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Leave Management Module

a) Admin Panel

i) Requested Leaves
Input : Leave_master, Employee_master.
Process: Displays all the leaves that is requested by employees from
there we admin can approve leave, reject any he its not so much
important or if leave cannot be approved for that duration, also admin
has the authority to edit Leave details like reduce the number of days
due to any reason that admin considers as appropriate also admin
admin can change the backupperson if that person is not available on
that day .
Output: Report of all the Leaves that are pending.

ii) ViewLeavesDateWise
Input: Leave_master, Employee_mater, Start_date, End_date
Process: It displays the Leave reports that are requested Between
Start_date & End_date.
Output: Leave Report between Start_date and End_date.

iii) ViewLeavesByUsername
Input: Leave_master, Employee_mater, Department_name,
Process: It takes data from databse and displays leave report of a
Particular employee belonging toa particular department.
Output: Leave Report of a particular employee i.e all those leaves
requested by employee.

b) Employee/User Panel

i) ApplyForLeave:
Input: Employee enters details for leaved like Start_date, End_date,
Resume_date, no_of_days, Backupperson_Username and Reason for
Process: Backupperson_Username is evaluated and all the validations
are cheked and data is stored in database.
Ouput: Message is displayed i.e Successfully applied for leave.
ii) View LeavesDateWise
Input: Start_date, end_date, Employee_master, Leave_master
Process: Retrieves the leave records of the logged in employee that
are approved between Start_date and End_date.
Output: a Leave Report.

iii) ViewAllApproved Leaves
Input: Employee_master, Leave_master
Process: Retrieves all the Leave records that are approved.
Output: Displays a leave report in a table format.

iv) ViewCancelledLeaves

Input : Employee_master, Leave_master
Process: Retrieves all the Leave records that are cancelled by me.
Output: Displays a leave report in a table format.

v) ViewRejectedLeaves
Input : Employee_master, Leave_master
Process: Retrieves all the Leave records that are rejected by admin.
Output: Displays a leave report in a table format.

vi) ViewPendingLeaves
Input : Employee_master, Leave_master
Process: Retrieves all the Leave records that are neither approved by
admin nor rejected.
Output: Displays a leave report in a table format.

Employee Module
a) Admin Panel

1. Register Employee:
Input : Basic information about an employee such as Name, Emp code,
all contact addresses etc
Process: generate secret key for employee profile activation and send
mail to employee with user name, password and secret key and all
information are checked for valid values
Output: Employee information is added to database.
2. Search Employee:
Input : search criteria selection and its value
Process: check in database for given employee record
Output: display matching employee records

b)Employee/User Panel

i) EditMyProfile:
Input : Employee_master
Process: Employee can edit his/her details related to address and
Mobile number and so new data is updated appropriately in database.
Output: Logged in Employee details are diaplayed that are currently

Recruitment Module

1. Job Applications:
It shows all job applications that are received
Input : Select department and job
Process: searches for the particular job and its applications, allows to
send mail to applicant, mark applicant and delete applicant
Output: Job description and Applicant detail

Training Module

1. Training Master
It lets admin define training categories
2. Training Details
It lets admin collect and view trainee information
3. Training Budget
It lets admin define training budget in terms of money value and hours
4. Training Schedule
It lets admin plan out training schedule
5. Training feedback
It lets admin to record feedback given by trainee

Letters Module

It lets admin centralize all important letter creation .Admin can take out Offer letters,
Appointment Letters, Increment Letters, Award Letters, Transfer Letters etc

Appraisal Module

Data Flow Diagram

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