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Armed with astute policy understanding and a clear, laser-like vision of reform, the 99%ers resemble no-one so much

as the Founding Fathers.

Tags: 99 Percent, Occupy Wall Street
10 2011

by Blind Blueberry
posted inDumbass, Jobs,Liberal, Pictures,Satire, Socialism,Useless
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Maybe its the Chicago Way thats Gone Soft
The sad quality of corruption in the Obama Administration.

Back in 2008-2009, one of the few consolations for we who remained hopeless in that dawn of hope and change was the chance to see some world-class Chicago-style
corruption. No more of this Halliburton-told-Cheney-not-to-worry-thered-be-WMDs-piled-in-the-streets-of-Basra tomfoolery, none of this third-rate Arkansas
sleight-of-hand with the cattle futures records.
No, we were gonna see some brazen Windy City politicking. Tony Rezko in charge of HUD. Secretary of Defense Herb Hefty Kowalski (formerly Ward 57 waste-
hauling commissioner). Somebodys ex-con uncle in charge of the FBI. Ambassador Blago.
But nearly three years into the reign of the Sun King, and the administrations corruption is no more effective than its legitimate policies (though, given the way
ObamaCare came into being, one could be forgiven for confusing the two).

"And right over there, Mr. President, is where we're gonna store that pile of cash for your re-election campaign."
It would be understandable were it just the president himself. He probably learned no more in Chicago than he did at Occidental, Columbia or the Harvard Law
Review. (Constitutional scholar? Please.) The affirmative action didnt end at graduation. They were stealing h
im elections while he concentrated on attaining the proper air of cool, analytical detachment and getting that pants crease right. About the only thing he seems to have
taken from the City with the Big Shoulders is a community organizers fondness for mau mauing the opposition.
But he had some real pros around him: Red diaper baby and one-time Chicago Tribune journalist David Axelrod. Eric Pardons Holder, who helped give us one
last Clinton scandal for the road. Heck, wasnt Rahm Dead Fish Emanual Obamas Chief of Staff? That guy that made $18 million in three years working for
Freddie Mac (three years that coincided with a lot of accounting irregularities) and then walked away smelling not like a dead fish?
What a disappointment. Look, nobody expects Democrat programs to work, but the party of Tammany Hall, Billy Bulger and the Daily Dynasty should be able to get
corruption right. But this gang has proven hapless.
To wit:
New Black Panther Gate: Are you kidding? If Chicago didnt invent voting irregularities it raised them to an art form. These guys couldnt even make a simple
voter intimidation case go away without publicity. The two New Black Panthers caught on film menacing white voters in Philadelphia during the 2008 election were
small-time and, with all the unicorns and rainbows and butterflies unleashed by Obamas election, should have been utterly forgotten. OK, the investigation was begun
under Bush, and a career lawyer, J. Christian Adams, decided to get all ethical and blow the whistle on Holders indifference to the case. But Great Scarfaces
Ghost! have Chicagoans lost the

"And here's the best part, Blago: the guns will only kill Mexicans! It's not like they' ll be used to shoot our ICE agents. Great idea, right?"
ability to shut up an inconvenient witness?
Fast & Furious: What has it come to when the party of government cant manage to use government in a nefarious manner to help grow government? On the surface,
its kind of a neat idea, and super-attractive to liberal statists: get the ATF to buy legal guns in America, ship them to drug gangs south of the border and be shocked-
shocked! when they turn up in violent crimes down there. Why, we need to severely curtail the sale of weapons in our country, so they dont go to Mexican narco-
But, as the left never seems to learn, liberals arent as smart as they think, and the rest of us arent as dumb as they think. The wrong people got killed. Someone added
2+2, and suddenly its Yes Congressman Issa, no Congressman Issa.
Solyndra: Do liberals think their corruption is more excusable if its in the service of failure? That would help explain this high-speed train-wreck. You slam through
a half billion dollars in loan guarantees to a solar panel-maker (whos other main investor just happens to have been a big-time bundler for your election campaign).
Of course, said manufacturer needs those guarantees because the market isnt willing to capitalize it without them. Why? Oh, its competitors in China are making the
same product for pennies on the dollar, and its got warehouses full of unsold solar panels. Oh, and nobody else has been able to make the business work without
government subsidy.
OK, liberals blind faith in government means they dont get business, so maybe thats understandable. But if youre gonna do something shady with $550 million of
taxpayer money, have the good sense not to publicize it ahead of time. But Solyndra was the poster child for Obamas green jobs pipe dream. They had a ceremony.
Joe Biden was there by satellite presumably, Amtrac didnt run there.
Were left with the spectacle of Obama cronies taking the fifth while even the mainstream media are publishing embarrassing details about whistling showers and
robotic spas, or something.
This is embarrassing. The French are having a hearty laugh at our incompetence in extra-governmental activities. Tin-pot dictators in Latin America are cringing.
Superpower, indeed!
Like all liberals, Obamas always on about investing in our competitiveness. Given the sad state of corruption in his government, he may want to remember that
investment begins at home.

Tags: Chicago, corruption, Fast & Furious, Solyndra
10 2011

by Blind Blueberry
posted in Barack Obama,Government,Guns, Rahm Emanuel, White House
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Selective Sexist Outrage
Recently, TV viewers might have run across the comedic JC Penney commercial advertising mens clothes. The commercial begins with JC Penney pitchman Kenny
Mayne addressing men, stating that JC Penney is aware men dont like mens clothing advertisements. He then promises that if they pay attention to the ensuing
advertisement, he would essentially make it worth their while. Viewers are then treated to a split-screen commercial with varying business casual Van Heusen
ensembles offered by JC Penney, next to a sexy scene from Fast Times at Ridgemont High in which Phoebe Cates character is seen emerging from a swimming pool
in a red bikini. Mayne casually states, That way, everybody wins.
But this funny advertisement has created uproar among traditionally conservative groups, and JC Penney has since pulled the advertisement. an online group of mothers dedicated to stop[ping] the exploitation of our children, has decried the advertisement as offensive and
blatantly disrespectful to all women, especially mothers and wives.
Is the ad sexist? Absolutely. Is it sexist on purpose? In the words of Sarah Palin, You betcha. Read the rest of this entry

Tags: commercial, JC Penney, sexism
09 2011

by SkinnieMinnie
posted inConservative,Entertainment,Pictures, TV
1 Comment
Michael Moore, Dylan Ratigan: More Lefties Against
Free Speech
Heres a dirty little (not-so-) secret: Liberal Democrats really arent very liberal, and they dont much care for democracy. You want proof? I mean, beyond campus
speech codes and hate crime laws and Thomas Friedmans kinky fantasies about being disciplined by Chinese engineers?
Okay, how about: professional gas-bag Michael Moore has signed on to professional gas-bag Dylan Ratigans petition to get the professional gas out of politics. That
is, the two well-paid leftists want a constitutional amendment banning corporate money from our political system!

Thats right. Michael Moore,whos given the equivalent of the starting salary of one of his beloved UAW bowling buddies to Democrats, supports Ratigans effort to
curtail political speech in the United States. No person, corporation or business entity of any type, reads their amendment, can give money directly or indirectly to
any candidate or campaign for federal office. First Amendment Shmirst Amendment.
Ratigan, presumably, has seen up close the corrupting, nefarious impact of corporate largesse in the workings of government. Until recently, his checks were signed
by GE CEO Jeff Immelt, who threw the full weight of his corporation into electing President Obama, and then reaping the benefits of flagrant crony capitalism.
Im sure Ratigans outrage is further fueled by the Solyndra scandal, in which well-connected political fundraisers received sweetheart federal loan guarantees for a
highly dubious business model that just happened to dovetail nicely with someones green ideology. And you can be sure he finds Silicon Valleys embrace of
liberal issues and politicians deeply troubling.
While we wait for Ratigan and Moore to denounce President Obama as a corporate stooge (or, in lingo Im sure theyre nostalgic for, a capitalist running dog), lets
see who else isnt really happy with this whole republican democracy thing.
Why theres former Obama Budget Director Peter Orszag taking time out from raising his 17 families to moan in the New Republic that we need less democracy to
control the gridlocked that has gripped Washington lo these many months. How about North Carolina Governor Bev Purdue suggesting, I think we ought to suspend,
perhaps, elections for Congress for two years and just tell them we wont hold it against them, whatever decisions they make, to just let them help this country
Yes, what politics needs is less accountability.
Look, anyone whos observed American Lefties long enough knows that the only actual democracy they like involves getting homeless guys to vote in exchange for
cigarettes. And who could blame them? They know better than the rest of us. So their natural inclination is to get our opinions out of their political system.
But this volley of complaints about our small r republican system is as sure a sign of lefty desperation as the sound of seeds and stems popping in their hash pipes.
Obama has failed and failed big. Hes failed the country, yes, but thats of little account. The problem is, hes failed them. The union agenda is going nowhere. Green
jobs are a grim joke. His environmentalist supporters can forget meaningful, economy-destroying action. The Earth would be better served if they pulled over their
Priuses and flogged themselves in public for their crimes against Gaia (tis a consummation devoutly to be wished!)
No, the hot exhaust of failure is blowing up their white skirts of democracy and giving us a peek of their totalitarian iron underpants. Its a desperate predicament, and
an equally desperate metaphor.

Tags: Money Out of Politics, Moore, Ratigan
09 2011

by Blind Blueberry
posted in Liberal,Michael Moore,MSNBC
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Las Vegas Weighs In On 2012
Every year Bodog tries to do its best at handicapping the the presidential elections. This year theyve
released odds for the Republican primary and Bodog seems to agree that Romney and Perry are the frontrunners, both receiving 5/4 odds. Gambling is big business
and Bodogs foray into political handicapping is probably nothing more than a publicity thing but you can really make some money doing this. With laws regarding
online gambling having effected that sites that involve bingo games online, poker games, and other casino related games handicapping is becoming one of the few
choices left online.
Lets take a look at some of the numbers:
2012 US Presidential Election Republican Nominee
Mitt Romney 5/4
Rick Perry 5/4
Ron Paul 11/1
Sarah Palin 14/1
Jon Hunstman 18/1
Michele Bachmann 22/1
At this point its safe to say that its a Romney/Perry race, however Sarah Palin could surprise everyone and get in. Who knows how that would effect the odds. Here
are the odds for the Presidential winner:
2012 US Presidential Election Odds to be Next President
Barack Obama 10/11
Mitt Romney 4/1
Rick Perry 4/1
Ron Paul 20/1
Jon Hunstman 25/1
Obama, being the incumbent is the clear favorite, but if you think Perry or Romney will win the Republican nod you can parlay that with a Presidential win and get
really good odds. This is a fun thing for gamblers to do, but its football season, and football is king.

Tags: 2012, Democrat, election, republican
09 2011

by Stupac
posted inGovernment,Politicians, States,Tea Party, TV,White House
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MEMO: Capitalizing on AttackWatch Success
Sept. 14, 2011
From: Dave Axelrod, Obama For America Chair
To: Obama For America Web Staff
RE: AttackWatch & next steps
Hey gang I really must congratulate you all on I mean, wow! The Twitter buzz alone is overwhelming; literally thousands of tweets with the
#AttackWatch hash tag. (Incidentally, weve got some experts in Hollywood comedy writers to look through and tell us what proportion, if any, of those tweets are
sarcastic. Personally, Im confident the vast majority arent.)
This is a bigger success even than the Reality Check website that let people tip off the government to healthcare reform sedition er, misinformation.
Or BTWthe IRS guys are still talking about how many audits they got to do based on tips from that effort.
So since you guys are hitting home runs these days, I wanted to run a few ideas by you that I think might really build momentum going into next year. The bus tour
really got things going, and I know you guys were very proud of the black is the new black color scheme you came up with. I think it really brought an upbeat,
optimistic message to the folks in Arkansas, or Missouri, or wherever that was.
So tell me what you think of these ideas:
President Obamas Little Red Book I personally came up with this one. Think about it, all the presidents great sayings, maxims and quotes in a small, pocket-
sized book. It would fit right in kids back packs or lunch boxes. We could talk to Arne Duncan about maybe getting some time carved out of the school day for
reading and reflection on the Little Red Book.
President Obamas Little Red iPod I admit it, POTUS himself came up with this years ago, when he first gave one to Queen Elizabeth. (The old girl was knocked
out, BTW, according to Rahm.) But you get all the presidents speeches, radio addresses and maybe him reading some of the more inspirational passages of Dreams
from my Father and The Audacity of Hope. We could even tailor some to kids, with Sasha and Maliah reading about their moms new food guidelines, set it all to
some JayZ beats and youve got a cultural phenomenon!
ObamaEyes This one is imaginative. It plays off something that helps create that POTUS charisma his intense and soulful eyes. We can do up posters of his face
with holographic that follow you wherever go go. Its like, hes always watching over you. It could be reinforced with novelty glasses with his holographic eyes.
Maybe we can make a deal with some of our Hollywood friends to have those be the 3-D glasses. Hows thatfor product placement?
Personal Visitations if we could somehow make the logistics work, this is a proven winner. Weve already seen what a hit POTUSs backyard town halls are how
he connects with real people who actually have garden hoses and resin patio furniture. If we could figure out a way for him to appear in every backyard in America
between now and Nov. 2012, were talking landslide lock. Hey, wait, I know! Garden Obamas! Yes, he cant really be there, but what about The One in the form of
outdoor garden statuary. Like gnomes, but much more magical. And it would be a Garden Obama with holographic eyes! Too exciting.
Let me know what you think of these ideas. Again, guys, congrats on AttackWatch! Unbelievable home run.
Dave A.

Tags: AttackWatch
09 2011

by Blind Blueberry
posted in Barack Obama, Liberal,Uncategorized,White House
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Teaching 9/11 is Too Important to Leave to Teachers
Sometime in the late afternoon of 9/11/01, my two-year-old son walked to the TV, pointed at yet another video clip of the falling towers and said, No more.

Of course, he was just sick of seeing it on TV instead of SpongeBob. He didnt know why Mom and Dad were so upset or why all these bad pictures and sounds
were coming off the TV.
But Ive always kept that image, and whenever 9/11 comes up, its not very far away. Little blonde boy outlined against monstrous destruction. Life and death.
In that moment, I resolved that, whatever else my kids knew or didnt know, they would understand who attacked their country and why. Theyd understand why
better men than their dad have to fight and kill and die in places they cant pronounce.
Today on National Review, Michelle Malkin writes about the pitiful curricula many schools use to teach 9/11 in elementary school. Its outrageous. But its not
We were told that 9/11 changed everything. If only. Sometime shortly after 9/11 someone, perhaps the NEA, came out with teacher guides for addressing the attacks
with students. Except there werent attacks, they were tragedies. Teachers should let students know that crying was a natural and healthy response to thinking about
9/11. It was filled with the usual blather about misunderstanding and fear of the other.
It was the same mindset that that had pundits and academics wringing their hands about why they hate us. It produced the embarrassing travesty of the Flight 93
monument. It was the soft, feminized sensibility that found strange gratification in our being the victims. Its the cultural rot that brings grief counselors parachuting
into every unpleasant situation, that wilts before hate speech and demands to be shielded from the vicissitudes of competition and conflict. Were the most
comfortable and coddled society in history, and yet we dont have the fundamental self-confidence not to doubt our virtues.

Ive heard opponents of school choice advance the argument that a public education is sort of a cultural glue if we all share the same experience of pledging
allegiance to the flag everyday and all learn civics and history from the same textbooks we more easily cohere as a society. That may once have been true (although I
never noticed the products of Catholic schools having any difficulty fitting in), but today its hard to examine that cultural glue and not conclude that its toxic.
There are no longer many heroes in the American story our kids get from school, except for the Martin Luther Kings and Frederick Douglasses those stood up to
Americas inequality and bigotry. Theres no longer any sense of Americas innate goodness, uniqueness, exceptionalism. Kids know less and less about history and
government. The cultural glue is made up of historical ignorance and ambivalence toward our nation.
Conservatives long ago stopped trusting public schools to teach well, much of anything. I cant teach my kids math and science, so I defer to the school there. But I
can teach them history and civics, right and wrong. My boys are 11 and 6, and they can tell you (to the degree their age allows them to really understand it) why weve
been at war since the oldest was two. And they know who the good guys are.
While I would dearly love the school to teach them the truth about 9/11 in particular and American history in general, sadly, I dont trust it to.

Tags: 9/11, Education
09 2011

by Blind Blueberry
posted inEducation, Events,Middle East,Military, Political Correctness, War
1 Comment
God Bless the TSA (Peace be Upon it)
If tomorrow all the C4 were gone,
And the shampoo bomb that I made
And I had to rush the cockpit,
with just my trusty box-cutter blade.
Id thank my lucky stars,
to be flyin outa here today.
Cause those latex gloves mean freedom,
so let them grope away.
And Im proud to be a Somalian,
cause I know they wont touch me.
Or the Saudi standing over there,
his eyes shifting nervously.
And I gladly stand here,
next to you and wait on line all day.
I dont care if you miss your flight,
God bless the TSA.
From OHare in Chicago,
to ol Dulles IAD.
And the delayed planes of Logan,
To that dump in Miami.
From Detroit down to Houston,
and LaGuardia to L.A.
Well theres pride in every Islamist heart,
and its time we stand and say.
That Im proud to be a Somalian,
cause profiled I wont be.
And I wont forget the ACLU
That gave that right to me.
And I gladly laugh as you worry bout missing
Your meeting in Eerie, PA.
And the man in blue snaps the glove on his hand,
God bless the TSA.
And Im proud to be a Somalian,
a stone cold jihadi.
And I wont forget that when I die,
72 virgins are waiting for me.
And I gladly pat you on your back,
and tell you itll be OK.
Cause there aint no doubt youll love his hand,
God bless the TSA.

Tags: Homeland Security, TSA
08 2011

by Blind Blueberry
posted inGovernment,Political Correctness, TSA,Uncategorized
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Since I have to pay for your birth control anyway
Hey, excuse me, miss? Miss? Yeah, sorry. Look, are you going into this pharmacy? You are? Great, well, what are you picking up? I mean, what are you getting in
there? No, dont walk away! Please I just
Uh, hello maam. Heading into the pharmacy? Are you planning on getting birth control? Please, wait! I just want to pay for it. No, Im not a pervert. I just the
Secretary of Health and Human Services wants me to pay Kathleen Sebelius? Ring a bell?
Hi, Im looking for women who are at this pharmacy to get contraceptives. See, I just want to pay for them No. No, Im not hoping to try them out with you. See,
whether you knew it or not, your plunking down $10 every time you wanna make a little whoopie was a grave injustice. Now, thanks to ObamaCare, Im supposed to
pay for your contraceptives. Really. Except its through higher insurance premiums. See, Kathleen Sebelius, HHS Secretary, saysits really important that women get
contraceptives under their insurance plans with no co-pay.
But I thought Id just cut out the middle man, so to speak. Simply paying more to a faceless company is so impersonal. I like to see and talk to the women Im
helping and, you know, make sure theyre getting the contraceptive solution thats right for them.
So whatll it be today? The Pill? Diaphragm with spermicidal gel? The old reliable condom (ribbed, for her enjoyment!)? Maybe a nice photo of Helen Thomas? Ow!
No you dont need a cop! Ow. That hurt! Please, its ObamaCare! Its gotta be Ow!

08 2011

by Blind Blueberry
posted inGovernment
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NFL HoFer Jerry Rice: Obamas Problems Past and
Current Inherited from George Bush
The most recent issue of ESPN the Magazine, the bi-weekly publication of the 24-hours cable
sports network ESPN, gave current and former pro athletes their own segment to sound off on various subjects, including news of the day. While most athletes
discussed rule changes to their respective sports or things theyd like to accomplish after sports, former San Francisco 49ers wide receiver Jerry Rice took a different
approach. Instead, he offered readers some thoughts on President Barack Obamas performance.
Shorter version its George Bushs fault:
I think with President Obama, everyone is criticizing him for taking on what George Bush left him. Give him an opportunity. This is something he inherited from
George Bush. I really try to stay out of politics and all of that, but to see everything happening on television with people constantly bashing him with their different
opinions we have wars, the deficit, all of this stuff. There is so much going on right now that its going to take him a while to turn this around. So just give him a
Apparently two-and-half years arent long enough for Rice. Just exactly how much time is needed to fix what Obama inherited from President Bush?
Rice, a NFL Hall of Fame wide receiver, played the majority of his career for the San Francisco 49ers. He was an prolific wide receiver in his day, winning three
Super Bowls and racking up some gaudy stats (208 TDs, 22,895 receiving yards and 1,549 receptions).
Although he claims he really tries to stay out of politics, perhaps he should and stick to talking football.

Tags: ESPN, Football, Jerry Rice, politics, Sports
07 2011

by Stupac
posted in Barack Obama,Entertainment,NFL, Sports
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o The Thoughtful Side of Occupy Wall Street
o Maybe its the Chicago Way thats Gone Soft
o Selective Sexist Outrage
o Michael Moore, Dylan Ratigan: More Lefties Against Free Speech
o Las Vegas Weighs In On 2012


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