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The Sedentary Lifestyle

A A sedentary lifestyle is a mode of living in which a person, an adult or

child, does not engage in sufficient physical activity or exercise for what is
generally considered healthy living. The term is often used by doctors or
professionals within the medical community to describe a lifestyle among
many people in highly developed countries that does not afford them
opportunities for physical activity. This type of living has been heavily
influenced by passive forms of entertainment such as television, video
games, and computer use. Along with such inactive types of entertainment,
shifting of large numbers of adult workers from physical labor to office jobs
has also increased the tendency for many people, especially in
technologically developed nations, toward a sedentary lifestyle.
B Numerous studies conducted by doctors and researchers have
indicated a variety of negative impacts on a persons life due to living a
sedentary lifestyle. Most common among them is increased weight gain
and obesity and the accompanying health problems they can cause, such
as heart disease, diabetes, and increased chances of certain types of
cancer. Lack of exercise can also have a negative impact on a persons
immune system, which can create the possibility for even more negative
health consequences.
C Living a sedentary lifestyle is not necessarily synonymous with
laziness, since a person can be very busy with work and family but without
inherent opportunities to exercise. Someone who works at a computer in
an office, typically driving or riding in a motor vehicle to and from work,
and coming home afterward to watch television or sit in front of a
computer once more is likely to stay busy but still not find ways to remain
physically active. This means it can be critically important for people who
work in these types of careers to find other opportunities for exercise or
physical activity.
D Finding ways to get exercise or other physical activity throughout the
day, even for someone who works in an office or drives all day, is often an
essential part of breaking free from a sedentary lifestyle. This can include
walking, running, or performing other exercises during breaks and
lunchtime as well as finding opportunities for exercise throughout the day.
Practices like using the stairs instead of an elevator, parking farther from
work to have to walk a bit more each day, and exercising legs and arms
even while sitting at a desk are all excellent ways for someone to increase
his or her physical activity.
E The sedentary lifestyle and its problems are not restricted to workers
and adults. Young children and adolescents can live a sedentary way of
living which can become habits. Habits formed during the adolescent years
can follow a person for his entire life, so becoming sedentary at a young
age could lead to a less active lifestyle as he ages. A lack of activity is
generally associated with further obesity problems, which is one of the
reasons that obesity can be a problem throughout a person's life.
F Obesity can lead to complications. Childhood obesity and diabetes are
two conditions that are common around the world. Research has found
that one of the major risk factors to the development of diabetes in
children is obesity. Therefore, it is important for children who are
diagnosed with obesity to start a diet and exercise program aimed at
decreasing the risks of both of these conditions.
G As stated above, studies have shown that childhood obesity and
diabetes are closely linked to excessive calorie intake and a lack of physical
activity. Luckily, decreasing calorie intake among children and increasing
the amount of physical activity that they participate in can likewise result in
a decrease in the rates of both childhood obesity and diabetes. Children
who suffer from either of these should be encouraged by their parents,
teachers, and doctors to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, choose lean
meats and whole grain foods, and avoid fats whenever possible. In
addition, they should be counseled to participate in a physical activity
program that will aid in increasing calorie burn over the course of the day.

Exercise 1- Match the headings with the paragraphs.
A. Effects on Health D. Helping Obese Children
B. Diabetes and Childhood obesity E. Work Hurts
C. What is a Sedentary Life F. Make Your Day Active
G. Adults and Children Alike

1. Paragraph A Heading .
2. Paragraph B Heading .
3. Paragraph C Heading .
4. Paragraph D Heading .
5. Paragraph E Heading .
6. Paragraph F Heading .
7. Paragraph G Heading .

Write no more than 5 words or numbers to answer the following.
8. What passive entertainments contribute to the sedentary lifestyle?
9. Beside weight gain /obesity what health problems are related to sedentary life.

10. What can children do to overcome obesity?
11. Who need to guide obese children to a healthier lives?

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