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Halogen eAppraisal automates, dramatically simplifies, and streamlines the entire employee

performance evaluation process. It acts as a performance hub to ensure a thoughtfully integrated

approach to talent management across your organization.
Use it standalone or in conjunction with any of the other modules in our uite to deliver a complete
performance driven talent management solution.
Halogen eAppraisal lets you build, streamline, and deliver strategic initiatives across all your talent
management programs! recruiting, onboarding, performance appraisals, competency assessments, "#$
degree feedbac%, learning and development, succession planning, compensation management and more.
Performance appraisal software that's optimized for your industry:

o Healthcare
o &anufacturing
o Hospitality

o 'rofessional ervices
o (ducation
o 'ublic ector

o )inancial ervices
*est+in+,lass 'erformance Appraisal )eatures!

o -oal &anagement
o Align employee goals, trac% progress and manage

o ,ompetency &anagement
o trengthen culture and values, and grow job specific competencies.

o .evelopment 'lanning
o upport employee development, continuous improvement and success.

o .ashboards / 0eports
o 1rac% employee progress, appraisal process status and more, all in real time.

o ,onfigurable 2or%flow
o (asily configure, trac% and manage the entire performance appraisal wor%flow 3 H0 is in

o )le4ible )orms
o ,reate as many review forms as you need, e4actly the way you want them 3 no need for
vendor or I1 involvement.

&ore )eatures...
'erformance &anagement *enefits for (veryone
HR professionals: get the most convenient and cost+effective way to conduct performance evaluations,
align and trac% goals, trac% employee profiles, develop critical talent and more. 5ow, H0 can play a
strategic role in helping the organization build a world+class wor%force that is aligned and delivering on the
business strategy.
C-level executives: get a single system that %eeps the organization aligned. 1hey can see how
employee goals are aligned with those of the organization, %now where performance gaps e4ist and how
they6re being addressed, and ensure the organization has the s%ills it needs to succeed.
Managers: get a convenient and powerful tool for aligning and trac%ing goals, managing employee
performance, providing meaningful feedbac% and coaching, and supporting employee development.
mployees: get their own personalized page where they can access their appraisals, goals, development
plans and more, in just a few clic%s. (mployees feel more connected and engaged because they %now
what6s e4pected of them and can see how they6re helping the organization succeed.
1he .ecision to ,hoose Halogen is (asy7
&ar%et leader with nearly 8$$$ customers
0ated 9: in customer satisfaction
imple to implement
ecure and reliable
Helpful customer community
.elivers *ig 'icture 1alent &anagement
*est of all 3 absolutely ris% free
1he *enefits and ,hallenges of 'rofiling or tac% 0an%ing
(mployee 'erformance
'rofiling or stac% ran%ing employee performance ratings has long been touted as an industry best+practice to cultivate a high+
performance wor%force. -eneral (lectric, 'epsi,o, &icrooft, Intel and others use their performance appraisal process as a means to
identify and weed out low performers.
Also %nown as forced ran%ing or forced distribution, the approach essentially uses the performance appraisal process to ran%
employees relative to each other, and stipulates that a certain percentage of employees must fall in each rating category.
'roponents of the approach see it as a way to transform the appraisal process from one that simply tells employees they are doing a
good job to one that communicates the importance of the process and drives a high+performance culture. ;et<s loo% at some of the
benefits and challenges of profiling or stac% ran%ing.
.ifferentiate 0atings and Avoid -rade ,reep
1wo of the common complaints many H0 professionals have about theirperformance management process are the lac% of
differentiation between ratings, and =grade creep>. It<s common to see most employees given the same ratings, or to have managers
give artificially high ratings. 2hen either of these happens, performance ratings lose their meaning and impact for employees. 'rofiling
or stac% ran%ing prevents managers from assigning average or above average ratings across the board. It forces them to compare
employees6 performance, identify high and low performers and assign ratings that reflect this ran%ing.
0etain ?our High 'erformers
If you don<t %now who your high performers are, it<s hard to ta%e steps to %eep them. 'rofiling or stac% ran%ing forces the organization
to identify high performers. @nce identified, you can ta%e proactive steps to prevent them from leaving or being recruited elsewhere.
'lum assignments, development opportunities, mentoring relationships and appropriate compensation are all tools you can use to help
retain your high performers once you %now who they are.
.eal with ;ow 'erformance and Aeep ?our taff &otivated
A stac% ran%ing program that forces the company to address low performance can have a beneficial effect on morale and productivity.
;ow performers are given specific performance and development objectives, and closely monitored and coached to improve
performance. If performance doesn<t improve, low performers can be reassigned or potentially let go. Anowing that low performance
issues are being addressed helps to motivate and engage regular and high performers.
2hile these benefits are attractive, profiling or stac% ran%ing brings a number of challenges, including the following!
.oesn6t allow for Breal ratingsB. A certain number of employees will have their ratings altered to create the right BdistributionB of
scores. 1his can ma%e the whole performance management process suspect in the eyes of employees.
If communicated to staff, creates a culture of individual competitiveness that is detrimental to team wor% and team dynamics.
1urns the performance management process into a fight for ratings rather than a tool to cultivate improvement and growth.
(mployee will tend to focus on the rating number rather than on the feedbac% they receive.
(ncourages dishonesty in ratings to BprotectB employees or teams.
.iscourages %nowledge sharing and coaching. 1hose who are on top want to stay there and may not help others succeed.
Software for Performance Appraisal
By Francine Richards, eHow Contributor | updated March 20, 2011

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&any companies have moved documentation of their performance appraisal process from
paper to electronic. Using a software program designed for performance appraisals
provides a streamlined, faster and easier way to manage the process. 2hen loo%ing for
software to manage performance appraisals, companies should evaluate the e4perience of
the vendor, opportunity to customize and ease of use for manager and their staff.
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30 !ppraisal
Barcode "o#tware
1. SuccessFactors
o uccess)actors is one of the most well+%nown performance management
programs in the industry. (asy to use, this software promises to save employer and
employee6s time over paper+based performance appraisal methods. uccess)actors allows
you to set company, departmental and individual goals for each employee. ?ou can roll up
goals as needed to measure and evaluate productivity. As each goal in uccess)actors is
measurable, employers can Cuic%ly determine who is meeting goals. 1he software is
compliant with arbanes+@4ley and many other labor+related federal and state regulations.
Halogen eAppraisal
o Halogen eAppraisal offers performance appraisal software tailored to various
industries, including health care, financial, manufacturing, education public sector and
hospitality. 1his allows goals to be customized based on industry and provides sample
standardized industry goals. 1he software features fle4ibility for you to create multiple
appraisal forms based on your needs at no additional cost and without Halogen6s
involvement. Halogen boasts eAppraisal6s speed and ease of use while providing training
and ongoing customer service as you need it.
iCIMS alent Platform
o I,I& offers 1alent 'latform software for employers to manage performance
appraisals. 1he employee management pac%age is the piece of the program used for
performance appraisal management. In addition, the employee management pac%age
offers a centralized database for employee information, compensation trac%ing, ability to
schedule training and planning for future goals. 1alent 'latform is web+based, so
employees can access the software anytime. Additionally, the software is customizable and
allows various ways for you to set up portals based on variables such as location, division,
language or other options.
o Using performance appraisal software has many advantages over a paper+
based method. 1he system will house all performance reviews with electronic signatures
instead of paper files in multiple locations. A software pac%age offer standardization of the
performance appraisal process and allows for common goal documentation. Additionally,
you will have an electronic audit trail, easy trac%ing and reporting capabilities, auto+scoring
instead of manual, and the ability to manage the review bac% and forth from manager to
subordinate, despite location.
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