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- In-Depth Guide

Misc Tips
MD Magic Doll -
Piranha -
Merone -
Link Communication -
Search!! -
Konnyaku Potatoes -
Magic ote!ook - !"#
Completing The Game
- Magic -
- Items - $%
Gummys - &'
Tails - ()
Lea"es - *(+
#om!s - ,%
Coins - -.
$"ent Items - /.0$%
- $%uipment Items - 12$%
&ead - 3
'rm - 4
#ody - 5
Leg - 6
'ccessories - 789
Seals - :
- MD Parts - ;<
Shell - :=
Gem - =%
(ruit - ><
Mica - ?
Gut - @0
- Seirei - AB
- Characters - ?CD
*ther Characters
&idden Characters
Species $ncyclopedia - EFGH
- (',s
- Sta-- Credits
- Guide #ooks
- otes
Spoiler otes
Translation otes
- *ld .pdates
- (', Credits
- Copyright
The students -rom the magic school /ill *0 /isp are a1ay at summer school !y the 2alencia seaside3 *n
the !each they are attacked !y the mysterious $nigma monsters3 /hile the hero -ights them o--4 the other
students gets scattered and disappear3 ' "ast ad"enture a1aits to -ind the lost -riends and -ight o--
the "icious monsters3 In this 1orld4 the students and monsters all ha"e magical attri!utes3 There
are 56 di--erent magic elements4 like thunder4 1ater4 -ire4 insect and sound3 Magical Seirei spirits o- the
associated element accompany you and enhance your strength in !attles3 /hen you call on them the po1er
o- magic increases3 This is a comple7 and in"ol"ing game !ut it0s still "ery much en8oya!le e"en
i- you don0t get into the minute details o- the magic and items3
- #ura
The money in the game is called #ura 9I:3
- Pi;;a /arp Shop
Pi;;a is a guy in a !ig !lue hat that creates 1arp spots on the map3 &e 1ill ask -or < pinecones 9JK(
L: -or the trou!le3 'ccess the 1arp spots through the /orld Map menu to 1arp at any time3 .ntil you ha"e
the map 9MG: -or a plane you 1on0t !e a!le to 1arp3
- Magic
't the !eginning o- the game you only ha"e a -e1 pieces o- 1eak e%uipment4 !ut as you le"el up you 1ill
learn more and po1er-ul e%uipment4 see the magic section -or details and lists3
- Seirei
The cute little Seirei 9spirits: aren0t 8ust there to collect= they ser"e a "ery real purpose in the game3 Call on a
Seirei in !attle and the ne7t attack 1ith that element 1ill ha"e t1ice the po1er3 >ou can call on as many
Seirei as you ha"e4 and -or each one the po1er dou!les3 So i- you ha"e a lot o- Seirei
you can pull o-- super strong attacks3 #ut the enemy can also use your Seirei4 and you can use theirs3 '"oid
launching Seirei o- the same attri!ute as the opponent and use any Seirei they launch3 The most important
Seirei is pro!a!ly the Lo"e Seirei 9N:3 Lo"e magic is used to heal the &P and MP o- the party4 and is
crucial in !attles3 (or more details on the "arious Seirei and ho1 to a%uire them4 see the Seirei
- Stats
L2 - Le"el4 main status le"el
&P - &it Points4 ho1 much o- a !eating you can take
MP - Magic Points4 ho1 much magic you can use
O - Po1er4 Po1er o- the physical kick attack
P - De-ence4 Protection against physical attacks
Q - Speed4 &o1 early you attack
A - Spirit4 Protection against magic attacks
M)P - MP +eco"ery4 &o1 many ? o- MP is regained each turn
$@P - $7perience points4 once it0s -ull you 1ill le"el up
- &ealing
&PA Some o- the green pots heal &P4 and it doesn0t cost anything3
MPA Some o- the !ro1n 8ars heal MP4 it costs 5 green Gummy (rog3
&P can only !e healed -rom the outside4 "ia magic4 items or the green pots3
MP heals automatically -or each turn in the !attles3 >ou can see on the status screen ho1 many ? o- your
MP 1ill !e healed3 MP can also !e healed -rom the outside "ia magic4 items or the !ro1n 8ars3
- Inn
In all the !igger "illages there0s an Inn3 Stay at the Inn and you replenish all &P and MP o- your party3 In
som "illages the Inn is -ree4 in some it costs < #ura the -irst time4 and -ree a-ter that4 in some it costs < #ura
e"ery time3
- MD Magic Doll
The Magic Doll is a dummy mem!er o- your party that can take on the magic o- other party mem!ers3 (or
more details see the MD section3
- #attle !asics
The ma8ority o- !attles are random encounters4 !ut there are also some areas 1ithout random !attles 1here
you must acti"ely choose to -ight3 See 1alkthrough -or details3 The !attles are all turn !ased4 and there are
no timers or action elements3 There is an element o- strategy in choosing 1hich area to attack3 There is
magic that attacks and heals4 items that attack 9!om!s: and heal 9Gummys:4 you can kick the enemy 9using
no MP:4 !lock attacks4 or attempt to escape3 The enemy magic can cause status ailments that makes it
impossi!le to -ight3 The order o- attack depends on each character0s Speed 9Q: le"el3
I- your entire party is -ainted 9&P B: or petri-ied it0s game o"er 9start o"er
-rom the last sa"e point:3 Like1ise4 i- the entire enemy party is -ainted or petri-ied you 1in the !attle3 '-ter
1inning you 1ill recei"e #ura 9I:4 e7perience and may!e some item9s:3 .sually4 the harder the !attle
9more enemies4 higher le"els: the !igger the re1ard3
- Item #asics
Gummy (rogs 9RS&': heals &P3 They0re little green)!lue)red -rogs hopping around in the -ield trying
to a"oid you3
Gummy /orms 9''T&': heals MP3 They0re little yello1)red earth1orms cra1ling around in the -ield4
and hiding -rom you in Gummy /orm holes3 Catch them -ast !e-ore they !urro13
Tails 9(): are used -or healing status ailments in !attle3 They0re little tails lying a!out in the -ield3
Lea"es 9*(+: increases "arious stats3 They0re little green lea"es lying a!out in the -ield3
Coins 9-.: are used -or paying Seirei3 They0re little golden glittery coins lying a!out in the -ield3
Seals 9:: are used -or protection3 They0re little round red items sticking to 1alls3
Pinecones 9JK(L: are gi"en to Pi;;a to create 1arp spots3 They0re
!ro1n little pinecones lying a!out in the -ield3
$%uipment Items 912$%: are e%uipped on your party mem!ers to
increase stats3
MD Parts are e%uipped on the Magic Dolls3
#om!s 9,%: are used in !attle instead o- magic3
Some items can !e -ound in the -ield as descri!ed a!o"e3
They can also !e -ound in chests4 1on in !attles4 or a%uired at certain e"ents3
Some can also !e !ought in Shops -or #ura4 see prices in the item section3
'part -rom their primary usage4 a lot o- items are also used as payment -or
Seirei4 or you need to gather them to make Seirei appear4 see the Seirei
(or more details on the di--erent kinds o- items4 see the item section3
There are also $"ent Items4 some needed to progress the story4 some simply
use-ul3 These are usually recei"ed 1hen reaching a speci-ic point or
-ull-illing some task3 Details can !e -ound in the 1alkthrough3
- Items and Status $--ects in #attle
/hen in !attle and it0s your turn to attack4 select the Item icon 9$%:3
It looks like a round pouch3
>ou 1ill !e gi"en a list o- all the items you ha"e3
(irst are the Gummys 9-rog icons:4 then Tails 9tail icons:4 last #om!s 9!om!
Press select and detailed in-o 1ill pop up3
*n the second line o- the popup the e--ect o- the item is listed3
Select the item you 1ant to use and chose 1hich mem!er to use it on3
The Gummys heals &P and MP4 in the e--ect popup it 1ill say &P CB4 MP <B etc3
The Tails heals status e--ects4 in the e--ect popup it 1ill say 1hich status
ailment it0s curing4 and usually it 1ill say o"er your teams head 1hich status
e--ect they0re a--licted 1ith4 so match them up to heal them3
So -or e7ample4 i- it says 2U 9um!ness: o"er your character you look in
the detailed in-o popup -or a Tail that lists 2U healing as the e--ect4
that is :VW!() 9um! Tail:3
W!() 9Poison Tail: 1ill cure X 9Poison:
:VW!() 9um! Tail: 1ill cure 2U 9um!ness:
YW!() 9Paralysis Tail: 1ill cure Y)JZ 9Paralysis:
7?W!() 9Stone Tail: 1ill cure [\ 9Petri-ication:
>R!() 9+e"i"al Tail: 1ill cure ]^ 9(ainting:
The most important Tail is >R!() 9+e"i"al Tail: that cures -ainting3
It is listed last o- the Tails4 right !e-ore the !om!s3
#e sure to al1ays ha"e these in stock as soon as you are a!le to !uy them3
*nce your entire team is -ainted it0s game o"er4 so try to heal -ainting as
soon as you can3
'll status e--ects are cleared a-ter the !attle ends3
Select a !om! and you can see 1hich attri!ute they ha"e on the -irst line o-
the detailed in-o popup3
Choose a !om! and select 1hich enemy area it should attack3
See In-Depth Guide)Tips -or in-o on all status e--ects3
- Di--iculty Le"els
&o1 hard the game is depends on 1hich Magic 'ttri!ute you choose4 see the
chart !elo13
't the !eginner le"el you don0t need to le"el up as much to !eat the monsters
in a speci-ic area4 and at the skilled le"el you need to le"el up a lot3
There are also t1o DmodesD in 1hich you can play the game3
The easy 1ay is to 8ust play along and pick up any items you see3 This 1ay you
1ill !e a!le to -inish the story 8ust -ine4 !ut you 1on0t !e a!le to complete
the game 5BB?3 This is the most -un 1ay to play the game the -irst time3
To !e a!le to complete the game 5BB? you need to play the hard 1ay3 It takes
some kno1ledge on some things to a"oid3 (or more in-o see the per-ect game
hints in the 1alkthrough4 and the Seirei section3 This can make the game more
interesting to replay3
ote that you 1ill need 5BB -riends 1ith the game to link up and trade 1ith
9take that Pokemon!: to !e a!le to -ully complete the game3
- Magic Di--iculty Le"els
Player Le"el #eginnerA
Thunder 9_:
(ire 9`:
Poison 9a:
Tree 9b:
Player Le"el MediumA
Sound 9c:
'ncient 9d:
Stone 9[:
#east 9e:
/ater 9f:
Player Le"el SkilledA
#eauty 9g:
/ind 9h:
#lade 9i:
Insect 9j:
- Starting the game3
Select the only a"aila!le optionA
kl% - e1 Game
Select to play as !oy or girl3 #oy got higher &P 1hile girl has higher MP3
$nter your name and select the !ottom le-t !utton to con-irm3
Select your Magic attri!ute 9see chart a!o"e4 and magic)Seirei sections -or
more in-o:
I- you are playing the game -or the -irst time you might 1ant to pick a
!eginner attri!ute4 !ut i- you 1ant more o- a challenge pick a medium or e"en
skilled attri!ute3
'-ter the opening the game starts!
FF List o- Locations FF
/ill *0 /isp - mnopomnqr
2alencia #each - stu.:vw
- Plane o- Light - x!ru.
Mimoretto (orest - 'u0!y
(orest Ca"e - y!z{
Toruna 2illage - 0W|
#enakoncha +uins - /W-.}C~
Sparro1 (ield -
Sparro1 &ot Springs -
/akuti 2illage - $n|
+emittsu +oyal Palace 9*utside: - u'<
+emittsu +oyal Palace 9Inside: - u'<
I!ense +ocks - /.7
+oad To +oche - :k!
Pippurusu To1n - rqDm.
La +oche To1er - o:k!
Geara"a 2illage - lst|
Kido Monga - ?o.@
- Plane o- Darkness - !ru.
+ehika-u S1amp - uYR>
Masarati 2illage - 8$n|
Icy Island - !
Gera /ind Ca"e - =h
Tapiokati 2illage - DpR$n|
+iginio Gungle - 9p
Kumuyamuto Desert - %%0
'%ua!it Castle - V0
$nigma (orest - S&!y
Tree Man0s Colony - <9.!
Kugande 2illage - @.|
$ast (orest - !y
Moru!ie 2olcano - VS`
#asorimo 2illage - 9|
#ro1nie &ole - Im!
Kisunika Mine - ?qR
- Plane o- Death - !ru.
#ig +ock -
Ga;pacho 2illage - @q;}|
Tandoori - D.9
+uins o- $arth - !M
Moiroroto 2illage - 0|
Pyramid - '
+akyuo - ?kp
Corridor o- Death - !
$arth o- Darkness - -!M
S1amp o- Despair - !
Moginasu Lair - Wq{
- Garam Masala - @%8
Shisa!arei - :8u
+idonahi - 9WY
FF /alkthrough FF
F Introduction F
This 1alkthrough co"ers all the e"ents needed -or the story to progress3 It
does not detail e"ery single item4 so e7plore each area -ully to get all !onus
The recommended le"el -or each area is a good guideline4 !ut it "aries a !it
depending on 1hich magic attri!ute you0"e chosen3
I- you 1ant to a"oid spoilers4 there are only a -e1 areas 1here you really
need a 1alkthrough to get through3 These areA
La +oche To1er o:k! - the rat to1er
Kido Monga ?o.@ - -actory !uilding
Pyramid '
So i- you 1ant to you can 8ust play the game and scroll do1n to those areas
1hen you need help 1ith them3
Throughout the guide there is some strategy ad"ice3 To go directly to these
you can search -or D- Strategy 'd"iceD4 o- i- you 1ant to -igure out your o1n
strategy4 8ust a"oid these sections3
I recommend InotI playing along to the 1alkthrough -rom !eginning to end4
especially the -irst time playing the game3 This tends to get rather !oring4
and reading 1hat happens !e-ore you get there sucks the -un out o- any
+ather4 look things up i- you get stuck4 or possi!ly to check each area at the
end to see i- you missed anything3 *r i- you don0t kno1 Gapanese4 to see 1hat
8ust happened3
To -ind out 1hich area you are currently in check the sa"e screen 9main menu -
S !utton at the !ottom o- the list: the name at the top o- the screen is the
area you are currently in 9in Gapanese:3 The name at the !ottom o- the screen
is the area 1here you last sa"ed3
There is also a !rie- description o- each area in the 1alkthrough4 so you
should !e a!le to identi-y them e"en i- you can0t read Gapanese3
Per-ect game hints are -ound throughout the 1alkthrough 1here they0re needed3
I- this is your -irst time playing the game it0s pro!a!ly more -un to not
attempt a per-ect game3 It0s a great challenge 1hen replaying the game though3
Per-ect game hintA 9skip i- you don0t 1ant to kno1: To !e a!le to complete the
game 5BB? you need to not catch or !uy '> Gummy (rogs until you ha"e made
-riends 1ith all the Lo"e Seirei3 In addition you also need to a"oid making
-riends 1ith the Dark Seirei until you ha"e got all se"en Light Seirei3
&o1e"er4 i- you a"oid the Gummy (rogs Dark Seirei 1on0t e"en appear3
The no Gummy (rogs rule makes things rather333 interesting3 >ou can still use
Gummy (rogs you get -rom !attles4 chests4 e"ents etc4 !ut you need to !e "ery
care-ul a!out spending them4 and only using them -or healing in emergencies4
like in !oss -ights3 Le"el up a lot and only use the &P pots -or healing 1hen
you !attle normally3
There are also a -e1 places 1here Gummy (rogs are !locking your 1ay3 (or no1
you ha"e to simply lea"e them !e and come !ack later -or 1hate"er they 1ere
!locking3 In a -e1 places 1here they !lock important things4 or 1here the lack
o- Gummy (rogs is a !other I ha"e gi"en hints -or alternati"e routes -or
clearing the game3 Sa"e o-ten so you can restart in case you accidentally
catch a Gummy (rog3
ote that the a!o"e only applies i- you are trying to do a completely per-ect
game3 #ut e"en i- you are 8ust playing normally you should still try to hold
!ack on catching Gummy (rogs to !e a!le to get a -e1 Lo"e Seirei4 !ut you
needn0t a"oid those !locking paths etc3
'nd no1333 on 1ith the game!
F *pening F
Magic Kingdom Ko"omaka3
In a small "illage at the edge o- the land4
there 1as a !oy3
The !oy could see Seirei3
*n a -allen tree !ranch on the gra"el road4
a Seirei lurks4
the !oy kne13
Seeing the !oy sitting on the road4 talking to a Seirei4
the people in the "illage 1ere spooked3
Soon4 they !egan to shun the !oy4 calling him a liar3
They started speaking ill o- him3
*n a day like this came an old gentleman4
"isiting the !oy0s house3
This man !rought magic to the continent3
&e 1as the great magician Gran Dragee3
DDo you like the SeireiJD
D>eah! I like them a lot!D
D/ould you like to make more Seirei -riendsJD
D*- course!D
#e-ore the !oy0s eyes4 around the great magician4
countless Seirei appeared3
This 1as ho1 the !oy and Gran Dragee4
The Magic School principal4
decided to go to /ill *0 /isp3
'nd o-- they 1ent3
*n the 1ay to the school dormitory4
Gran Dragee told the !oyA
DThere are many that came -rom my school4
that no1 hold important o--ices in this country3
&o1e"ery4 I only teach magic4
and am not concerned 1ith such things3
That is all I 1anted to tell you3
'll the things in this 1orld4
in the end4 it comes do1n to your o1n intentions4
you are -ree to do 1hate"er you 1ant3D
F /ill *0 /isp F
F mnopomnqr F
/elcome to the Magic School! 2acation is a!out to start and e"eryone are
Talk to your classmates in the Ken room3 The talk is all a!out lea"ing -or
camp today3 /hen is the !us comingJ Pistachio is 1orrying a!out passing his
e7ams3 #ut he and the others 1ill train at the camp3
$7it into the hall1ay3
Peche comes running3
She0s all e7citedA DThe !us is here already! It0s not an ordinary !us either4
it0s a magic !us that Gran Dragee got -rom King Geattsua!!D
Ca-e au Lait comes tum!ling do1n the stairsA D&elp!!D
PecheA D>ou should get to the !us already Ca-e au Lait-chan3 /here is
Ca-e au LaitA DThey0re talking a!out going to the camp3D
PecheA D*h4 they are all so irresponsi!le!
&ero-chan please get e"eryone in the music room!
I 1ill go to the Ken room mysel-!D
Go to the music room on the second -loor3
CidreA DIt0s a lie3 Isn0t there a reason 1e go to 2alencia #each e"ery yearJD
CassisA DThere are rumours3D
CidreA DI- it 1as true 1e 1ould ha"e stopped going to camp e"ery year3 Is
there any proo-JD
*li"eA DGanache0s older sister333 She came !ack -rom camp three years ago and
ran a1ay immediately3D
CidreA DSo 1hat does that ha"e to do 1ith the campJ It0s 8ust !een !lo1n out
o- proportion3D
CassisA DI had a dream a!out it3D
CidreA D>ou can0t e7plain missing people 1ith a dream!!D
*li"eA DLet0s stop this kind o- talk already3D
CidreA D/e 8ust need to ask Ganache4 he0ll kno13 /here is Ganache any1ayJD
CassesA D&e0s still in mourning4 doesn0t like to talk a!out his -amily3 May!e
1e should ask Ca!ernet3D
CidreA D/hy Ca!ernet4 1here is heJD
CassisA D/ell &ero came here to get us4 1e0ll !e late3D
'ranciaA DThis is con-using4 let0s 8ust go3D
CassisA DSomeone al1ays disappears there3 2alencia #each is a dangerous
CidreA DI- 2alencia #each is so dangerous 1e 1ouldn0t go there e"ery year3
It0s sa-e3D
*li"eA DI got this strange -eeling in my heart333 /hat i- Cassis is rightJ #ut
he shouldn0t !e3D
'ranciaA D/ell4 someone is right4 !ut camp might !e real nice3D
'-ter they are -inished talking4 talk to e"eryone there to make -riends3
Don0t miss the items in the room to the le-t o- the music room3 ote the
little Lo"e Seal i- you clim! up the ladder at the !ack o- the room3
Talk to Ca!ernet in the 1estern classroom3 Listen to his story a!out his older
!rother Chardonnay and Ganache0s older sister 2anilla3 It seems they might
ha"e !een more than -riends333 In the -lash!ack Chardonnay promises to take on
the 1hole 1orld to protect 2anilla4 !ut she says she can take care o- hersel-3
Then she lea"es3
Ca!ernet 1ill make -riends 1ith you3
Talk to Gran Dragee 9&.o=:4 the headmaster4 and Madeleine-sensei
9u:4 the teacher4 in the teachers0 lounge in the east
Madeleine-senseiA D$"en i- you say so4 the students333D
Gran DrageeA DIt 1ill !e *K4 ha"e some -aith3D
Madeleine-senseiA D>our 1ords are cheer-ul !ut333D
Gran DrageeA DPlease4 Madeleine3D
$7it the school and you0ll enter the Magic #us 9q:3
Gran DrageeA DThis camp is also a test to look at the po1er o- your magic3 I-
you lea"e the camp you 1ill !e e7pelled -rom the school3D
Pistachio D/hy!JD
Madeleine-sensei is missing4 !ut a-ter some -u;;ing she comes 1ith Chocolat3
Gran Dragee runs o-- to get something he -orgot4 and Madeleine-sensei gi"es
you the Magic ote!ook3
Candy realises Ganache isn0t there3 *li"e goes o-- to look -or him3 She -inds
him playing his harmonica under a tree3
*li"e 9pretending to !e 2anilla:A DI0m here too3D
GanacheA D!!!!!D
9*li"e turns !ack into hersel-:
*li"eA D&o1 a!out going to campJD
GanacheA D3333333333It0s *li"e33333333D
*li"eA D>our sister 1as there you kno13D
GanacheA D3333333I kno133333333 It0s !reaking my heart3D
*li"eA DGust a"oiding it 1on0t make it !etter3 't 2alencia #each you can
in"estigate it properly3D
GanacheA DThere0s nothing there3 Gust 1a"es rolling at the shore3 I0ll 8ust !e
looking at e"eryone else laughing and !eing happy4 1hile my o1n !lood is
*li"eA DIt0s not like that3333 I understand3333
Something is happeneing3 Something is happening at the !each3333 something
in"isi!le is taking -orm!!D
GanacheA DLike my sister3333333JD
#ack at the !us3
*li"eA D&elp!! &elp e"eryone! Ganache and *li"e are returning to the magic
Madeleine-senseiA D/ell hurry up!D
#alsamico starts his little takeo-- speechA
DLadeeeees! 'aand Gentelmeeeen!!
Thank you "ery much -or taking this !us today!!
I 1ill guide you skill-ully to the seaside school in 2alencia!
Gi-ted tra"elling dri"er!! #alsamiiicooo!!
Pu-- Pu-- Pu--!!
'nd the !us takes o-- -or 2alencia!
*n the 1ay there the classmates talk a!out their !ackgrounds3
PecheA DChocolate-chan4 you li"e near the school rightJD
ChocolateA D.h-huh3D
PecheA D>our -ather and mother li"e there tooJD
ChocolateA D.h-uh3D
#lue!erryA DChocolate 1as a hill near the school since ancient times3 &e 1as
sent to the school so Gran Dragee could study his po1ers and to learn magic3D
#alsamicoA D/e0re getting there!! I can see the sea!!D
CandyA DSo -ast333 1e0re already at the sea!D
$"ent ItemA Magic ote!ook 9!"#: Magic #us 9q:
F 2alencia #each F
F stu.:vw F
+ecommended Le"elA 5
The sunset is so !eauti-ul4 !ut there is something in the air333
Talk around the camp-ire3
'ranciaA D$"eryone - ! /e still don0t ha"e any -ree time - ! I0m starting to
get angry at the teachers - !D
KircheA D*nce the teachers start getting a!sent minded they 1on0t notice3D
'ranciaA DThey0re too strict!D
Madeleine-senseiA D>ou get your -ree time !y the camp-ire at night3D
LemonA D/e0re getting donuts!D
PistachioA D!!!!! They0re !ack!D
KirscheA D2alencia #each pirates3 There used to !e pirates here!! They !uried
treasure!! /e0ll go e7ploring!!
PecheA DIsn0t that a !it dangerousJD
'ranciaA DIt0s not dangerous - ! It0s interesting - ! Since Peche 1on0t go4 us
C 1ill go - !D
KirscheA DI- you can 8ust 1ait a 1hile4 C people don0t really set the mood3
Make me the leader and I0ll gather a party o- 6 people3D
'ranciaA DLemon and #lue!erry that0s t1o good -riends3D
KirscheA D/ell4 those t1o are good4 !ut 1hat a!out CandyJD
'ranciaA D>ou 1ant Candy to comeJ >ou0"e !een talking a lot a!out Candy
KirscheA D>ou think so333333D
'ranciaA DThat0s ho1 it is3D
KirscheA D/ell4 1hate"er you say!D
'-ter all the cutscenes are o"er4 talk to Sesame in the east o- the !each3
SesameA D>o! &ero! Look at this stone4 1e could mo"e it!! *n the other side
you can see a ca"e3 Let0s go e7ploring!D
'ns1er * 9yes: to make -riends 1ith him3
SesameA DPirates !uried their treasure in the ca"e -or sure! Let0s go search
-or any precious items still le-t3 #y the 1ay4 let0s go look -or some other
guys to take 1ith us4 8ust you and me 1ould !e lonely3 Talk to the others to
make -riends 1ith them3 'lthough some might re-use4 I think3D
Make -riends 1ith -our other classmates3
Kick a1ay the rock and go to the ca"e in the east3
Talk to Ganache and *li"e outside the ca"e3
GanacheA DIt0s here3D
*li"eA D>ou sense something33333333JD
GanacheA DIt0s !est not to go there3 It0s dangerous past this point3D
*li"eA DThere0s something there33333333JD
GanacheA DDarkness33333333 endless4 complete darkness33333333D
SesameA DMo"e Ganache! I -ound this opening!D
GanacheA D>ou0re so determined to go4 Sesame3 >ou don0t understand 1hat you0re
getting into3D
*li"eA D#e care-ul33333333D
SesameA DDon0t try to scare me33333333 #ye !ye4 see you33333333D
$nter the ca"e3
Talk to the #ro1nie3 I- you ans1er * 9yes: he 1ill 1arp o--3
Go deep in the ca"e to the chest3
SesameA D*oooh! See4 there is something here!D
*pen the chest3
SesameA DSee!! It0s a treasure cheat 1ith something in it!D
' !attle 1ill start4 !ut it0s easy to 1in3 >ou 1ill get 6 pinecones that 1ere
in the chest3
SesameA DThe pirate treasure 1as pinecones! /hy!!
Damn! I 1as -ooled!
33333333Let0s go !ack333333333 This 1as no -un333333333D
/hen you e7it the ca"e it 1ill !e night and the moon is up3
Peche is 1aiting outside all upsetA D!!! &ero-chan4 e"eryone!! >ou0re late!!
The camp-ire started long ago!! &urry!!D
Listen to the talk around the camp-ire3
Pistachio is 1orrying a!out passing his e7ams again3
'rancia appears3
'ranciaA D&ey Kirsche - There0s a lot o- Gummy (rogs in the 1oods3 I- you eat
them you reco"er your strength - I 1ant to catch some - D
KirscheA D/hat!J Gummy (rogs!J Lets - ! 'rancia!! >ou go -irst since you -ound
'ranciaA D*h - ! I0m so cle-e-"er - ! I -ound them - !!D
'-ter talking around the camp-ire4 go !ack north to the !each4 and on1ards
1est to the cottages3
Listen to Ganache and Candy talking3 Candy is gi"ing Ganache a late !irthday
I- you let Madeleine-sensei and Ganache talk they 1ill e7plain some !asic
status in-o to you and ne1 entries 1ill !e added to the Magic ote!ook3 They
1ill ask DDo you already kno1 a!out33JD so you need to ans1er 9no: and
they 1ill tell you3
Cassis 1ill tell you a!out a lot o- things4 8ust select 1hich he should talk
Don0t miss all the coins to the east on the !each3 There are N 'rti coins in
total4 some hard to spot hidden !ehind the palm trees3
Go !ack to the campire and talk to the classmates there -or some more Magic
ote!ook entries3
Go to the south east do1n !elo1 the camp-ire3 Kirsche is trying to catch a
Gummy (rog3
Go to the east and catch the Gummy (rog hopping around there3
Go !ack 1est3
KirscheA D>es! I got the -rog - !
#lue!erry and Lemon comes running -rom the north3
#lue!erryA D$eeeeeeeeeeek!!!D
KirscheA D!!!!!!!!D
#lue!erryA D&elp!!! $"eryone!!! It0s killing us!!D
'ranciaA D/hat---J /hat0s happening---JD
'n $nigma appears3
KirscheA D!!!!! /hat0s that thing!JD
LemonA DI don0t kno1 !! 'sk him !!D
KirscheA DI don0t understand! &ero4 1e should look -or Madeleine-sensei!D
Talk to Lemon3 She 1ill ask -or the Gummy (rog you 8ust caught3 'ns1er *
9yes: to gi"e it to her and you 1ill get a Lea- and a ne1 entry in the Magic
Go !ack north3 >our classmates are -ighting the $nigma4 and one a-ter one they
are 1arped a1ay3 The Pisukapuku $nigma laughs DKekekeke333D as they take them
(ight one or t1o o- the $nigma i- you 1ant4 !ut 1atch out so you don0t !lack
Go to the cottages in the 1est3 Candy is 1arped a1ay !y the $nigma3
GanacheA DCandy!! /here did Candy goJD
PisukapukuA DKekekeke333D
GanacheA D&ero4 don0t mo"e3D
Ganache -ights it o--3
GanacheA DI can handle this3D
Madeleine-sensei arri"esA DGanache!! &ero!! 're you *K!JD
GanacheA D$"eryone e7cept you !!!JD
Madeleine-senseiA D33333333They 1ere all taken33333333D
GanacheA DTaken 1hereJ! 'nd 1ho are these guysJD
Madeleine-senseiA DThey0re $nigmas3 Creatures !orn out o- darkness3D
GanacheA DSo the $nigmas are monsters33333333 They took e"eryone some1here4
one a-ter another33333333D
Madeleine-senseiA DThey0"e surrounded us3 There is no escape any1here3D
GanacheA DIt0s alright!! They0re the ones 1ho0ll escape!! This is ho1 it
Madeleine-senseiA D/ait Ganache!! &ero let0s hide!!D
Go !ack to the !each3 It is -illed 1ith $nigma monsters! $"en Ganache is
!eaten !y them no14 and is 1arped a1ay3 Madeleine-sensei tries to -ight them4
!ut 1hen t1o o- them attack her at once4 she too is 1arped o--3
o1 you are all alone3 $"eryone has !een 1arped a1ay!
Go !ack to the ca"e in the east again3 Sesame is still here! &e seems %uite
Deep inside the ca"e is a a 1arp "orte73 Try to enter it and Sesame 1ill
protest3 'ns1er * 9yes: to continue any1ay and you 1ill !e 1arped a1ay3
'n $nigma monster comes out o- the "orte7 and attacks Sesame and 1arps him o--
>ou 1ill see a little cutscene o- Cassis and Cidre -ighting an $nigma in a ne1
'nd then you land on the Plain o- Light333
FF Plane o- Light FF
FF x!ru. FF
- Strategy 'd"ice
&ere0s 1here the real game starts3
The main strategy to -ollo1 is to ho"er around the healing pots3 &eal up4 and
then go e7plore -or a !it until you need to heal again4 then go !ack3 Try to
!alance it so you kno1 ho1 -ar you can go and ha"e enough &P to !e a!le to
make it !ack to the pots3 &eal up 1ith Gummy (rogs i- you are too -ar a1ay3
Try to not use magic that is so strong that you need to use the MP 8ar to heal3
I- you use the 1eaker magic you0ll !e a!le to gain the MP !ack automatically4
and i- you0re a!le to handle !attles 1ithout running out o- MP you kno1 you0re
strong enough3 .se Gummy /orms to heal MP i- you really need to and are -ar
a1ay -rom a healing 8ar3
/hen you -eel strong enough to 1alk -reely around the area 1ithout clinging to
the healing pots you can continue on to the ne7t area3
>ou can use this !asic strategy throughout the game as a guideline -or ho1
much you need to le"el up3
F Mimoretto (orest F
F 'u0!y F
+ecommended Le"elA O
>ou 1ill land in a clearing in a nice green and orange autumn -orest3
There are some random !attles here4 #east9e:4 Stone 9[: and /ind 9h:
monsters3 #ut they are all at le"el 5 and only one in each !attle3 ' lot o-
them can !e de-eated !y kick attacks alone3
Make -riends 1ith the Seirei !elo1 the chest3 It0s the same as your attri!ute
and asks -or 5 Gummy (rog3
Continue 1est3
There are some Lea"es hidden in the grass up north right !y start o- the
second area you come to3
Pistachio 9qD}p: is here 4 he0s got Tree 9b: attri!ute3
PistachioA D'h!!!! &ero!!!! >ou0re alright-ppi!!! /e 1ere on the !each !eing
chased !y this 1eird creature3333 #ut it0s alright no1 that I -ound a -riend-
'n $nigma comes up !ehind the hero3
PistachioA D33333333D
Pistachio runs a1ay3
(ollo1 him to the !ridge !locked !y the -irst !oss4 Demissusu 9'qq:3
PistachioA DI0m in trou!le-ppi333 I0m too 1eak4 I0ll die-ppi3D
Pistachio notices the heroA D&ero! This is per-ect4 great-ppi! &elp me -ight
the monster! Let0s do it togheter-ppi!D
/hen he asks i- you 1ant to help him ans1er * 9yes: and the -ight starts3
Don0t 1orry4 it0s easy3 The !oss is only at le"el 53
'-ter the !oss -ight3
PistachioA D/e0re ali"e-ppi!! 'li"e-ppi!!
D'ny1ay &ero4 1here should 1e go no1J Lets go to the 1est 1here 'rancia 1ent3
In the south there are Gummy (rogs4 lets catch some3 There also happens to !e
a reco"ery 8ar3 I0m so happy to -ind Gummy (rogs3 *h this 8ourney 1ill !e easy
no1 that I0m 1ith &ero3
Pistachio 8oins your party3
Per-ect game hintA /ith Pistachio in your party you 1ill get Gummy (rogs e"ery
time you use a di--erent green &P pot to heal3 #ut at this point in the game
it0s a good idea to try not to do that4 !ecause 1ith too many green -rogs
you0ll ha"e a harder time getting the !lue -rogs you need to clear La +oche
Continue 1est o"er the log !ridge4 and on the other side Pistachio !ecomes all
PistachioA DIt sort o- smells like 1ood-ppi4 "ery nice smell4 a good kind-ppi3
Lets try and e7plore a !it-ppi3D
There0s a Tree Seirei on the little island right !elo1 the !oss !ridge3
Cross the log !ridge to the little island and make -riends 1ith the Seirei3 It
only asks -or 5 pinecone4 and since there is one right there it0s "ery easy3
PistachioA Do1 1e can use the DCall StickD magic-ppi! I- 1e use DCall StickD
the /ood Seirei Stick 1ill 8oin us in !attle-ppi! >essssss!! I learned
something ne1-ppi!!D
Continue on to the 1est3 Don0t miss the mountain "ault opening to the north3
Go up there -or three treasure chests3
There is a &P healing pot do1n south3
/hen you reach the ca"e opening in the 1est you 1ill -ind a !lue Pi;;a hat
there3 Press ' and Pi;;a 1ill pop up4 asking -or < pinecones 9JK(L:3
Gi"e them to him and he 1ill e7plain a!out 1arping= &o1 he 8ust created a 1arp
spot -or you= ho1 to go in the /orld Map menu 9r: to 1arp= 8ust
point to 1here you 1ant to go and press '3
's a special present he gi"es you the the Map o- Light 9x!MG:3
(rom no1 on 1hene"er you gi"e Pi;;a < pinecones he 1ill create a 1arp spot -or
*nce you0re done 1ith Pi;;a it0s time to enter the (orest Ca"e3
Pistachio 1ill protest 1hen you come closeA D*h no4 look! It0s a ca"e opening-
ppi! 'rancia 1ent in there and didn0t come !ack! Let0s not go in-ppi!D
It doesn0t matter i- you ans1er yes or no4 either 1ay the only 1ay -or1ard is
to continue into the ca"e3
#oss (ightA
#ossA Demissusu 9'qq: Le"elA 5 'ttri!uteA #east 9e: &PA C6
e1 (riendA Pistachio 9qD}p: attri!ute /ood 9b:
$"ent ItemA Map o- Light 9x!MG: Can see map o- Plane o- Light - Ca"e
entrance 9y!z{o: +ecei"e a-ter gi"ing pinecones to Pi;;a3
Same-attri!ute-as-the-hero Seirei 5A Close to 1here you land
ConditionA Gi"e 5 Gummy (rog
Tree Seirei 5 *n the little island in the !rook 9!:
ConditionA Gi"e 5 Pinecone 9JK(L:
F (orest Ca"e F
F y!z{ F
+ecommended Le"elA C
Purple stony ca"e3
+andom !attles4 monsters o- (ire 9`:4 Stone 9[:4 /ind 9h:4 #east 9e: and
Poison 9a: attri!ute3
$nter the ca"e3
'rancia is right insideA D&uhhuhhu3333here3333they come3D
PistachioA D'rancia3333J Something is strange-ppi3333D
She runs o--3
There is a skull to the le-t4 a Dark Seirei you shouldn0t attempt to -ight yet
!ecause it is too strong3 Come !ack later a-ter le"elling up a !it and !attle
it then3
Instead continue on east3 $7plore e"ery nook and cranny -or treasure chests
and !attle the random monsters that pop up -or e7perience3 >ou 1ill need it
-or the !oss -ight3
*nce you reach the deepest area o- the ca"e 'rancia 1ill appear3 &eal up 1ith
the pot right a!o"e !e-ore talking to her3
'ranciaA DThis is good4 the 1ay o- the $nigma3333 Kukkukku3333D
PistachioA D'rancia! &o1 did you get here-ppi!JD
/hen you try to talk to her you 1ill realise it0s actually not her4 it0s the
!oss 2arukaneira 9stR: imitating her3 The real 'rancia appears
along 1ith Kirche to 8oin you in the !oss -ight3
In the !oss -ight the Dummy Ghosts to the le-t and right are strong against
magic attacks4 !ut 1eak against physical4 so try kicking them3
'-ter the -ight Kirche is a!ducted !y an $nigma4 !ut 'rancia 8oins your party3
>ou 1ill also recei"e the Monster $ncyclopedia 9.qDGH: so -rom no1 on
you can keep track o- all the monsters you meet3
I- you 1ant to make -riends 1ith the (ire Seirei in the room a!o"e4 don0t miss
to pick up the t1o Mirori Coins in a little hidden room to the south3
$7it the ca"e and go south east to reach Toruna 2illage3
I- you talk to the pot right outside the ca"e and ans1er * 9hai)yes: you
1ill recei"e a seal 9:: o- the same attri!ute as the hero4 i- you ans1er
9no: it 1ill 1ork like any other &P healing pot3
#oss (ightA
#ossA 2arukaneira 9stR: Le"elA 5 'ttri!uteA Darkness 9: &PA P<
MonsterA Dummy Ghost 9'q0: Le"elA 5 'ttri!uteA Darkness 9: &PA
MonsterA Dummy Ghost 9'q0: Le"elA 5 'ttri!uteA Darkness 9: &PA
e1 (riendA 'rancia 9.:: attri!ute Sound 9c:
$"ent ItemA Monster $ncyclopedia 9.qDGH: Can see in-ormation on all
monsters you ha"e !eaten - +ecei"e a-ter the !attle 1ith 2arukaneira 9stR
Dark Seirei 5 /est in the (orest Ca"e 9y!z{o:
ConditionA #eat Dummy Ghost 9'q0: 7 63 *nly appears i- you ha"e
caught O or more Gummy (rogs 9RS&':
(ire Seirei 5 orth east in the -orest ca"e 9y!z{o:
ConditionA Gi"e O Mirori sil"er coins 9'9:
Sound Seirei 5 To the north east in the little meado1 8ust outside the (orest
ca"e4 don0t miss it in the tall grass3 Technically it0s in Mimoretto (orest O
ConditionA Gi"e 5 &amonick gold coin 9:
F Toruna 2illage F
F 0W| F
+ecommended Le"elA C
Pretty decorated houses on 1ooden plat-orms4 light green grass3
This is the "illage o- the 1ooden Puppet 9;0: people3
Go to1ards the mayor0s house in the top right o- the "illage3
Ganache 1ill meet you outside3
'ranciaA DGanache - !D
GanacheA D!J 'rancia3333J 'nd Pistachio and &ero too3333D
PistachioA DKirsche 1as taken !y an $nigma-ppi!D
'ranciaA DThat thing 1anted to merge 1ith himD
GanacheA DI didn0t think 1e had to 1orry a!out the merging4 !ut it might !e
PistachioA D/hy shouldn0t 1e 1orry a!out the mergingJ Is it 8ust a lieJD
GanacheA DI- it could ha"e merged immediately it 1ould ha"e done it on the
It0s taken him to that place4 1aiting -or him to !e e7hausted3
I think i- 1e don0t agree4 it0s impossi!le -or it to merge 1ith us3D
'ranciaA DSo it0s gradually33 threatening him33 1aiting -or him to gi"e inJ
Kirsche3333 1ill you !e alright3333JD
GanacheA DI0ll sa"e him3 &e0ll !e alright3D
Go to the house in the top le-t3
There is a tra"eller Konnyaku3 &e says he heard ghastly sounds -rom
Inside the house is a ca"e entrance3 Go do1n the ca"e3 >ou hear "oices in the
2arukaneiraA DSo333333 Do you 1ant to mergeJD
KirscheA Do33333 o I don0t 1ant to33333D
2arukaneiraA DKukuku3333 $"en i- you say that3333 >our mind is already getting
to like the idea3333 Do you -eel it yetJ Kukuku3333D
KirscheA D.aaaaaaaaaaaah!!D
PistachioA DKirsche0s "oice!!D
GanacheA DLet0s go at once33333 >ou0ll see4 Kirsche3D
Go to the !ack o- the ca"e 1here you -ind 2arukaneira 1ith Kirsche3
GanacheA DStop!! Don0t mess 1ith him!!D
2arukaneiraA D/hatJ Did you come to help himJD
GanacheA DThat0s not it3D
2arukaneiraA DKukkukku333333 (unny3 Did you come to kill meJD
GanacheA DThat0s not it either3D
2arukaneiraA D*ho4 >ou0re a!o"e me!!
o1 your high po1er makes my po1er make mine seem like nothing3
I- that0s 1hat you0re saying 1hy not 8ust knock me out3D
PistachioA DGanache!! Kirsche is hurt!!D
KirscheA DDon0t 1orry a!out me!! I0ll 1in!!D
GanacheA DDo you 1ant to merge 1ith meJD
'ranciaA D!!!!!!!D
PistachioA DGanache!!!! >ou traitor!!!!D
2arukaneiraA DIndeed3333333
>our po1er is high33333 Darkness attri!ute33333 >ou 1ill pro!a!ly !e a good
KirscheA DGanache3333333 >ou33333333D
2arukaneiraA D&ahhahha33333 Good333333
Did the day 1hen the Plane o- Light -alls come at lastJ &ahahahaha!D
GanacheA DI 1anto to try you -irst3D
2arukaneiraA D/hat!!D
Ganache attacks and de-eats 2arukaneira3
GanacheA D&e 1as all talk3D
'ranciaA D#ah - To do such a thing - D
KirscheA D>ou had us -ooled! Those guys are totally !ad3D
PistachioA D/hat are 1e going to do no1JD
'ranciaA DLet0s go to the Toruna 2illage Mayor to get permission to go on to
the ruins3
*nce 1e get out o- the ruins333333D
GanacheA DThere0s /akuti 2illage3 The "illage o- the 'm!assadors o- Lo"e3
KirscheA D'lright then!! It0s decided4 let0s go!!D
Kirsche 8oins your party3
Go !ack up to the "illage3
'-ter Ganache and Kirsche has 8oined your party is a good time to go !ack and
-ight the Dark Seirei !y the (orest Ca"e entrance3 Ganache can clear the
Seirei the enemy launches using his magic3 .se the other party mem!er to
attack 1ith kick3
Per-ect game hintA Don0t make -riends 1ith Dark Seirei 53
The pot collector0s house is the one in the middle o- the "illage3
Talk to all the pots lined up in there3 They 1ill tell you some o- the !asics
o- the game4 and their in-o 1ill !e added to the Magic ote!ook3 '-ter talking
to all o- them4 talk to the pot collector4 and he 1ill gi"e you the Species
$ncyclopedia 9EFGH:3 o1 you can see in-o on all the species you met so
Inside the Shop4 to the le-t4 is a !lue haired Puppet called Merone 9:3
&e0s asking -or 5BBB #ura 9I:4 and i- you gi"e it to him he0ll take care
o- it and make it increase in "alue3
See the Merone section o- the In-Depth Guide -or -ull details3
Go to the mayor0s house3
Talk to Chi--on 9:>.: the "illage mayor and Mille-(euille 9'>n:
his !londe granddaughter3
They0re saying that it0s late today3 >ou0ll go tomorro1 and Mille-(euille 1ill
sho1 you the 1ay3
Go to the Inn and spend the night3 Tiramisu 9$n'q:4 the green haired
puppet4 1ill ask you -or < #ura3
/hen you 1ake up a murder has occurred!
Puppet 9red:A Dooooooo!!D
Puppet 9!lue:A D/hat!J ' murder again!J!J
Puppet 9red:A D&e died!! &e died!! &e 1as killed!!!D
TiramisuA DIt happened3 It really happened!JD
Tiramisu comes to the placeA DI gi"e up! 'nother murder3 /e0re cursed3D
Puppet 9!lue:A DGust ho1 many Puppets has to die !e-ore it0s o"er! Dammit!D
Mille-(euilleA D/hat happened!JD
Mille-(euille comes to the placeA D!!!!!!!!D
She sees the !ody o- the Puppet3
Mille-(euilleA D/hy3333!J /hy this!JD /hy does this happen to us4 such
terri!le tragic killings!JD
'-ter e"erything has calmed do1n4 go !ack to the mayor0s house3 Talk to them
and recei"e the (eather o- .kuru 9m!:3
Mille-(euille 1ill lead you to the #enakoncha +uins3
e1 (riendA Kirsche 9?:k: attri!ute (ire 9`:
$"ent ItemA Species $ncyclopedia 9EFGH: Can see in-o on all creatures you
ha"e met - Talk to all the pots in the pot collectors house3
$"ent ItemA (eather o- .kuru 9m!: Put in the #enakoncha +uins - Talk
to the mayor3
Light Seirei 5 - Toruna 2illage Inn 90W|o:
ConditionA /ait -or a 1hile in the inn4 on the Ond -loor
Shop In"entoryA
Item ameA PriceA
Green Gummy (rog 9RS&': OB
>ello1 Gummy /orm 9''T&': 5BB
Poison Tail 9W!(): OB
#andana 9.W: <B
Magic /rists 99q0: NB
2inyl Shirt 9V:C<: QB
/ooden Shoes 9b!: 6B
&air Clip 9+(X: N<
F #enakoncha +uins F
F /W-.}C~ F
+ecommended Le"elA R
'ncient sand stone ruins -loating in the sky3
Monsters o- /ind 9h:4 #lade 9i: and Stone 9[: attri!ute3
The enemies here are 'ncient Machines 9d: guarding the ruins3
There are no random -ights4 !ut you can talk to the ancient machines to !attle
Most o- them 1ill only -ight you once and then hand o"er some item4 or mo"e to
open a ne1 path3
#ut some you can -ight o"er and o"er to gain e7perience3
Tiramisu appears 1hen you arri"e at the ruins3 &im and Mille-(euille talk
a!out the recent murder4 !ut Tiramisu doesn0t seem to care "ery much3 &is
heart is !itter and cold e"er since his little !rother Mousse 9%q: -ell
o-- a cli-- and died OBB years ago3
'-ter they0re done talking and Tiramisu 1arps o--4 -ollo1 Mille-(euille
through the ruins3
>ou 1ill !e led to the !oss -ight3
>ou might need to le"el up some !y talking to and -ighting the ancient
machines on the 1ay !e-ore taking on the !oss3
The !oss is -ound at the -ar east corner o- the ruins3
Consider remo"ing all Ganache0s e%uipment !e-ore the -ight4 since he lea"es
right a-ter and takes the e%uipment 1ith him3 I- your party is le"elled up
enough you should !e a!le to !eat the !oss 1ithout him 1earing it3
Mille-(euilleA DThis is the mysterious !ird Sno1 &air 9qm:3 Many
tra"ellers ha"e -allen "ictim to him3 .nless you de-eat him you cannot
progress -urther3D
+ight a-ter the -ight Ganache 1ill lea"e3
I- you -ollo1 Ganache straight to the ruin e7it you 1ill miss out on Lo"e
Seirei 53
(ollo1 Mille-(euille !ack to1ards the entrance and on the 1ay you 1ill !e
-aced 1ith t1o optionsA
~!J Go to the ruin entrance
?C.7 Cancel
I- you choose ~!J to go to the entrance4 Lo"e Seirei 5 1ill
appear at the ruin entrance later3
I- you choose ?C.7 to cancel the Lo"e Seirei 1on0t appear3
Choose ~!J and you 1ill -ollo1 Mille-(euille and 1arp to the
entrance o- the ruins3
There you0ll see Ganache and argue 1ith Tiramisu3 Tiramisu tells Ganache not
to inter-ere in the "illage a--airs4 and in the end he calls on his Slash
Seirei4 1hich in turn makes Ganache call on his ir"a3
TiramisuA Dir"aJ >ou0re using Dark magic!JD
GanacheA DThis is the end o- Tiramisu4 you0ll soon meet your little !rother3D
TiramisuA DS-stop!! /-1ait 8ust a minute!!D
'-ter landing at the entrance 1alk !ack to Toruna 2illage3
TiramisuA DDamn333 Damnit3333 I0m3333 dying3333!! #rother3333D
(ollo1 him to the Inn and talk to Mille-(euille3 Tiramisu dies talking a!out
his little !rother3 &e ne"er told them that Ganache attacked him3 Instead he
says he -ell -rom the ruins3
Talk to Ganache outside the Inn3 &e doesn0t realise Tiramisu has died4 and
1hen he -inds out he0s distraught3
' cutscene o- Ganache attacking Tiramisu is sho1n3 'nd then he runs o--3
Go !ack to the ruin entrance4 and Lo"e Seirei 5 1ill !e there3
Go !ack through the ruins to go on to the Sparro1 (ield3
>ou should take your time to e7plore the #enakoncha +uins and !attle the
ancient machine guards to gain e7perience and !om!s3
I- you talk to)!attle all o- them Seirei O 1ill appear3 There are also some
nice items to gra! in the chests3
Per-ect game hintA There is a Gummy (rog !locking the path to 'ncient Seirei 54
so in order to get the one Seirei that 1ill !e use-ul later you ha"e to !attle
all the ancient machines and get 'ncient Seirei O3
The e7it to Sparro1 (ield is in the middle in the south4 the path to the 1est
-rom 1here the !oss -ight 1as3 >ou can reach it -rom the entrance 1ithout
!attling any ancient machines3
#oss (ightA
#ossA Sno1 &air 9qm: Le"elA R 'ttri!uteA /ind 9h: &PA 5<B
MonsterA /ind &umming!ird 9*XL: Le"elA C 'ttri!uteA /ind 9h: &PA
MonsterA /ind &umming!ird 9*XL: Le"elA C 'ttri!uteA /ind 9h: &PA
MonsterA #a!y Scissors 9/V:: Le"elA O 'ttri!uteA #lade 9i: &PA 5O
e1 (riendA Ganache 9@W:k: attri!ute Darkness 9: 9he lea"es a-ter
#enakoncha is cleared:
'ncient Seirei O - South1est in the #enakoncha +uins 9/W-.}C~o:
ConditionA Gi"e 5 'rti sil"er coin 9$n:
'ncient Seirei C Southeast in the #enakoncha +uins 9/W-.}C~o:
1here the !oss -ight 1as
ConditionA #attle)talk to all the ancient machines and gi"e C 'rti sil"er
coins 9$n:
Lo"e Seirei 5 - #enakoncha +uins $ntrance 9/W-.}C~:
ConditionA 'ppears a-ter an e"ent later on3
F Sparro1 (ield F
ice green grassy area surrounded !y trees3 Lots o- Sparro1s hopping around3
o !attles3
Go to the south east and you 1ill see the Magic #us 9q:3
#alsamico 98'-:4 the !us dri"er4 is arguing 1ith some unkno1n Lo"e
'm!assadors3 They too are enemies o- the $nigma4 and suspect #alsamico o-
colla!orating 1ith them3
Talk to them3 There0s a po1er struggle going on in the "illage4 o"er 1ho 1ill
take o"er as mayor3
*nce the Lo"e 'm!assadors lea"e4 talk to #alsamico3
#alsamico says that you can0t ride the Magic #us right no14 it0s !roken -rom
the shock o- 1arping4 and he0ll rela7 1here he is -or no13
&e hasn0t seen Ganache or Candy 9Kirshe asks -or her:3
+ight no1 your mission is to -ind Ca-e au Lait4 and Lemon4 #lue!erry and Peche
1ho 1ent looking -or him3
#ecause the Magic #us is !roken the #us menu is a !it limited3
(or no1 only t1o commands in the right column 1orks3
Z +est4 in the top right corner is the most use-ul3 It 1ill replenish
your &P and MP completely at no charge4 and you can use it as o-ten as you
>ou can also try Search!! to look -or items3
I- you talk to all 5O sparro1s around here a /ind Seirei 1ill appear north o-
Toruna 2illage3 >ou need to make them all say DchunD 9:3 >ou might
ha"e to talk to them t1ice !e-ore they say the right thing3 (or each ne1
DchunD an e7clamation mark 1ill !e added 9: and once
you -ind all 5O the te7t 1ill turn red3 /arp !ack to Toruna 2illage and -ind
the last Sparro1 in the clearing to the north3
/ind Seirei 5 Sparro1 ne7t to the 8ar north o- Toruna 2illage 90W|:
ConditionA Make all 5O sparro1s 9: in the Sparro1 (ield say DchunD 9
F Sparro1 &ot Springs F
+ight ne7t to the Sparro1 (ield4 the trees are crooked and a darker green3
o !attles3
#athe in the hot spring to replenish your strength3 I- you make a lot o-
amigos "ia linkup you 1ill get access to !etter hot springs 1ith po1er-ups3
The lined up pots talk a!out the principles o- linkup communication4 and their
in-o is added to the Magic ote!ook3
F /akuti 2illage F
F $n| F
(unny looking houses and !ig !lue and 1hite striped parasols3
This is the "illage o- the Lo"e 'm!assador 9N!: people3
Go to the mayor0s house4 in the top right4 1ith the staircase on the outside3
Talk to the "illage mayor4 Gateau 9@0:3
&e 1ill gi"e you the +oyal Palace Key 9!R: 1hich you need to !e a!le
to enter the +emittsu +oyal Palace3
$"ent ItemA +oyal Palace Key 9!R: *pens the gate to +emittsu +oyal
Palace - &ouse o- the 2illage Mayor 9$n|o|!:
Light Seirei O /akuti 2illage Inn 9$n|o:
ConditionA /ait -or a 1hile in the inn3 Seirei is on the Ond -loor3 *nly 8oins
i- you ha"e 6 or less dark Seirei 9:
Shop In"entoryA
Item ameA PriceA
Green Gummy (rog 9RS&': OB
>ello1 Gummy /orm 9''T&': 5BB
Poison Tail 9W!(): OB
um! Tail 9:VW!(): CB
Paralysis Tail 9YW!(): 6B
+e"i"al Tail 9>R!(): 5BB
Tulip 9}k9r: 5BB
#ao!a!u +ings 9pI9.&: CBB
Tra"eler0s Shirt 9!:C<: OOB
Tra"eler0s Shoes 9!: O<B
&air #and 9R}k:C: 5<B
F +emittsu +oyal Palace 9*utside: F
F u'< F
+ecommended Le"elA N
#eauti-ul4 lush green and -lo1ery garden grounds4 complete 1ith -ountains3
+andom !attles4 monsters o- attri!utes (ire 9`:4 /ind 9h:4 #eauty 9g:4
Stone 9[:4 Insect 9j:4 #east 9e: and4 rarely4 Lo"e 9N:3
The hedges in the middle garden -orm a la!yrinth4 surrounding that are the
pa"ed castle grounds3
*n the 1ay to the entrance4 on the path to the east4 you can see Lemon !eing
led !y a guard inside the palace grounds3 In the 1est o- the grounds4 1hen
you0re to the 1est on the grounds you can see a hysterical Sesame scurrying
a!out outside3
*nce you open the palace gate a Pippuru 9r: rat 1ill rush in and gra!
the items -rom the -irst -our chests3 I- you 1ant to get them you ha"e to !e
really %uick and dash in !e-ore him3 &e goes -irst -or the chest on the right4
then the le-t4 and then -urther in the chest to the le-t4 and then to the
right4 so i- you 1ant to !eat him you ha"e to run that same path4 !ut -aster3
It0s a good idea to sa"e !e-ore opening the gate so you can practice a -e1
*nce you0re on the grounds e7plore and -ind all the items3 *n top o- the outer
1all there are lots o- pinecones3 The stairs to get up there are in the north
east corner3
>ou run into Lemon in the east3 She says she0ll lure the $nigma a1ay so you
can enter the palace 1here Peche and #lue!erry are 1aiting3 Then she runs o--3
To get to the palace entrance go to the 1est and north in the garden la!yrinth3
To make things a little easier4 and to le"el Peche up you might 1ant to go
straight to the palace and ha"e Peche 8oin your party !e-ore you -ully e7plore
the palace grounds3
Thunder Seirei 5 - *utside +emittsu +oyal Palace 9u'<: to the north
east in the court yard3
ConditionA Guide a Dodo 9XX: in -ront o- the lo"e hunter 9N!L
X: to !reak the curse
F +emittsu +oyal Palace 9Inside: F
F u'< F
- Strategy 'd"ice
(irst some 1ords on healing strategy3 *nce Peche 8oins you 1ill ha"e a ne1 1ay
to heal your party3
't -irst she might not seem "ery use-ul4 only a!le to heal the &P o- one
-riend at a time4 !ut once she learns 'ngel Shout 9!S: she0ll !e
a!le to heal the &P o- all the mem!ers at once!
Ideally you should le"el up enough that you ne"er need to use the healing pots3
Peche should take care o- all the &P healing3 I- you ha"e a -e1 Lo"e Seirei
they can help greatly 1ith this3 Take a turn or t1o 9depending on ho1 long you
estimate the !attle to !e: calling on Seirei3 In the meantime Peche 1ill auto-
gain MP and her healing po1er 1ill impro"e greatly3
>ou should attempt to use magic that doesn0t take more MP than you auto-gain
each turn3
It can also help to care-ully spread out the protecti"e e%uipment among the
party mem!ers to gi"e each mem!er as much MP reco"ery as they need3 It0s also
a good idea to gi"e all the e%uipment 1ith the highest MP reco"ery rate to
Peche so that she can gain as much MP as possi!le each turn to heal the others3
.sing these &P and MP strategies com!ined 1ill make your party completely
sel--su--icient and not dependent on the healing pots or healing items3
'nd no1 !ack to +emittsu +oyal PalaceA
+ecommended Le"elA P
Plush red carpeting and elegant o---1hite 1alls3
+andom !attles4 monsters o- attri!utes (ire 9`:4 /ind 9h:4 #eauty 9g:4
#lade 9i:4 Stone 9[:4 Darkness 9: and Light 9x:3
There are sealed doors throughout the palace 1ith images o- Seirei on top3 I-
you ha"e at least one o- the Seirei in the picture you can open the door4
other1ise not3
Talk to Tortilla 90$n: and his -riends right inside the entrance o-
the palace3
&e says there0s talk a!out $nigmas !eing in the Palace and that you should
lea"e !ecause it0s dangerous3 '-ter some arguing !ack and -orth Tart 9D0:4
Tortilla0s -riend4 says they0ll help -ight the $nigmas3
Talk to Tortilla again at any time and he 1ill heal your &P -or -ree3
'-ter the con"ersation continue up the stairs to -ind Peche3
PecheA D'h! This is terri!le! Something !ad happened to #lue!erry-chan and she
cannot mo"e3 'nd3333 'nd3333 D
'ranciaA DThere4 calm do1n and e7plain it all -rom the !eginning3D
Peche tells a!out ho1 they 1ere attacked !y C $nigmas and got split up4 Lemon
ne"er returned4 and #lue!erry got 1orse so Peche 1ent to get help3 #lue!erry
is no1 1aiting underground in the palace3
$7plore the palace4 le"el up -or the !oss !attle4 -ind items and Seirei4 see
!elo1 -or details3
*nce you -eel you0"e le"elled up enough to mo"e around -reely4 and you0re
ready -or the !oss -ight4 go do1n t1o -loors underground3
PecheA DThis is 1here I le-t #lue!erry-chan!D
' 1arning comes upA
$nigmas are lurking there4 are you preparedJ
'ns1er * 9yes: to continue4
#lue!erry is relie"ed to see e"eryone and 8oins your party3
She says there are C $nigmas and they really ha"e no chance to !eat them3
'nd then an $nigma appears4 and 1hile you0re talking to him a second $nigma
comes out4 and the third333
#ut then Tortilla appears and thro1s the mayor0s 1and at one o- the $nigmas
1ho is immediately de-eated3
Tortilla and his -riends deal 1ith one $nigma4 1hile your team takes care o-
Du!uhasuneru 9Iq:3
'-ter the -ight is o"er there0s praise all around and you decide to go o-- to
-ind Lemon and Ca-e au Lait3
>ou 1on0t !e a!le to 1arp until you e7it the palace3
>ou should e7plore the palace care-ully !e-ore lea"ing -or good3
#ehind the sealed doors you can -ind lots o- Seirei4 that doesn0t e"en cost
anything3 >ou 8ust need to chase the cursed Dodos 9XX:4 grey !irds4 in
-ront o- the lo"e hunters 9N!LX:4 the cute little heart creatures4
to !reak the curse4 and make Seirei appear3
*nce you -ree a cursed Dodo the Lo"e 'm!assador in that room 1ill return to
/akuti 2illage3 >ou can see them lined up in the south o- the "illage3
'SCII maps o- the -loors o- the palace3
The element at the !ottom o- the s%uare is the seal on the door3
The one inside the s%uare is the Seirei that can !e -ound in the room 9i- any:3
F i F F g F F F F a F
F F F F (irst (loor F F F F
F g F F d F F f F F F $lement Key
F F F F F F F F _ Thunder
FHgHF FHhHF FHiHF FHcHF d 'ncient
` (ire
h /ind
F [ F F F #ottom (loor F F F j F g #eauty
F F F F /est /ing F F F F i #lade
[ Stone
j Insect
F F F e F #ottom (loor F F F i F e #east
F F F F $ast /ing F F F F f /ater
x Light
N Lo"e
Since there are more Seirei !ehind the sealed doors you can start a 1hole
chain reaction !y opening more doors as you get more Seirei3
(or the longest chain reaction you need at least one Dark 9: Seirei to !egin
Go into the room !ehind Dark 9: seal4 -ind #lade 9i: Seirei3
Go into the room !ehind #lade 9i: seal4 -ind /ater 9f: Seirei3
Go into the room !ehind /ater 9f: seal -ind #east 9e: Seirei3
Go into the room !ehind #east 9e: seal -ind Stone 9[: Seirei3
The room !ehind the #eauty seal 9g: does not ha"e a Dodo !ut a #eauty Seirei
9g: out in the open3
The room !ehind the Lo"e seal 9N: does not ha"e a Dodo !ut a #lade Seirei
9i: out in the open3
The room !ehind the Insect 9j: seal holds the most important o- the items4
the Insect Magni-ying Glass 9j@: 1ithout 1hich you 1on0t !e a!le to see
and make -riends 1ith Insect Seirei3
The Insect Seirei needed to get in can !e -ound in the room !ehind the 'ncient
9d: seal3
There 1ere t1o 'ncient seals in the #enakoncha +uins4 !ut i- you missed those
an 'ncient Seirei can !e -ound in the room !ehind the /ind 9h: seal3 (or the
/ind Seirei needed4 see the 1althrough -or Sparro1 (ield3
Per-ect game hintA to get to the chest 1ith the magni-ying glass 1ithout
catching the Gummy (rog that0s in the 1ay4 e7it the room and come !ack and the
Lo"e &unter 1ill !e gone3
In the room !ehind the (ire 9`: seal there is a crack in the 1all4 and i- you
kick the crack a secret passage opens up 1ith a chest inside3
In the room !ehind the Thunder 9_: seal you can go into the -ireplace -or
another secret chest3
In the room !ehind the Light 9x: seal kick the crack in the 1all -or a secret
room 1ith t1o chests3
There are se"eral chests you can see in the entrance hall that you can0t reach
-rom there3 To get to the ones on the !ottom you need to go to the "ery end o-
the corridors on each end o- the !ottom -loor4 there you 1ill -ind small nooks
you can go inside to get to the chests3 The ones on the top are trickier3 The
le-t one is reached through the hall in the south 1est on the -irst -loor4 go
into the 1all to the right -or a secret path3 The right one is reached through
a crack in the 1all in the corresponding hall in the south east3
'-ter you are done e7ploring e"ery part o- the palace it0s time to continue3
+eturn to the palace entrance3
*nce you e7it the door Kirche4 'rancia and Pistachio 1ill lea"e4 so consider
remo"ing their e%uipment !e-ore lea"ing the palace i- you 1ant to use it -or
your other party mem!ers3
$7it the door and you meet up 1ith Lemon once again4 and this time she 1ill
8oin you3 Kirche4 'rancia and Pistachio lea"es3
&ead to1ards the north 1est palace gate4 you0re going to ha"e to go !ack to
the garden entrance to reach it3
&ere you 1ill -ind the second !oss4 the go!lin #utchine Gen3 C 9I}
: !locking the gate3 #y his side are the t1o D1ar-s ampura 9W.r: and
ukumamu 9%:3 The go!lin is making them spin round and round4 playing
1ith them until they die3 They plead -or you to sa"e them3
De-eat the go!lin and the t1o D1ar-s 1ill thank you pro-usely -or sa"ing their
li"es4 and say you are -ree to pass through the gate3
'-ter e7iting a con"ersation 1ill start3
#lue!erryA D/e -inally escaped -rom the +oyal Palace3 o1 1e can go search -or
Ca-e au Lait3
LemonA DI 1onder 1hat Madeleine-sensei is doing right no1333
&as anyone seen the teacher around hereJ I hope she0s not in danger4 and that
she0s coming to this 1orld soon3
's soon as 1e -ind Ca-e au Lait 1e should help her3D
Scene s1itches to Madeleine-sensei3
She0s arguing 1ith some monsters3
She doesn0t kno1 1here the students are !ut she gets the monsters to tell her
that they0re in the Plane o- Light3 They also say that they0ll soon take o"er
the Plane o- Light and rule the uni"erse3 They try to talk Madeleine-sensi
into merging 1ith one o- them4 !ut she re-uses4 and 1arps o--3 The monsters
are completely -loored that she can use 1arp magic3
#ack to our heroes3 Continue 1est and you 1ill run into the D1ar-s 'nglaise
9.&uq: and ,uattro (ormaggi 90>t:3 They0re talking
a!out going to Kido Monga4
#lue!erryA DThose D1ar-s 1orry me333D
PecheA DLets not -ight 1ith them!!D
Go closer to the D1ar-s3
LemonA DChocolate!!D
ChocolateA D*h3333 Lemon3333D
#lue!erryA DChocolate!! >ou0re alright!!D
,uattro (ormaggiA D're you -ollo1ing usJD
,uattro (ormaggi runs o-- 1ith Chocolat3
PecheA D*h!! &e0s getting a1ay!!D
LemonA DLet0s go a-ter him!!D
Continue on 1est1ard3
#oss (ight 5A
#ossA Du!uhasuneru 9Iq: Le"elA N 'ttri!uteA Darkness 9: &PA 5<B
MonsterA Garushumu 9@:k%: Le"elA N 'ttri!uteA Darkness 9: &PA CB
MonsterA Garushumu 9@:k%: Le"elA N 'ttri!uteA Darkness 9: &PA CB
MonsterA Dummy Ghost 9'q0: Le"elA < 'ttri!uteA Darkness 9: &PA
MonsterA Dummy Ghost 9'q0: Le"elA < 'ttri!uteA Darkness 9: &PA
#oss (ight OA
#ossA #utchine Gen3 C 9I}: Le"elA P 'ttri!uteA Stone 9[: &PA
e1 (riendA Peche 9:k: attri!ute Lo"e 9N: 98oins at the entrance o- the
e1 (riendA #lue!erry 9I/9: attri!ute /ater 9f: 98oins at the !oss
-ight inside the palace:
e1 (riendA Lemon 9u.: attri!ute Thunder 9_: 98oins 1hen you e7it the
palace a-ter clearing it:
$"ent ItemA Insect Magni-ying Glass 9j@: !ehind the door 1ith the insect
seal 9j: Can see insect Seirei
$"ent ItemA Small *carina 9pR9W: in Dra1ing room 9: 1ith sound
seal9c:3 /hen 'rancia ha"e this and is in the party you need to gi"e -e1er
coins to Sound Seirei &umming3
#eauty Seirei 5 Small room in +emittsu +oyal Palace 9u'<o:
1ith -ire seal 9`:
ConditionA Guide a Dodo 9XX: in -ront o- the lo"e hunter 9N!L
X: to !reak the curse4 and o1ning less than PB Gummy /orms 9''T&':
#lade Seirei O .nder the 1est stairs o- +emittsu +oyal Palace 9u'<
o: 1ith lo"e seal 9N:
ConditionA Thro1 a1ay all Gummy (rogs 9RS&': and gi"e O Kyamuti gold
coins 9?C%$n:
#eauty Seirei O Dra1ing room in +emittsu +oyal Palace 9u'<o:
1ith !eauty seal 9g:
ConditionA *1ning less than 5BB Gummy /orms 9''T&': and gi"e O Ganick
gold coins 9@:
'ncient Seirei 5 Dra1ing room in the +emittsu +oyal Palace 9u'<o
: 1ith 1ind seal 9h:
ConditionA Guide a Dodo 9XX: in -ront o- the lo"e hunter 9N!L
X: to !reak the curse
/ater Seirei 5 Dra1ing room in +emittsu +oyal Palace 9u'<o:
1ith !lade seal 9i:
ConditionA Guide a Dodo 9XX: in -ront o- the lo"e hunter 9N!L
X: to !reak the curse
Poison Seirei 5 Dra1ing room in +emittsu +oyal Palace 9u'<o
: 1ith insect seal 9j:
ConditionA Guide a Dodo 9XX: in -ront o- the lo"e hunter 9N!L
X: to !reak the curse
#east Seirei 5 *pen space to the 1est in +emittsu +oyal Palace 9u'<
o: 1ith 1ater seal 9f:
ConditionA Guide a Dodo 9XX: in -ront o- the lo"e hunter 9N!L
X: to !reak the curse
#lade Seirei 5 Small room in +emittsu +oyal Palace 9u'<o:
1ith lo"e seal 9N:
ConditionA Guide a Dodo 9XX: in -ront o- the lo"e hunter 9N!L
X: to !reak the curse
Stone Seirei 5 Inside underground entrance o- +emittsu +oyal Palace 9u'
<M: 1ith !east seal 9e:
ConditionA Guide a Dodo 9XX: in -ront o- the lo"e hunter 9N!L
X: to !reak the curse
Insect Seirei 5 +esting place in +emittsu +oyal Palace 9u'<o
: 1ith ancient seal 9d:
ConditionA Guide a Dodo 9XX: in -ront o- the lo"e hunter 9N!L
X: to !reak the curse
F I!ense +ocks F
F /.7 F
F +oad to +oche F
F :k! F
+ecommended Le"elA 5C
+ocky4 sandy area 1ith some patches o- grass and some trees3
$nemies o- attri!utes Tree 9b:4 #east 9e:4 (ire 9`:4 Thunder 9_:4 Sound
9c: and Stone 9[:3
+andom !attles occur -re%uently in this area3
There are a lot o- Lea"es scattered in this area4 and some Tails4 don0t miss
to gra! them3
>ou enter the area looking -or the D1ar-s that had Chocolat3
#lue!erryA D333333 They0re not here3333333
/here did they goJD
LemonA DThey said something a!out Kido Monga33333D
PecheA DKido Monga!! That0s the D1ar- to1er!!D
LemonA DDamn333 /hat a mess3D
Continue south to the log !ridge and cross it to the little island3
Talk to the D1ar- /orcester 9mqD: and he 1ill gi"e you a Magic Doll4 MDB<
Sardine 98n.: and the MD Dictionary 9:3 I- you talk to
him again you 1ill get OB +ashimo-u sil"er coins 9:>:3 Gather all
the scrap lying around= it0s actually MD parts -or the Magic Doll3
Continue south - 1est - north along +oad to +oche until you get to Pippurusu
*n the 1ay you0ll meet up 1ith Cassis 1ho is "ery happy to see that the
classmates are alright and to hear that the Magic #us is 1ith them3
&e says that Ca-e au Lait has !een con"erted to an o"en and is !usy !aking
cheese cake in the cheese to1er3
It0s decided that Cassis 1ill go a-ter Chocolate 1hile your party goes looking
-or Ca-e au Lait3
Continue south and you run into a hysterical Sesame running around aimlessly3
>ou can try talking to him !ut you 1on0t get much sense out o- him3
Go on4 and 1hen you reach La +oche Log #ridge you0ll hear Sesame3
SesameA D'aaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!D
2oice o- a KonnyakuA D/hat are you doingJ /atch out!D
#lue!erryA DSesame!J /hat0s going on !J
Let0s go !ack 8ust a little !it3D
Go !ack to 1here Sesame is3
#lue!erryA D're you alright!J /hat happened!JD
SesameA DI3333 I33 I di3333 I didn0t see the Konnyaku coming
Konnyaku-samaA D&e 8ust ran into me4 no sense at all!!D
LemonA Do 1ay333D
PecheA D33333333333
Sesame-chan ne"er sa1 a Konnyaku-sama !e-ore3 &e 1as surprised3D
#lue!erryA D'll this shouting is 8ust con-using!
Calm do1n and talk a!out this in a sensi!le manner!D
SesameA DThe Konnyaku didn0t say anything3
&e0s 1eird!!D
Konnyaku-samaA DI ha"e important errands to run3
'nd he0s keeping me here! Completely careless!!D
Konnyaku-sama runs o--3
SesameA D'll talk 333 that Konnyaku333D
#lue!erryA D>ou0re to !lame as 1ell -or running around carelessly!D
SesameA D/ell !ut3333
/ell !ut333 I0m not careless3333
33333333 I0m -ine no13 I 1as 8ust a !it con-used3 &ahahahaha3D
Lea"e Sesame and continue across the log !ridge and then north3
Per-ect game hintA there0s a Gummy (rog !locking the log !ridge to the /ater
Seirei4 so lea"e it -or no1 and come !ack later3
Thunder Seirei O +oche0s ri"er!ank 9:k!L:
ConditionA Gi"e C &elion gold coins 99p.:
/ater Seirei O +oche Log #ridge 9:k!:
ConditionA Gi"e O Crescento sil"er coins 9u7.0:
- Strategy 'd"ice
*nce you get your -irst Magic Doll it0s time to put it to some good use3
$%uip all the MD parts4 the same 1ay you normally do 1ith e%uipment3
Then go to Pro-ile 9r>n:4 the last menu item3
/here the -------- entry is4 press '3
Select one mem!er o- your party -or the MD to !e associated 1ith3
The MD 1ill !e a!le to use all the magic o- that mem!er3
>ou can e%uip mem!ers e"en i- they are not currently 1ith you3 It0s enough
that they ha"e 8oined your party at one point3
+ight no1 the MD only has 5 &P and 5 MP3 Since it doesn0t regain any MP
automatically you ha"e to heal it someho13 The easiest might !e to 1arp !ack
to the Magic #us and use that3 Gust make sure you paid Pi;;a -irst so you can
return easily3
It0s a good idea to use the MD to launch Seirei3 So e%uip a mem!er o- a magic
attri!ute 1here you also ha"e some Seirei3 I- you e%uip Peche don0t use the MD
-or healing magic4 or it0ll use up all its MP in one shot4 8ust use it -or
Seirei3 $"en -or other attri!utes !e "ery care-ul 1ith using the MD -or
attacks4 or it0ll run out o- MP "ery -ast3
The MDB< that you get no1 is a -ast type so it0s per-ect -or launching Seirei
!e-ore the other mem!ers launch their attacks3
' -inal 1ord o- caution3 The Magic Dolls actually aren0t really all that
use-ul3 Since they don0t le"el up it0s !asically a 1asted opportunity4 and
since they don0t regain MP they limit you 9since you either ha"e to stay close
to healing pots or !ring a load o- Gummys 8ust -or the MD:3
(or no1 though4 since you0re stuck 1ith it any1ay4 use it as 1ell as you can3
It is "ery nice to ha"e a party mem!er o- the same attri!ute as another4 e"en
i- it0s limited3 I- you ha"e and use Seirei it can !e almost addicti"e3
#ut once you are completely -ree to choose your party 9it 1ill !e a 1hile
longer: you0re !etter o-- ditching the MD3 >ou aren0t allo1ed to !ring MDs to
the -inal dungeon any1ay4 and preparing and le"elling up -or that is 1hat
you0re ultimately going -or3
F Pippurusu To1n F
F rqDm. F
,uaint little market place4 1hite and yello1 striped parasols3
&ome o- the rat-like Pippurusu 9rq:4 rat-like people3
&ere you can !uy all kinds o- seal 1ith Gummy (rogs3 >ou can only !uy < seals
in total -rom each shop4 so !uy them in the order o- 54 C4 < to get as many as
possi!le4 and think care-ully 1hich type you need most since most shops sell
t1o di--erent kinds3
Per-ect game hintA Sa"e your Gummy (rogs -or no1 and come !ack later to !uy
To !e a!le to get into La +oche to1er you need to sell a sil"er)gold coin 9333
)333: to the shop 1ith the red roo- to recei"e a -ire seal 9`!:
/ith that in hand continue on to La +oche To1er3
$"ent ItemA (ire Seal 9`!:: get -rom shop !y selling coin3 ote that
e"en though this looks like all other -ire seals it0s special4 any old -ire
seal 1on0t do3
Shop In"entoryA
Item ameA PriceA
Green Gummy (rog 9RS&': OB
#lue Gummy (rog 9RS&': 5BB
Poison Tail 9W!(): OB
um! Tail 9:VW!(): CB
Paralysis Tail 9YW!(): 6B
+e"i"al Tail 9>R!(): 5BB
Pinecone 9JK(L: OB
/ool &at 9m!K: O<B
Sil"er +ings 9:9.&: NBB
Leather Gacket 9!C0: 5<BB
Spikes 9q;: 5BBB
+ed +i!!on 99,.: 6BB
Seal Shops In"entoryA
Seal ameA PriceA
/ater Seal 9f!:: Green Gummy (rog 9RS&': 7 <
Thunder Seal 9_!:: Green Gummy (rog 9RS&': 7 <
(ire Seal 9`!:: Green Gummy (rog 9RS&': 7 <
'ncient Seal 9d!:: Green Gummy (rog 9RS&': 7 <
Stone Seal 9[!:: Green Gummy (rog 9RS&': 7 <
Tree Seal 9b!:: Green Gummy (rog 9RS&': 7 <
Sound Seal 9c!:: Green Gummy (rog 9RS&': 7 <
Insect Seal 9j!:: Green Gummy (rog 9RS&': 7 <
#eauty Seal 9g!:: Green Gummy (rog 9RS&': 7 <
Poison Seal 9a!:: Green Gummy (rog 9RS&': 7 <
#lade Seal 9i!:: Green Gummy (rog 9RS&': 7 <
#east Seal 9e!:: Green Gummy (rog 9RS&': 7 <
/ind Seal 9h!:: Green Gummy (rog 9RS&': 7 <
Dark Seal 9!:: #lue Gummy (rog 9RS&': 7 <
Light Seal 9x!:: #lue Gummy (rog 9RS&': 7 <
Lo"e Seal 9N!:: +ed Gummy (rog 9RS&': 7 <
F La +oche To1er F
F o:k! F
+ecommended Le"elA 5R
Purple -loors4 1alls look like cheese4 lots o- cheese and milk -or cheese
preparation lying around3 Positi"ely cra1ling 1ith Pippurusu 9rats:3
Monsters o- attri!ute Poison 9a:4 Sound 9c:4 Insect 9j:4 Thunder 9_: and
Darkness 9:3
There are no random !attles4 !ut some o- the Pippurusu 1ill -ight you i- you
talk to them4 and you need to !attle those 1ho are !locking the 1ay3
This is one o- the -e1 areas 1here you really need a 1alkthrough to get
through3 Trading game to the e7treme3
It0s a "ery good idea to sa"e !e-ore each trade4 8ust in case you talk to the
1rong Pippurusu and don0t recei"e the seal you 1ere e7pecting3
&ere is a !asic rundo1n o- 1hat you need to doA
Gi"e -ire seal 9`!:: to the guard in -ront o- the to1er door
+ecei"e 1ind seal 9h!::
5st (loorA
B53 Gi"e 1ind seal 9h!:: to Gaperon 9Cr.: spinning around in the
1est o- the 5st -loor
+ecei"e poison seal 9a!::
BO3 Gi"e poison seal 9a!:: to #araka 9R: surrounded !y cheese in
the south o- the 5st -loor4 slide in diagonally to reach him
+ecei"e !eauty seal 9g!::
Ond (loorA
BC3 Gi"e !eauty seal 9g!:: to eu-chatel 9:C$: running hurriedly
in the 1est o- the Ond -loor
+ecei"e !lade seal 9i!::
BR3 Gi"e !lade seal 9i!:: to Coulommiers 9'S: 1alking slo1ly in
the south east corner o- the Ond -loor
+ecei"e sound seal 9c!::
B<3 Gi"e sound seal 9c!:: to Muenster 9.q$: looking around
restlessly in the 1est o- the Ond -loor
+ecei"e stone seal 9[!::
Crd (loorA
B63 Gi"e stone seal 9[!:: to +i"aro 99st: running le-t to right to
the east o- the Crd -loor
+ecei"e insect seal 9j!::
BN3 Gi"e insect seal 9j!:: to Taleggio 9Du: resting !et1een
each step in the 1est o- the Crd -loor
+ecei"e 1ood seal 9b!::
BQ3 Gi"e 1ood seal 9b!:: to Mari"au7 99,: a!sent minded !y the
1indo1 to the north o- the Crd -loor
+ecei"e !east seal 9e!::
Rth (loorA
BP3 Gi"e !east seal 9e!:: to Dana!lu 9WI: in the room to the
north east o- the Rth -loor
+ecei"e 1ater seal 9f!::
5B3 Gi"e 1ater seal 9f!:: to Stilton 9q$n0.: circling the ta!le
in the 1est o- the Rth -loor
+ecei"e thunder seal 9_!::
<th (loorA
553 Gi"e thunder seal 9_!:: to Samuso 98%: spinning once -or each
step in the north 1est o- the <th -loor
+ecei"e ancient seal 9d!::
5O3 Gi"e ancient seal 9d!:: to Kachoka"arro 9R}Rst: running
around like a Gummy (rog in the south o- the <th -loor
+ecei"e dark seal 9!::
6th (loorA
5C3 Gi"e dark seal 9!:: to the middle guard in -ront o- the !oss room
on the 6th -loor
Surprisingly4 there is no !oss -ight in the !oss room3
'-ter reaching the 6( you can talk to the Pippurusu to the right o- the to1er
entrance to 1arp straight !ack to 6(3 >ou can also 1arp out o- the to1er
through the hole in the top right corner o- the room3
Talk to the Pippurusu to the le-t o- the ta!le to get the Cheese Kni-e 9}T
W>:4 no1 you can pass La +oche +oad to go on3
Talk to the !oss Pippurusu4 Parmesan 9;'C:4 to the le-t o- Ca-e au
Lait 9the ancient machine:3 &e says that it0s such a good o"en4 gi"ing him
great pro-its3 #ut i- you gi"e him 5B #lue Gummy (rogs 9RS&': he might
consider selling it3
/hen you gi"e them to him Ca-e au Lait 1ill dash o--3
#lue!erryA DCa-e au Lait!! /ait!!D
PecheA DCa-e au Lait-chan!! o1 1hat0s he doing4 1e should return together3D
LemonA DCa-e au Lait returned to the Magic #us!J Lets -ollo1ing him !ack
Per-ect game hintA I- you ha"en0t !een catching any Gummy (rogs chances are
you don0t yet ha"e 5B !lue ones3 To gain them keep -ighting the Pippurusu in
the to1er4 some o- them re1ard you 1ith !lue Gummy (rogs -or 1inning3
There are also three Pippurusu on R( 1ho may gi"e you a -e1 #lue Gummy (rogs3
The num!er o- (rogs they gi"e seem to depend on ho1 many (rogs you ha"e
already 9!oth green and !lue:4 too many and they 1on0t gi"e you anything3
To -ind these generous Pippurusu4 go to 6( and drop through the hole in the
-loor in the !ottom right o- the room3 The Pippurusu 1alking around near!y
1here you land on R( are the ones you should talk to3
'-ter -reeing Ca-e au Lait you 1on0t !e a!le to 1arp4 so 1alk !ack to1ards
I!ense +ocks3
>ou hear Sesame screaming4 !ut 1hen you go to look -or him he0s not there3
Instead you -ind one o- the /ater People3
#lue!erryA D/ater PeopleJ /hyJ In a place like thisJD
LemonA D/ater PeopleJD
#lue!erryA DThey li"e in the Plane o- /ater4 !ut lately they0"e !een seen in
other places3 I0"e heard there are se"eral o- them in the Plane o-
Darkness3 33333333 #ut 1hy is it hereJD
/ater PeopleA D9gi!!erish:D
PecheA D/hat did he say!JD
#lue!erryA D&e said that he came here !y the po1er o- a dark !east3 /hen an
$nigma 1as passing !et1een planes he 1as dragged in and came along here3D
LemonA DDid he see SesameJD
#lue!erryA D9gi!!erish:D
/ater PeopleA D9gi!!erish:D
#lue!erryA D' small creature disappeared together 1ith the $nigma3D
PecheA D/as it SesameJD
#lue!erryA D&e doesn0t understand3D
#lue!erryA D9gi!!erish:D
/ater PeopleA D9gi!!erish:D
LemonA D/hat did he sayJD
#lue!erryA D&e heard 1hen 1e got together3D
PecheA DThen 1hat did he sayJD
#lue!erryA D&e likes this ri"er3D
LemonA D/ell -or no1 1e must hurry up and -ind Sesame!D
#lue!erryA D+ight!D
Then you 1ill !e askedA
+eturn to Sparro1 (ield
?C.7 Cancel
I- you choose cancel you 1ill ha"e to 1alk all the 1ay !ack3
#ack at the Magic #us Ca-e au Lait 1ill 8oin you3 #alsamico says he thinks he
can use Ca-e au Lait0s magic generator to -i7 the !us4 something that makes
Peche -eel sorry -or Ca-e au Lait3
>ou can no1 -reely choose your party mem!ers3 #ut since you need Ca-e au Lait
in your party to !e a!le to continue you ha"e to at least include him3
Including Peche is also highly recommended3
+eturn to the to1er 1ith Ca-e au Lait in your party4 and talk to the Pippurusu
on the R( to make Lo"e Seirei O appear3 The easiest 1ay to reach them is to go
to the 6( and drop through the hole in the -loor in the !ottom right o- the
room3 Talk to all the Pippurusu around 1here you land3 It0s the same ones 1ho
hand out -ree #lue Gummy (rogs3
'-ter picking up Ca-e au Lait at the Magic #us4 return to I!ense +ocks3
/hen you approach the Dodo !ird a yamuneruto 9C%0: appears3
yamuneruto ManA DDon0t touch the !ird!!D
'ranciaA D$ek! >ou surprised me!D
yamuneruto ManA DSorry3 I didn0t mean to scare you3D
yamuneruto ManA DMy name is ectar 9D:3 I0m -rom Tapiokati 2illage4
!ut I tra"el a lot3D
LemonA DTapiokati 2illage3333 on the Plane o- Darkness3333D
ectarA DDodos li"e -or 5BBB years3 Can you !elie"e itJ
'-ter 5BBB years they return to their true -orm3
They0re cursed3333 Turned into Dodos3D
PecheA DI thought that 1as 8ust a -airy tale3 're you saying that it0s true!JD
ectarA D*nce a Dodo is -ree -rom the curse it may turn out to !e a human4 or
a Seirei3
#ut there are many 1ho thinks Dodo meat is medicinal and hunt them!!
#ecause o- this4 my 1ork is to take care o- the Dodos4 keep them sa-e and
protected and gather them3
/ell4 that0s it3 Come here Dodo!D
ectar lea"es 1ith the Dodo3
Go south4 cross the little land !ridge and talk to the D1ar- !locking the 1ay3
o1 that you ha"e the Cheese Kni-e and Ca-e au Lait is in your party he0ll let
you pass4 and you can go on to Geara"a 2illage3
+ight !e-ore reaching the "illage you run into 1ith Candy and others3 They
1arp o-- and are -ollo1ing !y an $nigma monster talking a!out the Plane o-
Dark3 Ganache comes a-ter it3 &e attacks and they !oth 1arp o--4 Ganache
calling out DCandy!D
/hen you enter the "illage there is a short cutscene o- Sesame in a -orest4
!eing chased !y an $nigma3 #ut he0s too -ast -or it3
e1 (riendA Ca-e au Lait 9R>=pu: attri!ute 'ncient 9d:
$"ent ItemA Cheese Kni-e 9}TW>: on La +oche To1er 6( 9o:k!
: - Can pass the La +oche +oad
Sound Seirei O La +oche To1er C( 9o:k!:
ConditionA Gi"e O &amonick gold coins 9: 95 1ith the *carina:
Dark Seirei O La +oche To1er R( 9o:k!:
Condition= #eat 'nsutinga 9.q$n.@: 7 C4 #utchon 9I}.: 7 O4
and Dummy Ghost 9'q0:3 *nly appears i- you ha"e caught 5B or more
Gummy (rogs 9RS&':
Insect Seirei O La +oche To1er R( 9o:k!:
ConditionA Gi"e < >ello1 Gummy /orms 9''T&':
Lo"e Seirei O La +oche To1er $ntrance 9o:k!:
ConditionA '-ter Ca-e au Lait 9the ancient machine: has 8oined your party4
talk to the 1hole Pippurusu 9rq: -amily on the Rth -loor o- the to1er
to make it appear3 *nly 8oins i- you ha"e caught OBB or less Gummy (rogs 9RS
F Geara"a 2illage F
F lst| F
+ocky dry "illage 1ith run do1n green shack !uildings3
&ome o- the D1ar- 9>: people3
&uge !uilding housing !oth the Inn and Shops3
'part -rom the regular items there is also a shop selling MD parts3
I- you talk to the D1ar-s lined up in the top right they 1ill tell you a!out
the MD and their in-o 1ill !e added to the MD Dictionary3
To reach the Tree Seirei in the east you need to go round to a second entrance
a!o"e the main one3
*nce you enter Kido Monga you 1ill see a cutscene 1ith Cassis3
Monsters possessing D1ar-s come into the "illage and all the real D1ar-s hide3
Cassis tries to -ight the monsters !ut is 1arped o--3
o1 e"erything is still and %uiet and no D1ar-s can !e seen around3 The Inn
and Shops still remain open though3
Tree Seirei O Geara"a 2illage 9lst|:
ConditionA Gi"e < Pinecones 9JK(L:3 *nly appears i- you ha"e picked up
<B or more pinecones3
/ind Seirei O Geara"a 2illage 9lst|:
ConditionA Gi"e 5 +ashimo-u sil"er coin 9:>:
Shop In"entoryA
Item ameA PriceA
Green Gummy (rog 9RS&': OB
#lue Gummy (rog 9RS&': 5BB
>ello1 Gummy /orm 9''T&': 5BB
Poison Tail 9W!(): OB
+e"i"al Tail 9>R!(): 5BB
&elmet 90: PBB
Gold +ings 99.&: 5<BB
Chain Mail 9}=.: RCBB
Tip-Toes 9J: 5BBB
Lapis $arrings 9q!q: 5QBB
MD Part Shop In"entoryA
Item ameA PriceA
Scampi Shell 9qR.:=: N<B
Glass #ead 9@qJ: 5O<B
+ose ,uart; 9T<: O<BB
'methyst 9q0: C<BB
*range (ruit 9pu.!: OB
Papaya (ruit 9;;!: O<
'pple (ruit 9L!: <B
+ed Mica 9?: <BB
>ello1 Mica 9?: 5BBB
/ool >arn 9m!: <BB
Sheep Gut 9Z!@0: 6BB
F Kido Monga F
F ?o.@ F
+ecommended Le"elA 5Q
&uge tall -actory !uilding4 red !rick 1alls4 checkered and 1ooden -loors3
There0s a !unch o- D1ar- 1orkers around3
>ou al1ays need Ca-e au Lait in your party to !e allo1ed in3
Monsters o- attri!ute 'ncient 9d: and Darkness 9:3
There are no random !attles4 !ut i- you try to pick up the scrap lying around
it 1ill turn into an ancient machine and -ight3
#attle all o- them to get !onus items and e7perience3
The green !om! pots !locking the 1ay need one Gummy (rog to !lo1 themsel"es up3
To reach the (ire Seirei in the north 1est on <( you need to pick up Gummy
(rogs hidden under the plat-orm3
*n the <th -loor4 -ind the s1itch in the south east and s1itch it to open the
door to the path to the ele"ator3
The D1ar- !locking the door 1ill turn into Du!uhasuneru 9Iq: -or
mini !oss -ight 53
'-ter clearing that !attle continue do1n through the ne1ly opened door3
/hen you try to enter the ele"ator mini !oss -ight O 1ith Du!uhasuneru 9I
q: starts3
Take the ele"ator up to 6(3
#attle all the scrap up here to le"el up3 There are healing pots near!y so
it0s a great opportunity3
Go on to the room 1here the main !oss is4 locked in !ehind a door4 and talk to
all the D1ar-s3
Gapanese Mushroom Ste1 9h?-: 9yes that is his name: in the middle o-
the room 1ill gi"e you /orker0s Soul 9!:3
o1 you can open the door in -ront o- the ele"ator -rom the outside3
#e-ore the main !oss -ight the D1ar- Master Grenadine 9&uW.: 1ill gi"e
you a %ui;4 the ans1ers are as -ollo1A
* 9yes:
* 9yes:
* 9yes:
* 9yes:
* 9yes:
* 9yes:
* 9yes:
* 9yes:
'-ter clearing the %uestions he 1ill ask i- you 1ant to !attle the !oss
Tartar-chan 9DD: to try your strength3 I- you ans1er * 9yes:
the !attle 1ill continue3 $"en i- you ans1er 9no: to heal up -irst you
1on0t ha"e to take the %ui; o"er again3
'-ter the !attle you 1ill !e askedA
J Go to Sparro1 (ield
!J Go to to1er e7it
?C.7 Cancel
It doesn0t really matter 1hich you choose4 !ut don0t return to the Sparro1
(ield right a1ay i- you0"e got some e7ploring le-t to do3
'-ter the !oss -ight you can return to the Magic #us to continue on to the
Plane o- Darkness3
/hen you try to enter the !us #alsamico 1ill ask you i- he can connect Ca-e au
Lait to the !us to 1arp o--3 'ns1erA
* 9yes:
I- you ans1er yes #alsamico 1ill tell you that he can only use Ca-e au Lait0s
magic generator to 1arp once3 So he 1ill take you and the !us !ack to the
school to get it properly repaired3 '-ter that you0ll continue to the Plane o-
*nce you say yes to #alsamico you0ll go on to Plane o- Darkness and you 1on0t
!e a!le to return to the Plane o- Light -or %uite some time3 So i- you ha"e
something still le-t to do4 do it no13
Mini #oss (ight 5A
#ossA Du!uhasuneru 9Iq: Le"elA 5N 'ttri!uteA Darkness 9: &PA
MonsterA #utchon 9I}.: Le"elA 5C 'ttri!uteA Darkness 9: &PA <B
MonsterA #utchon 9I}.: Le"elA 5C 'ttri!uteA Darkness 9: &PA <B
MonsterA 'nsutinga 9.q$n.@: Le"elA 5O 'ttri!uteA Darkness 9:
MonsterA 'nsutinga 9.q$n.@: Le"elA 5O 'ttri!uteA Darkness 9:
MonsterA 'nsutinga 9.q$n.@: Le"elA 5O 'ttri!uteA Darkness 9:
Mini #oss (ight OA
#ossA Du!uhasuneru 9Iq: Le"elA 5N 'ttri!uteA Darkness 9: &PA
MonsterA #utchon 9I}.: Le"elA 5C 'ttri!uteA Darkness 9: &PA <B
MonsterA #utchon 9I}.: Le"elA 5C 'ttri!uteA Darkness 9: &PA <B
MonsterA 'nsutinga 9.q$n.@: Le"elA 5O 'ttri!uteA Darkness 9:
MonsterA 'nsutinga 9.q$n.@: Le"elA 5O 'ttri!uteA Darkness 9:
MonsterA 'nsutinga 9.q$n.@: Le"elA 5O 'ttri!uteA Darkness 9:
Main #oss (ightA
#ossA Tartar-chan 9DD: Le"elA 5Q 'ttri!uteA 'ncient 9d: &PA
MonsterA Tin #ame 9I9?: Le"elA 56 'ttri!uteA 'ncient 9d: &PA RB
MonsterA Tin Supime 9I9?q: Le"elA 5R 'ttri!uteA 'ncient 9d: &PA
MonsterA Tin Clock 9I9?: Le"elA 5< 'ttri!uteA 'ncient 9d: &PA
$"ent ItemA /orker0s Soul 9!: Kido Monga 6( 9?o.@: The
door in -ront o- the ele"ator in Kido Monga can !e opened
Stone Seirei O Kido Monga C( 9?o.@: in the middle o- the -loor3
ConditionA Gi"e O #lue Gummy (rogs 9RS&':3 *nly appears i- you ha"e
caught 5B or more Gummy /orms 9''T&':
(ire Seirei O Kido Monga <( 9?o.@: in the north 1est3
ConditionA Gi"e C Mirori sil"er coins 9'9:
FF Plane o- Darkness FF
FF !ru. FF
#e-ore you go on to the Plane o- Darkness you make a stop at the school /ill
*0 /isp3
$"eryone are talking a!out a possi!le 1ar 1ith the monsters3
KirscheA DDoes us !eing !ack here mean that 1e0"e le-t the camp and 1ill !e
thro1n out o- schoolJD
PistachioA DThere0s no 1ay that rule can still !e "alid at a time like this-
'ranciaA D333 Didn0t the principal realise3333 that 1e0d meet 3333D
PistachioA D&e kne1 and still made us go to camp4 really-ppi!JD
'ranciaA DI heard there are -i"e $nigmas -or e"ery student that graduates -rom
this school3 I- that0s true 1e cannot start a 1ar right no13D
#lue!erryA DIs it possi!le 1e 1ere set up to meet the $nigmaJD
#alsamicoA DIt 1as actually the principal and not the $nigma that sent the !us
to the Plane o- Light3 &e doesn0t kno1 i- other magicians in this country are
his allies or loyal to the enemy3 >ou guys are the only ones he kno1s he can
KirschA D/hat the3333D
PecheA DGran Dragee did this!JD
LemonA D&appy or sad4 I don0t kno1 ho1 to -eel3D
PistachioA DDemons-ppi333 *ur teachers are demons-ppi33333D
#lue!erryA D'ah333 I -eel -aint3 #ut 1e can trust the adults3 I understand4 i-
1e are the only ones that can do it3D
#alsamico e7plains that he0ll start the Summoning Machine and you ha"e to
hurry up3 It can send li"ing creatures to other Planes3 &e can only send Ca-e
au Lait and t1o others 1ith it3
$"eryone4 e7cept Pistachio4 are eager to go3
#alsamico says that Ca-e au Lait decides 1ho to take3 &e gets to choose 1ho he
can depend on3
Ca-e au Lait chooses &ero3
'nd it0s agreed &ero gets to choose the second personA
?:k Kirsche I/9 #lue!erry
:k Peche u. Lemon
.: 'rancia qD}p Pistachio
I highly recommend picking Peche so you ha"e someone to heal your party3 It
1ill !e a long time !e-ore you are -ree to choose your party again4 and you
1ill miss her healing a lot in the meantime4 and she 1ill miss a lot o-
le"elling up3
#alsamicoA D*nce you reach the Plane o- Darkness you should look -or Gyuuhi
*gura3 &e used to !e a geography teacher at the school3
&e0s retired no1 and li"es on the Plane o- Darkness3
(irst o- all4 go -ind Gyuuhi *gura4 and he 1ill gi"e you the Map o- Darkness3
&e0s in the south 1est o- +ehika-u S1amp3D
+ight a-ter 1arping you 1ill hear Candy4 Ca!ernet4 Cidre4 *li"e and Ganache
talking through the !ushes3 They0re looking -or Chocolate and Sesame3 Ganache
says he0s !een here se"eral times !e-ore as a child4 1ith his -amily3 I- you
go east you should reach the dog-like 2o7 people and Masarati 2illage3 &e says
e"eryone should go 1ait in the "illage 1hile he goes to look -or Chocolate and
Sesame3 Candy doesn0t agree3
F +ehika-u S1amp F
F uYR> F
+ecommended Le"elA OB
>ou 1ill land in the middle o- no1here in a s1ampy lush green area3
There are some random !attles here4 !ut they happen pretty rarely4 so you can
e7plore pretty leisurely3
Monsters o- attri!ute (ire 9`:4 Poison 9a:4 Sound 9c: and Darkness 9:3
Go south to -ind MDBR (lounder 9>m.: and pick up the "arious
MD parts lying like scrap around the area3 $%uip the MD parts and e%uip a
party mem!er to the MD so you can use it3
Continue do1n south east to an area 1ith lots o- Gummy (rogs and !ig red)1hite
(ind the mysterious insect man 1ith a grey moustache and talk to him3
Mysterious InsectA D>ou!! 'ren0t you students o- the magic school /illo1 *0
KirscheA D333333333/ell4 that is correct4 !ut ho1 1ould you kno1JD
Mysterious InsectA DListen and !e ama;ed! The authority o- the magic
community! Gyuuhi *gura 9kmYop&:4 that0s me!
KirscheA DIt0s really you!JD
'ranciaA DIck an insect!J ' caterpillar!JD
Mysterious InsectA D/hat are you doing here!! /hy aren0t you 1ith the others!!
I0ll sho1 youD
The screen s1itches to Candy and the rest3
CidreA D/e reached the "illage at last3
/e should 8ust 1ait -or the teacher to come here and help us3
CandyA DIt looks like a sa-e "illage3 Let0s stay here -or a 1hile3D
GanacheA D/ell4 i- e"eryone are staying4 I can go on3D
Ganache starts to go3
Ca!ernetA DI 1ill go too-nu!D
*li"eA DI0m going too!D
CandyA D/ait a minute!! Let me in too!!D
'nd three people lea"e3
CidreA D333333+eally333333
They0re all stupid3 /hat am I supposed to do all !y mysel-3D
#ack to our heroes3
Gyuuhi *guraA Do1 1e understand 1hat the others are thinking!!D
>ou recei"e the Map o- Darkness 9!MG: -rom him3
Gyuuhi *guraA DI sensed you and the rest already!
Madeleine-sensei and the eight classmates4 I kne1 you came to the Plane o-
(rom here you should continue around the s1amp to 1here the 2o7 li"es3 >ou
should reach Masarati 2illage3
(irst o- all4 go to Masarati 2illage!D
Don0t make -riends 1ith the #lade Seirei near!y yet3
Go !ack north 1here you 1ill -ind Chocolat 1ith a (amiliar D1ar- 9it0s ,uattro
(ormaggi: and Cassis3
CassisA DGi"e him !ack3D
(amiliar D1ar-A D're you angry that 1e0"e kidnapped your -riend!J
'-ter 1e0re done 1e 1ill gi"e him !ack immediately!!
Can0t 1e 8ust !orro1 your -riend0s magic po1er!JD
CassisA D3333333333D
KirscheA DCassis!! They0re here!!D
CassisA D&mJJD
The (amiliar D1ar- sneaks a1ay 1ith Chocolat 1hile you0re talking to Cassis3
Ca-e au LaitA DJJJJJD
Cassis D!!!!!D
KirscheA D/as that really ChocolatJD
CassisA DI talked to him3 It0s Chocolat3D
KirscheA D/hy didn0t you go a-ter them!JD
'ranciaA D>ou can0t -ollo1 them!JD
CassisA D3333333It0s no use3333333
&e can use 1arp magic3 /hen cornered they 8ust disappear3D
KirscheA D' D1ar- using magic in the Plane o- Darkness!J Terri!le!! Plane o-
'ranciaA D$h!J ' magic D1ar-J! I don0t !elie"e it!D
CassisA D'n $nigma has merged 1ith him333
/hen it 1as 8ust us t1o it sho1ed its true character3D
Cassis 8oins your party3
/ith Cassis in your party you can go !ack and get the #lade Seirei 1ithout
losing any Gummy (rogs3
Continue east4 e7ploring the area and making -riends 1ith the Seirei4 until
you reach Masarati 2illage3
*n the 1ay4 !y the !ridge 8ust !e-ore the "illage4 you run into Cinnamon 9:W
.:4 a 1hite poodle-like 2o73 She0s talking to a D1ar-3
,uattro (ormaggiA DCan you use magicJD
CinnamonA DMagicJ Magic ho1JD
CassisA DIt0s the "oice o- that D1ar-!D
,uattro (ormaggiA DI0m asking my ne1 host 1hether you are the user o- suita!le
magic3 'ns1er the %uestion3D
CinnamonA D&o1 rude3 /hat a %uestion3 I0m not ans1ering3
CassisA D3333333Chocolat isn0t here3 Didn0t they go this 1ayJD
,uattro (ormaggiA D/hat! They came here!D
,uattro (ormaggi escapes !y 1arp3
CassisA DMonster333333! /e can0t -ollo1 him!D
Cinnamon 9talking to hersel-:A DStrange D1ar-333333 /hat 1as it talking
CassisA D/hen they come it 1ill !e o"er33333D
Cinnamon notices Cassis3
CinnamonA D&ey4 ho1 are youJ I0m Cinnamon4 -rom Masarati 2illage3
#y the 1ay4 are you ac%uaintances o- the other tra"ellers in the "illageJD
KirscheA D.sJ /ho 1as itJ It might ha"e !een Ganache and the others!D
CinnamonA D/ell4 i- you kno1 them you !etter hurry up3
They le-t -or the south o- the +ehika-u S1amp3D
KirscheA D/hat!J S1amp!J &o1!JD
CinnamonA DThey 1ent to the $nigma (orest3
They didn0t 1ant the "illagers to see!D
Ca-e au LaitA D$nigma (orest3333!JD
Cinnamon lea"es3
Turn south a-ter the !ridge to reach Mace0s house3 Go there listen to Mace and
Cinnamon0s con"ersation3
CinnamonA DI !rought you a cheesecake today3
I hope you0ll like it3D
MaceA DThank you4 Cinnamon3 #ut3333D
CinnamonA DLook4 you0re not !ad at all3
*nce the "illagers get used to you little !y little you0ll !e a!le to go
shopping there and e"erything3D
MaceA DI kno14 !ut it0s 8ust so hopeless3333
I can0t go into the "illage3333D
CinnamonA D#ut I told you3 >ou0re not !ad at all!
>ou4 it0s al1ays the same4 nothing e"er changes!
$"er since the "illagers a!andoned your parents3333
>ou 1on0t -ace them3333D
MaceA DThey say my parents are e"il spirits e"er since they died -rom .;u
-e"er 9mT:3
$"eryone says333 I0m an e"il spirit too333D
CinnamonA DMace4 don0t you think I kno1 ho1 you -eelJ
#ut 1hy do you keep testing me!J /hy 1on0t you !elie"e me!J
MaceA DCinnamon3333D
Continue east to reach Masarati 2illage3
e1 (riendA Cassis 9R:q: attri!ute #lade 9i:
$"ent ItemA Map o- Darkness 9!MG: /here Mushi 9%:: are Gi"en !y Gyuuhi
*gura 9kmYop&: Can see map o- Plane o- Darkness
/ater Seirei C +ehika-u S1amp $dge R 9uYR>: In the 1est north o-
1here you land
ConditionA Gi"e R Crescento sil"er coins 9u7.0:
#lade Seirei C +ehika-u S1amp 1here there are Insects 9uYR> %:: in
the 1est4 -ar north o- 1here you land4 close to Gyuuhi *gura
ConditionA Thro1 a1ay all Gummy (rogs 9RS&': and gi"e R Kyamuti gold
coins 9?C%$n:
Tree Seirei C $dge o- +ehika-u S1amp O 9uYR>: *n the 1ay east1ard
to Masarati 2illage
ConditionA Gi"e 5B Pinecones 9JK(L:3 *nly appears i- you ha"e picked
up 5BB or more pinecones3
Poison Seirei O $dge o- +ehika-u S1amp 9uYR>: ear the !ridge on the
1ay to Masarati 2illage4 hiding under the shade o- "egetation
ConditionA Gi"e 5B um! Tails 9:VW!():
#east Seirei O $dge o- +ehika-u S1amp C 9uYR>: on the little
peninsula !esides Mace0s &ouse
ConditionA Gi"e < Paralysis Tails 9YW!(): you can !uy these in the
shop in Masarati 2illage
F Masarati 2illage F
F 8$n| F
&ouses 1ith !ro1n stra1 roo-s and green4 green grass3
This is the "illage o- the 2o7 9sq:4 the dog-like people3
/hen you enter the "illage you run into Cidre3
CassisA DCidre!JD
KirscheA DIt0s Cidre!! 're you alright!JD
CassisA DSomeho1 you managed it all the 1ay here to meet us!!
#y the 1ay4 are you alone!J /eren0t you together 1ith the others!JD
CidreA DThey 1ere all yelling3 I0m so happy I met you all3D
Ca-e au LaitA D/here are e"eryoneJD
CidreA DThe rest o- the party4 Ganache4 *li"e and the othersJ
They are in $nigma (orest4 they 1ent across the s1amp3D
KirscheA DSo they really 1ent to $nigma (orest!J &o1 did they get there!JD
'ranciaA D$hhhhhhhhh!! They really did it!J /hy 1ould they do that!JD
CidreA DThey0re so conceited3
(or sure4 i- they -ight the $nigma4 they can0t 1in!D
CassisA Do4 e"en i- you say that3333
$"eryone4 i- 1e go a-ter the $nigma4
i- e"eryone 1ent looking -or $nigma (orest3D
KirscheA DThat it!! The $nigma that has taken Chocolate might !e there!
/e must go to $nigma (orest!D
CidreA DI 1on0t go to $nigma (orest3D
CassisA D/hat!J /hat kind o- -riend are you!JD
CidreA D#ut4 there0s no 1ay3 >ou can say 1hat you 1ant3
I- 1e go things 1ill only get 1orse!!
I0ll stay here 1here it0s sa-e and e"eryone else should too3
/ait -or the gro1n-ups to help us!! >ou ha"e a !etter idea!JD
CassisA D>ou might !e right3
#ut i- 1e stay here and 1ait -or adults to help 1e don0t kno1
1hat happens 1ith the others in the meantime!!D
CidreA D/ell4 that does 1orry me3D
Ca-e au LaitA D'll classmates should help each other3D
CidreA D'ren0t you all 8ust looking to !ecome heroesJD
CassisA DDo you remem!er 1hat the principal said !e-ore the campJD
CidreA DI- 1e le-t camp 1e 1ould also ha"e to lea"e the school!
#ut no14 that can0t !e true anymore!D
CassisA DThe principal kne1 this 1ould happen3D
KirscheA D$"eryone agrees that is ho1 it is!!
Since he kne1 the camp 1ould turn out like this and didn0t try to stop it!!D
'ranciaA DThat0s ho1 it is3
one o- the great traditional magicians ha"e noticed anything3
#ut there is something going on -or sure3D
CidreA D3333333
CassisA DThe principal has put his -aith in all o- us3D
CidreA D&e put his -aith in us333333!JD
CassisA DThere is something that 1e all ha"e o"ercome3
There is something that can0t !e changed any longer in the adults3
The principal 1ill e7plain e"erything to us4 he0s got -aith in us3
CidreA D(aith3333 &e has -aith us33333D
Ca-e au LaitA DCidre4 he !elie"es in us3D
CidreA Do 1ay33333D
CassisA D>eah3 It0s una"oida!le3D
CidreA DI0ll stay here3 >ou may not agree3
#ut I0d rather !elie"e that the adults 1ill come and help us3D
CassisA D/e0ll go3 It0s alright3 >ou0re -ree to stay here3 /e 1on0t stay3D
Go to the "illage mayor0s house in the south east4 the one guarded !y a 2o73
Talk to the mayor Ginger 9.C:3
GingerA DI am Ginger4 the leader o- Masarati 2illage3
This "illage has managed to keep the peace e"en in the Plane o- Darkness3
It0s !ecause I0m doing such a good 8o!3
>ou are all -ree to en8oy this peace-ul place3
&o1e"er4 don0t go to the Icy Island in the middle o- the S1amp3
The -ormer leader lost his li-e there3
Gera /ind Ca"e on Icy Island4 there0s an outrageous apparition there3
2o7 ManA D'lthough this is !et1een the leader and his daughter4 is e"erything
GingerA D/hatJ 'nything out o- the ordinaryJD
2o7 ManA D/ell4 today Cinnamon hardly set a good e7ample 1ith her 1ays3
The "illagers 1on0t look at it leniently -ore"er3
'nd in this case3333
They sayA Dsince she is the leader0s daughter4 shouldn0t she -ollo1 the
Tension 1ill increase i- this goes on3D
GingerA DI understand3 The rules o- the "illage are there to !e -ollo1ed3
There is no e7ception -or the leader0s daughter3 I0m a -air leader3D
CinnamonA DThere you are -ather3D
Cinnamon comes in3
2o7 ManA D/ell4 this is 1hat I0m talking a!out3D
GingerA D>ou0re late3 /here ha"e you !eenJD
CinnamonA D$hhJ /ell4 I 1as catching Gummy (rogs333D
GingerA DI see3 Did you catch a lotJD
CinnamonA Do3333 ot really3333D
GingerA DI see3 /ell4 you0re pro!a!ly tired3 Go sleep and don0t go outside
again today3
/e0ll talk more a!out this tomorro13D
Listen to the con"ersation !et1een the guard and Mace outside the Mayor0s
2o7 ManA DThe mayor issued a statement that you are not allo1ed in this house3
Go !ack3D
MaceA D#ut4 Cinnamon le-t something !ehind333 !ut333
Cinnamon dropped her handkerchie- in the 1oods3333D
2o7 ManA DGi"e it to me4 I 1ill take care o- it3D
MaceA DI 1ant to gi"e it to her directly3333D
2o7 ManA DThat0s not possi!le3D
MaceA D/hy is thatJD
2o7 ManA DIt0s a rule3 >ou ha"e to get the leader0s permission3D
MaceA DThe leader3333J Cinnamon0s -atherJ I0ll get the permission right
2o7 ManA DI0ll go ask the leader3 Come !ack later3D
MaceA DI0ll come !y tomorro13
I0ll !e staying at the Inn tonight4 i- you 1ant something4 please tell me
Go to the Inn in the north east and talk to Mace3
MaceA DIt0s !een a 1hile4 thank you3D
KirscheA DIt0s shame-ul! Terri!le talk!! It0s making me so angry!!
MaceA D&ahahaha3333 that0s right3333D
The handkerchie- 1as a strategy -or me to go to the "illage that Cinnamon
thought up3333
Little !y little4 get the "illagers used to me3333
I think little !y little they 1ill get used to me3
I 1on0t gi"e up -or Cinnamon3333
I 1ill continue again tomorro13D
InnkeeperA DIt0s no use4 Mace-chan3
/hate"er you do they 1ill still gi"e you the e"il eye3D
The Innkeeper approaches3
KirscheA D&mJD
Ca-e au LaitA DSee! 'ny!ody! Gi"e up!JD
MaceA D3333D
InnkeeperA DThe "illagers are to !lame -or Mace-chan0s parents0 death3
The people can0t look Mace in the eye3D
KirscheA D/hat do you meanJ Please e7plain3D
MaceA D3333333D
InnkeeperA D/hen you ha"e .;u (e"er4 the Ice Seed can cure you3
In the middle o- the s1amp is Icy Island 1here Grass gro1s in a ca"e3
$"eryone kno1s the -lo1ers ripen into Ice Seeds3
#ut there0s an old legend talking a!out the Demon (e"er4
or the Curse (e"er4 and no one 1anted to go get the Ice Seed3
'nd that0s the 1hole story3
MaceA DPlease don0t tell the tra"ellers a!out that3
They don0t need to kno13
The last thing my -ather said 1asA 0Don0t !lame the "illagers30
0I can0t ask them to risk their li"es -or me4 can IJ0
(ather said laughing3D
KirscheA DThe more I learn a!out this "illage4 the less I like it!D
MaceA DI think it0s important to let the "illagers kno1 that I do understand3D
InnkeeperA D>ou0re all gro1n up3333 Mace-chan3D
>ou 1ere so small 1hen your parents died3333
I 1as your uncle !ut I couldn0t do anything3333
Stay here -or the night3 $"eryone are together3333 It0s all good3D
Go !ack to1ards the mayor0s house3 /hen you approach Mace a con"ersation 1ill
MaceA D/hy am I not allo1ed to see herJ Please let me kno13D
Cidre tries to hide3
2o7 ManA D/ell3333 $hhh4
't the moment4 Cinnamon is ill !ecause she e7hausted hersel-4 please come
!ack later3D
MaceA DIllJ She0s really ill!JD
2o7 ManA DThat0s 1hat I0m telling you! >ou0re dou!ting her illness!J
're you calling me a liar!JD
MaceA D/ell4 i- 1hat you say is true3333 't least tell me 1hat disease she
2o7 ManA DThe disease is3333 .;u (e"er3
She got it -rom you3 This happened !ecause she kept sneaking o-- to see you3D
MaceA DI-It0s a lie3333 o 1ay3333D
2o7 ManA D'ny1ay4 lea"e no13 >ou0re 8ust in the 1ay3D
MaceA DI0ll get it3333D
2o7 ManA DGet 1hatJJJD
MaceA DThe Ice Seed3333 I0ll get it3333D
2o7 ManA DThe Ice Seed333 o 1ay3333!!
>ou0ll go into Gera /ind Ca"e!JD
MaceA D>ou 8ust 1ait3 I0ll come !ack -or sure3D
2o7 ManA D/ait a minute!! &ey!!
$"en i- you get the Ice Seed it 1on0t ha"e any e--ect!!
There is no 1ay to cure .;u (e"er!! Do you understand!!D
Mace lea"es3
2o7 ManA D&umph3 &e0ll 8ust get himsel- killed3D
The hero party talk amongst themsel"es3
KirscheA D&e really meant it!!D
'ranciaA D>ep! &e0s serious!! Isn0t it great!JD
CassisA D&e meant it3
They 1ere talking a!out curing Cinnamon0s .;u (e"er3D
Go to the ship landing place4 the little pier in the south 1est and talk to
CassisA D>o! Cidre! Do you -eel like lea"ing this to1n and coming 1ith us on
an ad"enture!JD
CidreA D'n ad"entureJ no 1ay33333333
/e0ll get all s1eaty and co"ered in mud i- 1e do that3D
KirscheA DThe leader0s ship is gone333 Did Mace use itJD
CidreA DIcy Island33333 &e 1ent to Gera /ind Ca"e3333333D
CassisA D&e 1ent alone to such a place!J So 1hat 1e heard came true!!D
KirscheA DIt0s dangerous!! .nless 1e go to help him this could go !ad!! Isn0t
it ha;ardous!JD
CassisA DCidre!! >ou ha"e to come 1ith us and help him!!D
CidreA D33333333D
Ca-e au LaitA D>ou ha"e to go!!D
CidreA DI 1ould go i- it 1as one o- you3 #ut he0s got nothing to do 1ith me3D
KirscheA D&o1 can you say that!!D
CidreA D333333
/hy4 8ust to die like my mama33333D
CassisA DJJD
CidreA DMe and Mama 1ere preparing the 'rt (esti"al in Panache Mountain33333
There 1as a sno1storm outside4 !ut mama 1as a!sor!ed in making an ice
The sno1storm lasted -or -our days4 and the -ood ran out4 and I called out to
mother -or help3
T1ice I 1ent looking -or her !ut she didn0t come !ack3
The day a-ter the rescue team came and took me !ack to the to1n4 !ut mama
didn0t come !ack3D
Ca-e au LaitA D3333333D
CassisA DI didn0t kno133333333
#ut 1e0re not going to 1ait here -or help3D
Cidre lea"es3
CassisA DCidre!!D
KirscheA DIt0s alright4 lea"e him alone3 /e0ll 1ork this out together3
/e ha"e to do our !est to help3D
Take the ship to Icy Island3
Ship MenuA
! To Icy Island
! To South S1amp
?C.7 Cancel
*nce you take the ship some1here this menu entry 1ill appearA
8$n| To Masarati 2illage
To take you !ack3
Sound Seirei C Masarati 2illage Shop 98$n|o:
ConditionA Gi"e C &amonick gold coin 9: 9O 1ith the *carina:
Thunder Seirei C Mayor0s house in Masarati 2illage 98$n|o:
ConditionA Gi"e < &elion gold coins 99p.:
Lo"e Seirei C Mace0s &ouse 9q!: north 1est o- Masarati 2illage 98
ConditionA Talk to Cinnamon a!out Mace4 -or details see the 1alkthrough -or
#asorimo 2illage 99|: *nly 8oins i- you ha"e caught 5BB or less Gummy
(rogs 9RS&':
Shop In"entoryA
Item ameA PriceA
Green Gummy (rog 9RS&': OB
#lue Gummy (rog 9RS&': 5BB
>ello1 Gummy /orm 9''T&': 5BB
Poison Tail 9W!(): OB
um! Tail 9:VW!(): CB
Paralysis Tail 9YW!(): 6B
+e"i"al Tail 9>R!(): 5BB
(ull (ace 9>>=q: 5QBB
Platinum +ings 9r}W9.&: COBB
Li;ard Skin 99q?.: 6OBB
Tip-Toes 9J: 5BBB
Gade $arrings 9Yq!q: OQBB
+ose ,uart; 9T<: O<BB
Papaya (ruit 9;;!: O<
>ello1 Mica 9?: 5BBB
Sheep Gut 9Z!@0: 6BB
F Icy Island F
F ! F
+ecommended Le"elA O5
2ery cold sno1ed o"er island3
ot much to do here3 (ind the chest4 pay Pi;;a and -ind the entrance to Gera
/ind Ca"e3
There are t1o handy healing pots3
F Gera /ind Ca"e F
F =h F
+ecommended Le"elA O5
Icy !lue ca"e 1ith shiny transparent !locks o- ice3
+andom !attles here4 i- you chose Lemon or #lue!erry earlier you may ha"e a
!it o- trou!le since most monsters are o- the /ater 9f: attri!ute4 also
Poison 9a:4 #lade 9i:4 Sound 9c: and4 rarely4 Lo"e 9N:3
Plenty o- Piranhas3 The Gummy (rogs are sluggish -rom the cold and %uite easy
to catch3
The !oss -ight 1ith &ail Cra! 9I: is in the ca"e deepest to the
east4 !ut you reach it !y going to the 1est 1hen you enter the ca"e4 and then
south - east - north3
In the middle o- the !oss ca"e you -ind Mace -allen do1n3 /hen you approach
him the !oss appears -or the -ight3
'-ter you !eat the !oss Mace 1akes up3
MaceA D33333
/here4 am I3333J
That0s right3333 I remem!er3333
I got the -lo1er33333 I ha"e to go !ack to the others3333D
KirscheA D>ou0re alright333D
Mace runs o--3
Ca-e au LaitA DGood 1ork!! Guys!!D
,uattro (ormaggiA DKukkukkukku33333D
KirscheA DThat "oice!JD
,uattro (ormaggi approaches3
CassisA DIt 1aited -or us to !e 1eakened!D
,uattro (ormaggiA DDo you ha"e enough strength le-t to -ight meJ
>ou don0t ha"e to -ight i- you let me ha"e one o- you3333
CassisA D/hat did you do 1ith ChocolatJ! Get Chocolat out here!!D
,uattro (ormaggi turns !ack into Du!hasuneru3
Du!hasuneruA DI- you merge 1ith me you 1on0t -eel the cold either3
3333333333(riendship is easy to gi"e up3
CassisA D&ere he comes!!D
KirscheA DIt0s no use!! It0s too cold!!D
Du!hasuneruA DKukkukkukku3333333 2ictory is mine3D
#eauty Magic attacks Du!hasuneru4
CassisA D!JD
CidreA DThe rescue team 1as unrelia!le3 That0s not ho1 you sa"e people3D
Cidre appears3
KirscheA DCidre!!D
Du!hasuneruA DI0ll remem!er this!!D
Du!hasuneru escapes !y 1arp3
CassisA D*h!!D
CidreA DIt0s alright4 let him run o--3 I don0t kno1 i- I can !eat him3D
CassisA DCidre4 1hat made you change your mindJD
CidreA DI 1anted to help mama33333
I 1ould ha"e helped her no13333333
#ut she0s no1 any1here anymore33333333D
CassisA DThose 1ho are a!le to help should do so3D
KirscheA D/e should go !ack to Masarati 2illage and see 1hat happened 1ith
CidreA DThat 1as itJ (ighting $nigma 1as that easyJD
CassisA D*K3 /e0ll go !ack to Masarati 2illage3
/e0"e met the $nigma4 and 1hen someone0s strength -alls4 they 1ill try to
merge 1ith them as a host3
/e should !e care-ul 1ith the D1ar- -or no13D
CidreA D#ut the D1ar- is 8ust one host3D
Cidre 8oins your party3
$7plore the ca"e -ully and then take the ship !ack to Masarati 2illage3
Go to the "illage mayor0s house and listen to the con"ersation outside3
MaceA DThis -ruit4 it0s -or Cinnamon333 I need your help3333D
2o7 ManA D>->ou -ool3333 >ou came !ack -rom Gera /ind Ca"e3333D
MaceA DPlease help me3 I crushed the -ruit3 Please gi"e it to Cinnamon to
2o7 ManA DI don0t like this at all! This 1on0t cure the -e"er!
&er .;u (e"er is your -ault3 It0s !ecause she sneaked o-- to meet you4 you
e"il spirit3D
MaceA DI0m not an e"il spirit!!D
2o7 ManA D>ou0re 8ust doing this to get to see Cinnamon!
The -ruit4 e"erything! It0s so o!"ious!
MaceA DI don0t understand 1hy you0re doing this!
I- she really has .;u (e"er and she doesn0t get this -ruit soon3333!D
2o7 ManA DI get it3 I get it3 I 1ill take the -ruit3
I- you promise to stay out o- the "illage I 1ill gi"e it to Cinnamon3D
Sounds -ine4 noJD
MaceA D33333333
o 1ay333333D
2o7 ManA DI 1ant to help Cinnamon too3
#ut I don0t think there is a cure -or .;u (e"er3D
MaceA DDoes Cinnamon really ha"e .;u (e"er333JD
2o7 ManA D*h4 she does3D
MaceA D/ell4 then3333 -or Cinnamon3333D
2o7 ManA D>ou 1ill lea"e the "illage!J >ou ha"e to gi"e me your 1ord!D
MaceA DGood-!ye3 I 1on0t come !ack3
(or Cinnamon3333 Gi"e it to her 1ithout telling her anything3
/ell then3D
Mace lea"es3
2o7 ManA D&ah3 (oolish guy3D
Talk to the 2o7 Man3
2o7 ManA DThat hanger-on le-t at last3
*h4 that0s right3D
>ou recei"e the Ice Seed 9q::3
Go into the mayor0s house and talk to Cinnamon3
CinnamonA D>ou4 I ha"en0t met anyone in a long time3 (ather doesn0t let me
lea"e the house3333D
KirscheA DIt seems the -e"er hasn0t !roken out333
Mace thought Cinnamon had .;u (e"er4 and 1ent through all that trou!le3D
CinnamonA D333333/hatJJ
33333/hat are you talking a!outJJ
33333I don0t understand3333D
Cinnamon talks to Ginger3
CinnamonA D/hat0s going on -ather!J
/hat happened 1hile I 1as in here!J $7plain!!D
GingerA DI don0t kno1 e7actly3
Mace has courage -rom some1here333
#ut it0s no use333 1ith such a -ather3333D
CinnamonA DI still don0t get it3 That0s it!!
That e7planation 1on0t do at all!!D
Cinnamon lea"es3
GingerA DIt0s una"oida!le3 It0s hard -or me too3
#ut the "illagers4 their hearts are not as mature as those o- Mace or
It 1on0t lead to any good i- Mace stays in this "illage3
Tra"ellers333 Cinnamon must ha"e gone to Mace0s house in the outskirts o- the
Tell my daughter to go 1ith Mace and gi"e her these3D
>ou recei"e 5B Kyamuti gold coins 9:3
GingerA DTell her that this is -or getting e%uipment3D
KirscheA DThe "illage is more important than your daughter3 So you0re letting
your daughter go3
Since the "illage 1on0t accept Mace4 you0re making nothing o- your
CassisA D#ut this is not an issue o- moneyJ I don0t understandJ
>ou0re letting your daughter go on4 !uying yoursel- -ree -rom guiltJD
GingerA D33333333
>ou ha"e to understand333 I am Cinnamon0s -ather3333
It0s pain-ul3333D
KirscheA DLet0s go3 It0s alright3 There0s nothing more to do here3D
CassisA DLet0s go3 It0s alright3D
Go to Mace0s &ouse 9q!: north 1est o- the "illage and talk to Cinnamon3
CinnamonA D&e0s gone3 /here ha"e you gone4 Mace33333D
/hen 1ill you come !ack3333J
Cinnamon notices the heroes3
CinnamonA D/hat happened to Mace!J I- you kno14 please tell me!!D
KirscheA DCinnamon4 listen care-ully3 Mace 1on0t return to this "illage3D
CinnamonA DTell me! Tell me e"erything!
Is he ali"e!J /here did he go!JD
The heroes e7plain e"erything4 and gi"e the 5B Kyamuti gold coins to Cinnamon3
CinnamonA D(ather3333
I0ll go3333 I understand no13333D
KirscheA D>our -ather is not a !ad person3 >ou can0t ask him to look -or Mace
CinnamonA DThank you -or helping3
#ut333 This is my destiny -or sure333
Perhaps 1e 1ill meet again some1here3 Good-!ye3D
KirscheA DIt0s cra;y to go alone in the Plane o- Darkness!D
CassisA D/ell4 i- this is 1hat you think you ha"e to do3
CinnamonA DThank you3D
CassisA DGood Luck! (ight to the death4 Cinnamon!D
CinnamonA DMace risked his li-e -or me3333 I0ll risk my li-e to -ind him3
I0ll -ind him3333 I0ll sho1 the Masarati "illagers some real courage3
&im4 an e"il spirit4 1hat ru!!ish!D
Cinnamon lea"es3
CassisA DShe has -aith3
Gust like the principal has -aith in us3D
CidreA DI- that0s ho1 the principal thinks3 'lthough 1e don0t kno1 -or sure3
#ut -or no13333 lets take the ship south and go to the "illage o- the
Ca-e au LaitA D*K! Let0s go!D
Take the ship to the South S1amp 9!: and continue south to Tapiokati
#oss (ightA
#ossA &ail Cra! 9I: Le"elA O5 'ttri!uteA /ater 9f: &PA RCB
MonsterA Ice #erg 9q&: Le"elA 5P 'ttri!uteA /ater 9f: &PA QB
MonsterA 'nemoneitchi 9n}: Le"elA OB 'ttri!uteA /ater 9f: &PA
MonsterA 'mmodairu 9.: Le"elA O5 'ttri!uteA /ater 9f: &PA RB
e1 (riendA Cidre 9:: attri!ute #eauty 9g:
$"ent ItemA Ice Seed 9q:: Medicine -or .;u (e"er 9mT:
F $ast (orest F
F !y F
In $ast (orest4 right !e-ore you reach Tapiokati 2illage4 you 1ill hear a
con"ersation !et1een Ganache and the others through the trees3
CandyA DGanache! /ait!D
GanacheA D/hat4 you can0t keep upJD
CandyA D>ou0re 1alking too -ast4 calm do1n3D
Ca!ernetA DCompletely inconsiderate-nu3 Gust like my !ig !rother4 he0d do
something 8ust like this-nu3D
CandyA D$ehhhhhhhhhhh!!
Do you think Ganache is like your !rother!JD
Ca!ernetA D/ell4 1hat0s the di--erence-nu!!
My !rother 1as together 1ith Ganache0s sister!!D
GanacheA DMy sister is my sister4 and I am me3
Don0t con-use us3D
*li"eA DGanache0s sister 1as a great !eauty 1asn0t sheJ I met her se"eral
Ca!ernetA DThey0re !oth the same4 1anting to do e"erything themsel"es as
%uickly as possi!le-nu3D
CandyA DDamn! 'll this talk a!out sisters4 it0s alright!
/e ha"e other things to deal 1ith!D
GanacheA DI agree3 >ou0re right3D
CandyA DGood333
/e need to annihilate the $nigma!
33333/e need to 1ork together3D
Ca!ernetA D'lright-nu alright-nu
Destroying the $nigma-nu! Let0s go-nu!!D
CandyA D/hate"er 1e do 1e must not get separated!!
/e0"e 1orked hard and so -ar 1e0"e 1on!!D
Ca!ernetA DMy !rother lost his li-e in an accident a year ago-nu3333
#ut no1 I don0t think it 1as an accident-nu3 I think he 1as killed-nu3D
CandyA D&e 1as killed3333J
&o1 1ould that happenJ /hat a strange thing to say3D
Ca!ernetA D*nly a -e1 people kno14 it0s kept secret-nu3
/hen my !rother and the others that 1ere hurt4 their in8uries didn0t look
like accidents-nu3D
*li"eA DStop talking a!out this3333333 I don0t 1ant to hear a!out it3D
Ca!ernetA D&is partner333 -ell to an $nigma-nu3
(ighting $nigma333333!! That0s ho1 he lost his li-e-nu!!D
CandyA Do 1ay3333333!!
#ut are you saying that your !rothers enemies are here!J
Could they !e hereJ There0s not a lot o- li-e around here!D
Ca!ernetA D/e can de-eat them i- 1e 1ork together-nu!!D
*li"eA D.seless333333
$"en i- 1e -ight and -ight4 there are al1ays more enemies3 That0s no
GanacheA DStop talking already3 /e should go !ack to our original 1orld3D
Ca!ernetA D33333333D
GanacheA DThe $nigma can mo"e -reely !et1een planes4 rightJ
/e could do the same to go !ack4 noJD
Ganeche lea"es3
CandyA D$h!J /e could do that!JD
Continue south-1est until you reach Tapiokati 2illage3
F Tapiokati 2illage F
F DpR$n| F
/ooden desert "illage 1ith so-t rounded roo-s3
&ome o- the yamuneruto 9C%0:4 the cat-like people3
Go to Musk0s house 9%q!: in the north 1est o- the "illage3 &is pet4
(ennel 9>=.:4 the 1hite spiky monster4 is right outside3
Inside4 listen to Musk 9%q:4 the !londe !oy on the right4 talk to his
little sister Cocoa 9--:4 the green haired girl on the le-t3
CocoaA D$h3333D
MuskA D'lthough it might !e hard to drink this4 please try3
I- you continue drinking it -or CB days the illness should !e cured3D
CocoaA D/ell3333
I0ll drink it tomorro1 and the day a-ter333J
MuskA D>es4 that0s right3 >our illness is in an ad"anced stage3 It0s dangerous
i- you miss 8ust one day3D
CocoaA D#ut it tastes strange3333
It0s not really !itter3333
#ut it -eels like it0s stuck in my chest333 The taste makes me sad
MuskA D/ell4 it0s 8ust -or one month3
*nce you0re cured you can eat a lot o- nice things3
Meat4 -ruit4 cake or anything else that0s good3
/hat 1ould you 1ant to eat thenJD
CocoaA D3333333 .h-uh3 I don0t -eel like eating anything3333D
MuskA D>our !ody is 8ust not used to it3
#y the end o- ne7t month you0ll 1ant to eat again3D
CocoaA DThank you3333D
Cocoa lea"es3
Talk to Musk3
MuskA D&ey4 I ha"en0t seen you around !e-ore3
I sa1 some kids like you going through here a 1hile ago4 they 1ent east to
$nigma (orest3
The desert is hot4 and you need the Sparro1 a!ility to go the other 1ay3
' 2o7 !oy 1ho came !y here a 1hile ago stayed at the Inn3 &e kne1 ho1 to mo"e
the Sparro1s3
Me4 I don0t kno1 a!out the Sparro1s4 !ut I do kno1 ho1 to 1alk in the desert3
#ut there0s no point in me rushing and teaching you no13 I0ll do it later3
/ell4 e7cuse me3
Musk lea"es3
(ollo1 him outside3
MuskA DCome here (ennel3
$7cuse me4 I hope it0s no trou!le3D
(ennelA DGrrrD
They go to the Shop3
Go to into the Shop and listen to the con"ersation3
yamuneruto ShopkeeperA DPeople aren0t getting treatment any longer3 The price
is going up3
Their num!ers ha"e decreased so much in the last -e1 months3
I0"e searched mysel-3 're there e"en any !irds le-tJD
MuskA D+eally3333
/ell4 may!e they don0t come out anymore3 May!e they0re hiding3D
yamuneruto ShopkeeperA DI ha"e heard some things3333
3333333n 3333333k
MuskA DGo there333J
#ut4 1hyJ
'ren0t there monsters there333JD
yamuneruto ShopkeeperA D/ell4 I can0t -ind any more3
I- you go and catch some I0ll !uy them3D
MuskA D&ahahaha3 >ou0re "ery kind3 Thank you3D
Musk lea"es the shop3 (ollo1 him3
MuskA D/e got 1ork to do3 Come here (ennel3D
They go to the south east entrance4 -ollo13
MuskA D&ere it is3D
Lea"e the "illage and go north until Musk meets the yamuneruto !oy ectar 9
D: 3
ectarA D/ho0s there!!D
MuskA DSee here333333 I0ll e7plain3
/hy ha"en0t you !een in the "illageJ
/hat are you doing out hereJ
ectarA DI0m protecting a place deep in the heart o- the 8ungle3
Go !ack4 i- you ha"e no !usiness here3D
MuskA D$"en i- you say it like that I 1on0t go !ack3
There0s something going on in the "illage3 >ou 1ould pro!a!ly 1ant to hear
ectar lea"es3
MuskA DDamn3 &e0ll kno1 I0m here no13333333
I can0t go like this333333D
(ennelA DGrrr3333333D
MuskA DThat0s it!!D
Musk lea"es3
Continue north and enter +iginio Gungle3
Shop In"entoryA
Item ameA PriceA
Green Gummy (rog 9RS&': OB
#lue Gummy (rog 9RS&': 5BB
>ello1 Gummy /orm 9''T&': 5BB
Poison Tail 9W!(): OB
um! Tail 9:VW!(): CB
Paralysis Tail 9YW!(): 6B
Stone Tail 97?W!(): QB
+e"i"al Tail 9>R!(): 5BB
Cat Mask 9-q: C5BB
Pa1 &ands 9.: <<BB
Cat Tights 9-D<: Q5BB
Pa1 #oots 9I<: ROBB
Cat #ell 9-: R<BB
F +iginio Gungle F
F 9p F
+ecommended Le"elA OR
Dark green shady 8ungle3
+andom !attle 1ith a "ariety o- monsters3 Great -or le"elling up3
Monsters o- attri!ute (ire 9`:4 #lade 9i:4 Sound 9c:4 #east 9e:4 #eauty
9g:4 Stone 9[:4 Insect 9j:4 Tree 9b: and Thunder 9_:3
Take the stairs up and do1n and e7plore this large area thoroughly to -ind all
the chests and items3
There are a lot o- Lea"es hidden a!out in the grass3 They0re pretty hard to
spot against the green !ackground so look care-ully -or them3
(ind the open patch deep in the 8ungle 1here ectar 9D: is surrounded
!y Dodo !irds3
Talk to ectar3
ectarA D/elcome to this place3D
Ca-e au LaitA DDodos3D
CassisA D'h3 So this is 1here the !irds li"e3D
CidreA Dature is o"er-lo1ing3
Li"ing in touch 1ith nature rather than 8ust !eing ali"e in nature3D
SesameA D&ere it is3333 I can0t -ail no13333D
'ranciaA DSesame!J It0s Sesame!JD
ectarA D!JD
Sesame appears 1ith (ennel3
SesameA DGo!! (ennel!! Catch all o- them!!D
(ennelA DGrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!D
DodoA DDooooooooooooh!!D
The Dodo is attacked3
ectarA DStop!! Don0t do this!!D
SesameA D>ou0re getting in the 1ay!! /atch it!!D
ectarA D>ou0re the one 1ho0s !een taking the Dodos recently!!D
SesameA DI don0t kno1 1hat you0re talking a!outJ I0m not!!
I0m here to sa"e someone0s li-e!!D
CidreA DSesame!J /hy is Sesame here!JD
'ranciaA Dooo! Sesame you idiot!! >ou don0t kno1 1hat you0re doing!!
CocoaA DStop it (ennel!! The Dodo is hurt already!!D
SesameA D're you Cocoa4 Musk0s little sister!J
/hy 1ould you try to stop me!!D
Cocoa appears3
CocoaA DDid my !rother ask you to do this!J
>ou ha"e to stop this right no1!! Don0t kill the Dodos!!
The !oss -ight starts3
'-ter the !attle Musk sho1s up3
MuskA D(ennellll!!D
ectarA DMy !rother!!D
'ranciaA DJJD
CassisA D333333D
ectarA D#rother!! 're you alrgiht!J
Cheer up!! 'ns1er me!! Get up!!
MuskA D333333
' !oy3333 The Dodo !ird3333o 1ay3333D
ectarA D&e0s not a Dodo !ird!! &e0s my !ig !rother!!
&e looks like a Dodo !ird !ecause o- the $nigma0s curse4 !ut a-ter 5BBB years
he0ll turn !ack to himsel-!!
It is3333 It is him!!D
CocoaA D3333333D
CassisA DMagic33333D
MuskA DSorry3333 I didn0t kno13333D
It0s !ecause o- my little sister0s curse3 I need Dodo !lood33333
I used Sesame-san 1ho I helped in the 1oods3 I had him go here to catch
They 1eren0t in any o- the usual places3333 5BBB years later!J
&e 1ill come !ack a-ter a 5BBB years!J
I can0t 1ait -or 5BBB years! &o1 1ould anyone !e a!le to 1ait that long!J
/e0ll kill it and use it to make medicine!!
I don0t kno1 him4 e"en i- he is your !rother!! It0s a Dodo!! It0s a Dodo!!
My little sister is cursed4 I caught and killed them to make medicine4
there0s nothing 1rong 1ith that!!D
CocoaA Dooo!! Stop it already!!
Don0t kill any Dodo !irds -or me!!D
ectarA DThey0ll come !ack!! They0ll all come !ack!!D
MuskA DSo 1hat i- they come !ack333J
This 1ay4 my little sister 1ill !ecome a Dodo!!
I already lost my poor (ennel and no1 I0m losing my little sister too!!
$"en i- I ha"e to kill you all I0ll get a Dodo!!D
CocoaA D$nough already!! It0s no use!!
#rother333 look here333D
MuskA D!!!!!!!!!
Cocoa!! It0s happening!!!D
ectarA D!!!!!!D
CocoaA D'll the time you0"e !een 1orrying a!out me4 !rother333 It0s already
too late3333
It0s not 8ust my hands3333 it0s my chest3333 my legs3333D
'ranciaA D#ird -eathers are gro1ing e"ery1here3D
ectarA DThis child 1as cursed3333 !y $nigma33333D
CocoaA DSo4 I0m turning into a Dodo3
The $nigma cursed me and soon I0ll !e a Dodo3333!D
MuskA D#ut I 1as gi"ing you Dodo !lood e"ery day3333 dammit!!
ectarA DThe curse doesn0t go a1ay completely !y drinking Dodo !lood3
The !reakout is 8ust delayed3D
MuskA DDammit!! o1 1hat are 1e going to do!! /hat!!D
ectarA D'lthough there0s nothing 1e can do4 she0ll come !ack3D
CocoaA DI0ll stay! I0ll stay here!!D
MuskA DCocoa3333D
CocoaA DI0ll !ecome a Dodo3 /ill you gi"e up on trying to stop it!J
Isn0t it sa-er -or me here than in the "illage 1ith e"eryoneJD
MuskA DSure4 this is a sa-er place -or Dodos3333
#ut4 e"en i- it0s good4 I0ll3333D
ectarA DI don0t mind3D
CocoaA D>our !ig !rother is dead !ecause o- me3333
I don0t kno1 1hat to say3333D
DodoA DDoo3333D
ectarA D!!!!! #rother!!!!!D
DodoA DDoo3333D
CocoaA DIt0s !reathing!! It0s not dead yet!!D
ectarA DGummy (rogs333 can you eat someJD
DodoA DDoo3333
Doo3333 Doo3333D
The Dodo gets up3
CocoaA DIt0s 1ell again!!D
ectarA D#ig !rother333 really333
My !ig !rother is aliiii"e!! &e didn0t die!!
CocoaA D&urraaaaaay!!D
ectarA D&urraaaaaay!!D
MuskA DPhe1333 Thank God333
Cocoa4 I ha"e in"estigated this curse a !it already3 There might !e a cure3
o4 I0ll -ind one -or sure and sho1 you3
I0ll teach you all ho1 to 1alk in the desert3
I- you come to my room I0ll teach you anytime!D
Musk lea"es3
CocoaA D#rother3333!D
SesameA D&e played a trick on me333!
&e 1on0t trick me again333!!D
CassisA D>ou did something so terri!le4 Sesame3
Do you e"en understandJD
SesameA DMusk-san helped me 1hen the $nigma 1as chasing a-ter me!!
'nd all o- you did nothing at all!!D
'ranciaA DSesame doesn0t look at his surroundings4 all he hears are insects3D
CidreA DSesame0s eyes are like those o- an insect3
Seeing nothing around him3D
SesameA DDon0t call me an insect you -ool!!D
CidreA D>ou are an insect -ool! >ou 1ere made a -ool!D
CassisA D'lright already4 Sesame has already learned his lesson4 isn0t that
SesameA DShut up!!
I0ll go merge 1ith an $nigma and sho1 you all!!D
Sesame lea"es3
CassisA D/ait!! Sesame!!D
Ca-e au LaitA DCidre4 mean4 said too much3D
CidreA D3333333
I didn0t mean it4 all the things that 8ust happened3333
It 1as harsh3333D
CassisA D/ell4 it0s done3 It 1as una"oida!le3 I think3D
CidreA DIs Sesame really going to merge 1ith an $nigmaJD
CassisA D/ell4 -or no14 lets learn ho1 to mo"e the Sparro1s4 then 1e0ll go to
$nigma (orest3D
+eturn to Tapiokati 2illage4 1alk or 1arp3
Go !ack to Musk0s house and talk to the yamuneruto gentleman 9C%0!
&e asksA
're you here asking -or Musk-sanJ
'ns1er * 9yes:
yamuneruto gentlemanA DMusk-san le-t this "illage3
&e told me to gi"e this message to the kids that asked3
In the desert4 1hile you0re 1alking4 touch the 'e-urashi 9>:: -rom
time to time3
#ut me4 I can0t see 1hy you0d 1ant to do such a thing4 1alk in the desert3D
Continue through to the south e7it to Kumuyamuto Desert3
#oss (ightA
#ossA (ennel 9>=.: Le"elA O< 'ttri!uteA /ind 9h: &PA ROB
Lo"e Seirei R +iginio Gungle 5 99p!:
ConditionA Don0t gi"e #ada!un the -inal !lo13 (or more details see 1alkthrough
-or $ast (orest 9!y:3 *nly 8oins i- you ha"e caught <B or less Gummy (rogs
Insect Seirei C +iginio Gungle R 99p:
ConditionA Gi"e 5B >ello1 Gummy /orms 9''T&':
F Kumuyamuto Desert F
F %%0 F
+ecommended Le"elA O<
Light yello1 "ery dry and hot desert3
+andom !attles and some !attles 1ith monsters in chests3
Monsters o- attri!ute /ind 9h:4 Stone 9[:4 #east 9e: and Thunder 9_:3
Talk to the 'me-urashi 9>::4 the little purple slugs4 to make it rain
on your party3 >ou are going to ha"e to do this a lot since Ca-e au Lait can0t
take the heat3 I- he o"erheats you !lackout !ack to Tapiokati 2illage3
&urry along and get to the Desert Mine as -ast as possi!le4 e7plore the area
-ully on the 1ay !ack3
To reach the mine go south 1est and then north 1est3
(ind the Pi;;a hat outside the mine and pay him3 o1 you can -inally rela73
$"en i- Ca-e au Lait !lacks out you can al1ays 1arp !ack here3
#ut enter the mine and get the 2eil o- /ater as soon as possi!le any1ay3
/ind Seirei C Kumuyamuto Desert O 9%%0: to the le-t in the
little oasis do1n south3
ConditionA Gi"e O +ashimo-u sil"er coins 9:>:
Dark Seirei C Kumuyamuto Desert C 9%%0: in the north 1est 8ust
a!o"e the entrance to the mine3
Condition= #eat Masharumonku 'rumageru 9:C.ol: 7 O4
u8itappu 9Dr: 7 O4 and #oro-antomu 9,>t.0%:3 *nly appears i-
you ha"e caught <B or more Gummy (rogs 9RS&':
F Kumuyamuto Desert Mine F
F %%0oX F
Small !ro1n stone mine4 under construction area3
o !attles3
Go do1n to the !ottom o- the mine and talk to Mace4 the 2o73
Ca-e au LaitA DI -ound Mace! Come here!D
MaceA D>ou came all the 1ay here3333 to talk to meJD
CassisA D>es4 that0s it3D
MaceA DMay!e you ha"e a message -rom Cinnamon33333JD
CidreA D/ell4 that0s not all o- it3
I- you0re 1orried a!out Cinnamon4 soon4 you should stop looking -or potatoes4
and look -or her3
It0s stupid3D
MaceA D33333333
#ut4 the Konnyaku4 their "illage is ruined333 I0m helping them look333
#y the 1ay4 1hy did you 1ant to talk to meJD
'ranciaA DThe Sparro1s4 ho1 to talk to them3
I- you kno14 1e 1ant you to teach us3D
MaceA D*h i- that0s it I can teach you3
Tell the sparro1 DChun!D 9: and it 1ill come4 tell it DGuinD 9
: and it 1ill go a1ay -rom you3
Depending on 1here you0re coming -rom4 say DChunD or DGuinD to get the
Sparro1s to mo"e3
Can you try saying itJD
Ca-e au LaitA DI can say it!!
DChun!D4 DGuinD4 rightJD
MaceA D333333333D
CassisA DMay!e he sounds too much like a machine3
DChun!D4 DGuinD4 is that the right soundJD
MaceA D.m33333 /ell4 the nuance is di--erent3
I0m sorry4 it0s a !it o--3
Can you say it again33333D
CassisA D' !it o--3333J &o13D
CidreA DChun!D4 DGuinD4 is that itJD
MaceA D>es! That0s it!D
CassisA D/hat!J &o1 1as that di--erent!JD
CidreA DSparro1 chie-3333
It0s like the chicken game 1e played in elementary school3D
MaceA D#ut this time it0s -or real3
'lthough I got this -rom my -ather 1hen 1e 1ere here 1hen I 1as a child4
>ou0ll take good care o- it4 right3D
Mace gi"es you the 2eil o- /ater f!s=:
MaceA DThere is a castle made o- 1ater north o- this desert3
Go there to -ind a lot o- Seirei3
>ou can also search around here3D
CidreA D'h4 that0s right3
Since this is such a hard 8ourney and you0re alone4 you should take this
Magic Doll as a companion3D
MaceA D'h33333 #ut isn0t this an important ally to youJD
Ca-e au LaitA D/e0ll !e alright! I0m not 1orn out yet!!D
MaceA D$h!! >ou 1ill really gi"e me this!J
ot the ancient machine !ut the Magic Doll!J +eally!JD
Ca-e au LaitA DSo!4 so!4 so!333333D
>ou part 1ith the Magic Doll3
Talk to the D1ar- #rus%uette 9IqD: in the north 1est o- the mine3 &e
1ill ask -or help -inding his -riends3
o1 that you ha"e the 2eil o- /ater you can 1alk -reely in the desert 1ithout
ha"ing to talk to the 'me-urashi3
>ou should take the time and e7plore the rest o- the desert3
Go to the -ar south4 in the oasis there you can -ind a !unch o- Tails as 1ell
as a /ind Seirei3
Go north east to continue to '%ua!it Castle3
$"ent ItemA 2eil o- /ater 9f!s=: Gi"en !y Mace3 Can 1alk in the desert
1ithout o"erheating
(ire Seirei C #ottom o- the mine in Kumuyamuto Desert 9%%0oX
ConditionA Gi"e R Mirori sil"er coins 9'9: Disappears 1hen the mine
is cleared
F '%ua!it Castle F
F V0 F
/atery -lo1ing !lue castle3
Inha!ited !y the /ater People 9mDr:
There are no monsters attacking here4 8ust a lot o- Seirei4 all 5< kinds
e7cept -or Dark4 all out in the open 1ith no hassles3 &o1e"er4 they are much
more e7pensi"e)demanding here than in the more hard to -ind places4 so unless
you ha"e plenty o- the items they ask -or you might 1ant to 1ait until later3
>ou might 1ant to a"oid the #eauty Seirei4 !ecause i- it0s 1ith you you can
ne"er ha"e more than OB Gummy /orms in total4 something that gets %uite
trou!lesome as the game progresses3
I- #lue!erry is in your party you can understand the language o- the 1ater
people4 they tell you a!out magic4 nothing essential4 !ut they add ne1 entries
in the Magic ote!ook3
'-ter e7ploring '%ua!it and the desert completely4 return to Tapiokati 2illage3
Take the south east e7it and go south3 Cidre no1 kno1s ho1 to tell the Sparro1
DD to make it mo"e !ack so you can continue do1n the path to1ards the
$nigma (orest3
Thunder Seirei 6 '%ua!it Castle R 9V0:
ConditionA Gi"e 5< &elion gold coins 99p.:
'ncient Seirei 6 '%ua!it Castle O 9V0:
ConditionA Gi"e 5P 'rti sil"er coins 9$n:
(ire Seirei 6 '%ua!it Castle O 9V0:
ConditionA Gi"e OB Mirori sil"er coins 9'9:
/ind Seirei 6 '%ua!it Castle C 9V0:
ConditionA Gi"e OB +ashimo-u sil"er coins 9:>:
Poison Seirei 6 '%ua!it Castle R 9V0:
ConditionA Gi"e CB um! Tails 9:VW!():
#eauty Seirei 6 '%ua!it Castle O 9V0:
ConditionA *1ning less than OB Gummy /orms 9''T&': and gi"e 6 Ganick gold
coins 9@:
#lade Seirei 6 '%ua!it C 9V0:
ConditionA Thro1 a1ay all Gummy (rogs 9RS&': and gi"e 5B Kyamuti gold
coins 9?C%$n:
Sound Seirei 6 '%ua!it Castle R 9V0:
ConditionA Gi"e 5B &amonick gold coin 9: 9< 1ith the *carina:
Stone Seirei 6 '%ua!it Castle O 9V0:
ConditionA Gi"e CB #lue Gummy (rogs 9RS&':3 *nly appears i- you ha"e
caught O<B or more Gummy /orms 9''T&':
Insect Seirei 6 '%ua!it Castle C 9V0:
ConditionA Gi"e OB >ello1 Gummy /orms 9''T&':
Tree Seirei 6 '%ua!it Castle R 9V0:
ConditionA Gi"e RB Pinecones 9JK(L:3 *nly appears i- you ha"e picked
up O<B or more pinecones3
#east Seirei 6 '%ua!it Castle O 9V0:
ConditionA Gi"e <B Paralysis Tails 9YW!():
/ater Seirei 6 '%ua!it Castle C 9V0:
ConditionA Gi"e OB Crescento sil"er coins 9u7.0:
Light Seirei 6 '%ua!it Castle C 9V0:
ConditionA *nly 8oins i- you ha"e O or less dark Seirei 9:
Lo"e Seirei 6 '%ua!it Castle R 9V0:
ConditionA *nly 8oins i- you ha"e caught no Gummy (rogs 9RS&':
F $nigma (orest F
F S&!y F
+ecommended Le"elA OQ
&uge !rushy -orest4 light4 tur%uoise green in the north 1est and !righter
grassy green in the south east3
's the name implies $nigma monsters are plenty here3
+andom !attles4 as 1ell as monsters in chests3 Great area -or le"elling up3
'll $nigma monsters ha"e Dark 9: attri!ute3
$7plore around the -orest4 open chests to get items and -ight $nigma monsters3
To reach the !oss area take the south most e7it pier -rom the little shallo1
pond4 go east - south - 1est4 gra! the Gummy (rogs !locking the 1ay3
Per-ect game hintA To a"oid ha"ing to catch the Gummy (rogs4 take the south
most e7it pier4 then continue south until you come to a .-turn4 go east and
then !ack up north3 Do1n to the south there is a path up north 1est that is
!locked !y Gummy (rogs3 +eturn here later to gra! the lea"es3
/hen you reach the eastern parts o- the -orest you 1ill hear "oices through
the trees3 It0s Sesame talking to the $nigma Du!uhasuneru 9Iq:3
Du!uhasuneruA DI thought you 1ould come3
$"ery!ody 1ants po1er3 Kukkukkukku3D
CassisA DSomething0s going on! *"er there!D
Continue -or1ard3
SesameA D$hm33333333D
CidreA DIt0s Sesame!! &e made it!!D
SesameA D!!!!!D
Sesame notices the heroes3
Du!uhasuneruA D&e made itJJJ Made 1hatJJ
&e0s is in our hands no13 Do you think you can inter-ereJD
'ranciaA DThis is useless4 Sesame!! Come here!!
CassisA DDoes he really plan to merge 1ith the $nigma!JD
Sesame mo"es closer to Du!uhasuneru3
SesameA DI 1ant to change3333333D
Ca-e au LaitA D/hatJ /hat are you sayingJD
SesameA DI 1as so o!sessed 1ith the insects that the $nigma hunted me
'nd then I 1as under Musk-san0s in-luence 1ithout e"en realising333333
I0m all !ad4 so I0ll merge 1ith an $nigma to change mysel-3D
Du!uhasuneruA DKukkukkukku3 That0s the spirit3
>ou should all -ollo1 his e7ample3 #e-ore our po1ers human0s are like 1aste3
/ant to change no1JD
CidreA DThat0s not real change3
>ou don0t understand ho1 I -eel4 and I don0t understand you either3
'nd ho1 1ould that change right no1JD
SesameA D3333333D
CidreA DLet0s make up3D
Du!uhasuneruA DKukkukkukku3333333
>ou0re 1eak and I ha"e no use -or you3
Isn0t it patheticJD
SesameA DIt0s not a!out !eing strong or 1eak3333333
I0m ok 1ith 1ho I am3 #ut sometimes 1e 1ant to change things a !it3D
Du!uhasuneruA D$"erything 1ill change3
#ecome my host3 It0s your destiny3D
SesameA D333333D
CassisA DDo 1hat you 1ant3 It0s up to you3D
Du!uhasuneruA DPo1er3333333
>ou need po1er3
I- my po1ers 8oin yours4 you could easily 1arp to the original plane3D
SesameA DI like 1hat you0re saying4 Cassis33333333D
CassisA D>ou are -ree to do as you 1ish3 Merge 1ith him i- you 1ant3D
SesameA DI kno1 1hat I really like! It0s not po1er! I 1ant to !e -ree!D
Sesame 8oins the hero party3
CidreA D>ou made the right decision!!D
CassisA Do1 that you0re -ree 1e should start 1ith clearing this road!D
Du!uhasuneruA D(ool33333 >ou didn0t choose -reedom3
>ou chose death3D
The !oss -ight starts3
'-ter the -ight our heroes talk3
'ranciaA DSee 1hat you can do 1hen you0re together 1ith -riends!
Let0s 1ork together -rom no1 on4 e"eryone! Go!D
SesameA DMay!e I0m 1eak!!
#ut you came 8ust as I 1as going to merge 1ith the $nigma!!
I- I0d done that I 1ould ha"e helped ruin the 1orld!!
In a 1ay4 1e sa"ed the 1orld!! 'nd there0s nothing le-t to say4 rightJD
CidreA DThat0s right3 $"en i- you0re 1eak and all talk4 you still ha"e some
sort o- strength3D
CassisA D>ou got out o- it3 Those 1ords3 >ou listened care-ully3D
CidreA D/hen I0m in a !ad mood I 1ant to merge 1ith the $nigma too3D
'ranciaA D&uhuhuhu3
333333333/hen you 8ust laugh a!out it333 it0s not so !ad3
Ganache and the others are searching -or Chocolat3D
SesameA DMusk-san said3333
(irst go to $nigma (orest4 through Tree Man0s Colony4 Konnyaku 2illage3
This is the 1ay 1e should go!D
CassisA D'lright4 it0s decided4 lets go!D
o1 that Sesame is in your party he 1ill 1arn a!out monsters in the chests3
Continue east on the path that 1as !locked !y the !oss and you 1ill reach Tree
Man0s Colony3
#oss (ightA
#ossA +adohasuneru 9q: Le"elA CC 'ttri!uteA Darkness 9: &PA
MonsterA 'rakuneira 9: Le"elA C5 'ttri!uteA Darkness 9: &PA
MonsterA 'rakuneira 9: Le"elA C5 'ttri!uteA Darkness 9: &PA
MonsterA #oro (antom 9,>t.0%: Le"elA 5Q 'ttri!uteA Darkness 9:
e1 (riendA Sesame 978': attri!ute Insect 9j:
Insect Seirei R $nigma (orest S1amp 9S&!yo: in the south 1est in
the -orest3
ConditionA Gi"e 5< >ello1 Gummy /orms 9''T&':
F Tree Man0s Colony F
F <9.! F
Small area 1ith trees4 1ater and 1ooden !ridges3
&ome o- the Tree Man people4 little hopping green trees3
o !attles here3
There is a Pi;;a spot4 healing pots and a 1hole !unch o- chests3
/hen you go to1ards the !ridge in the east you 1ill -inally meet up 1ith
' "oice can !e heard -rom the other side o- the !ridge3
Madeleine-senseiA D're e"eryone still on the Plane o- Light3333333
*r ha"e they !een taken here33333333D
CidreA DIt0s Sensei0s "oice!D
Ca-e au LaitA DSensei0s "oice!J Sensei is here!JD
CidreA DMadeleine-sensei!D
Madeleine-senseiA DCidre! and e"eryone!D
CassisA D>o4 Sensei! 're you alright!JD
Madeleine-senseiA DI0m thick skinned4 I0m 8ust -ine!!
#ut you4 here 1ith the $nigma4 ho1 did you get here!JD
CassisA DMe4 Cidre and Sesame 1ere here all along33333
Ca-e au Lait and the others had to return to the school once3D
Madeleine-senseA DSo that0s 1hat happened33333
I0m so relie"ed to see you0re alright3
/e should re!uild Ca-e au Lait and return to the school at once!D
'ranciaA DSensei can really re!uild Ca-e au Lait3 Great3D
Ca-e au LaitA DSo!4 so!4 so!3 Poor me3D
CassisA D/ait a minute4 Sensei3
I- 1e lea"e in the middle o- the camp 1e0ll !e e7pelled -rom the school right
Madeleine-senseiA D$7pelled!J That0s 8ust silly!! /ho told you such a thing!JD
SesameA DThe principal said that !e-ore 1e 1ent to camp3333333D
Madeleine-senseiA DThat0s 8ust silly333333 Let0s 8ust go !ack to the school!D
CassisA DPlease understand us Sensei3
The principal is testing us4 he0s not trying to deceie"e us3D
CidreA DThat0s right4 on this 8ourney4 I0"e sensed it the 1hole time3D
Madeleine-senseiA D>ou sensed it33333J /hat e7actly3333JD
CidreA DThe principal is 1atching o"er us3
/hen 1e0re arguing4 1hen I -eel lost in my heart4 he ga"e a little nudge3
2ery gentle4 1ith a 1arm -eeling3D
CassisA D/e all ha"e a connection 1ith the principal3
Can0t you all sense itJD
'ranciaA D$"eryone are a1are o- it3
I sensed it4 !ut I couldn0t -ind a 1ay to e7press it3D
SesameA D>ou0re right4 I can -eel it too3 I ha"e a connection 1ith the
>ou0re askedA
Do you -eel the principal 1atching o"er youJ
Choose * 9yes:3
CassisA DTell us the truth3
Gran Dragee and you4 please tell us 1hat0s going onJ
Please tell us clearly4 1e0"e !een -ighting desperately all this time3
/e arri"ed here and ha"e !een -ighting desperately since3
&ero is our leader 1ith no time to spare to rest3
#ut I understand3 The principal has seen our destiny3 &e0s going to teach us
Tell us 1hat it is4 Sensei!D
Madeleine-senseiA D333333333
The principal really did choose these students care-ully3D
' cutscene 1ith Madeleine-sensei0s recollecting en earlier e"ent at the school
GanacheA DSensei4 1hat happened to my sister!J
$"er since she came !ack -rom camp she0s strange!! It0s like she0s a
di--erent person!!D
Gran DrageeA DGanache-kun is itJ >our sister came !ack -rom camp and is
That0s impossi!le3 othing changes3 It only seems like she0s changed !ecause
you ha"en0t seen her in a 1hile3D
Madeleine-senseA DGanache4 it0s important that you understand one thing a!out
your sister3
&o1e"er much she may change she0s still your sister3D
Ganache turns to lea"e3
Madeleine-senseiA D/ait a minute! Ganache!D
GanacheA D$nough already!! >ou t1o don0t understand the importance o- a
Ganache lea"es3
Madeleine-senseiA DThe seaside school in 2alencia Seashore33333333
/e0ll go !ack ne7t year4 and the year a-terJD
Gran DrageeA D>es3 Since 1e study magic4 darkness is una"oida!le3
I- e"eryone are caught in the darkness restoration is not possi!le3 That0s
1hy 1e ha"e to teach magic3D
Madeleine-senseiA D#ut4 2anilla is Ganache0s sister33333333!!D
Gran DrageeA D2anilla333333
It might turn out that she0s is an enemy o- this country3
#ut great talent sho1s 1hen you0re cornered and desperate3
Then the po1er o- magic comes to anyone3D
Madeleine-senseiA DSo to learn magic you say 0#e desperate and scared -or your
're you telling children 0+isk your li-e0JD
Gran DrageeA D>ou ha"e to understand Madeleine3
I- you don0t kno1 true -ear4 it0s a mistake to learn magic3
#ut !y no1 it0s too late4 you cannot take the magic !ack3
So this is 1hat 1e ha"e to do no13
The children are on the right path3D
Madeleine-senseiA D#ut3333333
It0s too dangerous3333333D
Gran DrageeA D/hat does it mean to lo"e something4 Madeleine4 and 1hat is the
opposite o- lo"eJ
It 1on0t happen i- you don0t teach the students3 Do you understandJD
Madeleine0s recollection ends3
Madeleine-senseiA DGran Dragee333333 /hy did you lea"e the children to me in
this 1ay33333JD
CidreA D&e 1ants us to learn not to gi"e in to the temptation o- the $nigmaJ
Don0t gi"e in4 although you0ll get great po1er i- you merge 1ith an $nigma!
*"ercome it 1ith your o1n magic!D
Madeleine-senseiA D/ell4 you0re hal- right at least3D
CassisA D&al- right is <B points3 Cidre -ails the e7am3D
Madeleine-senseiA D3333333D
'ranciaA D/ell i- he made us go here it0s -ine3
(rom no1 on4 I0m not 1orried3D
CassisA DGanache and the others are progressing rapidly3D
SesameA D/ell333333D
Madeleine-sensei is lost in thought3
Madeleine-senseiA DIt0s alright4 I like you3D
CidreA D>ippeee!! /e0re Sensei0s -a"ourites!!D
Madeleine-senseiA D/ell4 1hen e"eryone are together you should return to the
school immediately!D
CassisA D*K! I agree!D
SesameA D/here 1ill you go Sensei!JD
Madeleine-senseiA DI0ll try to -ind Ganache and the others33333
Let0s race!!D
Madeleine-sensei lea"es3
Ca-e au LaitA D'h! Sneaky!!D
CassisA D/e0ll go look around!! Let0s search -or Ganache!!D
CidreA DLet0s go!!D
Go south a-ter the !ridge4 then continue north east4 passing through Kugande
2illage4 to the $ast (orest3
F Kugande 2illage F
F @.| F
Small "illage 1ith green tent-like huts lit up !y torches3
This is the "illage o- the Konnyaku 9:4 the -loppy s%uare-ish grey
+ight no1 there is only one inha!itant4 #ashuraru 9:k:4 and he is
See the 1alkthrough -or #asorimo 2illage -or in-o on ho1 to 1ake him up4 and
1hat happens then3
Continue through the east e7it to reach the $ast (orest3
Shop In"entory 9once it0s opened:A
Item ameA PriceA
Green Gummy (rog 9RS&': OB
#lue Gummy (rog 9RS&': 5BB
Stone Tail 97?W!(): QB
'ntenna 9.$W: <CBB
Gorgon +ings 9.9.&: NQBB
Panther Shirt 9;.8:C<: 5OBBB
Iron Clogs 9%!lD: <QBB
Skull +i!!on 9!9,.: NBBB
*range (ruit 9pu.!: OB
Papaya (ruit 9;;!: O<
'pple (ruit 9L!: <B
Muscat (ruit 9qR0!: 6B
Litchi (ruit 9}!: 5BB
Cherry (ruit 9}=9!: OBB
Pinecone 9JK(L: OB
F $ast (orest F
F !y F
+ecommended Le"elA OP
#right green !rushy -orest3
Plenty o- random !attles3
Pesky monsters 1ith Poison 9a: attri!ute that drain you -ast4 also Tree 9b:
and /ater 9f:3
(irst take the $ast (orest +oute north3 There0s the !ig red and 1hite -lo1ers
in the &itode -lo1er -ield 9Y0&!(+: and the Sparro1 2illage 9!
Don0t miss the Seirei3 &al-1ay is a healing pot and 8ar3
#ada!un 9I.:4 the !oss4 is in the -ar north3 &e looks a !it like a
green 1alrus3
*n the 1ay there you 1ill see con"ersations o- the other classmates3
Candy and *li"e are talking3 *li"e can sense that Ganache is considering
merging 1ith an $nigma to get past the guards o- the castle 1here his sister
is held prisoner3
>ou meet up 1ith Ganache4 Ca!ernet and Madeleine-sensei3
/hen Ganache hears that Chocolat is in trou!le he runs o-- to resuce him and
the others rush a-ter him3
I- you 1ant to you can sneak past the !oss and continue north to the Magic #us
!e-ore the !attle3 This is handy -or easy healing and i- you 1ant to change
your party lineup -or the -ight3
Make sure to heal up properly !e-ore starting the !attle3
Go up and talk to #ada!un 9I.:3
#ada!unA D&ah3333!! So you ha"e a death 1ish!!
&ah33333!! I 1on0t let you into my -orest!!
I am the king!!D
The !attle starts3
'-ter the !attle attempt to talk to #ada!un again3 >ou 1ill !e askedA
( &e0s dying
0 Do you 1ant to gi"e the -inal !lo1J
'nd gi"en the optionsA
* >es
'ns1er 9no:3
#ada!unA DThank you4 you are good people3
o14 do you 1ant to !e my sistersJD
* >es
'ns1er * 9yes:
#ada!unA D>ou are truly my sisters!! I can -eel it in my heart!!
There0s a heart calling3 >ou can -ind a heart shaped Seirei in +iginio
'-ter this con"ersation you can 1arp straight !ack to Tapiokati 2illage and go
to +iginio Gungle 99p: and pick up a Lo"e Seirei3 It0s pretty close
to the entrance4 up north and a !it to the east3
*r you can continue north on the $ast (orest +oute and333
The Magic #us is !ack! o1 you can -inally meet up again 1ith all the -riends
that you ha"en0t seen since the Plane o- Light3
#alsamico is "ery happy to see e"eryone unharmed3 'nd he has repaired the !us
(or the -irst time you 1ill !e a!le to +ide 9): the !us3 This is a handy
1ay to get around4 no random monster encounters3 #ut don0t -orget to get out
o- the !us to le"el up3 >ou can also use /arp 9r: to go !ack to the Plane
o- Light3 It is not possi!le to 1arp !ack to 2alencia #each 9stu.:vw:3
Continue north4 ride the !us or 1alk4 until you reach the entrance to the
Moru!ie 2olcano3
*n the 1ay you0ll see Ganache4 Ca!ernet and Madeleine-sensei talking to a
It tells them that a Mudman 1as taken to the "olcano3
Candy and *li"e has gotten lost4 and Ganache and Ca!ernet go to look -or them
1hile Madeleine-sensei goes to look -or Chocolate3
#oss (ightA
#ossA #ada!un 9I.: Le"elA C< 'ttri!uteA #east 9e: &PA <<B
#eauty Seirei C &itode -lo1er -ield in the $ast (orest 9!yoY0&!
ConditionA *1ning less than QB Gummy /orms 9''T&': and gi"e C Ganick gold
coins 9@:
#east Seirei C $ast (orest4 Sparro1 2illage 9!yo!': across the
1ater to the east on a little peninsula3
ConditionA Gi"e 5B Paralysis Tails 9YW!():
Lo"e Seirei R +iginio Gungle 5 99p!:
ConditionA Don0t gi"e #ada!un the -inal !lo13 (or more details see 1alkthrough
-or $ast (orest 9!y:3 *nly 8oins i- you ha"e caught <B or less Gummy (rogs
Dark Seirei R Mystery +uins 9*!~: ne7t to the statue in the middle o-
the -orest
Condition= #eat S1eetie Paradakku 9qmn$no;: 7 O4 Dead Cur"e
9RI: 7 O4 'nd #oro-antomu 9,>t.0%: 3 *nly appears i- you
ha"e caught O or more Gummy (rogs 9RS&':
Poison Seirei C +ehika-u S1amp 9uYR>: up north 1est ne7t to the 1ooden
ConditionA Gi"e 5< um! Tails 9:VW!():
Tree Seirei R +ehika-u S1amp 9uYR>: out on the peninsula in the -ar
north 1est3
ConditionA Gi"e OB Pinecones 9JK(L:3 *nly appears i- you ha"e picked
up 5<B or more pinecones3
#east Seirei R $ast (orest R 9!y: in a little nook in the -ar east3
ConditionA Gi"e OB Paralysis Tails 9YW!():
F Moru!ie 2olcano F
+ecommended Le"elA CO
Menacing red hot ca"e 1ith la"a -loating on the ground3
There are no random -ights here= instead monsters appear 1hen you open some o-
the chests3
Monsters are (ire 9`:4 Insect 9j:4 #east 9e: and4 "ery rarely4 Lo"e 9N:
/atch out -or the hot la"a on the -loor4 it makes you lose &P4 !ut in some
places you ha"e to cross it to get -urther3
&eaps o- nice items to !e -ound in the chests in !et1een the monsters3
/hen you enter you 1ill see a little cutscene 1ith Chocolat4 the D1ar- ,uattro
(ormaggi 90>: and Madeleine3
,uattro (ormaggiA DGust a little !it more and it0ll !e -inished3D
Madeleine-sensei appears3
Madeleine-senseiA D+elease Chocolat!D
,uattro (ormaggiA DSomeone is -ollo1ing us!! Let0s run o--!!D
Madeleine-senseiA D/ait! &ey!D
The !oss here is Merutikissu 9$n?q: 1ho looks like a puddle o- la"a
and is guarding the ca"e opening in the north 1est o- the "olcano3
'-ter the !oss -ight you 1ill -ind Madeleine-sensei and Chocolat in the ca"e3
It turns out that ,uattro (ormaggi 1as taken o"er !y an $nigma4 !ut Madeleine-
sensei takes care o- it3
'-ter1ards you0ll see a scene 1ith Candy and *li"e3 *li"e says they need to
help Ganache3 It seems he0s looking -or the king o- the $nigma3
>ou 1ill !e 1arped to the e7it o- the "olcano3
>ou should continue to e7plore the 1estern parts o- the $ast (orest and get
all the Seirei and items !e-ore continuing the story in #asorimo 2illage3
#asorimo 2illage is !ack south o- the 2olcano and a !it to the 1est3
#e-ore you reach the "illage you0ll see Madeleine-sensei talking to a Pyrite3
#oss (ightA
#ossA Merutikissu 9$n?q: Le"elA CN 'ttri!uteA (ire 9`: &PA <CB
#ossA Merutikissu 9$n?q: Le"elA CN 'ttri!uteA (ire 9`: &PA <CB
MonsterA &eat Chisupa 9Y0}q;: Le"elA C< 'ttri!uteA (ire 9`: &PA PR
MonsterA &eat Chisupa 9Y0}q;: Le"elA C< 'ttri!uteA (ire 9`: &PA PR
(ire Seirei < Moru!ie 2olcano 5 9VS`!: $"en though you see it 1hen
you enter the "olcano you ha"e to 1alk all the 1ay through it to reach this
ConditionA Gi"e 5O Mirori sil"er coins 9'9:
F #asorimo 2illage F
F 9| F
Large "illage 1ith stra1 roo- houses lit up !y torches3
&ome o- the Pyrite 9;0:4 the little metallic cu!es3
The shop here4 in the north east4 !esides the ordinary items4 also sells !om!s3
$7plore and make -riends 1ith all the Seirei3
In the house in the middle in the 1est you can talk to the elderly leader o-
the #ro1nies4 $shakotto 9S:C-0:3
The entrance to the #ro1nie &ole is in the little house in the south 1est that
Chocolat is !locking the door to3
Talk to Chocolat 9:-: to !e-riend him and he 1ill 8oin your party3
Make sure you only ha"e -i"e party mem!ers or less3
o1 you can go into the house and continue do1n the #ro1nie &ole or do the
Mace side%uest4 see !elo13
e1 (riendA Chocolat 9:-: attri!ute +ock 9[:
Poison Seirei R #asorimo 2illage 99|: north 1est near the 1ater
ConditionA Gi"e OB um! Tails 9:VW!():
'ncient Seirei R The Shop in #asorimo 2illage 99|o:
ConditionA Gi"e P 'rti sil"er coins 9$n:
Thunder Seirei R The !ig house to the 1est in #asorimo 2illage 99|o
ConditionA Gi"e N &elion gold coins 99p.:
(ire Seirei R The house in #asorimo 2illage Chocolat 1as !locking 99
ConditionA Gi"e 6 Mirori sil"er coins 9'9:
Shop In"entoryA
Item ameA PriceA
Green Gummy (rog 9RS&': OB
#lue Gummy (rog 9RS&': 5BB
Poison Tail 9W!(): OB
um! Tail 9:VW!(): CB
Paralysis Tail 9YW!(): 6B
+e"i"al Tail 9>R!(): 5BB
Pinecone 9JK(L: OB
'ntenna 9.$W: <CBB
Gorgon +ings 9.9.&: NQBB
Panther Shirt 9;.8:C<: 5OBBB
Iron Clogs 9%!lD: <QBB
Skull +i!!on 9!9,.: NBBB
#om! Shop In"entoryA
Item ameA PriceA
(ire #om! 9>t,%: <BB
Li%uid #om! 99?,%: <BB
Pe!!le #om! 9I,%: <BB
/ind #om! 9m.,%: <BB
'!isu #om! 9Vq,%: <BB
Lo"e #om! 9s,%: <BB
Spark #om! 9q;,%: <BB
Poison #om! 9,T.,%: <BB
+a;or #om! 9u,%: <BB
+ain!o1 #om! 9u.,m,%: <BB
Sonic #om! 9,%: <BB
+etro #om! 9u0,%: <BB
Lea- #om! 99>,%: <BB
Li-e #om! 9>,%: <BB
#ug #om! 9&,%: <BB
F Mace0s Story Continued F
F Lo"e Seirei ,uest F
*nce you are a!le to enter the house Chocolat 1as !locking you can get Lo"e
Seirei <3
>ou 1ill also !e a!le to get !ack the Magic Doll you let Mace !orro13
There is a 1hole little side %uest to accomplish this3
Start 1ith talking to Mace 9q: inside the house in #asorimo 2illage that
Chocolat 1as !locking3
MaceA DIt0s hopeless3333 I can0t -ind any any1here3333
The 2illage o- the Konnyaku-sama 1ill !e lost3
I can smell Konnyaku Potatoes!!!
>ou ha"e Konnyaku Potatoes!!
Can you help me -ind Konnyaku PotatoesJD 9:
'ns1er * 9yes:3
MaceA DI0m so happy!
I0m going to Kugande 2illage no14 are you coming tooJD
Go to the #asorimo Inn in the south east and talk to Cinnamon 9:W.:3
CinnamonA DMace used to stay here4 !ut recently I ha"en0t seen him3
Do you ha"e any idea 1here he 1entJD
>ou 1ill get the -ollo1ing optionsA
-!| The Konnyaku-sama0s 2illage
X!U /here it died
./ I don0t understand
Choose the -irst option 9-!|:3
CinnamonA D&e -ound Konnyaku Potatoes!!
Thank you4 I0ll go too3 Sayonara!!D
(ollo1 them to Kugande 2illage 9@.|:4 easiest done !y 1arping i- you
paid Pi;;a there !e-ore3
Talk to Cinnamon again in Kugande3
CinnamonA D'lthough I0d like to return to Masarati 2illage3333333
Mace is here333333D
's she says this a Lo"e Seirei appears in Mace0s house3
Go to Mace0s house 9q!: north 1est o- Masarati 2illage 98$n|:3
The Lo"e Seirei should !e inside4 to the right3 It only 8oins i- you ha"e
caught 5BB or less Gummy (rogs 9RS&':
o1 you can also get !ack the Magic Doll you ga"e Mace ealier3
Go to Kugande4 make sure you ha"e < party mem!ers or less3
Talk to the MD to the right o- Mace3
Magic DollA DMinyoi-nD
MaceA DIt0s the Magic Doll I recei"ed -rom you earlier3
o1 that I0m together 1ith Cinnamon and 1e0re sa-e I don0t mind i- you take
it !ack3D
Choose * 9yes:
MaceA D/ell then4 (lounder4 I0ll see you later3
Take care!D
'-ter Mace goes to Kugande 2illage some interesting things happen3
#ashuraru 9:k:4 the Konnyaku 1ho 1as unconscious !e-ore is a1ake no13
I- you talk to him he 1ill sell you things like a shop3
&o1e"er4 i- you !ring him Konnyaku potatoes 9: he 1ill ask i-
you 1ant to gi"e them to him3 Do it and ne1 Konnyaku 1ill appear3 More
potatoes can !e -ound around the game3
See the Konnyaku Potato Locations in the In-Depth Guide -or 1here to -ind all
o- them3
Gi"e #ashuraru enough potatoes and the "illage 1ill !e repopulated and
something special 1ill happen333
Lo"e Seirei C Mace0s &ouse 9q!: north 1est o- Masarati 2illage 98
ConditionA Talk to Cinnamon a!out Mace4 -or details see the 1alkthrough -or
#asorimo 2illage 99|: *nly 8oins i- you ha"e caught 5BB or less Gummy
(rogs 9RS&':
F #ro1nie &ole F
F Im! F
+ecommended Le"elA CR
Purple ca"e hole in the ground3
&ome o- the #ro1nies 9Im:
+andom !attles 1ith monsters o- attri!ute #lade 9i:4 Sound 9c:4 Insect 9j:
and4 rarely4 Lo"e 9N:3
Chocolat is !locking the door to the house the entrance is in4 so until he has
8oined your party you can0t enter3
*nce you enter the #ro1nie &ole you 1ill see a scene 1ith Ganache and Ca!ernet3
Ganache con-esses that he0s planning to merge 1ith an $nigma3 Ca!ernet tries
to talk him out o- it4 to no a"ail3
This is a pretty short pass-through area on the 1ay to the entrance to
Kisunika Mine3
Think care-ully !e-ore kicking the !oulders so you don0t !lock your o1n path3
Chocolat -inds Gummy /orms under rocks4 so 1ith him in your party you can
collect a lot o- Gummy /orms 1hen you0re kicking the !oulders3
Sound Seirei R #ro1nie &ole R 9Im!:
ConditionA Gi"e R &amonick gold coin 9: 9O 1ith the *carina:
F Kisunika Mine F
F ?qR F
+ecommended Le"elA CQ
Dark purple shining mine4 !rightly colored rocks scattered a!out the place3
#ro1nies 9Im: loitering around3
+andom !attles3
Monsters o- /ater 9f: attri!ute are e"ery1here3
'rea 5-Q also has monsters o- attri!utes #eauty 9g:4 Insect 9j: and4 rarely4
Lo"e 9N:3
'rea P-5O also has monsters o- attri!ute (ire 9`:3
There are -i"e unconscious #ro1nies lying a!out the ca"es3 Their ghosts are
!locking "arious entrances that needs to !e cleared !e-ore you can go on3
Simply talk to them and they 1ake up3
/ake up 'ncho"y 9.}V: in Kisunika Mine C 9?qR:
/ake up Peperoni 9;: in Kisunika Mine R 9?qR:
/ake up Pomodoro 9,: in Kisunika Mine 6 9?qR:
/ake up *nion 9pp.: in Kisunika Mine Q 9?qR0:
/ake up #acon 9/-.: in Kisunika Mine Q 9?qR0:
Don0t miss the Stone Seirei3 They look 8ust like any other !oulder !ut they0re
!opping up and do1n a !it3
>ou can -ind them in room < and Q 1hich you can enter a-ter 1aking up the
'-ter 1aking up all the #ro1nies and -inding the chests and items4 go to the
north east -or the -irst !oss -ight 1ith #utchine Gen3 C 9I}:3
>ou 1ill need a -e1 Gummy (rogs to !lo1 up the !om! pots !locking the 1ay
I- you ha"e -i"e mem!ers or less in your party you 1ill recei"e a Magic Doll
a-ter -ighting the !oss3 'ns1er * 9yes: a-ter the !oss -ight and the MD
1ill 8oin you3
'-ter the !oss -ight continue e7ploring deeper north-east into the ca"e3
Per-ect game hintA There are some Gummy (rogs !locking the 1ay here4 !ut i-
you 1oke up all the D1ar-s there is a path 1here you can a"oid them3 Gust
tread care-ully and look -or 1ays around them3
/hen you reach the "ery deepest point the second !oss Gashuin 9@:k.:
is !locking the 1ay3 There are t1o healing pots near!y4 so heal up good !e-ore
the -ight3
'-ter the -ight you can enter the !locked ca"e3 &ere you 1ill run into
Madeleine4 Ganache4 Candy4 Ca!ernet and *li"e3
There0s a 1arp "orte7 here 8ust like the one in the ca"e at 2alencia #each4
!ut this one ends up in the Plane o- Death3
Candy says she0s going there 1ith Ganache so he can merge 1ith the strongest
$nigma4 Kerorendou3
*li"e tries to talk them out o- it4 !ut they 1arp o--3
Ca!ernet 1ants to -ollo1 them !ut Madeleine-sensei stops him3
Ca!ernet and *li"e 8oin your party and Madeleine 1arps you all !ack to the
Magic #us3
There is a cutscene o- Candy and Ganache talking on a !ig rock in the Plane o-
They0re talking a!out ho1 Ganache 1ants to merge 1ith an $nigma to help his
sister 2anilla3
&e0s recollecting ho1 he talked to her !e-ore he realised she had !een taken
o"er !y an $nigma3
(inally the Magic #us 1arps to the Plane o- Death3
#oss (ight 5A
#ossA #utchine Gen3 C 9I}: Le"elA RB 'ttri!uteA Stone 9[: &PA
MonsterA Magic Doll 9: Le"elA C< 'ttri!uteA Stone 9[: &PA
MonsterA Magic Doll 9: Le"elA C< 'ttri!uteA Stone 9[: &PA
MonsterA Magic Doll 9: Le"elA C< 'ttri!uteA Stone 9[: &PA
#oss (ight OA
#ossA Gashuin 9@:k.: Le"elA R< 'ttri!uteA #eauty 9g: &PA 6QB
MonsterA Gem (rog 9=%>&: Le"elA CP 'ttri!uteA #eauty 9g: &PA 5QQ
MonsterA Gem (rog 9=%>&: Le"elA CP 'ttri!uteA #eauty 9g: &PA 5QQ
MonsterA +ed Pouch 9: Le"elA CQ 'ttri!uteA #eauty 9g: &PA NQ
MonsterA +ed Pouch 9: Le"elA CQ 'ttri!uteA #eauty 9g: &PA NQ
e1 (riendA Ca!ernet 9R/: attri!ute Poison 9a:
e1 (riendA *li"e 9p9I: attri!ute #east 9e:
Tree Seirei < Kisunika Mine $ntrance 9?qR: hidden in the shade
ConditionA Gi"e CB Pinecones 9JK(L:3 *nly appears i- you ha"e picked
up OBB or more pinecones3
Stone Seirei C Kisunika Mine Q 9?qR0: talk to the !opping stone
ConditionA Gi"e R !lue Gummy (rogs 9RS&':3 *nly appears i- you ha"e
caught OB or more Gummy /orms 9''T&':
Stone Seirei R Kisunika Mine < 9?qR: talk to the !opping stone
ConditionA Gi"e 5B !lue Gummy (rogs 9RS&':3 *nly appears i- you ha"e
caught <B or more Gummy /orms 9''T&':
#eauty Seirei R Kisunika Mine 6 9?qR: to the le-t
ConditionA *1ning less than 6B Gummy /orms 9''T&': and gi"e Q Ganick gold
coins 9@:
#lade Seirei R Kisunika Mine Q 9?qR0:
ConditionA Thro1 a1ay all Gummy (rogs 9RS&': and gi"e 6 Kyamuti gold
coins 9?C%$n:
/ater Seirei R Kisunika Mine 5B 9?qR!: in a little nook going
do1n -rom the main path
ConditionA Gi"e 6 Crescento sil"er coins 9u7.0:
FF Plane o- Death FF
FF !ru. FF
F #ig +ock F
>ou land in a sandy patch !y the #ig +ock in the middle o- the Plane o- Death3
This is 1here Ganache and Candy 1ere talking 8ust !e-ore3
I- you go do1n you 1ill reach Ga;pacho 2illage3
I- you go up is the #ig +ock 1ith a nice "ie1 o- the misty S1amp o- Despair3
The Magic #us has the 1heels caught in the sand so you can0t ride it3
'lso4 until you get the Map o- Death 9!MG: you 1on0t !e a!le to 1arp !ack
to Plane o- Darkness or Plane o- Light3
F Ga;pacho 2illage F
F @q;}| F
+ecommended Le"elA RB
In Ga;pacho 2illage you 1ill -ind nice plump clay houses3
&ome o- the Gars 9<,:
/hen you -irst enter the "illage space is distorted3 /hen you try to e7it or
enter one o- the houses you 1ill !e 1arped !ack to an entrance3
Talk to "arious 8ars to !e a!le to enter the houses -or real3
't this time it doesn0t matter 1hich e7it)entrance you choose4 only 1hich 1as
the last 8ar you spoke to3
Green pot !elo1 the stone 1all !y the north east e7it S Inn
Green pot 1alking around in the south 1est S Shop
Green pot !y the north 1est e7it S Mayor0s house
To !e a!le to e7it the houses you need to talk to one o- the pots in there3
There is also a pot 1alking around 1alking around in the east4 right inside
the "illage 1all3 Talk to it to !e a!le to change your party lineup3
To get out o- Ga;pacho 2illage you need to get the Map o- Death 9!MG:3
Go to the Mayor0s house 9!y talking to the pot !y the north 1est e7it: and
talk to the Mayor 9the !ro1n 8ar in the top right:3 /hen he asks4 ans1er *
9yes: and he 1ill gi"e you the map3
'-ter recei"ing the map a !ro1n 8ar 1ill appear to the le-t o- the D-ountainD
looking thingy in the middle o- the s%uare3 Talk to it and you can e7it the
"illage and continue to Tandoori3
*nce you get the map you can also 1arp !ack to the Magic #us and 1ith that
1arp !ack to the other Planes3
Gust run to Tandoori as -ast as possi!le3 The enemies are pretty strong and
might drain you4 and there is really no need to le"el up at this time3
ItemA Map o- Death 9!MG: -rom the mayor 9|: Can see map o- Plane o-
Light Seirei C Ga;pacho 2illage Inn 9@q;}|:
ConditionA /ait -or a 1hile in the inn3 *nly 8oins i- you ha"e < or less dark
Seirei 9:
Lo"e Seirei < Ga;pacho 2illage mayor0s house 9@q;}|o|!:
ConditionA '-ter the !oss -ight in Tandoori 6 9D.:4 Klein 9.:
1ill talk to you4 ans1er 9no: 1hen he asks to lea"e him un!roken3 *nly
8oins i- you ha"e caught OB or less Gummy (rogs 9RS&':
Shop In"entoryA
Item ameA PriceA
Green Gummy (rog 9RS&': OB
#lue Gummy (rog 9RS&': 5BB
>ello1 Gummy /orm 9''T&': 5BB
Poison Tail 9W!(): OB
um! Tail 9:VW!(): CB
Paralysis Tail 9YW!(): 6B
Stone Tail 97?W!(): QB
+e"i"al Tail 9>R!(): 5BB
Mohikan &elmet 9YR.%: N<BB
Gorgon +ings 9.9.&: NQBB
Plate Mail 9ru0: O<BBB
Iron Clogs 9%!lD: <QBB
(ish Stone 9[!1: P<BB
Pinecone 9JK(L: OB
F Tandoori F
F D.9 F
$nter the giant 8ar! 2ery nice !lue insides to these 8ars3
+andom !attles are Ie7tremelyI rare here3 >ou can !asically e7plore the 1hole
area se"eral times 1ithout running into any monsters3
I- you do run into monsters they are o- the 'ncient 9d: attri!ute3
The 8ars -orm a sort o- 1arp la!yrinth3 >ou can enter)e7it !oth to the right
and le-t and through the 8ars themsel"es3 Sometimes you 1ill !e 1arped !ack to
some1here you 1ere earlier4 so 1atch out3
Per-ect game hintA The Gummy (rogs here 1ill !e caught automatically i- you
touch them3 Keep Ca!ernet 9R/:4 the poison puppet4 in your party3 &e
makes catching Gummy (rogs impossi!le3
To reach the !oss -ight go south3 The e7act e7its to take are as -ollo1sA
Purple pot in the south east3
#lue e7it in the south east3
#ro1n pot in the south east3
#lue e7it in the south 1est3
#ro1n pot in the south east3
#ro1n pot in the north east3
Take the dark path north and you 1ill reach the !oss -ight 1ith Gar Golem 9<
$"en though this !oss is at le"el <B he0s pretty easy to !eat4 e"en i- you are
a lot 1eaker3 Gust use Seirei4 pre-erra!ly the Dou!le MP <B calls4 to get your
attack po1er up3
'-ter the !attle the green pot Klein 9.: 1ill talk to you4 ans1er
9no: 1hen he asks to lea"e him un!roken and make Lo"e Seirei < appear in
Ga;pacho 2illage3
>ou 1ill then !e asked 1here you 1ant to continue toA
..! $7it to outside the dungeon
@q;}2 Go to Ga;pacho 2illage
?C.7 Cancel
#ack in Ga;pacho 2illage space has !een returned to normal3
orth 1est e7it leads to a smaller area 1ith some chests 1ith items3
South 1est e7it leads to Tandoori3
orth east e7it leads !ack to the Magic #us3
South east e7it leads onto the 1hole the +uins o- $arth3
Inn is in the north 1est3
Shop is in the south 1est3
Mayor0s house is in the east3
#oss (ightA
#ossA Gar Golem 9<,u%: Le"elA <B 'ttri!uteA Darkness 9: &PA NBB
Insect Seirei < 9Toj: Tandoori 5 9D.9!: right inside the entrance
ConditionA Gi"e OB >ello1 Gummy /orms 9''T&':
Lo"e Seirei < Ga;pacho 2illage mayor0s house 9@q;}|o|!:
ConditionA '-ter the !oss -ight in Tandoori 6 9D.:4 Klein 9.:
1ill talk to you4 ans1er 9no: 1hen he asks to lea"e him un!roken3 *nly
8oins i- you ha"e caught OB or less Gummy (rogs 9RS&':
F +uins o- $arth F
F !M F
- Strategy 'd"ice
o1 is a good time to -inali;e your party3 The only classmate that has yet to
8oin you !e-ore the -inal !oss -ight is Candy3
The party mem!ers -or the -inal !oss -ight are going to need the rest o- the
Plane o- Death -or le"elling up4 1hich is 1hy it0s good to -inali;e the lineup
this early on3
Some notes on the "arious classmatesA
Peche 9:k: Lo"e attri!ute4 should de-initely !e in the party4 !oth -or
healing the party and -or the highly use-ul 'ngel &ug a!ility to clear all
Pistachio 9qD}p: /ood attri!ute is 1eak and should pro!a!ly !e a"oided3
Ca-e au Lait 9R>=pu: and Sesame 978': are pretty a"erage4 !ut not so
!ad as to de-initely !e a"oided3
Lemon 9u.:4 Kirsche 9?:k: and Cassis 9R:q: all ha"e strong attacks3
#lue!erry 9I/9: /ater attri!ute and 'rancia 9.:: Sound
attri!ute can easily attack many enemies at once and ha"e high MP3 'rancia can
also put enemies to sleep3
Chocolat 9:-: Stone attri!ute4 has "ery high &P so he can keep going and
re"i"e the other party mem!ers3
Ca!ernet 9R/: Poison attri!ute4 can poison the enemies and slo1ly 1ear
them do1n3
Cidre 9:: #eauty attri!ute4 has the handy /hite +ose magic 1hich clears
all status ailments4 and also the a!ility to paralyse enemies3
*li"e 9p9I: #east attri!ute4 has the "ery strong (orce o- $"eryone attack3
'lso see the Characters and Magic sections in this (', -or more in-o on the
classmates and their a!ilities3
>ou should !e -amiliar 1ith most o- the classmates !y no1 as most o- them ha"e
!een in your party earlier in the game3
Try to get a good mi7 !et1een o--ensi"e and de-ensi"e po1ers3
My -a"ourite party mem!ers are as -ollo1sA
Peche 9essential:
Cassis 9-or the a1esome strong !lade attacks on single enemies:
#lue!erry or 'rancia 9-or the !road attacks and high MP:
Kirsche or Lemon 9-or the strong attack:
Cidre 9-or the status healing and strong attacks on single enemies4 and also
the a!ility to mo"e sparro1s outside o- !attle4 "ery handy in the -inal
Chocolat 9-or the massi"e &P:
>ou should include the classmates you like !est and are most com-orta!le 1ith3
/hiche"er classmate has the same attri!ute as yoursel- should perhaps not !e
in the party3 It0s good to ha"e as many di--erent attri!utes as possi!le to
spread the risks and a!ilities3 *n the other hand4 i- you ha"e t1o party
mem!ers 1ith the same attri!ute you can use each others0 Seirei3
#ack to the +uins o- $arthA
+ecommended Le"elA RO
Greeinsh sand4 rocks4 spiky !ushes and old !ones -rom some huge creatures3
+andom -ights 1ith monsters o- #east 9e:4 Thunder 9_:4 Stone 9[: and #eauty
9g: attri!ute3
+uins o- $arth is almost the 1hole Plane o- Death land3 &uge area3
$7plore thoroughly to -ind all locations4 chests4 Seirei and to le"el up3
'-ter clearing Tandoori you should !e -ree to e7it Ga;pacho 2illage and go on
1ith the ad"enture3
Moiroroto 2illage is in the north east corner
Pyramid is in the -ar north 1est3
+akyuo is in the -ar 1est to the north3
Corridor o- Death is do1n south3
'-ter deciding on your -inal party lineup 9see strategy ad"ice a!o"e: it0s
time to start the le"elling up process3
>ou should !e around le"el RB no14 and you need to get to NB !e-ore the -inal
Start !y e7ploring the little area to the 1est o- Ga;pacho 2illage3
There are heaps o- Gummy /orms here3
Gra! all the items in the chests3
/arp !ack to the Magic #us and heal up i- you need to3
I- you ha"e some #eauty Seirei4 1atch out so you don0t catch T** many Gummy
/orms3 Sell e7cess yello1 ones to the shop3 (ocus on getting the red Gummy
/hen you0re done4 heal up in the Magic #us and return to Ga;pacho 2illage3
Then take the south east e7it and continue through +uins o- $arth to the north
/hen you e7it there is a cutscene o- Ganache and Candy talking to a Mudman in
Moiroroto 2illage3
The Mudman tell them that the $nigma Kerurendou can !e -ound in Moganisu Lair3
Ganache is reminiscing a!out ho1 his sister crushed o"er OBB people like they
1ere !ugs3 It seems she had merged 1ith an $nigma3
I- Cidre is in your party you can mo"e the Sparro1s in the east and reach a
little area 1ith se"eral chests 1ith monster !attles and some nice items3
' little !it -urther north there is a -ossil you can 1alk through to -ind some
chests to the 1est3
Continue north until you reach Moiroroto 2illage3
F Moiroroto 2illage F
F 0| F
ice plump clay houses in "arious colors3
&ome o- the Mudman 9.: people3
Talk to the old Mudman outside the Inn3
MudmanA D$"eryone in this to1n disappeared !ecause *mu;aneiru 9p%:
thre1 a curse on it3D
Do you 1ant to help de-eat *mu;aneiruJ
'ns1er * 9yes:
MadmanA D/hen you are done you 1ill recei"e the 2eil o- Light 9x!s=:3
Then you can enter +akyuo4 the Ca"e o- Stars 93!z{o?kp:3 Some1here
in there you 1ill -ind #lack Karanto 9IR.0: 1ho 1ill gi"e you the
2eil o- Darkness 9!s=: 1hich lets you enter the Corridor o- Death 9
I0m so sad3D
I- you talk to him again he 1ill tell you to go on to the Pyramid 9':3
+eturn here a-ter the mission is accomplished3 (or no1 the "illage is silent
and the Inn and Shop are closed3
Take the 1estern e7it and continue 1est1ard to the pyramid3
*n the 1ay there are a some lea"es !locked !y Gummy /orm holes3
Thunder Seirei < 9$qo_: The house right a!o"e Pi;;a in Moiroroto
2illage 90|o:
ConditionA Gi"e P &elion gold coins 99p.:
Light Seirei R Miroroto Inn 90|o:
Condition= /ait -or a 1hile in the inn3 *nly 8oins i- you ha"e R or less dark
Seirei 9:
Stone Seirei < Moiroroto 2illage 90|: top le-t in the "illage
ConditionA Gi"e OB !lue Gummy (rogs 9RS&':3 *nly appears i- you ha"e
caught 5BB or more Gummy /orms 9''T&':
Shop In"entoryA
Item ameA PriceA
Green Gummy (rog 9RS&': OB
#lue Gummy (rog 9RS&': 5BB
Poison Tail 9W!(): OB
Stone Tail 97?W!(): QB
+e"i"al Tail 9>R!(): 5BB
Mohikan &elmet 9YR.%: N<BB
,uart; Lenses 9<u.T: 5C<BB
Plate Mail 9ru0: O<BBB
Glass Shoes 9@q!: 6<BBB
(ish Stone 9[!1: P<BB
Glass #ead 9@qJ: 5O<B
+ose ,uart; 9T<: O<BB
'methyst 9q0: C<BB
Tourmaline 909.: QBBB
Sapphire 98>t: 5B<BB
+u!y 9V: 5N<BB
F Pyramid F
F ' F
+ecommended Le"elA R<
2ery stylish $gypt in-luenced interior4 purple -loors and 1alls and golden
+andom -ights 1ith all Stone 9[: attri!ute monsters3
>ou might 1ant to stock up on Stone Tails 97?W!(): to cure the
Petri-ication 9[\: they cause3
2ery rarely you may run into Lo"e 9N: attri!ute monsters3
>ou need C o- the Seirei to enter the sealed doors3
'SCII map o- the parts o- the Pyramid that has Seirei3
#ehind all other seals are items only3
The element at the !ottom o- the s%uare is the seal on the door3
The one inside the s%uare is the Seirei that can !e -ound in the room3
I Nis a Lo"e Seirei not a seal3
F i F F _ F F h F F c F
F F F F F [ F F f F F ` F F b F F F F F
F F LSecond doorM F F
F F _ Thunder
F j F F a F F F F e F F d F ` (ire
F F F F F F F F F F h /ind
F F F F F F F F F F g #eauty
F FHHHHF F L(irst doorM F FHHHHF F i #lade
F F F F F F c Sound
F F F F F F j Insect
F F F F F F b Tree
F F F F F F Darkness
F F x Light
F F N Lo"e
>ou don0t ha"e to ha"e to go in the sealed doors to !e a!le to continue 1ith
the game3 I- you 1ant to you can 8ust go straight up the middle path to the
!oss -ight3
#ut there are many Seirei and chests 1ith items to !e -ound !ehind those doors3
$7plore as much o- the la!yrinthine corridors as you can to not miss out3 I-
you ha"e less than C o- some o- the Seirei4 no1 is the time to 1arp !ack to
the earlier Planes and search -or them3 >ou might e"en 1ant to go get some o-
those really e7pensi"e Seirei in '%ua!it Castle i- you didn0t get them !e-ore3
Gust like in '%ua!it Castle the Seirei here are more e7pensi"e)demanding than
those in harder to -ind places3 $specially 1atch out -or the #eauty Seirei4 i-
you ha"e it 8oin you you cannot catch '> Gummy /orms -rom no1 on!
This is a pretty good place to le"el up too3 Gust 1arp !ack to the entrance
and use the healing 8ars right inside i- your &P and MP gets run do1n3 There
are also plenty o- healing pots inside the pyramid3
The main path do1n the middle o- the pyramid4 leading to the !oss -ight4 is
!locked !y 8ars3 To clear them you ha"e to -eed them Gummy (rogs o- the right
color in the right order3 Since they s1itch places randomly4 1atch their names
care-ully so you gi"e them in the right order as -ollo1sA
(irst doorA
53 Gi"e Gine 9: #lue Gummy (rog 9RS&':
O3 Gi"e Sukante 9qR.$: Green Gummy (rog 9RS&':
Second doorA
53 Gi"e Gaushoni!e 9@m:/: +ed Gummy (rog 9RS&':
O3 Gi"e Tsu!ekkya 9</?C: Green Gummy (rog 9RS&':
C3 Gi"e Kota 9-D: #lue Gummy (rog 9RS&':
Third doorA
53 Gi"e +enoir 99p: #lue Gummy (rog 9RS&':
O3 Gi"e Shi!ukka 9:IR: Green Gummy (rog 9RS&':
C3 Gi"e Kuneyoma 9T4: #lue Gummy (rog 9RS&':
Per-ect game hintA '-ter clearing the -irst door you can reach the -inal Lo"e
Seirei4 num!er N3
To reach it you 1ill need C o- each o- #lade Seirei4 Poison Seirei4 Lo"e
Seirei and Thunder Seirei3 I- you are missing any4 go !ack and -ind them3
$nter the door on the le-t 1ith the #lade seal 9i:4 continue through the door
1ith the Posion seal 9a:4 take the door on the right 1ith the Lo"e seal 9N:
continue on and take the door on the right 1ith the Thunder seal 9_:3 #ehind
it is Lo"e Seirei N3 I- you ha"e managed to not catch or !uy any Gummy (rogs
up until no1 it 1ill 8oin you4 and i- you0"e made -riends 1ith all the
pre"ious Lo"e Seirei you 1ill no1 ha"e a complete set!
(rom no1 on you are -ree to catch 9or !uy: as many Gummy (rogs as you 1ant3
>ou might 1ant to return to Tandoori and any other Gummy (rog in-ested areas
you a"oided until no1 and stock up3 &o1e"er4 the more Gummy (rogs you catch4
the -e1er 1ill appear in the game3 Since +ed Gummy (rogs can0t !e !ought4 it0s
a good idea to try to mainly catch those3
>ou can also return to all the places 1here Gummy (rogs 1ere !locking the path4
and gra! the items and Seirei you couldn0t reach earlier3 >ou should also
start catching Gummy (rogs to make Dark Seirei appear4 -or the last Dark
Seirei you need to ha"e caught 5BBB Gummy (rogs3 &o1e"er4 you shouldn0t make
-riends 1ith them until you ha"e got all the Light Seirei3
'-ter remo"ing the 8ars !y the second door you can enter the throne-like 1all
decoration to reach some !onus chests and the hidden MD shop3
Go le-t to reach the third door4 and right !ehind that is *mu;aneiru 9p%
: 1aiting -or the !oss -ight3 Make sure you0re healed up properly4 then
talk to him3
*mu;aneiruA DThose 1ho distur! the peace o- the land o- the dead3333333333D
The -ight starts3
'-ter 1inning the !oss -ight there is a short cutscene o- Ganache and Candy
outside the Corridor o- Death3
GanacheA D33333333
&ero33333333 're they coming33333JD
GanacheA DIt0s too late33333333
&ero3333333 Cannot stop me any longer3
It0s decided3 I 1ill -all into the same darkness as my sister3
'nyone 1ho tries to stop me 1ill -all into the darkness 1ith me3D
CandyA DI0m 1atching out -or you Ganache4 I 1ant to help you3
I- I don0t keep an eye on you you may disappear3D
GanacheA DCandy33333333
&o1 can I say this3
There0s something33333 May!e 1e0re 8ust in the 1rong place at the 1rong
#ack at the Pyramid you 1ill !e gi"en three optionsA
'! $7it to outside the Pyramid
0| Go to Moiroroto 2illage
?C.7 Cancel
Choose cancel or e7it i- you 1ant to continue e7ploring the Pyramid4 or return
to Moiroroto 2illage right a1ay to continue on 1ith the story3
>ou should continue e7ploring the Pyramid until you ha"e as much as you can o-
it co"ered4 and you0re le"elled up a good !it 9at least le"el RQ:3 #ut you can
al1ays return later i- you 1ant to go on 1ith the story -or no13
Go !ack to Moiroroto 2illage3
Talk to the old Mudman outside the Inn again3
MudmanA D>ou sa"ed us3D
>ou recei"e the 2eil o- Light 9x!s=:3
MudmanA DTake the 2eil o- Light to +akyuo4 the Ca"e o- Stars3
In +akyuo4 -ind the large Dark Seirei #lack Karanto3
I- you gi"e him the 2eil o- Light you 1ill ge the 2eil o- Darkness4 take this
to the Corridor o- Death3
The large dark Seirei 1on0t !e "isi!le unless you erase all the stars3
$ach star is the soul o- a dead man3
Saints4 heroes4 in +akyuo they0re reincarnated as stars3
Since the stars are sometimes pu;;led a!out 1hy they0re there4 speak gently
1ith them3
D>ou can go !ack to the main plane3D
Is good to say3
Speak to all the stars there3D
The "illage 1ill ha"e come !ack to li-e and the shop and the inn 1ill !e open
Continue 1est1ard -rom the pyramid to reach +akyuo3
#oss (ightA
#ossA *mu;aneiru 9p%: Le"elA << 'ttri!uteA Darkness 9: &PA NQB
MonsterA S1eetie 9qmn$n: Le"elA C< 'ttri!uteA Darkness 9: &PA OBB
MonsterA S1eetie 9qmn$n: Le"elA C< 'ttri!uteA Darkness 9: &PA OBB
MonsterA Para Duck 9;: Le"elA CN 'ttri!uteA Darkness 9: &PA 5QB
MonsterA Para Duck 9;: Le"elA CN 'ttri!uteA Darkness 9: &PA 5QB
MonsterA Para Duck 9;: Le"elA CN 'ttri!uteA Darkness 9: &PA 5QB
$"ent ItemA 2eil o- Light 9x!s=: Gi"en !y Mudman 9.: Can go
into +akyuo 9?kp:
/ater Seirei N Pyramid 9':
ConditionA Gi"e CB Crescento sil"er coins 9u7.0:
Lo"e Seirei N Pyramid 9':
ConditionA *nly 8oins i- you ha"en0t caught or !ought any Gummy (rogs 9RS
Tree Seirei N Pyramid 9':
ConditionA Gi"e <B Pinecones 9JK(L:3 *nly appears i- you ha"e picked
up CBB or more pinecones3
'ncient Seirei N Pyramid R 9':
ConditionA Gi"e ON 'rti sil"er coins 9$n:
#east Seirei N Pyramid R 9':
ConditionA Gi"e QB Paralysis Tails 9YW!():
Poison Seirei N Pyramid N 9'5:
ConditionA Gi"e QB um! Tails 9:VW!():
Insect Seirei N Pyramid N 9'5:
ConditionA Gi"e RB >ello1 Gummy /orms 9''T&':
Thunder Seirei N Pyramid P 9'6:
ConditionA Gi"e O5 &elion gold coins 99p.:
#lade Seirei N Pyramid P 9'6:
ConditionA Thro1 a1ay all Gummy (rogs 9RS&': and gi"e OB Kyamuti gold
coins 9?C%$n:
Stone Seirei N Pyramid P 9'6:
ConditionA Gi"e RB !lue Gummy (rogs 9RS&':3 *nly appears i- you ha"e
caught <BB or more Gummy /orms 9''T&':
Sound Seirei N Pyramid 5B 9'!:
ConditionA Gi"e OB &amonick gold coin 9: 95B 1ith the *carina:
(ire Seirei N Pyramid 5B 9'!:
ConditionA Gi"e RB Mirori sil"er coins 9'9:
/ind Seirei N Pyramid 5B 9'!:
ConditionA Gi"e RB +ashimo-u sil"er coins 9:>:
#eauty Seirei N Pyramid 5B 9'!:
ConditionA *1ning no Gummy /orms at all 9''T&': and gi"e 5O Ganick gold
coins 9@:
MD Shop In"entory 9in hidden room 5O:A
Item ameA PriceA
Cra! Shell 9I:=: 5<BB
Tortoise Shell 90Dq:=: CBBB
Chimera Shell 9?:=: <BBB
#lack Shell 9I:=: QBBB
+ose ,uart; 9T<: O<BB
'methyst 9q0: C<BB
Tourmaline 909.: QBBB
Sapphire 98>t: 5B<BB
+u!y 9V: 5N<BB
Papaya (ruit 9;;!: O<
'pple (ruit 9L!: <B
Muscat (ruit 9qR0!: 6B
>ello1 Mica 9?: 5BBB
/hite Mica 97?: CBBB
Sheep Gut 9Z!@0: 6BB
Leather String 98Z: O<BB
MD-BO #onito 9,0: CBBBBB
Talk to the MD to !uy it
F +akyuo F
F ?kp F
+ecommended Le"elA RQ
's soon as you get the 2eil o- Light 9x!s=: the 8ars that 1ere
guarding the ca"e opening disappear and you are -ree to enter3
'h4 starry skies4 or starry dungeon rather3 2ery pretty deep !lue color 1ith
t1inkling stars around3
&ome o- the Star 93: people3
+andom !attles3
'rea 5-R has monsters o- attri!ute /ater 9f: and #eauty 9g:3
'rea <-N has monsters o- attri!ute #lade 9i:4 Thunder 9_: and Light 9x:3
'"oid the Kiyameruka 9?R: 8ars3 I- you come near them the last mem!er
o- your party 1ill !e sent !ack to the Magic #us3 Talk to the stars to make
the 8ars disappear3
Tread care-ully and 1atch out so you don0t get too close to the 8ars3 Sa"e
o-ten4 and return to the Magic #us to reunite 1ith any lost -riends3
Sometimes you ha"e to talk to stars in the ne7t room !e-ore the 8ars disappear3
's 1ell as going through the light openings4 you can also 1arp -rom room to
room "ia the tentacle !lo!s3
In area N4 in the 1est4 is a Star that tell you ho1 many more Stars you need
to -ind and talk to !e-ore clearing the dungeon3
'-ter talking to all the stars and making all the 8ars disappear #lack Karanto
9IR.0:4 a !ig Dark Seirei4 1ill appear in +akyuo N 9?kp5:4
right a!o"e 1here the -riendly Star 1as3
Gust talk to #lack Karanto to get the 2eil o- Darkness 9!s=:3
There is no !oss -ight3
$7it +akyuo3
To reach the Corridor o- Death you ha"e to go -ar south and then east3
$"ent ItemA 2eil o- Darkness 9!s=: Can go into the Corridor o- Death4
-ound in +akyuoN 9?kp5:
#east Seirei < +akyuo $ntrance 9?kp: up and to the right !y the
ConditionA Gi"e CB Paralysis Tails 9YW!():
/ater Seirei < +akyuo C 9?kp: top le-t corner
ConditionA Gi"e 5B Crescento sil"er coins 9u7.0:
Sound Seirei < +akyuo 6 9?kp: !ottom right
ConditionA Gi"e < &amonick gold coin 9: 9R 1ith the *carina:
Light Seirei < +akyuo N 9?kp5: !ottom le-t
ConditionA *nly 8oins i- you ha"e C or less dark Seirei 9:
F Corridor o- Death F
F ! F
+ecommended Le"elA <C
#e-ore you get the 2eil o- Darkness 9!s=: you 1ill !e stuck spinning
outside the entrance4 !ut once you get it you can 8ust enter normally3
Despite the name this is a !eauti-ul lush -lo1ery meado14 !ut 1ith an air o-
cemetery a!out it3
+andom !attles 1ith monsters o- attri!utes #east 9e:4 Insect 9j: and rarely
Lo"e 9N:3
Per-ect game hintA This is the -irst place 1here you pretty much ha"e to catch
Gummy (rogs to ad"ance the story4 so you should ha"e all se"en Lo"e Seirei
!e-ore continuing3 See the 1alkthrough -or Pyramid -or details on the -inal
Lo"e Seirei3 I- you really 1ant to4 it is possi!le to pass this area 1ithout
catching a single (rog3 Gust make sure you IonlyI talk to the 1arp (rogs4 and
since they 1arp o--4 they don0t count as catches3
Space in this area is distorted4 so 1hen you try to e7it you 1ill !e 1arped
straight !ack to the entrance3
The trick to get through is to -ind one special 1arp (rog o- each color in the
order green4 !lue4 red3 This might !e harder than it sounds3 /hen you try to
catch them they make your 1hole party spin around3
The num!ers o- (rogs that appear in this area seem to depend on ho1 many (rogs
you ha"e caught up until you enter4 and once you ha"e entered the num!er o-
(rogs is -i7ed3
I- you don0t catch a single (rog !e-ore you enter the only ones there 1ill !e
the special 1arp (rogs3 This makes it "ery easy to clear the area3 *n the
other hand4 there 1on0t !e any regular (rogs a"aila!le to catch3
I0d recommend catching as many (rogs as you can !e-ore entering3 /hile it does
make -inding the 1arp (rogs harder4 the a"aila!ility o- red (rogs especially
makes it 1orth it3
Some tips on ho1 to catch -rogsA
Try to catch them -rom !ehind to a"oid spinning3
Stand still and press ' repeatedly 1hen a (rog comes near you3
Go near one and 1hen you start spinning press the pad in the direction o- the
Gummy (rog and press ' repeatedly3
(irst get all green (rogs you see until you get the green 1arp (rog4 then !lue4
and red last3
The 1arp (rogs can !e identi-ied %uite easily3 /hen you try to catch then they
1on0t spin along like the regular (rogs4 !ut instead 8ust hop a1ay and make a
little ping sound3 /hen you catch one there 1ill !e a chime and it 1ill 1arp
a1ay up1ards3
*nce you ha"e caught all three 1arp (rogs you 1ill !e a!le to e7it in the -ar
I- you can stand the spinning this is a great place to return to and gather
red Gummy (rogs3
Dark Seirei < +uins o- $arth N 9!M5: *n the 1ay to Corridor o- Death
Condition= #eat .rauru 9mm: 7 O4 Paradakku 9;: 7 O4 /igurogu
9mn&&:4 Dead Cur"e 9RI:3 *nly appears i- you ha"e caught <BB
or more Gummy (rogs 9RS&':
'ncient Seirei < +ight near!y the entrance outside the Corridor o- Death 9
ConditionA Gi"e 5R 'rti sil"er coins 9$n:
#eauty Seirei < Corridor o- Death C 9!: to the right o- the healing
ConditionA *1ning less than RB Gummy /orms 9''T&': and gi"e 5B Ganick
gold coins 9@:
F $arth o- Darkness F
F -!M F
+ecommended Le"elA 6B
*nce you e7it Corridor o- Death you lea"e the +uins o- $arth area3
$arth o- Darkness is dreary hostile purple and !eige terrain surrounded !y
sharp green cli--s3
+andom !attles 1ith Poison 9a: and #east 9e: attri!ute monsters3
Pi;;a 1arp spots 8ust outside the e7it -rom the corridor o- death4 in the
north east corner and the middle 1est3 +ight near!y the middle 1est one is the
1ind Seirei3
I- you go straight north a-ter the e7it there0s a ro1 o- chests3 The le-tmost
one holds an MD part4 the rest all hold monsters3
There are also Lea"es and Coins scattered around3
/hen you enter the middle area Candy is standing there3 $"eryone calls her
name and gathers around her4 !ut 1hen they start talking to her she turns into
a huge $nigma! Kirsche and *li"e 1on0t -ight her4 and lea"es your party during
the -ight3
The !oss -ight 1ith $kiurokuryu 9S?m9k: starts3
'-ter the !attle *li"e can sense Candy still -used 1ith the $nigma3 She
manages to separate it -rom Candy and it e7plodes3 Candy thanks *li"e and
e"eryone -or helping her3
>our party is 1arped !ack to the Magic #us3
$"eryone tells Madeleine a!out Candy and 1hat 8ust happened3
CandyA DMy !ody -eels "ery light333333 something is di--erent333333D
Madeleine-senseiA DCandy4 you cannot use Magic anymore3 >our magic po1ers 1ere
set -ree 1hen your -usion 1ith the $nigma 1as resol"ed3D
PistachioA DShe can0t use magic-ppi33333333!J So Candy 1ill -ail her e7ams!JD
Madeleine-senseiA DI don0t kno1 i- it 1ill last -or the rest o- her li-e3 o
one has !een released -rom an $nigma -usion !e-ore3 I- magic is set -ree 1hen
the -usion is resol"ed4 1ho kno10s 1hat can happenJD
CandyA DIt0s -ine3 I don0t really need magic3 I0m not -eeling uneasy anymore3
I can see things3 I can see my Mama0s and Papa0s -aces3 I understand
e"erything that0s happening3D
PistachioA D+eally-ppi!J 'ma;ing-ppi!!D
CandyA D/hen I close my eyes3333333 I can see e"eryone that 1ere touched !y my
KirscheA D'-ama;ing4 like a great magician! &aha3 &ahaha3D
CandyA DI0m sorry3333333 Let me 8ust cry -or a !it3333 I0m not really sad3333
I0ll stop at once33333D
Madeleine-senseiA DIt0s ok3 Magic isn0t 8ust a practical skill3
>ou 1on0t ha"e to lea"e the school4 and I0m sure you can graduate3
/hy don0t you 8oin us no1 so 1e can search -or GanacheJD
CandyA DThank you33333 e"eryone4 thank you3333D
Candy 8oins your party3
o1 you get some choices ho1 to continueA
! Go to the e7it o- Corridor o- Death
(!9 +eturn to 1here you 1ere a 1hile ago
?C.7 Cancel
/hiche"er you choose no1 you should continue e7ploring $arth o- Darkness north3
Candy is in your acti"e party no14 you might 1ant to s1itch her -or the mem!er
you had pre"iously !e-ore continuing3
She has indeed lost all her magic4 !ut not -or good3 &er magic is !ack to
le"el 54 !ut i- you 8ust le"el up she0ll regain all the magic e%uipment3
See the DMagic Le"el almost cheating tipD in the complete guide !elo1 -or in-o
on ho1 to le"el up her magic "ery %uickly3
#oss (ightA
#ossA $kiurokuryu 9S?m9k: Le"elA 6Q 'ttri!uteA Darkness 9: &PA
MonsterA #eoru!iku 9/pV: Le"elA 6< 'ttri!uteA Darkness 9: &PA
MonsterA Para;uneira 9;T: Le"elA 66 'ttri!uteA Darkness 9: &PA
MonsterA Para;uneira 9;T: Le"elA 66 'ttri!uteA Darkness 9: &PA
e1 (riendA Candy 9?C.n: attri!ute /ind 9h:
/ind Seirei R $arth o- Darkness R 9-!M:
ConditionA Gi"e < +ashimo-u sil"er coins 9:>:
F S1amp o- Despair F
F ! F
Pretty !leak light purple and green s1amp la!yrinth3
+andom -ights 1ith monsters o- Poison 9a: and #east 9e: attri!ute3
Take it easy and use this area to le"el up3 Lots o- nasty Gummy /orms !locking
your 1ay3 /atch out and try to a"oid them4 or -ight them to le"el up3
$7plore all the trails and o--shoots -or chests 1ith some nice items3 In the
"ery middle o- the s1amp is a little peninsula 1ith a D1ar- and a /ind Seirei3
'!out hal-1ay through in the north 1est is a Pi;;a 1arp spot and t1o healing
The entry to Moginasu is in the south 1est3
/ind Seirei < S1amp o- Despair O 9!:
In the middle o- the s1amp on a peninsula3
ConditionA Gi"e 5B +ashimo-u sil"er coins 9:>:
F Moginasu Lair F
F Wq{ F
+ecommended Le"elA NB
asty s1ampy ca"e4 -irst area is tur%uoise and the second area is purple 1ith
distur!ing !reathing holes in the ground3
+andom monster !attles3
In the -irst tur%oise area are monster 1ith attri!utes (ire 9`:4 #eauty 9g:4
Sound 9c:4 Tree 9b: and Thunder 9_:3 The last area P also has &ell
Doragoiru 9:4 dragon-like monsters 1ith Dark 9: attri!ute3
In the second purple area are monsters 1ith attri!ute /ind 9h:4 Poison 9a:4
#lade 9i:4 'ncient 9d:3
*utside the entrance to Moginasu Lair is the -inal Pi;;a 1arp spot3 '-ter this4
i- you 1arp out o- the Lair4 you ha"e to 1alk through it again3
>ou can not !ring a Magic Doll into the Lair3
To enter the -inal !oss ca"e you 1ill need three Stones o- &ades 9![:
-or each party mem!er3
It0s highly recommended to ha"e a -ull party -or the !oss -ight4 so you0re
going to need 5Q stones3
Talk to the 8ars you -ind around the ca"e and they 1ill ask -or items in
e7change -or stones3
Some 8ars 1ill take all o- your Gummy (rogs4 Gummy /orms or Tails o- a certain
color)kind in e7change -or one or a -e1 stones3 *thers 1ill ask -or a couple
o- coins in e7change -or one stone3
See complete list !elo13
The 8ars that ask -or all o- some item 1ill only let you trade 1ith them once
9so you can0t 1arp out and get more and trade again:3 #ut the ones asking -or
a speci-ic num!er o- coins you can trade 1ith as long as you ha"e enough coins
*ne thing that can make it easier at this point is to make -riends 1ith the
hidden character #ro1n3 /ell4 he0s not that hidden4 he0s right outside the
entry to Moginasu Lair3 >ou need to gather CB Stones o- &ades -or him to 8oin
you 9and only ha"e < mem!ers in the party 1hen talking to him:3 #ro1n 1ill not
!e allo1ed into the Lair4 !ut he has a -ull set o- "ery strong e%uipment that
you can distri!ute among your party mem!ers -or an instant stats !oost3
I recommend going through the Lair once trading all the items you ha"e 1ith
the 8ars4 1arping out and !uying ne1 items at the shops4 and going through the
ca"e once more3 >ou should ha"e plenty o- money !y no1 to !uy anything you
In the green parts o- the ca"e there are some "ery hard to spot stairs you
need to -ind to get -urther along3 /atch "ery care-ully -or the yello1 glo1 in
the !ackground o- the stairs going do1n to the ne7t area3
The last area !e-ore the !oss ca"e is a narro1 corridor -illed 1ith yello1
Gummy /orms you 1ill ha"e to !eat to get -urther3
The 8ars outside the ca"e 1ill ask -or your Stones o- &ades 9![: !e-ore
letting you in3
Madeleine-sensei is 1aiting to 1ish you good luck in your -inal -ight3
/hen you enter into the -inal !oss room a con"ersation !egins3
Ghastly CreatureA D>ou ha"e come at last33333333D
GanacheA D're you KerurendouJD
Ghastly CreatureA DLast time I li"ed as Kerurendou33333
#ut I0m not Kerurendou no1333333D
GanacheA D're you an $nigma3333JD
Ghastly CreatureA D(u-u-u3333333
' copy o- my !ody is in this $nigma3333 I ha"e !een re!orn many times3333D
GanacheA DMany times33333J &o1333333JD
Ghastly CreatureA D(u--u--u3333 Stupid %uestion3333
#ecause it0s a li-e3 (or 1hat reason are you here and ali"eJD
GanacheA DMe33333 /here I come -rom 1ent !ad3333 I0m here to rescue my older
Ghastly CreatureA DKukkukku3333 To -inish something you need t1o things3
Po1er and intention3 I ha"e po1er333 >ou ha"e intentions333
' host3333 you can carry my po1er3333D
GanacheA DPo1er333333JD
Madeleine-senseiA D/ait! Intention to do 1hat!JD
Madeleine-sensei appears
GanacheA DSenseiJD
MadeleineA DI0"e !een looking -or you4 Ganache3 /hat are you doing hereJ Let0s
go !ack3D
GanacheA DGo !ackJ Go !ack to 1hatJ I 1ant to !ecome like my sister3 I0m not
going !ack like this3D
Madeleine-senseiA D>ou0re planning to merge 1ith an $nigmaJ I- you do that
your !ody 1ill simply !e taken o"er!D
GanacheA DGood3 It0s !etter that 1ay3 I0d stop -eeling so sad3D
Madeleine-senseiA DIt0s useless3 Candy returned3 >ou can return too and your
I- you merge 1ith an $nigma your sister 1ill !e sad3D
GanacheA DGran Dragee3333 &e could control the $nigma4
&e sent us to the Plane o- Darkness4 -or 1hatJ To use us in his 1ar!!
#ut 1hat happened!J They got captured !y the $nigma3 &e only cares a!out
#ut I0m di--erent3 I0ll take control and sho1 him3
I0ll rule o"er the $nigma3D
Madeleine-senseiA D#y imitating the $nigma you might reach the e7tremes o-
magic3 It might !e the path you should take3
/hen the school 1as -ounded the students 1ere not allo1ed to come near the
#ut e"entually they gained the po1er o- the $nigma any1ay and many graduates
started 1ars around the 1orld3
So Gran Dragee changed his mind3 #e-ore students are in"ol"ed in the 1orld at
They0re made to meet the $nigma 1ith a pure heart3D
GanacheA DIt0s a -antasy o- adults that children are pure3D
The hero party comes closer3
KirscheA DGanache!!D
CandyA DGanache3D
Madeleine-senseiA DIt0s not 8ust pure innocence3 There is also pure anger and
hate inside3
Pure people can get 1ounded too3 >ou may get damaged either 1ay3
Since your -eelings are so comple73
#ut once you !egin to use magic to gro1 up and 8oin the social structure3333
It !ecomes impossi!le to clear it up3
People0s character is damaged in the social structure3 They0re not themsel"es
GanacheA Dot themsel"esJD
Madeleine-senseiA D>ou can still sa"e your sister 2anilla3
This sel-ish re!ellion4 it0s still done 1ith pure intentions3D
GanacheA D&ah33333 that0s easy to say -or someone as strong as Sensei3
I- you 1ere only a small magician you 1ould -eel my anger!
I 1ant to !ecome strong !!D
Madeleine-senseiA D/ell4 that is un-ortunately impossi!le3D
GanacheA D&ahahaha!! >ou0re kidding!!
So that0s ho1 it is! >ou 8ust 1ant to !e a!le to look do1n on people like
me!! I didn0t realise!!
It0s alright3 I0d !e !etter o-- dead!D
Madeleine-senseiA DGanache4 you0re not thinking a!out 1hat you 1ill !ecome3
>ou are !ecoming you3 >ou0re !ecoming your idea o- yoursel-3
I- merging 1ith an $nigma 1ill !ring you closer to yoursel- then do it3
The rest 1ill !e le-t to &ero and the others3D
$"ery!ody tries to plead 1ith Ganache to -ollo1 them !ack3
CandyA DCome !ack Ganache4 I0ll try to !e like your sister someho13D
Ganache3 D/hat!JD
CandyA DI can see 1hat0s going to happen3 >ou don0t merge 1ith the $nigma3
>ou return to school 1ith all o- us4 and 1e go on to the castle Shi!utsuto4
1here your sister is held prisoner33333
'-ter that3333 I cannot see!D
GanacheA DCandy33333
It0s alright33333 e"eryone3333
To tell the truth3333 the -usion is already happening3333
'lready3333 I can0t mo"e my !ody333333
(or me33333 This is -ate333333D
Ghastly CreatureA DKukkukku3333 The -usion has !egan3333 There0s no stopping
it no13D
GanacheA DMe3333 something strange is happening3333
o13333 it0s3333 happening33333!!D
KircheA D/e must help Ganache!!D
CandyA DDon0t say it0s -ate until it0s o"er3
I- you 1ant to4 1e can do anything4 trust us!D
GanacheA D&ah3333 Stupid3333
/ell3333 I0m taken in !y3333 the $nigma3333
It0s not me333333 This isnt me!!
Together 1e0re getting stronger!!D
CandyA D*K4 Ganache3 &is heart 1as taken3D
'ranciaA DGanache3333!! /e0ll help you -or sure3333!! &elp -or sure!!D
SesameA DLet0s do it!!D
- #oss (ight 5
This one is gruelling3 >ou should !e at least le"el QB 9may!e less depending
on your magic attri!ute:3
Ganache is -ighting on the !oss side4 and you ha"e to take do1n the rest o-
the !oss 1ithout hurting him3 (ocus on "ertical and hori;ontal attacks3 D*0T
attack Ganache3 I- he -aints it0s game o"er3
Play de-ensi"ely and heal your party pro-usely4 +ed Gummy (rogs are great here3
*nly attack 1hen all o- your party is strong enough to take a hit3 *ther1ise
use your party mem!ers to heal each other3
.se Peche to clear all Seirei3 I- the enemy is allo1ed to call on enough Dark
Seirei he can launch an attack that 1ill take out your entire party all at
Try to take out the !oss0s Lo"e 9N: part 9top right: -irst so he can0t heal
#e persistent and try a -e1 times e"en i- you get game o"er3 Learn the
strategy needed3 I- it seems too hard try le"el up a !it right outside the
!oss ca"e3
'-ter the !oss -ight a con"ersation starts3
Ghastly CreatureA DGaah333333!!D
SesameA D/e 1on---!!!
/e0re all so strong!!!D
CandyA DGanache!! 're you alright!JD
KirscheA D/e did it!JD
GanacheA D3333333D
Madeleine-senseiA DKerurendou3
It 1asn0t you 1ho 1as killed $kirokuryu 1as itJ /hat0s the matterJD
Ghastly CreatureA D>ou0re so annoying4 Madeleine!! I0m not Kerurendou!!D
Madeleine-senseiA D/hat a!out your promise to usJ
/hy did you do that to $kiurokuryu!J
're you the king o- the $nigmaJD
Ghastly CreatureA DI0m not a king33333
$nigma do not -ollo1 1eak guys33333 The $nigma that -ollo1s me are not33333D
Madeleine-senseiA DThere is nothing 1eak a!out you3
>ou are pro!a!ly the strongest $nigma there is4 and the other $nigmas should
kno1 it3D
Ghastly CreatureA DIt0s not a pro!lem!
I0ll !e re!orn as king4 so I0ll choose death no1!!
*nce I0m !orn again4 I 1on0t !e Kerurendou!!
I0ll command a !ig horde o- $nigmas and I0ll sho1 you all my po1er!!D
Kerurendou runs a1ay3
/hat happened to him!JD
Madeleine-senseiA D&e plans to !e reincarnated as an $nigma again and !e
CBB years ago4 Kerurendou de-eated Gran Dragee3333 &e promised not to mess
1ith the material 1orld3
's a -a"or the king o- the $nigma 1as crushed3D
GanacheA D&e 1as stuck gi"ing the -inal !lo133333
#ut I heard 1hen you gi"e up your ghost on the Plane o- Death33333!D
Madeleine-senseiA D3333333D
GanacheA DI- he0d merge 1ith me I could ha"e controlled the $nigma33333
Small -ry $nigma33333 'nd the $nigma 1ho can take a man and make him
Madeleine-senseiA DGanache3333 &a"en0t you learned something importantJD
GanacheA DImportantJD
Madeleine-senseiA your magic3D
GanacheA D333333
Madeleine-senseiA DCan you use itJ '-ter you merged 1ith the $nigma4 8ust a
1hile ago
you lost your magic 1hen 1hen you 1ere released3D
GanacheA D/hat33333 o 1ay333333!!D
Madeleine-senseiA D>ou still 1ant to merge 1ith Kerurendou3333JD
GanacheA D3333333D
Madeleine-senseiA DThe strongest $nigma merged 1ith you3 e7t in po1er4
$kirokuryu merged 1ith Candy3
It0s not true that the $nigma can !e manipulated3
#ut 1hen you 1ere -aced 1ith this trial 1hat did you doJD
GanacheA D&ero33333 I -inally understand3
I don0t need magic po1er anymore3 $"en 1ithout it4 I can rely on all o- you3
That0s 1hy he 1as de-eated33333
*ne step at a time3D
CandyA D333333D
KirscheA DGanache3333333D
SesameA D333333D
GanacheA D/ell4 i- you0re decided4 go %uickly3 I- you don0t get him no1 this
nightmare 1ill happen all o"er again!!D
$nter the opening to the second !oss -ight3
Madeleine-senseiA DGanache33333
Gran Dragee3333 >ou kne1 a!out him and the $nigmaJD
GanacheA D$h33333J Gran Dragee333J
Madeleine-senseiA DThere is a king a!o"e Kerurendou4 >u"ekku3
That0s 1hy Kerurendou 1ere not a!le to get his hands on the Magic School up
til no13D
GanacheA D33333333So that0s ho1 it is333333
/hat $nigma possessed SenseiJD
Madeleine-senseiA D(u--u3333 /hat $nigma 1as itJD
The hero party is in -ront o- Kerurendou3
KerurendouA D>ou stupid33333 Came to sacri-ice your li"es3333
+eincarnation 1ill not happen 1hen you die on the Plane o- Death3 >our soul
1ill !e returned to a!solute nothing3
Those 1ho can o"ercome the -ear 1ill not !e de-eated !y the Plane o- Death3
I 1ill sho1 you3D
- #oss (ight O
This one is almost easier than the -irst4 !ut you might need to le"el up a
le"el or t1o since the main !oss is at le"el QB3
Play aggressi"ely at -irst3 Call on as many Seirei as you can and launch your
strongest attacks against the 1hole party3 I- you0re unlucky the enemy 1ill
clear a1ay your Seirei3 I- that happens restart the game and try again 1ith a
di--erent attack pattern3
*nce you ha"e managed to launch your strongest attacks and ha"e taken out some
o- the enemies4 play the rest o- the -ight de-ensi"ely3 Like in the pre"ious
-ight4 heal your party as much as you possi!ly can4 only attack 1hen it0s sa-e3
Clear out the enemy Seirei so his attacks can0t get too strong3
*nce you de-eat Kerurendou he 1ill speak to you3
KerurendouA Do 1ay333333! Impossi!le33333! >ou stupid little!!!!D
Kerurendou disappears3
KirscheA D/ay to go!!D
CandyA D'lright! /e did it!D
'ranciaA D&urray-------! /e really 1on----!!D
Madeleine-senseiA Do $nigma has possessed me3D
GanacheA D/hat!J
#ut *li"e!! She sa1 no less han -our $nigma possessing you3333!!D
Madeleine-senseiA D&er4 she0s pure and easily decei"ed3D
GanacheA D#ut on the !each3333 *ne $nigma a-ter another3333!
Madeleine-senseiA DI -ollo1ed the Pisukapuku3D
GanacheA Do 1ay!! Sensei4 1as running around alone on the Plane o- Darkness!D
Madeleine-senseiA D33333333May!e I 1as cra;y4 I don0t recall3
$hehe3 I0m a !it a!sent-minded3D
GanacheA D/hat3333!JD
The hero party returns3
KirscheA D/e did it!! Ganache!!D
CandyA DKerurendou!! /e0re done!!D
Madeleine-senseiA D$"en i- you can0t use the 1arp store magic to 1arp right
no14 I0ll use my magic to 1arp you!!D
$"eryone returns to Ga;pacho 2illage and goes !ack to the Magic #us3
#alsamicoA D/ell I0ll !e!! 'll the !oys and girls!!
Congratulations!! $specially to Ganache4 he seems to ha"e made a great
GanacheA D333333D
Madeleine-senseiA D&o1 are you -eeling no1 GanacheJD
GanacheA D3333333
'lthough I lost my magic4 my !ody -eels light like a -eather33333
Gust !reathing -eels ama;ing33333
The screen -ades into the ;en room in the school3
Gran DrageeA DSo you -inally realised33333 Ganache-kun333333D
GanacheA D33333333 /here333333J /hy am I here33333JD
Gran DrageeA D>our -orm is li-e itsel-3 Consciousness is 8ust a part o- it3
>ou are a!le to go any1here3D
GanacheA D#ut to here3333J /hat happened e7actly3333JD
Gran DrageeA DThe soul is al1ays -ree3 #ut the mind tend to not kno1 it3
'-ter this you don0t need to 1orry a!out losing your 1ay3 The path you are
1alking on is the one3D
GanacheA D*ne33333J The one path333J /hich one3333JD
Gran DrageeA DThe path o- -reedom3D
The end se%uence that -ollo1s is co"ered !elo13
#oss (ight 5A
#ossA Kerurendou 9u.:: Le"elA N< 'ttri!uteA Darkness 9: &PA QBB
MonsterA Tesla &and 9$q.: Le"elA N< 'ttri!uteA Thunder 9_: &PA
MonsterA Slash &and 9q:k.: Le"elA N< 'ttri!uteA #lade 9i: &PA
MonsterA #oo &and 9I.: Le"elA N< 'ttri!uteA Poison 9a: &PA <BB
MonsterA /ish &and 9mn:k.: Le"elA N< 'ttri!uteA Lo"e 9N: &PA
MonsterA Ganache 9@W:k: Le"elA N< 'ttri!uteA Darkness 9: &PA CBB
#oss (ight OA
#ossA Kerurendou 9u.:: Le"elA QB 'ttri!uteA Darkness 9: &PA PPB
MonsterA Ka!ochi *!a!a 9R,};;: Le"elA NB 'ttri!uteA Darkness 9:
MonsterA Ka!ochi *!a!a 9R,};;: Le"elA NB 'ttri!uteA Darkness 9:
MonsterA Medieta 9nSD: Le"elA NB 'ttri!uteA Darkness 9: &PA <<B
MonsterA &ell Doragoiru 9: Le"elA NB 'ttri!uteA Darkness 9:
MonsterA &ell Doragoiru 9: Le"elA NB 'ttri!uteA Darkness 9:
$"ent ItemA Stone o- &ades 9![: +e%uired to reach the highest le"el in
Moginasu Lair
Stone o- &ades 9![: item trading list
um!er Item Stones 'rea
7< Crescento Sil"er Coin 9u7.0: S 5 Stone - Moginasu Lair 5
'll Stone Tails 97?W!(): S 5 Stone - Moginasu Lair 5
'll Green Gummy (rogs 9RS&': S 5 Stone - Moginasu Lair O
'll +ed Gummy (rogs 9RS&': S C Stones - Moginasu Lair R
'll Paralysis Tails 9YW!(): S 5 Stone - Moginasu Lair <
'll +ed Gummy /orms 9''T&': S R Stones - Moginasu Lair 6
'll +e"i"al Tails 9>R!(): S 5 Stone - Moginasu Lair P
7< Mirori Sil"er Coin 9'9: S 5 Stone - Moginasu Lair 5B
'll >ello1 Gummy /orms 9''T&': S O Stones - Moginasu Lair 5B
'll um! Tails 9:VW!(): S 5 Stone - Moginasu Lair 55
7C &elion Gold Coin 99p.: S 5 Stone - Moginasu Lair 55
'll #lue Gummy (rogs 9RS&': S O Stones - Moginasu Lair 5O
7C Ganick Gold Coin 9@: S 5 Stone - Moginasu Lair 5O
7C &amonick Gold Coin 9: S 5 Stone - Moginasu Lair 5C
'll Poison Tails 9W!(): S 5 Stone - Moginasu Lair 5C
'll Pinecones 9JK(L: S 5 Stone - Moginasu Lair 5C
7< +ashimo-u Sil"er Coin 9:>: S 5 Stone - Moginasu Lair 5C
7C Kyamuti Gold Coin 9?C%$n: S 5 Stone - Moginasu Lair 5R
7< Mirori Sil"er Coin 9'9: S 5 Stone - Moginasu Lair 5R
#lade Seirei < Moginasu Lair Q 9Wq{0: In the 1est in the second
area in the tur%uoise ca"e 9a-ter the -irst stairs:3
ConditionA Thro1 a1ay all Gummy (rogs 9RS&': and gi"e Q Kyamuti gold
coins 9?C%$n:
Poison Seirei < Moginasu Lair 5O 9Wq{!: In the east "ery close !y
the entrance to the purple ca"e3
ConditionA Gi"e <B um! Tails 9:VW!():
Dark Seirei 6 Moginasu Lair 5R 9M*GI'S. { 5R: (ollo1 the path in the
purple ca"e to the -ar 1est4 do1n and !ack east3
Condition= #eat Pandaudi 9;.mn: 7 O4 Ka!ochio!a!a 9R,};;: 7 O4
and Inseku Metairie 9.7D9: 7 O3 *nly appears i- you ha"e caught
PBB or more Gummy (rogs 9RS&':
F $nding - Spoiler alert! F
Spoiler space
/e see the Magic #us going !ack to the school4 1hile credits -or the game
sho1s at the !ottom3 9see the Sta-- Credits section:3
The end story proper -ollo1s3
' rumour spread among the $nigma that Ganache had !ecome host -or Kerurendou4
There 1ere those 1ho prepared -or in"asion4 !ut Ganache inter-ered and the
mo"ement su!sided3
Those 1ho -ought Ganache couldn0t tell that he had once lost his magic4 not
e"en his classmates3
Less than hal- a year had passed 1hen Ganache had enough magicians under him
to rule o"er the $nigma3
Ganache4 Candy4 and the rest o- the party couldn0t -ind anyone to -ight
The rumour spread to the 1arder3
Soon4 Ganache and the -action o- Gran Dragee held the country4 and Ganache
demanded that he get to meet his imprisoned sister alone3
The day came 1hen Ganache 1ent to meet her3
#ut instead o- an $nigma4 8ust a small !oy 1ho lost his magic appeared3
*nly a -e1 1ords came -rom the !oy0s mouthA
DI ha"e lost e"erything4
#ut I am pleased3D
/hen 2anilla heard his 1ords her eyes o"er-lo1ed 1ith tears3
'-ter this 2anilla 1as -reed -rom her restraints and 8oined the -action o-
Gran Dragee3
'nd since then 2anilla ne"er had to use magic again3
/ith this there 1as a peace in the country o- Ko"omaka 1hich 1as to last -or
OBB years3
'nd then33
It sho1s 1hat happens to all the mem!ers o- your party in the -uture3
&ere0s the -ull list o- all the classmates0 -atesA
&eroineA Teaches magic at the school3 ot attack magic !ut magic to help one
another3 The school is re-ormed to !e suita!le to the ne1 age3
KirscheA Tra"els around the 1orld as an ad"enturer3 +eturns to Ko"omaka to
teach at the school3
CandyA Stops doing magic and studies history4 politics and philosophy to
!ecome a history teacher at the magic school3
Ca!ernetA #ecomes a Guard o- the (rog Country3
CidreA .ses his talent to !ecome an art teacher3 'lso paints pictures o- their
CassisA Gi"es all his property to poor children4 and sets o-- hunting -or
treasure as a solitary ad"enturer3
'ranciaA Gets married and raises t1o children3 /aits in "ain -or the return o-
her hus!and 1ho is a teacher at the school3
ChocolatA Continues to li"e like !e-ore !ehind the school3
SesameA +esearches ancient technology 1ith Ca-e au Lait3
PistachioA *!tains a doctor0s degree at the magic school3
*li"eA Creates an animal sanctuary on a desert island and li"es there3
#lue!erryA Goes to the Plane o- /ater to study /ater Magic3
LemonA Learns marshal arts and creates a ne1 school that com!ines magic 1ith
marshal arts and gets kno1n throughout the country3
Ca-e au LaitA Is con"erted into a rocket4 launched into space and goes missing3
PecheA Starts a -und to sa"e Dodos3 Collects enough money to create a Dodo
Spoiler space
FF Garam Masala FF
FF @%8 FF
The secret dungeon3
'-ter -inishing the !oss -ight in Moginasu you are a!le to enter the secret
dungeon o- Garam Masala3
The entrance is -ound in the Kumuyamuto Desert Mine 9%%0oX
:4 the under-construction ca"e to the "ery 1est in the Kumuyamuto Desert3
#e-ore you can enter the D1ar-s must -inish digging do1n to the entrance3 The
D1ar-s needed to do the 8o! are lying a!out knocked out in "arious areas in
the game3 To !e a!le to moti"ate them you need to ha"e Ca-e au Lait 9R>=p
u:4 the ancient machine4 in your party3 Simply speak to them and Ca-e au Lait
1ill talk them into running !ack to the mine3
It0s a good idea to go !ack to the mine a-ter each D1ar- has !een returned3
There are some !onus items that can only !e -ound a-ter each ne1 step has !een
dug out3
The D1ar-s can !e -ound in the -ollo1ing locationsA
53 IqD #rus%uette
Plane o- Darkness !ru. - Kumuyamuto Desert Mine 9%%0o
Go up1ards in the ca"e to -ind the -irst D1ar-3
O3 0 #aguette
Plane o- Darkness !ru. - uYR> +ehika-u S1amp
Go 1est and north -rom 1here the Magic #us lands until you reach a little
peninsula to the 1est o- #asorimo 2illage 99|:3 The D1ar- is at the
end o- the peninsula3
C3 /& #agel
Plane o- Death !ru. - 'rea !elo1 the Pyramid 9':
Gust !elo1 the Pyramid4 a little !it to the le-t3
R3 I9p:k #rioche
Plane o- Death !ru. - $7it o- the Corridor o- Death 9!:
In the e7it area o- the Corridor o- Death4 1here the healing 8ars are3 It0s a
!it hard to spot hidden in the -lo1ers4 !ut it0s at the "ery top right ne7t to
the statue3
<3 Iu<= Pret;el
Plane o- Death !ru. - S1amp o- Despair 9!:
It0s right in the middle o- the s1amp4 on a little peninsula4 right !et1een
area O and area R3 $asiest to reach -rom the Pi;;a spot in the north 1est3
'-ter hunting do1n all the D1ar-s you can -inally enter Garam Masala!
#e-ore you enter Gyuuhi *gura 9kmYop&: 1ill ask 1hich di--iculty
le"el you 1antA
- uru 9Luke1arm: Mode
W' - ami 9'"erage: Mode
p - *ni 9Demon: Mode
The more di--icult4 the more Gummys you 1ill ha"e to pay to the 8ars to enter
ne1 areas3 The num!er o- Gummys re%uired goes up -or each 8ar you pass3 #ut !y
-ighting the !lack ghost-like kaeru mimicrys you can gain more Gummy (rogs and
decrease the num!er o- Gummy (rogs the 8ar asks -or3
#e care-ul i- you 1ant to complete the game4 i- you gra! the Gummy (rogs in
the chests 1hile you0re playing one o- the easier modes you might not !e a!le
to -inish *ni mode !ecause you 1ill desperately need any Gummy (rogs you can
Gummy (rogs re%uirementsA
uru ami *ni
RS&' Green Gummy (rogs T5 TO TO
RS&' #lue Gummy (rogs T5 T5 T5
RS&' +ed Gummy (rogs E5 -5 UB
>?o Mimicry Green -O -O -5
>?o Mimicry #lue -5 -5 UB
2arious ne1 -riends that can 8oin your party 1ill appear in Garam Masala4 !ut
you need to !e in *ni Mode -or all o- them to appear3
Mudman can !e -ound in areas C4 64 5O4 5N4 OO4 ON4 CO4 ON4 RO4 and RN3 Talk to
him and you can s1itch party mem!ers or make mem!ers lea"e3
>ou need to ha"e < party mem!ers or less -or ne1 -riends to !e a!le to 8oin
e1 -riends can !e -ound in the -ollo1ing areasA
}C Chappi can !ecome your -riend in Garam Masala R 9@%8:
uru Mode or higher3
<, Gar can !ecome your -riend in Garam Masala P 9@%86: uru Mode
or higher3
r} Putchine can !ecome your -riend in Garam Masala O5 9@%8
!: ami Mode or higher3
XX Dodo can !ecome your -riend in Garam Masala C5 9@%8!:
ami Mode or higher3
Sparro1 can !ecome your -riend in Garam Masala <B 9@%8: only
in Demon Mode3
!Dn MDB5-Tanii can !ecome your -riend in Garam Masala <B 9@
%8: a-ter the !oss is !eaten in ami Mode or higher3
Shisa!arei and +idonahi can !e reached -rom the arches on the <th -loor3
Shisa!arei through the 'rch o- Darkness 9!}: in the upper le-t3 The
hero must ha"e Dark Magic attri!ute 9:3 oteA *nce you learn Light Magic the
hero changes attri!ute to Light and you 1ill no longer !e a!le to enter
+idonahi through the 'rch o- Light 9x!}: in the upper right3 The hero
must ha"e ha"e Light Magic attri!ute 9x:3
#ossA Sheru-oge 9:S>l: Le"elA QB 'ttri!uteA /ind 9h:
#ossA Piguhasuneru 9&q: Le"elA QB 'ttri!uteA Darkness 9:
F Shisa!arei F
F :8u F
>our party 1ill !e reduced to only the hero once you enter Shisa!arei3
'll the enemies are o- the Dark attri!ute and you should !e at least and le"el
5NB to !e a!le to !eat them3 .se Seirei com!os to make it easier3
Talk to the Seirei pedestals and the classmate o- that attri!ute 1ill 8oin you3
(rom the third -loor on eye!all insignia appears on the -loor3 /hen you touch
them4 mem!ers -rom your party are 1arped !ack to the !us4 the num!er o-
mem!ers corresponding to the num!er o- eye!alls3
There are hidden paths through some o- the 1alls3
>ou can -ind a 1hole setup o- "ery strong dark e%uipment here3
qRr- Pisukapuko can !ecome your -riend in Shisa!arei 5B 9:8u!
Dark Seirei N 9sto: Shisa!arei 5B( 9:8u!:
ConditionA #eat #uiogoiru 9Ip: 7 63 *nly appears i- you ha"e
caught 5BBB or more Gummy (rogs 9RS&':
F +idonahi F
Light attri!ute enemies appear in the middle o- -loor 5-<3
#oss -ights on -loor N and 5B3
>ou can -ind a 1hole setup o- e7tremely strong 1hite e%uipment here3
There are chess piece pu;;les here that you need to clear to ad"ance3
/hen you enter a room there 1ill !e one glo1ing chess piece4 that0s the one to
talk to -irst3
/hen you talk to it4 it gi"es a con-irming tone3
>ou then need to -ind the second piece that gi"es the con-irming tone4 then
the third4 and so on3
>ou ha"e to talk to the correct pieces in the correct order4 and i- you miss
once you ha"e to start all o"er again3
I- you talk to the 1rong piece you 1ill get a negati"e tone3
Most o- the good pieces are 1hite3
*nce you do them all in order and get to the -inal piece a ne1 1arp portal
1ill open up to let you continue on3
RS&' Gummy (rog can !ecome your -riend in +idonahi N( 99WY5:3
Light Seirei N +idonahi 5B( 99WY!:
Condition= *nly ha"e 5 or less Dark Seirei
FF Menus FF
The menus might look intimidating laid out like this in plain te7t4 !ut in the
game they are %uite intuiti"e4 and should !e -airly easy to use e"en i- you
can0t read Gapanese3
The translations are here mainly -or those 1ho 1ant to kno1 e7actly 1hat they
&o1e"er4 it0s still a good idea to go through the main menu once to get some
idea 1here to -ind e"erything3
Icons descri!ed in LM !rackets3
F Main Menu F
Press start 1hile in game and this menu 1ill appear3 ote that at the
!eginning o- the game some o- the options might not !e a"aila!le yet3
Press L or + to get some nice status !ars to easily see the &P and MP stats3
LhumanM . Mem!ers
Status in-o and e%uipment -or all party mem!ers
LpouchM $% Items
Listings o- all items
L!ookM Memo
2arious in-ormation a!out the game
Lsta--)s1ordM >:. (ormation
Placement o- party mem!ers in !attle
LpairM '9q0 'migo List
List o- 'migos -rom link trades
LSM 7I Sa"e
Sa"e the game and see the current location
't the !ottom o- the screenA
D% Time Money
LhumanM . Mem!ers
q$Dq Status
@A12 Protecti"e $%uipment
12 Magic $%uipment
u/ Magic Le"el
r>n Pro-ile
*n all screens 1here L and + appears at the !ottom
you can s1itch directly to another mem!er 1ith the L and + !uttons3
q$Dq Status
Le"el ame
BC Gender DB 'ttri!ute
EF Species
&P Current)Total
MP Current)Total
O Po1er P De-ence
Q Speed A Spirit MP +eco"ery
$@P $7perience points4 le"el up !ar
I- you press ' on &P)MP)Po1er)De-ence)Speed)Spirit
you 1ill get a list o- items that can increase that property
9i- you o1n any appropriate items:
@A12 Protecti"e $%uipment
Select one piece o- e%uipment to change it3
>ou 1ill get a list o- all pieces o- that e%uipment you ha"e3
Select one and you 1ill see ho1 that piece a--ects your stats3
+ed means it0d lo1er the stat o- that property4
Green means it0d raise it4
/hite4 it remains the same3
12 Magic $%uipment
These are the magic spells you use in !attles3
Change the order o- the e%uipment !y s1itching them 1ith the ' !utton3
u/ Magic Le"els
&ere you see the le"el4 e%uipments and le"el up chart o- your magic3
r>n Pro-ile 9regular party mem!er "ariant:
ame 'ge
&eight cm /eight kg
EF Title
G Secret --------
HI &o!!y
General in-o
Select G Secret4
i- you ha"e some 'migos4 the -ollo1ing menu appearsA
70 u/ JK
Set Magic Le"el $rase
Choose Set to e%uip that 'migo to this mem!er
r>n Pro-ile 9Magic Doll "ariant:
Model o ame
&eight cm /eight kg
B Soul --------
;LM Po1er Magni-ication ?
;9'0 Po1er Limit
NO; +e%uired Po1er
Select B Soul4
' menu 1ith all mem!ers that ha"e !een in your party appears3
Select one and the MD 1ill take on all its Magic $%uipment3
LpouchM $% Items
(or some items 1hen you press ' some o- the -ollo1ing options appearA
* $%uip
Choose 1hich mem!er to e%uip
Choose 1hich mem!er to use it on 9reco"ery items:
or 8ust "ie1 it 9maps and !ooks:
Thro1 a1ay
Choose ho1 many to thro1 a1ay4 con-irm 1ith '4 cancel 1ith #4
there is no .ndo option 9e7cept restarting -rom the last sa"e point:
so !e care-ul3
See also the Items section -or more in-o3
L-rogM P$% +eco"ery Items
Llea-M *(+ Lea"es
L-rogM &' Gummy
LtailM () Tails
LsuitM 12$% $%uipment Items
LhelmetM 3 &ead Items
Lglo"eM 4 'rm Items
LsuitM 5 #ody Items
LshoeM 6 Leg Items
LringM 789 'ccessories
Lround markM : Seals
L1renchM ;< MD Parts
MD Parts
L"aseM 1!Q!$% *ther Items
L!ookM #ooks 9can also !e -ound in D'll (ilesD in Memo:
L!M $"ent Items
L!om!M #om!s
LcoinM Coins
L!ookM Memo
LspiritM AB/ Seirei Summary
LmapM r /orld Maps
L-olderM >t 'll (iles
LcardM RST +eport Card
AB/ Seirei Summary
UV(AB!W um!er o- Seirei (riends
Select a Seirei and detailed in-o appears
7 !AB 'ttri!ute
General in-o
X Strength
Y" /eakness
r /orld Maps
some o- these 1ill not !e a"aila!le at the !eginning o- the game
L!lue mapM ?C.r Camping Ground
Lgreen mapM x!ru. Plane o- Light
Lred mapM !ru. Plane o- Darkness
Lpurple mapM !ru. Plane o- Death
>t 'll (iles
some o- these 1ill not !e a"aila!le at the !eginning o- the game
L-ireM !"# Magic ote!ook
2arious in-ormation a!out the game
See -ull list in the In-Depth section
LmonsterM .qDGH Monster $ncyclopedia
In-o and pictures o- all the monsters you ha"e !attled
L!ro1nieM EFGH Species $ncyclopedia
In-o and pictures o- all the "arious creatures you met
See -ull list in the Characters section
LMDM MD Dictionary
In-o on the MD and parts
RST +eport Card
Page 54 press L)+ to s1itch pages
0W um!er o- #attles um!er
Z[ $scapes um!er
]^ (aintings um!er
\M /inning Percentage ?
]^AB-., &ighest Seirei Com!o L Times
_` $"aluation
Page O4 press L)+ to s1itch pages
UV(AB Seirei (riends ?
abK &ero Magic ?
.qDGH Monster $ncyclopedia ?
cd#W um!er o- Chests Disco"ered e .nits
RS&'fgW um!er o- Gummy (rogs Caught e .nits
''T&'fgW um!er o- Gummy /orms Caught e .nits
JK(LfgW um!er o- Pinecones Picked e .nits
hiRS #attle +ecord \ 2ictories j De-eats
Lsta--)s1ordM >:. (ormation
S1itch mem!ers 1ith the ' !utton
LpairM '9q0 'migo List
#e-ore you ha"e any 'migosA
'J >ou don0t ha"e any 'migos
'-ter you ha"e 'migosA
This menu appear 1hen you select an 'migo in the listA
70 u/ JK
Set Magic Le"el $rase
Select Set and a party mem!er to e%uip that 'migo
LSM 7I Sa"e
klM Present Location
D Data
Le"el ame
Mem!er Pictures
D% Time
Last sa"ed location
To sa"eA
Press '
mn Do you 1ant to o"er1riteJ
Select * 9yes: the le-t option
7Ioooo Sa"ing333
Do *T turn the G#' o-- until you hear the con-irming chime
or your sa"e might !e destroyed!
F Start Menu F
(irst time you start the game the only a"aila!le option isA
kl% e1 Game
*nce you sa"ed at least once the menu 1ill change toA
kl% e1 Game
-.$k Continue 9selected !y de-ault:
/hen you enter the communication mode the -ollo1ing message appearsA
}=o Communication Checking
I- something goes 1rong 9such as the link ca!le isn0t connected:
this appearsA
S Communication $rror
I- e"erything goes 1ell this menu appearsA
u<' Let0s 'migo
Make ne1 'migo
u< Let0s &ot Spring
#athe in the &ot Spring
u< Let0s #attle
Link #attle
F #attle Menu F
L1andM Jp Magic
Select 1hich magic to use and 1hich character9s: to use it on
LkickM ? Kick
Select 1hich enemy in the -ront ro1 to kick3
Physical attack 1hich takes no MP3
L!lockingM Kqr De-end
#lock attacks4 takes no MP4 hal- the damage i- attacked
LrunningM s $scape
$nds the !attle !ut can -ail
LpouchM $% Item
Select item to use and 1hich character to use it on
Press the L shoulder !utton 1hile in !attle to see a chart o- magic
strength)1eaknesses4 the arro1s point -rom the strong to the 1eak3
F Shop Menu F
t #uy Money
uL Sell
tJ /hat do you 1ant to !uyJ
$% Item Price q0 Stock 9that you ha"e:
XUuLJ /hich do you 1ant to sellJ
$% Item
P$% 12$%
+eco"ery Items $%uipment Items
;< 1!Q!$%
MD Parts *ther Items
Choose ho1 many4 con-irm 1ith '4 cancel 1ith #4 there is no .ndo option
9e7cept restarting -rom the last sa"e point: so !e care-ul3
F Magic #us Menu F
;$nvw Party Management Z +est
) +ide Search!!
r /arp ?C.7 Cancel
;$nvw Party Management
Change your party line-up
Z +est
+estore all &P and MP o- the current party mem!ers
) +ide
+ide the !us4 doesn0t al1ays 1ork
Search -or items in and under the !us4 sometimes you -ind nothing
r /arp
/arp !et1een the planes4 doesn0t 1ork at -irst
?C.7 Cancel
Lea"es the menu doing nothing
FF In-Depth Guide FF
F Misc Tips F
- Seirei Strategy
.se attacks o- the attri!ute o- any Seirei that the enemy has called on3 $"en
i- the attack doesn0t do much damage it stops the enemy -rom using the Seirei
The healing magic o- the Lo"e Seirei 9N: uses up all MP3 It0s per-ect to use
a -e1 turns calling on Seirei and in the meantime reco"ering MP to use -or
healing3 &a"ing a -e1 Lo"e Seirei in your team makes the game a lot easier3
(or more details on the "arious Seirei and ho1 to a%uire them4 see the Seirei
- Le"elling .p
Main Le"elA Participate in a !attle to gain e7perience3 >ou do not need to use
any attacks to get e7perience4 8ust !e there3 &o1e"er4 mem!ers that are
-ainted at the end o- the !attle don0t get any e7perience points3 The stronger
the enemies4 the more e7perience points are gained3
Magic Le"elA To gain magic e7perience you ha"e to use that magic in !attle3
ormally each mem!er only kno1s one kind o- magic4 so use that3 #ut i- you
ha"e 'migos -rom linkup some mem!ers might kno1 more than one magic3 In that
case you only gain magic e7perience -or the magic elements you actually use3
Magic Le"el almost cheating tipA The amount o- magic e7p you get depends
entirely on the amount o- &P damage you in-lict on your enemies3 So i- you use
a lot o- Seirei and launch a really strong attack on a really 1eak enemy you
1ill get a huge amount o- magic e7p in one -ell s1oop3
This is especially use-ul to1ards the end o- the game4 1hen you hope-ully ha"e
a !unch o- Seirei and are at a reasona!ly high le"el3 >ou can go !ack to the
"ery -irst area in the game4 pick one mem!er 1ho0s magic you 1ant to le"el up3
Make that mem!er launch all the Seirei 9o- one kind: possi!le4 the other
mem!ers 8ust de-end 9the 1eak enemies shouldn0t !e a!le to hurt you much at
this point any1ay:3 *nce you0"e launched all the Seirei4 use the mem!er to
launch the strongest attack you ha"e3 This should in-lict a massi"e amount o-
damage4 i- you ha"e 6 or N Seirei you can e"en ma7 out the damage to PPPP &P!
'nd the attacking mem!er o- your party 1ill gain a correspondingly huge amount
o- magic e7perience3 >ou can !asically le"el up almost one magic le"el -or
each time you take do1n an enemy this 1ay3
- (ormation
Put the stronger mem!ers in the -ront ro14 and the 1eaker in the !ack3
Stronger in the middle4 and 1eaker on the sides3 I- you ha"e -our mem!ers or
less4 lea"e the middle empty3 Look at the &P and the le"el o- De-ence 9P: to
decide 1ho goes 1here3
- #attle Strategy
Don0t call on Seirei 1ith the same attri!ute as any o- the enemies3
I- you aim a magic attack at the enemies you can see their attri!ute3
Keep a party mem!er o- the same attri!ute as the enemies to clear out the
Seirei they call on3
'ttacking an enemy o- the same attri!ute 1ill result in 5 &P damage regardless
o- the real strength o- the attack3 &o1e"er4 Seirei po1er-ups still apply so
i- there is 5 Seirei launched the damage 1ill !e O &P etc3
' good general strategy attack the 1hole enemy party 1ith your !roadest
attacks on the -irst turn3 *n the second turn -ocus on and use narro1er
attacks on those enemies that got the !iggest damage -rom the -irst turn3
I- an enemy is taken out !ut you still ha"e some attack aimed at that spot4
that attack 1ill !e redirected to1ards another enemy3 So you don0t ha"e to
1orry a!out attacking thin air3 Gust aim all your attacks at one enemy to take
it out -ast3
It0s important to take enemies out completely as -ast as possi!le so they
can0t damage you3
#ut at the same time i- you use your strongest attacks on a !adly damaged
enemy 1ith 8ust a -e1 &P le-t you are 1asting your attack po1er3 Distri!ute
your attacks in the most e--ecti"e 1ay possi!le3
Generally you shouldn0t need to call on Seirei in regular !attles3 >ou should
le"el up enough that you can take enemies out in t1o or three turns3 It0s
!etter to take enemies out -ast than to 1ait a turn launching Seirei and ha"e
the enemy attack you in the meantime3 &o1e"er4 i- you run into a "ery strong
or !ig enemy party you might 1ant to use Seirei3
+arely you 1ill run into Lo"e attri!ute enemies3 These tend to run o--4
usually a-ter the -irst turn3 I- you manage to !eat them you 1ill get #ura and
a lot o- e7perience3 Generally it0s a !ad idea to try to -ight them as it0s a
1aste o- MP4 so 8ust use the Kick attack until they run o--3 #ut later on in
the game 1hen you ha"e some !road and po1er-ul attacks you can attempt to
launch your most po1er-ul magic on them3 >ou !asically ha"e to take them out
on the -irst turn3
- #attle Status $--ects
Y)JZ - Paralysis4 caused !y #eauty magic 9g: cure 1ith YW!()
9Paralysis Tail:
2U - um!ness4 caused !y Thunder magic 9_: cure 1ith :VW!() 9um!
[\ - Petri-ication4 caused !y enemies 1ith Stone attri!ute 9[: cure 1ith 7
?W!() 9Stone Tail:
These all make it impossi!le to attack4 see details !elo1 on curing3
xL)yL - Sleep4 cause !y Sound magic 9c:
Makes it impossi!le to attack3 Cannot !e cured4 !ut sometimes an attack 1akes
you up3
X - Poison4 caused !y Poison magic 9a: cure 1ith W!() 9Poison
Causes 5B-OB? &P damage on each turn4 !ut you can still attack4 see details
!elo1 on curing3
I. - #lindness4 caused !y Light magic 9x:
Makes your attacks miss3 Cannot !e cured3
]^ - (ainting4 caused !y any attack3 Cure 1ith >R!() 9+e"i"al Tail:
Makes it impossi!le to -ight4 as your &P is B and you0re unconscious4 see
details !elo1 on curing3 I- your entire party -aints it0s game o"er4 so !e
In addition enemies can lo1er your statsA
O Po1er Do1n - S1ord sym!ol and do1n arro1
P De-ence Do1n - Shield sym!ol and do1n arro1
Q Speed Do1n - Shoe sym!ol and do1n arro1
A Spirit Do1n - Green 1and sym!ol and do1n arro1
'll status e--ects are cleared a-ter the !attle ends3
- Getting Items
I- you pick up a lot o- a certain kind o- items4 there 1ill !e -e1er o- that
item -ound in the -ield3 It is e"en possi!le to completely clear out an area
!y repeatedly entering it and picking3
Gummys 9&': are most easily got in the -ield4 unless you are attempting a
per-ect game4 in 1hich case you 1ill ha"e to make do 1ith the Gummy (rogs 9R
S&': you 1in in !attles3 Gummy /orms 9''T&': can !e picked 1ith no
ill e--ects 9unless you ha"e some protesting #eauty Seirei333:3
Picking up Gummys in the -ield instead o- !uying them also has the added
!ene-it o- making certain Seirei appear3 >ou need a certain amount o- Gummy
(rogs -or Dark Seirei4 and a certain amount o- Gummy /orms -or Stone Seire3
The same goes -or Pinecones 9JK(L:4 you need to pick up a lot o- those
to make the Tree Seirei appear3 *- course you also need Pinecones -or Pi;;a so
8ust pick up any you come across3
In the +eport Card 9RST: you can see e7actly ho1 many Gummys and Pinecones
you ha"e picked up3
Tails 9(): can !e -ound in the -ield4 !ut -urther on in the game 1hen you
ha"e a !it o- money it0s easier to 8ust !uy them3 They0re cheap and there are
no added !ene-its to picking them in the -ield3
Coins 9-.: are usually -ound in the -ield4 !ut you can also get them !y
gi"ing #ura to the Piranha3 Late in the game 1hen you ha"e plenty o- #ura you
can get almost unlimited amounts o- Coins i- you ha"e the patience3 &ighly
use-ul !oth -or paying Seirei and -or the -inal dungeon3
Seals 9:: are -ound around the -ield in the !eginning o- the game4 !ut
once you get to Pippurusu To1n 9rqDm.: you can !uy them 1ith Gummy
(rogs3 #ut you can only get a limited amount3 There is also a !ug)-eature in
#enakoncha +uins 9/W-.}C~: that sometimes makes one o- the chests
gi"e you 5BB Dark Seals i- you return to it a-ter you already emptied it3
#om!s 9,%: can !e !ought in the Shop in #asorimo 2illage 99|:
Lea"es 9*(+: are the only items that can not !e !ought in any 1ay3 /hat you
-ind or 1in is all you get3
- $asy /ays To Get Items
/hen you0re near the end or ha"e already -inished the game4 there are some
easier 1ays to get some o- the items -or the -inal dungeon or -or Seirei3
Gummy (rogs 9RS&': Gather in Tandoori 9D.9: "ery easy4 !arely any
enemies and you don0t e"en need to push ' to pick them up3 Corridor o- Death
9!: is also good4 seems to ha"e more red ones3
Gummy /orms 9''T&': Gather at the -ollo1ing locationsA Sandy area !e-ore
Geara"a 2illage 9lst|:4 Kisunika Mine 9?qR:4 Patch to the
1est o- Ga;pacho 2illage 9@q;}|:3
Pinecones 9JK(L: Gather in the houses in Moiroroto 2illage 90
Coins 9-.: Go !ack to #enakoncha +uins 9/W-.}C~:4 -ind a Piranha4
gi"e it 5B BBB #ura 9ma7 you can gi"e it: and then talk to it o"er and o"er
gi"ing it 5BB #ura4 should get you a Coin e"ery time3 #ack the Piranha into a
corner -or e"en easier access3
- &idden Characters
There are a num!er o- secret characters that can 8oin your team3
Certain condition must !e met -or them to 8oin you4 or you must -ind them in
hard to -ind places3
See the &idden character section -or details on all o- them3
- +eport Card - RST
Page 54 press L)+ to s1itch pages
0W um!er o- #attles um!er
Z[ $scapes um!er
]^ (aintings um!er
\M /inning Percentage ?
]^AB-., &ighest Seirei Com!o L Times
_` $"aluation
um!er o- #attlesA The num!er o- !attles you ha"e 1on3
$scapesA $"ery time you manage to escape -rom a !attle it0s recorded here3
(aintingA $"ery time one party mem!er -aints in !attle it0s recorded here3
/inning PercentageA The ratio o- !attles to escapes3
ote that 1hen you get game o"er 9your 1hole party -ainted: the game is reset
and nothing is sa"ed3 So any -aintings or escapes since the last sa"e point
are not recorded3 'nd game o"ers does not a--ect the 1inning percentage stats3
&ighest Seirei Com!oA &ighest Seirei multiplier you0"e achie"ed in !attle3
Calling 5 Seirei gi"es the multiplier O4 O Seirei gi"es multiplier R4 etc3
ote that the Lo"e Seirei do not count to1ards this Com!o stat3
Multiplier - um!er o- Seirei
O - 5
R - O
Q - C
56 - R
CO - <
6R - 6
5OQ - N
$"aluationA >our o"erall score3
>ou start 1ith a C3
Getting a # is -airly easy i- you play the game 1ell3
To get an ' your &ero needs to learn most o- the magic4 1hich means you ha"e
to trade 1ith someone using the link ca!le3 >ou also need to ha"e a good
1inning percentage4 lots o- Seirei and so on3
Page O4 press L)+ to s1itch pages
UV(AB Seirei (riends ?
abK &ero Magic ?
.qDGH Monster $ncyclopedia ?
cd#W um!er o- Chests Disco"ered e .nits
RS&'fgW um!er o- Gummy (rogs Caught e .nits
''T&'fgW um!er o- Gummy /orms Caught e .nits
JK(LfgW um!er o- Pinecones Picked e .nits
hiRS #attle +ecord \ 2ictories j De-eats
Seirei (riendsA &o1 many o- the Seirei you0"e made -riends 1ith3
&ero MagicA /ithout linkup 6? is the highest you can get3
Monster $ncyclopediaA &o1 many kinds o- monsters you ha"e -ought and 1on3
#attle +ecordA The DDe-eatsD are really escapes4 since actual game o"ers
aren0t sa"ed3
F MD Magic Doll F
The MD or Magic Doll is like a dummy party mem!er3
It doesn0t ha"e any magic po1ers on its o1n4 !ut it can !e associated 1ith and
take on and use the magic o- any -riend that ha"e 8oined you3
The !asic per-ormance o- the MD depends on the com!ination o- parts3
The MD don0t le"el and up and only one type automatically regain MP3
In the r>n Pro-ile menu page o- the MD
Select the -------- entry and choose a party mem!er to associate the MD 1ith3
Po1er Magni-ication 9;LM: ampli-ies the magic po1er4 higher "alue is
Po1er Limit 9;9'0: the ma7 po1er 1hich can !e used4 higher "alue is
+e%uired Po1er 9NO;: the needed po1er o- the -riend4 lo1er "alue is
>ou can e%uip the MD 1ithA
Shell :=
Gem =%
(ruit ><
Mica ?
Gut @0
See the MD Parts section -or complete list o- all parts3
>ou can determine 1hich parts you 1ant to use !y e%uipping them the same 1ay
you e%uip other mem!ers3 #ut until you e%uip a party mem!er all the stats 1ill
appear as 53
So e%uip some random parts so you can e%uip a party mem!er4 and then try out
the "arious parts to see ho1 they a--ect the stats3
- The DollsA
ameA MDB<-Sardine 8n.
(eatureA ,uick type
PlaceA I!ense +ocks 9/.7: gi"en !y D1ar-
ameA MDBR-(lounder >m.
(eatureA &igh po1er type
PlaceA +ehika-u S1amp $dge R 9uYR>: 8oins 1hen you -ind it
ameA MDBC-Mackerel u
(eatureA &igh de-ence type
PlaceA Kisunika Mine 9?qR: #oss Putchine C is !eaten 1ith -i"e or
less party mem!ers
ameA MDBO-#onito ,0
(eatureA &igh spirit type
PlaceA Pyrammid 5O 9'!: !uy -rom the D1ar- in this hidden room -or
5BB BBB #ura 9I:
ameA MDB5-Tanii !Dn
(eatureA &igh rate o- MP reco"ery4 O? o- automatic MP reco"ery
PlaceA Garam Masala <B 9@%8: #eat the Guardian #oss 1ith -i"e or
less party mem!er
'dditionally there is one MD that only makes an appearanceA
Calamary R9n
It is used -or MD e7ams at the school4 and Pistachio needs to use this a-ter
the camp to progress in class3
F Piranha F
/hen you run into a Piranha it 1ill demand that you gi"e it #ura 9I:
>ou0ll get a screen asking you to either pay the amount displayed in red or
zA @@@@ I Total #ura you o1n
!I*/ Pay 5B #ura
*/. Don0t pay
I- you choose Don0t pay it0ll ask -or dou!le the amountA
zA @@@@ I Total #ura you o1n
I*/ Pay OB #ura
*/. Don0t pay
'nd so on3 The amounts it asks -or isA
*nce you reach 5BBBB i- you choose Don0t pay it0ll start o"er -rom 5B again3
' tip -or the !eginning o- the game 1hen you ha"e "ery little #uraA as long as
you ha"e less than 5BBBB i- you choose to pay 5BBBB nothing 1ill happen and
you0ll get a1ay -rom the Piranha 1ith all your money3
'ny #ura you gi"e to the Piranha it keeps3
*nce the num!er o- #ura the Piranha ha"e in total reaches CBB it 1ill gi"e you
a coin3 It doesn0t matter 1hich Piranha you0re talking to3 It seems they all
share the #ura3
I- you ha"e more than 5BB coins in total it 1ill re%uire 5BBB #ura3
$ach time you 1ill only get one coin4 !ut it sa"es all #ura you ha"e gi"en4 so
e"en i- you gi"e a smaller amount4 as long as the total #ura the Piranha has
is o"er CBB 9or 5BBB: it0ll gi"e out a coin3
/hich coin you get is not random4 !ut changes according to a rather
complicated pattern3
/hen you gi"e the Piranha #ura4 1hich kind o- coin you recei"e changes
according to the chart !elo13 (or each 5B #ura it mo"es 5 step3
The easiest 1ay to deal 1ith them is to -irst gi"e it 5B BBB #ura 9the ma7
amount you can gi"e: and then gi"e smaller amounts and get a coin e"ery time3
I- you gi"e 5B #ura e"ery time you 1ill get one piece o- each kind o- coin3
I- you 1ant a speci-ic coin you need to mo"e Q steps e"ery time3 The easiest
1ay to do this is to gi"e 5B4 then OB4 then <B #ura3
53 Ganick Gold Coin 9@:
O3 Mirori Sil"er Coin 9'9:
C3 'rti Sil"er Coin 9$n:
R3 +ashimo-u Sil"er Coin 9:>:
<3 Crescento Sil"er Coin 9u7.0:
63 &amonick Gold Coin 9:
N3 &elion Gold Coin 99p.:
Q3 Kyamuti Gold Coin 9?C%$n:
#ack to 53
F Merone F
Merone is a !lue haired Puppet3
>ou -irst run into him in the shop in Toruna 2illage 90|:3 &e0s
standing right inside to the le-t3
&e asks you -or 5BBB #ura 9I:3 I- you gi"e it to him he 1ill dou!le your
money -or e"ery "illage he "isits3
$"ery time you !eat a !oss or dungeon a-ter talking to him he 1ill go to the
ne7t "illage3
Talk to him there and tell him i- you 1ant your money !ack4 or i- he should
keep increasing it3
/hen you get the -ollo1ing selection screenA
zA @@@@ I Total #ura you o1n
{| +ecei"e the money
1!JJ Do nothing
Choose Do nothing and he0ll keep increasing your money3
*nce you 1ant it !ack you choose +ecei"e the money3
'n e7ampleA a-ter you -irst gather 5BBB #ura and gi"e it to Merone in Toruna4
go !eat the +emittsu +oyal Palace !oss and you 1ill -ind Merone has mo"ed to
the /akuti 2illage Shop3
Talk to him there and say you don0t 1ant your money !ack yet3 Then go clear La
+oche To1er4 and you 1ill -ind he0s gone to Pippurusu To1n3
Gust make a ha!it o- looking -or Merone in the Shops a-ter clearing a dungeon3
I0d recommend getting your money !ack some1here on the Plane o- Darkness4 or
e"en Plane o- Light3 *nce you reach the Plane o- Death you0ll ha"e more money
than you can spend any1ay3
*nce you ask -or your money !ack that is that3 >ou only get one shot3
I- you ask -or the money !ack in the -ollo1ing "illages you 1ill get the
-ollo1ing amountsA
2illageA #uraA LocationA
/akuti 2illage 9$n|: OBBB *n the upper -loor o- the Shop
Pippurusu To1n 9rqDm.: RBBB To the right !ehind La +oche
Masarati 2illage 98$n|: QBBB In the !ack o- the Shop
Tapiokati 2illage 9DpR$n|: 56BBB In the !ack o- the Shop
#asorimo 2illage 99|: COBBB /alking around in the Shop
Ga;pacho 2illage 9@q;}|: <BBBB /alking around in the Shop
Moiroroto 2illage 90|: 5BBBBB /alking around in the Shop
- (ull Merone DialogueA
/hen you -irst meet him in Toruna 2illageA
D&ello4 nice to meet you3
I0m the tra"elling Puppet4 Merone3
#y the 1ay4 you0re lucky to -ind me4
I0m not at home much3
.sually I0m out o- the house3
I keep people0s money4
I can do it -or you i- you like4
I- you ha"e some money I0ll take care o- it4
/hen I return it4 it 1ill ha"e dou!led or tripled
It 1orks 8ust like magic3
Do you understandJD .LJ
Selection screenA
* >es
Choose >esA
DGi"e the money to me
Do you 1ant to deposit it -or me to take care o-J
I0ll do it4 dou!le it4 t1ice4 t1ice again4 as many times as you 1ant
It0ll increase and rise in "alue3
(irst o- all4 5BBB #ura
Do you 1ant to deposit it 1ith meJD }J
Selection screenA
zA @@@@ I Total #ura you o1n
!I*/ Pay 5BBB #ura
*/. Don0t pay
I- you choose Pay 5BBB #uraA
DThank you "ery much3
I0ll make sure to increase your money3D
I- you choose Don0t payA
D/ell then let me tell you
It0s una"oida!le3
' li-etime o- po"erty
Please take care3D
I- you talk to him againA
DI0ll increase your money -or sure3
>ou don0t need to 1orry at all3D
/hen you talk to him again in a later "illagesA
DI0m the in"estor3
Increasing the "alue o- your money3
I ha"e @BBB #ura here3
I can gi"e your money !ack no1333
*r i- you 1ant to I can keep the money -or a 1hile longer and it 1ill increase
more in "alue3D
!JJ ~}U; /}sJ$
Selection screenA
zA @@@@ I Total #ura you o1n
{| +ecei"e the money
1!JJ Do nothing
I- you choose +ecei"e the moneyA
D/ell then that0s that!
&ere0s your money as promised3
/ell that0s that4
#ut some1here
/e0ll meet again!D
I- you choose Do nothingA
DThank you "ery much3
I0ll keep increasing the "alue o- your money3D
F Link Communication F
Magical 2acation has some pretty e7tensi"e link -eatures3
>ou can -inish the game story -ine as a single game 1ithout linking4 !ut i-
you 1ant to clear the game 5BB? you need to link up3
- Let0s 'migo u<'
Make ne1 'migo
>ou can learn ne1 kinds o- magic -rom your amigos4 and they act like a !onus
ally in !attle3
/hen you link up and choose 'migo your characters 1ill do a cute little dance4
their magic attri!ute is sho1n4 and a-ter the game is restarted you can -ind
the ne1 amigo in the 'migo menu3
'-ter the -i-th amigo o- the same attri!ute as your hero there 1ill !e a
little chime and a sign 1ill sho1 that you ha"e a%uired Lo"e magic3
'-ter the 5BBth amigo4 regardless o- attri!ues4 there is a little chime and a
sign 1ill sho1 you ha"e a%uired Dark magic3
The 'migo list can only hold 5BB 'migos at any one time4 so to add ne1 ones
you ha"e to delete some o- the old ones3
I- you 1ant to !e a!le to a%uire Light magic you should make sure to ha"e at
least one amigo o- each o- the 5C main attri!utes4 and that you ha"e a%uired
Lo"e magic3 To learn Light magic you ha"e to -irst learn IallI other Magic
attacks4 o- e"ery attri!ute3
The main &ero 1ill learn the attri!ute o- any ne1 'migo4 !ut all o- them 1ill
!e at le"el 54 meaning you only kno1 the Call magic4 and you need a Seirei o-
that attri!ute to call on to le"el each attri!ute up -urther and learn more
The other mem!ers o- the party can not learn ne1 magic4 !ut i- you add an
'migo in their Pro-ile they can use the magic o- that 'migo3 &o1e"er4 that
magic 1ill ne"er le"el up !eyond 1hat it 1as in the original 'migo3 The main
hero can also use 'migo magic4 under the same conditions4 !ut the magic le"el
1ill rise3
- Let0s &ot Spring u<
#athe in the &ot Spring
This option doesn0t appear until you reach the hot springs in the game3
/hen you !ring a -riend along to the &ot Springs you 1ill get a status !onus3
The more -riends you !ring4 the !etter the !aths 1ill get4 and the higher
!onus you 1ill get3 &o1e"er4 the -ee to enter the !aths also increases3
The !aths 1ill also !ecome !etter i- you ha"e a higher grade on your +eport
Card 9RST:3
- Let0s #attle u<
Link #attle
/hen you !attle and 1in you 1ill gro1 in le"els and gain ne1 titles4 like
Guggler4 Sorcerer4 ecromancer etc3 /ith the ne1 titles come status !onuses3
The title you get depends on the num!er o- !attles and the ? o- "ictories3 >ou
can "ie1 statistics a!out this on your +eport Card 9RST:3
/hen you link up to do !attle !oth users must press the Start !utton4 and then
select * 9yes: the le-t option3
The rules are di--erent -rom the regular !attles3
>ou can not call on your Seirei in !attle4 !ut random Seirei appear each turn3
I- you !ring a Magic Doll it 1ill start 1ith MP at B3
'-ter the !attle the result is sa"ed -or !oth users automatically3
- 'migo Strategy
*nce you get some 'migos the !asic !attle strategy changes3
>ou can e%uip 'migos to your mem!ers4 and use them to launch Seirei -or the
other mem!ers3
Later in the game4 i- you ha"e a lot o- 'migos and Seirei you can e%uip each
o- them 1ith the a!ility to call on one attri!ute Seirei4 and then call on as
many Seirei you ha"e4 and ha"e one o- the last mem!ers do an attack that uses
them4 launching ultra strong attacks all in one !attle round3
I- you ha"e learned Lo"e magic your hero can launch Lo"e Seirei -or Peche to
do massi"e healing each turn3
I- you ha"e learned Dark magic you can use that to clear out Seirei the !osses
launch4 and o- course launch strong Dark attacks on all enemy monsters3
F Search!! F
Items 1hich can !e -ound using Search!! 9: in the Magic #us menu3
5-<B #ura 9I:
Green Gummy (rog 9RS&':
#lue Gummy (rog 9RS&':
+ed Gummy (rog 9RS&':
>ello1 Gummy /orm 9''T&':
+ed Gummy /orm 9''T&':
Pinecone 9JK(L:
/art Lea- 9,,*(+:
Gagged Lea- 9*(+:
.ne"en Lea- 9K*(+:
Per-orated Lea- 9}}*(+:
/ash #asin 9:
&and To1el 9:
>ukata 9:
Clogs 9lD:
#ath Set 970:
F Konnyaku Potatoes F
Locations o- all Konnyaku PotatoesA
B5: Plane o- DarknessA Moru!ie 2olcano O 9VS`:
BO: Plane o- DarknessA Kisunika Mine R 9?qR:
BC: Plane o- DarknessA Kisunika Mine < 9?qR:
BR: Plane o- DarknessA Kisunika Mine 6 9?qR:
B<: Plane o- Death A Pyramid O 9':
B6: Plane o- Death A Pyramid N 9'5:
BN: Plane o- Death A +akyuo R 9?kp:
BQ: Plane o- Death A S1amp o- Despair O 9!:
BP: Plane o- Death A S1amp o- Despair O 9!: 9There are t1o:
5B: Plane o- Death A Moginasu Lair P 9 Wq{6:
55: Plane o- DarknessA Garam Masala CC 9@%8:
5O: Plane o- DarknessA Garam Masala C6 9@%8:
5C: Plane o- DarknessA Garam Masala CQ 9@%80:
5R: Plane o- DarknessA Garam Masala CP 9@%86:
5<: Plane o- DarknessA Garam Masala R5 9@%8!:
56: Plane o- DarknessA Garam Masala RC 9@%8:
5N: Plane o- DarknessA Garam Masala RR 9@%8:
5Q: Plane o- DarknessA Garam Masala R6 9@%8:
5P: Plane o- DarknessA Garam Masala RQ 9@%80:
OB: Plane o- DarknessA Garam Masala RP 9@%86:
F Magic ote!ook F
F !"# F
53 !E - Types o- Magic
/here to learnA There -rom the start
ConditionA one
O3 &P - '!out &P
/here to learnA 2alencia #each 9stu.:vw:
ConditionA Speak to Madeleine-sensei 9u:
C3 MP - '!out MP
/here to learnA 2alencia #each 9stu.:vw:
ConditionA Speak to Madeleine-sensei 9u:
R3 O - '!out Po1er
/here to learnA 2alencia #each 9stu.:vw:
ConditionA Speak to Cassis 9R:q:
<3 PL - '!out De-ence
/here to learnA 2alencia #each 9stu.:vw:
ConditionA Speak to Cassis 9R:q:
63 Q - '!out Speed
/here to learnA 2alencia #each 9stu.:vw:
ConditionA Speak to Cassis 9R:q:
N3 A - '!out Spirit
/here to learnA 2alencia #each 9stu.:vw:
ConditionA Speak to Cassis 9R:q:
Q3 MP PM - '!out +ate o- MP +eco"ery
/here to learnA 2alencia #each 9stu.:vw:
ConditionA Speak to Cassis 9R:q:
P3 ?;.} - Kicking and Punching
/here to learnA 2alencia #each 9stu.:vw:
ConditionA Speak to Ganache 9@W:k:
5B3 DBu/ - 'ttri!ute $7perience and Magic Le"el
/here to learnA 2alencia #each 9stu.:vw:
ConditionA Speak to Ganache 9@W:k:
553 ABUV - &o1 to make -riends 1ith Seirei
/here to learnA 2alencia #each 9stu.:vw:
ConditionA Speak to #lue!erry 9I/9:
5O3 AB - Summoning Seirei
/here to learnA 2alencia #each 9stu.:vw:
ConditionA Speak to #lue!erry 9I/9:
5C3 ABOL - Po1er multiplying 1ith Seirei
/here to learnA 2alencia #each 9stu.:vw:
ConditionA Speak to #lue!erry 9I/9:
5R3 DB!! - 'ttack 1ith Magic o- the same 'ttri!ute
/here to learnA 2alencia #each 9stu.:vw:
ConditionA Speak to Lemon 9u.:
5<3 RS&' - '!out Gummy (rogs
/here to learnA 2alencia #each 9stu.:vw:
ConditionA Speak to 'rancia 9.::
563 ''T&' - '!out Gummy /orms
/here to learnA 2alencia #each 9stu.:vw:
ConditionA Speak to Ca!ernet 9R/:
5N3 () - '!out Tails
/here to learnA 2alencia #each 9stu.:vw:
ConditionA Speak to Ca!ernet 9R/:
5Q3 *(+ - '!out Lea"es
/here to learnA 2alencia #each 9stu.:vw:
ConditionA Gi"e Gummy (rog to Lemon 9u.:
5P3 !12 - Magic $%uipment
/here to learnA Mimoretto (orest 9'u0!y:
ConditionA Make -riends 1ith the Tree Seirei
OB3 @A!12 - Protecti"e $%uipment
/here to learnA Toruna 2illage 90W|:
ConditionA Speak to the Puppet 9;0: in the Shop
O53 :!Kqr - $--ect o- Seals
/here to learnA Toruna 2illage 90W|:
ConditionA Speak to Pot o- Kno1ledge
OO3 :! - $7perience increase o- Seals
/here to learnA Toruna 2illage 90W|:
ConditionA Speak to Pot o- Kno1ledge
OC3 N!:! - $--ect o- Lo"e Seals
/here to learnA Toruna 2illage 90W|:
ConditionA Speak to Pot o- Kno1ledge
OR3 ! - *rder o- 'ction
/here to learnA Toruna 2illage 90W|:
ConditionA Speak to Pot o- Kno1ledge
O<3 >:. - (ormation
/here to learnA Toruna 2illage 90W|:
ConditionA Speak to Pot o- Kno1ledge
O63 r! - /arp Method
/here to learnA Toruna 2illage 90W|:
ConditionA Speak to Pot o- Kno1ledge
ON3 DB!mL - &o1 to incresase attri!ute e7perience
/here to learnA Toruna 2illage 90W|:
ConditionA Speak to Pot o- Kno1ledge
OQ3 RST - '!out +eport Card
/here to learnA Sparro1 &ot Springs 9:
ConditionA Speak to Pot o- Kno1ledge
OP3 u< - Let0s &ot Spring
/here to learnA Sparro1 &ot Springs 9:
ConditionA Speak to Pot o- Kno1ledge
CB3 u<hi - Let0s #attle
/here to learnA Sparro1 &ot Springs 9:
ConditionA Speak to Pot o- Kno1ledge
C53 '!G - Main Points o- 'migos
/here to learnA Sparro1 &ot Springs 9:
ConditionA Speak to Pot o- Kno1ledge
CO3 EF - Titles
/here to learnA Sparro1 &ot Springs 9:
ConditionA Speak to Pot o- Kno1ledge
CC3 !DB! - *ther Magic than one0s attri!ute
/here to learnA Sparro1 &ot Springs 9:
ConditionA Speak to Pot o- Kno1ledge
CR3 AB! - +elation o- Seirei to Po1er
/here to learnA +emittsu +oyal Palace 9u'<:
ConditionA Learned automatically 1hen Lemon 8oins your party
C<3 -.,$ - Com!o rules
/here to learnA I!ense +ocks 9/.7:
ConditionA Talk t1ice to the D1ar- /orcester 9mqD:
C63 ! - &o1 to 1alk in the desert
/here to learnA Tapiokati 2illage 9DpR$n|:
ConditionA Speak to the yamuneruto in Musk0s house 9%q!:
oteA eeded -or story progression
CN3 !X - &o1 to mo"e Sparro1s
/here to learnA Kumuyamuto Desert Mine 9%%0oX:
ConditionA Speak to Mace 9q:
oteA eeded -or story progression
CQ3 N! - &o1 to learn Lo"e Magic
/here to learnA '%ua!it Castle 9V0:
ConditionA Speak to /ater People 9mDr:
1ith #lue!erry 9I/9: in the party
CP3 ! - &o1 to learn Dark Magic
/here to learnA '%ua!it Castle 9V0:
ConditionA Speak to /ater People 9mDr:
1ith #lue!erry 9I/9: in the party
RB3 x! - &o1 to learn Light Magic
/here to learnA '%ua!it Castle 9V0:
ConditionA Speak to /ater People 9mDr:
1ith #lue!erry 9I/9: in the party
F Completing The Game F
To completely -inish the game 5BB? you need to do the -ollo1ing thingsA
Make -riends 1ith all Seirei e7cept Light N and all o- Dark
Make -riends 1ith #ro1n 9Im.:3
Make -riends 1ith Chappi 9}C: Gar 9<,: Putchine 9r}: Dodo
9XX: and Sparro1 9: in Garam Masala3
Make -riends 1ith Konnyaku-sama 9-:3
Make < 'migos 9': 1ith the same attri!ute as your hero to learn Lo"e
Magic 9N:
Make 5BB 'migos4 attri!ute doesn0t matter4 to learn Dark Magic 9:
o1 you can enter Shisa!arei 9:8u:
Make -riends 1ith Pisukapuko 9qRr-:
Make -riends 1ith Dark Seirei N 9:
Learn all Magic attacks4 e7cept the Light ones4 to learn Light Magic 9x:
o1 you can enter +idonahi - 9WY
Make -riends 1ith Gummy (rog 9RS&':
Make -riends 1ith Light Seirei N 9x:
Make -riends 1ith the remaining 6 Dark Seirei
Congratulations4 you ha"e -inished the game 1ith all Seirei and all hidden
FF Magic FF
- Magic Strength)/eakness Chart
'ttri!ute Strength /eakness
_ Thunder d 'ncient f /ater
d 'ncient ` (ire _ Thunder
` (ire h /ind d 'ncient
h /ind a Poison ` (ire
a Poison g #eauty a Poison
g #eauty i #lade g #eauty
i #lade c Sound i #lade
c Sound [ Stone c Sound
[ Stone j Insect [ Stone
j Insect b Tree j Insect
b Tree e #east b Tree
e #east f /ater e #east
f /ater _ Thunder f /ater
Darkness I -
x Light Darkness x Light
N Lo"e - -
'll attri!utes e7cept Light and Lo"e are also 1eak against Darkness3
Darkness is strong against all attri!utes e7cept Light and Lo"e3
'dditionally4 i- you attack an enemy o- the same attri!ute the damage 1ill
al1ays !e 5 regardless o- strength o- the attack3
- Magic Special Po1ers
Thunder 9_: Makes enemies num! 92U:
'ncient 9d: Lo1ers enemy speed
(ire 9`: +aises o--ensi"e magic strength
/ind 9h: +aises speed
Poison 9a: 'dditional damage -rom poison 9a:
#eauty 9g: Paraly;es enemies 9Y:
#lade 9i: Does great damage to simple enemies
Sound 9c: Puts enemies to sleep
Stone 9[: +aises de-ence
Insect 9j: Lo1ers enemy po1er
Tree 9b: Lo1ers enemy spirit
#east 9e: +aises po1er
/ater 9f: Lo1ers enemy de-ence
Darkness 9: '!sor!s MP
Light 9x: #linds enemies
Lo"e 9N: +eco"ers &P and MP
- Magic $%uipment Charts
This is the order in 1hich the magic e%uipment is ac%uired4 !ut you can change
the order in the menu to get easier access to the most commonly used commands3
e1 Magic is learned at the same le"el -or all types3
(irstA Le"el 5
SecondA Le"el O
ThirdA Le"el <
(ourthA Le"el Q
(i-thA Le"el 55
Si7thA Le"el 5R
Se"enthA Le"el 5Q
ote that this is the le"el o- the Magic and not o- the character itsel-3 To
see 1hich le"el your magic is at4 go to the u/ Magic Le"el menu3
Press select 1hen you are choosing magic in a !attle4 and in-ormation 1ill pop
up4 including po1er4 1hich area it co"ers4 and in the case o- Lo"e magic4 i-
it0s a MP or &P healing spell3
- Thunder 9_:
ame Translation MP $--ect
-$q Call Tesla 5 5 Thunder Seirei is called
;};} Putty Putty R Po1er C Damage T num!ness 92U: 57O
>:C (lasher OB Po1er C Damage T num!ness 92U: O7O
9 Clear Clock 5 'll 'ncient 9d: Seirei are cleared
0.& Lightning RB Po1er < Damage T num!ness 92U: 57O
I$q Dou!le Tesla <B O Thunder Seirei are called
8.q; Thunder Spark NB Po1er < Damage T num!ness 92U: O7O
- 'ncient 9d:
ame Translation MP $--ect
- Call Clock 5 5 'ncient Seirei is called
, T1ist +o!o C Po1er C Damage T slo1do1n to 5 enemy
J, Spring +o!o OB Po1er C Damage T slo1do1n to a O7O area
9 Clear Toast 5 'll (ire 9`: Seirei are cleared
*J, Gear +o!o CB Po1er < Damage T slo1do1n to 5 enemy
I Dou!le Clock <B O 'ncient Seirei are called
, Missile +o!o QB Po1er < Damage T slo1do1n to all enemies
- (ire 9`:
ame Translation MP $--ect
-0q0 Call Toast 5 5 (ire Seirei is called
0&9 &ot Grill R Po1er < Damage to 5 enemy
Y0>.k &eat (ondue 5< Po1er < Damage to a O75 area
9S Clear 'ir 5 'll /ind 9h: Seirei are cleared
st:0 o"a Shot RB Po1er N Damage to 5 enemy
I0q0 Dou!le Toast <B O (ire Seirei are called
s:0 Charred Shot QB Po1er < Damage to a O7O area
- /ind 9h:
ame Translation MP $--ect
-S Call 'ir 5 5 /ind Seirei is called
m 'ura C Damage o- po1er R to 5 enemy
. Mach Line < Speed up to 5 -riend
9I Clear #oo 5 'll Poison 9a: Seirei are cleared
rS Punoe RB Po1er < Damage to C75 area
IS Dou!le 'ir <B O /ind Seirei are called
ruq$ Puresuteru QB Damage o- po1er < to a O7O area
- Poison 9a:
ame Translation MP $--ect
-I Call #oo 5 5 Poison Seirei is called
,s Poi"re C Po1er R Damage T poison to 5 enemy
'k0 Mignonnette OB Speed up to 5 -riend
9;m Clear Po1der 5 'll #eauty 9g: Seirei are cleared
RS. Cayenne CB Po1er N Damage T poison to 5 enemy
II Dou!le #oo <B O Poison Seirei are called
& Grenouille NB Po1er < Damage T poison to a O7O area
- #eauty 9g:
ame Translation MP $--ect
-;m Call Po1der 5 5 #eauty Seirei is called
-;m +ed +ose C Po1er C Damage T Paralysis to 5 enemy
ST >ello1 +ose 5< Po1er < Damage T Paralysis to 5 enemy
9q:k Clear Slash 5 'll #lade 9i: Seirei are cleared
IT #lack +ose <B Po1er N Damage T Paralysis to 5 enemy
I;m Dou!le Po1der <B O #eauty Seirei are called
0T /hite +ose QB 'll status ailments o- 5 -riend are
- #lade 9i:
ame Translation MP $--ect
-q:k Call Slash 5 5 #lade Seirei is called
-.R7 Concasser R Po1er < Damage to 5 enemy in the -ront
k9S. Gulienne OB Po1er N Damage to 5 enemy in the -ront
9'.& Clear &umming 5 'll Sound 9c: Seirei are cleared
I:=0 #rochette RB Po1er P Damage to 5 enemy in the -ront
Iq:k Dou!le Slash <B O #lade Seirei are called
Ssnq $cre"isse QB Po1er 55 Damage to 5 enemy in the -ront
- Sound 9c:
ame Translation MP $--ect
-'.& Call &umming 5 5 Sound Seirei is called
!uS% Spirit +e%uiem C Po1er C Damage T Sleep to 5 enemy
!D. Spirit octurne 5< Po1er < Damage T Sleep to 5 enemy
9>9.0 Clear (lint 5 'll Stone 9[: Seirei are cleared
!} Spirit March RB +aises spirit o- 5 -riend
I'.& Dou!le &umming <B O Sound Seirei are called
!pq0 Spirit *rchestra QB Po1er < Damage T Sleep to all enemies
- Stone 9[:
ame Translation MP $--ect
->9.0 Call (lint 5 5 Stone Seirei is called
% Lime +ock R Po1er < Damage to 5 enemy
R$W Katena < +aises de-ence o- 5 -riend
9q Clear #u;; 5 'll Insect 9j: Seirei are cleared
9.& +olling +ock RB Po1er N Damage to 57O area
I>9.0 Dou!le (lint <B O Stone Seirei are called
q Kuraisu +ock QB Po1er < Damage to all enemies
- Insect 9j:
ame Translation MP $--ect
-T Call #u;; 5 5 Insect Seirei is called
Kana!un C Po1er R Damage T Po1er Do1n to 5 enemy
rr #utter-ly 5< Po1er 6 Damage T Po1er Do1n to 5 enemy
9q$n Clear Stick 5 'll Tree 9b: Seirei are cleared
* #ee CB Po1er Q Damage T Po1er Do1n to 5 enemy
IT Dou!le #u;; <B O Insect Seirei are called
x #eetle 6B Po1er 5B Damage T Po1er Do1n to 5 enemy
in the -ront ro1
- Tree 9b:
ame Translation MP $--ect
-q$n Call stick 5 5 Tree Seirei is called
XL 'corny C Po1er C Damage T spirit do1n to 5 enemy
/alnutty OB Po1er C Damage T spirit do1n to O7O area
9@ Clear Grr 5 'll #east 9e: Seirei are cleared
JK(L Pineconey CB Po1er < Damage T spirit do1n to 5 enemy
Iq$ Dou!le Stick <B O Tree Seirei are called
L Chestnutty NB Po1er < Damage T spirit do1n to O7O area
- #east 9e:
ame Translation MP $--ect
-@ Call Grr 5 5 #east Seirei is called
DR!/ &a1k (orce C Po1er R Damage to 5 enemy
8!/ +hinoceros (orce OB Po1er 6 Damage to 5 enemy in the
-ront ro1
9> Clear (lo1 5 'll /ater 9f: Seirei are cleared
p.!O Lion Po1er CB +aises Po1er o- 5 -riend
I@ Dou!le Grr <B O #east Seirei are called
!/ (orce o- $"eryone 'll Takes all MP -rom all -riends and
does damage to all enemies e%ual to
that MP
- /ater 9f:
ame Translation MP $--ect
-> Call (lo1 5 5 /ater Seirei is called
IRq #lue Cascade R Po1er C Damage T de-ence do1n to a O75
:q- 'cid Toast O< Po1er C Damage T de-ence do1n to all
9$q Clear Tesla 5 'll Thunder 9_: Seirei are cleared
&7 '%ua Grass <B Po1er < Damage T de-ence do1n to a C75
I> Dou!le (lo1 <B O /ater Seirei are called
> Soda (rappe QB Po1er < Damage T !ig de-ence do1n to all
- Darkness 9:
ame Translation MP $--ect
-st Call ir"a 5 5 Darkness Seirei is called
'$ Mi8oter R Po1er < Damage T MP a!sor!tion le"el 5 to
5 enemy
q &ell Dice 5< Po1er N Damage T MP a!sor!tion le"el 5 to
5 enemy
9q90 Clear Spirits 5 'll Seirei e7cept Dark4 Light and Lo"e
9xN: are cleared
Vq '!isu <B Po1er N Damage T MP a!sor!tion le"el O to
a C75 area
Ist Dou!le ir"a <B O Darkness Seirei are called
I #lack &ole QB Po1er N Damage T MP a!sor!tion le"el O to
all enemies
- Light 9x:
ame Translation MP $--ect
-q Call Lu7 5 5 Light Seirei is called
qD0 Starlight CB Po1er < Damage T #lindness to 5 enemy
%.0 Moonlight <B Po1er 6 Damage T #lindness to 57O area
9st Clear ir"a 5 'll Darkness 9: Seirei are cleared
8.0 Sunlight NB Po1er 6 Damage T #lindness to the C
strongest enemies
Iq Dou!le Lu7 <B O Light Seirei are called
qq0 Spacelight 5BB Po1er Q Damage T #lindness to all
- Lo"e 9N:
ame Translation MP $--ect
-mn:k Call /ish 5 5 Lo"e Seirei is called
!pp 'ngel Smile 'll +eco"ers &P o- 5 -riend
!?q 'ngel Kiss 'll +eco"ers MP o- 5 -riend
!S 'ngel Shout 'll +eco"ers &P o- all -riends
!}C 'ngel Charge OB +aises MP reco"ery rate -or 5 -riend
Imn:k Dou!le /ish <B O Lo"e Seirei are called
!& 'ngel &ug 6B 'll Seirei are remo"ed
FF Items FF
FF $% FF
F Gummys F
F &' F
Green Gummy (rog 9Kaerugumi Midori: 9RS&':
+estores CB &P
Tastes like melon
PriceA OB
#lue Gummy (rog 9Kaerugumi 'o: 9RS&':
+estores 5OB &P
Tastes like soda
PriceA 5BB
+ed Gummy (rog 9Kaerugumi 'ka: 9RS&':
+estores <BB &P
Tastes like stra1!erry
PriceA can0t !e !ought
>ello1 Gummy /orm 9Mimi;ugumi Ki: 9''T&':
+estores <B MP
Tastes like lemon
PriceA 5BB
+ed Gummy /orm 9Mimi;ugumi 'ka: 9''T&':
+estores OBB MP
Tastes like cherry
PriceA can0t !e !ought
F Tails F
F () F
um! Tail 9Shi!ina no Shippo: 9:VW!():
+eco"ers um!ness 92U:
PriceA CB
Stone Tail 9Sekina no Shippo: 97?W!():
+eco"ers Petri-ication 9[\:
PriceA QB
Poison Tail 9Dokuna no Shippo: 9W!():
+eco"ers Poison 9X:
PriceA OB
+e"i"al Tail 9(ukka no Shippo: 9>R!():
+eco"ers (ainting 9]^:
PriceA 5BB
Paralysis Tail 9Mahina no Shippo: 9YW!():
+eco"ers Paralysis 9Y:
PriceA 6B
F Lea"es F
F *(+ F
Per-orated Lea- 9'naaki &appa: 9}}*(+:
Increases Po1er 9O:
/art Lea- 9I!oi!o &appa: 9,,*(+:
Increases Spirit 9A:
Gagged Lea- 9Gi;agi;a &appa: 9*(+:
Increases Speed 9Q:
.ne"en Lea- 9Deko!oko &appa: 9K*(+:
Increases De-ence 9P:
Lea"es cannot !e !ought3
F #om!s F
F ,% F
'!isu #om! 9Vq,%:
Dark Magic 9: &ell Dice 9q:
/ind #om! 9m.,%:
/ind Magic 9h: Punoe 9rS:
Spark #om! 9q;,%:
Thunder Magic 9_: (lasher 9>:C:
Sonic #om! 9,%:
Sound Magic 9c: Spirit octurne 9!D.:
#ug #om! 9&,%:
Insect Magic 9j: #utter-ly 9rr:
(ire #om! 9>t,%:
(ire Magic 9`: &eat (ondue 9Y0>.k:
Pe!!le #om! 9I,%:
Stone Magic 9[: +olling +ock 99.&:
Poison #om! 9,T.,%:
Poison Magic 9a: Minyunetto 9'k0:
Light #om! 90,%:
Light Magic 9x: Moonlight 9%.0:
Li-e #om! 9>,%:
#east Magic 9e: +hinoceros (orce 98!/:
Lo"e #om! 9s,%:
Lo"e Magic 9N: 'ngel &ug 9!&:
Lea- #om! 99>,%:
Tree Magic 9b: /alnutty 9:
Li%uid #om! 99?,%:
/ater Magic 9f: 'cid S%uall 9:q-:
+a;or #om! 9u,%:
#lade Magic 9i: Gulienne 9k9S.:
+ain!o1 #om! 9u.,m,%:
#eauty Magic 9g: >ello1 +ose 9ST:
+etro #om! 9u0,%:
'ncient Magic 9d: Spring +o!o 9J,:
'll cost <BB e7cept Light #om! 1hich cannot !e !ought3
F Coins F
F -. F
'rti Sil"er Coin 9$n:
+e%uired to make -riends 1ith 'ncient 9d: Seirei
Crescento Sil"er Coin 9u7.0:
+e%uired to make -riends 1ith /ater 9f: Seirei
Mirori Sil"er Coin 9'9:
+e%uired to make -riends 1ith (ire 9`: Seirei
+ashimo-u Sil"er Coin 9:>:
+e%uired to make -riends 1ith /ind 9h: Seirei
Ganick Gold Coin 9@:
+e%uired to make -riends 1ith #eauty 9g: Seirei
Kyamuti Gold Coin 9?C%$n:
+e%uired to make -riends 1ith #lade 9i: Seirei
&amonick Gold Coin 9:
+e%uired to make -riends 1ith Sound 9c: Seirei
&elion Gold Coin 99p.:
+e%uired to make -riends 1ith Thunder 9_: Seirei
Pinecone 9JK(L:
+e%uired to make -riends 1ith Tree 9b: Seirei
PriceA OB
Coins cannot !e !ought in shops4 !ut Piranhas 1ill trade them -or #ura3
$"en though you can !uy Pinecones it0s much easier to -ind them in the -ield3
F $"ent Items F
F /.0$% F
Map o- Light 9x!MG:
Can see map o- Plane o- Light
PlaceA Mimoretto (orest 9'u0!y:
Map o- Darkness 9!MG:
Can see map o- Plane o- Darkness
PlaceA +ehika-u S1amp 9uYR>:
Map o- Death 9!MG:
Can see map o- Plane o- Death
PlaceA Ga;pacho 2illage 9@q;}|:
Monster $ncyclopedia 9.qDGH:
Can see in-ormation on all monsters you ha"e !eaten
PlaceA (orest Ca"e 9y!z{:
Species $ncyclopedia 9EFGH:
Can see in-ormation on all creatures you ha"e met
PlaceA Toruna 2illage 90W|:
Magic ote!ook 9!"#:
Can see "arious in-ormation
PlaceA Magic #us 9q:
MD Dictionary 9:
Can see in-ormation a!out MD parts
PlaceA I!ense +ocks 9/.7:
Ice Seed 9q::
Medicine -or .;u (e"er 9mT:
PlaceA Masarati 2illage 98$n|:
(eather o- .kuru 9m!:
Put in the #enakoncha +uins
PlaceA Toruna 2illage 90W|:
+oyal Palace Key 9!R:
*pens the gate to +emittsu +oyal Palace
PlaceA /akuti 2illage 9$n|:
Cheese Kni-e 9}TW>:
Can pass the La +oche +oad
PlaceA La +oche To1er 9o:k!:
Small *carina 9pR9W:
/hen 'rancia ha"e this and is in the party you need to gi"e -e1er coins to
Sound Seirei &umming3
PlaceA +emittsu +oyal Palace 9u'<:
/orker0s Soul 9!:
The door in -ront o- the ele"ator in Kido Monga can !e opened
PlaceA Kido Monga 9?o.@:
Insect Magni-ying Glass 9j@:
Can see Insect Seirei
PlaceA +emittsu +oyal Palace 9u'<:
Stone o- &ades 9![:
+e%uired to reach the highest le"el in Moginasu Lair
PlaceA Moginasu Lair 9Wq{:
Konnyaku Potato 9:
Gi"e to #ashuraru and there 1ill !e more inha!itants in Kugande 2illage
PlaceA 2arious4 see list !elo1
2eil o- /ater 9f!s=:
Can 1alk in the desert 1ithout o"erheating
PlaceA Kumuyamuto Desert Mine 9%%0oX:
2eil o- Light 9x!s=:
Can go into +akyuo 9?kp:
PlaceA Moiroroto 2illage 90|:
2eil o- Darkness 9!s=:
Can go into the Corridor o- Death
PlaceA +akyuo 9?kp:
FF $%uipment Items FF
FF 12$% FF
Some $%uipment Items can !e !ought in shops4 some are -ound in chests or
a%uired at e"ents3
Seals can !e !ought 1ith Gummy (rogs in Pippurusu To1n 9rqDm.: and
-ound around the -ield3
Thanks to the e7cellent item handling system you don0t really need to look up
items manually3 #ut they0re laid out here any1ay in case you 1ant to look up
something speci-ic3
F &ead F e S
F 3 F P - S p
o e p i
1 n e r
e c e i
r e d t
Item ame O P Q A MP? Price Main Location
#andana B B 5 B B <B Toruna 2illage Shop
.W 0W|
Tulip 5 5 B B B 5BB /akuti 2illage Shop
}k9r $n|
/ool &at B B B B 5 O<B Pippurusu To1n Shop
m!K rqDm.
&elmet O C B B B PBB Geara"a 2illage Shop
0 lst|
(ull (ace C < B B B 5QBB Masarati 2illage Shop
>>=q 8$n|
Cat Mask R < C B B C5BB Tapiokati 2illage Shop
-q DpR$n|
'ntenna B B B B C <CBB Kugande 2illage Shop
.$W @.|
Mohikan &elmet N Q C B B N<BB Ga;pacho 2illage Shop
YR.% @q;}|
Super '-ro 5B 5B R B B - Pyramid 5B
q;> '!
Para!ola B B B B < - Pyramid P
;, '6
Leather Cap B 5 5 B B - (orest Ca"e
u?Cr y!z{
Shi!usu &at 5 O 5 B B - +emittsu La!yrinth
:Iq0 u'<09
/ing &at < 6 C 5 B - Kumuyamuto Desert 5
mn.&0 %%0!
(orce &at < < < < < - +iginio Gungle O
>q0 9p
Sage &at Q Q Q Q < - Garam Masala O
!K @%8
/ise &at 5C 5C 5C 5C N - Garam Masala ON
!K @%85
Misty &at 5B 5B 5B 5B 6 - Garam Masala 5<
'q$n0 @%8!
Magical &at 5< 5< 5< 5< Q - Garam Masala RB
R0 @%8
#lack &at 5N 5N 5N 5N P - Shisa!arei O
I0 :8u
/hite &at OB OB OB OB 5B - +idonahi C
00 9WY
#ro1nie &at CB CB CB CB 5B - #ro1n0s $%uipment
Im0 Im.!
/ash #asin 5 B B B B - #us Search

F 'rms F e S
F 4 F P - S p
o e p i
1 n e r
e c e i
r e d t
Item ame O P Q A MP? Price Main Location
Magic /rists B B B 5 B NB Toruna 2illage Shop
9q0 0W|
#ao!a!u +ings B B B 5 5 CBB /akuti 2illage Shop
pI9.& $n|
Sil"er +ings B B O C B NBB Pippurusu To1n Shop
:9.& rqDm.
Gold +ings C B O R B 5<BB Geara"a 2illage Shop
9.& lst|
Platinum +ings B B B R O COBB Masarati 2illage Shop
r}W9.& 8$n|
Pa1 &ands < B O 6 B <<BB Tapiokati 2illage Shop
. DpR$n|
Gorgon +ings B B B 6 C NQBB Kugande 2illage Shop
.9.& @.|
,uart; Lenses N B C Q B 5C<BB Moiroroto 2illage Shop
<u.T 0|
Demon +ings 5B B C 5B B - Tandoori R
.9.& D.9
(lo1 Lights B B B B < - Moginasu Lair 55
>0 Wq{!!
Leather #ands 5 B B 5 B - (orest Ca"e
u. y!z{
Shi!usu +ings C 5 C R B - La +oche To1er O(
:Iq9.& o:k!
/ing /rists 6 5 C 6 B - Kumuyamuto Desert O
mn.&9q0 %%0
(orce +ings < < < < < - +uins o- $arth C
>q9.& !M
Sage #racelets Q Q Q Q < - Garam Masala <
!. @%8
/ise #racelets 5C 5C 5C 5C N - Garam Masala CB
!. @%8
Misty +ings 5B 5B 5B 5B 6 - Garam Masala 5N
'q$n9.& @%8!5
Magical +ings 5< 5< 5< 5< Q - Garam Masala RO
R9.& @%8
#lack +ings 5N 5N 5N 5N P - Shisa!arei C
I9.& :8u
/hite +ings OB OB OB OB 5B - +idonahi Q
09.& 9WY0
#ro1nie +ings CB CB CB CB 5B - #ro1n0s $%uipment
Im9.& Im.!
&and To1el B B B 5 B - #us Search

F #ody F e S
F 5 F P - S p
o e p i
1 n e r
e c e i
r e d t
Item ame O P Q A MP? Price Main Location
2inyl Shirt B 5 B B B QB Toruna 2illage Shop
V:C< 0W|
Tra"eler0s Shirt B O B B B OBB /akuti 2illage Shop
!:C< $n|
Leather Gacket B O B B 5 5<BB Pippurusu To1n Shop
!C0 rqDm.
Chain Mail 5 6 B B B RCBB Geara"a 2illage Shop
}=. lst|
Li;ard Skin O Q B B B 6OBB Masarati 2illage Shop
9q?. 8$n|
Cat Tights B Q B B O Q5BB Tapiokati 2illage Shop
-D< DpR$n|
Panther Shirt C 5B O B B 5OBBB Kugande 2illage Shop
;.8:C< @.|
Plate Mail N 5< B B B O<BBB Ga;pacho 2illage Shop
ru0 @q;}|
&ea"y Metal 5B OB O B B - Pyramid Q
VD '0
(rog Shirt B B B B < - Pyramid P
RS!:C< '6
Leather Mantle B O 5 5 B - #enakoncha +uins
u.0 /W-.}C~
Shi!usu Mantle 5 6 5 5 B - La +oche To1er <(
:Iq.0 o:k!
/ing Shirt R P O 5 B - 'kua #it Castle R
mn.&:C< V0
(orce Mantle < < < < < - +ecei"e -rom D1ar-
Sage Mantle Q Q Q Q < - Garam Masala N
!.0 @%85
/ise Clothes 5C 5C 5C 5C N - Garam Masala CO
! @%8
Misty Mantle 5B 5B 5B 5B 6 - Garam Masala OB
'q$n.0 @%8
Magical Mantle 5< 5< 5< 5< Q - Garam Masala R<
R.0 @%8
#lack Mantle 5N 5N 5N 5N P - Shisa!arei R
I.0 :8u
/hite Mantle OB OB OB OB 5B - +idonahi P
0.0 9WY6
#ro1nie Mantle CB CB CB CB 5B - #ro1n0s $%uipment
Im.0 Im.!
>ukata B B 5 B B - #us Search

F Legs F e S
F 6 F P - S p
o e p i
1 n e r
e c e i
r e d t
Item ame O P Q A MP? Price Main Location
/ooden Shoes B B 5 B B 6B Toruna 2illage Shop
b! 0W|
Tra"eler0s Shoes B B O B B O<B /akuti 2illage Shop
! $n|
Spikes < B 5 B B 5BBB Pippurusu To1n Shop
q; rqDm.
Tip-Toes B B O B 5 5BBB Geara"a 2illage Shop
J lst|
Pa1 #oots B B R B O ROBB Tapiokati 2illage Shop
I< DpR$n|
Iron Clogs 5B B R B B <QBB Kugande 2illage Shop
%!lD @.|
Glass Shoes B B B B < 6<BBB Moiroroto 2illage Shop
@q! 0|
+u!!er Soles B B R B B - Kido Monga C-
m ?o.@
*striches B B Q B B - +uins o- $arth C
pq09} !M
Paradise #oots B B 5O B B - Pyramid 5B
I< '!
Leather #oots 5 5 O B B - #enakoncha +uins
uI< /W-.}C~
Shi!usu #oots 5 5 R B B - Kido Monga (actory
:IqI< ?o.@-
/ing #oots B 5 6 B B - $ast (orest
mn.&I< !y
(orce #oots < < < < < - +ecei"e -rom D1ar-
Sage Shoes Q < Q Q < - Garam Masala 5B
! @%8!
/ise Shoes 5C 5C 5C 5C N - Garam Masala C<
! @%8
Misty #oots 5B 5B 5B 5B 6 - Garam Masala OO
'q$nI< @%8
Magical #oots 5< 5< 5< 5< Q - Garam Masala RN
RI< @%85
#lack #oots 5N 5N 5N 5N P - Shisa!arei Q
II< :8u0
/hite #oots OB OB OB OB 5B - +idonahi N
0I< 9WY5
#ro1nie #oots CB CB CB CB 5B - #ro1n0s $%uipment
ImI< Im.!
/ooden Clogs B 5 B B B - #us Search
F 'ccessories F e S
F 789F P - S p
o e p i
1 n e r
e c e i
r e d t
Item ame O P Q A MP? Price Main Location
&air Clip B B B B 5 N< Toruna 2illage Shop
+(X 0W|
&air #and B B B 5 5 5<B /akuti 2illage Shop
R}k:C $n|
+ed +i!!on B B B 5 O 6BB Pippurusu To1n Shop
9,. rqDm.
Lapis $arrings B B B C O 5QBB Geara"a 2illage Shop
q!q lst|
Gade $arrings B B B < C OQBB Masarati 2illage Shop
Yq!q 8$n|
Cat #ell B B O 6 C R<BB Tapiokati 2illage Shop
- DpR$n|
Skull +i!!on B B B N R NBBB Kugande 2illage Shop
!9,. @.|
(ish Stone B B B 5B R P<BB Ga;pacho 2illage Shop
[!1 @q;}|
$arplugs B B B 5R R - Pyramid R
Dog ose B B B 5< < - Pyramid 5B
W '!
Leather $arrings 5 B B 5 O - +emittsu +oyal Palace
uq u'<
Shi!usu $arrings B 5 5 < C - Gera /ind Ca"e C
:Iqq =h
/ing $arrings 5 5 5 5B R - Kisunika Mine $ntrance
mn.&q ?qR
(orce $arrings < < < < < - +ecei"e -rom D1ar-
Sage +ing Q Q Q Q < - Garam Masala 6
! @%8
/ise ecklace 5C 5C 5C 5C N - Garam Masala CN
!L @%85
Misty $arrings 5B 5B 5B 5B 6 - Garam Masala O<
'q$nq @%8
Magical $arrings 5< 5< 5< 5< Q - Garam Masala <B
Rq @%8
#lack $arrings 5N 5N 5N 5N P - Shisa!arei 5B
Iq :8u!
/hite $arrings OB OB OB OB 5B - +idonahi 5B
0q 9WY!
#ro1nie $arrings CB CB CB CB 5B - #ro1n0s $%uipment
Imq Im.!
#ath Set B B B B 5 - #us Search
F Seals F
F : F
Thunder Seal 9_!::
Increased tolerance -or Thunder 9_: Magic and -aster le"el up
'ncient Seal 9d!::
Increased tolerance -or 'ncient 9d: Magic and -aster le"el up
(ire Seal 9`!::
Increased tolerance -or (ire 9`: Magic and -aster le"el up
/ind Seal 9h!::
Increased tolerance -or /ind 9h: Magic and -aster le"el up
Poison Seal 9a!::
Increased tolerance -or Poison 9a: Magic and -aster le"el up
#eauty Seal 9g!::
Increased tolerance -or #eauty 9g: Magic and -aster le"el up
#lade Seal 9i!::
Increased tolerance -or #lade 9i: Magic and -aster le"el up
Sound Seal 9c!::
Increased tolerance -or Sound 9c: Magic and -aster le"el up
Stone Seal 9[!::
Increased tolerance -or Stone 9[: Magic and -aster le"el up
Insect Seal 9j!::
Increased tolerance -or Insect 9j: Magic and -aster le"el up
Tree Seal 9b!::
Increased tolerance -or Tree 9b: Magic and -aster le"el up
#east Seal 9e!::
Increased tolerance -or #east 9e: Magic and -aster le"el up
/ater Seal 9f!::
Increased tolerance -or /ater 9f: Magic and -aster le"el up
Darkness Seal 9!::
Increased tolerance -or Darkness 9: Magic and -aster le"el up
Light Seal 9x!::
Increased tolerance -or Light 9x: Magic and -aster le"el up
Lo"e Seal 9N!::
Increased tolerance -or Lo"e 9N: Magic and -aster le"el up
5 &P reco"ered each turn
FF MD Parts FF
FF ;< FF
F Shell F
F := F
Item ame $--ect Main Location Price
Scampi Shell #ad Geara"a 2illage Shop N<B
qR.:= lst|o
Cra! Shell ot too good Pyramid Shop 5<BB
I:= 'o
Tortoise Shell Decent Pyramid Shop CBBB
0Dq:= 'o
Chimera Shell *rdinary Pyramid Shop <BBB
?:= 'o
#lack Shell Comparati"e Pyramid Shop QBBB
I:= 'o
Sil"er Shell So so good Pyramid 5B -
::= '!
Dragon Shell ,uite good Moginasu Lair N -
.:= Wq{5
>urero Shell #est Garam Masala <B -
u:= @%8
F Gem F
F =% F
Item ame $--ect Main Location Price
Glass #ead #ad Geara"a 2illage Shop 5O<B
@qJ lst|o
+ose ,uart; ot too good Geara"a 2illage Shop O<BB
T< lst|o
'methyst Decent Geara"a 2illage Shop C<BB
q0 lst|o
Tourmaline *rdinary Pyramid Shop QBBB
09. 'o
Sapphire Comparati"e Pyramid Shop 5B<BB
8>t 'o
+u!y So so good Pyramid Shop 5N<BB
V 'o
Diamond ,uite good Pyramid Q -
. '0
*richalcon #est Pyramid 5B -
p9-. '!
F (ruit F
F >< F
Item ame $--ect Main Location Price
*range (ruit &ardly help-ul Geara"a)Kugande 2illage Shop OB
pu.! lst)@.||o
Papaya (ruit Seldom help-ul Geara"a)Kugande 2illage Shop O<
;;! lst)@.||o
'pple (ruit Depends on usage Geara"a)Kugande 2illage Shop <B
L! lst)@.||o
Muscat (ruit +ather di--icult Kugande)Pyramid Shop 6B
qR0! @.|)'o
Litchi (ruit So so use-ul $ast /oods)Kugande Shop 5BB
}! !y)@.|o
Cherry (ruit #attle partner Kugande Shop)Garam Masala CN OBB
}=9! @.|o)@%85
Cassis (ruit More user -riendly Pyramid Q -
R:q! '0
Durian (ruit Pretty user -riendly Pyramid P -
9.! '6
F Mica F
F ? F
Item ame $--ect Main Location Price
+ed Mica #ad Geara"a 2illage Shop <BB
? lst|o
>ello1 Mica ot too good Geara"a 2illage Shop 5BBB
? lst|o
/hite Mica *rdinary Pyramid Shop CBBB
7? 'o
Shining Mica ,uite good Kisunika Mine 55 -
x? ?qR!!
Sparkling Mica #est Pyramid P -
? '6
F Gut F
F @0 F
Item ame $--ect Main Location Price
/ool >arn #ad Geara"a 2illage Shop <BB
m! lst|o
Sheep Gut ot too good Geara"a 2illage Shop 6BB
Z!@0 lst|o
Leather String *rdinary Pyramid Shop O<BB
8Z 'o
Snake #eard ,uite Good Pyramid P -
L!Zs '6
yamu /orm #est Pyramid 5B -
C%% '!
FF Seirei FF
There are 56 kinds o- Seirei in all3
#e care-ul a!out the order in 1hich you get the Seirei i- you 1ant to collect
them all3
More details on e7actly 1here)ho1 to -ind each Seirei can !e -ound in the
1alkthrough -or each location3
To get all Seirei you ha"e toA
ot catch or !uy any Gummy (rogs 9RS&': to get all Lo"e Seirei 9N: 9It
is ok to use Gummy (rogs -rom chests4 !attles4 e"ents etc:
&a"e at most 5 Dark Seirei 9: to get all Light Seirei 9x:
Get the Insect Magni-ying Glass 9j: to see Insect Seirei 9j:
(or some Seirei to appear you need to catch a num!er o- Gummys or Pinecones3
>ou can see ho1 many you ha"e caught in the +eport Card 9RST:3
See !elo1 -or more special conditions on all Seirei3
F (ire F
F ` F
Seirei ameA Toast 90q0:
(riendA Kirsche 9?:k:
StrengthA /ind 9h:
/eaknessA 'ncient and Darkness 9do:
Le"elA #eginner
Special Po1erA +aises o--ensi"e magic strength
LookA *range -ire
Look in (ieldA /hite glo1ing candle
(ire Seirei 5
PlaceA $ast in the -orest ca"e 9y!z{o:
ConditionA Gi"e O Mirori sil"er coins 9'9:
(ire Seirei O
PlaceA Kido Monga <th -loor 9?o.@:
ConditionA Gi"e C Mirori sil"er coins 9'9:
(ire Seirei C
PlaceA The mine in Kumuyamuto Desert 9%%0oX:
ConditionA Gi"e R Mirori sil"er coins 9'9: Disappears 1hen the mine
is cleared
(ire Seirei R
PlaceA ' pri"ate house in #asorimo 2illage 99|o+:
ConditionA Gi"e 6 Mirori sil"er coins 9'9:
(ire Seirei <
PlaceA Moru!ie 2olcano 5 9VS`!:
ConditionA Gi"e 5O Mirori sil"er coins 9'9:
(ire Seirei 6
PlaceA '%ua!it Castle O 9V0:
ConditionA Gi"e OB Mirori sil"er coins 9'9:
(ire Seirei N
PlaceA Pyramid 5B 9'!:
ConditionA Gi"e RB Mirori sil"er coins 9'9:
F /ind F
F h F
Seirei ameA 'ir 9S:
(riendA Candy 9?C.n:
StrengthA Poison 9a:
/eaknessA (ire and Darkness 9`o:
Le"elA Skilled
Special Po1erA +aises speed
LookA (eathery purple)!lue !lo!
Look in (ieldA /hite -eather
/ind Seirei 5
PlaceA Sparro1 ne7t to the 8ar north o- Toruna 2illage 90W|:
ConditionA Make all 5O sparro1s 9: in the Sparro1 (ield 9
: say DchunD 9:4 see 1alkthrough -or Sparro1 (ield -or more details3
/ind Seirei O
PlaceA Geara"a 2illage 9lst|:
ConditionA Gi"e 5 +ashimo-u sil"er coin 9:>:
/ind Seirei C
PlaceA Kumuyamuto Desert O 9%%0:
ConditionA Gi"e O +ashimo-u sil"er coins 9:>:
/ind Seirei R
PlaceA $arth o- Darkness R 9-!M:
ConditionA Gi"e < +ashimo-u sil"er coins 9:>:
/ind Seirei <
PlaceA S1amp o- Despair O 9!:
ConditionA Gi"e 5B +ashimo-u sil"er coins 9:>:
/ind Seirei 6
PlaceA '%ua!it Castle C 9V0:
ConditionA Gi"e OB +ashimo-u sil"er coins 9:>:
/ind Seirei N
PlaceA Pyramid 5B 9'!:
ConditionA Gi"e RB +ashimo-u sil"er coins 9:>:
F Poison F
F a F
Seirei ameA #oo 9I:
(riendA Ca!ernet 9R/:
StrengthA #eauty 9g:
/eaknessA /ind and Darkness 9ho:
Le"elA #eginner
Special Po1erA 'dditional damage -rom poison 9a:
LookA Purple !lo! 1ith 1ith shimmy horns
Look in (ieldA Purple !ottle
Poison Seirei 5
PlaceA Dra1ing room in +emittsu +oyal Palace 9u'<o:
ConditionA Guide a Dodo 9XX: in -ront o- the lo"e hunter 9N!L
X: to !reak the curse
Poison Seirei O
PlaceA $dge o- +ehika-u S1amp C 9uYR>:
ConditionA Gi"e 5B um! Tails 9:VW!():
Poison Seirei C
PlaceA +ehika-u S1amp 9uYR>:
ConditionA Gi"e 5< um! Tails 9:VW!():
Poison Seirei R
PlaceA #asorimo 2illage 99|:
ConditionA Gi"e OB um! Tails 9:VW!():
Poison Seirei <
PlaceA Moginasu Lair 9Wq{:
ConditionA Gi"e <B um! Tails 9:VW!():
Poison Seirei 6
PlaceA '%ua!it Castle R 9V0:
ConditionA Gi"e CB um! Tails 9:VW!():
Poison Seirei N
PlaceA Pyramid N 9'5:
ConditionA Gi"e QB um! Tails 9:VW!():
F #eauty F
F g F
Special ConditionA It 1on0t 8oin i- you ha"e a lot o- Gummy /orms 9''T&':3
*nce it0s 1ith you it 1on0t let you catch more Gummy /orms than it allo1s -or
9listed !elo1:3 /hen you catch 5 more than allo1ed4 it 1ill -orce you to thro1
a1ay 'LL your Gummy /orms4 or it 1ill lea"e you! It doesn0t care ho1 many
Gummy /orms you ha"e caught in total4 only those you currently carry 1ith you3
Seirei ameA Po1der 9;m:
(riendA Cidre 9::
StrengthA #lade 9i:
/eaknessA Poison and Darkness 9ao:
Le"elA Skilled
Special Po1erA Paraly;ing enemies 9Y:
LookA (lo1ery yello1
Look in (ieldA >ello1 handmirror
#eauty Seirei 5
PlaceA Small room in +emittsu +oyal Palace 9u'<o:
ConditionA Guide a Dodo 9XX: in -ront o- the lo"e hunter 9N!L
X: to !reak the curse
#eauty Seirei O
PlaceA Dra1ing room in +emittsu +oyal Palace 9u'<o:
ConditionA *1ning less than 5BB Gummy /orms 9''T&': and gi"e O Ganick
gold coins 9@:
#eauty Seirei C
PlaceA &itode -lo1er -ield in the $ast (orest 9!yoY0&!(+:
ConditionA *1ning less than QB Gummy /orms 9''T&': and gi"e C Ganick gold
coins 9@:
#eauty Seirei R
PlaceA Kisunika Mine 6 9?qR:
ConditionA *1ning less than 6B Gummy /orms 9''T&': and gi"e Q Ganick gold
coins 9@:
#eauty Seirei <
PlaceA Corridor o- Death C 9!:
ConditionA *1ning less than RB Gummy /orms 9''T&': and gi"e 5B Ganick
gold coins 9@:
#eauty Seirei 6
PlaceA '%ua!it Castle O 9V0:
ConditionA *1ning less than OB Gummy /orms 9''T&': and gi"e 6 Ganick gold
coins 9@:
#eauty Seirei N
PlaceA Pyramid 5B 9'!:
ConditionA *1ning no Gummy /orms at all 9''T&': and gi"e 5O Ganick gold
coins 9@:
F #lade F
F i F
Special ConditionA Takes a1ay all your Gummy (rogs 9RS&': 1hen 8oining3
&o1e"er4 i- Cassis 9R:q: is in your party it 1ill return them a-ter 8oining3
Seirei ameA Slash 9q:k:
(riendA Cassis 9R:q:
StrengthA Sound 9c:
/eaknessA #eauty and Darkness 9go:
Le"elA Skilled
Special Po1erA Does great damage to simple enemies
LookA Chu!!y grey s1ord
Look in (ieldA Grey)1hite hopping s1ord
#lade Seirei 5
PlaceA Small room in +emittsu +oyal Palace 9u'<o:
ConditionA Guide a Dodo 9XX: in -ront o- the lo"e hunter 9N!L
X: to !reak the curse
#lade Seirei O
PlaceA .nder the 1est stairs o- +emittsu +oyal Palace 9u'<o
ConditionA Thro1 a1ay all Gummy (rogs 9RS&': and gi"e O Kyamuti gold
coins 9?C%$n:
#lade Seirei C
PlaceA +ehika-u S1amp 1here there are Insects 9uYR> %:!X:
ConditionA Thro1 a1ay all Gummy (rogs 9RS&': and gi"e R Kyamuti gold
coins 9?C%$n:
#lade Seirei R
PlaceA Kisunika Mine Q 9?qR0:
ConditionA Thro1 a1ay all Gummy (rogs 9RS&': and gi"e 6 Kyamuti gold
coins 9?C%$n:
#lade Seirei <
PlaceA Moginasu Lair Q 9Wq{:
ConditionA Thro1 a1ay all Gummy (rogs 9RS&': and gi"e Q Kyamuti gold
coins 9?C%$n:
#lade Seirei 6
PlaceA '%ua!it C 9V0:
ConditionA Thro1 a1ay all Gummy (rogs 9RS&': and gi"e 5B Kyamuti gold
coins 9?C%$n:
#lade Seirei N
PlaceA Pyramid P 9'6:
ConditionA Thro1 a1ay all Gummy (rogs 9RS&': and gi"e OB Kyamuti gold
coins 9?C%$n:
F Sound F
F c F
Special ConditionA I- 'rancia has the small ocarina 9pR9W: you need
to gi"e -e1er coins
Seirei ameA &umming 9'.&:
(riendA 'rancia 9.::
StrengthA Stone 9[:
/eaknessA #lade and Darkness 9io:
Le"elA Medium
Special Po1erA Puts enemies to sleep
LookA #ro1n)orange chu!!y musical note
Look in (ieldA *range !linking musical note
Sound Seirei 5
PlaceA Mimoretto (orest O 9'u0!y:
ConditionA Gi"e 5 &amonick gold coin 9:
Sound Seirei O
PlaceA La +oche To1er C( 9o:k!:
ConditionA Gi"e O &amonick gold coin 9: 95 1ith the *carina:
Sound Seirei C
PlaceA Masarati 2illage Shop 98$n|o:
ConditionA Gi"e C &amonick gold coin 9: 9O 1ith the *carina:
Sound Seirei R
PlaceA #ro1nie &ole R 9Im!:
ConditionA Gi"e R &amonick gold coin 9: 9O 1ith the *carina:
Sound Seirei <
PlaceA +akyuo 6 9?kp:
ConditionA Gi"e < &amonick gold coin 9: 9R 1ith the *carina:
Sound Seirei 6
PlaceA '%ua!it Castle R 9V0:
ConditionA Gi"e 5B &amonick gold coin 9: 9< 1ith the *carina:
Sound Seirei N
PlaceA Pyramid 5B 9'!:
ConditionA Gi"e OB &amonick gold coin 9: 95B 1ith the *carina:
F Stone F
F [ F
Special ConditionA *nly appears i- you ha"e caught a lot o- Gummy /orms 9''
Seirei ameA (lint 9>9.0:
(riendA Chocolat 9:-:
StrengthA Insect 9j:
/eaknessA Sound and Darkness 9co:
Le"elA Medium
Special Po1erA +aises De-ence po1er
LookA Smiling !eige rock
Look in (ieldA #opping grey rock
Stone Seirei 5
PlaceA Inside underground entrance o- +emittsu +oyal Palace 9u'<
ConditionA Guide a Dodo 9XX: in -ront o- the lo"e hunter 9N!L
X: to !reak the curse
Stone Seirei O
PlaceA Kido Monga C( 9?o.@:
ConditionA Gi"e O !lue Gummy (rogs 9RS&':3 *nly appears i- you ha"e
caught 5B or more Gummy /orms 9''T&':
Stone Seirei C
PlaceA Kisunika Mine Q 9?qR0:
ConditionA Gi"e R !lue Gummy (rogs 9RS&':3 *nly appears i- you ha"e
caught OB or more Gummy /orms 9''T&':
Stone Seirei R
PlaceA Kisunika Mine < 9?qR:
ConditionA Gi"e 5B !lue Gummy (rogs 9RS&':3 *nly appears i- you ha"e
caught <B or more Gummy /orms 9''T&':
Stone Seirei <
PlaceA Moiroroto 2illage 90|:
ConditionA Gi"e OB !lue Gummy (rogs 9RS&':3 *nly appears i- you ha"e
caught 5BB or more Gummy /orms 9''T&':
Stone Seirei 6
PlaceA '%ua!it Castle O 9V0:
ConditionA Gi"e CB #lue Gummy (rogs 9RS&':3 *nly appears i- you ha"e
caught O<B or more Gummy /orms 9''T&':
Stone Seirei N
PlaceA Pyramid P 9'6:
ConditionA Gi"e RB #lue Gummy (rogs 9RS&':3 *nly appears i- you ha"e
caught <BB or more Gummy /orms 9''T&':
F Insect F
F j F
Special ConditionA *nly appears i- you ha"e the Insect Magni-ying Glass 9j
Seirei ame3 #u;; 9T:
(riendA Sesame 978':
StrengthA Tree 9b:
/eaknessA Stone and Darkness 9[o:
Le"elA Skilled
Special Po1erA Lo1ers enemy po1er
LookA #u;;ing grey insect
Look in (ieldA Little s1arm o- insects
Insect Seirei 5
PlaceA +esting place in +emittsu +oyal Palace 9u'<o:
ConditionA Guide a Dodo 9XX: in -ront o- the lo"e hunter 9N!L
X: to !reak the curse
Insect Seirei O
PlaceA La +oche To1er R( 9o:k!:
ConditionA Gi"e < >ello1 Gummy /orms 9''T&':
Insect Seirei C
PlaceA +iginio Gungle R 99p:
ConditionA Gi"e 5B >ello1 Gummy /orms 9''T&':
Insect Seirei R
PlaceA $nigma (orest S1amp 9S&!yo:
ConditionA Gi"e 5< >ello1 Gummy /orms 9''T&':
Insect Seirei <
PlaceA Tandoori 5 9D.9!:
ConditionA Gi"e OB >ello1 Gummy /orms 9''T&':
Insect Seirei 6
PlaceA '%ua!it Castle C 9V0:
ConditionA Gi"e OB >ello1 Gummy /orms 9''T&':
Insect Seirei N
PlaceA Pyramid N 9'5:
ConditionA Gi"e RB >ello1 Gummy /orms 9''T&':
F Tree F
F b F
Special ConditionA >ou need to pick pinecones 9JK(L: -or then to
Seirei ameA Stick 9q$n:
(riendA Pistachio 9qD}p:
StrengthA #east 9e:
/eaknessA Insect and Darkness 9jo:
Le"elA #eginner
Special Po1erA Lo1ers enemy spirit
LookA Green acorn
Look in (ieldA Lea-y !ranch
Tree Seirei 5
PlaceA Mimoretto (orest on the little island in the !rook 9'u0!y
ConditionA Gi"e 5 Pinecone 9JK(L:
Tree Seirei O
PlaceA Geara"a 2illage 9lst|:
ConditionA Gi"e < Pinecones 9JK(L:3 *nly appears i- you ha"e picked up
<B or more pinecones3
Tree Seirei C
PlaceA $dge o- +ehika-u S1amp O 9uYR>:
ConditionA Gi"e 5B Pinecones 9JK(L:3 *nly appears i- you ha"e picked
up 5BB or more pinecones3
Tree Seirei R
PlaceA +ehika-u S1amp 9uYR>:
ConditionA Gi"e OB Pinecones 9JK(L:3 *nly appears i- you ha"e picked
up 5<B or more pinecones3
Tree Seirei <
PlaceA Kisunika Mine $ntrance 9?qR:
ConditionA Gi"e CB Pinecones 9JK(L:3 *nly appears i- you ha"e picked
up OBB or more pinecones3
Tree Seirei 6
PlaceA '%ua!it Castle R 9V0:
ConditionA Gi"e RB Pinecones 9JK(L:3 *nly appears i- you ha"e picked
up O<B or more pinecones3
Tree Seirei N
PlaceA Pyramid 5B 9':
ConditionA Gi"e <B Pinecones 9JK(L:3 *nly appears i- you ha"e picked
up CBB or more pinecones3
F #east F
F e F
Seirei ameA Grr 9@:
(riendA *li"e 9p9I:
StrengthA /ater 9f:
/eaknessA Tree and Darkness 9bo:
Le"elA Medium
Special Po1erA +aises po1er o- allies
LookA Green !ear-like
Look in (ieldA #ro1n pa1-print
#east Seirei 5
PlaceA *pen space to the 1est in +emittsu +oyal Palace 9u'<o
ConditionA Guide a Dodo 9XX: in -ront o- the lo"e hunter 9N!L
X: to !reak the curse
#east Seirei O
PlaceA $dge o- +ehika-u S1amp C 9uYR>:
ConditionA Gi"e < Paralysis Tails 9YW!():
#east Seirei C
PlaceA $ast (orest4 Sparro1 2illage 9!yo!':
ConditionA Gi"e 5B Paralysis Tails 9YW!():
#east Seirei R
PlaceA $ast (orest R 9!y:
ConditionA Gi"e OB Paralysis Tails 9YW!():
#east Seirei <
PlaceA +akyuo $ntrance 9?kp:
ConditionA Gi"e CB Paralysis Tails 9YW!():
#east Seirei 6
PlaceA '%ua!it Castle O 9V0:
ConditionA Gi"e <B Paralysis Tails 9YW!():
#east Seirei N
PlaceA Pyramid R 9':
ConditionA Gi"e QB Paralysis Tails 9YW!():
F /ater F
F f F
Seirei ameA (lo1 9>:
(riendA #lue!erry 9I/9:
StrengthA Thunder 9_:
/eaknessA #east and Darkness 9eo:
Le"elA Medium
Special Po1erA Can attack t1o or more enemies
LookA #lue lion-like 1ith -ish tail
Look in (ieldA #lue puddle
/ater Seirei 5
PlaceA Dra1ing room in +emittsu +oyal Palace 9u'<o:
ConditionA Guide a Dodo 9XX: in -ront o- the lo"e hunter 9N!L
X: to !reak the curse
/ater Seirei O
PlaceA +oche Log #ridge 9:k!:
ConditionA Gi"e O Crescento sil"er coins 9u7.0:
/ater Seirei C
PlaceA +ehika-u S1amp $dge R 9uYR>:
ConditionA Gi"e R Crescento sil"er coins 9u7.0:
/ater Seirei R
PlaceA Kisunika Mine 5B 9?qR!:
ConditionA Gi"e 6 Crescento sil"er coins 9u7.0:
/ater Seirei <
PlaceA +akyuo C 9?kp:
ConditionA Gi"e 5B Crescento sil"er coins 9u7.0:
/ater Seirei 6
PlaceA '%ua!it Castle C 9V0:
ConditionA Gi"e OB Crescento sil"er coins 9u7.0:
/ater Seirei N
PlaceA Pyramid 9':
ConditionA Gi"e CB Crescento sil"er coins 9u7.0:
F Thunder F
F _ F
Seirei ameA Tesla 9$q:
(riendA Lemon 9u.:
StrengthA 'ncient 9d:
/eaknessA /ater 'nd Darkness 9fo:
Le"elA #eginner
Special Po1erA Makes enemies num! 92U:
LookA >ello1 !lo! 1ith spindly orange spiral arms
Look in (ieldA /hite !linking light !ul!
Thunder Seirei 5
PlaceA +emittsu +oyal Palace 9u'<:
ConditionA Guide a Dodo 9XX: in -ront o- the lo"e hunter 9N!L
X: to !reak the curse
Thunder Seirei O
PlaceA +oche0s ri"er!ank 9:k!L:
ConditionA Gi"e C &elion gold coins 99p.:
Thunder Seirei C
PlaceA ' house in Masarati 2illage 98$n|o:
ConditionA Gi"e < &elion gold coins 99p.:
Thunder Seirei R
PlaceA ' pri"ate house in #asorimo 2illage 99|o+:
ConditionA Gi"e N &elion gold coins 99p.:
Thunder Seirei <
PlaceA ' house in Moiroroto 2illage 90|o:
ConditionA Gi"e P &elion gold coins 99p.:
Thunder Seirei 6
PlaceA '%ua!it Castle R 9V0:
ConditionA Gi"e 5< &elion gold coins 99p.:
Thunder Seirei N
PlaceA Pyramid P 9'6:
ConditionA Gi"e O5 &elion gold coins 99p.:
F 'ncient F
F d F
Seirei ameA Clock 9:
(riendA Ca-e 'u Lait 9R>=pu:
StrengthA (ire 9`:
/eaknessA Thunder and Darkness 9_o:
Le"elA Medium
Special Po1erA Lo1ers enemy speed
LookA #ro1n gear 1ith purple 1eights on the sides
Look in -ieldA #ro1n shiny gear
'ncient Seirei 5
PlaceA Dra1ing room in the +emittsu +oyal Palace 9u'<o:
ConditionA Guide a Dodo 9XX: in -ront o- the lo"e hunter 9N!L
X: to !reak the curse
'ncient Seirei O
PlaceA South1est in the #enakoncha +uins 9/W-.}C~o:
ConditionA Gi"e 5 'rti sil"er coin 9$n:
'ncient Seirei C
PlaceA Southeast in the #enakoncha +uins 9/W-.}C~o:
ConditionA #attle)talk to all the ancient machines and gi"e C 'rti sil"er
coins 9$n:
'ncient Seirei R
PlaceA The Shop in #asorimo 2illage 99|o:
ConditionA Gi"e P 'rti sil"er coins 9$n:
'ncient Seirei <
PlaceA $ntrance to the corridor o- death 9!:
ConditionA Gi"e 5R 'rti sil"er coins 9$n:
'ncient Seirei 6
PlaceA '%ua!it Castle O 9V0:
ConditionA Gi"e 5P 'rti sil"er coins 9$n:
'ncient Seirei N
PlaceA Pyramid R 9':
ConditionA Gi"e ON 'rti sil"er coins 9$n:
F Darkness F
Special ConditionA /on0t appear unless you ha"e caught a lot o- Gummy (rogs
Seirei ameA ir"a 9st:
(riendA Ganache 9@W:k:
StrengthA 'll e7cept Light and Lo"e 9xoN:
/eaknessA Light 9x:
Le"elA -
Special Po1erA Dra1s in MP
LookA Dark purple !lo! 1ith many eyes and little green 1ings on to
Look in (ieldA /hite skull
Dark Seirei 5
PlaceA /est in the (orest Ca"e 9y!z{o:
ConditionA #eat Dummy Ghost 9'q0: 7 63 *nly appears i- you ha"e
caught O or more Gummy (rogs 9RS&':
Dark Seirei O
PlaceA La +oche To1er R( 9o:k!:
Condition= #eat 'nsutinga 9.q$n.@: 7 C4 #utchon 9I}.: 7 O4
and Dummy Ghost 9'q0:3 *nly appears i- you ha"e 5B or more Gummy
(rogs 9RS&':
Dark Seirei C
PlaceA Kumuyamuto Desert C 9%%0:
Condition= #eat Masharumonku 'rumageru 9:C.ol: 7 O4
u8itappu 9Dr: 7 O4 and #oro-antomu 9,>t.0%:3 *nly appears i-
you ha"e caught <B or more Gummy (rogs 9RS&':
Dark Seirei R
PlaceA Mystery +uins 9*!~: in the $ast (orest 9!y:
Condition= #eat S1eetie Paradakku 9qmn$no;: 7 O4 Dead Cur"e
9RI: 7 O4 'nd #oro-antomu 9,>t.0%: 3 *nly appears i- you
ha"e caught O or more Gummy (rogs 9RS&':
Dark Seirei <
PlaceA +uins o- $arth N 9!M5:
Condition= #eat .rauru 9mm: 7 O4 Paradakku 9;: 7 O4 /igurogu
9mn&&:4 Dead Cur"e 9RI:3 *nly appears i- you ha"e caught <BB
or more Gummy (rogs 9RS&':
Dark Seirei 6
PlaceA Moginasu Lair 5R 9M*GI'S. { 5R:
Condition= #eat Pandaudi 9;.mn: 7 O4 Ka!ochio!a!a 9R,};;: 7 O4
and Inseku Metairie 9.7D9: 7 O3 *nly appears i- you ha"e caught
PBB or more Gummy (rogs 9RS&':
Dark Seirei N
PlaceA Shisa!arei 5B 9:8u!:
Condition= #eat #uiogoiru 9Ip: 7 63 *nly appears i- you ha"e
caught 5BBB or more Gummy (rogs 9RS&':
F Light F
F x F
Special ConditionA /on0t 8oin you i- you already ha"e se"eral dark Seirei 9:
Seirei ameA Lu7 9q:
(riendA -
StrengthA Darkness 9:
/eaknessA -
Le"elA -
Special Po1erA J
LookA Light yello1 1ith light !lue "eil
Look in (ieldA Glittering yello1 lights
Light Seirei 5
PlaceA Toruna 2illage Inn 90W|o:
ConditionA /ait -or a 1hile in the inn4 on the Ond -loor
Light Seirei O
PlaceA /akuti 2illage Inn 9$n|o:
ConditionA /ait -or a 1hile in the inn4 on the Ond -loor3 *nly 8oins i- you
ha"e 6 or less dark Seirei 9:
Light Seirei C
PlaceA Ga;pacho 2illage 9@q;}|:
ConditionA /ait -or a 1hile in the inn3 *nly 8oins i- you ha"e < or less dark
Seirei 9:
Light Seirei R
PlaceA Moiroroto 2illage Inn 90|o:
ConditionA /ait -or a 1hile in the inn3 *nly 8oins i- you ha"e < or less dark
Seirei 9:
Light Seirei <
PlaceA +akyuo N 9?kp5:
ConditionA *nly 8oins i- you ha"e C or less dark Seirei 9:
Light Seirei 6
PlaceA '%ua!it Castle C 9V0:
ConditionA *nly 8oins i- you ha"e O or less dark Seirei 9:
Light Seirei N
PlaceA +idonahi 5B 99WY!:
ConditionA *nly 8oins i- you ha"e 5 or less dark Seirei 9:
F Lo"e F
Special ConditionA /on0t 8oin you i- you ha"e caught too many Gummy (rogs 9R
Seirei ameA /ish 9mn:k:
(riendA Peche 9:k:
StrengthA -
/eaknessA -
Le"elA -
Special Po1erA +eco"ers &P and MP
LookA #ig pink heart 1ith a little -ace
Look in (ieldA Pink heart
Lo"e Seirei 5
PlaceA #enakoncha +uins $ntrance 9/W-.}C~:
ConditionA 'ppears a-ter an e"ent later on3 See 1alkthrough -or #enakoncha
+uins 9/W-.}C~: -or details3
Lo"e Seirei O
PlaceA La +oche To1er $ntrance 9o:k!:
ConditionA '-ter Ca-e au Lait 9the ancient machine: has 8oined your party4
talk to the 1hole Pippurusu 9rq: -amily on the Rth -loor o- the to1er
to make it appear3 *nly 8oins i- you ha"e caught OBB or less Gummy (rogs 9RS
Lo"e Seirei C
PlaceA Mace0s &ouse 9q!: north 1est o-Masarati 2illage 98$n|:
ConditionA Talk to Cinnamon a!out Mace4 -or details see the 1alkthrough -or
#asorimo 2illage 99|: *nly 8oins i- you ha"e caught 5BB or less Gummy
(rogs 9RS&':
Lo"e Seirei R
PlaceA +iginio Gungle 5 99p!:
ConditionA Don0t gi"e #ada!un the -inal !lo13 (or more details see 1alkthrough
-or $ast (orest 9!y:3 *nly 8oins i- you ha"e caught <B or less Gummy (rogs
Lo"e Seirei <
PlaceA Ga;pacho 2illage Mayor 9@q;}|o|:
ConditionA '-ter the !oss -ight in Tandoori 6 9D.:4 Klein 9.:
1ill talk to you4 ans1er 9no: 1hen he asks to lea"e him un!roken3 *nly
8oins i- you ha"e caught OB or less Gummy (rogs 9RS&':
Lo"e Seirei 6
PlaceA '%ua!it Castle R 9V0:
ConditionA *nly 8oins i- you ha"e caught no Gummy (rogs 9RS&':
Lo"e Seirei N
PlaceA Pyramid 9':
ConditionA *nly 8oins i- you ha"en0t caught or !ought any Gummy (rogs 9RS
FF Characters FF
F &ero)&eroine F
- &ero - ab
/hite hat4 1hite 8acket4 !ig purple pants
Type A &uman 9:
Gender A Man 9:
Magic A >ou choose
'ge A 5R
&eight A 5<Rcm
/eight A R6kg
SeireiA /hat goes 1ith your magic attri!ute
Special Po1erA none
Starting StatsA
Le"el A 5
Po1er 9O:A 5B
De-ence 9P:A 5B
Speed 9Q:A N
Spirit 9A:A 6
&P A 6B?
Po1er 9O:A 6B?
De-ence 9P:A RB?
Spirit 9A:A QB?
Speed 9Q:A RB?
MP +eco"ery 9P:A QB?
Stat per 5 le"el upA &P TR3C - MP TO3P
- &eroine - ab
Purple hat4 purple 8acket4 !lue pants
Type A &uman 9:
Gender A /oman 9:
Magic A >ou choose
'ge A 5R
&eight A 5<Rcm
/eight A RBkg
SeireiA /hat goes 1ith your magic attri!ute
Special Po1erA none
Starting StatsA
Le"el A 5
Po1er 9O:A Q
De-ence 9P:A 5B
Speed 9Q:A Q
Spirit 9A:A 6
&P A 6B?
Po1er 9O:A 6B?
De-ence 9P:A RB?
Spirit 9A:A QB?
Speed 9Q:A RB?
MP +eco"ery 9P:A QB?
Stat per 5 le"el upA &P TO3Q - MP TR35
F Classmates F
Ganache ightha1k - @W:koW0
'rancia Scorenote - .:oq-0
Chocolat Cracks - :-oq
Lemon 'irsupply - u.oS8r
#lue!erry Lakeside - I/9ou8
Candy Mint!lue - ?'.0I
*li"e Tearclo1n - p9Io$nm.
Cidre +ain!o1 - :ou.,m
Pistachio Maple1ood - qD}porm
Kirsche Pintail - ?:ko.$
Ca!ernet Cheaptrick - R/o}r09
Cassis Lum!eryard - R:qo.
Ca-e au Lait +ustynail - R>=puor$n
Peche (armer - :ko>t
Sesame 'shpot - 78'o:k,0
- Ganache ightha1k -
Green hair4 purple scar- and clothing4 nice old style3
Type A &uman 9:
Gender A Man 9:
Magic A Darkness 9:
'ge A 5<
#irthdayA May 5Q
Sign A Taurus
&eight A 5N5cm
/eight A <Qkg
#lood TypeA '
SeireiA ir"a 9st:
Special Po1erA JJJ
Starting StatsA
Le"el A R
&P A <O
Po1er 9O:A 5O
De-ence 9P:A 55
Speed 9Q:A Q
Spirit 9A:A Q
&P A QB?
Po1er 9O:A 5BB?
De-ence 9P:A 5BB?
Spirit 9A:A 5BB?
Speed 9Q:A 5BB?
MP +eco"ery 9P:A 5BB?
Ganache is 1orried a!out coming -rom a dark magic !loodline3 &is magic is "ery
e7t door to him li"es an old 1oman4 and he helps her get 1ater -rom the 1ell
e"ery morning3
The old 1oman 1as a secret4 !ut one day Candy 1ent to tell him a!out the
seaside school and -ound out3
Lately Ganache is a !it annoyed 1ith Candy -or -ollo1ing him around3 &e
pre-ers to !e alone3
&is older sister 2anilla 1ent missing three years ago4 and in order to try to
sol"e the mystery4 he goes along to the seaside school3
Ganache !ecomes -riends only 1ith users o- dark magic and the people -rom the
#enakoncha ruins3
&is status gro1th rate is slo13
- 'rancia Scorenote -
Long green hair4 a little purple)yello1 hat and a yello1 ro!e 1ith purple
Type A &uman 9:
GenderA /oman 9:
Magic A Sound 9c:
'ge A 5<
#irthdayA *cto!er OQ
Sign A Scorpio
&eightA 5<Bcm
/eightA RBkg
#lood TypeA *
SeireiA &umming 9'.&:
Special Po1erA (inds gold or sil"er coins in chests 1ith monsters3
Starting StatsA
Le"el A O
&P A O6
Po1er 9O:A N
De-ence 9P:A P
Speed 9Q:A 5B
Spirit 9A:A P
&P A 6B?
Po1er 9O:A RB?
De-ence 9P:A RB?
Spirit 9A:A QB?
Speed 9Q:A 6B?
MP +eco"ery 9P:A QB?
The piano4 harp4 string instruments4 percussion instruments4 1ood1ind
instruments4 and any other instrument4 'rancia can play it3 She has a great
natural talent so she can master any instrument e"en the -irst time she tries
#orn into a musical -amily4 !oth parents are musicians4 she -ollo1s her
natural talents3 She has an e7cellent pri"ate teacher and practises hard3 /hen
she appeared in a music contest she commentedA DI0m !ored here4 there0s no
"ariation and the music is -latD3
'lso4 she is especially gi-ted at inducing sleep 1ith music3 /hen she plays
the piano -or her teacher or parents she can put them to sleep in the middle
o- the lesson4 letting her slip out o- the house3
She is "ery rela7ed and takes li-e at her o1n pace3
- Chocolat Cracks -
Looks like a !ig 1alking pile o- dirt 1ith some plants on top3
Type A Mudman 9.:
GenderA Man 9:
Magic A +ock 9[:
'ge A J
#irthdayA J
Sign A J
&eightA O5Qcm
/eightA <O6kg
#lood TypeA J
SeireiA (lint 9>9.0:
Special Po1erA (inds Gummy /orms 9''T&': under rocks3
Starting StatsA
Le"el A C<
MP A 5B6
Po1er 9O:A CB
De-ence 9P:A OO
Speed 9Q:A <
Spirit 9A:A 5<
&P A 5BB?
Po1er 9O:A QB?
De-ence 9P:A 6B?
Spirit 9A:A RB?
Speed 9Q:A RB?
MP +eco"ery 9P:A RB?
Chocolat 1as thought to !e a rock -or the longest time3
&e laid hal- !uried 1ith grass gro1ing around him4 !y the hill near the school3
o one thought he 1as a li"ing !eing3
OB years ago a road 1as !eing !uilt on the hill3 /hen a 1orker struck him 1ith
a picka7e4 Chocolat groaned4 and at last he 1as recognised as !eing ali"e3
'-ter that he still 1asn0t "ery acti"e4 !ut he got scared o- the 1orms that
the 1orker dug up4 so he started to mo"e3 &o1e"er4 he still 1alked so slo1ly
around the construction site that the 1orms caught up 1ith him3
#ut o"er the years he had gotten used to -eeling 1orms cra1ling on the hal- o-
his !ody that 1as !uried4 and he0s increasingly starting to long -or it again3
$"er since then4 he likes small animals3 &e en8oys 1atching small !irds or
li;ards cra1ling around on his !ody and turn around at the top3 *ccasionally
he innocently digs the earth looking -or 1orms3
- Lemon 'irsupply -
Catlike 1ith !londe hair4 a long tail and cat0s ears4 purple pants4 pink
glo"es and shoes3
Type A yamuneruto 9C%0:
GenderA /oman 9:
Magic A Thunder 9_:
'ge A 56
#irthdayA 'ugust R
Sign A Leo
&eightA 5RQcm
/eightA C<kg
#lood TypeA #
SeireiA Tesla 9$q:
Special Po1erA I- you collide 1ith a Piranha4 you don0t ha"e to pay3
Starting StatsA
Le"el A 55
&P A 6O
MP A 65
Po1er 9O:A 56
De-ence 9P:A 5<
Speed 9Q:A Q
Spirit 9A:A N
&P A QB?
MP A 6B?
Po1er 9O:A QB?
De-ence 9P:A 6B?
Spirit 9A:A RB?
Speed 9Q:A 6B?
MP +eco"ery 9P:A 6B?
Lemon 1as !orn in a -amily house 1ith a !attle lineage4 learning marshal arts
-rom her -ather and three older !rothers3 *ne day she 1as in an accident3 &er
!rother 1as doing an air punch to1ards the pit o- her stomach4 !ut -ailed to
stop !e-ore he hit her4 and she passed out3
&er grand-ather got -urious 1hen he heard a!out it and stopped her -rom
Since then she has !een separated -rom her !rothers0 training4 and is "ery sad
a!out it3
She 1anted to go to the magic school to !e a!le to reach a high grade and
surpass her !rothers3
She cannot stand !oys !eing hard on girls3 /hen one o- the male students4
#oko!oko4 1as teasing #lue!erry she !eat him up and got into trou!le -or it3
'-ter realising it 1ould !e impossi!le to catch up 1ith her !rothers i- she
dropped out o- school she has !een acting more mature3
&er grand-ather o-ten gi"es her a little speech a!out ho1 she should Dact more
like a girlD3
- #lue!erry Lakeside -
#ig purple hair4 green hair!and4 green)purple dress4 !ig pink shoes3
Type A &uman 9:
GenderA /oman 9:
Magic A /ater 9f:
'ge A 5<
#irthdayA Ganuary OP
Sign A '%uarius
&eightA 56Ocm
/eightA R<kg
#lood TypeA #
SeireiA (lo1 9>:
Special Po1erA .nderstands the language o- the 1ater people3
Starting StatsA
Le"el A N
MP A <6
Po1er 9O:A Q
De-ence 9P:A 5B
Speed 9Q:A P
Spirit 9A:A 5N
&P A 6B?
Po1er 9O:A RB?
De-ence 9P:A RB?
Spirit 9A:A 5BB?
Speed 9Q:A RB?
MP +eco"ery 9P:A 5BB?
#lue!erry 1as !orn in a lake-side house into a -amily o- royal lineage that
has produced a large num!er o- a!le magicians4 generation a-ter generation3
The old -ortune teller 1ho ser"ed the lake-side houses made a prophesy that
#lue!erry 1as destined to D!ecome a great magician 1ho changes the 1orldD3
In order to ser"e the royal -amily you ha"e to e7cel at !oth the literary and
military arts3 #ut #lue!erry had a naturally 1eak !ody and ga"e up on the
royal -amily ser"ice3
She0s a calm and hard1orking student4 !ut also sensiti"e and sometimes need to
take time a1ay -rom her -riends3
/hen she entered the school she had to hide her !ag -rom teasing !oys4 !ut
Lemon helped her out3
- Candy Mint!lue -
#ro1n hair in a spiky ponytail4 green)pink dress and green glo"es3
Type A &uman 9:
GenderA /oman 9:
Magic A /ind 9h:
'ge A 5C
#irthdayA Septem!er OO
Sign A 2irgo
&eightA 5<Bcm
/eightA CQkg
#lood TypeA '#
SeireiA 'ir 9S:
Special Po1erA #om! 8ars can !e remo"ed 1ithout Gummy (rogs 9RS&':3
Starting StatsA
Le"el A C<
&P A P<
Po1er 9O:A 5N
De-ence 9P:A 5P
Speed 9Q:A C<
Spirit 9A:A 5
&P A QB?
Po1er 9O:A RB?
De-ence 9P:A RB?
Spirit 9A:A 6B?
Speed 9Q:A 5BB?
MP +eco"ery 9P:A QB?
/hen Candy 1as still young4 a Troll settled do1n close to her parents0 home
and attacked them -rom time to time3 /hen she 1as se"en4 a group o- magicians
1as dispatched -rom the capital3 It took them three days to clear a1ay the
Troll3 $"er since 1itnessing this4 it has !een Candy0s dream to !ecome a
/hen she 1as ten Sokkuri trans-erred to the magic school3 &e is part o- the
Troll regulation group and Candy -ell in lo"e 1ith him at -irst sight3
'lthough Ganache has more practical skill4 and #lue!erry is more accomplished
theoretically4 o"erall Candy has the top grade in the school records3
- *li"e Tearclo1n -
Green hair 1ith a !ro1n hat4 !ig !ro1n pants and greenish shoes3
Type A &uman 9:
GenderA /oman 9:
Magic A #east 9e:
'ge A 55
#irthdayA May ON
Sign A Gemini
&eightA 5OOcm
/eightA O<kg
#lood TypeA '
SeireiA Grr 9@:
Special Po1erA Monsters don0t appear 1hen you run into a Mimi;u holes 9''T
Starting StatsA
Le"el A CQ
&P A 5OO
MP A 56B
Po1er 9O:A O<
De-ence 9P:A 5Q
Speed 9Q:A OR
Spirit 9A:A O<
&P A 6B?
Po1er 9O:A QB?
De-ence 9P:A RB?
Spirit 9A:A 6B?
Speed 9Q:A 6B?
MP +eco"ery 9P:A QB?
$"er since *li"e 1as small she has !een a!le to hear people0s emotions3
#esides 1hat they 1ere saying out loud4 she could also hear their true
-eelings in her heart3
't -irst she didn0t think it 1as anything special4 so she kept hearing
people0s hearts4 unconcerned3
#ut one day she got mi7ed up 1ith a man in to1n 1ho 1as no man at all3 '-ter
that she !ecame scared o- reading people0s minds4 remem!ering that scary thing
that had no heart4 !eing a1are o- the e7istence o- such things3 She !egan to
shut hersel- in her room a lot3
#ut one day she had a daydream3
'n old gentleman 1ith 1hite moustache appeared in her dreamA DCome study magic
at my school3 I 1ill come "isit you tomorro13 I- you study magic and !ecome
strong4 you don0t ha"e to -ear the darkness anymore3D he said3
'nd the ne7t day Gran Dragee4 the principal o- the magic school /ill *0 /isp4
really did come to "isit3
- Cidre +ain!o1 -
#lond hair4 little red hat and scar-4 yello1 clothing and green)!lue cape3
Type A &uman 9:
GenderA Man 9:
Magic A #eauty 9g:
'ge A 5R
#irthdayA o"em!er 55
Sign A Scorpio
&eightA 56Qcm
/eightA <<kg
#lood TypeA *
SeireiA Po1der 9;m:
Special Po1erA Can mo"e sparro1s 9 -S this 1ay - -S !ack:3
Starting StatsA
Le"el A 5N
&P A 6N
MP A 5B5
Po1er 9O:A 5O
De-ence 9P:A 5B
Speed 9Q:A 55
Spirit 9A:A OB
&P A 6B?
Po1er 9O:A 6B?
De-ence 9P:A RB?
Spirit 9A:A QB?
Speed 9Q:A RB?
MP +eco"ery 9P:A QB?
/hen Cidre 1as a child he 1as already o!sessed a!out art3
/hen he 1as t1o years old4 he -ollo1ed in his mother0s -ootsteps and started
dra1ing3 &e had his -irst e7hi!ition at the age o- ten and 1as called a child
prodigy3 &e is not satis-ied e"en 1hen his 1ork is praised !y others3 &e
criti;ised the other artists0 1ork so se"erely that he 1as e7cluded -rom one
art gallery3
'lthough he spends all his -ree days in the studio4 he has no special theme
that he likes to dra13 'nd e"en though he spends a long time in -ront o- the
can"as4 his !rush rarely mo"es3
+ecently4 he taught his se"en year old cousing Sou--le ho1 to dra13
/hen an art dealer came to !uy one o- Sou--le0s pictures Cidre pretended it
1as his o1n4 !ut this is a secret only they kno13
- Pistachio Maple1ood -
Dog-like 1ith !ro1n -ur4 !ig -loppy ears4 !ig green hat and green clothes4
little red scar-3
Type A 2o7 9sq:
GenderA Man 9:
Magic A /ood 9b:
'ge A 5O
#irthdayA 'pril 5<
Sign A 'ries
&eightA PNcm
/eightA OCkg
#lood TypeA '#
SeireiA Stick 9q$n:
Special Po1erA (inds Gummy (rogs 9RS&': in &P reco"ery 8ars4 !lue or red
according to the rank on the scorecard4 1hen you ha"e less than OB Gummy (rogs3
Starting StatsA
Le"el A 5
&P A 5N
Po1er 9O:A N
De-ence 9P:A P
Speed 9Q:A 5C
Spirit 9A:A O
&P A RB?
Po1er 9O:A RB?
De-ence 9P:A RB?
Spirit 9A:A RB?
Speed 9Q:A 5BB?
MP +eco"ery 9P:A 6B?
$"en !e-ore Pistachio entered the magic school4 there 1asn0t a soul in his
"illage that didn0t kno1 his name3
&e could read letters still in the en"elope4 !end spoons4 or drop acorns -rom
the sky 1here there 1ere no trees3 The people in the "illage said Dsurely this
kind o- magic a!ility must !e a gi-t -rom GodD3 The rumours e"en reached the
ear o- the principal o- the magic school /ill *0 /isp4 and he came to scout
-or Pistachio3
/hen Pistachio le-t -or the magic school dormitory the "illage had a grand
#ut 1hen he entered the school things turned around drastically3 &is magic 1as
unskilled in most classes and he 1asn0t the most popular guy either3
Pistachio didn0t say anything a!out it to his -amily -or a long time4 !ut the
secret got out e"entually3
$"er since then his parents 1ants him to come !ack home and 1ork in the -amily
- Kirsche Pintail -
2ery spiky !londe hair4 red pants4 greenish shoes3
Type A &uman 9:
GenderA Man 9:
Magic A (ire 9`:
'ge A 5<
#irthdayA o"em!er CB
Sign A Sagittarius
&eightA 5<Ncm
/eightA RNkg
#lood TypeA *
SeireiA Toast 90q0:
Special Po1erA (inds Gummy /orms 1hen using MP reco"ery 8ars3
Starting StatsA
Le"el A C
&P A R5
Po1er 9O:A 5R
De-ence 9P:A 5B
Speed 9Q:A Q
Spirit 9A:A C
&P A QB?
MP A 6B?
Po1er 9O:A QB?
De-ence 9P:A 6B?
Spirit 9A:A RB?
Speed 9Q:A 6B?
MP +eco"ery 9P:A 6B?
Kirche likes sports a lot4 !ut he is actually not "ery good3
&e challenges people and then play match a-ter match until he 1ins3 &e ne"er
gi"es up e"en i- he loses o"er and o"er4 since he0s hot tempered and doesn0t
kno1 1hen to %uit3 (inally his opponent !ecomes e7hausted and gi"es up3
Then he saysA D/ell4 I 1on at last!D like he had ne"er !een de-eated at all3
&e is a poor student3 #ut he is happy i- he only gets one ans1er right on his
tests4 e"en though the total test score is terri!le3
- Ca!ernet Cheaptrick -
Puppet 1ith a stra1 hat 1ith a -rog in it and a little um!rella on top4 purple
dreadlocks -or hair and 1ooden arms4 red "est3 green loin-cloth4 glo"es and
Type A Puppet 9;0:
GenderA Man 9:
Magic A Poison 9a:
'ge A 5C
#irthdayA *cto!er 5Q
Sign A Li!ra
&eightA 56<cm
/eightA RBkg
#lood TypeA J
SeireiA #oo 9I:
Special Po1erA Makes it impossi!le to catch Gummy (rogs 9RS&':3
Starting StatsA
Le"el A CQ
&P A 56B
Po1er 9O:A OC
De-ence 9P:A OO
Speed 9Q:A O5
Spirit 9A:A OB
&P A QB?
MP A 6B?
Po1er 9O:A 6B?
De-ence 9P:A 6B?
Spirit 9A:A 6B?
Speed 9Q:A 6B?
MP +eco"ery 9P:A 6B?
Ca!ernet likes Ita;ura and 1ishes he could stand out like him3 #ut he really
is a spoiled co1ard3
Together 1ith #oko!oko and Ita;ura he used to tease #lue!erry3 #ut since they
1ere !eat up !y Lemon he stopped3
&e0s pessimistic and al1ays e7pects the 1orst3
The -rog has !een in his hat -or -i"e years no13 &is -ather ga"e it to him and
saidA DThis -rog is a -rog o- magic3 I- you are together 1ith this -rog you
1ill !ecome a great magician3 Make this -rog your teacher -rom this day on3D
/hen the -rog teacher spoke all the classmates laughed3 #ut Ca!ernet kept the
-rog in his hat -or -i"e years4 and !y no1 it0s kno1n as one o- the se"en
1onders o- /ill *0 /isp3
Ca!ernet0s -ather later saidA DI 1as drunk3 I don0t e"en remem!erD3
- Cassis Lum!eryard -
2ery long grey hair4 purple)red clothes and !ig !ro1n shoes3
Type A &uman 9:
GenderA Man 9:
Magic A #lade 9i:
'ge A 56
#irthdayA Decem!er O<
Sign A Capricorn
&eightA 5N<cm
/eightA 6Bkg
#lood TypeA '
SeireiA Slash 9q:k:
Special Po1erA /hen a !lade Seirei 8oins you4 you 1ill get your Gummy (rogs
9RS&': !ack3
Starting StatsA
Le"el A 5Q
Po1er 9O:A OO
De-ence 9P:A 56
Speed 9Q:A 5R
Spirit 9A:A P
&P A QB?
MP A 6B?
Po1er 9O:A QB?
De-ence 9P:A 6B?
Spirit 9A:A 6B?
Speed 9Q:A QB?
MP +eco"ery 9P:A 6B?
Since his -ather had po1er in the under1orld Cassis also has connections there3
'lthough Cassis -ather died 1hen he 1as young4 no one kno1s ho13
Despite his appearance4 peeling apples and potatoes is his -a"ourite acti"ity3
'nd he o-ten makes supper 1hen his mother is 1orking late3
The !oss o- the under1orld ga"e him potatoes to gro1 in his o1n -ield3
&is -ather0s !oss is "ery -ond o- Cassis4 and helped care -or him !e-ore3
Sometimes he goes to the !oss0s -ield to help out3
- Ca-e au Lait +ustynail -
#ro1n ro!ot !uilt 1ith ancient technology4 plump and round4 a red eye in the
middle o- the -ace3
Type A 'ncient machine 9d:
GenderA J
Magic A 'ncient 9d:
'ge A J
#irthdayA J
Sign A J
&eightA 5QNcm
/eightA OBkg
#lood TypeA J
SeireiA Clock 9:
Special Po1erA Moti"ates discouraged D1ar-s 9>:3
Starting StatsA
Le"el A 5O
Po1er 9O:A 5R
De-ence 9P:A O5
Speed 9Q:A R
Spirit 9A:A N
&P A QB?
MP A 6B?
Po1er 9O:A QB?
De-ence 9P:A 5BB?
Spirit 9A:A RB?
Speed 9Q:A RB?
MP +eco"ery 9P:A RB?
Ca-e au Lait is running the test "ersion o- the arti-icial intelligence
so-t1are Kerokero !eta3
Kerokero !eta 1as an impro"ed "ersion o- Kerokero alpha4 1hich had a
neglect-ul character4 1as slightly nihilistic and made to act cool3
't -irst the Kerokero de"elopment 1as done !y a small team o- -i"e people3 #ut
a-ter the reckless !eha"iour o- Kerokero alpha the team 1as e7panded to do;ens
o- people -or Kerokero !eta3 Since they 1ere in a great hurry and 1orking on
human-scale tactics4 the concepts o- DnihilD and DcoolD 1ere not included3
Kerokero alpha 1as kno1n as the phantom o- arti-icial intelligence that
-inished the ancient ci"ilisation3 /ith the collapse no one thought Kerokero
!eta 1ould come out3 /hen Gran Dragee -ound Ca-e au Lait running Kerokero !eta
in a thri-t shop he 1as so happy that he in"oluntary started dancing 1ith 8oy3
/hen Ca-e au Lait 1atched Gran Dragee dance he shed a tear3
- Peche (armer -
Light -ur4 !ig ears4 -unny pink hat4 pink striped pants and a heart on its
Type A Lo"e 'm!assador 9N!:
GenderA /oman 9:
Magic A Lo"e 9N:
'ge A 5<
#irthdayA March 5R
Sign A Pisces
&eightA 5BBcm
/eightA 5<kg
#lood TypeA '
SeireiA /ish 9mn:k:
Special Po1erA (inds gold or sil"er coins 9-.: in the Mimi;u holes 9''T
Starting StatsA
Le"el A 6
Po1er 9O:A <
De-ence 9P:A N
Speed 9Q:A 5O
Spirit 9A:A 5Q
&P A RB?
Po1er 9O:A RB?
De-ence 9P:A RB?
Spirit 9A:A QB?
Speed 9Q:A 6B?
MP +eco"ery 9P:A QB?
Peche is earnest and e7tremely kind-hearted3
*n the 1ay home -rom school she picks up any grasshoppers that has !een
stepped on3 She !rings them home and nurses them !ack to health3 *nce4 a
grasshopper dre1 its last !reath three hours a-ter she !rought it home3 She
didn0t stop crying that day3
#ut that night the grasshopper appeared in her dreams and smiled and said
Dthank youD3
*ne day 1hen Peche 1as 1alking home 1ith Lemon and #lue!erry4 Lemon happened
to step on a cricket and thought DI- Peche sees this cricket I0ll !e in
trou!leD so she hid it a1ay3
'-ter Peche had gone home she told #lue!erry a!out it4 and then she told Lemon
that earlier she too happened to step on and kill a praying mantis4 and they
!oth laughed3
- Sesame 'shpot -
Short !lond !oy4 al1ays 1earing his grey cloak 1ith the hood up4 !ro1n
Type A &uman 9:
GenderA Man 9:
Magic A Insect 9j:
'ge A 5B
#irthdayA Gune OP
Sign A Cancer
&eightA 5OBcm
/eightA OOkg
#lood TypeA #
SeireiA #u;; 9T:
Special Po1erA /arns i- there are monsters in chests3
Starting StatsA
Le"el A OR
&P A Q5
MP A 55B
Po1er 9O:A 5R
De-ence 9P:A 5R
Speed 9Q:A O<
Spirit 9A:A 5Q
&P A 6B?
Po1er 9O:A RB?
De-ence 9P:A RB?
Spirit 9A:A QB?
Speed 9Q:A QB?
MP +eco"ery 9P:A 6B?
Sesame is a great insect lo"er3 &e casually catches moths4 !ugs etc 1ith his
!are hands3 Since he al1ays has insects or dead !ugs in his pockets4 he0s
e7tremely unpopular 1ith girls3
&e !reeds !eetles4 grasshoppers etc in empty !ottles3 The stacks o- !ottles
co"er a 1hole 1all in his room3
*nce4 the day a-ter %uarrelling 1ith a -riend4 he dumped a !ucket -ull o-
insects in class as re"enge3 The 1hole classroom panicked and classes 1ere
ruined -or the 1hole day3
&e has also lead ants into the classroom4 and !rought !reeding !utter-lies
into class3 $"ery time his parents 1ent to the school to apologi;e3
F *ther Characters F
These characters appear in the game4 !ut they 1on0t 8oin your party3
Gran Dragee - &.o=
*ld !earded man 1ith !lue clothes and !lue hat
The headmaster o- the school3
Madeleine-sensei - u
>oung 1oman 1ith purple dress
'geA OR
MagicA Light
*ne o- the teachers at the school3
#alsamico - 8'-
(ish-like chu!!y guy
Dri"er o- the Magic #us
Gyuuhi *gura - kmYop&
*ld man 1ith a grey mustache and 1orm !ody
'geA a!out RQB years
2anilla - st
Ganache0s sister
MagicA Dark
Looks a lot like Ganache !ut 1ith pink hair
Chardonnay - :C
Ca!ernet0s !rother
MagicA /ind
Looks a lot like Ca!ernet !ut 1ith green hair
F +elationships F
Ganache V- #est -riends -S *li"e
Ganache V- Si!lings -S 2anilla
Chardonnay V- Si!lings -S Ca!ernet
Chardonnay - In lo"e 1ith -S 2anilla
Ca!ernet V- (riends -S Cassis
Cassis V- Doesn0t get along -S Cidre
Lemon V- (riends -S #lue!erry V- (riends -S 'rancia
Candy - In lo"e 1ith -S Ganache
Kirsche - In lo"e 1ith -S Candy
Candy V- Childhood -riends -S Kirsche
Kirsche V- #est -riends -S Sesame
Peche - Cares a!out -S Pistachio
*li"e V- 2ery good -riends -S Candy
'll girls - &ates -S Sesame
F &idden Characters F
To make -riends 1ith ne1 characters you al1ays need to ha"e -i"e or less
mem!ers in your current party3
Chappi - }C
Gar - <,
Putchine - r}
Dodo - XX
Sparro1 -
Gummy (rog - RS&'
Pisukapuko - qRr-
Konnyaku-sama - -
#ro1n - Im.
- Chappi -
Green little !lo! insect
Type A Chappi 9}C:
GenderA J
Magic A Insect 9j:
'ge A NQ
&eightA NOcm
/eightA QCkg
Starting StatsA
Le"el A QB
&P A O5<
Po1er 9O: A RO
De-ence 9P:A <O
Speed 9Q: A <5
Spirit 9A: A CB
Stat up per 5 le"el upA &P TO3P - MP T53C
&o1 to make -riendsA Talk to Chappi in Garam Masala R 9@%8:
- Gar -
Green pot3
Type A Gar 9<,:
GenderA J
Magic A 'ncient 9d:
'ge A CC
&eightA QBcm
/eightA PBkg
Starting StatsA
Le"el A PB
&P A C5B
Po1er 9O: A R<
De-ence 9P:A N5
Speed 9Q: A CR
Spirit 9A: A <B
Stat per 5 le"el upA &P TC3< - MP TC35
&o1 to make -riendsA Talk to Gar in Garam Masala P 9@%86:
- Putchine -
#lue little chu!!y monster
Type A Putchine 9r}:
GenderA Man 9:
Magic A Stone 9[:
'ge A N
&eightA 6Bcm
/eightA 6Okg
Starting StatsA
Le"el A 5BB
&P A <<<
Po1er 9O: A 5BB
De-ence 9P:A <B
Speed 9Q: A C<
Spirit 9A: A CB
Stat per 5 le"el upA &P T63< - MP T536
&o1 to make -riendsA Talk to Putchine in Garam Masala O5 9@%8!:
in ami mode or harder
- Dodo -
Grey e7tinct !ird3
Type A Dodo 9XX:
GenderA J
Magic A Sound 9c:
'ge A PPQ
&eightA 55Ocm
/eightA COkg
Starting StatsA
Le"el A 5CB
&P A 6NQ
Po1er 9O: A NC
De-ence 9P:A R<
Speed 9Q: A NN
Spirit 9A: A R5
Stat per 5 le"el upA &P T<3C - MP T536
&o1 to make -riendsA Talk to Dodo in Garama Masala C5 9@%8!: in
ami mode or harder
- Sparro1 -

/hite little !irdy 1ith !ig red !eak3
Type A Sparro1 9:
GenderA J
Magic A /ind 9h:
'ge A O
&eightA 5Ncm
/eightA B3Ckg
Starting StatsA
Le"el A 5<B
&P A 5
Po1er 9O: A 5
De-ence 9P:A 5
Speed 9Q: A OBB
Spirit 9A: A 5
Stat per 5 le"el upA &P T53< - MP T536
&o1 to make -riendsA Talk to Sparro1 in Garam Masala <B 9@%8: in
*ni Mode
- Gummy (rog -
Green -rog3
Type A Gummy (rog 9RS&':
GenderA J
Magic A Lo"e 9N:
'ge A <
&eightA 5<cm
/eightA B35kg
Starting StatsA
Le"el A OBB
&P A 6O6
MP A 6C<
Po1er 9O: A N<
De-ence 9P:A NO
Speed 9Q: A P6
Spirit 9A: A <O
Stat per 5 le"el upA &P TC3B - MP TO3Q
&o1 to make -riendsA Talk to Gummy (rog in +idonahi N( 99WY5:
- Pisukapuko -
Purple and pink cute little monster
Type A $nigma 9S&:
GenderA /oman 9:
Magic A Darkness 9:
'ge A C
&eightA 6Qcm
/eightA 6Qkg
Starting StatsA
Le"el A OBB
&P A N5N
Po1er 9O: A 5CO
De-ence 9P:AP<
Speed 9Q: A 56O
Spirit 9A: A QO
Stat per 5 le"el upA &P TR3R - MP T53P
&o1 to make -riendsA Talk to Pisukapuko in Shisa!arei 5B 9:8u!:
- Konnyaku-sama -
Grey s%uare-ish -loppy creature3
Type A Konnyaku 9-:
GenderA J
Magic A Tree 9b:
'ge A OQ
&eightA N<cm
/eightA CBkg
Starting StatsA
Le"el A 5QB
&P A <O5
Po1er 9O: A <Q
De-ence 9P:A NO
Speed 9Q: A <5
Spirit 9A: A Q<
Stat per 5 le"el upA &P TO36 - MP TR36
&o1 to make -riendsA Collect OB Konnyaku Potatoes 9: and gi"e
them to #ashuraru 9:k: in Kugante 2illage 9@.$|:
- #ro1n -
Little guy 1ith a !ig orange !eard and a !ro1n curled up hat3
Type A #ro1nie 9Im:
GenderA Man 9:
Magic A Light 9x:
'ge A PQ
&eightA 55Bcm
/eightA ROkg
Starting StatsA
Le"el A CBB
Po1er 9O: A OBB
De-ence 9P:A OBB
Speed 9Q: A OBB
Spirit 9A: A OBB
Stat per 5 le"el upA &P T63N - MP T63N
&o1 to make -riendsA Collect CB Stones o- &ades 9![:4 talk to #ro1nie
outside the entrance o- Moginasu Lair 9Wq{:
F Species $ncyclopedia F
Species as listed in the $ncyclopedia3
53 Sparro1 -
/hite !irds 1ith !ig red !eaks
'reaA Sparro1 (ield X
'"aila!le as hidden character
O3 Gummy (rogs - RS&'
(rogs4 comes in three colors
'reaA 2alencia #each 9stu.:vw: and almost e"ery1here else3
'"aila!le as hidden character
&eals &P
C3 Gummy /orms - ''T&'
$arth1orms4 a"aila!le in t1o colors
'reaA (orest Ca"e 9y!z{: and other places3
&eals MP
R3 Gar - <,
'reaA Mimoretto (orest 9'u0!y: and other places3
'"aila!le as hidden character
Green Gar heals &P4 !ro1n Gar heals MP
<3 /arp Store-san - r
'lso kno1n as Pi;;a4 the guy 1ith the !lue hat
'reaA Mimoretto (orest 9'u0!y: and other places3
Creates 1arp spots on the 1orld maps
63 Puppet - ;0
/ooden puppet people
'reaA Toruna 2illage 90W|: and other places3
Classmate Ca!ernet Cheaptrick 9R/o}r09: is a Puppet3
N3 Konnyaku-sama - -
(loppy s%uare-ish grey guys4 made o- pressed potatoes
'reaA Kugande 2illage 9@.|: and other places3
'"aila!le as hidden character
Q3 'ncient Machine - d
'reaA #enakoncha +uins 9/W-.}C~: and other places3
Classmate Ca-e au Lait +ustynail 9R>=puor$n: is an ancient
P3 Piranha -
(ish that s1ims on land and takes your #ura and sometimes gi"es you coins
'reaA #enakoncha +uins 9/W-.}C~: and other places3
5B3 Lo"e 'm!assador - N!
Cute -lu--y creatures 1ith a heart on their chest
'reaA /akuti 2illage 9$n|: and other places3
Classmate Peche (armer 9:ko>t: is a Lo"e 'm!assador
553 D1ar- - >
#ig !lue !eards and horned helmets
'reaA Geara"a 2illage 9lst|: and other places3
5O3 Dodo - XX
Grey no longer e7tinct !irds
'reaA +emittsu +oyal Palace 9u'<: and other places3
'"aila!le as hidden character
5C3 Pippurusu - rq
'reaA Pippurusu To1n 9rqDm.: and other places3
5R3 2o7 - sq
'reaA Masarati 2illage 98$n|: and other places3
Classmate Pistachio Maple1ood 9qD}porm: is a 2o73
5<3 yamuneruto - C%0
'reaA Tapiokati 2illage 9DpR$n|: and other places3
Classmate Lemon 'irsupply 9u.oS8r: is a yamuneruto3
563 'me-urashi - >:
Purple slug-like !lo!s that makes it rain
'reaA Kumuyamuto Desert 9%%0:
5N3 Pyrite - ;0
Little metallic cu!es
'reaA #asorimo 2illage 99|:
5Q3 Tree Man - <9.
&opping little trees
'reaA Tree Man0s Colony 9<9.!:3
5P3 /ater People - mDr
&uge heads4 almost transparent !lue guys
'reaA '%ua!it Castle 9V0: and other places3
OB3 #ro1nie - Im
#ig orange !eard and curled up hat
'reaA #asorimo 2illage 99|: and other places3
'"aila!le as hidden character
O53 Mudman - .
/alking piles o- dirt
'reaA Moiroroto 2illage 90|: and other places3
Classmate Chocolat Cracks 9:-oq: is a Mudman3
OO3 Star - 3
(riendly little stars
'reaA +akyuo 9?kp:
FF (',s FF
- Small +andom (acts
't the start o- the game 1hen naming your character4 i- you press select you
can use the 1onky kana characters Ca-e au Lait talks 1ith3
The country /ill *0 /isp is in is called Ko"omaka 9-sR:3
(ull -ormal name is Magic Kingdom Ko"omaka 9-sR:
#ura 9I: is the currency o- Ko"omaka3
The castle 1here 2anilla is held prisoner is called Shi!usuto Castle3
Gran Dragee -ought 1ith this castle3 Ca!ernet0s !ig !rother Chardonnay 1as
through here3 Chardonnay 1as a soldier stationed at Garu!an;o and died in
- +umour (',s
These come -rom #ro1nie #ro1n0s site and are o--icial ans1ers to rumours3
,A /here do the pinecones come -romJ I- they -all -rom trees ho1 come you can
-ind them on the castle etcJ
'A The pinecones does gro1 on trees4 !ut a-ter -alling to the ground some o-
them are carried o-- !y Matsukui scara! !eetles3 They try to carry them to
their hidden nests4 !ut sometimes they -ail to make it all the 1ay and lea"e
them lying4 and that0s 1here you -ind them3
,A Doesn0t the heroes ha"e any parentsJ
'A Cassis0 -ather passed a1ay 1hen he 1as little3 It seems Ca-e au Lait and
Chocolat doesn0t ha"e any parents3
,A /hat is e"eryone0s -a"ourite -oodJ
'A KirscheA oodles
#lue!erryA *cean pears
CandyA 'll s1eets
ChocolatA Durian
GanacheA Deep -ried shrimp
PecheA Stra1!erry
LemonA >akitori
Ca!ernetA &am!urger
CidreA /akenoshinnosu
CassisA #ean paste
'ranciaA &er! tea
Ca-e au LaitA Good rice
PistachioA Doughnuts
SesameA *gura toast
*li"eA Clam cho1der
,A 're there any -amily relations !et1een the 8arsJ
'A Gars make ne1 8ars !y kneading the earth3 Depending on 1ho made 1ho they
call each other parent4 child and si!ling3
,A /hy can only the one sparro1 !y the springs talkJ
'A 'll the other sparro1s ha"e !een cursed4 and can no1 only say DchunD and
,A /hat is the plant that gro1s on top o- Chocolat0s headJ
'A It is a su!species o- 'darahe!ikusa 1hich gro1s mainly in Ko"omaka3 /ild
!irdies o-ten come to pick it3
,A &o1 does the Konnyaku pre"ent e"aporationJ
'A #y concentrating hard at it4 !ut also !y remem!ering to drink a lot o-
,A &o1 do the 8ars mo"eJ
'A They -loat on air and 1o!!le to mo"e -or1ard3
,A Does magic di--er -rom supernatural po1ersJ
'3 Supernatural po1ers can !e e7plained !y a higher order o- physics3 Magic
can change the actual la1s o- physics3
,A &o1 come Ca-e au Lait is so lightJ
'A &e is made o- the super-metal Karuikane3
,3 Does Chocolat gro1J
'A &e gro1s Omm a year3
,A /here is each planeJ
'A The planes o"erlap the same place in -our dimensions3 /hen a dimension
changes 8ust -or a moment you can easily mo"e !et1een them3
,A /hat grade is the hero inJ
'A There are no grades in the magic school /ill *0 /isp3 $ach student 8ust
memori;e their -a"ourite magic -rom their -a"ourite lecture3
,A &o1 many teachers are thereJ
'A There are 5OB teachers4 including part-time 1orkers3
,A &o1 many students are there at /ill *0 /ispJ
'A 'lthough not all o- the students ha"e per-ect attendance4 i- you gathered
them all together it 1ould !e a!out 6BBB people3
,A /hat -uel does the Magic #us run onJ
'A It mo"es !y magic3 It is said that 5B BBB years or more ago they 1ere mass
produced and ran on -ossil -uel3
,A /hat is in Sesame0s !agJ Is it insectsJ
'A Sometimes insects4 or rolled up e7am papers4 or dirty socks4 or le-to"er
-ood4 or 8ust anything3
,A 're there elementary schools4 8unior high schools4 high schools and
'A It0s a mystery3 There is no system 1ith elementary schools and 8unior high
schools in Ko!omaka3
,A /hat kinds o- pictures does Cidre dra1J
'A Mainly a!stract paintings3
,A /ho e7actly is Pi;;aJ
'A &e is a R-dimensional li-e o!8ect3 'lthough he0s not usually in the normal
dimension4 he likes pinecones so he opened up the 1arp shop3
,A /hy doesn0t the hero speakJ
'A The players makes up the hero0s "oice themsel"es3 $"ery player has a
di--erent story3 In the scenes the player decides 1hat should ha"e !een said3
,A /hy is Pi;;a !uriedJ
'A &e appears out o- a R-dimensional hat3
,A /hat salary does #alsamico getJ
'A OB pinecones a day
,A 're the Gummy /orm holes in the Rth dimensionJ
'A They don0t reach the Rth dimension !ut there is a rumour a!out C3<
,A /ho is the true o1ner o- all the items -ound lying aroundJ
'A They are le-t !ehind !y pre"ious students o- the seaside school3
,A Does Sesame 1ear his hood all year roundJ
'A Since Sesame0s hood is an ampli-ier -or sound and is important -or
recogni;ing the -lapping 1ings o- insects he can ne"er part 1ith it3
,A /hat is the language o- the 1ater people called -ormallyJ
'A The $rimu language3
,A /hat language are the magic 1ords that are neither $nglish nor GapaneseJ
'A There is a lot o- (rench and Italian3 'lso4 there are some puns and 8oined
,A /ere the Seirei !orn randomlyJ
'A (or e7ample4 1hen the ground 1as !orn to this uni"erse4 the ground Seirei
1as produced3 The !eauty Seirei 1as produced 1hen the concept o- !eauty 1as
!orn3 /hen4 light 1as !orn the light Seirei 1as produced4 the dark Seirei 1as
produced 1hen darkness 1as produced3
,A Did someone -i7 the gate that #alsamico !rokeJ Did pinecones get deducted
-rom his salaryJ
'A #e-ore the ne1 school year starts Gran Dragee -i7es it !y hand3 It is said
that the design changes e"ery year3
,A Is Gyuuhi *gura humanJ
'A &e is human3 '!out OBB years ago4 1hen he 1as OQB years old4 he remo"ed his
!ody and got his present -igure3 It is said that his !ody is kept in the
science room o- the magic school3
,A /hy do the Seirei ask -or gold and sil"er coinsJ /hat do they use them -orJ
'A It seems not e"en the spirits themsel"es understand it3
,A Su!stances like light4 darkness4 death4 -ire4 1ater4 1ind4 and tree are
kno1n4 !ut ho1 many planes are thereJ
'A In-initely many3 I- a ne1 concept is !orn4 a plane 1ill also !e produced3
(or e7ample4 i- the concept o- DoilD is !orn4 simultaneously the oil Seirei is
produced4 and the plane o- oil is produced3
,3 I- you die on the Plane o- Death4 do you truly !ecome DnothingDJ
'A Dying on the Plane o- Death means per-ect disappearance3 &o1e"er4 unless
your 1ill accepts it completely4 there is no per-ect disappearance3 >ou 1ill
!e reproduced on some other plane3 Since the old -orm is di--erent and your
consciousness changes to another state4 you may !e 1hat can !e called
,A I- 5 #ura is e7changed to Gapanese >en4 ho1 much 1ould it !eJ
'A It 1ould !e a!out 5B >en3
,A Did #ro1nie really create the 1orldJ
'A $"erything depends on perspecti"e3 It is a -act that #ro1nie created it3 It
is also a -act that the uni"erse 1as created spontaneously in the #ig #ang4
,A Gyuuhi *gura4 Cidre and 'rancia all ha"e the same kind o- hats4 are they
part o- a setJ
'A In this 1orld there aren0t a lot o- designers4 so there are only a -e1
styles to !uy3
,A Since /ill *0 /isp doesn0t ha"e grades4 ho1 does one graduateJ
'A I- you pass the graduation e7am you can graduate at any time3 The e7am
consists o- a report and a practical skill e7am3
,A Please tell me the !est recipe -or cooking sparro1s3
'A Don0t eat the sparro1s3
,A /hy is there a GameCu!e in Toruna 2illageJ
'A It0s the intendo Co3 Ltd3 !usiness doing their !est3
,A Can you gi"e the "ital statistics -or the girl charactersJ
'A Isn0t it gender discrimination to only ask -or the girls0 statisticsJ!
,A &o1 are Konnyaku !orn -rom Konnyaku potatoesJ
'A The Konnyaku potatoes are !oiled and mashed and put into a mould to cool3
,A 'll the classmates entered school together3 're they -ormally in the same
'A It0s a !it di--erent -rom Gapanese schools3 $ach student can choose 1hich
-a"ourite lectures to go to3 &o1e"er4 there is a teacher in charge 1ho gi"es
ad"ice on 1hich lectures to recei"e3 The students 1ith the same teacher -eel
like they are in a class together3 There is also a high pro!a!ility that the
students in the same class 1ill go to the same lectures3
,A &o1 are things actually 1ritten into the note!ook o- magicJ
'A It emerges rather than !eing 1ritten3 *r it may !e that you0re una!le to
read it4 e"en though it 1as 1ritten -rom the !eginning3 It is a 1onder-ul
,A /here do Gummy (rogs and Gummy /orms come -romJ
'A Like the cockroaches in a ne1ly !uilt house4 they 8ust appear3
,A &o1 do the Pyrites gro1J
'A Since they are crystals they crystali;e naturally3 It seems they gain
consciousness 1hen they reach a!out 5Ocm3
,A 're there other teachers than MadeleineJ
'A There are 5OB teachers including part time 1orkers3
,= /hat is Pistachio 1earingJ
'A /hat he0s 1earing on his head is not a hat3 It seems it0s a pair o- e7tra
,A /hich o- the main characters li"e in the magic school dormitoryJ
'A The main hero4 Pistachio and Candy3
,A I- the Pyrites are a 6 on Mohs scale o- hardness4 1hat a!out ChocolateJ
'A Chocolate has a Mohs hardness o- P3P4 so Chocolate is declared the 1inner3
,A Did Gran Dragee really learn magic -rom the $nigmaJ
'A &e sa1 the mysterious 1ay in 1hich they 1ere using it and thought a!out it3
,A Is the attri!ute o- Chardonnay poison as 1ellJ
'A It0s 1ind3
,A /hat happened to ectar and Cocoa a-ter1ardsJ
'A Didn0t they li"e happily e"er a-terJ
- Things in common 1ith S1ord o- Mana
Seirei4 e"en the look and elements are similar
'migos4 linkup to get amigos
The #ath Set 970: this might !e an in-8oke 1ith #ro1nie #ro1n
The Graphic style
FF Sta-- Credits FF
Credits -rom the manual and the game ending se%uence3
ames in Gapanese are e7actly like the sources4 1ith -amily name -irst4 gi"en
name last3
The romani;ed names are gi"en name -irst4 -amily name last3
Shin0ichi Kameoka 9 : is also the President o- #ro1nie #ro1n3
- Layout
Position $nglish Position Gapanese
ame +omani;ed Details *ther /orks
ame Gapanese
- Sta-- Credits
Chie- Director :>nuD
o!uyuki Inoue Story +S Series
m ((TA Story
LoMA Story
Program Director r&%nuD
Tomoki 'na;a1a +S SeriesA Program
LoMA Program Main
SoMA Program Main
'rt Director 0nuD
Ko8i Tsuda #G Design SDCA #G Design
LoMA 'rt Director
SoMA 'rt Director
'nimation Director :.nuD
Shin0ichi Kameoka SDOTCA Character Design
LoMA Character Design
SoMA Character Design
Sound 8m.
Tsukasa Masuko Shin Megami Tensei
and many others
'ssistant Directors :qD.0nuD
Takeo *hin #attle Planning SDCA #G Design
SoMA Director
&iroshi Takai Map Planning
Menu Program kr&%
>utaka &iraishi +SOTCA #attle Program
Graphics &>n
Gen Kadoi #G Design LoMA Character Graphic Design

o!uhiro Imaga1a #G Design LoMA Map #G Graphic Design

Makoto Takahashi $--ects Design LoMA 2arious Graphic Design
Character Design ?CD.
Shin0ichi Kameoka SDOTCA Character Design
LoMA Character Design
SoMA Character Design
Monster Design .qD.
Satoshi Matsuura LoMA Monster Design

De!ugging &
Se"en People 9*mitted:
Super Mario Clu!
'rt1ork p
Toru akaga1a /a"e +ace #luestormA Manual 'rt1ork
Shigehisa Ka1ano Gi-tpiaA Manual 'rt1ork
R Donkey KongaA 'rt1ork
Kitamura >oshitomo PikminA 'rt1ork
| Kelda /ind /akerA 'rt1ork
Special Thanks q:C8.q
Ka;uhiro Sonoda

>oshito >asuda

Mari Shiraka1a
Kensuke Tana!e

Shin &asega1a

Producers rk8
Shin0ichi Kameoka

Takashi Ka1aguchi

Shigeru Miyamoto

Ken8i Miki
$7ecuti"e Producer S&$nIrk8
&iroshi >amauchi

- 'cronym Key
+S - +omancing Sa Ga
SDO - Seiken Densetsu O)Secret o- Mana
SDC - Seiken Densetsu C
LoM - Legend o- Mana
SoM - S1ord o- Mana
((T - (inal (antasy Tactics
FF Guide #ooks FF
See co"er pictures atA
#uy -romA
General oteA In all the guides I o1n I ha"e -ound minor inaccuracies4
generally in item locations3
Magical 2acation - /onderli-e Special intendo *--icial Guide #ook
R:. .>q:Cb@I
Co"erA /hite)Light !lue
Pu!lisherA Shogakukan
Sale dayA Decem!er OB4 OBB5
PriceA 545RC yen
(ormatA '<4 5PQ pages
ContentsA Detailed maps o- the -ull game4 including spirit and item locations3
2arious !asic tactics4 such as ho1 to use items4 the demon !us4 and
communication mode4 are also included3 Data charts at the end o- the !ook3
'lso a !onus poster 1ith magic spirit chart on one side and !us picture on the
Good pointsA
- ice !ig maps
- ice !ig art1ork
- ice poster 9'R roughly:
#ad PointA
- +ather !asic in-o
CommentsA I like this one -or the !ig clear maps4 co"ering 1hole areas3 *n the
other hand the general in-o is scant4 especially -or the characters4 and the
items etc are presented in a dull 1ay4 1ith plain !lack and 1hite charts3
The poster is o- the classmates riding the Magic #us3 'll the e7isting art1ork
is a"aila!le as nice -ull pages3
ScoreA N)5B
Magical 2acation intendo Game Guide #ook
R:. l%
Co"erA #lack
Pu!lisherA Mainichi Communications Inc3
Sale dayA Decem!er OB4 OBB5
PriceA 54OBB yen
(ormatA '<4 OOR pages
ContentsA Contains detailed data -or completing the -ull game3 Thourough guide
1ith detailed maps4 including spirit and item locations3 Monster4 magic and
item in-ormation are co"ered in the data chapter3 Classmate and spirit
introduction4 !attle system analysis4 etc3 'lso o- !asic kno1-ho1 -or the
CommentsA I don0t o1n this one4 !ut it looks like a slighly 1orse "ersion o-
the a!o"e guide3 o1 out o- print3
Magical 2acation - Game!oy 'd"ance $dition - 2-Gump #ooks Game Series
R:.l%,.q 2C.rIql%:9
Co"erA #right !lue
Pu!lisherA Shueisha
Sale dayA Decem!er 64 OBB5
PriceA P<O yen
(ormatA #64 5QR pages
ContentsA Contains detailed story guide4 including maps 1ith all the important
items and spirit locations3 'lso pointers on ho1 to ad"ance in the game4 using
spirits and magic3 Includes comics 1ith the game characters4 poster o- plane
map and magic spirits3 Data charts in the !ack3 &andy pocket si;e3
Good pointsA
- Small porta!le -ormat
- ice character pro-iles)stats
- The kan8i has -urigana4 good i- you0re a ne1!ie at Gapanese
#ad pointsA
- The guide is incomplete! It stops !e-ore Plane o- Death
- Maps are split up
CommentsA The 1orst thing a!out this is that the guide isn0t e"en complete!
#ut i- you 1ant a "ery porta!le guide o- the !eginning o- the game I guess it
could !e 1orth it3 The La +oche To1er 9rat to1er: guide is great3
The maps are not -ull pages co"ering an area4 !ut rather split up into smaller
!its 1hich can get hard to -ollo13
Includes some manga4 1hich is also on intendo0s 1e!site3 ' small poster is
included 1ith a magic)Seirei chart on one side and plane maps on the other3
ScoreA R)5B 9lo1 score mainly !ecause it0s not complete:
Magical 2acation Complete Guide
Co"erA Green
Pu!lisherA $nter!rain
Sale dayA (e!ruary OC4 OBBO
PriceA 54QBB yen
(ormatA '<4 <N6 pages
ContentsA Contains a "ery thourough guide -or detailed e7amination o- the game4
including ho1 to make the hidden dungeon appear4 conditions needed to make
-riends 1ith hidden characters4 and ho1 to -ind all spirits3 T1ice as thick as
any o- the other guides3
Good pointsA
- 2ery complete4 <N6 pages
- *nly guide co"ering the secret dungeon
- *nly guide co"ering hidden characters
- icely illustrated
#ad pointsA
- Thick and hea"y4 not "ery porta!le
- Maps are split up
CommentsA This is %uite o!"iously T&$ guide i- you 1ant to really get into all
the minute details3
It has a "ery nice illustrated monster and item list4 taking up 5BB pages3
2ery nice character pro-iles)stats4 including the hidden characters3
I don0t really like the maps4 they are split up the same 1ay as in the game4
!ut there is a smaller o"er"ie1 map at the !eginning o- each area3 I$"eryI
item)seirei)1hat-ha"e-you is mapped out on the maps3 Complete listing o- !oss
-ights and monsters3 $"en some dialogue is 1ritten out in the guide3
The secret dungeon guide takes o"er QB pages 9so it0s easy to see 1hy it
1asn0t included in the other guides:
ScoreA P)5B
FF otes FF
F Spoiler otes F
#asically this document is meant to !e read)used -rom top to !ottom4 1ith
spoilers appearing as you mo"e do1n3
The !asic guide has no spoilers unless you 1ant to -igure out all the game
mechanics yoursel-3
The 1alkthrough doesn0t contain any spoilers !eyond each region apart -rom
1hat is sometimes gi"en in the dialogue in the actual game3
The ending section o- the 1alkthrough ha"e ma8or spoilers3
Menus contain menu items that aren0t in the game -rom the start3
In-Depth guide contains some tips that aren0t much use until later in the game4
and that you might 1ant to -igure out yoursel-3
Magic section has magic attacks that aren0t there at the start o- the game3
Items contain items that don0t appear until later3 'lso4 the e"ent items ha"e
some potential story spoilers3
$%uipment Items contains items that don0t appear until later3
MD Parts contains items that don0t appear until later3
Seirei section has locations o- all Seirei 1hich kind o- spoils the -un in
searching -or them3
Characters4 the classmates !ios only has !ackstory and no spoilers -or the
game story4 relationship chart contains some potential spoilers o- game
intrigues4 hidden characters ha"e spoilers on hidden characters 91ho they are
and 1here to -ind them:4 species picture !ook contains spoilers on all the
creatures you0ll meet throughout the game3
The (', section is meant -or people that has played the game already4 and
contain some spoilers3
Guide !ooks section has no spoilers3
Translation notes may !e spoilerish on character speech patterns3
F Translation otes F
Translated 1ith help o- 9though not only 1ith: translation engines4 so there
may !e some oddities3
The characters throughout the game has -unny names4 generally -ood related3
Most o- them are in $uropean languages 9(rench4 German4 Italian etc:4 !ut
1ritten 1ith Gapanese katakana3 This makes translating a !it di--icult4
especially -or o!scure -ood items3 /here the actual name has !een -igured out4
that is included4 !ut other1ise they are gi"en aa romani;ation)pronounciation
o- the Gapanese3
- Dialogue otes
In some parts o- the game the dialogue depends on 1hich mem!ers you chose -or
your party3 #ut I0ll only translate "ersion in the transcript I ha"e3 The
!asics o- the dialogue should !e similar any1ay3
(or the hero)heroine0s name 1hen mentioned !y the other characters I ha"e
simply used D&eroD3
The translations are usually not literal or e7act !ut should catch the gist o-
the con"ersation3
*nly parts o- the dialogue is translated3
Mainly dialogue relating to the main storyline or su!plots is included3
Some redundant or long-1inded dialogue 1as e7cluded or summari;ed3
Some dialogue 1ith simple game instructions a"aila!le else1here in this (',
1as e7cluded3
Some dialogue 1ith !iographical in-ormation a"alia!le in the character section
1as e7cluded3
Some dialogue that I simply couldn0t -igure out 1as e7cluded3
Generally the dialogue is -ound in the apropriate place in the 1alkthrough3
The opening is identical -or the -emale hero4 only it says girl instead o- !oy3
- Language Patterns
The di--erent characters ha"e "ery distinct language patterns4 some "ery
speci-ically Gapanese4 some more general3 My "ery !asic dialogue translation
doesn0t really do these 8ustice4 so I0ll try to descri!e them separately here3
Sesame calls Kirche D'nikiD 9older !rother)senior: and uses a lot o- other
-unny slang3
Pistachio says D>esD in $nglish a lot3 &e al1ays 1hines and 1orries3 &e adds -
ppi to the end o- each phrase3
#lue!erry speaks "ery correctly and -ormally3
'rancia speaks in dreamy sentence -ragments3
Chocolate says one or t1o 1ords at a time4 like a "ery small child3
Kirsche says DThank youD in $nglish3
Cassis says DDachiD instead o- DTomodachiD 9-riend:
Ca-e au Lait speaks entirely in katakana 9one o- the phonetic 8apanese
alpha!ets: in a 1eird -ont3 &e also speaks in simply and o-ten in sentence
-ragments and o-ten repeats 1hat someone else 8ust said3
Peche calls e"eryone D-chanD 9an endearing honori-ic:3
Ca!ernet adds -nu to the end o- each phrase3
*li"e speaks slo1ly and thought-ully3
The Pyrite add -pupupu to the end o- each phrase3
The $nigma laughs DKekkekkeD4 DKukkukkuD4 D(u--u--uD
Gyuuhi *gura speaks archaic language4 DthouD instead o- DyouD etc3
Gran Dragee is "ery calm and only says as much as he has to3
Madeleine gi"es long righteous speeches3
FF *ld .pdates FF
'dded complete translation o- the ending story
Made maps o- +emittsu +oyal Palace and e7panded guide -or it
Made partial map -or Pyramid
'dded details on Shisa!arei
'dded description o- +idonahi
'dded details on num!er o- Corridor o- Death -rogs
'dded Merone to toruna 1alkthrough
'dded sta-- credits
'dded almost cheating tip -or le"elling up magic to complete guide
$7panded Piranha in-o
2arious minor layout changes
Thanks to +yosagi again4 -or lots o- hidden dungeon in-o4 and sa"es4 and
report card in-o3
"O3P 9OBBR-5O-5N:
Translated -ull menusA report card4 pro-ile4 seirei details
'dded icon descriptions to menus
2arious menu impro"ements
Translated all items4 Kaerugumi S Gummy (rog etc
Changed layout a !it to hope-ully make things clearer
Separated the Tree Man0s Colony section
$7panded)attempted to clari-y the east -orest !oss dialogue
Thanks to +yosagi -or the tip on the Ond report card page
Translated all dialogue relating to the Tapiokati 2illage su!plot3
Translated dialogue in Kumuyamuto Desert Mine
Translated dialogue in $nigma (orest
Translated dialogue in Tree Man0s Colony
Translated -inal !oss related dialogue
'dded endings -or all mem!ers
Made a separate entry -or the Mace sidestory in #asorimo 2illage and added
dialogue and details
Summari;ed classmate dialogue at the end o- Plane o- DarknessA $ast
(orest)Moru!ie 2olcano)#asorimo 2illage)#ro1nie &ole)Kisunika Mine
Translated Merone dialogue and added details
'dded details on magic di--iculty le"els to !asic guide
'dded D$asy /ays To Get ItemsD to in-depth guide
'dded in-o on seeing Shi-t-GIS correctly
"O3N 9OBBR-5B-55:
Partial translation o- dialogue up to Masarati 2illage
Translated all dialogue relating to the Masarati 2illage su!plot3
$7panded spoilers notes3
$7panded translation notes3
'dded speech patterns -or characters to translation notes3
Thanks to /eekend+isktaker 1ith some help 1ith speech patterns and Pippurusu
gi"ing out Kaerugumi3
"O36 9OBBR-BQ-5Q:
'dded opening translation to 1alkthrough
'dded partial dialogue translation up to Toruna 2illage
'dded all shops0 in"entory to 1alkthrough
'dded MD strategy ad"ice to 1alkthrough
Clari-ication o- Masarati 2illage
'dded)clari-ied some minor !its in the 1alkthrough
'dded all $%uipment Items
'dded all MD parts
'dded Piranha details
'dded Merone details
'dded items to !e -ound 1ith !us search
'dded "arious tips
'dded !irthday)sign)!lood type -or all classmates
'dded some more rumour (',s
Sorted and corrected num!ers on Seirei
+estructured4 split guide)tips into !asic and in-depth
Mo"ed menus to !elo1 the 1alkthrough
(i7ed some typos etc
Ma8or credit to 9the ne1 de-unct: #ro1nie Mansion -or dialogue transcriptA
"O3< 9OBBR-B<-CB:
'dded details on all !oss -ights
'dded attri!utes o- monsters in all areas
'dded 'migo strategy 9under Link Communication:
'dded le"elling up in-o
'dded translation notes
'dded contents o- guide !ooks
'dded 'migo menu
'dded story notes 9spoiler 1arning:
More name -i7es
Thanks to /eekend+isktaker again A:
'dded more details)story)dialogue to the 1alkthrough up to -orest ca"e
Started adding details on !oss -ights to 1alkthrough
Corrected a lot o- names4 "arious other translation -i7es
'dded re"ie1s o- guide !ooks
'dded relationship chart
'dded item !asics
'dded more details on linking
'dded more character stats4 accurate hero)heroine stats
'dded descriptions o- Seirei
Clari-ied controls
Mo"ed old updates to the !ottom
.pdated credits section
Thanks to /eekend+isktaker and san8aNP4 see credits A:
" O3C 9OBBR-BR-5Q:
'dded Magic ote!ook listing
'dded !attle ad"ice4 status e--ects and in-o on using items in !attle
'dded !oss in-o to 1alkthrough
(i7es)clari-ications up to Pyramid
Clari-ied Seirei R and <
(inished per-ect game in-o
" O3O 9OBBR-BR-5C:
Minor -i7es)clari-ications to the 1alkthough up to '%ua!it Castle
Started adding in-o ho1 to play a per-ect game
'dded in-o on Lo"e Seals
2 O35 9OBBR-BR-BR:
(i7ed some more translation errors
Clari-ied the #enakoncha part o- the 1alkthrough
'dded detailed 1alkthrough -or Plane o- Light
'dded detailed 1alkthrough -or Plane o- Darkness
'dded detailed 1alkthrough -or Plane o- Death
'dded detailed in-o -or Moginasu Lair)end !oss -ight
'dded detailed in-o on the secret dungeon Garam Masala
'dded all Seirei)e"ent items)-riends to the 1alkthrough
'dded translations -or all menus
'dded in-o on Magic Doll
'dded in-o on Link Communication
'dded charts)translations o- all magic e%uipment
'dded detailed in-o)stats to all characters
'dded !iographies -or all classmates
'dded in-o on hidden characters
'dded in-o on other characters
'dded in-o on all species
'dded rumour (',s -rom the o--icial #ro1nie #ro1n site
'dded in-o on completing the game
'dded locations -or all konnyaku potatoes
$7panded the guide)tips section
Corrected)added in-o on all Lo"e Seirei
(i7ed some translation errors
Changed DplainD to DplaneD as it seems they are dimensional planes3
'dded sites used -or this update to the credit section
FF (', Credits FF
(irst o--A huge thanks to #ro1nie #ro1n and intendo -or making such a
!rilliant game!
Main credit goes to Chroto0s Gapanese Minna de Ma8i!ake guideA
The items)e%uipment items)MD parts4 shop in"entory4 magic sections4 piranha
details and !us search are !asically translated straight -rom this site4
Seirei section hea"ily !ased on it4 and 1alkthrough and character in-o is
partly !ased on in-o -rom there3
Dialogue transcript -rom #ro1nie MansionA
$nding -romA
The -ollo1ing t1o sites has !een help-ul -or 1alkthrough in-oA
Species $ncyclopedia and Magic ote!ook -romA
Game credits -romA
Character !ios and stats -rom intendo0s o--icial siteA
+umour (', -rom #ro1nie #ro1n0s o--icial siteA
Guide!ooks that has !een help-ulA
Some character statsA
Magical 2acation - Game!oy 'd"ance $dition - 2-Gump #ooks - Game Series4 IS#A
Some locations o- items etcA
Magical 2acation /onderli-e Special - intendo *--icial Guide #ook 4 IS# R-
#oss -ights4 Merone details4 some 1alkthrough detailsA
Magical 2acation Complete Guide4 IS#A R-N<NN-BNQ<-5
Thanks also -or Simon0s Magical 2acation (',4 e"en though I didn0t use
anything directly -rom there4 it 1as "ery help-ul the -irst time I played the
game4 and since it0s likely that I inad"ertently included some in-o -rom there4
I0ll also gi"e credit -or that3
Thanks to /eekend+isktaker -rom the Game(a%s -orum -or corrections4 names4
Dark Seirei 5 details4 some speech patterns4 and Pippurusu gi"ing Kaerugumi3
Thanks to san8aNP -rom the Game(a%s -orum -or help 1ith relationship chart3
Thanks to +yosagi -rom the Game(a%s -orum -or sa"es4 report card in-o and lots
o- hidden dungeon in-o3
Translation engines and dictionaries usedA
Gim #reen0s ///GDIC Ser"erA
Ge--rey0s G)$ DictionaryA
FF Copyright FF
Copyright Titney OBBR-OBB6
'll rights reser"ed3 Do not modi-y this document3
May only !e pu!lished on 1113game-a%s3com4 m"3titney3org4 1113titney3org3
'll trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are o1ned !y their
respecti"e trademark and copyright holders3
The data contained herein is pro"ided -or in-ormational purposes only3
FF $nd FF

Magical 2acationA (',)/alkthrough !y Titney
2ersion C354 Last .pdated OBB6-B6-O5 2ie1)Do1nload *riginal (ile
&osted !y Game(',s
+eturn to Magical 2acation 9G#': (',s X Guides

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