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Present Continuous

1. La forma afirmativa auxiliarul apare de cele mai multe ori in forma sa contrasa:
I'm running
You're runnning
He's running
We're running
They're running
2. La forma interogativa se inverseaza ordinea dintre subiect si auxiliar:
Am I running?
Are you running?
Is he running?
Is she running?
Are we running?
Are you running?
Are they running?
3. La forma negativa cuvantul not precedat de auxiliar apare de cele mai multe ori in forma sa
contrasa (dar niciodata dupa am) :
I' m not running
You aren't running
He isn't running
She isn't running
We aren't running
You aren't running
They aren't running
4. Forma interogativ-negativa
Am I not running ?
Aren't you running ?
Isn't herunning ?
Isn't she running ?
Aren't we running ?
Aren't you running ?
Aren't they running ?

INTREBUINTARE (cand folosim acest aspect al Prezentului in vorbire)
1. Pentru a descrie o actiune in curs de desfasurarein momentul vorbirii.
In acest caz, este insotit adesea de o indicatie temporala, cum ar fi now, at the moment
Look! He's wasing his car. Priveste! El isi spala masina.
What are you doing there? Ce faci acolo?
2. Pentru a descrie pozitiile corpului:
She's standing. Ea sta in picioare
He's leaning against a wall. El sta sprijinit de un perete.
3. Cand e vorba de o actiune viitoare, prevazuta sau programata:
They're buying a new house in May. Ei isi cumpara o casa noua in luna mai. What are you
doing next Monday? Ce faci lunea viitoare?
4. Cand e vorba de ceva care s-ar putea produce in orice moment:
He looks funny when he's playing his trumpet. Arata comic atunci cand canta la trompeta.
5. Impreuna cu always, pentru a exprima iritarea sau dezaprobarea:
She's always coming in when we talk something important. Intotdeauna trebuie sa intre in
camera fix cand vorbim noi lucruri importante.
Present continuous
1. Supersonico are talking part in an international music festival.
Its a temporary situation.
2.Two members of the band are giving an interview.
Now ,at the moment of speaking .
Present simple
3.Silvia often plays in clubs with her band.
Its an habitual action.
4.Supersonico live in Cordoba.
Its a permanent situation.
I am liking pop music. X I like pop music.
Hate, want ,belive,know .
Past simple and Past Continuous
Past simple
A toy brick hit him.

While he was talking a photo of Janet.
Past Continuous
A toy brick hit him while he was talking a
when photo of Janet.
When a toy brick hit him ,he was talking a
While x photo of Janet.
As x
Past simple and Present Perfect

Past simple:
I collected comics. When I was about seven.
Over fifty years ago.
I collected at a definitive time in the past.That actions is complete.
Present perfect
Comics have had lots of pictures since the end of the 1890s.
for every many years.
They first had lots of pictures in the past and they still have them now.
For I was ten. X
Since I was at school .
Ive read comics for 1992. X
Since 1991.
For eight years.

Present Perfect Continuous
1.Captain Comic started waiting for Totem a long time ago.He s still waiting now.
Come on Totem! Ive been waiting for ages.
He started to wait waiting still waiting
A long time ago Now

2.Intello started waiting for this moment years ago.The moment arrived very
recently.So he stopped waiting for it very recently.
For years Ive been waiting for this moment. At last it has arrived!
Started waiting waiting stopped waiting
Years ago Now

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