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Presente simple y presente continuo

Se utiliza el presente simple para:

- hablar de situaciones permanentes: I live in a flat; She works for an insurance
- expresar actividades habituales o rutinas: I use my mobile phone every day.
- hablar de generalidades o hechos cientficos: The sun rises in the East; atter
consists of small particles.
- contar historias o resumir el argumento de una pelcula o un libro: !ur hero goes
off to search for the treasure" #hich he eventually finds after many adventures.
Se utiliza el presente continuo para:
- hablar de situaciones temporales $ue se producen en el presente: Im staying
#ith a friend at the moment; Shes working very hard no#adays.
- referirse a situaciones $ue est%n cambiando en el tiempo presente: &he #eathers
getting hotter and hotter.
- hablar de acciones $ue tienen lugar en el momento presente: I am using 'ohn(s
mobile phone because I left mine at home; )oure eating too fast.
- referirse a costumbres $ue resultan molestas con palabras como always: )oure
al#ays borrowing money*
Verbos estticos:
+os siguientes verbos no se usan en presente continuo: appear, resemble, seem ,verbos
$ue expresan apariencia-; consist of, contain, have ,verbos relacionados con la
composici.n-; come from, concern, cost, fit, suit ,verbos relacionados con la
conexi.n-; be, exist ,verbos $ue expresan existencia-; forget, know, realise,
understand ,verbos relativos al conocimiento-" dislike, hate, like, love, prefer ,verbos
$ue hablan acerca cosas $ue gustan y cosas $ue no-; need, want, wish ,verbos relativos
a las necesidades y a los deseos-; believe, doubt, imagine, suppose, think ,verbos
relativos a la opini.n-; belong to, have, own, owe, possess ,verbos relacionados $ue
expresan posesi.n-; feel, hear, notice, see, smell, sound, taste ,verbos relativos a los
/ay casos" sin embargo" en los $ue los verbos $ue com0nmente conocemos como
est%ticos pueden usarse en el modo continuo. 1 continuaci.n podemos ver algunos
- 3uando have significa estar activamente involucrado en algo: She is having an
operation 4 a good time 4 a meal 4 a bath.
- 3uando think es sin.nimo de considerar o la acci.n se est% llevando a cabo en
ese preciso momento: &hey are thinking of buying a cheaper car; Im 2ust
- Si feel se utiliza para referirnos a una reacci.n fsica: I am feeling exhausted.
- 3uando see es sin.nimo de pasar tiempo con alguien o de imaginar cosas: 1re
you seeing a lot of ary no#adays5; )ou(re seeing things 6 there(s nobody at
the #indo#.
- 3uando taste tiene el significado de probar la calidad de algo: /e is tasting the
mil to see if it(s !7.
- 3uando appear tiene el significado de actuar: &he 8lues 8and is appearing at
the !deon on Saturday.
! "nderline the correct tense, Present #imple or Present $ontinuous, in the
following sentences!
- I(m sleeping 4 sleep on 9i:o(s sofa until I find a place of my o#n.
- I(m only #or:ing 4 only #or: there for a couple of months because I(m going
abroad in the summer.
- If you aren(t listening 4 don(t listen to the radio" #hy don(t you s#itch it off5
- /is only bad habit is that he tal:s 4 is tal:ing too loudly.
- So in the first scene #e see 4 are seeing him getting up and then he goes out 4 is
going out and meets 4 is meeting a strange #oman.
- )ou ma:e 4 are ma:ing goulash using meat" vegetables and papri:a.
- I never do anything I feel 4 am feeling is against my principles.
- /e appears 4 is appearing to be very friendly but I don(t :no# him very #ell.
- &here(s nobody at the door; you 2ust hear 4 are 2ust hearing things.
- I(m thin:ing of doing a postgraduate degree 6 #hat do you thin: 4 are you
thin:ing5 Is it a good idea5
%! $omplete this letter with the correct form of the Present #imple or the Present
$ontinuous! "se each verb in the list once! The first &'( is given as an example!
stand" seem" #rite" be" ma:e" shine" stay" taste" loo:" cost" feel
;ear 'ill"
I am writing ,<- to you from =ranada #here everything >>>>>>>>>>.. ,?- to
be going 2ust fine; #e >>>>>>>>>>> ,@- nice and relaxed. Ae
>>>>>>>. ,B- in a gorgeous hotel 2ust do#n the road from the 1lhambra" #hich
>>>>>>> ,C- an old fortress built by the oors. It >>>>>>>. ,D- at the
top of the hill 2ust opposite our hotel and #e can see this #onderful building through our
#indo#. It >>>>>>>>>>>.. ,E- absolutely magnificent* &he hotel is lovely"
but unfortunately it >>>>>>>>>. ,F- a lot to stay here* Eating out is great. /ave
you heard of gazpacho5 It(s a cold cucumber and tomato soup #hich they
>>>>>>>> ,G- #ith oil" vinegar and garlic and it >>>>>>>. ,H- delicious.
Aell" outside the sun >>>>>>>>>>. ,?<- so I(m off to get a bit of suntan; I
hope everything(s !7 bac: in 8irmingham.
)! $omplete these sentences using the Present #imple or the Present $ontinuous!
"se the verb given in brackets!
- y sister >>>>>>>>>>>. ,#ait- patiently for her exams results.
- Ae >>>>>>>>>>>>.. ,not travel- by train very often.
- I >>>>>>>>>>>>> ,consider- accepting that 2ob in 3rete.
- &he film >>>>>>>>>>.. ,end- #ith a dramatic car chase.
- I(m sorry" I >>>>>>>. ,feel- too tired to go out this evening.
- Ae >>>>>>>>>>> ,have- a great time here in +ondon.
- >>>>>>>>>. you >>>>>> ,see- much of your brother these days5
- Ae >>>>>>>>>>>.. ,rely- on you to bring the :eys #ith you.
- I >>>>>>>>> ,#ish- people didn(t smo:e in restaurants.
- Aho >>>>>>>>> you >>>>>>>> ,thin:- you are" spea:ing to
me li:e that*
*! $omplete these sentences using the Present #imple or the Present $ontinuous!
"se the verbs given in brackets! +dd never or always if this is also given!
- I >>>>>>>>. ,use; never- my mobile phone if I >>>>>>>>
- I >>>>>>>>>. ,li:e; al#ays- to get post but I >>>>>>>>.. ,seem;
never- to have the time to reply.
- &he heroine >>>>>>>>>>. ,prefer- to be #ith Iaul because 'ames
>>>>>>>> ,argue; al#ays-.
- aria >>>>>>>>>.. ,forget; al#ays- #hat time the soap
>>>>>>>. ,start-.
- )ou >>>>>>>>>>. ,moan; al#ays- about the state of the flat but you
>>>>>>>>>.. ,help; never- me.
- &urtles >>>>>>>>>>.. ,lay; al#ays- their eggs on the same beach;
ho#ever" they >>>>>>>>.. ,come; never- in #inter.
- Ahether I >>>>>>>.. ,go- s#imming or not >>>>>>>> ,depend
on; al#ays- the #eather.
- I >>>>>>>>.. ,shop; never- here again 6 they >>>>>>>.. ,be;
al#ays- so rude.
- Ae >>>>>>>>>>.. ,smell; al#ays- coo:ing #hen #e >>>>>>
,pass- your house.
- /e >>>>>>>>>>>.. ,borro#; al#ays- money but he >>>>>>..
,pay; al#ays- me bac:.
Pasado simple y pasado continuo
El pasado simple se usa para:
- hablar sobre costumbres o estados pasados" ya sean continuos o repetidos: +ong
ago" they built most houses out of #ood; /e al#ays caught the same train.
- referirse a periodos de tiempo $ue han finalizado: I read the ne#spaper this
morning. , J it is no# afternoon or evening-; /e did a lot in his short life , J
he(s dead-.
- hablar acerca de acciones finalizadas con locuciones o adverbios temporales
como a year ago" last Sunday" last #ee:" yesterday" etc. : Aatson and 3ric:
identified the structure of ;91 in ?HDB; &he first modern !lympics took place
in 1thens more than a hundred years ago.
El pasado continuo se utiliza:
- para referirnos a una acci.n $ue se estaba desarrollando en el pasado: I was
listening to the ne#s on televisi.n at nine o(cloc: last night.
- para ofrecer informaci.n acerca del contexto: It was pouring #ith rain and she
was wondering #hat to do.
- en combinaci.n con el pasado simple para referirnos a una acci.n ,pasado
simple- $ue ocurri. en medio de otra ,pasado continuo-: I was sleeping #hen
my friend called.
"sed to
El verbo modal Kused toK se emplea para indicar algo $ue ocurra en el pasado de
manera habitual. &ambiLn" se utiliza para algo $ue antes era verdad pero ya no lo es.
3omo con los otros verbos modales" Kused toK est% seguido por la forma base del verbo
,el infinitivo sin KtoK-. E2emplos:
- Ae used to go to the beach every summer #hen I #as young.
- I didn,t use to li:e mushrooms" but no# I do.
- -id they use to go to the beach in summer5
! $omplete the sentences with the verbs in brackets! "se the past simple or
past continuous!
a. I >>>>>>>>. ,#atch- the ne#s #hen the phone >>>>>. ,ring-.
b. )ou >>>>>>.>>>.. ,#al:- along the road #hen you >>>>>>>.
,meet- =eorge.
c. She >>>>>>>>>>>>>.. ,have- lunch #hen 'ohn >>>>>>.
d. &he sun >>>>>>>>>.. ,shine- #hen #e >>>>>>>>. ,arrive-.
e. 'onathan >>>>>>>>> ,eating- the ca:e but #hen 3hris
>>>>>>>. ,see- him" he >>>>>>>.. ,stop-.
f. Ae >>>>>>>.. ,sit- in the par: #hen the rain >>>>>> ,start-.
g. &he children >>>>>>>.. ,eat- s#eets #hen their mother
>>>>>>>>.. ,find- them.
h. It >>>>>>>> ,not rain- #hen #e >>>>>>. ,decide- to go to the
i. Ahen I >>>>.>.. ,do- the #ashing-up" I >>>>>>.. ,bro:e- a plate.
2. Ahile &om >>>>>>>>>. ,play- the piano" his mother >>>>>
,do- >>>>>>.. the #ashing-up.
:. I >>>>>>>>>>. ,have- dinner #hen I suddenly >>>>>>.
,hear- a loud bang.
l. I >>>>>>>>>>>>.>.. ,not understand- #hat they
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>. ,tal: about-.
%! $omplete the texts with the correct form of the verbs in brackets:

I >>>>>.. ,hear- a terrible explosion #hile I >>>>> ,#al:- into my office
on the @Cth floor of the north to#er" so I >>>>>>. ,loo:- out of the #indo#.
+ots of paper >>>>>>..>. ,fall- from the s:y. &here #as an announcement to
evacuate the building" so #e >>>>>>. ,start- #al:ing do#n the stairs. 1s #e
>>>>. ,go- do#n" #e >>>>>> ,see- some fire-fighters #ho >>>>>
,run- up the stairs. Ahen #e >>>>>>. ,get- to the ground floor" #e
>>>>>>>.. ,run- as fast as #e could" and after ?< minutes #e
>>>>>>. ,stop- to rest in a small par:. &hatMs #here #e >>>>>. ,stand-
#hen the second to#er >>>>>>>. ,fall- do#n.
I >>>>>>>. ,live- in Edinburgh at the time in a fourth floor flat. It
>>>>>. ,be- about t#o oMcloc: and I >>>>>>>. ,sleep-. Suddenly I
>>>>> ,#a:e up-. I >>>>>>>. ,hear- a dog bar:ing loudly outside my
#indo#. I >>>>>>.. ,get up- and >>>>>. >> ,loo:- out. I
>>>>>>>>>. ,be- still half asleep and it >>>>>>>>.. ,be- very
dar: but I could see that someone >>>>>>>>> ,climb- up a ladder
to#ards my bedroom #indo#. I >>>>> ,be- terrified. I $uic:ly
>>>>>>>. ,phone- the police. I >>>>>>>>>> ,explain- the
situation #hen I >>>>>.. ,hear- a :noc: on the #indo#. I >>>>>>>
,loo:- up. &here >>>>>>.. ,be- my flatmate at the top of the ladder. /e
>>>>>>>.. ,#ave- and >>>>>>>>>>.,shout-" K+et me in. IMve
forgotten my :eys*K
)! $omplete these sentences with the correct forms of the past simple or past
- Ahen I >>>>>. ,turn- on the light" I >>>>>>.. ,find- my boo:.
- &hey >>>>> ,go- to Italy for the first time in ?HHE.
- Ae >>>>>>>>>.. ,sleep- #hen the alarm cloc: >>>>. ,ring-.
- /e >>>>>>> ,brea:- the glass and >>>> ,cut- his finger.
- &hey >>>>>>>>>.. ,listen- to a heavy metal 3; #hen their dad
>>> ,tell- them to turn it do#n.
- Steve >>>>.. ,phone- the police immediately #hen he >>>>. ,see- the
- !ne day I >>>.. ,fall- and >>>>. ,hurt- my leg.
- y dad >>>>>. ,arrive- home #hile I >>>>>>> ,do- my
*! $hoose the correct option!
- I >>>>>>>>>> go to the beach every day.
a- use to b- uses to c- used to d- use
- I didn(t >>>>>>>.. play tennis.
a- use to b- uses to c- used to d- use
- Susan >>>>>>>>> drin: mil: #hen she #as young.
a- didn(t use to b- use to c- has d- #as
- I didn(t >>>>>>>>>. #atch television.
a- use to b- uses to c- used to d- use
- Ahat >>>>>>>>. you use to #ear at school5
a- did b- do c- are d- have
- ;id they >>>>>>>> go to the cinema5
a- used to b- use c- used d- use to
- &ed used to -------- my best friend" but he lives in 3anada no#.
a- is b- be c- are d- being
- Ae >>>>>>>>>>>.. play marbles.
a- used to b- used c- use to d- use
- y mother >>>>>>>>>.. coo: for me" but no# my #ife coo:s at home.
a- used to b- used c- use to d- use
- I >>>>>>>>>>>. start #or: at H oMcloc:.
a- used to b- used c- use to d- use
- Ae didn(t >>>>>>>>>. s#im in the river.
a- used to b- used c- use to d- use
- Iele >>>>>>>>>>>>. play football in 8razil.
a- used to b- used c- use to d- use
.! $omplete the sentences with used to and the verbs in brackets!
- I >>>>>>>>>>>>>> ,#or:- in the &#in &o#ers.
- >>>>>>>>>.. ,leave- the classroom at C : << pm5
- I >>>>>>>. ,forgive- him.
- /e >>>>>>>>.. ,beat- me.
- &he teacher >>>>>>>>>.. ,spea:- English in the classroom.
- /e >>>>>>>>. ,#rite- a lot.
- She >>>>>>>>>> ,spend- time in the supermar:et.
- Ae >>>>>>>>>>>>> ,not 4 play- outside.
- /e >>>>>>>>>>>... ,not 4#rite- five stories a day.
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ,Sh4 eat- three times a day5
Preguntas sobre el su/eto y preguntas sobre el ob/eto
- 3uando hacemos preguntas sobre el su2eto de una oraci.n" el orden de las
palabras es el mismo tanto en la pregunta como en la respuesta: 0en designed
the house - 1ho designed the house5
- 3uando hacemos preguntas sobre el ob2eto de una oraci.n necesitamos $ue haya
verbo auxiliar ,do" have" is" etc.- antes del su2eto: Aren designed the catedral 6
1hat did Aren design5
Nuestion #ord Example of Sub2ect $uestion Example of !b2ect $uestion
#ho Aho is teaching you5 Aho do you :no# here5
#hat Ahat caused the problem5 Ahat film did you see5
#hat :ind of Ahat :ind of people live here5 Ahat :ind of &O programmes
do you #atch5
#hich Ahich boo: sold most5 Ahich picture do you li:e5
#hose Ahose boo: #on the prize5 Ahose boo: did you borro#5
ho# many /o# many pupils come to the
/o# many people did you
#hy Ahy did you get up so late5
#hen Ahen did you go to England5
ho# /o# do I get to your house5
ho# far /o# far is the college from
ho# long /o# long does it ta:e to get
ho# often /o# often do you go

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