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Name: Brandon young

Career Research Guide Worksheet

Your job title (be specific: !hysician
"ob o#er#ie$%What they do (!ro#ide a paragraph description of the job& What $ould a typical day on the job
look like':
( career ) $ould lo#e to pursue $ould be a physician& ) am one to lo#e pu**les+ especially sol#ing them& Being
a clinical pharmacist $ould mean ) get to talk and interact $ith people+ but ) $ould still get the mathematics
,ualities through prescribing medicines and treatments for illnesses& Within my day ) $ould ha#e to see
patients+ prescribe or administer treatments+ communicate the procedures+ ensure proper use of prescription
drugs and document all information+ $hile pro#iding some counselling to #isiting patients&
Working conditions (-ours you can e.pect to $ork' Risk of injuries' /ime of day%time of year'
)ndoors%outdoors' Clothing re,uired' 0tc1:
/he a#erage hours a physician $orks is 23&4 a $eek& /he risk of injuries are #ery minor such as trouble or
conflict $ith patients+ or high stress le#els in certain areas such as concern for patients or too much paper$ork
and responsibility& ) $ould be $orking all year round $ith appro.imately 2&5 $eeks of time off from $ork& /here
are opportunities for $ork during e#ery time of the day& /he $ork $ould al$ays be indoors and #ery little
re,uired clothing+ just something that looks professional+ yet practical& (ie& ( $hite long coat $ith black shoes&
6ther tools for the job could include personal tools to use on patients+ but only optional&
7alary ($hat $age can you e.pect to earn':
(#erage annual $age of 89:4 45: $hich is broken do$n to 84;&35 hourly&
<uture outlook ($ill this job be in demand in the future' Why%$hy not':
(merican has an estimated shortfall of =: ::: physicians by the year =:=:+ therefore stating yes+ there $ill be
future demand for doctors some$here&
Post-Secondary Institute/Training Program #1
>ni#ersities can offer training to become a doctor& (ie& >BC6
Location and name of program: (Where the school is located& What is the name of the program' (lso tell us $hy this
school appeals to you
>BC6+ ?elo$na BC
/he school appeals to me do to its familiar location and impressi#e stats& /he name of the program )@d be studying $ould
be medicine&
Cost: (first year (NA total cost of program+ including tuition+ books+ and supplies
)f planning on attending a major uni#ersity: $$$&you&ubc&ca to calculate an appro.imate cost
Pre-requisites of program: (courses you need to be taking in high school in order to get in+ re,uired G!(
Biochemistry (Okanagan), Biochemistry (Vancouver), Biology (Okanagan), Biology (Vancouver), Biophysics,
Biotechnology, Dietetics, Food & Nutritional Sciences, Food, Nutrition & ealth, uman !inetics (Okanagan) "
#linical $%ercise &hysiology, uman !inetics (Okanagan) " #ommunity ealth &romotion, 'nterdisciplinary
Studies, !inesiology (Vancouver) " 'nterdisciplinary Studies, !inesiology (Vancouver) " !inesiology & ealth
Science, !inesiology (Vancouver) " &hysical & ealth $ducation, (edical )a*oratory Science, (icro*iology &
'mmunology, (icro*iology (Okanagan), (olecular, #ell & Developmental Biology (Okanagan), Nutritional
Sciences, &harmacology, &hysiology, &sychology (Okanagan " BSc), &sychology (Vancouver " BSc), Speech
What are B related occupations you could take if this one didn@t $ork out for you ($hat $ould you do if you
don@t end up doing this career and $hy':
) could go into1
(nd most importantly1Why are you interested in this career' (-o$ long ha#e you been interested in it'
What led you to $anting this job' -o$ does it suit%fit your personality+ interests+ characteristics+ strengths+
) $ould lo#e this career because ) enjoy sociali*ing and sympathi*ing $ith people& ) decided ) $ould like to
ha#e this job through #isiting the doctor myself& -e@s helped me many times and ) $ould lo#e to be in the
position to be able to help other people too&

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