
)nother strong learning style is interpersonal hich means " am good at or#ing ith
a group of people. " could use this to meet a group of people to revie the or# e
have done over a day. 1inally " should use my visual s#ills to use visual
representations to help me understand or# for e3ample graphs.

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