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Dehumidification Performance Of HVAC Systems

By John Murphy
John Murphy is a senior application engineer with Trane Commercial Systems,
La Crosse, Wis
Microbial contamination is a common cause of occupant complaints and indoor air quality (IAQ) problems
in buildings. ANSI/ASHA! Standard "#$#%%&' (entilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality and t)e
*nited States !n+ironmental ,rotection Agency (!,A) bot) recommend t)at indoor relati+e )umidity be
maintained belo- "%. to minimi/e t)e ris0s of microbial gro-t).
Historically' mec)anical H(A1 systems )a+e focused on controlling t)e dry$bulb
temperature -it)in an occupied space. Space )umidity )as not been acti+ely controlled
and )as often been described as coincidental.
2)is article uses basic psyc)rometric analyses to discuss t)e de)umidification
performance of +arious cold$coil H(A1 systems in non$residential comfort$cooling
applications 3 particularly at part load conditions. 2)e de)umidification performance of a
system )inges on its ability to reduce t)e temperature of t)e air passing t)roug) t)e
cooling coil belo- t)e de- point of t)e air. Ironically' t)e -idely used single$ /one'
constant$+olume system can also be t)e most problematic -)en it comes to
de)umidification at part load.
Constant-Volume Systems
2)e basic constant$+olume (1() system consists of an air )andler (containing a fan and
coil) t)at supplies a constant +olume of air to a single t)ermal /one. A t)ermostat
compares t)e /one dry$bulb temperature to t)e setpoint and modulates t)e capacity of t)e
cooling coil' ad4usting t)e supply$air temperature until t)e /one temperature matc)es t)e
setpoint. 2)is type of system indirectly (or coincidentally) controls space )umidity.
5ater +apor condenses on t)e coil -)ene+er its surface temperature is lo-er t)an t)e
de- point of t)e air passing t)roug) it. 6ess cooling capacity' and t)erefore a -armer coil
surface' means less de)umidification.
2)e pea0 sensible load on t)e cooling coil does not typically occur at t)e same time as
t)e pea0 latent load. 1ooling coils t)at are controlled to maintain t)e dry$bulb
temperature in t)e /one often operate -it)out adequate latent capacity at pea0 latent load
conditions. 7or a complete understanding of a system8s de)umidification performance'
t)e system must be analy/ed at bot) fulland part$load conditions.
Since it -as added to t)e ASHA! Handboo0 3 7undamentals' many designers use t)e
pea0 de- point condition to analy/e t)e part$load de)umidification performance of a
system. Ho-e+er' do not assume t)at t)is pea0 de- point represents t)e -orst$case
condition for space )umidity control. Space )umidity depends as muc) on space sensible
load' space sensible )eat ratio (SH)' and t)e -ay t)e H(A1 system is controlled' as it
does on t)e condition of t)e outdoor air.
2o demonstrate' consider a &%'%%% ft9 (#:9 m9) classroom in ;ac0son+ille' 7la.' t)at
accommodates 9% people. 2)e basic 1( system ser+ing t)is classroom contains a c)illed$
-ater cooling coil -it) a modulating control +al+e for capacity control. 7or t)ermal
comfort' t)e space setpoint is <=>7 (#9.9>1) dry bulb. Supply airflo- is &'?%% cfm
(%.<m9/s)' -)ic) equates to nine air c)anges per )our. 2o pro+ide adequate +entilation'
Standard "#$ #%%& requires &? cfm (: 6/s) of outdoor air for eac) person' or =?% cfm (%.#
m9/s) for t)is space.
Table 1 : Basic CV system erformance for !arious cities"
Pea$ De%-
Cool( &ainy
@altimore <?>7 A,'
:9>7 A@
(#9.:>1 A,
#:.&>1 A@)
"#. <%>7 A@
"B>7 5@
(#&.#>1 A@
#%.">1 5@)
Aallas <?>7 A,'
:#>7 A@
(#9.<>1 A,
#:.%>1 A@)
"". <%>7 A@
"B>7 5@
(#&.#>1 A@
#%.">1 5@)
Aen+er "%>7 A,'
"B>7 A@
(&?.">1 A,
#%.=>1 A@)
??. "9>7 A@
"&>7 5@
(&<.#>1 A@
&".&>1 5@)
<">7 A,'
:=>7 A@
(#=.">1 A,
#:.:>1 A@)
"<. <%>7 A@
"B>7 5@
(#&.#>1 A@
#%.">1 5@)
6os Angeles "<>7 A,'
<?>7 A@
(&B.=>1 A,
#9.">1 A@)
"#. "9>7 A@
"#>7 5@
(&<.#>1 A@
&".<>1 5@)
Minneapolis <9>7 A,'
:9>7 A@
(##.?>1 A,
#:.?>1 A@)
"". <%>7 A@
"B>7 5@
(#&.#>1 A@
#%.">1 5@)
?B>7 A,'
<">7 A@
(&?.#>1 A,
&B.=>1 A@)
?". ?=>7 A@
?9>7 5@
(&#.#>1 A@
&&.<>1 5@)

Table ) : Coincidental dehumidification erformance for !arious enhancements to
CV systems
Sace &H at
Pea$ Dry-Bulb
Sace &H at
Pea$ De%-
Point Condition
Sace &H on
Cool( &ainy
@asic 1onstant$
(olume System
?#. "<. <9.
5it) 7an$
Speed Ad4ustment
?#. "%. ":.
5it) MiCed$
Air @ypass
?#. "?. ":.
5it) MiCed$
Air @ypass and 7an$
Speed Ad4ustment
?#. ?:. "?.
5it) eturn$
Air @ypass (7ull 1oil
7ace at ,art 6oad)
?#. ??. "%.
5it) eturn$
Air @ypass (educed
1oil 7ace at ,art 6oad)
?#. "=. "".
Performance at Pea$ Dry-Bulb Condition
2)e pea0 outdoor dry$bulb condition for ;ac0son+ille is B">7 dry bulb' -it) an a+erage
coincident -et bulb of <">7 (9?.<>1 A@' #=.?>1 5@). At t)is condition' t)e sensible and
latent loads calculated for t)e space3#B'<?% @tu/) (:.< 05) and ?'#?% @tu/) (&.? 05)'
respecti+ely3yield a space sensible )eat ratio (SH) of %.:?. 2)ese are space loads onlyF
t)e load due to t)e introduction of outdoor air for +entilation is intended to be offset by
t)e cooling coil. Also' only t)e latent (moisture) load due to occupants is considered in
t)is eCample. 7or simplicity' ot)er sources of indoor moisture' suc) as infiltration and
+apor pressure diffusion' are neglected. If included' t)ese additional moisture sources
-ould result in e+en )ig)er space )umidity le+els. eference = includes more detail on
indoor sources of moisture.
Gi+en t)e supply airflo- of &'?%% cfm (%.< m9/s)' t)e system must deli+er air at ??.<>7
(&9.&>1) to offset t)e sensible load in t)e space and maintain setpoint.
At t)is condition' t)e resulting space relati+e )umidity is ?#. (*i'ure 1). 2)e cooling
coil remo+es bot) sensible )eat and moisture' directly controlling space temperature and
indirectly reducing space )umidity.
Performance at Pea$ De%-Point Condition
As t)e space sensible load drops' )o-e+er' t)is system allo-s t)e supply$air temperature
to rise by reducing t)e capacity of t)e cooling coil. Alt)oug) t)is control action
successfully maintains t)e space dry$bulb temperature' it also reduces t)e amount of
moisture t)at condenses on t)e coil' and space )umidity rises.
2)e pea0 outdoor de-$point condition for ;ac0son+ille is <">7 de- point' -it) an
a+erage coincident dry bulb of :=>7 (#=.">1 A,' #:.:>1 A@).
At t)is condition' t)e sensible load in t)e classroom drops to &<':?% @tu/) (?.# 05) as a
result of a lo-er outdoor dry$bulb temperature and t)e lo-er solar and conducted )eat
gains. 2)e latent load due to occupants remains unc)anged (?'#?% @tu/) D&.? 05E)'
)o-e+er' and t)e space SH drops to %.<<. Aue to t)e lo-er space sensible load' t)e
&'?%% cfm (%.< m9/s) of supply air must be deli+ered at a -armer temperature 3"9>7
(&<.#>1)3 to pre+ent o+ercooling t)e space.
2)is -armer air' combined -it) a lo-er space SH' raises t)e relati+e )umidity in t)e
classroom from ?#. to "<.3-ell abo+e t)e "%. limit recommended by ASHA!.
2)is is not simply a coil si/ing issue. 5)ene+er a partial$sensible$load condition eCists'
t)e t)ermostat reduces t)e capacity of t)e cooling coil. 6ess moisture is remo+ed from
t)e air and space )umidity rises. H+ersi/ing t)e cooling coil -ill not pre+ent t)is s)ortfall
in latent capacity if system control is based solely on sensible conditions (space dry$bulb
Performance on a Cool( &ainy Day
7inally' -e -ill consider a cool' rainy day 3 <%>7 dry bulb' "B>7 -et bulb (#&.#>1 A@'
#%.">1 5@). At t)is condition' t)e sensible load in t)e classroom drops e+en furt)er to
&#'#?% @tu/) (9." 05). 2)e latent load again remains unc)anged' so t)e space SH drops
to %.<%. 2o a+oid o+ercooling t)e space' t)e supply$air temperature must be "".?>7
2)e result is t)at t)e relati+e )umidity in t)e classroom rises to <9.. Again' space
)umidity can depend as muc) on space sensible load' space SH' and control of t)e
H(A1 system' as it does on outdoor conditions.
+mact of Outdoor Air ,uantity
Some belie+e t)at indoor )umidity problems result primarily from t)e deliberate
introduction of )umid outdoor air for +entilation. Ho-e+er' consider -)at )appens if t)e
outdoor airflo- for t)is eCample classroom is reduced to &?% cfm (%.%< m9/s)' or ?
cfm/person (#."< 6/s/person)
@ecause t)e space sensible and latent loads are unc)anged (only t)e +entilation load
c)anges)' t)e supply$air temperature and space SH are also unc)anged. At t)e pea0 dry$
bulb condition' t)e resulting space relati+e )umidity is ?%. (*i'ure ))' as compared to
?#. -it) t)e proper quantity of +entilation air. @ut' at t)e pea0 de- point condition' t)e
resulting space )umidity is nearly "?.' and on t)e cool' rainy day' it is <%..
educing t)e +entilation rate lo-ers space )umidity slig)tly' but may not adequately
sol+e t)e problem of )ig) space )umidity le+els associated -it) 1( systems t)at are
controlled based on space dry$bulb temperature alone. More importantly' it results in
under+entilated spaces' possibly leading to ot)er IAQ problems.
2)e use of traditional pac0aged' direct$eCpansion (AI) air$conditioning equipment can
compound t)e indoor )umidity problem in 1( systems -it) )ig)er +entilation rates.
More outdoor air' especially in )umid climates' increases t)e required cooling and
de)umidification capacity. @ecause t)is type of equipment )as a limited cfm/ton range'
t)is increase in capacity often results in )ig)er supply airflo-' corresponding -armer
supply$air temperatures' and ele+ated space )umidity le+els. 2)e cycling of compressors
in AI equipment complicates t)e problem because condensate re$e+aporates from t)e
coils -)en t)e compressors are off' but t)e fans remain on.
+mact of Climate
1ontrary to popular belief' )ig) indoor )umidity le+els can be an issue in nearly all
geograp)ic locations' not 4ust in areas -)ere )ot' )umid conditions pre+ail. 5)ene+er
)ig) relati+e )umidity le+els eCist at or near a cold' porous surface' moisture adsorption
increases and moisture$related problems (suc) as increased )ealt) ris0s from mold
gro-t) and premature replacement of equipment and furnis)ings) become li0ely.
Table 1 compares t)e de)umidification performance of t)is basic' 1( system ser+ing
t)is eCample classroom in +arious climates. Notice )o- similar t)e pea0 de- point
condition is for many of t)e locations. In t)ese regions' t)e part$load performance of t)is
eCample system is similar. In t)e dry climates (Aen+er and San 7ransisco)' t)e system
performs better because t)e outdoor air is dry enoug) to pro+ide a de)umidifying effect.
Ignoring system operation at part$load conditions can lead to )ig) indoor )umidity le+els
in many locations' not 4ust )ot' )umid climates.
-nhancement to Constant-Volume Systems
2)ere are -ays to impro+e t)e de)umidification performance of a constant$+olume
system. Some en)ancements directly control space )umidity -)ile ot)ers impro+e t)e
system8s ability to coincidentally de)umidify t)e air.
Suly-Air Temerin' .&eheat/
2)e most common met)od used for directly controlling indoor )umidity in a 1( system
is to o+ercool t)e air to remo+e moisture' and t)en temper (re)eat) t)e air to a+oid
o+ercooling t)e space. A )umidity sensor in t)e space controls t)e capacity of t)e cooling
coil to remo+e moisture from t)e supply air and maintain space )umidity belo- an upper
limit (typically t)e ASHA!recommended limit of "%. H).
2)e do-nstream )eating coil raises t)e dry$bulb temperature of t)e supply air 4ust
enoug) to a+oid o+ercooling t)e space. Ho-e+er' as long as space )umidity is belo- t)e
upper limit' t)e system performs 4ust li0e t)e basic 1( system described earlier.
Supply$sir tempering may use Jne-K energy or )eat reco+ered from some ot)er part of
t)e system. Aoes ANSI/ASHA!/I!SNA Standard B%.&3#%%&' !nergy Standard for
@uildings !Ccept 6o-$ise esidential @uildings pro)ibit t)e use of ne- energy for
re)eat in 1( systemsL Not necessarily.
Section ".9.# of t)e standard does not pro)ibit t)e use of ne- energy re)eat' it only limits
its use by defining t)e eCceptions -)ere it is allo-ed. Smaller terminal equipment' mid$
si/e equipment t)at is capable of unloading to ?%. capacity before re)eat is used' and
systems t)at ser+e certain space types (suc) as museums' surgical suites' and
supermar0ets) are eCempt from t)is limitation. Additionally' re)eat is al-ays allo-ed if
at least <?. of t)e re)eat energy is reco+ered.
Treat the Outdoor Air Searately
Anot)er met)od of directly controlling indoor )umidity is to indi+idually treat t)e
outdoor and return airstreams. Separate cooling coils are controlled independently to
maintain bot) space temperature and )umidity. A space )umidity sensor directly controls
t)e capacity of t)e outdoor$air coil to maintain space )umidity belo- t)e upper limit. A
space t)ermostat directly controls t)e capacity of t)e return$air coil to maintain space
dry$bulb temperature at setpoint.
2)is can be accomplis)ed using an entirely separate air )andler (a dedicated outdoor$air
unit) to de)umidify all of t)e outdoor air' to a de- point drier t)an t)e space' before
deli+ering it directly to t)e occupied spaces' or to t)e miCing boCes of ot)er air )andlers.
*i'ure 0 s)o-s a dedicated outdoor$air unit deli+ering conditioned outdoor air directly to
an occupied space -)ere a fancoil )andles t)e space load.
Alternati+ely' a single Jdual$pat)K air )andler can be used to separately condition bot)
airstreams in t)e same unit (*i'ure 0). !ac) airstream )as its o-n cooling coil' but a
single constant$+olume fan ser+es bot) pat)s. A stac0ed configuration is often used to
ta0e ad+antage of t)e smaller footprint.
In addition to t)ese direct )umidity control en)ancements' t)ere are ot)er en)ancements
t)at simply impro+e t)e direct (or coincidental) de)umidification performance of a 1(
*an Seed Ad1ustment
Many in$space terminal units' suc) as fan$coils and classroom unit +entilators' )a+e t)e
ability to operate at multiple fan speeds. Automatically reducing t)e fan speed as t)e first
step of cooling capacity reduction impro+es t)e de)umidification performance of t)ese
1( units. 2)e reduced airflo- results in a lo-er supply$air temperature for a gi+en load
condition' and t)erefore' more moisture is remo+ed from t)e air.
*ace-and-Byass Damers
7ace$and$bypass dampers arranged to allo- air to bypass t)e cooling coil can also
impro+e t)e indirect de)umidification performance of a 1( system. A space t)ermostat
controls cooling capacity by ad4usting t)e positions of t)e lin0ed face and bypass
dampers' regulating airflo- t)roug) and around t)e coil until t)e appropriate supply$air
temperature is ac)ie+ed. 1)illed$-ater flo- t)roug) t)e cooling coil is )eld constant' not
modulated. 5)ile t)e entering -ater temperature and flo- rate are unc)anged' t)e
+elocity of t)e air passing t)roug) t)e coil drops at part load' allo-ing t)e air to get
colder and more moisture to condense. esetting t)e temperature of t)e c)illed -ater' or
+arying -ater flo- t)roug) t)e cooling coil' bot) negati+ely impact t)e performance of
t)is system en)ancement' and s)ould be a+oided.
2)ere are t-o configurations for using face$andbypass dampersM miCed$air bypass and
return$air bypass. MiCed$air bypass blends cool' dry air lea+ing t)e cooling coil -it)
miCed air (a miCture of outdoor and return air). eturn$air bypass blends cool' dry air
lea+ing t)e cooling coil -it) return air. 5)en t)e outdoor air contains more moisture
t)an t)e return air' return$air bypass is more effecti+e because it usually directs all of t)e
moist outdoor air t)roug) t)e cooling coil.
@ecause of limited space' t)e implementation of return$air bypass in terminal units often
results in reduced coil face area as t)e damper closes. In ot)er -ords' as t)e load
decreases' t)e face damper pre+ents miCed air from passing t)roug) part of t)e cooling
coil. 2)e effect is t)at t)e air passing t)roug) t)e coil does not slo- do-n muc) at part
load. 2)is results in -armer air lea+ing t)e coil' and )ig)er space )umidity' t)an if t)e
entire face of t)e coil -as a+ailable.
5)ile direct de)umidification en)ancements (supply$air tempering and treating t)e
outdoor air separately) can be used to control space )umidity to any desired limit' t)e
indirect en)ancements simply impro+e t)e indirect (or coincidental) de)umidification
performance of t)e 1( system. Table ) compares t)e performance of t)ese indirect
en)ancements for our classroom eCample.
VAV Systems
A +ariable$air$+olume ((A() system consists of a central air )andler t)at supplies
constant$temperature air to multiple t)ermal /ones. A t)ermostat in eac) /one compares
dry$bulb temperature to t)e setpoint' and a (A( terminal unit modulates t)e +olume of
air deli+ered to t)e /one in response to t)e c)anging sensible load. 2)e central supply fan
is modulated to maintain static pressure in t)e duct system and t)e capacity of t)e central
cooling coil is modulated to maintain a constant supply$air temperature.
(A( systems generally pro+ide effecti+e' indirect (or coincidental) de)umidification
o+er a -ide range of indoor load conditions. As long as any space needs cooling' t)e
(A( air )andler supplies dry (lo- de- point) air to all of t)e (A( terminal units. 6et8s
use t)e same eCample classroom to analy/e t)e de)umidification performance of t)is
basic (A( system.
Performance at Pea$ Dry-Bulb Condition
At t)e pea0 dry$bulb condition' t)e space sensible load and supply$air temperature are t)e
same as for t)e 1( system. Gi+en t)e supply airflo- of &'?%% cfm (%.<m9/s)' a supply$air
temperature of ??.<>7 (&9.&>1) is required to offset t)e space sensible cooling load. 2)e
resulting space relati+e )umidity is ?#. (*i'ure 2).
Performance at Pea$ De%-Point Condition
At partial sensible$load conditions' t)e (A( system responds by reducing t)e quantity of
air supplied to t)e space' -)ile maintaining a constant supply$air temperature. At t)e
part$load' pea0 de- point condition' t)e supply airflo- is reduced to :BB cfm (%.=# m9/s)
to a+oid o+ercooling t)e space.
@ecause t)e supply air is still cool and dry' t)e relati+e )umidity in t)e classroom only
rises to ?<.' as compared to "<. for t)e basic 1( system operating at t)is same
+mact of 3inimum Airflo% Settin's
!+entually' t)e sensible load in t)e space drops to a point -)ere t)e required airflo- is
belo- t)e minimum airflo- setting of t)e (A( terminal unit. 2)e minimum airflo-
setting for t)is eCample classroom is <%% cfm (%.99 m9/s). Hn t)e cool' rainy day' if <%%
cfm (%.99 m9/s) is supplied at ??.<>7 (&9.&>1)' t)e space -ill be o+ercooled to <&.:>7
(##.&>1). As t)e dry$bulb temperature in t)e space decreases' t)e relati+e )umidity
increases3to "". in t)is eCample 3 and t)e space feels cool and damp.
Hne solution to pre+ent o+ercooling is to lo-er t)e minimum airflo- setting of t)e (A(
boC. Ho-e+er' t)is setting is li0ely based on eit)er space +entilation requirements' or
diffuser or terminal unit performance limitations.
Anot)er possible solution to pre+ent o+ercooling is to reset t)e temperature of t)e supply
air up-ard at lo-load conditions. Hn t)e cool' rainy day' raising t)e supply$sir
temperature to ?<.B>7 (&=.9>1) -ould a+oid o+ercooling t)e space and reduce t)e energy
consumed by t)e mec)anical cooling equipment.
Ho-e+er' less moisture condenses out of t)e air and t)e space relati+e )umidity rises to
"?.. !ac) system must be analy/ed to determine if t)e increase in space )umidity le+els'
and fan energy consumption' out-eig) t)e sa+ings in mec)anical cooling and re)eat
Adding sensible )eat at t)e (A( terminal unit to temper (re)eat) t)e supply air is t)e
most common met)od of a+oiding bot) o+ercooling t)e space and rising space )umidity
le+els. 5)en t)e supply airflo- drops to t)e minimum setting' sensible )eat is added
eit)er at t)e terminal unit or -it)in t)e space itself. 2)is mig)t in+ol+e radiant )eat in t)e
space' a )eating coil mounted on t)e (A( terminal unit' fan$po-ered (A( units' or a
dual$duct (A( system.
Hn t)e cool' rainy day' a )eating coil in t)e (A( terminal unit is used to -arm t)e
??.<>7 (&9.&>1) supply air to ?<.B>7 (&=.9>1) before deli+ering it to t)e space. 2)is
a+oids o+ercooling t)e space and results in a space relati+e )umidity of "%. (*i'ure 2).
Supply$air tempering at t)e (A( terminals may use Jne-K energy or )eat reco+ered
from some ot)er part of t)e system. Aoes Standard B%.&3#%%& pro)ibit t)e use of ne-
energy for re)eat in (A( terminalsL 2)e ans-er is generally no. Section ".9.# of t)e
standard does not pro)ibit t)e use of ne- energy re)eat' it only limits its use by defining
t)e eCceptions -)ere it is allo-ed. Most /ones in a (A( system )a+e a minimum airflo-
setting belo- ?%. of design supply airflo-. 2)erefore' due to !Cception A in t)is
section' ne- energy -ould be allo-ed for re)eat after t)e airflo- is reduced to t)e
minimum setting.
-nhancements to VAV Systems
!+en t)oug) (A( systems generally pro+ide effecti+e' indirect de)umidification o+er a
-ide range of indoor load conditions' t)ere are -ays to impro+e t)eir de)umidification
Treat the Outdoor Air Searately
Hne met)od is to separately treat t)e outdoor and return airstreams. 2)is is typically
accomplis)ed using a dedicated outdoor$air unit to cool and de)umidify all of t)e outdoor
air to a de- point drier t)an t)e space. 2)is conditioned outdoor air is t)en deli+ered
directly to t)e spaces' to t)e J+entilation damperK of indi+idual dualduct (A( terminal
units' or to one or more (A( air )andlers. A )umidity sensor in t)e space controls t)e
capacity of t)e dedicated outdoor$air unit to maintain )umidity in all spaces belo- an
upper limit.
Colder Suly Air
6o-ering t)e temperature of t)e air lea+ing t)e central cooling coil in a (A( system
results in more moisture being condensed out of t)e supply air. At t)e pea0 dry$bulb
condition' designing t)e (A( system ser+ing t)is eCample classroom for a ?%>7 (&%>1)
supplyair temperature' rat)er t)an ??.<>7 (&9.9>1)' results in lo-er supply airflo-.
2)is colder' drier supply air results in a drier space at all load conditions. 7or eCample' at
t)e pea0 dry$bulb condition' t)e space relati+e )umidity is =<.' compared to ?#. -it) a
more traditional supply$air temperature.
H(A1 systems )a+e )istorically focused on controlling t)e space dry$bulb temperature'
-)ile space de)umidification -as coincidental. 2)e -idely used single$/one' constant$
+olume system can be t)e most problematic -)en it comes to de)umidification'
particularly at part$load conditions. (A( systems' )o-e+er' generally pro+ide effecti+e'
indirect de)umidification o+er a -ide range of indoor load conditions.
5)en properly designed and controlled' t)e H(A1 system can significantly reduce t)e
moisture content of indoor air. Analy/e system de)umidification performance at bot)
full$and part$load conditions' and consider t)e ad+antages and disad+antages of eac)
system en)ancement. 2)e en)ancements discussed in t)is article are detailed furt)er in
eference 9. 2)e rig)t c)oice for a gi+en pro4ect depends on t)e climate' building use'
a+ailable budget' and operating cost goals.
&. ANSI/ASHA! Standard "#.&3#%%&' (entilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality.
#. ANSI/ASHA!/I!SNA Standard B%.&3#%%&' !nergy Standard for @uildings !Ccept 6o-$ise
esidential @uildings.
9. Murp)y' ;. #%%#. Ae)umidification in H(A1 Systems' applications engineering manual' SNS$
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=. Stan0e' A. et al. &BB:. Managing @uilding Moisture' applications engineering manual' SNS$AM$
&?' 2rane.
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Ne-sletter' #B(=) 2rane.
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<. *.S. !n+ironmental ,rotection Agency. #%%&. Mold emediation in Sc)ools and 1ommercial
@uildings' !,A =%#$O$ %&$%%&' Marc) (---.epa.go+/iaq/molds).

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