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Universal Dossier

1. Introduction
2. System Analysis
a. Existing System
b. proposed System
3. Feasibility Report
a. Technical Feasibility
b. perational Feasibility
c. Economical Feasibility
!. System Re"uirement Speci#ication $ocument
a. %er%ie&
b. 'odules $escription
c. (rocess Flo&
d. S$)* 'ethodology
e. So#t&are Re"uirements
#. +ard&are Re"uirements
,. System $esign
a. $F$
b. E-R diagram
c. .')
d. $ata $ictionary
/. Technology $escription
0. *oding
1. Testing 2 $ebugging Techni"ues
3. utput Screens
14. Reports
11. Future Enhancements
12. *onclusion
13. 5ibliography

(ro%iding an Internet based application #or supporting the E-
5usiness and thus changing the &ay people conduct their
5usiness utili6ing the latest de%elopments in the #ield o#
computer technology. E-transactions are a lot "uic7er than
shopping at the mall8 because you can do them &ithout lea%ing
your home.

E-Transactions are internet-based transactions per#ormed
electronically by indi%iduals8 companies8 corporations8 and
go%ernment &hich use Internet e-*ard system to ma7e the
payments &hile purchasing o%er the internet. E-*ard is a prepaid
card denomination through their ban7 accounts. The e-*ard
pro%ides the users a secure payment structure &ithout any
misuse o# their account. The security is maintained by pro%iding
the customer &ith their personal identi#ication number. And E-
Transaction is not only buying and selling o# goods %ia the
internet8 beyond that it is one that executes exactly-once despite
#ailures. E-Transactions are any #orm o# data transaction8
including #inancial and 7no&ledge management
Scope speci#ies (roducts8 Functions8 5ene#its and 9oals o#
the System. Scope is a physical %ie& o# the System that explains ho&
it per#orms8 &hat are the products that in%ol%e in System process. 5:
seeing the Scope &e can understand the bene#its that come by using
System and &hat goals &ill &e reach.
The e-Transactions are an nline Transactions that per#ormed
using Internet Rupeyaa *ard ;IR*< to ma7e the payments &hile
purchasing o%er the Internet. IR* is a prepaid card purchased as
prepaid denominations through *redit cards or Sa%ing Accounts.
IR* is a Secure and .ni%ersal payment card. $ue to the misuse
o# *redit cards8 many online users are reluctant to use that #acility.
The e-Rupeyaa card pro%ides the users &ith a secure payment
structure &ithout any misuse o# their amount.
The security is maintained by pro%iding the *ustomers &ith
their indi%idual (ersonal Identi#ication =umber;(I=<.$e#initely using
IR* is more secure than using the *redit card.

The e-Transactions are an nline Transactions that per#ormed
using Internet Rupeyaa *ard ;IR*< to ma7e the payments &hile
purchasing o%er the Internet. IR* is a prepaid card purchased as
prepaid denominations through *redit cards or Sa%ing Accounts.

IR* is a Secure and .ni%ersal payment card. $ue to the
misuse o# *redit cards numbers8 many online users are reluctant to
use that #acility. The e-Rupeyaa card pro%ides the users &ith a
secure payment structure &ithout any misuse o# their amount.
The security is maintained by pro%iding the *ustomers
&ith their indi%idual (ersonal Identi#ication =umber ;(I=<.$e#initely
using IR* is more secure than using the *redit card.
Features involved in te S!ste"#
The system uses a secure and sa#e
methodology #or Shopping nline.

The system maintains the accounts o# the
*ustomer and 'anu#acturer or Supplier.
The Administrator has complete access to the
accounts o# 'anu#actures and .sers.
The system also pro%ides lin7s to di##erent
shopping sites &hich are in mutual understanding &ith
e- *ard *ompany.
The e- *ard *ompany ta7es the responsibility
#or payment o# the price only a#ter the product reaches
the customer.
The e- *ard *ompany is only limited to placing
orders and con#irming it to the user and the
The &ebsites o# the *ompanies regularly not
meeting &ith the expectations &ill be remo%ed #rom the
e- *ard 'embership.
E-Transactions is nothing but nline Shopping .The system
contains distributor and clients .There are so many ')' ;'ulti )e%el
'ar7eting companies<8nothing but the 'ar7ets &hich produces the
products at di##erent le%els. ')'s &ant to increase their business as
their existing depends on it. 5ut they ha%e limited number o#
$istributors. ')'s are not in a position to ha%e their o&n Shopping-
Site. $istributors ha%e problems to buy the products #rom companies
as they are at di##erent locations.
And also #or nline shopping the Existing system uses
*redit *ards8 &hich are %ery dangerous &hile purchasing o%er
For credit card &e must ha%e ban7 A@*
For di##erent ban7s there are di##erent ser%ers by
using credit card
Ae ha%e to pay the charge #or e%ery month.
Ae must pay the interest on purchasing through
credit card.
'ore chances to misuse o# our credit card
Ae ha%e to use only limited amount
There is a chance to hac7ing into your A@*.
Te Di%%eren&e 'et(een a Credit &ard and a De'it &ard?

A *redit card gi%es the *ustomers a spending limit
and then they are billed at the end o# each month8 paying interest on
the money that has already been spent. Aith a $ebit card8 *ustomers
put money on the card #irst and then spend it ho&e%er they &ish.
Since Internet Rupeyaa *ards are prepaid $ebit cards8
there is no B)ine o# *reditC extended. This means that the spending
limit is determined by the amount o# money that is loaded to the
Internet Rupeyaa *ard. 5est o# all8 because it is not a *redit card8
there are no #inance charges8 no late #ees8 and no accumulation o#
E%aluating the technical #easibility is the tric7iest part o# a #easibility
study. This is because8 at this point in time8 not too many detailed
design o# the system8 ma7ing it di##icult to access issues li7e
per#ormance8 costs on ;on account o# the 7ind o# technology to be
deployed< etc. A number o# issues ha%e to be considered &hile doing a
i* Understand te di%%erent te&nolo+ies involved in te
,ro,osed s!ste"#
5e#ore commencing the proDect8 &e ha%e to be %ery clear about
&hat are the technologies that are to be re"uired #or the
de%elopment o# the ne& system.
ii* Find out (eter te or+ani-ation &urrentl! ,ossesses te
re.uired te&nolo+ies#
o Is the re"uired technology a%ailable &ith the
o I# so is the capacity su##icientE
For instance F
BAill the current printer be able to handle the ne& reports and
#orms re"uired #or the ne& systemEC
(roposed proDects are bene#icial only i# they can be turned into
in#ormation systems that &ill meet the organi6ations operating
re"uirements. Simply stated8 this test o# #easibility as7s i# the system
&ill &or7 &hen it is de%eloped and installed. Are there maDor barriers
to ImplementationE +ere are "uestions that &ill help test the
operational #easibility o# a proDect?
Is there su##icient support #or the proDect #rom management #rom
usersE I# the current system is &ell li7ed and used to the extent
that persons &ill not be able to see reasons #or change8 there
may be resistance.
Are the current business methods acceptable to the userE I# they
are not8 .sers may &elcome a change that &ill bring about a
more operational and use#ul systems.
+a%e the user been in%ol%ed in the planning and de%elopment o#
the proDectE
Early in%ol%ement reduces the chances o# resistance to the
system and in
9eneral and increases the li7elihood o# success#ul proDect.
Since the proposed system &as to help reduce the hardships
encountered. In the existing manual system8 the ne& system &as
considered to be operational #easible.
Economic #easibility attempts 2 &eigh the costs o# de%eloping and
implementing a ne& system8 against the bene#its that &ould accrue
#rom ha%ing the ne& system in place. This #easibility study gi%es the
top management the economic Dusti#ication #or the ne& system.
A simple economic analysis &hich gi%es the actual comparison o# costs
and bene#its are much more meaning#ul in this case. In addition8 this
pro%es to be a use#ul point o# re#erence to compare actual costs as the
proDect progresses. There could be %arious types o# intangible bene#its
on account o# automation. These could include increased customer
satis#action8 impro%ement in product "uality better decision ma7ing
timeliness o# in#ormation8 expediting acti%ities8 impro%ed accuracy o#
operations8 better documentation and record 7eeping8 #aster retrie%al
o# in#ormation8 better employee morale.

The E-Transactions are an nline Transactions that
per#ormed using Internet Rupeyaa *ard ;IR*< to ma7e the
payments &hile purchasing o%er the Internet.IR* is a prepaid card
purchased as prepaid denominations through *redit cards or
Sa%ing Accounts.
IR* is a Secure and .ni%ersal payment card. $ue to the
misuse o# *redit cards8 many online users are reluctant to use
that #acility. The e-Rupeyaa card pro%ides the users &ith a
secure payment structure &ithout any misuse o# their amount.
The security is maintained by pro%iding the *ustomers
&ith their indi%idual (ersonal Identi#ication
=umber;(I=<.$e#initely using IR* is more secure than using the
*redit card.
These concepts helps us to understand the System at
Initial stage i.e.8 at Introduction Area. Introduction is an actual
comment about the entire System. Introduction &ill
categori6ed in to some parts8 that are (urpose8 Scope8
$e#initions8 Acronyms8 Abbre%iationsG and %er%ie&.
The E-Transactions are in%ented by B(rima Impact
In#ormatics Solutions 2 (%t. )tdC .Impact is acting as Impact
Ser%ice (ro%ider ;IS(< &hich manages the entire processes by
pro%iding rele%ant ser%ices.
The E-Transactions is actually implemented by 1 *lients
and these clients are deal &ith their di##erent (roducts. The
*lients are related &ith 'ulti )e%el 'ar7eting ;')'< Systems.
The E-Transactions are nline Transactions that
per#ormed using Internet Rupeyaa *ard ;IR*< to ma7e payments
&hile purchasing the goods o%er the Internet. IR* is a Secure
and .ni%ersal payment card. There are more chances to occur
the misuse o# *redit card numbers. $ue to these reason many
nline users are hesitate to that #acility.
The IR* pro%ides the users &ith a secure payment
&ithout any misuse o# their amount. The security is maintained
by pro%iding the *ustomers &ith their Indi%idual (I= =umber.
Internet Rupeyaa *ard is so #ar better and secure than using the
*redit *ard.
System has some terms and their de#initions as #ollo&s8
$istributor is the *ustomer &ho utili6e the System and &ho
purchases the product
#rom the clients.
Each $istributor has his o&n uni"ue Identi#ication
=umber and (ass&ord.
*lient is the Supplier &ho has (roducts that are a%ailable
to $istributors.
*lient should also ha%e his o&n Identi#ication =umber and
(ass&ord. Each *lient has his o&n (roducts and
as &ell as itGs o&n $istributors.

IS( is an acronym #or Impact Ser%ice (ro%iders. IS( manages all
the ser%ices and processes that in%ol%ed in the System. IS( maintains
database o# both *lient and $istributor separately.
IS( has complete idea about &hat are the (roducts under
(articular *lient and their list o# $istributors.
IR* is an acronym #or Internet Rupeyaa *ard. The IR* is issued
to *ustomer And he purchases (roducts through IR* o%er Internet.
IR* is a prepaid card that
*ontain some amount &hich *ustomer can spend to purchase
the goods.
')' stand #or 'ulti )e%el 'ar7eting. ')' is a process o#
mar7eting the (roducts by maintaining the le%els. The $istributors in
each le%el ha%e their o&n goals. I# they are succeeding in reach goals8
&ill #or&ard to the next le%el.
Abbre%iations and Acronyms are the short #orms o# regularly
used &ords. Abbre%iations and Acronyms are used #or our
con%enience. In our System &e are using se%eral short #orms
instead o# complete $escription. They are8
IS( Impact Ser%ice
IR* Internet Rupeyaa *ard
')' 'ulti )e%el 'ar7eting
I'* Impact 'aster *ard
IE* Impact Execute *ard
IS* Impact Sil%er *ard
I9* Impact 9olden *ard
I$ Identi#ication =ame
(I= (ersonal Index =umber
Auto"ated Pro&esses#
A process &hich is executed by the System automatically8 &hen
a process is completed &ith the interaction o# human actor. That is
the human actor &ill interact &ith the system in order per#orm some
tas7. Ahen the tas7 is completed8 thee IS( &ill update the database
In our System #ollo&ing are the Automated (rocesses8
i. *reating $istributor In#ormation
ii. Issuing the *ard =umber and (I=
iii. (osting order details to *lients
i%. Transaction +istory
%. Reporting details #or *lients8 $istributors and IS(.
$istributors Registration and Heri#ication
i. *lient Registration and Heri#ication
ii. Applying #or the *ards
iii. Shopping *art
i%. (roducts *reation and .pdating
%. *learances #or rder
%i. Rene&als
%ii. Editing *lients and $istributors (ersonal In#ormation
%iii. *hange (ass&ord #acilities to *lients and $istributors
Non1auto"ated Pro&esses#
A process &hich is completely executed by the human actor is
called a =on-automated (rocess. Ahen a process is ta7en place &ith
the interaction o# human actor8 i# any modi#ications re"uired to the
System8 they are also handled by the human actor. In the =on-
automated there is no process &hich the machine has to per#orm
automatically in response to the human actorGs interaction.
In our System &e are using #ollo&ing =on-automated
2. (@) A@*
3. 5A)A=*E S+EET (RE(ARATI=.
O0ER0IE2 #
%er%ie& gi%es an idea about the entire System and ho& it
per#orms among the Terminators. Each Terminator has its o&n
#unction and is related to other Terminator. %er%ie& %ie&s on ho&
Actors are interacting &ith System and ho& System responses #or
those actions.
The entire System consist three External entities8 they are
IS( ;Impact Ser%ice (ro%iders<
The actual process runs among these three entities. 5oth *lient
and $istributor must register indi%idually their identity in the System
through IS(. IS( pro%ides a uni"ue Id and (ass&ord to them
IS( maintains separate databases #or $istributors and as &ell as
#or the *lients. *lient database consist its particular list o# (roducts.
And IS( maintains the list o# $istributors and #or &hich *lient they
belong to.
Each *lient has their o&n list o# $istributors and such
$istributors only eligible to purchase that *lient (roducts. *lient also
maintains the database o# its $istributors list. $istributor need to
submit his Id and (ass&ord &hile purchasing the goods.
IS( is the Administrator #or the System8 manages complete
processes among the entities. IS( administrates the actions that are
per#ormed among external entities i.e.8 *lients and $istributors
In this phase it speci#ies &hat are the main modules
and sub modules a%ailable in the system i.e.8 E-Transactions. It
also pro%ides details about each process8 external entities and
business rules.
Produ&t Pers,e&tives?
IS( pro%ides most secured and e##icient system called e-
Transactions &hich handles the transactions o# ')' distributors and
clients. IS( gets a middle&are bet&een a distributor and client. The e-
Transaction system pro%ided by IS( has %arious modules and sub-
modules and &e are going to list all those modules in this case.
The e-Transaction system de%eloped by IS( has #i%e Main
Modules. They are
Apply #or *ards@$ebit *ard
Shopping *art
Su' Modules o# e-Transaction Systems main modules are
listed as8
$istributor Registration
*lient Registration
(ayment #or *ard Selection
Issue *ard =umber and Id
Shopping *art
(osting rder
(roduction *reation
*hange Id 2 (ass&ord #or $istributor 2 *lient
Editing (ersonal In#ormation o# *lient 2 $istributor
Produ&t Fun&tion?
In this case user is trying to gi%e complete description about
each o# the modules a%ailable in the system.
To get the most bene#its and use E-Transaction system
de%eloped by IS( it is mandatory #or distributor and client to get
register them sel%es &ith IS(.
The sub-modules are distributor and client registration.
IS( maintains the database o# clients and distributors. So &hene%er a
distributor registers him to IS( it &ill chec7 #or %alidity o# distributors
&ith client and then allots him the logon %alidation i.e.I I$ and
A,,l! %or Card?
$istributor gets I$ and (ASSAR$ by IS( by ma7ing
success#ully login %alidation. $istributor can %ie& a &indo& consists o#
#ollo&ing things such as product list8 client list8 cards8 apply #or cards.
Ahen a user clic7s cards option &e get to see #our types o# IR*Gs
(ro%ided by IS( through &hich distributor purchases products o# client.
*lassi#ication o# cards is based on amount limitation and time
laps such as
Impact 'aster *ard-Rs.2444
Impact Executi%e *ard-Rs.!444
Impact Sil%er *ard-Rs./444
Impact 9old *ard-Rs-1444
The Sub modules in this process are payment mode and getting
pin and cards number o# IR* #or a distributor.
A distributor can o&n any card speci#ied by up #or this he has to
ma7e payment through $$ and A@* Trans#er only And *redit *ard
based payments are not allo&ed in this system because it lac7 security
any one can get *ard =o and misuse #or their needs.
Another sub module in this case is getting (in and *ard =o #or
distributors IR*. A distributor recei%es (in and *ard =o as a report send by
IS( &ith these thing he can ma7e purchases o# client products and also
per#orm other acti%ities such as rene&als.
IS( maintains the database o# both client and distributor. It
also maintains account database as &hen a product is purchased by
distributor the amount is re#lected cash in #lo& A@* and product
deri%ed to distributor as out #lo& A@*.
Transa&tion# 1
$istributor transaction such as buying products8 cards8 applying
#or cards and ma7ing rene&als all these transactions are handled by
IS( and e%ery transaction per#ormed should be re#lected n their
respecti%e databases.
*lientsG transactions such as replacing products8 adding product
to client product list and other transaction should be re#lected n their
respecti%e databases. Accuracy o# data can be achie%ed by ma7ing
note correctly o# each and e%ery transaction and these roles played by
IS( as he ma7es note o# all the accounts o# distributor and client.
User Cara&teristi&s#
In this case &e &ill discuss about the external entities &ho uses the
ser%ices o# system called E-Transactions.
The external entities &ill interact &ith the system they are
IS( Administrator.
A distributor ma7es registration &ith IS( to use the E-
Transaction system and IS( chec7s &hether the distributor is a %alid
person or not. I# a %alid distributor that is he@she is distributor o# any
client &ho gets registered &ith IS( it &ill pro%ide distributor an I$ and
(ass&ord #or logon purpose.
nce he ma7es success#ul logon the distributor can %ie& menu
and a#ter applying #or card and a#ter ma7ing payment through $$ or
A@c trans#er he &ill get a (I= 2 *AR$ = through &hich he can buy or
purchase client product. A distributor can edit his personal
A client pro%ides all the products #or distributors. A client
registers to IS(8 &hich ma7es the &hole process o# purchasing client
product more sophisticated and secured one.
*lient maintains its distributors list and &hen client registers to
IS( it &ill pro%ide
IS( about its distributors8 products list and also updating to its product
list and a client edit his personal in#ormation.
I",a&t servi&e ,rovider#
IS( introduces most secured &ay o# purchasing client products
#or a distributor o# ')' by a special &ay o# issuing IR*. IS( o%er&rites
the concept o# credit card system as these are not more secured
payment system the (I= can be stolen and can be misused by others.
IS( acts as a middle&are8 it handles the database s o# client
and distributorGs &ill not be charging any amount #rom the client it &ill
only charge #rom distributor as it pro%ides more ser%ices to distributor
by gi%ing ac7no&ledgements.
Each and e%ery transaction done by client and distributor &ill be
done %ia IS( and IS( maintains up to date database o# client and
distributor each and e%ery change made by IS( &ill also re#lect to
databases &hich IS( handles i.e. client and distributor databases.
$eneral Constraints
$istributor must be member o# any to get registered &ith IS(.
Halid distributor should login to buy cards.
(ayment mode should be $$ ;or< A@c trans#er.
A#ter getting (I= 2 IR*= only he can o&n a product.
Business Rules? IS( &ill only charge #rom distributors not #rom
(ayment #or card selection is through $$ and Account to Account
*ards are categori6ed on the basis o# amount and time lapse.
Rene&als are made &hen amount or time lapse is #inished.
Post Conditions?
A#ter placing an order in shopping cart &e need to enter
again (I= and card no to o&n the product.
*hec7 box option #or product con#irmation is must in
shopping cart.
E3ternal S,e&i%i&ation Re.uire"ents4
User Inter%a&e Re.uire"ents#
The .ser Inter#ace created #or the proposed system is easy to
understand and simple to use. 5elo& screens sho& ho& the system
&ill appear to the user.
User Inter%a&e#
List o% %or"s used#
)ogin #orm
$istributor registration #orm
Apply #or cards #orm
(ayment mode
Re-login #orm
Rene&al #orm
*hange pass&ord #orm
*lient registration #orm
T*(@I( ;Transmission *ontrol (rotocol@Internet (rotocol<
is the net&or7
(rotocol used on the Internet. T*(@I( allo&s reasonably
e##icient and error
#ree transmission bet&een di##erent systems. 5ecause it
is a File Trans#er
(rotocol8 it can send large amount o# in#ormation across
net&or7s &ith
9reat assurance is that the data &ill arri%e uncorrupted.
La!ered Te&nolo+!# 1

Impact ser%ice pro%ider ;IS(< is li7e a middle&are ser%ice8
&hich operates through Internet Rupeyaa card ;IR*<8 &hich is
drastically di##erent to the con%entional credit card system. Internet
Rupeyaa card is a prepaid debit card ser%ice pro%ided by our system.
Impact ser%ice pro%ider pro%ides healthy 2communicati%e
en%ironment bet&een client and distributors. It maintains detailed and
up-to-date in#ormation about the clients 2 distributors.
Data Link
Physical Layer
Impact ser%ice pro%ider pro%ides the registration #or the
distributors by interacti%e en%ironment by ta7ing one time Registration
costs. IS( pro%ides detailed in#ormation about the distributorsG
in#ormation. IS( also pro%ides detailed and update in#ormation about
other clientGs in#ormation.
This system pro%ides detailed in#ormation about the product
such as (roduct I$8 description8 Kty 2 unit price #or the product. It
also lists the total products list o##ered by the client. The in#ormation
stored about client is stored in the database.
Impact ser%ice pro%ider pro%ides the detailed in#ormation
about the clients to the distributors. Impact ser%ice pro%ider pro%ides
the Registration #acility and #or that pro%ides the uni"ue I$ and
pass&ord &hich is distinguishable &ith others. The registration o#
distributors is stored in the Registration database. The Registration
database is changing according to the situation i.e. according to arri%al
o# ne& distributors.
Ahene%er a distributor &ants to buy the products8 the
Impact ser%ice pro%ider pro%ides the list o# clients 2 in#ormation about
the products o##ered by the clients such as product identi#ier8 product
name8 Kty8 payment mode etc. IS( pro%ides prepaid debt card in !
1< Impact master prepaid card.
2< Impact executi%e play prepaid card.
3< Impact SI)HER prepaid card.
!< Impact gold prepaid card.
IS( also allo&s doing the transaction through $emand $ra#t
;$$< or account to account trans#erring. I# it is account-to-account
trans#er8 them the distributor pro%ided by type in#ormation such as the
distribution is such as aLc no8 5ranch8 place8 and etc. i# it is $$8 then
the distributor is pro%ided by I(E in#ormation such as $$ no8 date8
ban78 and branch o##ice.
The I(* also pro%ides #acilities li7e rene&al o# Registration
&hene%er the time is expired. The I(E also pro%ides the 5alance
in#ormation &hene%er the distribution re"uires. It also pro%ides #ree
Access to the &eb.
The Administrati%e@IS( used interacti%e8 update in#ormation
about the client8 distribution by using database.
Ar&ite&ture Dia+ra"

Tere are tree t!,es o% DFD5s te! are
64 Conte3t Level DFD
74 To, Level DFD and
84 Conte3t Level DFD#
In the *ontext )e%el the &hole system is sho&n as a single
=o data stores are sho&n.
Inputs to the o%erall system are sho&n together &ith
data sources ;as External entities<.
utputs #rom the o%erall system are sho&n together
&ith their destinations ;as External entities<.
Conte3t Level DFD#
The Top )e%el $F$ gi%es the o%er%ie& o# the &hole
system identi#ying the maDor system processes and data #lo&. This
le%el #ocuses on the single process that
are dra&n in the context diagram by MNooming inG on its contents and
illustrates &hat
it does in more detail.

I$ ;FP<
S!ste" Flo(&arts#
S!ste" Flo(&arts#
Actor Requests or
Transaction !istory
Actor "nters the
Perio#$ option
Processin%$ Creatin% the
report an# Transaction
&'P or Report
Transaction !istory
Actor Requests or
Chan%in% Details
Actor enters new
Up#atin% Process)
Actor Requests or
&r#er Details)
Actor checks or
stock a+aila,le or
the or#er place#
Clears the &r#er ater
Actor Requests or
Chan%in% Passwor#s
Assi%nin% New
Reportin% the new
passwor# to the Actor
ISP Requests or
Client Details
Client "nters the
Reports the client Details to
the ISP
ISP -enerates the report
or Client.s
These are used to explain the beha%ior o# actors and use cases &hich
are used in our System.
These diagrams consist o#?
.se cases
A use case is the speci#ication o# se"uences o# actions8
including %ariant se"uences and error se"uences8 &hich a
system8 subsystem or a class can per#orm by interacting &ith
outside actors.
An actor may be any thing that interact &ith the system8
human8 hard&are de%ice or another system etc.

.se case I$? ::6
Arti&le I4 Use
Case Na"e#
Article II. Registration and Heri#ication o# $istributor
0ersion 1.4
Sour&e# Impact
Date# 41-43-43
Summary? Tis Use &ase ta;es te details o% distri'utor and
veri%ies (eter tese
details are &orre&t or not4 I% !es ten re+isters it and
issues ID and
Pass(ord Oter(ise dis&ards4
(riority? )i+ ,riorit!4
(reconditions? Alread! te distri'utor "ust 'e re+istered (it te
Actors? Distri'utor< Ad"inistrator4
5asic course
o# e%ents
A&tor Intera&tions# Distri'utors visits te IRC (e'site4
Re.uest %or re+istration4 Enters ,ersonal details4
S!ste" Res,onse# As;s %or servi&e t!,e4 As;s te
distri'utor to enter
te details4 0eri%ies Distri'utor details (it res,e&t to
&lients data'ase4
Issues ID and Pass(ord4
*onclusion? $ettin+ re+istered (it IRC4
Read! to intera&t4
5usiness Rules? Te a&tor "ust 'e a distri'utor o% an! o% te IRC5s
.se case I$? ::7
Arti&le I4 Use
Case Na"e#
Arti&le II4 Re+istration and 0eri%i&ation o% Client
0ersion 1.4
Sour&e# Impact
Date# 41-43-43
Summary? Tis Use &ase ta;es te details o% Client and re+isters
IRC ten IRC issues ID and Pass(ord to te &lient
(riority? )i+ ,riorit!4
Actors? Client< Ad"inistrator4
5asic course
o# e%ents?
A&tor Intera&tions# Client visits te IRC (e'site4
Re.uest %or re+istration4 Enters ,ersonal
S!ste" Res,onse# As;s %or servi&e t!,e4 As;s te
Client to
enter te details4 0eri%ies &lient details4 Issues ID and
*onclusion? $ettin+ re+istered (it IRC4
(ost *onditions? Read! to intera&t4
5usiness Rules? Te a&tor "ust 'e a distri'utor o% an! o% te IRC5s
Autor# ==H441
.se case I$? ::8
Arti&le III4
Use Case
Article IH. *reating $istributors In#ormation.
0ersion 1.4
Sour&e# Impact
Date# 41-43-43
Summary? This .se case gathers the in#ormation o# distributors &hile
registration and stores this in#ormation in a database.
(riority? )i+ ,riorit!4
Actors? $istributor8 Administrator4
5asic course
o# e%ents?
Actor Interactions? *lient %isits the IR* &ebsite. Re"uest #or
registration. Enters personal details.
System Response? As7s #or ser%ice type. Re"uests the client
to enter the personal details and the list o# distributors.
Issues I$ and (ass&ord4
*onclusion? $ettin+ re+istered (it IRC4
Read! to intera&t4
5usiness Rules? Te Client "ust ,rovide te distri'utors list to IRC4
Autor# ==H
Use Case ID# 44! Use Case Na"e# Applying #or cards
0ersion# 64:6 Date#:61:81:>
Sour&e# I",a&t
Su""ar!# To be a member o# the IS( &e need to select the card #rom
the card type list and &e
ha%e to apply #or that card by paying a speci#ied amount. A#ter
the payment &e &ill
be pro%ide &ith the *ard =o and (in through &hich distributor
can buy the
Priorit!# +igh
Tri++er# A#ter applying #or card 8distributor get the *ard =o and
A&tors# $istributor8 IS(.
Basi& Course
o% Events#

A&tors Intera&tions S!ste"
1. $istributor %isits IS(. 1. As7 #or I$
and (ass&ord .
2. Actor submits I$ and (ass&ord. 2.Accepts the
details and displays the
cards list.
3.Select the type o# the card and apply
#or it. 3. Accepts the
application and pro%ides
the *ard =o and (I=.
Pats# I# distributor &ants to change his (ass&ord and Id he can
consult &ith the IS(.
Con&lusion# A#ter applying #or card distributor should be pro%ided
&ith the *ard =o and
(in &hich is uni"ue.
$istributor should delete the *ard =o and (I= to a%oid
the misuse o# these
by other members
1.$istributor should be the member o# the any IS( client.
2. $istributor should be pro%ided &ith the uni"ue I$8
(ass&ord8 *ard =o and
Assu",tions# $istributor is responsible #or any misuse o# the *ard =o
and (in by others.
Autor# ==A
Use Case ID# 44, Use Case Na"e# (ayment #or *ard
0ersion# 64:6 Date#:71:81:>
Sour&e# IMPACT
Su""ar!# A#ter submitting the application #orm by the distributor8 IS(
details o# the payment mode #or a particular selected card.
are t&o types o# payment mode. They are 1. Type $$;$emand
and 2. Account Trans#er.
Priorit!# +igh
A&tors# $istributor8 IS(.
Basi& Course
o% Events#

A&tors Intera&tions S!ste"
1. $istributor %isits IS(. 1. As7 #or I$ and
2. Actor submits I$ and (ass&ord. 2.Accepts the
details and displays
the cards list.
3.Select the type o# the card and apply
For it. 3.System gi%es
the details
o# the (ayment
type #or the selected
Alternative $istributor can pay the amount by selecting the payment mode
Pats# as
Account trans#er.
Con&lusion# A#ter applying #or card distributor has to pay the
amount #or that card .
$istributor has to select the any o# the payment
Autor# ==H
Use Case ID# 443 Use Case Na"e# Shopping *art
0ersion# 64: Date#:71:81:>
Su""ar!# Shopping *art is the site &here the list o# the products is gi%en
and distributor has to select the product and clic7 the button
Add *art i.e.8 &hene%er the ne& product is selected it is added
to the order list. And distributor has to mention the "uantity o#
the product.
Priorit!# +igh
A&tors# $istributor8 IS(.
Basi& Course
o% Events#

A&tors Intera&tions S!ste"
1.$istributor %isits the IS( by 1. 9i%es the list o#
the products.
gi%ing his Id and (ass&ord.
2. Select the products and add to
the cart.
Con&lusion# $istributor has to select the products #rom the products
lists and add the
products to the cart.
64 $istributor has to select the products #rom the list gi%en by
the IS(.
2. $istributor has to select the products in such a &ay that the
payment amount should be minimum ,44 it should not be less
than this amount.
1.&hene%er distributor %isit the IS(8 he should gi%e his
I$ and
2.+e has to select the product #rom the list gi%en by
the IS(.
Use Case ID# 440 Use Case Na"e# Issuin+ te Card No and
0ersion# 64:6 Date#:71:81:>
Sour&e# Impact
Su""ar!# A#ter applying #or card8 IS( pro%ides the payment mode to
the distributor and a#ter the payment distributor is pro%ided
&ith his o&n *ard =o and (in through &hich he is identi#ied
as the member o# the IS(.
Priorit!# +igh
A&tors # $istributor8 IS(.
Basi& Course
o% Events#

A&tors Intera&tions S!ste"
1. $istributor %isits IS( . 1. As7 #or I$ and
(ass&ord .
2. Actor submits I$ and (ass&ord. 2.%eri#ies and
accepts the details
3. +e pays the amount #or the card. 3.Issue the *ard
=o and (in.
I# distributor &ants to change his card.
Con&lusion# $istributor should be pro%ided &ith the *ard =o and (in &hich
is uni"ue.
$istributor should delete the *ard =o and (I= to a%oid the
misuse o#
these by other members
1.$istributor should be the member o# the any IS( client.
2. $istributor should be pro%ided &ith the uni"ue I$8 (ass&ord8
=o and (in.
Assu",tions# $istributor is responsible #or any misuse o# the *ard =o and
by others.
Autor# ==H
Use Case ID# 441 Use Case Na"e# Re,ortin+
0ersion# 64:6 Date#:71:81:>
Su""ar!# ISP is responsible #or gi%ing the details o# accounting balance
to their clients as &ell as to their distributors.
Pre&onditions# IS( has to chec7 the card limit balance and should in#orm the
distributor be#ore
the limit balance has #inished.
Priorit!# +igh
A&tors# $istributor8 IS(8 client.
Basi& Course
o% Events#

A&tors Intera&tions S!ste"
Con&lusion# A#ter recei%ing the payment #or the order IS( has to pro%ide a
statement to their clients and distributors.
Autor# ==H
Te Client "ust ,rovide te distri'utors list to IRC4
Autor# ==H
Use Case ID# 443 Use Case Na"e# *learance #or
0ersion# 64:6 Date#:>1:81:>
Sour&e# IMPACT
Su""ar!# A#ter the selection o# the products distributor has to place an order to
those products.
Pre&onditions# Heri#ies
Priorit!# +igh
A&tors# $istributor8 IS(.
Basi& Course o% Events#

A&tors Intera&tions S!ste"
64 The $istributor places an order. 1. System needs to
%eri#y the stoc7 details.
2. The $istributor need to pay. 2. System updates
the payment details.
3. Aaits #or the ac7no&ledgement. 3. System *lears the
Alternative Pats# $istributor needs to &ait #or the system to update the stoc7.
Con&lusion# The System *lears the order transaction.
Post &onditions# $istributor &ill get the products deli%ered.
Business Rules# nly stoc7 details ha%e to be %eri#ied by the System.
Use Case ID# 414 Use Case Na"e# Rene&als
0ersion# 64:6 Date#:>1:81:>
Sour&e# IMPACT
Su""ar!# 5y issuing a *ard =o and (in to the distributor8 he &ill be the member
o# the IS(. IS( pro%ides a #acility to distributors to rene&al the card by paying the
amount to it be#ore the card limit is #inished.
Priorit!# +igh
A&tors# $istributor8 IS(.
Basi& Course o% Events#
A&tors Intera&tions S!ste"
1. $istributor has to apply #or card 1. System issues the
card to him.
2. +e has to chec7 the balance o# the card. 2. 9i%es the details o#
the card limit.
3. +e has to rene&al the card 3. 9i%es the #acility
o# rene&al o# the card
Alternative Pats#
Con&lusion# $istributor is responsible #or the card rene&al.
Post &ondition#
Business Rules# The *ard must be %alidated by the IS(.
Use Case ID# 411 Use Case Na"e# Editin+
Custo"er Clients Personal
0ersion# 64:6 Date#:>1:81:>
Sour&e# IMPACT
Su""ar!# This use case pro%ides a #acility8 &hich enables the client or the
distributor to edit their personal in#ormation.
Priorit!# )o&.
A&tors# $istributor8 *lients
Basi& Course o% Events#

A&tors Intera&tions
S!ste" Res,onse
64 Actor re"uests #or changing their personal details 1.System as7s the actor to
enter the ne& details.
2. Actor re"uests the IR* to update the ne& details. 2. IR* ta7es this details
and gi%es an
#or updating.
Alternative Pats#
Con&lusion# .pdating the personal in#o database &ith the ne& details pro%ided
by the client@$istributor
Post &onditions#
Business Rules# 1.$istributor should be the member o# the any IS( client.
2. $istributor should be pro%ided &ith the uni"ue I$8
(ass&ord8 *ard =o and (in.
Autor# SSA
"5PIR( R"N"4AL
This part o# the SRS speci#ies the per#ormance constraints on
the so#t&are system8 speci#ying the re"uirements relating to the
per#ormance characteristics o# the system.
Two types of performance requirements? -
1. Static Re"uirements
2. $ynamic Re"uirements
Static re"uirements are those that do not impose constraint
on the execution characteristics o# the system. These include
re"uirements li7e the number o# terminals to be supported8 the
number o# simultaneous users to be supported8 and the number o#
#iles that the system has to process and their si6es.
$ynamic re"uirements are &hich speci#y constraints on the
execution beha%ior o# the system. These typically include response
time and throughput constraints on the system. Response time is the
expected time #or the completion o# an operation under speci#ied
circumstances. Throughput is the expected number o# operations that
can be per#ormed at a time.
Se&urit! Re.uire"ents #1
Speci#y any re"uirements regarding security or pri%acy issues
surrounding use o# the product or protection o# the data used or
created by the product. $e#ine any user identity authentication
re"uirements. Re#er to any external policies or regulations containing
security issues that a##ect the product. $e#ine any security or pri%acy
certi#ications that must be satis#ied.
.nder the E1Transa&tion proDect the security is re"uired #or
both the $istributors and *lients. These security issues such as hiding
distributor in#ormation #rom another distributor and other clients in the
system and other issues has to be completely pro%ided by the E-
Transaction system ;IS(<. ne such solution is by pro%iding the IDs
and Pass(ords to them. As the ne&ly distributor &ants to Doin the
system8 he@she has to register &ith the IS(8 &hile registering &ith the
system the distributor in#ormation is collected and that is %eri#ied &ith
the clientsG data base.
I# the distributor in#ormation is success#ully %alidated then only
he@she &ill gets registered &ith the system and gets an I$ and
(ass&ord &ith the IS(. This I$ and (ass&ord pro%ides a means o#
security to the distributors.
The same is true #or the *lients8 the abo%e process also
applicable to clients and hence they also can get security.
BEn&r!,tion? is another means o# security. Since all the
transactions &ith respect to distributors and clients are done online
using the Internet8 there is a huge Ris7 o# in#ormation may be stolen8
in#ormation can be your card number or any your pass&ord. E-
Transaction system uses the concept o# $ebit cards instead o# credit
cards8 there#ore &hile purchasing o%er the Internet the distributors can
pay the amount e%en #rom their Bsa%ings accountC or Bban7 accountC.
So &hen distributors uses the internet to pay using their ban7Gs
account they re"uire much security to be pro%ided8 this can be done
using encryption. Ahen they enter their account number or (I= those
are send using the Bcryptographic techniques. Since it is hard to
detect and 7no& the encrypted data than the normal text8 and only
the authori6ed user can decrypt the data.
Relia'ilit! Re.uire"ents#1
Speci#ies persistence data storage. As mo%ing or #or&arding
the in#ormation is important then storing that data e##iciently is also
%ery important. $epending upon the type o# the database
management system ;$5'S< being used di##erent reliability issues are
In E-Transaction system8 the $5'S being used is the racle 1I
and it pro%ides complete reliable data storage. $ata such as distributor
name or client name8 their addresses8 card number8 pin number8 and
so on8 &hen accepted in registration must be stored e##iciently in
database so that later time it can be retrie%ed e##iciently as &ell.
Reliability can be de#ined as the probability that an item &ill continue
to per#orm its intended #unction &ithout #ailure #or a speci#ied period o#
time under stated conditions. This means that the E-Transaction
should continue to &or7 in any conditions8 no #ailures should occur8
suppose &hile doing the transaction the distributor sends his card
number and the speci#ied amount is detected #rom his account and
trans#erred in the IS( then suddenly i# there is a crash8 may be
hard&are or so#t&are8 in that situation there should not be a loss to
the distributor. That is &ithout buying the product the amount should
not be detected #rom the system and i# the amount is detected and
be#ore continuing #urther the crashes occurred then this in#ormation
must be 7no&n to the IS( so later the IS( can #ul#ill the re"uired tas7.
S&ala'ilit!# 1
The E-Transaction system should be totally dynamic in
nature8 means i# at dynamic time the changes ta7es place it should
be e##ected at dynamic time only. Scalability re#ers to extending the
existing #eatures. This #eature is important and has to be thin7ing in
ad%ance because it can be created later a#ter the system is
de%eloped. Application scalability re"uires a balanced partnership
bet&een t&o distinct domains8 so#t&are and hard&are.
In the E-Transaction system i# initially MnG number o#
clients@distributors are registered and connected &ith them then
more distributors@clients must allo& to registered &ith the system8
li7e that there should not be limit in the number o# clients or number
o# distributors that can be connected to the system.
The system can also be extended &ith respect to the
hard&are. I# presently one data base ser%er i# connected to the E-
Transaction system then the system should allo& the second data base
;or multiple data base ser%ers< to be connected@added. This is 7no&n
as Hardware scalability.
From the clients point o# %ie& in the E-Transaction system8 initially
they can registered &ith some number o# products ;say MnG<8 then later
i# the clients &ant to add ne& products to the system8 they should
allo& to do so. +ere also there should not be any number o# product
A&&ura&! o% Data #1
The in#ormation stored o# the distributors and clients must
be accurately and correctly stored and maintained in the database.
B$ata accuracy becomes an issue8 especially &hen important
decisions are being made based on database results.C The system has
stored lots o# in#ormation regarding their distributors and clients8 and
all the transaction is carried out according to this in#ormation only8
that is8 i# the distributor is ha%ing the balance less than that o# the
price o# the product then he@she should not be allo&ed to buy the
product. This balance in#ormation is stored and should be e##iciently.
Say by some other means i# this in#ormation is altered or &as stored
&rongly8 then the distributorsG account is &rong.
To support this8 lots o# Reports are created and one o# them is
the 5alance report8 in &hich i# the distributor re"uests the sales
record8 then according to it the balance report &ill be sending to them
&hich consists o# the dates o# purchases8 amounts paid and other
The distributor o&ns the IR* card and using &hich they pay to
buy some product. As soon as they pay and i# they ha%e balance then
immediately the success#ul transaction should be ta7en care and at
that time only that many rupees has to be detected #rom the account
and the ne& %alues has to be stored in the database.
Arti&le 04 Sa#ety? IRC is sa%e and se&ure
IR* pro%ide the users &ith sa#e payment structure &ithout any
misuse o# other amount
The IR* is sa#e enough to see that only authori6ed persons must
able to access it
(ri%acy is important issue in E-transaction data trans#er bet&een
customer and administrator o%er the Internet is in encrypted #orm and
due to miss use o# the credit numbers many online users can use that

IR* is portable and easily mo%eable con%enient #or carrying small
in si6e and come in your pac7et &here%er you go you can purchase the
products and pay using this card
Modi%! and e3tensi'ilit!#
Ae can modi#y and our IR* any other re"uirement in addition modi#y
to planed so#t&are #eature. Such as &e can add international money
card #eatures customer can pay in international currency such as
dollars also &e can add and remo%e the clients #rom our system
$ata collection represents ho& the client re"uirement
in#ormation is retrie%ed. This &ill lead to the proposed system i.e. ho&
#ar the current problems in the application are o%ercome. To 7no& the
client re"uirement there are mainly ! #act-#inding techni"ues are used.
They are #re"uently as7ed "uestions obser%ation.

Kuestionnaire method allo&s the collection o# in#ormation #rom
the di##erent groups and users and #rom some experienced persons.
The use o# standardi6ed "uestion #ormat can yield more reliable data
than other #act-#inding techni"ues and the &ide distribution ensures
greater anonymity #or respondents8 &hich can lead to more honest
responses. Thus this method can be used in this proDect to gather
in#ormation about the process o# the proDect
The methodology used to de%elop this proDect is obDect-
oriented methodology is based on #unction and procedures. It can be
said as the de%elopment o# so#t&are by building sel#-contained
modules as obDects that can be easily replaced8 modi#ied and reused.
In this en%ironment so#t&are is a collection o# discrete obDects that
encapsulate their data as &ell as the #unctionality to model real &orld
BobDectsC. Each obDect has attribute and methods. bDects are grouped
into classes. +ere each obDect is responsible #or itsel#.
This en%ironment emphasi6es its cooperati%e philosophy by
allocating tas7s among the obDects o# the applications. Instead o#
&riting a lot o# code &e can create a lot o# code &e can create a lot o#
helps to ta7e in an acti%e role.
bDect oriented methodology in%ol%es mainly
1. Analysis
2. $esign
3. (rototyping and testing.

There are , important steps in the analysis. They are
1. Identi#ication o# the users@actors.
2. $e%elopment a simple business process model.
3. $e%eloping the use cases.
!. $e%eloping the interaction diagrams.
,. *lassi#ications.
.sing JA*5S= 'ET+$)9IES &e can de%elop the
proposed system.

In 131/ 5*+ de%eloped the bDect riented $esign concept
is called as 5T*+ 'ET+$. It co%ers both analysis and $esign
phases o# the bDect riented System8 The 5T*+ 'ET+$ consists
o #ollo&ing diagrams?
*lass diagrams
bDect diagrams
State transition diagram
'odule diagram
(rocess diagram
Interaction diagram

bDect oriented so#t&are engineering also called8 as the
obDectory. It is build around se%eral models?
.SE *ASE '$E)? The use-case model de#ines the
outside ;actor< and inside ;use case< o# the systems
$'AI= 5JE*T '$E)? The obDects o# the BrealC
&orld are mapped in to the main obDect model.
A=A):SS 5JE*T '$E)? The analysis obDect
model presents ho& the source code
;implementation< is carried out and &ritten.
I'()I'E=TAT= '$E)? The implementation
model represents the implementation o# the
TEST '$E)? The test model constitutes the test
plan8 speci#ication and reports.
@ACOBSON MET)DOLO$Y &onsists o% %ollo(in+ dia+ra"s#
.se case $iagrams
.') acti%ity diagram
.') use *ase $iagram
Se"uence diagrams
*lass diagrams
5usiness class diagrams

A use case describes a se"uence o# actions that pro%ide
something o# measurable %alue to an actor and is dra&n as a
hori6ontal ellipse An actor is a person8 organi6ation8 or external system
that plays a role in one or more interactions &ith your system.
Acti%ity diagrams are used to document &or7#lo&s in a system8
#rom the business le%el do&n to the operational le%el. Ahen loo7ing at
an Acti%ity diagram8 youQll notice elements #rom state diagram8 the
Acti%ity diagram is a %ariation o# the state diagram &here the RstatesR
represent operations8 and the transitions represent the acti%ities that
happen &hen the operation is complete. The general purpose o#
Acti%ity diagrams is to #ocus on #lo&s dri%en by internal processing %s.
external e%ents.
.') se"uence diagrams model the #lo& o# logic &ithin your
system in a %isual manner8 enabling you both to document and
%alidate your logic8 and are commonly used #or both analysis and
design purposes. Se"uence diagrams are the most popular .')
arti#acts #or dynamic modeling8 &hich #ocuses on identi#ying the
beha%ior &ithin your system.
A class diagram describes the static structure o# the symbols
in your ne& system. It is a graphic presentation o# the static %ie& that
sho&s a collection o# declarati%e ;static< model elements8 such as
classes8 types8 and their contents and relationships. *lasses are
arranged in hierarchies sharing common structure and beha%ior8 and
are associated &ith other classes

The main #ocus o# the analysis phase o# So#t&are
de%elopment is on BAhat needs to be doneC. The obDects disco%ered
during the analysis can ser%e as the #rame&or7 or $esign. The classGs
attributes8 methods and association identi#ied during analysis must be
designed #or implementation language. =e& classes must be
introduced to store intermediate results during the program execution.
Emphasis shi#ts #rom the application domain o
implementation and computer such as user inter#aces or %ie& layer
and access layer. $uring analysis8 &e loo7 at the physical entities or
business obDects in the system8 that is8 &hich players and ho& they
cooperate to do the &or7 o# the application. These obDects represent
tangible elements o# the business.
$uring the $esign phase8 &e ele%ate the model into logical
entities8 some o# &hich might relate more to he computer domain as
people or employees. +ere his goal is to design the classes that &e
need to implement the system the di##erence is that8 at this le%el &e
#ocus on the %ie& and access classes8 such as ho& to maintain
in#ormation or the best &ay o interact &ith a user or present
Desi+n ,ro&ess#

$uring the design phase the classes identi#ied in obDect-
oriented analysis 'ust be e%isited &ith a shi#t #ocus to their
implementation. =e& classes or attribute and 'ethods must be an
added #or implementation purposes and user inter#aces.The obDect-
oriented design process consists o# the #ollo&ing acti%ities?
1. Apply design axioms to design classes8 their attributes8 methods8
associations8 structure
and protocols Re#ine and complete the static .') class diagram by
adding details to the .') diagram. This step consists o# #ollo&ing
acti%ities. SRe#ine attributes S$esign methods and protocols by
utili6ing a .') acti%ity diagram to represent the methodGs algorithms.
SRe#ine associations bet&een classes
SRe#ine class hierarchy and design &ith inheritance
SIterate and re#ine again
2. $esign the access layer
*reate mirror classes? For e%ery business class identi#ied and
created. For
example8 i# there are three business classes8 create three access
layer classes.
Identi#y access layer class relationships.
Simpli#y classes and their relationships? The main goal here is to
redundant classes and structures.
SRedundant classes? $o not 7eep t&o classes that per#orm similar
translate results
acti%ities. Simply select one and eliminate the other.
S'ethod classes? Re%isit the classes that consist o# only one or t&o
methods to see i# they
can be eliminated or combined &ith existing classes.
Iterate and re#ine again.
3. $esign the %ie& layer classes
$esign the macro le%el user inter#ace8 identi#ying %ie&
layer obDects.
$esign the micro le%el user inter#ace8 &hich includes these
S $esign the %ie& layer obDects by applying the design axioms
and corollaries.
S 5uilt a prototype o# the %ie& layer inter#ace.
i. Test usability and user satis#action
ii. Iterate and re#ine.
!. Iterate re#ine the &hole design process.
From the class diagram8 you can begin to extrapolate &hich classes
you &ill ha%e to
built and &hich existing classes you can reuse. As you do this8 also
begin this8 also
begin thin7ing about the inheritance structure. I# you ha%e se%eral
classes that seem
relates but ha%e speci#ic di##erences.
$esign also must be traceable across re"uirements8 analysis8 design
#rom the
Re"uirements model.
operations o# the class. Ahere as the pri%ate %isibility indicates that
the accessibility can be gi%en only to the operations o# the class
Type expression is a language dependent speci#ication o#
the implementation type o# an attribute. Initial %alue is a language
dependent expression #or the initial %alue is optional.


:Di!"i#$!%" :R&'i!&" :A()i*i!"+!
1: '&!R&'i!&"
2: ,+-i(+!&
.: I(/0+1%"(
2: P&")ii%*
1: '&!R&'i!&"
2: ,+-i(+!&
2: P&")ii%*
.: I(/0+1%"(

:C-i&*! :R&'i!&" :A()i*i!"+!
1: '&!R&'i!&"
.: I(/0+1%"(
2: ,+-i(+!&
2: P&")ii%*

:C-i&*! :R&'i!&
1: '&!R&'i!&"
2: ,+-i(+!&
2: P&")ii%*
.: I(/0+1%"(
:Di!"i#$!%" :L%'i*
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.: '&!L%'i*
3: 4+-i(+!i%*
2: 4+-i( (i!"i#$!%"
5: 4+-i( 6-i&*!

LO$ON Colla'oration Dia+ra" #
:Di!"i#$!%" :
:L%'i* :
:C-i&*! :
2: ,+-i(+!&
3: 4+-i(+!i%*
1: '&!L%'i*
2: 4+-i( (i!"i#$!%"
.: '&!L%'i*
5: 4+-i( 6-i&*!

:Di!"i#$!%" :L%'i*
1: '&!L%'*
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2: C9&6:*'
.: ,+-i(U&"
3: A00-7C+"(
5: '&!T70&O8 C+"(
;: '&!!i*'C+"(
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=: A6>DD
1?: C+"(
11: S$6&8$- A00-&(
12: L%'O$!
12: I*,+-i(U&"
.: ,+-i(U&"
;: '&!!i*'C+"(
2: C9&6:*'
1: '&!L%'*
12: L%'O$!
2: ID/0+
3: A00-7C+"(
12: I*,+-i(U&"
5: '&!T70&O8 C+"(
1?: C+"(
11: S$6&8$- A00-&(
<: '&!M%(&O8P+7
=: A6>DD
:P"%($6! :C-i&*!L! :P"%($6!L!
1: '&!L%'i*
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.: ,+-i(U&"
3: '&!P"%($6!Li!
5: '&!C-i&*!Li!
;: Li!%8P"%($6!
<: '&!P"%($6!Li!
=: Li!O8P"%($6!
1?: Li!O8C-i&*!
11: Li!O8P"%($6!
12: L%'%$!
12: I*4+-i(U&"
1: '&!L%'i*
2: ,+-i(+!&
2: 69&6:*'
.: ,+-i(U&"
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5: '&!C-i&*!Li! ;: Li!%8P"%($6!
<: '&!P"%($6!Li!
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12: I*4+-i(U&"
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C+"! :O"(&"
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;: C%*8i")+!i%*
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1: '&!L%'i*
<: I*,+-i(U&"
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.: A((T% C+"!
3: %"(&"
;: C%*8i")+!i%*

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1: '&!L%'i*
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2: ,+-i(+!&
.: '&!!i*'D&!+i-
3: (&!+i-

DD_N% : N$)#&"
DD_(+!& : D+!&
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A6_N% : N$)#&"
A6_!70& : S!"i*'
A6_D+!& : D+!&
A6_A)! : N$)#&"
P"%_*+)& : S!"i*'
P"%_i( : N$)#&"
P"%_P"i6& : N$)#&"
P"%_M8'D+!& : D+!&
P"%_E@0i"7D+!& : D+!&
P"%_8&+!$"& : S!"i*'
P"%_C+!+'%"7 : S!"i*'
C-i&*!_i( : S!"i*'
)%(& : S!"i*'
B+*:_*+)& : S!"i*'
B"+*69_*+)& : S!"i*'
I)0+6!M+!&" I)0+6!E@&6$!i4& I)0+6!Si-4&" I)0+6!A%-(
C+"(_N+)& : S!"i*'
C+"(_T70& : S!"i*'
C+"(_F&+!$"& : S!"i*'
C+"(_C%! : F-%+!
C+"(_E@0(+!& : D+!&
C+"(_B+-+*6& : N$)#&"
C+"(N% : N$)#&"
C+"(_PIN : N$)#&"
U&"_i( : S!"i*'
P+1%"( : S!"i*'
S!+!$ : S!"i*'
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C+"(_N% : N$)#&"
P"%(_I( : N$)#&"
P"%(_Q!7 : N$)#&"
T"+*_A)! : N$)#&"
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C-i&*!_09%*&2 : N$)#&"
C-i&*!_B"+*69 : S!"i*'
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C-i&*!_6i!7 : S!"i*'
C-i&*!_0i* : N$)#&"
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Di!_M%#i-& : N$)#&"
Di!_&)+i- : S!"i*'
Di!_D%C : D+!&
Di!_D%# : D+!&
A&tivit! Dia+ra"s
A&tivit! Dia+ra"s#
It is a #lo&chart8 sho&ing #lo& o# control #rom acti%ity to acti%ity.
It is used to model the dynamic accepts o# system. It also models the
#lo& o# an obDect as it mo%es #rom state to state at di##erent points in
the #lo& o# control. It may stand alone to %isuali6e8 speci#y8 construct8
and document the dynamics o# society o# obDects8 or they may be used
to model the #lo& o# control.
Sour&e # #$istributor Registration
2 )ogin .se *ase $iagram
Use Case ID #IS(.*441
A&tivit! ID #IS(A441 A&tivit! Dia+ra" #$istributor
2 )ogin
A&tivit! Flo(s #
64 The $istributor login to the system.
74 $istributor #urnish his details and the tie-ups he has
&ith the one o# the clients and
applies #or registration
84 The Administrator &ill authenticates and
%alidate the distributor
by comparing the in#ormation the distributor
pro%ided and
the in#ormation that IS( has regarding clients.

B4 5ased on the result the administrator registers the
client and
con#irms as %alid distributor and allo&s to
utili6e the system..

Authentication 0eriication
Client Details
Sour&e # #*lient Registration
2 )ogin .se *ase $iagram
Use Case ID #IS(.*442
A&tivit! ID # IS(A442 A&tivit! Dia+ra" #*lient
2 )ogin
A&tivit! Flo(s #
64 The *lient login to the system.
74 *lient pro%ides his in#ormation and applies #or
84 The Administrator authenticates and %alidates
the client
by comparing the in#ormation he;client<
pro%ided and the
in#ormation the IS( has about client.
B4 5ased on the %eri#ication result the administrator
registers the
client and con#irms as %alid distributor and allo&s
to utili6e the

Authentication 0eriication
Sour&e #Apply #or IRC Use Case ID #IS(.*44!
A&tivit! ID # IS(A44! A&tivit! Dia+ra" #Apply #or IRC
A&tivit! Flo( #
64 The distributor login to the system by entering login id
and pass&ord.
74 The administrator %alidates the login id and pass&ord
and displays the in#ormation about the IRC4
84 =o& the distributor can select the IRC &hich he pre#ers
by going thru IRC in#ormation.
B4 Then the distributor can apply #or the IRC by clic7ing on
the button ;Apply #or the IRC< in the #orm.
Car# Selection
Apply For Car#
Sour&e # Issuing the IRC .se
*ase $iagram
Use Case ID #IS(.*4,
A&tivit! ID # IS(A4, A&tivit! Dia+ra" # Issuing the
A&tivit! Flo( #
64 $istributor logins to the system.
74 IRC in#ormation is displayed as he clic7s the IRC
in#ormation button in the #orm displayed a#ter login.
84 The distributor can select the IRC 8apply #or that IRC
and can purchase it i# re"uired by paying money thru
D4D or AC& trans#er into IS( account.
B4 The Administrator %eri#ies &hether money paid by the
distributor has trans#erred into ISP account.
D4 I# the money is trans#erred into ISP A@c then IRC
is allotted to the
distributor else the distributor is in#ormed about
the #ailure.
. E4 The Administrator issues the IRC no8 PIN thru
mail or post
to the distributor.

IRC Inor*ation
Apply For IRC
Sen# 1y Postal Sen# 1y Mail
Issue the Car# no $
Pay or the
Select the IRC
If "a#ment is
not s$%%essf$l
If "a#ment
is s$%%essf$l
Sour&e #IRC Rene&al .se *ase
Use Case ID #IS(.*43
A&tivit! ID # IS(A43 A&tivit! Dia+ra" # IRC Rene&al
A&tivit! Flo( #
64 The distributor login to the system .
74 $istributor can chec7 his card status by simply clic7ing
on card status button.
84 The card status displayed i.e. card expiry and card
B4 I# the distributor &ant to go #or rene&al he has to
deposit amount into the ISPGs A@c.
D4 I# the amount is trans#erred into the ISP5s A@c the card
is rene&ed.
Car# Status
Car# 1alance Car# "6piry Date
Deposit A*ount
Not e&ists
Sour&e #(osting Shopping $etails
to *lient
.se *ase $iagram.
Use Case ID #IS(.*41
A&tivit! ID # IS(A41 A&tivit! Dia+ra" # (osting
Shopping $etails to *lient
A&tivit! Flo( #
64 The distributor places the order to the administrator.
74 The order details are #urnished to the administrator i.e.
products selected and "uantity.
84 The Administrator appro%es the transaction a#ter its
%eri#ication .
B4 The complete details o# the transaction are #urnished to
the client by the Administrator.
&r#er Details
Sen# Details To
Appro+e The
Data Di&tionar!
A database model is a collection o# logical constructs used to
represent the data in data structures and data relationships &ith in the
database. 5asically8 the database models may be grouped into t&o
categories? conceptual model and implementation models. The
conceptual model #ocuses on the logical nature o# that data
presentation. There#ore the conceptual model is concerned &ith &hat
is representing in the database and the implementation model is
concerned &ith ho& it is represented.
64 Con&e,tual Model#
The conceptual model represents data present in the
entities as &ell the relations present is the entities. All the strong
entities and &ea7 entities are identi#ied here and it mainly #ocuses
on the logical nature o# that data presentation.
74 $eneral A&&ess Model#
9eneral access model is used to con%ert the ER model
into the relation model. +ere &e can identi#y the re#erences to
the other entities and the nature o# the each attribute. 5ut8 A
net&or7 modelGs record can ha%e more then one parent.
84 Relation Model#
The relational model is represented as tables. The columns
o# each table are attributes that de#ine the data or %alue domain #or
entities in that column. The ro&s o# each table are tuples
representing indi%idual data obDects being stored. A relational table
should ha%e only one primary 7ey. A primary 7ey is a combination
o# one or more attributes &hose %alue unambiguously locates each
ro& in the table.

Na"e De%inition Lo+i&al Onl!
A**.=TO$ETAI)S =o
A$$RESS =o
5onusOpoints =o
*learence =o
*.ST'ER =o
$$O$ETAI)S =o
$istributor)ist =o
IR*O*AR$ =o
IS(OAccounts =o
ITE' =o
)9I= =o
'A=.FA*T.RER =o
(A:E'E=T =o
RE=AA) =o
Attri'uteFs* o% GACCOUNT9DETAILSG Entit!
Na"e De%inition Is PH Is FH Re.uired
AOI$ :es =o :es
A**O= =o =o =o
A**OT:(E =o =o =o
A**O5A=P =o =o =o
Attri'uteFs* o% GACCOUNT9DETAILSG Entit!
Na"e De%inition Is PH Is FH Re.uired
(OI$ =o :es =o
AccountO=o =o :es =o
Attri'uteFs* o% GBonus9,ointsG Entit!
Na"e De%inition Is PH Is FH Re.uired
SlOno :es =o :es
*AR$OI$ =o :es =o
(oints =o =o =o
Amount =o =o =o
Attri'uteFs* o% GClearen&eG Entit!
Na"e De%inition Is PH Is FH Re.uired
clOno :es =o :es
=o :es =o
cOdate =o =o =o
Status =o =o =o
Attri'uteFs* o% GCUSTOMERG Entit!
Na"e De%inition Is PH Is FH Re.uired
$ISTOI$ :es =o :es
=o =o =o
=o =o =o
$ISTOA$$1 =o =o =o
$ISTOA$$2 =o =o =o
$ISTO*IT: =o =o =o
$ISTOSTATE =o =o =o
=o =o =o
$ISTONI( =o =o =o
$ISTO(+1 =o =o =o
$ISTO(+2 =o =o =o
$ISTOFA>1 =o =o =o
Attri'uteFs* o% GCUSTOMERG Entit!
Na"e De%inition Is PH Is FH Re.uired
$ISTOFA>2 =o =o =o
$ISTO$5 =o =o =o
=o =o =o
$ISTO'AI)I$ =o =o =o
=o =o =o
*lientOI$ =o :es =o
Attri'uteFs* o% GDD9DETAILSG Entit!
Na"e De%inition Is PH Is FH Re.uired
$OI$ :es =o :es
$$O= =o =o =o
$$O5A=P =o =o =o
$$O5RA=*+ =o =o =o
$$O$ATE =o =o =o
(OI$ =o :es =o
Attri'uteFs* o% GDistri'utorListG Entit!
Na"e De%inition Is PH Is FH Re.uired
slOno :es =o :es
*lientOI$ =o :es =o
chec7Oid =o =o =o
distOname =o =o =o
Attri'uteFs* o% GIRC9CARDG Entit!
Na"e De%inition Is PH Is FH Re.uired
*AR$OI$ :es =o :es
*AR$O=A'E =o =o =o
=o =o =o
*AR$O)I'IT =o =o =o
Attri'uteFs* o% GIRC9USER9CARD9DETAILSG Entit!
Na"e De%inition Is PH Is FH Re.uired
IR*O*AR$= :es =o :es
Attri'uteFs* o% GIRC9USER9CARD9DETAILSG Entit!
Na"e De%inition Is PH Is FH Re.uired
=o =o =o
=o =o =o
=o =o =o
5A)A=*E =o =o =o
*AR$OI$ =o :es =o
$ISTOI$ =o :es =o
TRA=SOA'T =o =o =o
5onus(oints =o =o =o
Attri'uteFs* o% GISP9A&&ountsG Entit!
Na"e De%inition Is PH Is FH Re.uired
AccountO=o :es =o :es
5an7 =o =o =o
Type =o =o =o
5ranch =o =o =o
(lace =o =o =o
Attri'uteFs* o% GITEMG Entit!
Na"e De%inition Is PH Is FH Re.uired
ITE'OI$ :es =o :es
ITE'O$ES* =o =o =o
ITE'O(RI*E =o =o =o
ITE'OKT: =o =o =o
=o =o =o
=o =o =o
*lientOI$ =o :es =o
=o =o =o
Attri'uteFs* o% GLO$ING Entit!
Na"e De%inition Is PH Is FH Re.uired
I$ =o =o :es
(ASSAR$ =o =o =o
STAT.S =o =o =o
Attri'uteFs* o% GMANUFACTURERG Entit!
Na"e De%inition Is PH Is FH Re.uired
*lientOI$ :es =o :es
*lientO=A'E =o =o =o
*lientOA$$1 =o =o =o
*lientO*IT: =o =o =o
=o =o =o
*lientOSATE =o =o =o
*lientOA$$2 =o =o =o
*lientO(+1 =o =o =o
*lientO(+2 =o =o =o
=o =o =o
=o =o =o
=o =o =o
*lientO$5 =o =o =o
=o =o =o
=o =o =o
*lientO5A=P =o =o =o
*lientOE>( =o =o =o
clientOstatus =o =o =o
Attri'uteFs* o% GPAYEMENTG Entit!
Na"e De%inition Is PH Is FH Re.uired
(A:OI$ :es =o :es
(A:OA'.=T =o =o =o
(A:O$ATE =o =o =o
$ISTOI$ =o :es =o
*lientOI$ =o :es =o
TRA=SOI$ =o :es =o
Attri'uteFs* o% GPAYEMENT9MASTERG Entit!
Na"e De%inition Is PH Is FH Re.uired
(OI$ :es =o :es
(OT:(E =o =o =o
(OA'.=T =o =o =o
(O$ATE =o =o =o
*AR$OI$ =o =o =o
$ISTOI$ =o :es =o
$esc =o =o =o
Attri'uteFs* o% GREN2ALG Entit!
Na"e De%inition Is PH Is FH Re.uired
S)O= :es =o :es
IR*O*AR$= =o :es =o
=o =o =o
$ISTOI$ =o :es =o
A'.=T =o =o =o
(OI$ =o :es =o
Attri'uteFs* o% GTRANSACTIONG Entit!
Na"e De%inition Is PH Is FH Re.uired
TRA=SOI$ :es =o :es
TRA=SO$ATE =o =o =o
=o =o =o
Attri'uteFs* o% GTRANSACTIONG Entit!
Na"e De%inition Is PH Is FH Re.uired
$ISTOI$ =o :es =o
Na"e De%inition Is PH Is FH Re.uired
:es =o :es
ITE'OI$ =o =o =o
ITE'OKT: =o =o =o
ITE'OTTA) =o =o =o
=o =o =o
*lientOI$ =o :es =o
TRA=SOI$ =o :es =o
Na"e De%inition Re.uired Is PH
AOI$ :es :es
A**O= =o =o
A**OT:(E =o =o
A**O5A=P =o =o
(OI$ =o =o
AccountO=o =o =o
$OA$$RESS =o =o
=o =o
$ISTOI$ :es :es
$ISTO)AST=A'E =o =o
$ISTOA$$1 =o =o
$ISTOA$$2 =o =o
$ISTO*IT: =o =o
Na"e De%inition Re.uired Is PH
=o =o
$ISTONI( =o =o
$ISTO(+1 =o =o
$ISTO(+2 =o =o
$ISTOFA>1 =o =o
$ISTOFA>2 =o =o
$ISTO$5 =o =o
=o =o
$ISTO'AI)I$ =o =o
*lientOI$ =o =o
$OI$ :es :es
$$O= =o =o
$$O5A=P =o =o
$$O5RA=*+ =o =o
$$O$ATE =o =o
(OI$ =o =o
*AR$OI$ :es :es
*AR$O=A'E =o =o
=o =o
*AR$O)I'IT =o =o
IR*O*AR$= :es :es
=o =o
IR*O*AR$O(I= =o =o
5A)A=*E =o =o
*AR$OI$ =o =o
$ISTOI$ =o =o
TRA=SOA'T =o =o
5onus(oints =o =o
ITE'OI$ :es :es
ITE'O$ES* =o =o
ITE'O(RI*E =o =o
ITE'OKT: =o =o
Na"e De%inition Re.uired Is PH
ITE'O*ATE9R: =o =o
ITE'OI'A9E.R) =o =o
*lientOI$ =o =o
=o =o
I$ :es =o
(ASSAR$ =o =o
STAT.S =o =o
*lientOI$ :es :es
*lientO=A'E =o =o
*lientOA$$1 =o =o
*lientO*IT: =o =o
=o =o
*lientOSATE =o =o
*lientOA$$2 =o =o
*lientO(+1 =o =o
*lientO(+2 =o =o
*lientO'5I)E= =o =o
*lientOE'AI)I$ =o =o
*lientOAE5SITE =o =o
*lientO$5 =o =o
=o =o
*lientOA**T:(E =o =o
*lientO5A=P =o =o
*lientOE>( =o =o
clientOstatus =o =o
(A:OI$ :es :es
(A:OA'.=T =o =o
(A:O$ATE =o =o
$ISTOI$ =o =o
*lientOI$ =o =o
TRA=SOI$ =o =o
(OI$ :es :es
(OT:(E =o =o
(OA'.=T =o =o
(O$ATE =o =o
Na"e De%inition Re.uired Is PH
*AR$OI$ =o =o
$ISTOI$ =o =o
$esc =o =o
S)O= :es :es
IR*O*AR$= =o =o
RE=EAA)$ATE =o =o
$ISTOI$ =o =o
A'.=T =o =o
(OI$ =o =o
TRA=SOI$ :es :es
TRA=SO$ATE =o =o
TRA=SOA'.=T =o =o
$ISTOI$ =o =o
:es :es
ITE'OI$ =o =o
ITE'OKT: =o =o
ITE'OTTA) =o =o
=o =o
*lientOI$ =o =o
TRA=SOI$ =o =o
AccountO=o :es :es
5an7 =o =o
Type =o =o
5ranch =o =o
(lace =o =o
slOno :es :es
*lientOI$ =o =o
chec7Oid =o =o
distOname =o =o
SlOno :es :es
*AR$OI$ =o =o
(oints =o =o
Amount =o =o
clOno :es :es
=o =o
+T')8 an initialism o# +ypertext 'ar7up )anguage8 is the predominant
mar7up language #or &eb pages. It pro%ides a means to describe the
structure o# text-based in#ormation in a document T by denoting
certain text as headings8 paragraphs8 lists8 and so on T and to
supplement that text &ith interacti%e #orms8 embedded images8 and
other obDects. +T') is &ritten in the #orm o# labels ;7no&n as tags<8
surrounded by angle brac7ets. +T') can also describe8 to some
degree8 the appearance and semantics o# a document8 and can include
embedded scripting language code &hich can a##ect the beha%ior o#
&eb bro&sers and other +T') processors.
+T') is also o#ten used to re#er to content o# the 'I'E type text@html
or e%en more broadly as a generic term #or +T') &hether in its >')-
descended #orm ;such as >+T') 1.4 and later< or its #orm descended
directly #rom S9')
+yper Text 'ar7up )anguage
!yperte6t Markup Lan%ua%e 7!TML8$ the lan%ua%es o the 4orl# 4i#e 4e, 74448$
allows users to pro#uces 4e, pa%es that inclu#e te6t$ %raphics an# pointer to other 4e,
pa%es 7!yperlinks8)
!TML is not a pro%ra**in% lan%ua%e ,ut it is an application o IS& Stan#ar# 99:;$
S-ML 7Stan#ar# -enerali<e# Markup Lan%ua%e8$ ,ut speciali<e# to hyperte6t an#
a#apte# to the 4e,) The i#ea ,ehin# !yperte6t is that instea# o rea#in% te6t in ri%i#
linear structure$ we can easily =u*p ro* one point to another point) 4e can na+i%ate
throu%h the inor*ation ,ase# on our interest an# preerence) A *arkup lan%ua%e is
si*ply a series o ele*ents$ each #eli*ite# with special characters that #eine how te6t or
other ite*s enclose# within the ele*ents shoul# ,e #isplaye#) !yperlinks are un#erline#
or e*phasi<e# works that loa# to other #ocu*ents or so*e portions o the sa*e
!TML can ,e use# to #isplay any type o #ocu*ent on the host co*puter$ which can ,e
%eo%raphically at a #ierent location) It is a +ersatile lan%ua%e an# can ,e use# on any
plator* or #esktop)
!TML pro+i#es ta%s 7special co#es8 to *ake the #ocu*ent look attracti+e) !TML ta%s
are not case/sensiti+e) Usin% %raphics$ onts$ #ierent si<es$ color$ etc)$ can enhance the
presentation o the #ocu*ent) Anythin% that is not a ta% is part o the #ocu*ent itsel)
1asic !TML Ta%s>
UV -- --W speci#ies comments
UAWXXX.U@AW *reates hypertext lin7s
U5WXXX.U@5W Formats text as bold
U5I9WXXX.U@5I9W Formats text in large #ont.
U5$:WXU@5$:W *ontains all tags and text in the +T')
U*E=TERW...U@*E=TERW *reates text
U$$WXU@$$W $e#inition o# a term
U$)W...U@$)W *reates de#inition list
UF=TWXU@F=TW Formats text &ith a particular #ont
UFR'W...U@FR'W Encloses a #ill-out #orm
UFRA'EW...U@FRA'EW $e#ines a particular #rame in a set o#
U+YWXU@+YW *reates headings o# di##erent le%els; 1 F
/ <
U+EA$W...U@+EA$W *ontains tags that speci#y in#ormation
about a document
U+RW...U@+RW *reates a hori6ontal rule
U+T')WXU@+T')W *ontains all other +T') tags
U'ETAW...U@'ETAW (ro%ides meta-in#ormation about a
US*RI(TWXU@S*RI(TW *ontains client-side or ser%er-side script
UTA5)EWXU@TA5)EW *reates a table
UT$WXU@T$W Indicates table data in a table
UTRWXU@TRW $esignates a table ro&
UT+WXU@T+W *reates a heading in a table
The attributes o# an element are name-%alue pairs8 separated by RZR8
and &ritten &ithin the start label o# an element8 a#ter the elementQs
name. The %alue should be enclosed in single or double "uotes8
although %alues consisting o# certain characters can be le#t un"uoted
in +T') ;but not >+T')<.)ea%ing attribute %alues un"uoted is
considered unsa#e.
'ost elements ta7e any o# se%eral common attributes? id8 class8 style
and title. 'ost also ta7e language-related attributes? lang and dir.
The id attribute pro%ides a document-&ide uni"ue identi#ier #or an
element. This can be used by stylesheets to pro%ide presentational
properties8 by bro&sers to #ocus attention on the speci#ic element or
by scripts to alter the contents or presentation o# an element. The
class attribute pro%ides a &ay o# classi#ying similar elements #or
presentation purposes. For example8 an +T') document ;or a set o#
documents< may use the designation classZRnotationR to indicate that
all elements &ith this class %alue are all subordinate to the main text
o# the document ;or documents<. Such notation classes o# elements
might be gathered together and presented as #ootnotes on a page8
rather than appearing in the place &here they appear in the source
An author may use the style non-attributal codes presentational
properties to a particular element. It is considered better practice to
use an elementGs son- id page and select the element &ith a
stylesheet8 though sometimes this can be too cumbersome #or a
simple ad hoc application o# styled properties. The title is used to
attach subtextual explanation to an element. In most bro&sers this
title attribute is displayed as &hat is o#ten re#erred to as a tooltip. The
generic inline span element can be used to demonstrate these %arious
The preceding displays as +T') ;pointing the cursor at the
abbre%iation should display the title text in most bro&sers<.
A +T') document is small and hence easy to send o%er
the net. It is small because it does not include #ormatted
+T') is plat#orm independent.
+T') tags are not case-sensiti%e.
Ja%aScript is a script-based programming language that &as
de%eloped by =etscape *ommunication *orporation. Ja%aScript &as
originally called )i%e Script and renamed as Ja%aScript to indicate its
relationship &ith Ja%a. Ja%aScript supports the de%elopment o# both
client and ser%er components o# Aeb-based applications. n the client
side8 it can be used to &rite programs that are executed by a Aeb
bro&ser &ithin the context o# a Aeb page. n the ser%er side8 it can
be used to &rite Aeb ser%er programs that can process in#ormation
submitted by a Aeb bro&ser and then update the bro&serGs display
E%en though Ja%aScript supports both client and ser%er Aeb
programming8 &e pre#er Ja%aScript at *lient side programming since
most o# the bro&sers supports it. Ja%aScript is almost as easy to learn
as +T')8 and Ja%aScript statements can be included in +T')
documents by enclosing the statements bet&een a pair o# scripting
US*RI(T )A=9.A9E Z BJa%aScriptCW
Ja%aScript statements
+ere are a #e& things &e can do &ith Ja%aScript?
Halidate the contents o# a #orm and ma7e calculations.
Add scrolling or changing messages to the 5ro&serGs status
Animate images or rotate images that change &hen &e
mo%e the mouse o%er them.
$etect the bro&ser in use and display di##erent content #or
di##erent bro&sers.
$etect installed plug-ins and noti#y the user i# a plug-in is
4e can #o *uch *ore with ?a+aScript$ inclu#in% creatin% entire application)
Ja%aScript Hs Ja%a
?a+aScript an# ?a+a are entirely #ierent lan%ua%es) A ew o the *ost %larin%
#ierences are>
Ja%a applets are generally displayed in a box &ithin the &eb
documentI Ja%aScript can a##ect any part o# the Aeb document
Ahile Ja%aScript is best suited to simple applications and adding
interacti%e #eatures to Aeb pagesI Ja%a can be used #or
incredibly complex applications.
There are many other di##erences but the important thing to remember
is that Ja%aScript and Ja%a are separate languages. They are both
use#ul #or di##erent thingsI in #act they can be used together to
combine their ad%antages.
Ja%aScript can be used #or Se%er-side and *lient-side
It is more #lexible than H5Script.
Ja%aScript is the de#ault scripting languages at *lient-side
since all the bro&sers supports it.
@ava Te&nolo+!
Initially the language &as called as Boa7C but it &as renamed as BJa%aC
in 133,. The primary moti%ation o# this language &as the need #or a
plat#orm-independent ;i.e.8 architecture neutral< language that could
be used to create so#t&are to be embedded in %arious consumer
electronic de%ices.
Ja%a is a programmerGs language.
Ja%a is cohesi%e and consistent.
Except #or those constraints imposed by the Internet
en%ironment8 Ja%a gi%es the programmer8 #ull control.
Finally8 Ja%a is to Internet programming &here * &as to
system programming.
;i< Importance o# Ja%a to the Internet
?a+a has ha# a prooun# eect on the Internet) This is ,ecause@ ?a+a e6pan#s the
Uni+erse o o,=ects that can *o+e a,out reely in Cy,erspace) In a network$ two
cate%ories o o,=ects are trans*itte# ,etween the Ser+er an# the Personal co*puter) They
are> Passi+e inor*ation an# Dyna*ic acti+e pro%ra*s) The Dyna*ic$ Sel/e6ecutin%
pro%ra*s cause serious pro,le*s in the areas o Security an# pro,a,ility) 1ut$ ?a+a
a##resses those concerns an# ,y #oin% so$ has opene# the #oor to an e6citin% new or*
o pro%ra* calle# the Applet)
;i i<
;i i i< Ja%a can be used to create t&o types o# programs
Applications an# Applets > An application is a pro%ra* that runs on our Co*puter
un#er the operatin% syste* o that co*puter) It is *ore or less like one creatin% usin% C
or CAA) ?a+a.s a,ility to create Applets *akes it i*portant) An Applet is an application
#esi%ne# to ,e trans*itte# o+er the Internet an# e6ecute# ,y a ?a+a Bco*pati,le we,
,rowser) An applet is actually a tiny ?a+a pro%ra*$ #yna*ically #ownloa#e# across the
network$ =ust like an i*a%e) 1ut the #ierence is$ it is an intelli%ent pro%ra*$ not =ust a
*e#ia ile) It can react to the user input an# #yna*ically chan%e)
;i%< Features o# Ja%a Security
E%ery time you that you do&nload a BnormalC program8 you are ris7ing
a %iral in#ection. (rior to Ja%a8 most users did not do&nload executable
programs #re"uently8 and those &ho did scan them #or %iruses prior to
execution. 'ost users still &orried about the possibility o# in#ecting
their systems &ith a %irus. In addition8 another type o# malicious
program exists that must be guarded against. This type o# program
can gather pri%ate in#ormation8 such as credit card numbers8 ban7
account balances8 and pass&ords. Ja%a ans&ers both these concerns
by pro%iding a B#ire&allC bet&een a net&or7 application and your
Ahen you use a Ja%a-compatible Aeb bro&ser8 you can sa#ely
do&nload Ja%a applets &ithout #ear o# %irus in#ection or malicious
Fv* Porta'ilit!
For programs to be dynamically do&nloaded to all the %arious types o#
plat#orms connected to the Internet8 some means o# generating
portable executable code is needed .As you &ill see8 the same
mechanism that helps ensure security also helps create portability.
Indeed8 Ja%aGs solution to these t&o problems is both elegant and
Fvi* Te B!te &ode
The 7ey that allo&s the Ja%a to sol%e the security and portability
problems is that the output o# Ja%a compiler is 5yte code. 5yte code is
a highly optimi6ed set o# instructions designed to be executed by the
Ja%a run-time system8 &hich is called the Ja%a Hirtual 'achine ;JH'<.
That is8 in its standard #orm8 the JH' is an interpreter #or byte code.
Translating a Ja%a program into byte code helps ma7es it much easier
to run a program in a &ide %ariety o# en%ironments. The reason is8
once the run-time pac7age exists #or a gi%en system8 any Ja%a
program can run on it.
Although Ja%a &as designed #or interpretation8 there is technically
nothing about Ja%a that pre%ents on-the-#ly compilation o# byte code
into nati%e code. Sun has Dust completed its Just In Time ;JIT<
compiler #or byte code. Ahen the JIT compiler is a part o# JH'8 it
compiles byte code into executable code in real time8 on a piece-by-
piece8 demand basis. It is not possible to compile an entire Ja%a
program into executable code all at once8 because Ja%a per#orms
%arious run-time chec7s that can be done only at run time. The JIT
compiles code8 as it is needed8 during execution.
Fvii* @ava 0irtual Ma&ine F@0M*
5eyond the language8 there is the Ja%a %irtual machine. The Ja%a
%irtual machine is an important element o# the Ja%a technology. The
%irtual machine can be embedded &ithin a &eb bro&ser or an
operating system. nce a piece o# Ja%a code is loaded onto a machine8
it is %eri#ied. As part o# the loading process8 a class loader is in%o7ed
and does byte code %eri#ication ma7es sure that the code thatGs has
been generated by the compiler &ill not corrupt the machine that itGs
loaded on. 5yte code %eri#ication ta7es place at the end o# the
compilation process to ma7e sure that is all accurate and correct. So
byte code %eri#ication is integral to the compiling and executing o# Ja%a
&+erall Description
;%i i i<
;i x<
(icture sho&ing the de%elopment process o# JAHA (rogram
?a+a pro%ra**in% uses to pro#uce ,yte co#es an# e6ecutes the*) The irst ,o6 in#icates
that the ?a+a source co#e is locate# in a) ?a+a ile that is processe# with a ?a+a co*piler
calle# =a+ac) The ?a+a co*piler pro#uces a ile calle# a) class ile$ which contains the
,yte co#e) The )Class ile is then loa#e# across the network or loa#e# locally on your
*achine into the e6ecution en+iron*ent is the ?a+a +irtual *achine$ which interprets an#
e6ecutes the ,yte co#e)
;x< Ja%a Architecture
?a+a architecture pro+i#es a porta,le$ ro,ust$ hi%h peror*in% en+iron*ent or
#e+elop*ent) ?a+a pro+i#es porta,ility ,y co*pilin% the ,yte co#es or the ?a+a 0irtual
Machine$ which is then interprete# on each plator* ,y the run/ti*e en+iron*ent) ?a+a is
a #yna*ic syste*$ a,le to loa# co#e when nee#e# ro* a *achine in the sa*e roo* or
across the planet)
;xi< *ompilation o# code
4hen you co*pile the co#e$ the ?a+a co*piler creates *achine co#e 7calle# ,yte co#e8
or a hypothetical *achine calle# ?a+a 0irtual Machine 7?0M8) The ?0M is suppose# to
e6ecute the ,yte co#e) The ?0M is create# or o+erco*in% the issue o porta,ility) The
co#e is written an# co*pile# or one *achine an# interprete# on all *achines) This
*achine is calle# ?a+a 0irtual Machine)
*ompiling and interpreting Ja%a Source *ode
Java Source Java byte code
Durin% run/ti*e the ?a+a interpreter tricks the ,yte co#e ile into thinkin% that it is
runnin% on a ?a+a 0irtual Machine) In reality this coul# ,e a Intel Pentiu* 4in#ows ;C
or SunSARC station runnin% Solaris or Apple Macintosh runnin% syste* an# all coul#
recei+e co#e ro* any co*puter throu%h Internet an# run the Applets)
?a+a was #esi%ne# to ,e easy or the Proessional pro%ra**er to learn an# to use
eecti+ely) I you are an e6perience# CAA pro%ra**er$ learnin% ?a+a will ,e e+en easier)
1ecause ?a+a inherits the C'CAA synta6 an# *any o the o,=ect oriente# eatures o CAA)
Most o the conusin% concepts ro* CAA are either let out o ?a+a or i*ple*ente# in a
cleaner$ *ore approacha,le *anner) In ?a+a there are a s*all nu*,er o clearly #eine#
ways to acco*plish a %i+en task)
?a+a was not #esi%ne# to ,e source/co#e co*pati,le with any other lan%ua%e) This
allowe# the ?a+a tea* the ree#o* to #esi%n with a ,lank slate) &ne outco*e o this was
PC Com"iler
B#te %oe
a clean usa,le$ pra%*atic approach to o,=ects) The o,=ect *o#el in ?a+a is si*ple an#
easy to e6ten#$ while si*ple types$ such as inte%ers$ are kept as hi%h/peror*ance non/
The *ulti/plator* en+iron*ent o the 4e, places e6traor#inary #e*an#s on a pro%ra*$
,ecause the pro%ra* *ust e6ecute relia,ly in a +ariety o syste*s) The a,ility to create
ro,ust pro%ra*s was %i+en a hi%h priority in the #esi%n o ?a+a) ?a+a is strictly type#
lan%ua%e@ it checks your co#e at co*pile ti*e an# run ti*e)
?a+a +irtually eli*inates the pro,le*s o *e*ory *ana%e*ent an# #e/allocation$ which
is co*pletely auto*atic) In a well/written ?a+a pro%ra*$ all run ti*e errors can Ban#
shoul# B,e *ana%e# ,y your pro%ra*)
@ava Data'ase Conne&tivit!
Ahat Is J$5*E
J$5* is a Ja%a A(I #or executing SK) statements. ;As a point o#
interest8 J$5* is a trademar7ed name and is not an acronymI
ne%ertheless8 J$5* is o#ten thought o# as standing #or Ja%a $atabase
*onnecti%ity. It consists o# a set o# classes and inter#aces &ritten in
the Ja%a programming language. J$5* pro%ides a standard A(I #or
tool@database de%elopers and ma7es it possible to &rite database
applications using a pure Ja%a A(I.
.sing J$5*8 it is easy to send SK) statements to %irtually any
relational database. ne can &rite a single program using the J$5*
A(I8 and the program &ill be able to send SK) statements to the
appropriate database. The combinations o# Ja%a and J$5* lets a
programmer &rite it once and run it any&here.
Ahat $oes J$5* $oE
Si*ply put$ ?D1C *akes it possi,le to #o three thin%s>
Establish a connection &ith a database
Send SK) statements
(rocess the results.
J$5* %ersus $5* and other A(Is
At this point8 'icroso#tQs $5* ;pen $atabase *onnecti%ity< A(I is
that probably the most &idely used programming inter#ace #or
accessing relational databases. It o##ers the ability to connect to
almost all databases on almost all plat#orms.
So &hy not Dust use $5* #rom Ja%aE The ans&er is that you can use
$5* #rom Ja%a8 but this is best done &ith the help o# J$5* in the
#orm o# the J$5*-$5* 5ridge8 &hich &e &ill co%er shortly. The
"uestion no& becomes RAhy do you need J$5*ER There are se%eral
ans&ers to this "uestion?
1. $5* is not appropriate #or direct use #rom Ja%a because it uses
a * inter#ace. *alls #rom Ja%a to nati%e * code ha%e a number o#
dra&bac7s in the security8 implementation8 robustness8 and
automatic portability o# applications.
2. A literal translation o# the $5* * A(I into a Ja%a A(I &ould not
be desirable. For example8 Ja%a has no pointers8 and $5*
ma7es copious use o# them8 including the notoriously error-
prone generic pointer R%oid SR. :ou can thin7 o# J$5* as $5*
translated into an obDect-oriented inter#ace that is natural #or
Ja%a programmers.
3. $5* is hard to learn. It mixes simple and ad%anced #eatures
together8 and it has complex options e%en #or simple "ueries.
J$5*8 on the other hand8 &as designed to 7eep simple things
simple &hile allo&ing more ad%anced capabilities &here
!. A Ja%a A(I li7e J$5* is needed in order to enable a Rpure Ja%aR
solution. Ahen $5* is used8 the $5* dri%er manager and
dri%ers must be manually installed on e%ery client machine.
Ahen the J$5* dri%er is &ritten completely in Ja%a8 ho&e%er8
J$5* code is automatically installable8 portable8 and secure on
all Ja%a plat#orms #rom net&or7 computers to main#rames.
T&o-tier and Three-tier 'odels
The J$5* A(I supports both t&o-tier and three-tier models #or
database access.
In the two/tier *o#el$ a ?a+a applet or application talks #irectly to the #ata,ase) This
requires a ?D1C #ri+er that can co**unicate with the particular #ata,ase *ana%e*ent
syste* ,ein% accesse#) A userDs S2L state*ents are #eli+ere# to the #ata,ase$ an# the
results o those state*ents are sent ,ack to the user) The #ata,ase *ay ,e locate# on
another *achine to which the user is connecte# +ia a network) This is reerre# to as a
client'ser+er coni%uration$ with the userDs *achine as the client$ an# the *achine housin%
the #ata,ase as the ser+er) The network can ,e an Intranet$ which$ or e6a*ple$ connects
e*ployees within a corporation$ or it can ,e the Internet)
Client ma%!ine
DBMS-"ro"rietar# "roto%ol
Data.ase ser(er
'a(a a""let or
/tml .ro0ser
Ser(er +'a(a,
Client ma%!ine +1UI,
/TTP2 RMI2 or CORBA %alls
Ser(er ma%!ine +.$siness Lo3i%,
DBMS-"ro"rietar# "roto%ol
Data.ase ser(er
In the three-tier model8 commands are sent to a Rmiddle tierR o#
ser%ices8 &hich then send SK) statements to the database. The
database processes the SK) statements and sends the results bac7 to
the middle tier8 &hich then sends them to the user. 'IS directors #ind
the three-tier model %ery attracti%e because the middle tier ma7es it
possible to maintain control o%er access and the 7inds o# updates that
can be made to corporate data. Another ad%antage is that &hen there
is a middle tier8 the user can employ an easy-to-use higher-le%el A(I
&hich is translated by the middle tier into the appropriate lo&-le%el
calls. Finally8 in many cases the three-tier architecture can pro%ide
per#ormance ad%antages.
.ntil no& the middle tier has typically been &ritten in languages such
as * or *[[8 &hich o##er #ast per#ormance. +o&e%er8 &ith the
introduction o# optimi6ing compilers that translate Ja%a byte code into
e##icient machine-speci#ic code8 it is becoming practical to implement
the middle tier in Ja%a. This is a big plus8 ma7ing it possible to ta7e
ad%antage o# Ja%aQs robustness8 multithreading8 and security #eatures.
J$5* is important to allo& database access #rom a Ja%a middle tier.
@DBC Driver T!,es
The J$5* dri%ers that &e are a&are o# at this time #it into one o#
#our categories?
J$5*-$5* bridge plus $5* dri%er
=ati%e-A(I partly-Ja%a dri%er
J$5*-=et pure Ja%a dri%er
=ati%e-protocol pure Ja%a dri%er
@DBC1ODBC Brid+e
I# possible8 use a (ure Ja%a J$5* dri%er instead o# the 5ridge and an
$5* dri%er. This completely eliminates the client con#iguration
re"uired by $5*. It also eliminates the potential that the Ja%a H'
could be corrupted by an error in the nati%e code brought in by the
5ridge ;that is8 the 5ridge nati%e library8 the $5* dri%er manager
library8 the $5* dri%er library8 and the database client library<.
2at Is te @DBC1 ODBC Brid+eJ
The J$5*-$5* 5ridge is a J$5* dri%er8 &hich implements J$5*
operations by translating them into $5* operations. To $5* it
appears as a normal application program. The 5ridge
implements J$5* #or any database #or &hich an $5* dri%er is
a%ailable. The 5ridge is implemented as the
Sun.Ddbc.odbc Ja%a pac7age and contains a nati%e library used
to access $5*. The 5ridge is a Doint de%elopment o# Innersole
and Ja%a So#t.
@DBC &onne&tivit!
The J$5* pro%ides database-independent connecti%ity bet&een the
J2EE plat#orm and a &ide range o# tabular data sources. J$5*
technology allo&s an Application *omponent (ro%ider to?
(er#orm connection and authentication to a database ser%er
'anager transactions
'o%e SK) statements to a database engine #or preprocessing
and execution
Execute stored procedures
Inspect and modi#y the results #rom Select statements
A database management system ;$5'S< is computer so#t&are
designed #or the purpose o# managing databases8 a large set o#
structured data8 and run operations on the data re"uested by
numerous users. Typical examples o# $5'Ss include racle8 $528
'icroso#t Access8 'icroso#t SK) Ser%er8 Firebird8 (ostgreSK)8 'ySK)8
SK)ite8 File'a7er and Sybase Adapti%e Ser%er Enterprise. $5'Ss are
typically used by $atabase administrators in the creation o# $atabase
systems. Typical examples o# $5'S use include accounting8 human
resources and customer support systems.
riginally #ound only in large companies &ith the computer hard&are
needed to support large data sets8 $5'Ss ha%e more recently
emerged as a #airly standard part o# any company bac7 o##ice.
A $5'S is a complex set o# so#t&are programs that controls the
organi6ation8 storage8 management8 and retrie%al o# data in a
database. A $5'S includes?
A modeling language to de#ine the schema o# each database hosted
in the $5'S8 according to the $5'S data model.
The #our most common types o# organi6ations are the
hierarchical8 net&or78 relational and obDect models. In%erted
lists and other methods are also used. A gi%en database
management system may pro%ide one or more o# the #our
models. The optimal structure depends on the natural
organi6ation o# the applicationQs data8 and on the applicationQs
re"uirements ;&hich include transaction rate ;speed<8
reliability8 maintainability8 scalability8 and cost<.
The dominant model in use today is the ad hoc one embedded
in SK)8 despite the obDections o# purists &ho belie%e this
model is a corruption o# the relational model8 since it %iolates
se%eral o# its #undamental principles #or the sa7e o#
practicality and per#ormance. 'any $5'Ss also support the
pen $atabase *onnecti%ity A(I that supports a standard &ay
#or programmers to access the $5'S.
$ata structures ;#ields8 records8 #iles and obDects< optimi6ed to
deal &ith %ery large amounts o# data stored on a permanent
data storage de%ice ;&hich implies relati%ely slo& access
compared to %olatile main memory<.
A database "uery language and report &riter to allo& users to
interacti%ely interrogate the database8 analy6e its data and
update it according to the users pri%ileges on data.
It also controls the security o# the database.
$ata security pre%ents unauthori6ed users #rom %ie&ing or
updating the database. .sing pass&ords8 users are allo&ed
access to the entire database or subsets o# it called
subschemas. For example8 an employee database can contain
all the data about an indi%idual employee8 but one group o#
users may be authori6ed to %ie& only payroll data8 &hile
others are allo&ed access to only &or7 history and medical
I# the $5'S pro%ides a &ay to interacti%ely enter and update
the database8 as &ell as interrogate it8 this capability allo&s
#or managing personal databases. +o&e%er8 it may not lea%e
an audit trail o# actions or pro%ide the 7inds o# controls
necessary in a multi-user organi6ation. These controls are
only a%ailable &hen a set o# application programs are
customi6ed #or each data entry and updating #unction.
A transaction mechanism8 that ideally &ould guarantee the A*I$
properties8 in order to ensure data integrity8 despite concurrent
user accesses ;concurrency control<8 and #aults ;#ault tolerance<.
It also maintains the integrity o# the data in the database.
The $5'S can maintain the integrity o# the database by not
allo&ing more than one user to update the same record at the
same time. The $5'S can help pre%ent duplicate records %ia
uni"ue index constraintsI #or example8 no t&o customers &ith
the same customer numbers ;7ey #ields< can be entered into
the database. See A*I$ properties #or more in#ormation
;Redundancy a%oidance<.
The $5'S accepts re"uests #or data #rom the application program and
instructs the operating system to trans#er the appropriate data.
Ahen a $5'S is used8 in#ormation systems can be changed much
more easily as the organi6ationQs in#ormation re"uirements change.
=e& categories o# data can be added to the database &ithout
disruption to the existing system.
rgani6ations may use one 7ind o# $5'S #or daily transaction
processing and then mo%e the detail onto another computer that uses
another $5'S better suited #or random in"uiries and analysis. %erall
systems design decisions are per#ormed by data administrators and
systems analysts. $etailed database design is per#ormed by database
$atabase ser%ers are specially designed computers that hold the
actual databases and run only the $5'S and related so#t&are.
$atabase ser%ers are usually multiprocessor computers8 &ith RAI$
dis7 arrays used #or stable storage. *onnected to one or more ser%ers
%ia a high-speed channel8 hard&are database accelerators are also
used in large %olume transaction processing en%ironments.
$5'Ss are #ound at the heart o# most database applications.
Sometimes $5'Ss are built around a pri%ate multitas7ing 7ernel &ith
built-in net&or7ing support although no&adays these #unctions are le#t
to the operating system.
Structured Kuery )anguage ;SK)< is the language used to manipulate
relational databases. SK) is tied %ery closely &ith the relational model.
In the relational model8 data is stored in structures called relations or
SK) statements are issued #or the purpose o#?
Data de%inition# $e#ining tables and structures in the database ;$$)
used to create8 alter and drop schema obDects such as tables and
Data "ani,ulation# .sed to manipulate the data &ithin those
schema obDects ;$') Inserting8 .pdating8 $eleting the data8 and
Kuerying the $atabase<.
A schema is a collection o# database obDects that can include? tables8
%ie&s8 indexes and se"uences
)ist o# SK) statements that can be issued against an racle database
schema are?
ALTER - *hange an existing table8 %ie& or index de#inition ;$$)<
AUDIT - Trac7 the changes made to a table ;$$)<
COMMENT - Add a comment to a table or column in a table
COMMIT - 'a7e all recent changes permanent ;$') -
CREATE - *reate ne& database obDects such as tables or %ie&s
DELETE - $elete ro&s #rom a database table ;$')<
DROP - $rop a database obDect such as a table8 %ie& or index
$RANT - Allo& another user to access database obDects such as
tables or %ie&s ;$$)<
INSERT - Insert ne& data into a database table ;$')<
No AUDIT - Turn o## the auditing #unction ;$$)<
RE0OHE - $isallo& a user access to database obDects such as
tables and %ie&s ;$$)<
ROLLBACH - .ndo any recent changes to the database ;$') -
SELECT - Retrie%e data #rom a database table ;$')<
TRUNCATE - $elete all ro&s #rom a database table ;can not be
rolled bac7< ;$')<
UPDATE - *hange the %alues o# some data items in a database
table ;$')<
The ?a+a we, ser+er is ?a+aSotDs own we, Ser+er) The ?a+a we, ser+er is =ust a part o a
lar%er ra*ework$ inten#e# to pro+i#e you not =ust with a we, ser+er$ ,ut also with tools)
To ,uil# custo*i<e# network ser+ers or any Internet or Intranet client'ser+er syste*)
Ser+lets are to a we, ser+er$ how applets are to the ,rowser)
About Ser%lets
Ser%lets pro%ide a Ja%a-based solution used to address the problems
currently associated &ith doing ser%er-side programming8 including
inextensible scripting solutions8 plat#orm-speci#ic A(Is8 and incomplete
Ser%lets are obDects that con#orm to a speci#ic inter#ace that can be
plugged into a Ja%a-based ser%er. Ser%lets are to the ser%er-side &hat
applets are to the client-side - obDect byte codes that can be
dynamically loaded o## the net. They di##er #rom applets in that they
are #aceless obDects ;&ithout graphics or a 9.I component<. They
ser%e as plat#orm independent8 dynamically loadable8 pluggable helper
byte code obDects on the ser%er side that can be used to dynamically
extend ser%er-side #unctionality.
For example8 an +TT( Ser%lets can be used to generate dynamic +T')
content. Ahen you use Ser%lets to do dynamic content you get the
#ollo&ing ad%antages?
TheyGre #aster and cleaner than *9I scripts
They use a standard A(I ;the Ser%lets A(I<
They pro%ide all the ad%antages o# Ja%a ;run on a %ariety
o# ser%ers &ithout needing to be re&ritten<.
Attracti%eness o# Ser%lets
There are many #eatures o# Ser%lets that ma7e them easy and
attracti%e to use. These include?
Easily con#igured using the 9.I-based Admin tool
*an be loaded and in%o7ed #rom a local dis7 or remotely
across the net&or7.
*an be lin7ed together8 or chained8 so that one Ser%lets
can call another Ser%lets8 or se%eral Ser%lets in se"uence.
*an be called dynamically #rom &ithin +T') pages8 using
ser%er-side include tags.
Are secure - e%en &hen do&nloading across the net&or78
the Ser%lets security model and Ser%lets sandbox protect
your system #rom un#riendly beha%ior.
Advanta+es o% te Servlet API
ne o# the great ad%antages o# the Ser%let A(I is protocol
independence. It assumes nothing about?
The protocol being used to transmit on the net
+o& it is loaded
The ser%er en%ironment it &ill be running in
These "ualities are important8 because it allo&s the Ser%let A(I to be
embedded in many di##erent 7inds o# ser%ers. There are other
ad%antages to the Ser%let A(I as &ell. These include?
ItGs extensible - you can inherit all your #unctionality #rom the
base classes made a%ailable to you.
ItGs simple8 small8 and easy to use.
Features o% Servlets#
Ser%lets are persistent. Ser%let are loaded only by the &eb
ser%er and can maintain ser%ices bet&een re"uests.
Ser%lets are #ast. Since Ser%lets only need to be loaded once8
they o##er much better per#ormance o%er their *9I
Ser%lets are plat#orm independent.
Ser%lets are extensible. Ja%a is a robust8 obDect-oriented
programming language8 &hich easily can be extended to suit
your needs
Ser%lets are secure.
Ser%lets can be used &ith a %ariety o# clients.
Loadin+ Servlets#
Ser%lets can be loaded #rom three places
From a directory that is on the *)ASS(AT+. The *)ASS(AT+ o# the
Ja%aAebSer%er includes ser%ice root@classes@ &hich is &here the
system classes reside.
From the USERHI*EORT @Ser%lets@ directory. This is SnotS in the
ser%erGs class path. A class loader is used to create Ser%lets #rom this
directory. =e& Ser%lets can be added - existing Ser%lets can be
recompiled and the ser%er &ill notice these changes.
From a remote location8 #or this a code base li7e http? @@ nine.eng @
classes @ #oo @ is re"uired in addition to the Ser%lets class name. Re#er
to the admin 9.I docs on Ser%let section to see ho& to set this up.
Loadin+ Re"ote Servlets
Re*ote Ser+lets can ,e loa#e# ,y>
1. *on#iguring the Admin Tool to setup automatic loading o# remote
2. Setting up ser%er side include tags in. shtml #iles
3. $e#ining a #ilter chain con#iguration
Invo;in+ Servlets
A Ser%let in%o7er is a Ser%let that in%o7es the Rser%iceR method on a
named Ser%let. I# the Ser%let is not loaded in the ser%er8 then the
in%o7er #irst loads the Ser%let ;either #rom local dis7 or #rom the
net&or7< and the then in%o7es the Rser%iceR method. Also li7e applets8
local Ser%lets in the ser%er can be identi#ied by Dust the class name. In
other &ords8 i# a Ser%let name is not absolute8 it is treated as local.
A client can in%o7e Ser%lets in the #ollo&ing &ays#
The client can as7 #or a document that is ser%ed by the Ser%let.
The client ;bro&ser< can in%o7e the Ser%let directly using a .R)8
once it has been mapped using the Ser%let Aliases section o# the
admin 9.I.
The Ser%let can be in%o7ed through ser%er side include tags.
The Ser%let can be in%o7ed by placing it in the Ser%lets@
The Ser%let can be in%o7ed by using it in a #ilter chain.
@ava Server Pa+es F@SP*
Ja%a ser%er (ages is a simple8 yet po&er#ul technology #or
creating and maintaining dynamic-content &eb pages. 5ased on
the Ja%a programming language8 Ja%a Ser%er (ages o##ers
pro%en portability8 open standards8 and a mature re-usable
component model .The Ja%a Ser%er (ages architecture enables
the separation o# content generation #rom content presentation.
This separation not eases maintenance headachesI it also allo&s
&eb team members to #ocus on their areas o# expertise. =o&8
&eb page designer can concentrate on layout8 and &eb
application designers on programming8 &ith minimal concern
about impacting each otherGs &or7.
Features o# JS(
Ja%a Ser%er (ages #iles can be run on any &eb ser%er or &eb-
enabled application ser%er that pro%ides support #or them.
$ubbed the JS( engine8 this support in%ol%es recognition8
translation8 and management o# the Ja%a Ser%er (age li#ecycle
and its interaction components.
It &as mentioned earlier that the Ja%a Ser%er (ages architecture
can include reusable Ja%a components. The architecture also
allo&s #or the embedding o# a scripting language directly into the
Ja%a Ser%er (ages #ile. The components current supported
include Ja%a 5eans8 and Ser%lets.
A Ja%a Ser%er (ages #ile is essentially an +T') document &ith
JS( scripting or tags. The Ja%a Ser%er (ages #ile has a JS(
extension to the ser%er as a Ja%a Ser%er (ages #ile. 5e#ore the
page is ser%ed8 the Ja%a Ser%er (ages syntax is parsed and
processed into a Ser%let on the ser%er side. The Ser%let that is
generated outputs real content in straight +T') #or responding
to the client.
Access 'odels?
A Ja%a Ser%er (ages #ile may be accessed in at least t&o
di##erent &ays. A clientGs re"uest comes directly into a Ja%a
Ser%er (age. In this scenario8 suppose the page accesses
reusable Ja%a 5ean components that per#orm particular &ell-
de#ined computations li7e accessing a database. The result o# the
5eans computations8 called result sets is stored &ithin the 5ean
as properties. The page uses such 5eans to generate dynamic
content and present it bac7 to the client.
In both o# the abo%e cases8 the page could also contain any %alid
Ja%a code. Ja%a Ser%er (ages architecture encourages separation
o# content #rom presentation.
Steps in the execution o# a JS( Application?
1. The client sends a re"uest to the &eb ser%er #or a JS( #ile by
gi%ing the name o# the JS( #ile &ithin the #orm tag o# a +T')
2. This re"uest is trans#erred to the Ja%aAebSer%er. At the ser%er
side Ja%aAebSer%er recei%es the re"uest and i# it is a re"uest #or
a Dsp #ile ser%er gi%es this re"uest to the JS( engine.
3. JS( engine is program &hich can under stands the tags o# the
Dsp and then it con%erts those tags into a Ser%let program and it
is stored at the ser%er side. This Ser%let is loaded in the memory
and then it is executed and the result is gi%en bac7 to the
Ja%aAebSer%er and then it is trans#erred bac7 to the result is
gi%en bac7 to the Ja%aAebSer%er and then it is trans#erred bac7
to the client.
E&li,se IDE
Eclipse is an open-source so#t&are #rame&or7 &ritten primarily in
Ja%a. In its de#ault #orm it is an Integrated $e%elopment En%ironment
;I$E< #or Ja%a de%elopers8 consisting o# the Ja%a $e%elopment Tools
;J$T< and the Eclipse *ompiler #or Ja%a ;E*J<. .sers can extend its
capabilities by installing plug-ins &ritten #or the Eclipse so#t&are
#rame&or78 such as de%elopment tool7its #or other programming
languages8 and can &rite and contribute their o&n plug-in modules.
)anguage pac7s are a%ailable #or o%er a do6en languages.
The basis #or Eclipse is the Rich *lient (lat#orm ;R*(<. The #ollo&ing
components constitute the rich client plat#orm?
S9i - a standard bundling #rame&or7
*ore plat#orm - boot Eclipse8 run plug-ins
the Standard Aidget Tool7it ;SAT< - a portable &idget tool7it
JFace - %ie&er classes to bring model %ie& controller
programming to SAT8 #ile bu##ers8 text handling8 text editors
the Eclipse Aor7bench - %ie&s8 editors8 perspecti%es8 &i6ards
EclipseQs &idgets are implemented by a &idget tool7it #or Ja%a called
SAT8 unli7e most Ja%a applications8 &hich use the Ja%a standard
Abstract Aindo& Tool7it ;AAT< or S&ing. EclipseQs user inter#ace also
le%erages an intermediate 9.I layer called JFace8 &hich simpli#ies the
construction o# applications based on SAT.
Eclipse employs plug-ins in order to pro%ide all o# its #unctionality on
top o# ;and including< the rich client plat#orm8 in contrast to some
other applications &here #unctionality is typically hard coded. This
plug-in mechanism is a light&eight so#t&are componentry #rame&or7.
In addition to allo&ing Eclipse to be extended using other
programming languages such as * and (ython8 the plug-in #rame&or7
allo&s Eclipse to &or7 &ith typesetting languages li7e )aTe>8
net&or7ing applications such as telnet8 and database management
systems. The plug-in architecture supports &riting any desired
extension to the en%ironment8 such as #or con#iguration management.
Ja%a and *HS support is pro%ided in the Eclipse S$P.
The 7ey to the seamless integration o# tools &ith Eclipse is the plugin.
Aith the exception o# a small run-time 7ernel8 e%erything in Eclipse is
a plug-in. This means that a plug-in you de%elop integrates &ith
Eclipse in exactly the same &ay as other plug-insI in this respect8 all
#eatures are created e"ual.
The Eclipse S$P includes the Eclipse Ja%a $e%elopment Tools8 o##ering
an I$E &ith a built-in incremental Ja%a compiler and a #ull model o#
the Ja%a source #iles. This allo&s #or ad%anced re#actoring techni"ues
and code analysis. The I$E also ma7es use o# a &or7space8 in this
case a set o# metadata o%er a #lat #ilespace allo&ing external #ile
modi#ications as long as the corresponding &or7space RresourceR is
re#reshed a#ter&ards. The Hisual Editor proDect allo&s inter#aces to be
created interacti%ely8 hence allo&ing Eclipse to be used as a RA$ tool.
The #ollo&ing is a list o# notable proDects and plugins #or the Eclipse
These proDects are maintained by the Eclipse community and hosted
by the Eclipse Foundation.
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import etrans.SI
import Da%a.util.SI
import Da%ax.ser%let.SI
import Da%ax.ser%let.http.SI
public class *us.pdateSer%let extends +ttpSer%let
public %oid do9et;+ttpSer%letRe"uest re"uest8 +ttpSer%letResponse
response<thro&s Ser%letException8 IException
(rintAriter out Z response.getAriter;<I
+ttpSession sesZre"uest.getSession;#alse<I
String optionZre"uest.get(arameter;RsubOmodi#yR<I
String idZre"uest.get(arameter;RidR<I
String sesOidZ;String<ses.getHalue;RidR<I
String tempZRRI


temp[ZR *.STO(+1ZR[re"uest.get(arameter;Rph1R<[R8RI

'y5ean reaZne& 'y5ean;<I
String "ueryZnullI
"ueryZRupdate customer set R[temp[R &here
else i#;option.e"ualsIgnore*ase;RdeleteR<<
"ueryZRdelete #rom customer &here
int iZrea.insert$ata;"uery<I
i#;sesOidVZnull 22 VsesOid.e"ualsIgnore*ase;RadminR<<
So#t&are Testing is the process used to help identi#y the
correctness8 completeness8 security8 and "uality o# de%eloped
computer so#t&are. Testing is a process o# technical in%estigation8
per#ormed on behal# o# sta7eholders8 that is intended to re%eal "uality-
related in#ormation about the product &ith respect to the context in
&hich it is intended to operate. This includes8 but is not limited to8 the
process o# executing a program or application &ith the intent o# #inding
errors. Kuality is not an absoluteI it is %alue to some person. Aith that
in mind8 testing can ne%er completely establish the correctness o#
arbitrary computer so#t&areI testing #urnishes a criticism or
comparison that compares the state and beha%ior o# the product
against a speci#ication. An important point is that so#t&are testing
should be distinguished #rom the separate discipline o# So#t&are
Kuality Assurance ;SKA<8 &hich encompasses all business process
areas8 not Dust testing.
There are many approaches to so#t&are testing8 but e##ecti%e testing
o# complex products is essentially a process o# in%estigation8 not
merely a matter o# creating and #ollo&ing routine procedure. ne
de#inition o# testing is Rthe process o# "uestioning a product in order to
e%aluate itR8 &here the R"uestionsR are operations the tester attempts
to execute &ith the product8 and the product ans&ers &ith its beha%ior
in reaction to the probing o# the tester`citation neededa. Although
most o# the intellectual processes o# testing are nearly identical to that
o# re%ie& or inspection8 the &ord testing is connoted to mean the
dynamic analysis o# the productTputting the product through its
paces. Some o# the common "uality attributes include capability8
reliability8 e##iciency8 portability8 maintainability8 compatibility and
usability. A good test is sometimes described as one &hich re%eals an
errorI ho&e%er8 more recent thin7ing suggests that a good test is one
&hich re%eals in#ormation o# interest to someone &ho matters &ithin
the proDect community.
In general8 so#t&are engineers distinguish so#t&are #aults #rom
so#t&are #ailures. In case o# a #ailure8 the so#t&are does not do &hat
the user expects. A #ault is a programming error that may or may not
actually mani#est as a #ailure. A #ault can also be described as an error
in the correctness o# the semantic o# a computer program. A #ault &ill
become a #ailure i# the exact computation conditions are met8 one o#
them being that the #aulty portion o# computer so#t&are executes on
the *(.. A #ault can also turn into a #ailure &hen the so#t&are is
ported to a di##erent hard&are plat#orm or a di##erent compiler8 or
&hen the so#t&are gets extended. So#t&are testing is the technical
in%estigation o# the product under test to pro%ide sta7eholders &ith
"uality related in#ormation.
So#t&are testing may be %ie&ed as a sub-#ield o# So#t&are Kuality
Assurance but typically exists independently ;and there may be no
SKA areas in some companies<. In SKA8 so#t&are process specialists
and auditors ta7e a broader %ie& on so#t&are and its de%elopment.
They examine and change the so#t&are engineering process itsel# to
reduce the amount o# #aults that end up in the code or deli%er #aster.
Regardless o# the methods used or le%el o# #ormality in%ol%ed the
desired result o# testing is a le%el o# con#idence in the so#t&are so that
the organi6ation is con#ident that the so#t&are has an acceptable
de#ect rate. Ahat constitutes an acceptable de#ect rate depends on the
nature o# the so#t&are. An arcade %ideo game designed to simulate
#lying an airplane &ould presumably ha%e a much higher tolerance #or
de#ects than so#t&are used to control an actual airliner.
A problem &ith so#t&are testing is that the number o# de#ects in a
so#t&are product can be %ery large8 and the number o# con#igurations
o# the product larger still. 5ugs that occur in#re"uently are di##icult to
#ind in testing. A rule o# thumb is that a system that is expected to
#unction &ithout #aults #or a certain length o# time must ha%e already
been tested #or at least that length o# time. This has se%ere
conse"uences #or proDects to &rite long-li%ed reliable so#t&are.
A common practice o# so#t&are testing is that it is per#ormed by an
independent group o# testers a#ter the #unctionality is de%eloped but
be#ore it is shipped to the customer. This practice o#ten results in the
testing phase being used as proDect bu##er to compensate #or proDect
delays. Another practice is to start so#t&are testing at the same
moment the proDect starts and it is a continuous process until the
proDect #inishes.
Another common practice is #or test suites to be de%eloped during
technical support escalation procedures. Such tests are then
maintained in regression testing suites to ensure that #uture updates
to the so#t&are donQt repeat any o# the 7no&n mista7es.
It is commonly belie%ed that the earlier a de#ect is #ound the cheaper it
is to #ix it.
.nit tests are maintained along &ith the rest o# the so#t&are source
code and generally integrated into the build process ;&ith inherently
interacti%e tests being relegated to a partially manual build acceptance
The so#t&are8 tools8 samples o# data input and output8 and
con#igurations are all re#erred to collecti%ely as a test harness.
The separation o# debugging #rom testing &as initially introduced by
9len #ord J. 'yers in his 1301 boo7 the RArt o# So#t&are TestingR.
Although his attention &as on brea7age testing it illustrated the desire
o# the so#t&are engineering community to separate #undamental
de%elopment acti%ities8 such as debugging8 #rom that o# %eri#ication.
$rs. $a%e 9elperin and Ailliam *. +et6el classi#ied in 1311 the phases
and goals in so#t&are testing as #ollo&s? until 13,/ it &as the
debugging oriented period8 &here testing &as o#ten associated to
debugging? there &as no clear di##erence bet&een testing and
debugging. From 13,0-1301 there &as the demonstration oriented
period &here debugging and testing &as distinguished no& - in this
period it &as sho&n8 that so#t&are satis#ies the re"uirements. The time
bet&een 1303-1312 is announced as the destruction oriented period8
&here the goal &as to #ind errors. 1313-1310 is classi#ied as the
e%aluation oriented period? intention here is that during the so#t&are
li#ecycle a product e%aluation is pro%ided and measuring "uality. From
1311 on it &as seen as pre%ention oriented period &here tests &ere to
demonstrate that so#t&are satis#ies its speci#ication8 to detect #aults
and to pre%ent #aults. $r. 9elperin chaired the IEEE 123-1311 ;Test
$ocumentation Standard< &ith $r. +et6el &riting the boo7 RThe
*omplete 9uide o# So#t&are TestingR. 5oth &or7s &ere pi%otal in to
todayQs testing culture and remain a consistent source o# re#erence.
$r. 9elperin and Jerry E. $urant also &ent on to de%elop +igh Impact
Inspection Technology that builds upon traditional Inspections but
utili6es a test dri%en additi%e.

Testing *oncepts
Testing Methodologies
5lac7 box Testing?
Ahite box Testing.
9ray 5ox Testing.
Levels of Testing
.nit Testing.
'odule Testing.
Integration Testing.
System Testing.
.ser Acceptance Testing.
Types Of Testing
Smo7e Testing.
Sanitary Testing.
Regression Testing.
Static Testing.
$ynamic Testing.
'on7ey Testing.
*ompatibility Testing.
Installation Testing.
Adhoc Testing.

TC !Test Case ocu"entation#
Test (lanning.
Test $e%elopment.
Test Execution.
Result Analysis.
Microsoft %indows & $tandards
Manual Testing
Auto"ation Testing !Tools#
Ain Runner.
Test $irector.
The process o# executing a system &ith the intent o# #inding an
Testing is de#ined as the process in &hich de#ects are identi#ied8
isolated8 subDected #or recti#ication and ensured that product is
de#ect #ree in order to produce the "uality product and hence
customer satis#action.
Kuality is de#ined as Dusti#ication o# the re"uirements
$e#ect is nothing but de%iation #rom the re"uirements
$e#ect is nothing but bug.
Testing --- The presence o# bugs
Testing can demonstrate the presence o# bugs8 but not their
$ebugging and Testing are not the same thingV
Testing is a systematic attempt to brea7 a program or the A.T
$ebugging is the art or method o# unco%ering &hy the script
@program did not execute properly.
Testin+ Metodolo+ies#
Bla&; 'o3 Testin+? is the testing process in &hich tester can
per#orm testing on an application &ithout ha%ing any internal
structural 7no&ledge o# application.
.sually Test Engineers are in%ol%ed in the blac7 box testing.
2ite 'o3 Testin+? is the testing process in &hich tester can
per#orm testing on an application &ith ha%ing internal
structural 7no&ledge.
.sually The $e%elopers are in%ol%ed in &hite box testing.
$ra! Bo3 Testin+? is the process in &hich the combination o#
blac7 box and &hite box tonicsG are used.
Levels o% Testin+#
Module' Module(
*nits *nits *nits
i@p +ntegration o@p i@p
+ntegration o,p
$yste" Testing- .resentation / business /atabases
*AT- user acceptance testing
Test Plannin+#
64Test (lan is de#ined as a strategic document &hich
describes the procedure ho& to per#orm %arious testing on
the total application in the most e##icient &ay.
74This document in%ol%es the scope o# testing8
84 bDecti%e o# testing8
B4 Areas that need to be tested8
D4 Areas that should not be tested8
E4 Scheduling Resource (lanning8
K4 Areas to be automated8 %arious testing tools
Test Develo,"ent?
64 Test case $e%elopment ;chec7 list<
74 Test (rocedure preparation. ;$escription o# the Test cases<.

64 Implementation o# test cases. bser%ing the result.
Result Anal!sis? 64 Expected %alue? is nothing but expected
# application.
74 Actual %alue? is nothing but actual
beha%ior o#
Bu+ Tra&in+# *ollect all the #ailed cases8 prepare documents.
Re,ortin+# (repare document ;status o# the application<

T!,es O% Testin+#
L S"o;e Testin+? is the process o# initial testing in &hich tester
loo7s #or the a%ailability o# all the #unctionality o# the application in
order to per#orm detailed testing on them. ;'ain chec7 is #or a%ailable
L Sanit! Testin+# is a type o# testing that is conducted on an
application initially to chec7 #or the proper beha%ior o# an application
that is to chec7 all the #unctionality are a%ailable be#ore the detailed
testing is conducted by on them.
L Re+ression Testin+# is one o# the best and important testing.
Regression testing is the process in &hich the #unctionality8 &hich is
already tested be#ore8 is once again tested &hene%er some ne&
change is added in order to chec7 &hether the existing #unctionality
remains same.
LRe1Testin+# is the process in &hich testing is per#ormed on some
#unctionality &hich is already tested be#ore to ma7e sure that the
de#ects are reproducible and to rule out the en%ironments issues i# at
all any de#ects are there.
Stati& Testin+# is the testing8 &hich is per#ormed on an application
&hen it is not been executed.
ex? 9.I8 $ocument Testing
D!na"i& Testin+# is the testing &hich is per#ormed on an
application &hen it is being executed.
ex? Functional testing.
Al,a Testin+# it is a type o# user acceptance testing8 &hich is
conducted on an application &hen it is Dust be#ore released to the

Beta1Testin+# it is a type o# .AT that is conducted on an
application &hen it is released to the customer8 &hen deployed in to
the real time en%ironment and being accessed by the real time users.
Mon;e! Testin+# is the process in &hich abnormal operations8
beyond capacity operations are done on the application to chec7 the
stability o# it in spite o# the users abnormal beha%ior.
Co",ati'ilit! testin+# it is the testing process in &hich usually the
products are tested on the en%ironments &ith di##erent combinations o#
databases ;application ser%ers8 bro&sersXetc< In order to chec7 ho&
#ar the product is compatible &ith all these en%ironments plat#orm
Installation Testin+# it is the process o# testing in &hich the tester
try to install or try to deploy the module into the corresponding
en%ironment by #ollo&ing the guidelines produced in the deployment
document and chec7 &hether the installation is success#ul or not.
Ado& Testin+# Adhoc Testing is the process o# testing in &hich
unli7e the #ormal testing &here in test case document is used8 &ith
out that test case document testing can be done o# an application8 to
co%er that testing o# the #uture &hich are not co%ered in that test case
document. Also it is intended to per#orm 9.I testing &hich may
in%ol%e the cosmotic issues.
TCD FTest Case Do&u"ent#
Test Case Do&u"ent Contains
Test S&o,e For* Test o'Ie&tive
Test S&enario
Test Pro&edure
Test &ase
This is the sample test case document #or the Acadamic details o#
student proDect?
Test s&o,e#
Test co%erage is pro%ided #or the screen B Acadamic status
entryC #orm o# a student module o# uni%ersity management
system application
Areas o# the application to be tested
Test S&enario#
Ahen the o##ice personals use this screen #or the mar7s entry8
calculate the status details8 sa%ing the in#ormation on studentGs
basis and "uit the #orm.
Test Pro&edure#
The procedure #or testing this screen is planned in such a &ay
that the data entry8 status calculation #unctionality8 sa%ing and
"uitting operations are tested in terms o# 9ui testing8 (ositi%e
testing8 =egati%e testing using the corresponding 9ui test cases8
(ositi%e test cases8 =egati%e test cases respecti%ely
Test Cases#
Template #or Test *ase

T.*.=o $escription Exp Act Result
$uidelines %or Test Cases?
64 $UI Test Cases#
Total no o# #eatures that need to be chec7
)oo7 2 Feel
)oo7 #or $e#ault %alues i# at all any ;date 2 Time8 i# at all any
)oo7 #or spell chec7
01a"ple for 2ui Test cases?
T.*.=o $escription Expected Actual %alue Result

*hec7 #or all the
#eatures in the
all the
*hec7 #or the
alignment o# the
obDects as per
the %alidations
should be
in proper
74 Positive Test Cases#
The positi%e #lo& o# the #unctionality must be considered
Halid inputs must be used #or testing
'ust ha%e the positi%e perception to %eri#y &hether the
re"uirements are Dusti#ied.
01a"ple for .ositive Test cases-
T.*.=o $escription Expected
Actual %alue Result
1 *hec7 #or the
date Time
Auto $isplay
The date and
time o# the
system must
be displayed
2 Enter the
%alid Roll no
into the
It should
student roll
no #ield
Ne+ative Test Cases#
'ust ha%e negati%e perception.
In%alid inputs must be used #or test.
01a"ple for 3egative Test cases?
T.*.=o $escription Expected
Actual %alue Result
1 Try to modi#y
in#ormation in
date and time
should not
be allo&
2 Enter in%alid
data in to the
student details
#orm8 clic7 on
It should not
in%alid data8
sa%e should
not allo&
Li"itations and S&o,e %or Future Enan&e"ents
Li"itations o% te s!ste"#.
System &or7s in all plat#orms and its compatible
Ad%anced techni"ues are not used to chec7 the
Future Enan&e"ents#
It is not possible to de%elop a system that ma7es all the
re"uirements o# the user. .ser re"uirements 7eep changing as the
system is being used. Some o# the #uture enhancements that can be
done to this system are?
As the technology emerges8 it is possible to upgrade the system
and can be adaptable to desired en%ironment.
5ecause it is based on obDect-oriented design8 any #urther
changes can be easily adaptable.
5ased on the #uture security issues8 security can be impro%ed
using emerging technologies.
Attendance module can be added
sub admin module can be added
Li"itations o% te s!ste"#.
System &or7s in all plat#orms and its compatible
Ad%anced techni"ues are not used to chec7 the
Future Enan&e"ents#
It is not possible to de%elop a system that ma7es all the
re"uirements o# the user. .ser re"uirements 7eep changing as the
system is being used. Some o# the #uture enhancements that can be
done to this system are?
As the technology emerges8 it is possible to upgrade the system
and can be adaptable to desired en%ironment.
5ecause it is based on obDect-oriented design8 any #urther
changes can be easily adaptable.
5ased on the #uture security issues8 security can be impro%ed
using emerging technologies.
Attendance module can be added
sub admin module can be added
This application so#t&are has been computed success#ully and &as
also tested success#ully by ta7ing Btest casesC. It is user #riendly8 and
has re"uired options8 &hich can be utili6ed by the user to per#orm the
desired operations.
The so#t&are is de%eloped using Ja%a as #ront end and racle as
bac7 end in Aindo&s en%ironment. The goals that are achie%ed by the
so#t&are are?
ptimum utili6ation o# resources.
E##icient management o# records.
Simpli#ication o# the operations.
)ess processing time and getting re"uired in#ormation.
.ser #riendly.
(ortable and #lexible #or #urther enhancement.
The ME1Transa&tion? &as success#ully designed and is tested #or
accuracy and "uality.
$uring this proDect &e ha%e accomplished all the obDecti%es and this
proDect meets the needs o# the organi6ation. The de%eloped &ill be
used in searching8 retrie%ing and generating in#ormation #or the
concerned re"uests.
Reduced entry &or7
Easy retrie%al o# in#ormation
Reduced errors due to human inter%ention
.ser #riendly screens to enter the data
(ortable and #lexible #or #urther enhancement
Aeb enabled.
Fast #inding o# in#ormation re"uested
Ja%a *omplete Re#erence by +erbert Shield
;2< $atabase (rogramming &ith J$5* and Ja%a by 9eorge Reese
;3< Ja%a and >') 5y 5rett 'c)aughlin
;!< Ai7ipedia8 .R)? http?@@&&&.&
;,< Ans&ers.com8 nline $ictionary8 Encyclopedia and much
more8 .R)? http?@@&&&.ans&
;/< 9oogle8 .R)? http?@@&&&
;0<(roDect 'anagement .R)?

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