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Military Bloc

a military-political alliance or accord of states for purposes of joint actions for the resolution of general
political, economic, and military tasks.
Military blocs were established in antiquity, but their significance grew particularly after the birth of
capitalism. The best-known military blocs in history were the military alliance of France, Denmark,
Sweden, Holland and the Italian states against Spain in the Thirty Years War (1618-48) and the
Northern Alliance (Russia, Denmark, Poland, Saxony, and later France and Prussia) against Sweden
in the Northern War (1700-21). Also well-known are the coalitions of various European states against
France (late 18th to the early 19th century) and the military alliance of Great Britain, France, Turkey,
and Sardinia against Russia in the Crimean War (1853-56).
In the age of imperialism, with a sharpened struggle between the major imperialist states ana their
sharp demarcation into hostile groupings, military blocs were established for extended periods of time.
Before World War I (1914-18) two basic military blocs had been established: the Triple Alliance of
1882 (Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy), which was opposed by the Franco-Russian military
alliance of 1892, and the Entente (Entente Cordiale)the 1904 alliance of Great Britain and France,
which was re-formed in 1907 as the Triple Entente, an alliance of Great Britain, France, and Russia.
On the eve of World War II (1939-45) a military bloc of fascist states was establishedthe so-called
Anti-Comintern Pact (1936) between Germany and Japan. In 1937 it was joined by Italy and later by
Hungary, Spain, and other states. At the beginning of the war the fascist bloc was opposed by a
military bloc of Western countries (Great Britain, France, Belgium, Poland, and others). In August
1941, the British-American bloc (the Atlantic Charter) was formed. In July 1941 the USSR concluded
an agreement with Great Britain and signed a declaration of adherence to the Atlantic Charter in
September. The anti-Hitler coalition was completed in January 1942. It was made up of Great Britain,
the USA, the USSR, France, and other countries (a total of 26 states).
In the postwar period, the imperialist countries under the leadership of the USA established a system
of aggressive military blocs directed primarily against the socialist countries, as well as countries and
peoples struggling for freedom and national independence. Among these blocs is the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization (established in 1949), whose members are Belgium, Canada, Denmark, the
Federal Republic of Germany (since 1955), France (since 1966, a member that does not participate in
the blocs military organization), Great Britain, Greece (since 1952), Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the
Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Turkey (since 1952), and the USA. NATO has a ramified organization
(over 100 institutions and staffs) and unified armed forces. The Central Treaty Organization (CENTO,
established in 1959) includes Great Britain, Iran, and Pakistan. The USA is a de facto member. The
Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO, established in 1954) includes Australia, Great Britain,
New Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines, Thailand, and the USA. Among the members of the ANZUS
Security Treaty (established in 1951) are Australia, New Zealand, and the USA. The Association of
Southeast Asia (ASA) includes Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand. The members of the
Organization of American States (OAS, established in 1948) include the USA and 22 countries of Latin
America. Among the members of the Organization of Central American States (OCAS, established in
1951) are Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, Nicaragua, and El Salvador. Political alliances
of various countries are closely connected with the OCAS. Among them are the Asian and Pacific
Council (ASPAC, founded in 1966), including Australia, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, the
Philippines, South Korea, South Vietnam, Taiwan, and Thailand. The Association of Southeast Asian
Nations (ASEAN, established in 1961) includes Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and
Thailand. The imperialist countries (USA, Japan, Australia, and others) are trying to convert ASP AC
and ASEAN into military blocs. In addition to military blocs, there is a large number of bilateral military
agreements and treatiesfor example, the USA has concluded such agreements with 42 states.
In 1955 the Warsaw Treaty of European socialist countries was signed. This agreement is defensive
and provides a powerful obstacle to the aggressive strivings of reactionary imperialist forces. The
socialist countries also have bilateral treaties of friendship, cooperation, and mutual assistance.

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