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Minutes of the

Undergraduate Research Grant Committee

Meeting held on September 17, 2009
432 Carl Wimberly Hall

Present: Gretchen Berns, Tony Docan-Morgan, Lalita Pandit Hogan,

Vijendra Agrawal, Kathryn Birkeland, Nicholas Downey, Aric
Opdahl, Omar Rivera, Tim Gongaware, Jason Schroeder,
Nicole Johnson, Katelynn Williams

Absent: Bonnie Bratina

Visitor: Betsy Morgan, Sarah Strohmenger

1. Meeting was called to order by Chair Kathryn Birkeland at 7:45 am

2. Assessment presentation by Betsy Morgan

a. Assessed general awareness and appraisal of undergraduate research/creativity
activities at UW-La Crosse
b. Electronic survey sent to 900 UW-L undergraduates; 23% response rate
c. No statistically significant differences in gender, race, or financial aid status
d. 81% of sample was unaware of the Journal of Undergraduate Research
3. Approval of minutes from September 2 meeting
a. Move to accept minutes M/S/P
4. Budget for 2009-10 (VJ Agrawal)
a. 21% increase in the amount of funding from 070-08 to 08-09.
b. Move to approve budget M/S/P
c. VJ recommended an increase award amounts for domestic single grants from
$1,350 to $1,500 with stipend remaining at $600 and an increase for domestic
collaborative grants from $1,500 to $1,650 with stipend remaining at $950.
i. Motion to raise domestic grant awards by $150 for single and
collaborative grants M/S/P
5. Grant Writing workshop
a. Scheduled for Monday, September 28 at 6:30 in 339 Cartwright
b. Kathryn Birkeland requested committee presence at the workshop
6. Nominations for undergraduate committee members
a. Katelynn Williams was welcomed to the committee
7. Discussion on subcommittees
a. Subcommittees formed:
i. A subcommittee of 3-4 people to select who will present at NCUR,
Symposium, and Posters in the Rotunda. Aric, Nick, Omar, and Katelynn
volunteered for this subcommittee.
ii. A subcommittee to help with publication and setup of the Celebration.
Jason, Tony, and Gretchen volunteered for this subcommittee.
iii. A subcommittee to investigate a web application for submissions. Tim,
Nick, and Kathryn volunteered for this subcommittee.
8. Discussion on the Journal of Undergraduate Research
a. Discussion on the appropriateness, feasibility, visibility, and cost of continuing
the current online format of the Journal.
b. Motion to recommend to discontinue the current format of the
Journal, thus discontinuing the editor’s position.

i. Friendly amendment: The committee recommends

replacing the Journal with a new dissemination format.
9. Ethics in research (VJ Agrawal)
a. Undergraduates and graduates must complete module 1 of the Responsible
Conduct of Research training currently offered by the National Science
Foundation before grants will be funded.
10. New business
a. VJ suggested future quest speakers
b. Nick Downey suggested discussing whether a student can receive
2 grants in the same year.
c. Next meeting scheduled for November 10
i. Proposals and review sheets will be online.
ii. Subcommittees should meet before November 10.
11. Adjournment at 8:58 AM.

Respectfully submitted by Recorder, Tony Docan-Morgan

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