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Chairman Keith S.

Downey 24 May 2014

Republican Party of Minnesota
2200 East Franklin Ave. Suite 201
Minneapolis, MN 55404


Mr. David Thul,
Republican Party of Minnesota
2200 East Franklin Ave. Suite 201
Minneapolis, MN 55404

Mr. Robert DeHaven
Republican Party of Minnesota
2200 East Franklin Ave. Suite 201
Minneapolis, MN 55404

Mr. David J. Carlson
Candidate for U.S. Senate
Minnesotans for David Carlson
8362 Tamarack Village Suite 119
Woodbury, MN 55125

Dear Chairman Downey,

I am writing this letter in regards to communication I first received from Mr. David Thul
from the Republican Party of Minnesota (RPM) Nominations Committee at 14:41 CST
on Friday, May 23, 2014minutes before the end of the work day for many
Minnesotans, and minutes before families across the state and nation began celebrating
Memorial Day Weekend with their loved ones. In this letter, Mr. Thul started by his
stating I hadnt responded to the committees email, so he was assuming I wasnt
contending for endorsement at the Minnesota State Convention next Friday, May 30,
2014 in Rochester, Minnesota.

I responded to Mr. Thul minutes after receiving his email by stating I hadnt received
anything from the nominations committee, and was contending for the endorsement. Mr.
Thul later realized he had sent his email for me to the wrong address; thus, I did not
receive it at the same time as the rest of the campaigns. So far this year I have now
participated in four debates or forums, and many other events and galas with delegates
present at each. To find out I have a new restriction to get through with only two and a
half workdays to work withor even your extension several hours later until more
delegates arrive, is unacceptable to my campaign and I. Furthermore, neither I, nor any
member of my campaign staff will be participating in the collection of signatures while
the rest of the candidates politic, and I beg for even the opportunity to participate in their

There is no way RPM can make the process fair and equitable for me, no mater what I
will not have the same amount of time as any of the other campaigns, and if for no other
reason than that alone, that fact should exclude me from that request. In essence, we are
refusing to take part in any collection of signatures from whatever amount of eligible
delegates are remaining--or where they may be, and when, on Thursday, May 29, 2014,
before, or after. I am willing to meet with the rules committee and do our candidate
discussion, but I will not beg for signatures from the very delegates Ive stated in every
debate I would not be abiding by their endorsement process; and did not in 2012 either.

Over 44,000 Minnesotans voted for my candidacy in the 2012 Minnesota Republican
Party Primary for U.S. Senate, and I won two congressional districts, the best results for a
challenger to an endorsed candidate since 1946. If those Minnesotans voices are not
important or relevant to this party, then this minority party currently not in control of the
Governorship, State House and Senate, Office of the Secretary of State, Attorney
General, State Auditor, only three of eight congressional seats, and neither of the U.S.
Senate seats has more serious issues to contend with.

It is often said that the Republican Party is not tolerant of diverging opinions, and I would
be hard pressed to think my stated opposition to party plank issues such as my support for
marriage equality and against the marriage amendment, my stance as pro-choice and
supportive of womens rights, support for the anti-bully legislation and stance to not
abide by party endorsement which all contradicted with official state party positions has
gone unnoticed. I will not change who I am to fit any party, and I feel my campaign
deserves to be respected; I alone have received numerous death threats to my family for
my candidacy, and take it seriously. Begging delegates at the last minute for their
signatures as every other campaign wines and dines is not something I feel on Memorial
Day weekend is appropriate, and again I am an unwilling participant.

I am respectfully requesting to have an official answer from the Republican Party of
Minnesota by 11:30 CST tomorrow, May 25, 2014, as we all have to plan for the week
and any last minute convention items that are due a day later. If I would have known this
requirement at the exact time as the rest of the candidates, that would be a different story,
but as is, I have not been able to take advantage of dozens of opportunities to collect the
requested delegate signatures. If I still have not heard anything by 11:31, tomorrow, 25
May, 2014, I am assuming I am being prohibited from participation in the convention,
and if I havent heard otherwise by 13:00 CST on Sunday, May 25, 2014, I will be
releasing a statement from my campaign about the topic to the press and on my social
media outlets.

I understand its a holiday weekend, but this seems to be a decision that will have to be
made at the highest levels of RPM, and because of the time constraints, one that must be
made quickly as we all need to know how to plan for the next week and what we are or
not doing for the 2014 Republican Party of Minnesota State Convention. Thank you.


David J. Carlson

Prepared and Paid for by Minnesotans for David Carlson

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