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HOMO HOMINI RES SACRA - Story Science-Fiction

written by: Armağan Cengiz Büker1

Date (written on): 22.07.1995

“In the year AD 3295... I’m using the chronological system used in your era for giving you
this date, of course, so that you could understand it more easily. Indeed, I had to give a
different cipher according to the First Galaxy Calendar (FGC), which was started with
reciprocal endeavors as the Digital Communication Time (DCT) within the year AD

As these words were being broadcast audio-visually through multi-directional loud-speakers,

hundreds of curious eyes and ears in the hall, many researchers of every discipline, and a lot of
scientific and administrative people interested in the matter... Some were listening in the
General Universal Language (GUL), and some in his selected Acoustic Subjective Language
(ASL), with a dreadful silence, as if the whole parlor were empty.

The speaker was telling about a future, comprising thousand earth-and-sun years (ESY). The
electronic thought waves originating from the ultra-small four-dimensioned driver (4DD) located
in the disc-drive section of the gigantic computer covering the great hexagonal bloc of the Pan-
Universum Laboratory (PUL) in the four-dimensioned town INT-8 of the United Continents (UC),
were spread within the vast existence of the hall, being translated simultaneously in hundreds of
different subjective languages:

“Within the works aiming the opening to use of the empty areas of our Solar System and
the broadening of the facilities of settlement, remembering lots of extinct animal and
plant species, during the fast water losing era in the planet you call Earth in the 2000’s,
and lots of other various life forms, the realization of re-discovery of the wild nature, and
maybe re-creation and development and enrichment of the biological beings in the
formerly known or recently conquered planets...”

“...In order to realize that, Interstellar Harmony Institution (IHI) assembling in the Virtual
Symposium Unity (VSU), getting in communication with possibly the oldest epochs and
deciding it proper to run the flow of information reciprocally...”

It was an incredible incident of the realization of mathematic communication what was

happening within the time channel... Questions... questions... questions... were emerging in the
minds of the scientists, researchers and all other people interested, while listening to this speech
calling from future: Could a written software be made exist in various time unities, just like it
could be multiplied and made exist in various space sites at the same time? Was the hard and
unidirectional time concept broken at last? Was it a reality indeed? Was it possible? Could the
flow of time be returned backwards?

The audience was living just the answer of this question. Living a program in 1100 years in the
future ultra-synchronously together... At last it was so realized. And at this very moment this very
complicated program in connection with them; not here physically and biologically, but as a
virtual existence potent of establishing concrete communication like a real human being. Hard to
perceive and comprehend, but concrete and true...

It was quite a human being in front of them. A human being without body... Extra-physical... Only
soul and intelligence... A digital conscience returned from a thousand-year-time. Interrogating,
telling, explaining, joking; guessing the questions in minds and searching an answer... Maybe
this conversation would go on as a dialogue, after a step... Was it a man calling them? Or is it all
only a thought? Or just a program? What was the difference?

Was man a thought? Could a “living software”, active and interactive, be considered a real
human being? Are programs and thoughts identical concepts? Were the thoughts programs

“Important is the concept of evolution”, went on the voice in the hall, “Evolution is just
the unilateral aspect of the continuous change. Whereas the evolution should never be
unilateral;” stated the voice, “because everything has always been in change in every
direction. The change has never been unilateral.”

“The problem of freedom is also important for humanity. You have been doing freedom
wars in your age, or you’ve believed, that you searched the freedom in science, in
politics, in philosophy... while the freedom is a matter of organization. Can it be
considered freedom to violate the rules of a game? Is it a slavery to obey the rules? Can
one say that a checkers player is freer than a chess player? To research the rules of the
play is just what we have to do! One must put one’s own rules, in order to be liberated
from the physic laws. Liberty is conscience; liberty is love... Thus no crash is necessary,
no war is necessary. We are now looking for a way to mutate the history according to this
point of view.”

“It is already necessary to delete all the big mistakes away from the universal memory. I
would like personally, with a rather romantic approach, to resume the history, according
to your classical calendar, say, for example in fifteenth century; in that age where the
natural harmony was creating a pleasant balance with the human conscience... Let’s start
humanism from the beginning -but this time with a real consciousness and in a universal
four-dimensioned vastness...”

“If you should ask what I really want to realize with this speech of mine, my aim is to
cooperate with you; to regain the habit of classical thinking, which we had lost
unfortunately in the fortieth century, to make it present again. And. in order to establish
an inter-active communication, I now need a sender-receiver gadget of course, like, say, a
human body indeed...”

“Thank you! You gave me the possibility to address you by saving this digital existence
of mine on a CD with all the space communication techniques you invented! But I can
use only a few of these capacities loaded on this program making me in the moment,
because of lacking a concrete physical body; while I need a more sophisticated
technology, to get a questions-and-answers feedback work face to face with you, for
example a super-robot-computer... Or, of course, you can put me in a biological body as
a brain-waves-program (BWP); but, in the meaning of a classical time flow, you are not
yet in such high level of techno-biology. Well, if I am not mistaken, it is a method of five
hundred years later... We sure can shorten now this period if we’d like; but by now we
have to do it with a thinking machine, just to start with...”

“In fact my real purpose is to study the epoch between the fifteenth and eighteenth

centuries... But I cannot go back to those years, because they do not yet have computers
and digital way of thought. For this, I cannot yet be there even virtually. Maybe later I can
transfer these techniques to them, but first I must create a mental and a material contact
with that epoch. In other words, we have to work together with you to develop the free
transport of material beings through the time channel.”

“In the twenty third century of your calendar, as an inevitable influence of an unavoidable
technological pollution and mechanization, in consequence of the destruction of the
natural milieu, together with many life species, also the species homo sapiens became
extinct... And now, in the thirty-second century, we cannot manage the recreation of him,
together with all the evolution he should have gone through in the meantime, using the
genes technology, because we cannot find the necessary physical and chemical milieu in
the billions of stars and planets in the universe, unfortunately...! The machines, and the
mechanical men of coursa, can move around freely, even in atmospheres of nitrogen and
sulphur, or in environments without any atmosphere at all, independent of light or any
definite form of energy. Abundant utilization of the sources, of the matter and of the
energy... As for the computerized super robots, keeping alive the conscious process,
cannot give the love of life... which is the very essence of the biological living... In other
words they cannot give libido, in the sense of positive power of life... That is: there is no
passion, no curiosity, no wishes, no ideals, no art, no creation, no affection, no

“Humanity, which showed an extraordinary adaptation to nature until twentieth century,

went so much into excesses since then, in the process of adapting, this time the nature
to himself, that he ended up with complete destruction of the surroundings, in which one
could live. The environment, that existed only in the planet of earth has vanished...”

“And later on, as a consequence of this insatiable and aimless greed, human destroyed
human. We have now the flesh and bone human being in books of History or History of
Nature, or in Museums, or in antiquity pictures, or in movies... While, we could easily
have created, with all the knowledge gathered during centuries and eras, a number of
earths and similar other planets, or even solar systems. Our good old Earth alone could
shelter hundred billions of population easily. But the highest amount reached did not
surpass seventeen billion in such a long chain of centuries. And the living environment
became shrunk. And with new technologies invented, the apparent need to human beings
lessened. The technologies of robots and super computers progressed. All the work was
charged on them. So the human being became functionless, useless and meaningless.
Nowadays, I mean in the XXXII. Century AD, there remains no biologic human being as
we know, that we used to call Homo sapiens... And as we realized the value of human
being and the worth of being human, it was already too late... Now we need quintillions of
men... Or more... Of every sort...”

“Black, white, Asian, Australian, half-breed, cross-breed, mulatto, hybrid... All colors, all
races, all characters, clever ones, less smart ones, strong ones, happy ones... We need
all sorts and species badly. For only if there are humans, there is a meaning of the
Universe... What is the use of happiness, richness, freedom and all such concepts
without human beings?”

“History is full of mistakes. Now is the time to correct them, and so to rebuild the past,
with the help of the ways for renewing the time. We have to recreate History. The
civilization in olden times has always been directed to defense and to crime... to hate and

to kill; but now we have to come back for beginning everything anew, for resuming the
past... In the direction of making men live and prosper, of making them exist. We cannot
change our time, of course, without changing the past. Therefore we have to resume it
all, in order to create once more our chance of being human... Starting from now on, that
is from the past on, that is from this very year of 2195...”



Date (Written on): 22.07.1995

Words------------------------1, 787
1 Büker, Armağan Cengiz, MD & PhD, University of Istanbul & University of Ankara - Turkey

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