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The Edgar Cayce - Ley Lines

Written by William W. Warwick IV

Copyright 2007-2013 - All Rights Reserved
The Roswell/Cayce/Philadelphia Experiment Connection
N: Bill, is there any historical documentation of UFOs around the same area you
witnessed your Boomerang in Norfolk, VA?
Yes, I was able to find a Newspaper report that described the same type of oval
disc shaped UFOs that were originally reported in the Roswell Record on July 8,
1947. The next day in Virginia, on July 9, 1947 a news story ran with a boy that
photographed an oval football shaped UFO.
N: So your saying that Roswell happened on July 8, 1947 then the next day a similar
sighting occurred in Norfolk Virginia and a kid got a photograph of it?
No, actually in order for the photo to be developed and printed in the papers on
July 9, 1947, the boy would have had to have taken the photo of the object on July
8, 1947. So basically this would rule out the boy having heard the story and then
faked his photo and his story to conform to the Roswell Story, which had yet to
break. In the Virginia Article it stated that the boys photo was analyzed by a photo
lab and did not appear to be faked. Even more incredible is that when you read the
Article about the Roswell Crash and the description given by the boy in Virginia,
the UFOs appear to be somewhat identical if you assume the boy only had a
chance to see it at a glance.
N: So the Norfolk UFO was seen the same day that the Roswell crash occurred?

It appears that the crash debris story, broke on July 8 and the Norfolk story on the
. No mention was made of any connection between the Roswell incident and the
1947 Norfolk Incident in the Virginia Pilot Newspaper, so I doubt that the boy
heard anything about it or else the article would have mentioned it. When you read
the original reports of both incidents as published, they both recorded very similar
shaped objects, and of course the kid in Norfolk got a picture to go with his story.
N: Wow, so this is just another indication that somehow in some way, the UFO waves
that have been occurring in the Desert Southwest also tend to appear around the Norfolk
area of Virginia at the same time?

There appears to be some sort of cosmic star gate that is located in both areas, that
allows UFOs to travel or frequent these areas more often than others, when you
listen to the local native Americans they will tell you that this is exactly what is
going on, that it is an interdimensional doorway. Beyond that I can only speculate
that some of the UFO reports are due to secret craft being developed at NASA
Langley and other bases in Virginia as well as places like Roswell which was an
important nuclear base at the time.
The Cathie, Cayce, Rainbow Experiments
N: Bill we didnt get to talk about this subject too much in the last interview but while
you were rediscovering and cataloguing all of these UFO reports in Norfolk, you said
you came across an amazing connection between the UFOs and the alleged Philadelphia
Shortly after my first UFO encounter I discovered a book called Anti-gravity and
the World Gird by David Hatcher Childress. In this book it had a chapter devoted
to the Philadelphia Experiment which gave the exact coordinates of where the
Philadelphia Experiment had allegedly occurred. These coordinates were given in
degrees minutes and seconds for latitude and longitude
When I compared those coordinates to the area where I had my close encounter
with the boomerang, I found that all of these events centered around the areas that
were designated in Cathies book as being the experimental site where the
Philadelphia experiments had occurred.
N: So let me get this straight, you think there is connection between the UFOs and the
Philadelphia Experiment?
The connection was made by Bruce Cathie in his Book - two years before I was
born. The UFO encounter I witnesses in Norfolk, VA, coincided with the
coordinates given by Cathie as being the best spot for experiments in space-time
and gravity.
So I was pretty amazed at this seeming impossible coincidence and I got Cathies
Book which was called The Harmonic Conquest of Space published in 1969, and
in the book, Captain Cathie wrote that he had discovered that UFOs were
traveling along certain pathways, or tracks. As an airline pilot flying commercial
jets over New Zealand, he noticed that the UFOs seemed to be following
pathways, the same way that jets follow air routes. Then Cathie came up with a
series of equations which redefined and re-examined the fundamental concepts
underlying Einsteins Theory of Relativity. Through the manipulation of these
equations, he found that he could predict the locations of certain UFO tracks and
their possible times of travel as well. He also found that he could use these
equations to determine when nuclear devices could be detonated and postulated
that the locations and times when nuclear weapons could be detonated could be
predicted ahead of time, and thus the nuclear deterrent was relatively useless. Now
this didnt go over to well apparently and the government forced him to remove
his books from the stores and rewrite them
N: So Bruce Cathies book was pulled because of his knowledge of this new scientific
Yes, thats what he said in the book, and thats what really happened. That would
appear to be the case. But thats not all to this storySo again back to Cathies
bookso Cathie writes a very short chapter in his book its only three pages
long, and it just happens to be about the renowned Psychic named Edgar Cayce.
Now Cathie presents this story about Cayce as a side story, he never linked it to
the Philadelphia Experiment, which he called Project Rainbow, but Cathie said in
his book, that Cayce was born at certain latitude in Kentucky and that he would
later establish his hospital and library at the same exact latitude as where he was
born, except this latitude was in Virginia Beach.
Cathie postulates that Cayces wandering around the country were an attempt to
find a spot on the earth where his abilities could be focused and brought to their
full potential. During his life, he lived in many states and in 1925 he was living in
Dayton, Ohio, which we all know of course is where the Wright Patterson Airfield
is located today, where they conduct testing and reverse engineering on foreign
technologies, so keep this in the back of your mind
I was intrigued by this connection because I had already been to Cayces library
many times since I moved from Boston to Virginia Beach and I knew the location
well. Well apparently according to Cathie, Edgar Cayce had done one of his
readings and the reading indicated that he should move from Dayton Ohio, all the
way to the barren sand dunes of Virginia Beach, Virginia, which was nothing like
it is today.
So Cathie reasoned that Cayce had wandered around the country looking for the
best places where his psychic powers could be utilized and Cayce ended up in
Virginia Beach at the same latitude that he was born at.
N: Well that could be just an amazing coincidence

Yes, I thought so too, but then I dug a little deeper and found a copy of the reading
that Cayce had done which told him to move to Virginia Beach and it sounded like
Cayce was trying to describe a unique sort of radiation that was emitted or
conducive to the exact spot where Cayce would later found his hospital. Now the
interesting thing to note here is that his reading used terms that I would interpret as
a laymans explanation of trying to describe the hyperdimensional forces that
Bruce Cathie would later describe as being present at the same area some 40 years
So this got me thinking deeper about Cayce, and just when all of these seemingly
unconnected events began synchronizing I began to realize that I was onto
something here
N: So then let me get this straight Bill, are you are saying that one of the worlds greatest
prophets Edgar Cayce, had a hand in the Philadelphia Experiment?
More than just a handI have never revealed this before and your listeners will be
able to read the details about this in my upcoming book, Ok, so Cathie makes the
Cayce connections and he gives these very precise latitude and longitude readings
in his book. I suspected that the mention of Cayce in Cathies book was much
more than just a coincidence so after I read Cayces reading on why he should
move to Virginia Beach, from Dayton Ohio, that perhaps it was more than just a
coincidence that Wright Patterson AFB was located where Cayce used to live, and
then here in Virginia Beach, we had the alleged Philadelphia Experiment which
occurred at exactly the same latitude as Cayces Hospital was located.
But when I went back to the book and looked up the coordinates given by Cathie,
he makes a curious comment immediately after giving the latitude and longitude
details for the Cayce Library and his Birthplace in Hopkinsville Kentucky, in
which Cathie said that,
This information was received some time ago, and the earlier publication I had
intended was delayed until the present time because of the actions of others which
caused the removal of my books from the market. Fortunately I am now back in
business and the computer programs are now available to enable accurate
So I dont know why but something seemed wrong and sure enough when I
compared the latitude and longitude given by Cathie for Cayces Hospital location
in Virginia Beach I found that his latitude was off by over 2 degrees, which
translates into basically about 4 miles or so difference.
So this got me thinking, well is this guy a nutcase, or what? I mean anyone using a
street level map, could have determined the latitude better than the one that Cathie
said the Cayce people gave him. Now perhaps he was given the wrong latitude by
the Cayce people, but then when I reread his enigmatic statement about his books
being taken off the market, I thought well maybe his placing this sentence right
after the incorrect latitude was given was hint that perhaps the coordinates had to
be changed?
N: So you think that Cathies books were removed from the market until he changed the
coordinates of Cayces hospital?
Well yes, but let me tell you how I found out and this part of the story for me is
what clinched it all So I realized that Cathies coordinates were wrong, and so I
went and got a GPS unit and went to the Cayce hospital and got the right latitude
reading which came out to 36.895 degrees North latitude. But then I realized that
at the time I came across this information I was living with my girlfriend in a
condo about 10 miles from Cayces Hospital location, and I could not believe it
but, when I did a GPS reading on my condo, I found that it was located at exactly
the same latitude as Cayce Hospital! So then I went and took GPS readings of
where I had my close encounter with the boomerang and I found that the latitude
of all these events, were within 1/1000 of a degree of each other in latitude. I also
found a set of microwave towers that were placed at this latitude and could be seen
from my bedroom window.
So there was a literal line or a track that existed whereby all of these seemingly
unrelated events just happened to occur at exactly the same latitude. So in my
mind this had to be the reason why Cathies book was removed from the shelves,
and he was forced to change the coordinates I guess to throw people off.
And that is what is so cathartic for me personally, because I could see it being a
coincidence that Cayces location and the alleged Philadelphia experiment location
in Norfolk could be the same, since it was all based on Cathies, equations for time
and space, so of course if Cathie was making all this up, he would use a location
that he made up rather randomly to fit his equation.
But thats not what happened! Cathie published the wrong latitude on purpose and
had it not been for my Encounter with the UFO at that exact latitude, I never
would have even bought Cathies Book or made any of these connections. But I did
buy his book and low and behold I find out that my UFO encounter, the Philly
Experiment, Cayces Hospital, The Microwave towers, and my house are all at the
same latitude!
N: Now I see what you mean Bill, how could Cathie had known about the microwave
towers, in 1969, or your UFO encounter in 1997?
He couldnt its impossible. The probability of randomly picking 5 different
locations separated each by several miles, and having ALL LOCATIONS be
within 1/1000 of a degree of latitude are staggering. The chances of picking five
two digit integers correctly is something like 60 million to one. That is your
average lottery chances. But the number of correct integers needed to be within
1/1000 of a degree at five locations is not two numbers, but at least 6 integers in 6
groups that need to be perfect, and when you calculate those odds, its something
like 30 to the 30th power to oneits just an insanely impossible coincidence.
GPS Coordinates N o r t h
W e s t
Naval Officers Club 36.8932 75.9882
Cayce Hospital area 36.8926 75.9915
Microwave Tower 1 36.8958 76.1436
4933 Adelia Drive - Old Condo 36.8958 76.1503
The Norfolk Incident UFO 36.89
The Philadelphia Experiment 36.89
Edgar Cayce and US Navy Officers and the Philadelphia Experiment
N: Why did the world renowned Psychic and Healer - Edgar Cayce move from Dayton,
Ohio to a deserted sand dune in Virginia Beach, VA in 1925?
N: Ok, now what evidence did you find that links Cayce to the Navy or Project Rainbow?
Yes, lets stop using the Philadelphia Experiment name of these events use the
militaries project name which was Project Rainbow. First off calling it the
Philadelphia Draws attention away from Norfolk, where the other harmonic
frequency generator had to be placed in order to make the experiment work,
according to lore. This seems to be a part of the carefully crafted disinformation
around the core of these experiments. So Project Rainbow, allegedly occurred at
the same latitude as where Cayce founded his hospital, and the story goes that
apparently the experiments had to be conducted in certain geometrical positions
around the globe. We need to remember that Cayce and Nikola Tesla were
luminaries in their day. They would have been two of the most recognizable
figures in America and of course Tesla was supposedly involved with the
experiments from the beginning, but left after the Navy wanted to test the device
with humans on the boats. Now, apparently Cayce gave Tesla a reading, but when
I asked to see the record of the reading, I was told that no one kept the record. This
piqued my interest, because can you imagine what kind of things we might have
learned if the greatest prophet of the 20
century peered into the mind of the
greatest inventor of the 20
century as well?
N: Ok so Cayce gives Nikola Tesla, a reading and no one kept a record of their
No, they didnt, at least thats what they say, but just as I was discovering all these
things, then another piece of evidence came up. When I figured out that Tesla,
Cayce, and Project Rainbow Connections, at some point I asked myself whether or
not it was possible that it was Cayces ability to sense other types of EM energy,
that allowed Teslas inventive gifts to be exploited to their fullest power?
N: So you think it may have been Cayces amazing psychic abilities that allowed the Navy
and Nikola to select certain sites where experiments could occur?
N: Ok but is there anything that links Cayce directly to the Navy? Because I get the Tesla
connection to Project Rainbow, but how do you tie that in with the Navy, who was
allegedly responsible for the experiment?
Well, here again, is where a certain divine intervention seems to be unfolding,
because I was asking myself this same question, which was that it would be great
if I could find a military connection to Cayce, so one day I was doing research at
the Cayce library, and I decided to purchase this book photographs that had been
taken by Cayce, or of the Cayce family. Cayce at one time was a photographer,
and at any rate, there was one photo and I read the caption and it blew me away.
The evidence I had been looking for was sitting in plain sight.
So what I found was that Cayce used to own all the land from his hospital all the
way to the oceanfront. Well I didnt know this, and it shocked me because the
people that that bought that strip of land from Cayce was none other than the
United States Navy and it was federal property and is currently where the US
Naval Officers Club cabana is located. I had actually been to this building many
times for weddings and other functions, but I never knew that the land was owned
by Cayce.
Even more intriguing was that there was a huge observation, tower that I was
told was some sort of relic from World War II. When I took a GPS reading on this
location, and the tower in particular, I found that once again the latitude of the US
Navy facility and the Tower were at the magically same latitude as all the other
things I mentioned before.
N: What is the connection between Edgar Cayce and the US Navys infamous
Philadelphia Experiment?
N: So perhaps Cayce met and had to negotiate with the Navy at some pointwhen he
sold his land to them?
Yes, of course and he wouldnt be meeting with just any old agency of the Navy,
he would be meeting with the very officers who would have been in control of the
experiments had they been conducted.
So lets reconstruct what we have learned so farCayce moves to Virginia Beach
in 1925. Sometime after that he meets Tesla and gives him a reading. Sometime
after that the Navy purchases the land from Cayce and sets up clandestine
monitoring stations on the towers to test if the Teslian machines and Cayces
sensitivity to the electromagnetic fields are true.
So once all the preliminary work is done, they conduct the experiments in a newly
created island which is now called Craney Island, which is just on the other side of
the harbor from the Norfolk Base where the original experiments may have
Over time the experiments go from transporting ocean going ships to inventing
new types of antigravity aircraft that can do the most incredible things. But while
we are conducting our experiments, we find that we may have opened up a sort of
cosmic wormhole or stargate that is allowing all types of UFOs to enter into our
dimension of time and space.
N: And what does this have to do with the Philadelphia Experiment and your encounter
in Norfolk?
N: Didnt Cayce have some prophecies about the future that you thought were tied to the
UFO situation?
Yes, he had a reading that said that we would begin to understand everything in
1998. I wonder aloud if he was referring to my UFO encounter and subsequent
investigation in which much of the information in the book is based, was re-
discovered and put together as I am doing it now on this show. In other words, on
one level it would seem that my UFO encounter - was harmonically sensed by
Cayce - as well as Bruce Cathie in New Zealand - a half a world away for both
seemed to zero in on the same event - the Norfolk Incident Boomerang on
3-12-1997. I did not begin to realize all of these things were connected until 1998 -
and then found a prophecy from Cayce that someday we would begin to
understand in 1998 - Coincidence? I think not.
N: What kind of treasure was Edgar Cayce referring to in his White Hill Mystery/
The energy lines that connect Craney Island and the Cayce Hospital
and the UFO event and the Philadelphia experiment. It is the realization
of hidden geo-dynamic and hyper-dimensional, forces that modern
science has yet to grasp or quantify. Modern science cannot predict the
energy and thus without a model to predict the outcome or use of the
energy - no scientist has a theory to explain it - so they can observe the
forces, but may not yet have attained the knowledge of how to properly
use the forces...

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