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Main Entry : method
Function : noun
Inflected Form : -s
Etymology : Middle French or Latin; Middle French methode, from Latin
methodus, from Greek methodos, from meta- related to + hodos way

1a. procedure or process for attaining an object: as a obsolete : the medical

system of the Methodists.
b(1) : a systematic procedure, technique, or set of rules employed in
philosophical inquiry : a particular approach to problems of truth or knowledge

the pragmatic method tries to interpret each notion by tracing its respective practical
consequences (William James)
the dialectical method assumes the primacy of matter; the method of the positivists
applied to philosophy the procedures of the natural sciences
b(2) : a discipline or system sometimes considered a branch of logic that deals
with the principles applicable to inquiry into or exposition of some subject
b(3) : a systematic procedure, technique, or mode of inquiry employed by or
proper to a particular science, art, or discipline.
<the historical method>
<the method of logic>
<exploring the broadest possibilities of iconographic method, Harry Bober>
(4) : a systematic plan followed in presenting material for instruction
<the lecture method>
<a course in methods>
(5) : a particular way of viewing, organizing, and giving shape and significance
to artistic materials
<hadn't found his method, but he had definitely found his theme, Graham
Greene> <method T can be determined only from the work as a whole,
<method and sensibility ought never T to be kept long separate R.P.Blackmur>
c(1) : a way, technique, or process of or for doing something
<there are three methods of touring Britain by car, Richard Joseph>
<found their respective working methods congenial Current Biography>
<often slow in their business methods, T.R.Ybarra>
<to whom she owed her excellent method, Opera News>
c(2) : a body of skills or techniques
<deeply professional, learned in the art of the novel, heavily armed with method,
J.D.Scott b. 1917>
2 a : orderly arrangement, development, or classification : PLAN, DESIGN
<the book is completely lacking in method>
b [obsolete] (1) : a methodical exposition (2) : a table of contents (3) : an
arrangement that follows a plan or design c : orderliness and regularity or
habitual practice of them in action.
<thrift was as much in her nature as method, Sylvia T. Warner>
<time enough to do everything if only you used method, Angela Thirkell>

indicate the means used or the procedure followed in doing a given kind of work
or achieving a given end.
METHOD can apply to any plan or procedure but usually implies an orderly,
logical, effective plan or procedure, connoting also regularity
<the crude methods of trial and error, Henry Suzzallo>
<the method of this book is to present a series of successive scenes of English life,
<Marx's doctrine is not a system of scientific truths, it merely represents a
method – one ossible approach to social and historical reflection, Paolo Milano>
<surely not to leave to fitful chance the things that method and system and
science should order and adjust B.N.Cardozo>
MODE, sometimes interchangeable with METHOD, seldom implies order or
logic, suggesting rather custom, tradition, or personal preference
<a rational mode of dealing with the insane W.R.Inge>
<this intuition is essentially an aesthetic mode of apprehension H.J.Muller>
<the mode of reproduction of plants and animals, however, is fundamentally
identical, Encyc. Americana>
MANNER usually suggests a personal or peculiar course or procedure, often
interchanging with MODE in this sense
<the manner by which the present pattern of land ownership in this country has
evolved, A.F.Gustafson>
<it is not consistent with his manner of writing Latin, G.C.Sellery>
<bearing loaves of sweet bread and of cornbread made with yeast in the
Portuguese manner, Dana Burnet>
WAY is general and interchangeable with METHOD, MODE, or MANNER
<a special way to raise orchids>
<the way the machine works>
<the town's way of life>
<one's way of tying his tie>
FASHION, in this comparison, may be distinguished from WAY in often
suggesting a more superficial origin or source as in a mere fashion or ephemeral
<was so popular that his subjects took to wearing monocles, in his fashion,
Time> <Harvard has stoutly and successfully resisted the fashion by which the
grounds of an American college have come to be known as a campus Official
Register of Harvard University>
<who were poor in a fashion unknown to North America, Herbert Agar>
SYSTEM suggests a fully developed, often carefully formulated method, usually
emphasizing the idea of rational orderliness
<every new discovery claims to form an addition to the system of science as
transmitted from the past, Michael Polanyi>
<behavior which is not in accord with the individual's system elicits responses of
fear, Ralph Linton>
<an earnest plea for radical reformation of the system of assessment and
taxation, C.A.Duniway>

Main Entry : social
Function : adjective
Etymology : Latin socialis, from socius companion, ally, associate + -alis
-al; akin to Old English secg man, follower, companion, Old Saxon segg, Old
Norse seggr man, messenger, companion, Greek aossein to help, stand by,
Sanskrit sakha companion, friend, Latin sequi to follow.

1 : involving allies or confederates

<the Social War between the Athenians and their allies>
2 a : marked by or passed in pleasant companionship with one's friends or
associates <leads a very full social life>
<spent a relaxed social evening> : taken, enjoyed, or engaged in with friends or
for the sake of companionship <social drinking> <a social game of bridge>
<difficult for him, although fundamentally a social character, to take any great
pleasure in the company, Osbert Lancaster>
<having to drive home, and not feeling very social, I drank very little, Nigel
c : composed of sociable persons or formed for the purpose of sociability
<a purely social club>
d : of, relating to, or designed for sociability or sociable gatherings <the social
director of the hotel>
<the church has a large social hall>
3 a : forming or having a tendency to form cooperative and interdependent
relationships with one's fellows : GREGARIOUS
<man is a social creature … one of the aims of education, therefore, is to teach
man how to adjust himself to community living, M.B.Smith>
b : living together and breeding in more or less organized communities
<social insects are less individuals than standardized, interchangeable units,
Ralph Linton>
c of a plant : present in large numbers wherever present at all in nature :
tending to grow in groups or masses so as to form a more or less pure stand
used especially of forest trees
4 a : of or relating to human society
<social institutions>
<the social implications of scientific progress> : of or relating to the interaction of
the individual and the group
<immature social behavior> b : of, relating to, or concerned with the welfare of
human beings as members of society
<social legislation> <the social question>
c Roman, civil, & Scots law : of or relating to an association, partnership, or
5 a : of, relating to, or based on rank or status in a particular society or
community <move in different social circles> <did not accept him as their social
equal> <a member of his social set> b : of, belonging to, or characteristic of the
upper classes <a reactionary, solid, stuffy, and social Rosemary Benét>
<made fun of her being so social and high-tone, Lillian Hellman>
<writes a column of social gossip>
c : FORMAL <asked in a social voice, very deliberately, if she'd wakened me last
night when she came in Crary Moore>
HOSPITABLE: SOCIAL now often indicates having to do with society in general
as an interdependent group or as a phenomenon for study
<the desire for removing human error, clearing human confusion, and
diminishing human misery …– motives eminently such as are called social,
Matthew Arnold>
<the social order>
<plans for social reorganization> In its older senses, still quite current, it
describes easy pleasant conversational companionship with others conducted on
the basis of friendship and equality and enjoyed for its own sake, without
ulterior motive
<if at times everyone is talking at once it is evidently because of the social desire
to contribute to the conversation, rather than because of the unsocial disposition
to neglect one's neighbor's appreciation, W.C.Brownell> <of a jovial, social
disposition, with a host of friends Allan Westcott>
GREGARIOUS indicates tending to flock together with others of one's kind and
disliking a solitary existence: it may or may not connote enjoyable sociability
<renounced a life of solitude, and became a gregarious creature, William
Cowper> <without intelligence, man is not social, he is only gregarious Samuel
<as popular with the seeker after solitude as with the noisily gregarious
S.P.B.Mais> <the true Nevadan is gregarious, as his passion for clubs and other
social circles indicates American Guide Series: Nevada>
COOPERATIVE indicates a willingness to work with others for a common end,
subordinating immediate personal interests and wishes, and may suggest an
attitude conducive to good morale throughout a group
<the cooperative efforts of all the allies>
<while the development of armor called forth the skill of the smith, the
multiplication of cannon demanded cooperative manufacture on a much larger
scale Lewis Mumford> <the cohesive, cooperative nature of American life as
opposed to selfish individualism Bradford Smith>
CONVIVIAL suggests jovial or merry enjoyment of other's company,
particularly in situations in which eating or drinking is involved
<all the social and convivial joy and festivity that become youth Earl of
Chesterfield> <at the insistence of a convivial uncle and against her better
inclination she permits herself to drink three glasses of champagne Edmund
COMPANIONABLE suggests a ready affability and warm sympathy that make
association easy and pleasant
<blessed with a companionable roommate>
<the trip was the more pleasant because our associates were companionable>
HOSPITABLE indicates a disposition to greet guests and visitors openly,
generously, and warmly
<with a few rare exceptions which may arise from sheer lack of time to welcome
all newcomers, Arizonans are warmhearted and hospitable, American Guide
Series: Arizona>

Main Entry : research
Function : noun
Etymology : Middle French recerche, from recercher Æ to research

1. careful or diligent search : a close searching, Æ researches after hidden treasure

2a. studious inquiry or examination; especially : critical and exhaustive
investigation or experimentation having for its aim the discovery of new facts
and their correct interpretation, the revision of accepted conclusions, theories,
or laws in the light of newly discovered facts, or the practical applications of
such new or revised conclusions, theories, or laws Æ gave his time to research
2b (1) : a particular investigation of such a character : a piece of research (2) : a
presentation (as an article or book) incorporating the findings of a particular
3. capacity for or inclination to research Æ a scholar of great research
Synonyms to INQUIRY (Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary)

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