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Majorettes; Drill Team

lst ROW -- GaiI Sadeski,

Debbie Gote, Sue Randall,
Linda Kirby, Jackie Kaasman
2nd ROW -- Jan Himmelburger'
Jo-Mae Blagg, Elizabeth
Charles. 3rd ROW -- Elaine
Rupnick, Lillian Collins, Diane
Williams, Linda King, Donna

This year a group of eight girls dressed in blue twirled our teams to victory. They worked hard to-perfect
their skills and-practiced ieguiarly with the band. Their able twirling and smiling faces added greatly to the
enjoyment of this year's spectators.
This year, the spirit of the football games was boosted by a mar*ing troop of smi]ing girls dressed in black and
white, i'his.grorrp of thirty girls was ch-osen and directed by Mr. Williams, Each week they Practiced diligently
with our marihing band, Their pre-game and haLf-time performances added greatly to the atmosphere of each

Members of the 1963-64 Drill Team.

Rrflt Club

ROW 1: Eileen Russell, Julie Epps, Kathy Regan, Judy Ourand, Tina Skoczylas, Robin Rauchle, Joe Sadeski,
Henry Comrniskey, Erik Clark, Richard Davis, Mike Wilson. ROW 2: Larry McNulty, A1 Banker, Bob Busher,
Dick Crotinger, Ceorge Sadeski, Margaret Donald, Pat Jackson, Judy Herndon, Brenda Snyder, Joy Daughtery.
ROW 3: Jack Mack, Joe Johnson, Jim Phelps, Torn Lohrnan, Mike Ross, Pat Young, George Banker, Bob
Williams. ROW 4: Craig Scheffer, Emile Paradis, Charlie Smith, George Schremp, Steve Norris, Steve Olson,
Edward Codbold, ROW 5: Louis del-atour, Jim DiFrank, Jim Rauchle, Louis Marucheau, Doug Crockett, Sandy
Schwartz, Diane Williams, Terry Ernerson,

Jack Mack shows good use of his learning while prepar-

ing his rifle,

One of the most popular clubs this year was the Dishactions sometimes prevent the careful
Rifie and Pistol CIub. It was formed last year in aiming of Sandy Schwartz.
affiliation with the National RiJle Association.
Members o{ this club participated in a week of
instruction on rifle safety and basic skills before
beginning actual target parctice. The main objec-
tive of this club was to teach safe and proper use of
firearms, The firing takes place at indbor ranges
with .22 caliber single shot rifles.

Varsitlt Club

The Varsity Club consists of the outstanding male

athletes of Quantico High School. In order to become a
member one must have received a varsity letter in one
of tJre major sports such as football, basketball, base-
ball, track, or golf , The members must also maintain
the same scholastic standards as required for eligibility
for the teams. Their projects this year incLuded show-
ing films, sponsoring sock hops, and helping further
school functions, The advisor is Mr. Leonard,

Mr, Gene Leonard

FIRST ROW: Bill Vaughan, Craig Carscallen, Larry Walt, BiIl Warren, and Wally Cox. SECOND ROW: Nlarvin
Burkholder, Torn Enright, Creg Cunningham, Ai Leitherland, Eric Ritzau, and Doug Crockett.

Librarlt Club

1st ROW -- Kathy Regan, Judy Ourand, Abbie Harris, Alice Unger, Eileen
Russell -- Parliamentarian, Tina
-ko"yrl.r, Pat Browning, S:l9i Belo Nancy Settle--- I' C' C' Representative
JirnLang---President, 1--Iieasurer, Mauteen Russell, Sandra
Martha Early, Karen:*"f.*", C"if Sadeski; d|ta nOW - Blth H-erring, Sally LaHue, Bob Lang, Cindy DiFrank'
il;t; noui' n",*"6t., lorrn'sig*on, Gail'McMullen, Barb-ara H-oark-, Nancy Roane,
Christine Heitzler,
Faith Leitner, Karen larris, Raidy Siurgel, Adele Card -- Vice President, Jackie Kaasman.
NOT PICTURED: Frances Mackert -- Secretary'

Under the excellent sponsorship of Mrs, Knapp and

Miss Dove, the newly-organized Library Club-was
open to anyone interesteJin library science. The
main project of the club was to leam how to operate
movie and filmstrip Projectors. Students with study
halls or free periodi Lontributed to the operation of
the library duties, The club took a trip to the Library
of Congress where they foutrd the Nationrs library an
extremely interesting part of out Covernment'

Barbara Fiegle prepares magazines for sheU.

Future Teachers of America

Left to Right: Diana Rixey -- Secretary-Treasurer; Pat David, President; I&s. Whitelock,
Sponsor; Kathleen Kusiak, Vice President; Peggy Johnson -- Appointment Secretary,

The Future Teachers of America made its place among the rlany organizations of
Quantico for the first time this year. The chapter was sponsored by Mrs. Whitelock,
rvho assigned members of the club to aid the faculty.
The Future Teachers Club gave interested students an opportunity to take a realistic
look at teaching: its many opportunities, chal.lenging problems, essential nature, and
its service to humaniry-. During meetings the club rvas host to various teachers in the
school, invited to inform members of the many f acets of teaching, giving them a
chance to stud) and identily the clualities, Lraits, and apriludcs trhich good tcachcrs
possess and to find tvays to culti.vate these clualities in themselves,

Members of the Future Teachers of America



Debate Club

v #l


SEATED Left to Right: Cyntfiia Hearn, Scotr Schick, Sharon Mooney, Maureen Russell, Mrs. Whitelock, Karin
Johnson, Sandy Hunt, Eileen Russell, Bill Vaughan. STANDINC: Rand Paradis, George Codrea, Louis Marucheau.

If, as you walked by Mrs. Whitelock's

room tlis year, you hcard noises coming
from uldcr thc door rescmbling an argu-
ment) you rr-erc hearing one o[ tJre many
rleetings of the Debate Club. The clubts
plupose was to promote an interest in
debate and public speaking.

Karin Johnson reads Inter-Club Council min-

utes to Debate Club.

DEBATE CLLIB OFFiCERS: Left to Right: Cindy

I Heam, Secretary-Treasureri Iouis Marucheau,
ry President; Mrs. Whitelock, Sporuor; Karin
$H Johnson, I. C. C. Representative.

i: rii
..1 :!r I

{ j:l

Warriors Shine


Quantico OPPonent

O Stafford 1 3

0 St. Stephen 20

L3 Christchr-nch 73

19 St. Anthony 0

26 Wash. t' Lee "B" 7

3I BultisHigh L4

20 Loudorur ValleY 0

38 Camp Lejeune 6

Mr. Leonard
Head Coach


SIaton Carscallen Powell

Hamby McMasters
in Greatest Season

1ST ROW -- P. James, D. Crockett, J. Powell, M. Heitzler, R. Curtis, P. Shimanoff, K. Kelly, C, Cars-
callen, G, Cunningham, D. Jillislcy. 2ND ROW --P. Zit'nrner, B. Hamilton, W. Cox, S. Scl-ricli, M. Nlcleod,
M, King, K. McCaleb, R. Mr,rray, G. Salter, R. Knowles, S. Hamby, 3RD ROW -- R. Millenbine, B. Mc-
Masters, B. Walt, J, Fegan, R. Gayle, J. Difrank, J. Slaton, R. Dauphine, B. Warren, L, Walt.


BiIl Warren receives Quantico-LeJeune trophy.

WaIt scores a touchdorvn in victory ovcr Lc-


Quanticors Devil Warriors opened the 1963 season with

a poor beginriing, being upset in the first trvo games. These
defeab, however, did not discourage Quantico Highrs
elewen as thew met lheir revl comnetition .lotermined to
v in. Affer t'einq this oamc with Christ Church fhe hnvs
rallied their forces and rvitle hopes soaring high, marched
on to even greater victorics.
For the first time in seven years the Warriors tvalked
away frorn tJre annual Camp LeJeune game r.vith that
prized trophy in hand, a climactic end to the greatest
football season ever,
Much of the credit for the teamrs lvoncierful performance
must go to the head coach, Mr. Cene Leonard and his
fine assistanb. The coachesr undying spirit made each man
on the squad a champion.
Boys' Basketball

FIRST ROW; Terry Emerson, Bob Fox, David Mize, Mike Senuta; SECOND ROW;
Bob Gayle,Aric Clark, Mike Olszewski, Bill Warren; FOURTH ROW; Ron Pritchard,
Phil Zimmer, MikeWelby, Larry Walt, Jim Slaton, Mike King.

Phil Zimmer steals the ball from a St. Stephenrs player The Varsity Basketball team had a slow
start but continued on a steady, uphill cllmb,
Good sportsmanship and spirit were the assets
of the team. It was faced with many problems,
including lack of expetience, height, and
unity. Under the capable coaching of A4r.
MarshaIl and through drills, scrimmages, and
countless other hours of practice and experience,
the team reached their first crest. They de-
feated Harket Prep, tallying the first victory of
the season. Although usually outclassed, the
Warriors seemed to pick up and went on to
improve their record. The team pulled a stun-
ning upset over Gburn High, winning by a
single point. Only a week later this feat was
repeated when. by only one point, they de-
feated our rival, the Camp Lejeune Devil Pups '
This was the high point of the season and a
reward for their efforts

St. Stephens 23 =- 8I
St. Arslems 42 -- 50
St. Anthony 62-- 9I
Harker Prep 60-- 31
St. Anselms 32 -- 66
Louden Valley 40 -- 47
Bullis 39 -- 68
Louden Valley 40 -- 74
Flint Hill 38 -- 40
Camp Le Jeune 43 -- 42 Bill Warren jumPs after a tie ball'

Mike Olszewski aims for a foul shot

Phil Zimmer qrabs a rebound

The Girlsr Varsity Basketball Team of
1963-t964 dispLal ed aII the main ingredi-
ents for a teffific season. They had an
excellent and experienced coach, l\4rs,
Riddell, and corscientious managers,
Karen Costlow and Linda Leoo. Their skill
and unity \\ere surpassed onf- b), their
sportsmanship. The co-caprains Nancy
McCaleb and Cathy Browning 1ed the team
through a winning season with eight wirs
and two losses . The most thrillins win of
them all was the trvo point vicror;. over
Crmn T piorrno I otl< cirra tho airl< c nhoor
for a laudable season!

NIrs. Riddell has confetence $rith plavers.

FIRST ROW: Andy Cueniu, Kathl'Brorvnirrg, Nancy lv{cCaleb, Diane \\iilliams; SECOND ROW; Dee Ludden, Pat
Browning, Gail McMullen, Bev Darne11, Tina Ritzau; TFIIRD RO\\': I-thel Panadis, Kathy Regan, Sheila Wester-
man, I(aren Costlow, Liz Snider, Carolyn Fox.

Girls' Basketball

Nancy McCaleb jumps for rebound

Two more points for Quantico

Cathy Browning shoots foul shot.



20 Loudoun Valle1 33
25 Lackel' 20
38 St. Maryls 27
38 Lauquier 15
37 Immaculata 54
29 Lejeune ?7
39 Lackel' 32
32 Fauquier 31
34 St. Anthony 30
34 St. Anthony 23

Junior Varsity Basketball
If t ou t'anted to see a fast-moving,
. rcitinq qamc. thc Junior \-arsitr rtas the
team lo \\'atch . These energetic bo;,-.s,
coachecl b1.\h'. Leonard, boast of a 11-6
5( dson. I lrc lreighr and abilitr ro rchound
Pete Zaudtke leaps for the bal1.
rvere kc1 points for their victories. This
was one of the most spi-rited teams that
Quantico has produced. They lvere harcl to
match and much potential rvas displal'ed.


33 St. Stephan 44
46 St . :\nselm 58
43 Asce ion
ns 59
60 St. Anselm 50
32 Loudon Valle1 39
1l Bullis /a
42 Loudon Valley AE
21 Flint Hill 60
33 Osburn
51 St. Anthonl' 59
62 Ascension 55
53 St. \'lalyrs 62
59 Collegiate 61
44 Bullis Aa
54 St. Stephans 37
54 St. Anthonl- 38
57 Coliegiate 44

FiRST ROW: Cene Cost-

low, Dennis I{eliy, Ai
Nelson, Doug Cuenin,
Ceorge N{organ. SECOND
ROW: Robert Daggett,
Pete Zaudtkc, Paul I Iart le,
Rocky l{arshman, Robert

Cross Countrlt Track Team

Quanticors Cross-Country Team, the first in the schoolrs history, completed

a successful season under the watchful eye of Coach Frank Potvin The team
won four scheduled meets with four different area teams .

The Quantico team met Wakefieldrs "B" squad and defeated them 25-31.
In this race Gene Costlow had the best time of 13:25 for the fwo mile and a
half course. Keith Burkholder and Jim Phelps aided in the victory with their
thirdand fourth place finishes. The runners next journeyed to Christchruch
where they were victorious, winning 2I-40. Once again Costlow led the Devil
Wauiors by finishing second in 12:38. The rest of the runners that placed were
George Ross. Keith Burkholder. Jim Phelps, and Ronnie Pegram.
Before a home gathering the Quantico runners defeated Makin High of
\Vashington, D , C . on our two mile and a half course by a score of 20-38. Jim
Phelps finished first in the time of 12:30, which is a course record. Pegram,
rtr^^r'^-* -1ark, John Phelps and Senuta made it a fine team effort
, rYrdLnEf L, vl
by placing in the first twelve

For Quanticors next meet they traveled to OrConnell High School where
they defeated OrConnellrs "8" squad by a score of 20-35. Ronnie Pegram was
first home in the race with a time of 73:27 . Qrantico runnets grabbed five of
the fiist seven places.
The following boys were team members also: Stan Dunwiddie, Pat Young,
Ricky Wyckoff, Ricky Zingg, Tom Asbeil, Jim Asbell, and Rodger Strasser.
Tearn rnanager was Van Wyckoff .

FRONT ROW: Wayne Mackert, Jim Phelps, John Phelps; BACK ROW: Stan Dunwiddie, Mike Senuta,
N4r. Potvin -- coach, Aric Clark, Ronnie Pegram

t: t
{N f,

1963 Golf

Stuart 1 -8
Groveton 6-3
Madison 9-0
The Devil Warrior golf team has shown improve-
Fairfax L/2-8 t/2
ment with,each year and 1964 looks to be the best
Fal1s Church 5-4
Woodson 5-4
yet. Eric Ribau, Ron Pritchard, Craig Scheffer,
Edison 9-O Mike Marlow, andPatMarlowwill be rehrrning
Ceorgetown Frosh 6-3 from the r63 squad and with two top notch golfers
Mt. Vernon 3-6
joining tJle Waniors, Bob Fox and Mike Olszewski,
Whianan 3-6 this should be tJre big year. Colf Coach: Bill
Lee 3-6 Marshall.

Won 6 Lost 5

1st. ROW: Ancil Jones, Ricky Ritzau, John Jaclaon, Pat Pavlicin, Rex Healy.Znd. ROW: Pat Marlow, Mike
Marlorv, George Pavlicin, Joe Mitchell, J. Alshaffer. 3rd. RoW: Karl Klare, Randy Worden, Dave Wortrnan,
Ronnie Pritchard.

1963 Baseball

1st. ROW: Charlie Bosarell, Bob McDonough, Rick Muray, Larry Woodard, 4oyg CJrampagne, Al lleitJrerland.
Zrri. nOWr Jeff Carter, Wally Cox, SoU Flimilton, Frank'Garrett, Barry Gnffin, Bill Warren, Tom Eruiglt-,
-"otg" Gierirart, CoaciHaII. 3rd.'ROW: EddieJerue, Joe Harrison, Roy Carter, Greg Cunrringham, JayMesko,
Eugene Salter, Mike Feliton.

3 April Geo. Mason L-LL Away

6 April Charlotte Hal1 3-10 Away
9 April St. Antlony 3-5 Away
1O April Priory 1O-5 Away
The 1963 Baseball Squad of Quantico 19 April Bullis I7-tO Home
High School was shengthened by five 2? Anril Fl'inf Hill 1-3 Away
returning lettermen. Wiruring five out of 26 April Iongfellorrr 14-O Home
eight games, tfre team played high- 1 May St. Anthony 3-9 Home
caliber baseball in every game. Much of 3 May Geo. Mason 0-6 Home
the credit for the wonderful sporf,marship 4 May Charlotte Hall 3-6 Home
must go to oru fine coach, Mr, Barqr Hall. 6 May Priory 15-8 Away
7 May Longfellow 6-10 Away
11 May Bullis 7-4 Away
Won 5 Lost 8

Cheerleaders Root

1st ROW -- Diane McGIade. Pat Clement. Patty Regan, Co-Captain; Nancy McCaleb, Co-Captain; Kathy
Regan. 2nd ROW -- Susan Nichols, Nancy Metas, Kelley Greene.

Robin Yerkes, Karin Johnson, and Judy

Herndon go all out to see away games.

Girls tryout for Varsity cheerleaders.

"Wartiotls Greatrr

Teams to Victory

Spirit is the ke1'wold to thc lrLlc meanirrg

oI athletics. It is sometl-rir-rg that could not
bc restraincd follou ing orlr mar)\ I ictorics.
It is the plcasant duty of the chcerlcaders
to gcnerate this school spirit throughout the
1'ear. This smiling group of girls e agcrll'
set out to fullill Lheir task bl holding pc-p
,,1li^.. 1.^..f :-,. -,.:
d|u -nnn.nri,rc
>liv-r)urrr rlrn l-lnnr.,_
coming Dance.
The Varsitl.' cheerleaders' plrarnid rvas
made to shorv l'e reached the top u'ith t].rc
best season ever, The clreerleadcrs. u'ith
the hclp ol thc nculr -fornrcd Pcp CIuL.. did
all thel- could to keep the school spirit at
an all time hieh.

BOTTOI\1: Diane \icGlade, Susan Nichols, Nancl' \letas,

Kelley Greenel N'IIDDLE: I(at.h1 Rcgar-r, Nancl' NIcCaleb, Pat
Clement; TOP: Patty Regan.

PEP CLUB OFFICERS: Judy Phelps -- CJ-ll{"', ckerell -- Co-N.{anager, Bev Darneil - - Treasurcr.
Sally LaHue -- Secretary,

Junior Varsity Cheerleaders

'rVictorl l Victory l ' was the cry of the

Junior Varsity Cheerleaders, always show-
ing complete confidence in the tearn they
supported. Led by Janice Johnson, these
six enthusiastic girls practiced diligently
to invent, learn, and perfect their cheers,
The echo of their energetic voices was
responded to by the team as well as tl-re
spectators, These girls set a shining
example of the spirit generated by the
Iunior Varsitv Games,

15 Cheers for our team Rah Rah Rah.


al::'l; C

KNEELINC -- Robin Smith, Cathy Clement, Terry White. STANDING -- Janice Johnson,
Lillian Collins, Joanne Campbell.


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