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How To Be Happy When Your World Is Falling
Its fairly easy to be happy when life is treating you well. But
what about when the s**t is hitting the fan, you feel like you have no control and nothing is going your way?
Why how you think and feel about it all is your choice.
You can choose to throw your hands in the air, be a victim and forever proclaim the world to be a bad place,
out to get people.
Or you can choose to ask what lessons the Universe is sending your way. What lessons have you missed in
past experiences that the Universe is now slamming you over the head with? What lessons do you need to
You can also ask, Whats great about this?
You can make a focused attempt to see the silver lining.
The Power of Choosing Your Attitude
My recent airport adventure is a perfect example. By a freaky turn of events, I missed both of my flights to
my destination by about 30 seconds, despite being at the airport in plenty of time. This resulted in me
spending almost eight hours at the airport between flights.
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At first I was angry, in disbelief that this could happen to me. I was mad about having to waste so much
of my precious time at the airport while having to cancel many plans with friends for that day.
After a few deep breaths, I knew that this thinking would only further damage my trip and my attitude.
I took responsibility for my part in missing the flights which quelled much of my anger (smart phone
distractions be damned!).
My next thought was, At least Ill get some writing done. Because of (self-imposed) pressures of my job, I
had written precious little the previous couple of months.
I lucked into finding a quiet desk with plugs away from the crazy airport activity and settled in.
I called home to let my husband know what was going on and proceeded to have a deep, very meaningful
conversation that we had been too busy for at home.
I had the time to savor a delicious cup of coffee and some fresh juice.
I wrote almost an entire article in peace.
Then I calmly went to my gate, caught my flight and met my friend on the other end. We had an awesome
time reconnecting that evening.
All was well and I had so much more to be grateful for because of the whole experience.
What About When Things Get Really Bad?
The story above may seem trivial in the grand scheme of things that can go wrong. But the principles are the
same, regardless of the situation.
Ive used the principles below when facing divorce, job loss, major financial difficulties, loss of relationships
with close family members and other significant crises.
The dramas play out over longer periods of time and are more challenging when other people are involved.
The principles are always the same:
1. Youre not a victim. Take responsibility for your life.
If these things keep happening to you or you keep attracting the same kind of negative people, stop being
the kind of person that attracts those kinds of people and circumstances.
Find people who seem to be immune to these things, spend time with them, study them. Emulate them.
Take responsibility for your part in the situation. This does not mean being the martyr and assuming
responsibility for everything. Youre only taking responsibility for your actions.
2. You cant control other people or your environment. Stop trying to control.
If other people let you down or dont do what you expect of them, ask if your expectations are realistic. If
you were the other person, would you appreciate someone writing a script for you and getting mad when you
dont follow it?
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The only thing you can control 100% is you your thoughts, feelings and actions. Focus on that and let the
rest go.
You cant control the results or outcome. You can only do your best and let the Universe handle the rest.
3. Find the joy in the journey.
Whats great about whats happening?
What are you learning?
How are you better because of what happened?
4. Smile even when, or especially when, things arent going how you would like.
Whenever Im feeling down, the first thing I do is smile a great, big smile for thirty seconds. Its hard to feel
bad when youre smiling. If it only helps a little, rinse and repeat as often as it takes.
If youre doing something that seems difficult (mentally, physically, emotionally or spiritually), smile and
relax your jaw. The task will become much easier.
5. Dont take anything personally.
Whatever people say and do is all about them. Theyre trying to satisfy their own agenda.
If theyre upset with you, its because youre not following the script they wrote for you (and forgot to tell
you about).
If they blame things on you, its because theyre not willing to take responsibility for themselves.
If they cant accept you as you are, its because of their own limiting beliefs.
6. Decide to be happy, no matter what.
This doesnt mean that you should be blissfully happy all the time. How boring.
You need ups and downs to keep life exciting. Without challenges, how would you learn and grow?
Without negatives, the positives wouldnt feel as good.
Your attitude toward life has everything to do with your feelings about life. If you have a positive attitude
that things will eventually work out for the best and you act on that belief, you can feel good about the
You can choose to be happy, regardless of whats happening around you.
Putting Principles into Practice
I realize that these principles are simple but not always easy to implement. They take practice.
In order to fully implement them in your life in a way that results in more happiness, youll need to become
more mindful, more aware of whats happening in the moment, without reacting according to your old scripts.
Youll need to pause in the midst of chaos to take a deep breath and become aware of those old scripts and
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consciously change them. At first this might mean simply doing nothing not reacting, being silent, reflecting
in the moment. With practice, youll develop alternative responses. Sometimes these will help and
sometimes they wont. Learn from the experience and continue to experiment.
There will never be a point where youll always know the perfect thing to say or do that will quickly lead to
bliss. There will always be too many new variables with which youll contend.
But, with practice, the process of resolving issues and moving away from chaos will become easier. These
principles will guide the way.
About the author:
Paige Burkes inspires her community at Simple Mindfulness to see the world in a new light through
mindfulness. Download her FREE Mindful Living Guide to discover the simple steps you can take to create
more joy, peace and happiness in your life.
Tagged as: happiness, mindfulness, personal responsibility
{ 1 trackback }
Mindfulness In a Bad Relationship
July 27, 2013 at 7:54 pm
1 Braja Patnaik July 11, 2013 at 12:39 pm
Decide to be happy no matter what is all that is required to be happy. Thanks for sharing.
2 Paige Burkes July 11, 2013 at 11:28 pm
Exactly Braja! Its as simple as that. Too often we try to create blocks of why we cant make that
choice but its always available to us.
How To Live a Life
of Happiness
How a Simple
Meditation Can
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About Confidence:
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How To Be Happy When Your World Is Falling Apart
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3 Courtney July 11, 2013 at 6:50 pm
I love your perspectives here on this blog. Your way worth words always strikes deep and uncovers
some of those uncomfy places, but instead of leaving that raw, you soothe with a good dose of gentle
optimism. You are so right about all of these tips and once I learned to go through life with them in
mind, the whole mess got a lot easier. Wish we could get our kids to see this wisdom before all of that
struggle they deal with. Great blog!
4 Paige Burkes July 11, 2013 at 11:33 pm
Thanks so much Courtney! I often wonder why it seems to take so long for most of us to figure
out these lessons.
As my husband and I raise our three little ones (ages 3, 7 & 9), my mission is to instill these
principles in them by simply being an example. No amount of lecturing or schooling can be
effective. As Gandhi so wisely said: You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
5 Steven of Chicago July 12, 2013 at 8:51 am
Very wise words!
I spent two summers studying meditation in a monastery in Ching Mai, Thailand. You covered one of
the most important points of my education: You cant change the environment, you must learn to create
your own environment. And learning to live with discomfort in my life certainly helped me with the
horrible humidity. Ching Mai is the only place on earth where you can get a perm in your sleep.
Bright blessings to you!
6 Paige Burkes July 12, 2013 at 3:45 pm
Ha! Im not so sure that Ching Mai is the only place. I grew up in New Orleans where its
normally quite hot with 98% humidity. I can totally relate.
Some of my most powerful learning experiences have been where Ive lived in places that were
completely out of my norm (i.e. city girl living in a tent in the deep woods for over a month).
We create our own physical, mental and emotional environments. We can accept the things we
cant change (which is most things and people) and choose to be happy or we can resist them and
create our own little hell for ourselves.
Thanks so much Steven!
7 Vivi July 12, 2013 at 9:36 am
Nice reminders, Paige. I intend to refer back to your post on those days. All very true& tried &
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Thanks! Vivi
8 Paige Burkes July 12, 2013 at 3:48 pm
Thank you Vivi! Every now and then, when I have one of those days, Ill refer back to
something I wrote in the past when I need the reminders of how to get myself in a better place.
We all have good days and bad days. Practicing these principles is just that a practice that we
practice throughout our lives, usually getting better but never getting perfect.
9 Alain Benoit July 12, 2013 at 10:04 am
always a pleasure to read-Ive learned that this point of view is exactly how life should be taken
handled and lived, I was told during a hard part of my life that there is no greater shame or pain than
the abdication of ones will, that it is better to light a candle than curse the darkness. Life has nothing
against you take what happens stop whinning and be amazing at whatever you do.
thank you for sharing these articles.
10 Paige Burkes July 12, 2013 at 3:54 pm
Exactly Alain! We always have the ability to choose ourselves and take steps toward making
things better. As I like to say, Life just lifes along. It doesnt make judgments.
Life is whatever we choose to interpret it as. If we dont make conscious choices, we simply
spread our past experiences and our reactions to those experiences onto our future, even before it
happens. By making presumptions like this, we guarantee that well never be wowd by whats
happening in the present moment.
Yes, light a candle for your own sake and to light other peoples candles.
11 jared July 12, 2013 at 10:25 am
Great article, thanks for sharing. Perspective is so important as I think the most important part as you
say is the awareness and mindfulness, Youll need to pause in the midst of chaos to take a deep breath
and become aware of those old scripts and consciously change them.
When my father suddenly passed away a few years ago, initially I was in shock. But a close friend and
spiritual advisor suggested that although tragic, death can also be a beautiful thing. I thought he was
crazy at the time but it helped me become open to seeing the beauty in something seemingly sad and
And as you said in #5, dont take anything personally. Thats been critical in my happiness. The
realization that things happen around me not to me. Its a very narcissistic view to think that the
world is out to get me. But it also takes mindfulness and some emotional intelligence to get to a place of
accepting that truth.
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People often say things happen for a reason, but I strongly feel that, in the spirit of the universe,
things dont happen to me but around me and its up to me to learn and give meaning to them. Letting
experiences take me to where Im supposed to be as opposed to where Ive simply ended up (e.g.
12 Paige Burkes July 12, 2013 at 4:01 pm
So many wise lessons youre sharing here! And it sounds like youve learned them all from deep,
personal experiences.
As I said in my comment to Alain above, life lifes along, doing whatever its going to do. We
decide what that means for us and how well ignore or take advantage of it. I dont think
anything happens to us. We do and think things to attract the environment we live in.
Thanks so much for your awesome comment!
13 Sharon July 12, 2013 at 12:30 pm
Great article!
None of us are immune to adversity in life.
Its not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.
14 Paige Burkes July 12, 2013 at 4:25 pm
What a perfect quote Sharon! Thanks for sharing it!
15 Fran Sorin July 12, 2013 at 12:31 pm
Dear Paige-
You offer some treasures in this post.
Ive learned several lessons over the years and am still learning MANY- but the major one for me is
dont take anything personally. When I catch myself going to an old place of What did I do wrong?,
most of the time I am able to remember the truth that whatever another persons behavior is its not
about you. Its about them.
Have a beautiful weekend. Much love -
16 Paige Burkes July 12, 2013 at 4:32 pm
My dear Fran!
This is such a big lesson and sometimes difficult to remember in a variety of situations. Maybe
its easy to remember when dealing with a certain annoying person but hard to remember when
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dealing with a close friend whos having a bad day.
Ill never forget the time a coworker came to me in tears because she had allowed our verbally
abusive boss to get to her. She asked me how I always remained so calm around him. I simply
replied, The man has issues that have nothing to do with you or me. I saw that he was the same
with just about everyone but more abusive with the people who seemed to react more strongly to
the abuse. I didt feed the fire by taking things personally so he learned to focus his negative
energies elsewhere.
Youre a very wise woman who has learned and lived so many valuable lessons. Fran, you have
so much to give!
Big Hugs!!
17 Grace Catley July 12, 2013 at 6:15 pm
Really rich posts and a practical warm article.
Thanks Paige.
I have practiced mindfulness for several years and still need reminding to take responsibility when my
businesses are going through difficult times.
I am smiling right now.
18 Paige Burkes July 13, 2013 at 1:04 pm
Thanks for sharing your smile Grace! Now Im smiling too!
None of us are perfect and automatically default to being mindful 24/7. Thats why its called a
practice. Some days are better than others.
Each day we do our best and thats the best we can do and that best changes every day based
on our health, emotions and many other things.
19 Krishana July 13, 2013 at 2:39 am
I am going through a phase where I do not make myself responsible for my action but feel victim. but
now I have realized that I can start new page where I am not victim anymore but a responsible and
smiling person. Many thanks for your adviceits like we know what should be done but it make more
sense when it is told by some. thanks again
20 Paige Burkes July 13, 2013 at 1:10 pm
Thank you Krishana! So often the easy choice is to play the victim but it never leads to
happiness because it strips you of all of your power and puts it in the hands of others whom you
cant control. And then you wonder why those other people (with other agendas) arent trying to
make you happy. Quite frankly, theyre only trying to make themselves happy.
Taking responsibility for everything in our lives is empowering and allows us to create our own
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reality and environment. Were never waiting for someone else to do anything. We accept our
environment and others just as they are, without trying to change them to our needs. Then we
control our own thoughts, beliefs and actions to craft our own happiness from the inside out.
No one else can ever take our happiness without us willingly giving it to them.
A big SMILE to you Krishana!
21 Krishana July 13, 2013 at 2:39 am
I am going through a phase where I do not make myself responsible for my action but feel victim. but
now I have realized that I can start new page where I am not victim anymore but a responsible and
smiling person. Many thanks for your adviceits like we know what should be done but it make more
sense when it is told by some. thanks again
22 Steven Fabian July 13, 2013 at 1:46 pm
Thanks Paige for these great tips. The problem with these methods is exactly what you said: they are so
simple, yet they are so hard to implement sometimes. Thats why they take a TON of daily practice,
and why I think most people give up on them after a while: after the initial feel-good moment they try
to live by these rules for a day and when the first obstacle presents itself, they forget about everything
you say in this post and all goes back to normal Too bad.
One solution could be to make a challenge out of it. Instead of looking at these tips as strict rules or
limitations, you could try to look at it as a way of challenging yourself. For example you could make a
10 day positivity challenge to stay positive for 10 days and ignore all the little annoyances that
happen during the days and so on For me this usually works much better than trying to force myself
to be positive about everything all the time.
Thanks again for sharing this,
23 Paige Burkes July 13, 2013 at 8:41 pm
The 10 Day Challenge sounds like a great idea Steve! It reminds me of how Sybil Chavis at
Possibility of Today got started. She challenged herself to not complain (verbally or to herself)
for 30 days. She says that it changed her life.
I think its impossible for anyone to remain 100% consistent with all the principles 100% of the
time. Were human and can get flung off course by things we never expected.
These ideas are part of a practice where some days we remember them and follow them to the
best or our abilities and other days, were knocked off our feet and it all goes out the window. A
challenge would certainly help for reinforcement!
24 Nina nour July 14, 2013 at 4:49 am
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I love this article and really appreciate it! It`s always not very easy to put things from knowledge into
Practice, but the more you try, the more you will succeed. I`m sure! It`s truth, that whatever happen,
don`t let anyone to take you into his/ her scheme of behavior.
If they cant accept you as you are, its because of their own limiting beliefs.
25 Paige Burkes July 15, 2013 at 6:44 pm
Many true statements there Nina! Practice, practice, practice and dont take anything personally.
26 Napoleon Nalcot July 20, 2013 at 6:55 am
I really enjoyed reading this brilliant post. We all need this kind of insights as we continue to take the
next step in this partially unstable but challenging life weve trekking.
Happiness, for me, is just this worlds substitute for joy. Joy is spiritual while happiness is material. We
can be joyful even when were not happy.
Its a mind over matter thing. Our attitude can neutralize all the negativity this life has to offer if we
know how to use it. I say control it to our advantage.
For though some things and situations are beyond our control, yet we can always try to control our
attitude towards them and, consequently, change their effects on us for the best.
27 Paige Burkes July 20, 2013 at 4:20 pm
It sounds like you speak from experience Napoleon. Yes, we cant control the craziness going on
around us but we can certainly control our attitude and how we perceive it. In doing that, we
control how we feel about it and ourselves. Ultimately, all we can control is ourselves.
28 Ion Doaga July 20, 2013 at 11:01 am
Great post!
At this point I just lost my job and I feel in a shaky situation (until I find a new job).
When challenges like this happen in my life, I become very disciplined and active. I know that if dont
find a way out of this situation, no one will do it for me.
I dont like the feeling I have right now and I want it to last too long. So I better move fast right now.
Thanks for an encouraging article!
29 Paige Burkes July 20, 2013 at 4:29 pm
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Its great that you take responsibility for what happens next in your life! Yes, it is up to you to
create change.
I totally understand the shaky feeling with the monkey mind playing up all the fears and what
ifs. Knowing that most of those what ifs will never happen and that youre doing your best
and taking action toward something better can help to calm those shaky feelings.
I see those times in life where our world seems to be completely shaken up as a new beginning of
something awesome. Given your attitude, I know thats true for you.
Many blessings through this changing time and beyond!
30 Ion Doaga July 20, 2013 at 4:34 pm
31 Ion Doaga July 20, 2013 at 4:38 pm
Yep, a lot of what ifs now in my mind.
32 Dems July 25, 2013 at 12:18 am
Find people who seem to be immune to these things, spend time with them, study them. Emulate
I have been learning the importance of mentors lately and I have begun to see some results as I spend
more time with people who are already doing the things I want to be doing! Your statement reminded
me of this. Thanks Paige.
33 Paige Burkes July 25, 2013 at 12:51 pm
Thats awesome that youre working with mentors Dems! This is so important for so many
reasons, a few of which are accountability, motivation, inspiration, knowledge, self-confidence,
support and constructive challenge. Mentors are especially important when others in your life
dont understand or support what youre trying to accomplish.
34 Ashley P August 5, 2013 at 6:33 pm
Great article! When my plans are not going according to schedule I like to remember the saying its not
about the destination but rather the journey.
35 Ravi August 7, 2013 at 2:44 am
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I completely agree with the last point that one has to decide that he/she wants to be happy. Once it is
done, you will find out ways to be happy.
36 Courtney Wilson September 10, 2013 at 12:26 am
I agree that the first step is deciding to be happy. But I also believe that it is the follow up action that
makes all the difference and creates lasting change.
37 Alison Bowling September 16, 2013 at 11:10 am
You can make a focused attempt to see the silver lining. I love this. Funny tho how difficult it is to
see it when the s**t is hitting the proverbial fan. Being happy is a tough choice to make sometimes, but
its either that or, like you say, be a victim, and thats no way to live at all!
38 Izzy September 18, 2013 at 4:09 am
Hi Paige :).
I love this post. It somehow grounds me. It makes me step back and think about areas in my life where I
might be getting too caught up in the details and I might be missing the bigger picture.
I have to say, number 3 was my favorite. Enjoying the journey is such a beautiful thing. When we can
appreciate the journey for what it is, rather than being caught up in the end result it is truly life
39 Tammi Walker September 24, 2013 at 8:09 pm
Hi Paige,
I love this post. It is so helpful and I think we complicate life. At times people think they will be happy
when they fill in the blank. But we have to be happy before we get married, before material gain, just
try to be happy no matter what. Of course bad times will come but if we are positive we can get
through it. Thank you for your article.
40 Paige Burkes September 25, 2013 at 12:49 pm
Thank you Tammi! Sounds like you really understand so much about being happy! Many people
think things and other people will make them happy.
Ive had many people ask how to create happier relationships. My #1 bit of advice is to learn to
be happy by and with yourself. If you cant fully love and accept yourself, you cant give that to
anyone else. Youll end up wanting to fix things in other people that you actually need to focus
on in yourself.
Be happy on your own and find a mate that has done the same. Thats a great recipe for a happy,
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lasting relationship.
When you know how to be happy with yourself, youll understand that the bad times are like
passing clouds dark for a while but you know theyll be gone soon.
41 Thomas Nicotera November 5, 2013 at 10:15 am
I just stumbled upon your site while looking for some kind of inspiration for my life, other than just a
list of quotes. Although they are good in their ways, they lack the feeling of depth and expression. I
have only yet to read this article and another but I believe whole heartedly in what you are saying! This
point in my life is very very low and the light from he darkness seems like is out of reach most of the
time. I think your words as I continue to read, may be my inspiration that help me through and betters
me as a person. Im a firm believer in things happening for a reason, finding your site is one of them. I
think it is great to have a person like yourself, be able to share great advise in depth, which in return
can truely help someone else. Thank you for making me realize there is hope and I am in control of my
own mind and outcomes in life.
42 Paige Burkes November 5, 2013 at 4:17 pm
Thanks so much Thomas! Almost everything I write is based on personal experiences. I think we
all connect better with personal stories. You can read more of my stories at
The light is always there for you. Its up to you to see it and move towards it. Nothing is keeping
you from doing that but yourself, as youre learning.
All the best to you!!
Paige Burkess last blog post ..4 Simple Questions That Can Make You Rich and Happy
43 Tom Oliver January 15, 2014 at 5:10 pm
Thanks for this post! Happiness is a choice. For some of us for whom it comes easy, we need to help
others achieve it. Keep up the good work. I am starting a smiling initiative for 2014. Please join me!
44 Paige Burkes January 17, 2014 at 3:00 pm
I totally agree with you Tom! Smiling for 30 seconds is my sure-fire cure for turning my mood
around when Im not feeling so happy. Its amazing how many people are caught off-guard when
you give them a heart felt smile. Those make everyone feel better.
Paige Burkess last blog post ..Pick Your Yoga Practice (book giveaway)
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