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Proceedings of

International Conference on Emerging Research in Computing, Information,

Communication and Applications
Contribution of !C to Impro"e !oltage Profile in a #ind $enerators Connected
Electrical %et&or' &ith Increased (oad )emand

, Author2
, Author3
Department of EEE, PG Student,Bapatla Engg College,Bapatla,522101,nd!a
Department of EEE, "acult# of $echn!cal educat!on,Bapatla Engg College,Bapatla,522101,nd!a
Department of EEE, "acult# of $echn!cal educat!on,Bapatla Engg College,Bapatla,522101,nd!a
$he purpo%e of th!% &or' !% to %tud# the !mpact of "le(!ble AC $ran%m!%%!on %#%tem )"AC$S* controller !n +!nd generator% connected electr!cal
net&or' for ma!nta!n!ng ,oltage %tab!l!t#- +!nd energ# !% the gro&!ng rene&able energ# due to %e,eral ad,antage%- $he !nfluence of &!nd
generator% on po&er .ual!t# !% an !mportant !%%ue/ non un!form po&er product!on cau%e% ,ar!at!on% !n %#%tem ,oltage and fre.uenc#- $herefore
&!nd farm re.u!re% h!gh react!,e po&er compen%at!on/ the ad,ance% !n h!gh po&er %em!conduct!ng de,!ce% ha,e led to the de,elopment of
"AC$S- $he "AC$S de,!ce %uch a% S0C !n1ect react!,e po&er !nto the %#%tem &h!ch help% !n ma!nta!n!ng a better ,oltage prof!le- $he
performance !% e,aluated on a EEE 12 bu% %#%tem, t&o &!nd generator% are connected at lo& ,oltage bu%e% to meet the !ncrea%ed load demand
and S0C de,!ce% are !ntegrated at the bu%e% &!th &!nd generator% to ma!nta!n ,oltage %tab!l!t#- Po&er flo&%, nodal ,oltage magn!tude% and
angle% of the po&er net&or' are obta!ned b# !terat!,e %olut!on% u%!ng 3P4+E5, thereb# regulat!ng the bu% ,oltage%-

Keywords6 Po&er flo&/7e&ton85aph%on method/+!nd energ#/+!nd generator / 0oltage %tab!l!t#/0oltage collap%e/5eact!,e po&er !n1ect!on/"AC$S
de,!ce%/Stat!c 0ar compen%ator-
1* Introduction
$he rap!d deplet!on of fo%%!l fuel re%ource% and the r!%!ng publ!c a&arene%% for en,!ronmental protect!on on a &orld&!de ba%!%
ha,e nece%%!tated an urgent %earch for alternat!,e energ# %ource%- Part!cularl#, among the man# t#pe% of compet!t!,e alternat!,e
%ource% of energ#, &!nd po&er generat!on ha% e(per!enced a ,er# fa%t de,elopment !n the &hole &orld- 9o&e,er, &!nd po&er
ma# cau%e problem% to the e(!%t!ng gr!d !n term% of po&er .ual!t#- 4ne of the fundamental def!n!t!on% to po&er .ual!t# problem%
!% an# po&er problem man!fe%ted !n ,oltage, current or fre.uenc# de,!at!on% that re%ult% !n fa!lure or m!%% operat!on of cu%tomer
e.u!pment- Po&er .ual!t# decrement !% generall# cau%ed b# man# factor% %uch a% !mpul%!,e and tran%!ent%, o,er ,oltage or under
,oltage ,ar!at!on%, ,oltage !mbalance, &a,e d!%tort!on, %uch a% dc off%et, harmon!c%, notch!ng and no!%e, ,oltage fluctuat!on and
fre.uenc# ,ar!at!on%-
0oltage %tab!l!t# ha% been a ma1or concern for po&er %#%tem ut!l!t!e% becau%e of %e,eral e,ent% of the change% !n po&er
%#%tem% %uch a% !ncrea%e !n load!ng, generator reach!ng react!,e po&er l!m!t%, act!on of tap chang!ng tran%former%, load reco,er#
d#nam!c% and l!ne or generator outage%- $he# ma# cau%e a progre%%!,el# and uncontrolled fall of ,oltage% lead!ng to ,oltage
!n%tab!l!t# or ,oltage collap%e-
$he ma1or d!ff!cult# a%%oc!ated to the &!nd energ# %ource% !% that !n general the# don:t ta'e part !n the %er,!ce% %#%tem
)ad1u%tment of the ,oltage, of the fre.uenc#, po%%!b!l!t# of operat!on !n patroll!ng the bloc'* &ho%e flo& !% not ea%!l# fore%eeable
and ,er# fluctuat!ng-
Corre%pond!ng author- $el-6;<1<==55520>5/ fa(6;<18=>23822222>-
E-mail address6%anthan'umar23=?gma!l-com, %han'ern!t&?gma!l-com-
$he fact of not ta'!ng part !n the %er,!ce %#%tem% br!ng% to th!% t#pe of %ource beha,e% l!'e pa%%!,e generator% from the electr!c
,!e& po!nt- $he penetrat!on rate mu%t then be l!m!ted to 20@ or 30@ of the con%umpt!on accord!ng to certa!n e(per!ence
feedbac'%, !n order to be able to guarantee the %tab!l!t# of the net&or' under acceptable cond!t!on%-
$he !ntegrat!on of the &!nd product!on un!t !n the net&or' cau%e% %ome problem% %uch a% the ab%ence of ,oltage ad1u%tment
and the %en%!t!,!t# of ,oltage drop%- Becau%e the load% and the &!nd farm% output fluctuate dur!ng the da#, the u%e of react!,e
po&er compen%at!on !% !deal for the po&er %#%tem net&or'A1B3C-
Appl!ed to the electr!cal net&or'%, the "le(!ble AC $ran%m!%%!on S#%tem )"AC$S* de,!ce% A2,5C allo& an effect!,e d#nam!c
%tate a% &ell a% a %tat!c %tate of the ,oltage control !n the po&er tran%m!%%!on and d!%tr!but!on a% &ell a% the po&er .ual!t# control,
b# !mplementat!on of the po&er electron!c de,!ce%, %uch a% Stat!c 0ar Compen%ator )S0C* and %tat!c %#nchronou%
compen%ator)S$A$C43*- t% pr!nc!pal funct!on !% to !n1ect react!,e po&er !nto the %#%tem &h!ch help% to %upport the %#%tem
,oltage prof!le, but !t can al%o be u%ed to reduce the phenomenon of fl!c'er !n the pre%ence of fluctuat!ng load%, to moderate the
po&er o%c!llat!on% and to !ncrea%e the po&er tran%fer and to reduce the h#po8%#nchronou% o%c!llat!on%, the po&er %#%tem
performance ha% !mpro,ed- $he a!m of th!% paper !% to demon%trate the %uper!or!t# of u%!ng "AC$S de,!ce% to regulate the de%!red
po&er flo& !n a po&er net&or' and to pro,!de the be%t ,oltage prof!le !n the %#%tem a% &ell a% to m!n!m!%e the %#%tem
tran%m!%%!on lo%%e% &hen !n%ert!ng the &!nd generator !n the electr!cal net&or'-
$he 7e&ton85aph%on algor!thm A>,DC !% appl!ed !n calculat!on of po&er %#%tem% ,oltage- $he re%ult% are obta!ned for four ca%e%
of the net&or' %tate6 &!thout the &!nd generator% and the S0C de,!ce% &!th %tandard load, &!thout the &!nd generator% and the
S0C de,!ce% &!th !ncrea%ed load, &!th !ntegrat!on of the &!nd generator% and &!th !ntegrat!on of the S0C de,!ce% at the bu%e%
&here &!nd generator% !ntegrated-
+* #ind $enerator
$he ma1or problem% of &!nd are the great ,ar!ab!l!t# of !t% product!on and e%pec!all# the d!ff!cult# !n en,!%ag!ng th!%
product!on prec!%el# %e,eral hour% !n ad,ance- $he d#nam!c change% of the &!nd %peed return the .uant!t# of the po&er !n1ected to
a %trongl# ,ar!able net&or'- Accord!ng to the !nten%!t# and rate of change, the d!ff!cult!e% &!th the fre.uenc# and the ,oltage
control could %eem ma'!ng a d!rect !mpact on the le,el of the pro,!ded electr!c po&er .ual!t# A=B10C-
$he problem% !nduced b# the !ntegrat!on of &!nd generator% !n the electr!cal net&or' are cau%ed b#6
$he!r random and not ea%!l# fore%eeable product!on/
An ab%ence of po&er8fre.uenc# ad1u%tment/
A part!c!pat!on !n the ,oltage ad1u%tment l!m!ted for the &!nd generator to ,ar!able %peed, and an# part!c!pat!on !n th!%
ad1u%tment for the &!nd generator% &ho%e generator !% d!rectl# coupled &!th the net&or'/
A h!gh %en%!t!,!t# of ,oltage hollo&% and the ,ar!at!on% of fre.uenc# for %ome technolog!e%/
A %!gn!f!cant %en%!t!,!t# to the fa%t ,ar!at!on% of the &!nd force-
2.1 Wind Energy
$he pr!nc!ple of '!net!c tran%format!on energ# of the &!nd !nto electr!c po&er and the deta!led de%cr!pt!on of the ,ar!ou% t#pe%
of aero8generator% are pre%ented !n %e,eral reference%- $he mechan!cal po&er &h!ch can be e(tracted from the &!nd determ!ne% b#
mean% of the follo&!ng e(pre%%!on
Cp)H-I* ) 1*

&here G !% the a!r den%!t#, S the %urface %&ept b# the turb!ne, the , &!nd %peed and Cp the po&er coeff!c!ent- $h!% coeff!c!ent
corre%pond!ng to the aerod#nam!c eff!c!enc# of the turb!ne ha% a nonl!near e,olut!on accord!ng to the t!p %peed rat!o, H-
HEJt-5tK, ) 2*
&here 5t !% the blade length and Jt !% the angular ,eloc!t# of the turb!ne-
,* !oltage tabilit-
$he term Lpo&er .ual!t#M !n relat!on to a &!nd turb!ne de%cr!be% the electr!cal performance of the &!nd turb!ne de%cr!be% the
electr!cal generat!ng %#%tem- $he ma!n !nfluence% of the &!nd turb!ne on the po&er and ,oltage .ual!t# are ,oltage change%,
fluctuat!on% lead!ng to fl!c'er and harmon!c% for &!nd turb!ne% &!th po&er electron!c%- $he product!on un!t% mu%t en%ure a control
of the ,oltage andKor react!,e po&er at del!,er# po!nt A<B12C- $hree t#pe% of pr!mar# ad1u%tment are po%%!ble6 ad1u%tment &!th
con%tant react!,e po&er, ad1u%tment of the ,oltage to a ,alue ,ar#!ng l!nearl# accord!ng to the po&er react!,e &!th an ad1u%table
%lope and ad1u%tment of the ,oltage accord!ng to an !n%truct!on controlled to the order% com!ng from the %econdar# ad1u%tment of
the ,oltage-
n both d!%tr!but!on and tran%m!%%!on %#%tem%, there !% a need to ma!nta!n a ,oltage !n the range 0-<581-05 pu- $herefore,
ma!nta!n!ng acceptable ,oltage le,el% !n the po&er %#%tem !% an !mportant ob1ect!,e- A one l!ne d!agram of a po&er %#%tem for the
,oltage drop anal#%!% !% %ho&n !n "!g- 1-
"!g- 1- S!mpl!f!ed e.u!,alent d!agram of a l!ne-
$he ,oltage drop !n l!ne )N0E01802* can be &r!t!ng !n an appro(!mate &a# a% A2,3,11C6
N0 E )rP;(O*K02 ) 3 *
&!th r and ( re%pect!,el# the re%!%tance and reactance of the l!ne !n 4hm, P and O re%pect!,el# the act!,e and react!,e
po&er% flo& on the l!ne-
"or the h!gh ,oltage l!ne%, ( P 10r e(pre%%!on )3* can thu% be %!mpl!f!ed6
N0 E (OK02 ) 2 *
$he act!,e po&er generated b# the &!nd generator% !% fluctuate b# nature, &h!ch tend% accord!ng to e(pre%%!on )3* to !nduce
fluctuat!on% of ,oltage !n the Qone of the net&or' clo%e to the po!nt of connect!on of the%e &!nd generator%
n the tran%m!%%!on net&or', made up of h!gh ,oltage l!ne%, e(pre%%!on )2* %ho&% that the ,ar!at!on% of ,oltage are !nduced b#
the react!,e po&er tran%!t% contrar# &!th the d!%tr!but!on net&or'%-
$h!% !% &h#/ !t !% re.ue%ted from the &!nd generator% currentl# connected to the tran%m!%%!on net&or' to ta'e part !n the ,oltage
ad1u%tment ,!a an ad1u%tment of the react!,e po&er- $h!% ad1u%tment !% po%%!ble &!th the &!nd generator% connected to the net&or'
,!a po&er electron!c%-
4* tatic !ar Compensator (!C)
$he S0C !% a %hunt8connected %tat!c ,ar generator or ab%orber &ho%e output !% ad1u%ted to e(change capac!t!,e or !nduct!,e
current %o a% to ma!nta!n or control the %pec!f!c parameter% of the electr!cal po&er %#%tem-
S0C !% a ,ar!able %u%ceptance controller- $he effect!,e %uceptance !% ,ar!ed b# ,ar#!ng the f!r!ng angle of the $h#r!%tor of
$C5 or %&!tch!ng the $SC-

"!g 3-26 Structure of S0C
S0C !% a controllable react!,e po&er %ource- Earl# appl!cat!on% of S0C &ere for load compen%at!on of fa%t chang!ng load% l!'e
arc furnace%, and %teel m!ll% for d#nam!c po&er factor !mpro,ement and load balanc!ng !n the three pha%e%- 5ecentl#, S0C% and
are ma!nl# u%ed a% ,oltage regulator%-
$o %ol,e the po&er flo& problem%, the "AC$S de,!ce% offer an alternat!,e to the trad!t!onal mean% of regulat!on- $he%e
de,!ce% ba%ed on the po&er electron!c%, ma'e !t po%%!ble to control the ,oltage le,el andKor the po&er tran%!t !n the electr!cal
net&or' l!ne% A12,13C- $he "AC$S de,!ce% can be u%ed for the control of the act!,e po&er a% &ell a% for that of the react!,e po&er
or the ,oltage-
$o %tud# the !mpact of the !ntroduct!on of the S0C de,!ce !nto a net&or', the 7e&tonB5aph%on algor!thm !% appl!ed !n
calculat!on of po&er %#%tem% ,oltage%- n!t!all#, the !ntroduct!on of the "AC$S !% carr!ed out, ,ar#!ng the control parameter of the
"AC$S and b# ob%er,!ng the change% on the bu% ,oltage% and the tran%!t po&er% !n the l!ne%- $he %econd %tage con%!%t% !n f!(!ng a
con%!gn ,alue of ),oltage or po&er* for &h!ch the %!mulat!on program &!ll f!nd the ,alue of the control %!Qe- $h!% &a#, !t &!ll
chec', !f !t !% po%%!ble to regulate a %!Qe ),oltage or po&er* to a ,alue con%!gn &!thout deter!orat!ng the %tat!c performance% of the
.* Proposed /ethodolog-
/iPo&er is a highl- interacti"e, user-friendl- &indo&s based Po&er -stem Anal-sis pac'age* It includes a set of modules
for performing a &ide range of po&er s-stem design and anal-sis stud-* /iPo&er features include a top notch #indo&s
$0I &ith centrali1ed database* tead- state, transient and electro-magnetic transient anal-sis can be performed &ith
utmost accurac- and tolerance*
n!t!all# 7e&ton85aph%on algor!thm !% appl!ed to propo%ed net&or' &!thout !ntegrat!on of &!nd generator% and S0C de,!ce%-
"rom the load flo& re%ult%, lo& ,oltage bu%e% are %elected to !ntegrate &!nd generator% - 4n !n%ert!on of &!nd generator% and b#
conduct!ng load flo& re%ult% !t !% %een that the ,oltage% at all PO bu%e% are !ncrea%ed- t lead% to ,oltage !n%tab!l!t# !n the %#%tem,
%!nce output of &!nd generator% are fluctuat!ng !n nature- $o o,ercome th!% problem %#%tem re.u!re% h!gh react!,e po&er
compen%at!on, th!% !% ache!,ed b# u%!ng "AC$S de,!ce%- S0C de,!ce% are !ntegrated at the place &here &!nd generator% are
!ntegrated and load flo& re%ult% are obta!ned- t !% %een that the ,oltage% are regulated, to ma!nta!n the %#%tem %table-
Standard EEE 12 bu% %#%tem !% u%ed !n th!% paper- "!g- 5-1 %ho&% the 12 bu% te%t %#%tem, &here the bu% bar% are numbered
from 1 to 12 and the l!ne% from 1 to 20- $he bu% bar 1 !% the %lac' bu%, bu%e% 2,3,>,= are P,R0R bu%e% and bu%e%
2,5,D,<,10,11,12,13,12 are P,O bu%e%- $he 7e&ton85aph%on algor!thm !% appl!ed !n calculat!on of po&er %#%tem% ,oltage%-
2* imulation Results
$he re%ult% are obta!ned for four ca%e% of the net&or' %tate6
7et&or' &!thout the &!nd generator% and the S0C de,!ce% &!th %tandard load-
7et&or' &!thout the &!nd generator% and the S0C de,!ce% &!th !ncrea%ed load-
7et&or' &!th !ntegrat!on of the &!nd generator%
7et&or' &!th !ntegrat!on of the &!nd generator% and the S0C de,!ce%
"!g- >-1 $he propo%ed 12 bu% net&or' %tructure
2*1 Network without the wind generators and the SVC devies with standard load
$he bu% ,oltage magn!tude%Kangle% are repre%ented !n $able8 re%pect!,el#- "rom the load flo& re%ult% and the ,oltage prof!le%
%ho&n !n $able8, !t can be %een that bu% 2 and bu% 12 are lo& ,oltage bu%e%-$he net&or' %tate !% g!,en !n $able8-
$able8-+!thout +!nd Generator% and S0C de,!ce% ntegrat!on &!th Standard Soad
!us Voltage"#.u$ Angle"
1 1-0>00 0-00
2 1-0250 81-<2
3 1-0100 8=-2>
4 1*3+41 -.*1+
5 1-02D< 82-12
> 1-0D00 8D-<5
D 1-0550 82-25
= 1-0<00 2-D<
< 1-022D 85-5D
10 1-0202 8>-2=
11 1-051< 8D-22
12 1-053> 8=->0
13 1-02== 8=-25
14 1*3+41 -4*54
%.2 Network without the wind generators and the SVC devies with inreased load
$he load demand% on the electr!cal %#%tem are cont!nuou%l# !ncrea%!ng- $he load demand at the bu% 2 and bu% 12 are
!ncrea%ed to a ,alue &here the bu%e% %uffer from ,oltage !n%tab!l!t#- $he bu% ,oltage magn!tude%Kangle% are repre%ented !n $able8
re%pect!,el#- "rom the load flo& re%ult% and the ,oltage prof!le% %ho&n !n $able8, !t can be %een that a ,oltage un%table area !%
formed at bu% 2 and bu% 12-$he net&or' %tate !% g!,en !n $able8-
$able8-+!thout +!nd Generator% and S0C De,!ce% ntegrat!on &!th ncrea%ed Soad
!us Voltage"#.u$ Angle"
1 1-0>00 0-00
2 1-01D0 8D-=5
3 0-<D32 81<-5D
4 3*6454 -16*.,
5 0-<5<5 815-D3
> 1-0031 823-2=
D 1-0051 81D-<3
= 1-0<00 810-55
< 0-<D>2 822-3=
10 0-<D33 822-=>
11 0-<=25 823-21
12 0-<=1D 822->5
13 0-<>== 825-01
14 3*61,2 -+5*.6
%.& Network with 'ntegration o( the wind generators
$he %tandard 12 bu% %#%tem, %ho&n !n "!g-5-1, &a% mod!f!ed to !ncorporate &!nd generator%- $he po&er pro,!ded b# a &!nd
generator !% al&a#% ,ar!able, due to the &!nd %peed ,ar!at!on%- 4ther %!de, !t !% the con%umer or the net&or' &ho mu%t rece!,e a
%moothed po&er and %table ,oltage- $he act!,e po&er !n1ected b# the &!nd generator P&!nd !n%erted !nto the bu% 2 and bu% 12 and
the $able8 %ho&% !t% !nfluence on the ,oltage% !n the other bu%e%- $hen accord!ng to the re%ult% of %!mulat!on, the f!r%t !mpact to
be ob%er,ed, !t !% the reduct!on !n the po&er% del!,ered b# the generator% to net&or', &h!ch flo& on the l!ne%, that are rel!e,ed b#
!n%ert!on of the aerogenerator%, on the other hand, !t !% the !mpro,ement of the ,oltage% at the bu%e%- $he net&or' %tate !% g!,en !n
$able8-+!th +!nd Generator% ntegrat!on

!us Voltage"#.u$ Angle"
1 1-0>00 0-00
2 1-0250 82-12
3 1-0100 8=-<2
4 1*3++2 -.*44
5 1-02D5 82-3=
> 1-0>D> 82-00
D 1*3.1, 0-D2
= 1-0<00 D-=0
< 1-03=2 81-03
10 1-03>2 81-=2
11 1-02=5 83-03
12 1*3.,4 83-DD
13 1*3.53 82-=0
14 1*342. ,*.3
%.) Network with 'ntegration o( the wind generators and the SVC devies
Ad1u%tment of the ,oltage !% related to the ad1u%tment of the react!,e po&er !n1ected- $he "AC$S de,!ce &h!ch !% !n%talled at
bu% 2 and bu% 12 near the &!nd generator% are the %hunt de,!ce )S0C*- $h!% de,!ce !% mo%t %u!table for ,oltage control and
pro,!de% react!,e %upport b# !n1ect!ng a react!,e po&er TTO%hunt::- $he e,olut!on of the ,oltage magn!tude% at bu%e% after !n1ect!on
of the react!,e po&er TTO%hunt:: at bu% 2 and bu% 12, place of the !ntegrat!on of the &!nd generator%, and the e,olut!on of the
react!,e po&er under to the e,olut!on of the act!,e po&er del!,ered b# the &!nd generator-
$he goal !% to ha,e a %table ,oltage at bu%e%, no matter &hat !% the ,ar!at!on of the po&er !n1ected b# the &!nd generator, and
that b# !n1ect!ng a react!,e po&er TT O%hunt :: to compen%ate the ,oltage hollo&% or to fall off the ,oltage !f !t e(ceed% the de%!red
,oltage magn!tude- $he re%ult% %ho&ed a better beha,!our &!th regard to the ,oltage %upport on the load bu% bar% and all the
,oltage drop% &!th!n the l!m!t% 5@-
$hen the ,oltage !n%tab!l!t# at the bu%e% !% o,ercome and the ,oltage at the bu%e% come to %table cond!t!on- $he net&or' %tate
on !ntegrat!on of S0C at the po!nt &here &!nd generator% are !ntegrated !% g!,en !n $able8 0
$he net&or' %tate !% g!,en !n $able80-
$able80-+!th both +!nd Generator% and S0C De,!ce% ntegrat!on
!us Voltage"#.u$ Angle"
1 1-0>00 0-00
2 1-0250 82-21
3 1-0100 8<-15
4 1*3314 -.*.4
5 1-00<= 82-20
> 1-0232 83-<1
D 1-02>1 1-22
= 1-0<00 =-25
< 0-<<>1 80->D
10 0-<<32 81-5>
11 1-002< 82-=5
12 1-0033 83-5<
13 1-002= 82-32
14 1*3333 .*41
4* Conclusion
+!nd energ# !% the rene&able energ# that can be connected !n an electr!cal net&or' to meet the !ncrea%ed load demand-
But, the &!nd product!on %#%tem% are e(tremel# %en%!t!,e to the net&or' d!%turbance%- $he ,oltage hollo&% or the fre.uenc#
,ar!at!on% !n,ol,e often the d!%connect!on of the product!on at the t!me of !nc!dent on the net&or'- $h!% d!%connect!on can &or%en
a product!onKcon%ummat!on !mbalance and con%e.uentl# accelerate the ad,ent of a ma1or !nc!dent !n the net&or'- $he !mpact% of
the !ntegrat!on of a &!nd generator% !n an electr!cal %uppl# net&or' on the ,oltage %tab!l!t# are pre%ented- $he %olut!on of th!%
problem !% done b# !n%ert!ng "AC$S de,!ce% &h!ch are the S0C de,!ce% at the place &here &!nd generator% are !ntegrated for the
,oltage ad1u%tment-
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