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School is a place where you study and thats all, but for me In my school I have 3 things that
is importent for me is education, friends, and teachers, these are what I think is importent in my
school and Im going to tell you the details that why.
First is education, people like to say that you study good or not is because of you but that is
just half reason the real reson is the education that the school can gives you. y school is a
big and have all the good subjects and program in my school , and im sure that my school
gives the education for me very good because after i studied this school i felt that my
language is better and every things is better and it make me feel happy, but if you got a bad
school you think can you get better like if they dont have money to fine good teacher for
you and to give you more education for you can you get better ofcourse not sothis is my
first thing that is importent.
!he seconed is friend, belive me that no one on the world cant live without friend, my school
have alot of ggod people, ofcourse every where have good and bad people but im lucky
that i got a good class and got good friend."y having good friends it will help us more
study good because have people to help us have people play with us and it make us happy ,
but what about if i got bad friend what will happend, I dont want to think about that, and
now i have got the best friend in the world in my school so this is the seconed thing that I
think is importent for me.
the last one is !eacher, If we dont get a good teacher can we study well ofcourse not , but my
school we have all the good teachers especually in #$ program we have got all good
teachers, and they tech me very good, when im in the class teacher teach us and I enjoy
my class very much because my #nglish teacher is very kined and good so this is the thired
reason that is improtent for me in my school. to sumeri%e what i said in my school threr
importent things are education, friends, and teachers all is importent for me if i lose one of
it I dont know that I still can study in here or not.
What is Air Pollution?
&ir is the ocean we breathe. &ir supplies us with oxygen which is essential for our bodies to
live. &ir is ''.'( nitrogen, o)ygen, water vapor and inert gases. *uman activities can release
substances into the air, some of which can cause problems for humans, plants, and animals.
!here are several main types of pollution and well+known effects of pollution which are
commonly discussed. !hese include smog, acid rain, the greenhouse effect, and ,holes, in the
o%one layer. #ach of these problems has serious implications for our health and well+being as
well as for the whole environment.
-ne type of air pollution is the release of particles into the air from burning fuel for energy.
.iesel smoke is a good e)ample of this particulate matter . !he particles are very small pieces of
matter measuring about /.0 microns or about .1112 inches. !his type of pollution is sometimes
referred to as ,black carbon, pollution. !he e)haust from burning fuels in automobiles, homes,
and industries is a major source of pollution in the air. Some authorities believe that even the
burning of wood and charcoal in fireplaces and barbe3ues can release significant 3uanitites of
soot into the air.
&nother type of pollution is the release of noxious gases, such as sulfur dio)ide, carbon
mono)ide, nitrogen o)ides, and chemical vapors. !hese can take part in further chemical
reactions once they are in the atmosphere, forming smog and acid rain.
$ollution also needs to be considered inside our homes, offices, and schools. Some of these
pollutants can be created by indoor activities such as smoking and cooking. In the 4nited States,
we spend about 51+'1( of our time inside buildings, and so our e)posure to harmful indoor
pollutants can be serious. It is therefore important to consider both indoor and outdoor air
Visiting Bali
!here were so many places to see in "ali that my friend decided to join the tours to see as
much as possible. y friend stayed in 6uta on arrival. *e spent the first three days
swimming and surfing on 6uta beach. *e visited some tour agents and selected two tours.
!he first one was to Singaraja, the second was to 4bud.
-n the day of the tour, he was ready. y friend and his group drove on through mountains.
Singaraja is a city of about '1 thousands people. It is a busy but 3uiet town. !he street are
lined with trees and there are many old .utch houses. !hen they returned very late in the
evening to 6uta.
!he second tour to 4bud was a very different tour. It was not to see the scenery but to see
the art and the craft of the island. !he first stop was at "atubulan, a center of stone sculpture.
!here my friend watched young boys were carving away at big blocks of stone. !he ne)t
stop was 7eluk, a center for silversmiths and goldensmiths. &fter that he stopped a little
while for lunch at Sukawati and on to mass. ass is a tourist center.
y friend ten+day+stay ended very 3uickly beside his two tour, all his day was spent on
the beach. *e went sailing or surfboarding every day. *e was 3uiet satisfied. 8isiting "ali.
!here were so many places to see in "ali that my friend decided to join the tours to see as
much as possible. y friend stayed in 6uta on arrival. *e spent the first three days
swimming and surfing on 6uta beach. *e visited some tour agents and selected two tours.
!he first one was to Singaraja, the second was to 4bud.
-n the day of the tour, he was ready. y friend and his group drove on through
mountains. Singaraja is a city of about '1 thousands people. It is a busy but 3uiet town. !he
street are lined with trees and there are many old .utch houses. !hen they returned very late
in the evening to 6uta.
!he second tour to 4bud was a very different tour. It was not to see the scenery but to see
the art and the craft of the island. !he first stop was at "atubulan, a center of stone sculpture.
!here my friend watched young boys were carving away at big blocks of stone. !he ne)t
stop was 7eluk, a center for silversmiths and goldensmiths. &fter that he stopped a little
while for lunch at Sukawati and on to mass. ass is a tourist center.y friend ten+day+stay
ended very 3uickly beside his two tour, all his day was spent on the beach. *e went sailing
or surfboarding every day. *e was 3uiet satisfied.
What o I nee to !no" a#out chilren an TV?
!elevision 9!8: has its good side. It can be entertaining and educational, and can open
up new worlds for kids, giving them a chance to travel the globe, learn about different
cultures, and gain e)posure to ideas they may never encounter in their own community.
Shows with a prosocial message can have a positive effect on kids; behavior< programs with
positive role models can influence viewers to make positive lifestyle changes. *owever, the
reverse can also be true= 6ids are likely to learn things from !8 that parents don;t want
them to learn. !8 can affect kids; health, behavior and family life in negative ways.
It;s worthwhile for parents to think about what role they want !8 to play in their family.
7onsider=& great deal is known about children and television, because there have been
thousands of studies on the subject. >esearchers have studied how !8 affects kids; sleep,
weight, grades, behavior, and more. Its worth looking at what the research says when
deciding how to manage television in your family.Spending time watching !8 can take time
away from healthy activities like active play outside with friends, eating dinner together as a
family, or reading. !8 time also takes away from participating in sports, music, art or other
activities that re3uire practice to become skillful. !8 viewing starts earlier than other forms of
media?often beginning before age two. In recent years, !8, video and .8. programs
geared to babies and toddlers have come on the market?and now even a cable channel for
babies. @e don;t know yet what effect !8+viewing by babies may have on their development.
@e do know that time spent watching !8 replaces time spent interacting with caregivers and
other children. Social interaction is critical to a baby;s healthy development.
ost kids plug into the world of television long before they enter school. &ccording to the
6aiser Family Foundation 96FF:= two+thirds of infants and toddlers watch a screen an average
of / hours a day. kids under age A watch an average of about / hours of screen media a day,
primarily !8 and videos or .8.s. kids and teens 5 to 25 years spend nearly B hours a day in
front of a !8 screen and almost / additional hours on the computer 9outside of schoolwork:
and playing video games.
Co doubt about it ? !8 can be an e)cellent educator and entertainer."ut despite its
advantages, too much television can be detrimental=7hildren who consistently spend more
than B hours per day watching !8 are more likely to be overweight.6ids who view violent
acts are more likely to show aggressive behavior but also fear that the world is scary and that
something bad will happen to them.!8 characters often depict risky behaviors, such as
smoking and drinking, and also reinforce gender+role and racial stereotypes.7hildren;s
advocates are divided when it comes to solutions. &lthough many urge for more hours per
week of educational programming, others assert that %ero !8 is the best solution. &nd some
say it;s better for parents to control the use of !8 and to teach kids that it;s for occasional
entertainment, not for constant escapism.!hat;s why it;s so important for you to monitor the
content of !8 programming and set viewing limits to ensure that your kids don;t spend too
much time parked in front of the !8.
What parents can do:
&ccording to the &merican &cademy of $ediatrics, media education can help kids become
less susceptible to the bad effects of watching violent !8. Some studies have shown that kids
who received media education had less violent behavior after watching violent programs.
!each your kids to be media savvy. Find out more about media literacy. @atch with your
kids, so if the programming turns violent, you can discuss what happened to put it in a conte)t
you want your kids to learn.
6now what your kids are watching. .ecide what programs are appropriate for their age
and personality, and stick to your rules. !o minimi%e peer pressure to watch violent shows,
you may want to talk to the parents of your child;s friends and agree to similar rules. 8isit
Dour7hild= anaging !elevision= !ips for Dour Family for more ideas.
Descripti$e Text % &' Ver' Best (riens E I believe that a friend is an angel who lifts us
off our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fl y. It means that our friends
are people who will always be there for us any time we need them. Im so lucky because I
have three best friends. !hey are Firsty, >onald and Fonathan. @e have known each other
since we were four years old. @e met in the kindergarten. Since then, we always go to the
same school. oreover, our houses are still in the same block. @e do everything together. -ur
motto is G4nited we stand, divided we fallH. It means Gtogether we are strongerH. Cow, let me
introduce my friends one by one.
Firsty is the youngest among us because she was born in .ecember. @e call her G!he
Sweety FirstyH. *er father is French. She is tall and slim. Shes about 2I2 cm. She has long
straight hair. &ctually the color of her hair is blonde. *owever, she dyed her hair black since
last year. She has beautiful blue eyes, an oval face and pointed nose. G!he Sweety FirstyH is a
cheerful, confi dent, and determined girl. *owever, she is a little bit careless and stubborn.
She has many cats in her house. !here are about nine cats. She loves them all. -ne of her
favourite is a little orange cat. She calls her JShinny. Firsty loves to dance and sing.
Cevertheless, she wants to be a model. >onalds nickname is >on. ost of girls in our school
love and adore him. !heres no doubt about his good looking. @e call him G!he 7harming
>onH. *is height is 2IA cm.
>on has straight hair and perfect face. *e is an intelligent and introvert person. &bove all,
he is humble. *e was crowned as !he "est Student this year. *e won so many pri%es on ath,
7hemistry and $hysic competition. *owever, his favourite subject is 7hemistry. *e wants to
be a chemist someday. Fonathan is a funny person. *e can always fi nd a way to make the
people around him laugh. I wonder what it is in his head for he can create jokes
spontaneously. Fonathans nick name is Fo. *e is plump. *es about 2A5 cm tall. *is weight is
51 kg. !hats why we call him G!he "ig FoH. *e has a round face with brown eyes. *is spiky
hairstyle makes him easily recogni%ed. Fo is a humorous, friendly and an easy going person.
*e is a movie freak. *e would never miss any new movie in the cinema. *e dreams of
becoming a famous actor one day. &bout meK @ell, my name is *ana. Im the shortest one
among them. Im about 2A1 cm tall. I have long wavy hair with round face. y friends call me
G!he 7hubby *anaH because I also have a chubby check. ost people, even my parents say
that Im a careful, generous and diligent person. !hey also say that Im a bit sensitive. I love
painting. I spend much time in my small studio just painting. !hats all about me and friends
of mine. #ven though we are 3uite different, we love each other and will keep this relationship
for good.

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