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Study Guide for Epidemiology for Public Health Practice, 3

Summary and Study Guide for Unit I: Chapters 1-4
Partial List of Terms Discussed in This Unit
Age specific rates
Attack rate
Biological clock phenomenon
Breeder hypothesis
Changes in cause of death from 1990 to
Characteristics of epidemiology
Descriptie epidemiology
Disappearing disorder
Do!n!ard drift
Dynamic population
Epidemiologic approach
"i#ed population
Geographical $nformation Systems
Graph interpretation
&ohn Sno!
&ohn Graunt
'och(s )ostulates
*andmarks in epidemiology
+ill(s Cannons
.atural e#periment
.e! epidemic disorders
.ull hypothesis
/perations research
)ersisting disorder
)oint epidemic
)rimary preention
)roportional mortality ratio
)rotectie factor
1esidual disorder
1isk factor
Secondary preention
Secular time trends
Selectie factor
Sinusoidal2cyclic fluctuations
Social causation
Space and time clustering
Specific rate
Standardi3ed mortality ratio 4S+15
6ertiary preention
7ses of epidemiology
8illiam "arr
Summary and Study Guide9 p: 1 of 1;
Study Guide for Epidemiology for Public Health Practice, 3
dditional !e"ie# $uestions
1: 8hat are some e#amples of diseases2conditions that sho! short- and long-
term fluctuations in rates<
=: .ame the seen uses of epidemiology:
3: Descri,e the .atural %istory of Disease model:
;: Define primary9 secondary9 and tertiary preention and gie e#amples:
>: 8hat is an epidemic<
?: 8ho !as &ohn Sno!<
@: Define the terms attack rate and secondary attack rate:
A: Define each of the follo!ing termsB
a: $ncidence rate
,: +ortality rate
c: )realence rate
d: Case fatality rate
e: )roportional mortality ratio
Summary and Study Guide9 p: = of 1;
Study Guide for Epidemiology for Public Health Practice, 3
9: 7nder !hat circumstances !ould the incidence of a disease eCual 4or ,e
similar to5 the prealence< 8hat different types of inferences can ,e made !ith
incidence and prealence data<
10: E#plain the difference ,et!een mor,idity and mortality rates:
11: Discuss the similarities and differences among crude death rate9 cause-specific
death rate9 proportional mortality ratio9 infant mortality rate9 and maternal
mortality rate:
1=: E#plain the difference ,et!een a proportion and a ratio:
13: Descri,e the adantages and disadantages of using crude rates:
1;: Define the term standardized mortality ratio 4S+15:
1>: Define the follo!ing terms and indicate ho! they differB
a: Age-specific rates
,: Age-adDusted rates
1?: Define the term cyclic variation:
1@: Distinguish ,et!een descriptie and analytic epidemiology:
1A: 8hat is the difference ,et!een clinical and epidemiologic approaches in
descri,ing disease<
Summary and Study Guide9 p: 3 of 1;
Study Guide for Epidemiology for Public Health Practice, 3
Summary and Study Guide for Unit II: Chapters %-&
Partial List of Terms Discussed in This Unit
Analytic study
Am,ispectie cohort study
Blinding 4masking5
Case-control study
Census tract
Clinical trial
Cohort study
Community trial
Criteria for ealuation of statistical
Cross-sectional study
Ecologic fallacy
Ecologic study
E#perimental study
E#posure cohort
E#ternal alidity
"ormatie ealuation
"reedom of $nformation Act
%a!thorne effect
$mpact ealuation
$ndependent aria,le
$nterention study
+etropolitan statistical area
.ecessary and sufficient cause
/,serational study
/dds ratio
/utcome ealuation
)hases of clinical trials
)riacy Act
)rocess ealuation
)rophylactic trial
)rospectie cohort
0uasi-e#perimental study
1elatie risk
1esearch Cuestion
1etrospectie cohort study
Study outcome
Surial cure
6herapeutic trial
6reatment crossoer
Eital statistics
Summary and Study Guide9 p: ; of 1;
Study Guide for Epidemiology for Public Health Practice, 3
dditional !e"ie# $uestions
1: .ame some of the Cualities that are important to epidemiologic measures and
data sources:
=: E#plain the concept of e#ternal alidity: %o! does it apply to the choice of
data sources<
3: Discuss the uses9 strengths9 and !eaknesses of the follo!ing data sourcesB
a: %ealth insurance statistics
,: Data from medical clinics
c: Special epidemiologic sureys9 including mor,idity sureys
d: Eital statistics
e: A,senteeism data from schools or !ork settings
f: Disease registers
g: %ospital and clinic statistics
;: $dentify three ,i,liographical data,ases for locating epidemiologic research
>: Descriptie epidemiology includes the characteristics of person9 place and
time: Discuss their releance to understanding the distri,ution and dynamics of
?: Discuss the meaning of epidemiologic study cyclesF e:g:9 ho! !ould an
analytic study follo! from a descriptie study<
Summary and Study Guide9 p: > of 1;
Study Guide for Epidemiology for Public Health Practice, 3
@: Discuss the follo!ing types of research designs in terms of components9
strengths9 and limitations in determining cause-effect relationshipsB
a: Cross-sectional
,: Case-control
c: )rospectie cohort
d: Clinical trial
e: Community trial
A: E#plain !hat is meant ,y an ecologic study and gie an e#ample: Be sure to
discuss the uses and limitations of ecologic studies:
9: 8hat is a case-control study< .ame some common sources of controls and list
the adantages and disadantages of each:
10: 8hen does the odds ratio 4/15 proide a good appro#imation of the risk
associated !ith a gien e#posure<
11: 8hat is a cohort study< Gie t!o e#amples of maDor cohort studies:
1=: *ist the main characteristics9 adantages9 and disadantages of cohort studies:
13: .ame the t!o types of interention studiesF compare and contrast them:
1;: Discuss the four stages of ealuation:
Summary and Study Guide9 p: ? of 1;
Study Guide for Epidemiology for Public Health Practice, 3
Summary and Study Guide for Unit III: Chapters '-1%
Partial List of Terms Discussed in This Unit
Actie and passie immunity
Attack rate
Attri,uta,le risk
Biological disease agentsB 4,acteria9
fungi9 and iruses5
Case fatality rate
Chemical agents
Clostridium perfringens
Clostridium botulinum
Confidence interal
Confounding aria,le
Depressie symptoms
Diagnostic test
Direct transmission
Dose-response relationship
Escherichia coli
Emerging infections
Enironment 4sum of influences5
En3ootic disease
Epidemiologic triangle
Etiologic fraction
General adaptation syndrome
Generation time
Genetic epidemiology
%ealthy !orker effect
%erd immunity
%o! to inestigate a food-,orne illness
$ce,erg concept of infection
$ncu,ation period
$ndirect 4secondary5 association
$nternal alidity
$nterening aria,le
*atency period
*ead time ,ias
*ife eents
*inkage analysis
*/D score
+olecular epidemiology
+ultiple regression analysis
.on-causal association
) alue
)erson-enironment fit
)hysical enironment
)opulation etiologic fraction
)ortal of e#it
)ortal of entry
)redictie alue
)sychosocial epidemiology
1andom error
1isk difference
Salmonella organisms
Screening test
Secondary attack rate
Segregation analysis
Selection ,ias
Sentinel health eent
Serial transfer s: spread ,y a Hcommon
Social enironment
Social incongruity
Social support
Spurious relationship
Staphylococcus aureus
Statistical control
Stress process model
Summary and Study Guide9 p: @ of 1;
Study Guide for Epidemiology for Public Health Practice, 3
Systematic error
6ype A ,ehaior pattern
Eehicle transmission
Summary and Study Guide9 p: A of 1;
Study Guide for Epidemiology for Public Health Practice, 3
dditional !e"ie# $uestions
1: Cite methods for control of infectious disease in the community:
=: 8hat is herd immunity<
3: 8hen is isolation likely to ,e ineffectie<
;: 8hat is meant ,y the term population at risk<
>: .ame four types of immunity:
?: 8hat is meant ,y screening<
@: 8hat is the purpose of screening<
A: %o! are alidity and relia,ility assessed<
9: 8hy are sensitiity and specificity a trade-off<
10: 8hen should a screening test ,e conducted<
11: 8hat influences participation in a screening program<
Summary and Study Guide9 p: 9 of 1;
Study Guide for Epidemiology for Public Health Practice, 3
1=: Differentiate ,et!een tests of significance and measures of association:
13: %o! is the seerity of infectious disease measured<
1;: 8hat are the types of pathogenic effects produced ,y infectie agents<
1>: 8hat are the mechanisms of infection transmission<
1?: Discuss the follo!ing routes of transmission of infectious disease agentsB
a: Air,orne
,: Contact
c: Eector-,orne
d: Eehicle-,orne
e: Direct
f: $ndirect
1@: Discuss the maDor steps necessary to inestigate the possi,le out,reak of an
1A: 8hat are the maDor factors that influence persons to migrate<
19: Descri,e the use of the follo!ing research designs in occupational epidemiologyB
ecologic9 cross-sectional9 and cohort:
Summary and Study Guide9 p: 10 of 1;
Study Guide for Epidemiology for Public Health Practice, 3
=0: Descri,e the general seCuence of steps in designing a historical prospectie cohort
study of an occupational group:
=1: Differentiate ,et!een internal and external validity:
==: 8hat is random error< 8hat are some factors that contri,ute to random error<
=3: 8hat is systematic error< 8hat are some factors that contri,ute to systematic
=;: 8hat are some techniCues to reduce bias<
=>: Descri,e methods to control confounding:
=?: Discuss the characteristics of a good screening test:
=@: Descri,e procedures that can improe sensitiity and specificity:
=A: 8hat are the characteristics of infectious disease agents<
=9: Discuss the fundamental differences ,et!een molecular and genetic
30: Descri,e the role of stressful life eents as an influence upon disease:
Summary and Study Guide9 p: 11 of 1;
Study Guide for Epidemiology for Public Health Practice, 3
General !e"ie# and dditional Drill
Define the follo#in( terms )riefly:
1: "or a case-control study9 defineB
4a5 indiidual odds
4,5 odds ratio 4relatie odds5
=: "or a cohort study9 defineB
4a5 indiidual risks
4,5 relatie risk
4c5 attri,uta,le risk
3: Define the follo!ing types of aria,lesB
4a5 independent 4e#posure5
4,5 dependent 4outcome5
4c5 moderating 4interening5
4d5 confounding
;: Define the follo!ing types of study designsB
4a5 analytic
4,5 descriptie
4c5 e#perimental
4d5 interention
>: )ersons lost to follo!-up
?: )erson-years of o,seration
@: State the definitions of the follo!ing terms from memoryB
4a5 relatie risk
Summary and Study Guide9 p: 1= of 1;
Study Guide for Epidemiology for Public Health Practice, 3
4,5 attri,uta,le risk
4c5 odds ratio
4d5 sensitiity
4e5 specificity
A: 6ype A ,ehaior
9: *ife stress
10: 1elia,ility and alidity
11: )erson9 time9 place aria,les
1=: 6he natural history of disease and corresponding phases of preention
13: )sychosocial epidemiology
1;: )erson-enironment fit
1>: +ill(s CanonsB
1?: Acculturation and health 4Gano(s study5
1@: General adaptation syndrome 4Selye(s concept5
1A: "ie criteria of causalityB
Summary and Study Guide9 p: 13 of 1;
Study Guide for Epidemiology for Public Health Practice, 3
19: $ncidence rates and prealence rates
ns#er the follo#in( *uestions:
1: 8hat is meant ,y screening< 8hat is the purpose of screening< %o! are
alidity and relia,ility assessed<
=: 8hat determines yield< %o! does disease prealence affect predictie alue
3: 8hat procedures can ,e used to improe the sensitiity and specificity of a
screening test<
;: State fie attri,utes of a good screening test:
>: 8hat are the mechanisms of transmission of infection<
?: Discuss the maDor steps necessary to inestigate an out,reak of an epidemic:
@: Descri,e the stages of demographic transition and include the implications for
pu,lic health9 epidemiology9 health education9 and health care administration:
A: Gie e#amples of factors that might cause persons to migrate: %o! are studies
of migrants( health impacted ,y the healthy migrant effect<
9: Descri,e the uses of the follo!ing research designs in epidemiologyB ecologic9
cross-sectional9 and cohort:
10: Gie the formulas for measures of risk in study designs 4/19 115 and for
sensitiity and specificity of screening tests:
11: Distinguish ,et!een relia,ility and alidity of measures:
1=: Dra! a diagram to illustrate ho! relia,ility and alidity are interrelated:
Summary and Study Guide9 p: 1; of 1;

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