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(and the Holy Spirit)

By Watchman Dean
May 28, 2!"
Recently, a trinitarian objected to my teachings by informing me that I
am "diminishing Christ" when I say that he is not God. Such
statements by trinitarians, like no other, demonstrate how little is their
understanding of, not only the person of eshua !a"ashiach, #$esus
the Christ if you must%, but the statement shows how little is their
understanding of !IS purpose and mission. "ost importantly, it is
&uite an ironic statement bordering on "projection." In this book I am
going to set out to show beyond any reasonable doubt how 'RI(I',
the teaching, actually diminishes Christ. 'rinity, when you e)amine it
closely not only diminishes Christ, it completely nullifies him until he is
irrele*ant. (ot only that, trinity completely tri*iali+es the !,-
In order to understand the abo*e claims we must ha*e a basic
working knowledge of trinity.
'rinity teaches that there are three distinct persons within a
"Godhead," who share a single "di*ine essence." 'rinity seeks to
claim monotheism, that there is but one God, e*en !/!, and that
this !/! God e)ists as 0 distinct persons. !/! the 1ather,
!/! the Son, !/! the !oly Spirit. #God the 1ather, God the
Son, God the !oly Spirit%. 'rinity teaches that when Christ ordered
us to bapti+e "in the name of the 1ather, and in the name of the Son,
and in the name of the !oly Spirit" he was teaching that these three
persons all ha*e one name, e*en !/!.
'here is much more to trinity than what I ha*e just e)plained,
howe*er, I ha*e just co*ered the basic "gist" of trinity. (ow, I will
systematically show, through scripture, how trinity "diminishes" the
second and third members of "'he Godhead" until they are
completely irrele*ant. 'his was and is a surprisingly easy thing to do.
2ll we ha*e to ask is one *ery simple theoretical and hypothetical
from the trinity i YHWH !od "diminihed" or
wea#ened in any way$
'he first response of any trinitarian to this &uestion would be that it is
a ridiculous and &uite moot &uestion. I would imagine that most
trinitarians would say, "there is no way to separate or take away the
Son, or the !oly Spirit from 'rinity."
If this is their answer #and speaking as a former trinitarian preacher I
can assure you that would be the *ery least of their response% then all
I must do is show, in scripture, e)amples. I need only show, using
scripture, that it is possible to "eliminate" $esus and the !oly Spirit
from the 'rinity and my &uestion becomes &uite *alid.
'rinitarians unanimously maintain that Christ is "2lpha and ,mega."
'he Catholic Catechism states that $esus Christ is "perpetually"
#fore*er and eternally% the Son of God. In doing so, they
inad*ertently 45( !IS 452'! #without reali+ing it%. /hen
trinitarians claim that $esus was always a member of "the trinity" from
the beginning of time and shall, perpetually and without end, remain
so, they are 45(I(G that $esus Christ died #ceased to e)ist%. 'his
is irrefutable. If Christ ne*er, at any point in his e)istence ceased to
e)ist #be ali*e% then Christ ne*er truly died6 'he horrible result of this
reali+ation is that if Christ ne*er died, he was ne*er truly raised from
the dead, and as .aul taught the Corinthians, if Christ was not raised,
then we ha*e no hope and are yet "in our sins."
1 Corinthians 15:
14 And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and
your faith is also vain.
15 Yea, and we are found false witnesses of God because we
have testified of God that he raised up Christ: who! he raised
not up, if so be that the dead rise not.
1" #or if the dead rise not, then is not Christ raised:
1$ And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain ye are yet in
your sins.
(ow, this probably seems like a *ery weak argument, especially to
the trinitarian, for they deem that "death" is not "ceasing to e)ist" but
is likened more to "falling asleep." I could del*e into this subject
further, but for the sake of argument I shall merely concede to the
point, for now. In other words, e*en if you accept that Christ could
"fall asleep" yet still remain an acti*e member of "'he Godhead," you
must accept the inescapable truth that /!I-5 Christ was "asleep" #or
dead% he could no longer be an acti*e participant in the "trinity." In
other words, he was, for the time he slept #died% 27S5(' from and
thus "5-"I(2'54" from the 'RI(I'.
So, what is the significance of this reali+ation8 'hat !/!, the
trinity God, retains 2-- of his .,/5R, all of his *itality, and
(,'!I(G about him is significantly changed or altered by the
5-I"I(2'I,( of "God the Son." God the Son, a member of the
'rinity, can 4I5 #or sleep% and this in no way 2115C'S God, it in no
way weakens or diminishes God, and the uni*erse continues on as it
did before #e*en though a member of the CR52',R% has perished
and has been temporarily remo*ed from acti*e participation.
In fact, trinitarians claim that $esus Christ IS the creator. 'hat the
world was created 7 and 1,R him. So, the uni*erse itself, which
was CR52'54 by Christ, remained 9(C!2(G54 during his
absence #death%. 'rinitarians teach from Colossians that $esus is the
one who "holds the uni*erse together" #this is known as "the
Colossian 1orce" today%.
Colossians 1:
14 %n who! we have rede!ption through his blood, even
the forgiveness of sins:
15 &ho is the i!age of the invisible God, the firstborn of
every creature:
1" #or by hi! were all things created, that are in heaven,
and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they
be thrones, or do!inions, or principalities, or powers: all
things were created by hi!, and for hi!:
1$ And he is before all things, and by hi! all things
Christians teach that the entire uni*erse only consists 7 $esus. So,
if $esus died, how did the 9ni*erse remain and "hold" together8
Clearly, the trinity does not (554 $esus to hold the uni*erse
together, for $esus 4I54 but the uni*erse remained6 /e are,
therefore left with the inescapable conclusion that the G,4!524 can
continue on as he always has done, /I'!,9' "God the Son" #while
the Son is in the gra*e and is dead%.
!ow does this teaching (,' "diminish" Christ8
!e is not a :I'2- part of the Godhead, and can be eliminated
through 452'!, and the !/! God remains 9(2115C'546
/hen you e)amine this truth in the light of day, you become outraged
that trinitarians accuse those of us who deny trinity of "diminishing
(o teaching diminishes Christ more than 'RI(I', for Christ is but a
second wheel in the Godhead and is not :I'2- to the 19(C'I,(I(G
of the G,4!524, for Christ died #and by *ery definition ceased to
19(C'I,( while he was dead%. 'he second member of the trinity
ceased to function but the trinity functioned $9S' 1I(5 without him6
'here is no escape from the conclusion that God the Son is, therefore
not a necessary member of the Godhead and that the Godhead
functions just fine without him #while he is dead%.
!ow else can I put this8
!/!, #God% remains !/! God, e*en when !/! the Son
ceases to function #dies%. !ow can anyone deny the implications of
this8 'hat !/! the Son is not a "*ital" part of !/! God8
4on;t just take " word for it, though, consider if you will what the
2postle .aul said about the S5C,(4 "5"75R of the Godhead. !e
states clearly that the Son will someday "be subject" once again to
!/! #he that put all things under his authority%.
1 Corinthians 15:
'4 (hen co!eth the end, when he shall have delivered up the )ingdo! to
God, even the #ather when he shall have put down all rule and all
authority and power.
'5 #or he !ust reign, till he hath put all ene!ies under his feet.
'" (he last ene!y that shall be destroyed is death.
'$ #or he hath put all things under his feet. *ut when he saith all things
are put under hi!, it is !anifest that he is e+cepted, which did put all
things under hi!.
', And when all things shall be subdued unto hi!, then shall the -on also
hi!self be sub.ect unto hi! that put all things under hi!, that God !ay be
all in all.
.aul states openly that Christ will someday "be subject" to !/!
God. If .aul belie*ed, as do the trinitarians, that Christ is an 5<92-
member of the Godhead, then .aul at least belie*ed that the second
member of the trinity "!/! the Son" was and is a "subser*ient"
member of the trinity. 'hus, the R5IG( of the "God the Son" is (,'
"eternal" or perpetual according to the 2postle #e*en though
trinitarians maintain that his "5"75RS!I. in trinity is perpetual%.
/hile Christ may remain a "5"75R of trinity for all eternity, he does
(,' rule as an 5<92- member in power, but shall be "subject" unto
him that "put all things under him." #2ccording to .aul%.
If !/! God #!/! the 1ather according to trinity% can and /I--
R9-5 o*er !/! the Son then this second member of the trinity is
not :I'2- in the R9-5 of !/!. !/! God can and will rule
/I'!,9' Christ, according to the abo*e *erses in = Corinthians. If
Christ;s reign is only '5".,R2R #until all things be put under his
feet% and then he becomes a "subject" again, he is not truly e&ual and
not truly a *ital member of the R9-I(G C-2SS #Godhead%.
'rinity, therefore has no choice but to accept and admit that Christ,
while being a member of trinity, he is a "subser*ient" or "second
class" member of the trinity of which !/! the 1ather #he that put all
things under Christ for a temporary time% is the 'R95 R9-5R.
!ow say the trinitarians that it is those who deny trinity who are
"diminishing Christ8" It;s their own teachings and the teachings of
their own 2.,S'-5S who "diminish" a person who is S9..,S54
', 75 an "e&ual" and "co>e)istent" member of the Godhead saying
that this person "God the Son" shall only rule for a time and then will
be made once again a "subject" to a "higher" or more authoritati*e
member of the trinity6
'rinitarians lo*e to argue that Christ is merely "stepping down" in the
end, and "gi*ing up" his Glory back to the 1ather. (ow, I ask you,
why do they think that makes a difference8 !is rule is not fore*er,
whether he steps down, or whether the 1ather takes o*er in the end,
the point is, the second member of the Godhead is -I"I'54 in his
power and authority. 'here is an e)piration date on his reign.
1urthermore, this member of the Godhead is "subject" #whether
willingly or by mandate is irrele*ant% to another member of the
Godhead. 'he !/! the 1ather of the trinity shall once again rule
without input from !/! the Son. !ow does this (,' diminish the
1or thousands of years #in the ,ld 'estament% no specific mention
was made of the second member of the Godhead, #!/! the Son%
e)cept as in the prophetic. !e clearly had no "input" during that
period as an "e&ual ruler" of the uni*erse. !e recei*ed no worship,
songs were not sung in his honor. It was not until he was born in a
manger and !/! the 1ather said to him, "sit thou here until I make
thine enemies thy footstool," that he suddenly had "e&ual billing" with
the first member of the trinity.
'he 2postles taught that the Christ had to 52R( his name, through
/hilippians ':
, And being found in fashion as a !an, he hu!bled hi!self, and beca!e
obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.
0 &herefore God also hath highly e+alted hi!, and given hi! a na!e
which is above every na!e:
11 (hat at the na!e of 2esus every )nee should bow, of things in heaven,
and things in earth, and things under the earth
11 And that every tongue should confess that 2esus Christ is 3ord, to the
glory of God the #ather.
/hen you read the abo*e *erses in .hilippians ? it appears to be
saying that $esus Christ was gi*en a name that is "abo*e" e*en the
name of !/!6 'he highest name in the uni*erse was !/! until
Christ. (ow, it seems to be saying that God has gi*en him an e*en
!IG!5R name, $esus. 'hat is indeed how trinitarians handle the
te)t, and they place the name of $esus abo*e e*en the name of
'his, of course, is an error as we just read in = Corinthians =@. .aul
says that "when he says all things are put under his feet" we know
that "he is e)cepted who did put all things under him." 'his
establishes a principle whereby, when it says "he ga*e him a name
abo*e all names" he is "e)cepted" who did gi*e him a name. So, the
name of !/! is an 5AC5.'I,( to "a name abo*e all names."
'he name of $esus is abo*e all other names 5AC5.' the name of he
who ga*e him the name #!/!%.
'his should be common sense, howe*er, trinity diminishes the entire
'5A' of .hilippians and thus diminishes the *ery (2"5 of $esus.
7y teaching plainly that God the 1ather, God the Son, and God the
!oly Spirit all ha*e ,(5 (2"5, e*en !/!6
!ow does this "diminish" that name of $esus8 It;s common sense. If
the Son;s true name is 2C'92-- !/!, #and if, as the 2postles
taught !/! is "e)cepted" which it "9S' be%, then the (5/ name
of "$esus" gi*en to the Christ is (,' "abo*e all names" and in fact,
from the beginning of time he possessed a GR52'5R name, e*en
the name of !/!6
'he *ery fact that .aul states in the end Christ will once again be
"subject" under he that put all things under him, is all the e*idence we
need that e*en though the name of $esus is, for a time, "the name
abo*e all names" on 52R'!, the name of !/! remained a
!IG!5R name #for in the end the Son once again becomes
S97$5C' to the name and authority of !/!%.
If !/! is and always /2S the 'R95 name of the Son of God, then
the name "$esus" is only a temporary and &uite -I"I'54 name of
authority, one that has a shelf life according to = Corinthians =@. 'he
name, "$esus" therefore is 4I"I(IS!54 by the name !/! in the
end and since that was "always" his name according to trinity, the
name $esus itself has no real meaning #e)cept perhaps for our
(ot only does trinity therefore diminish the .5RS,( of $esus to a
"second class" member of the Godhead, but the (2"5 of $esus
becomes a temporary name of authority only and is &uite subser*ient
to the name !/!.
It;s &uite simple, if "God the Son" #$esus, the second member of the
trinity% someday gi*es up his rule to "God the 1ather" then the name
!/! was the !IG!5S' (2"5 from the beginning, and will be the
!IG!5S' (2"5 at the end of all things then the name of "$esus" is
So, for now, trinitarians pray to the name of $esus, they do all manner
of works in the name of $esus #rather than the name !/!% but at
the same time teach that $esus; 'R95 name is !/!, diminishing
the name $esus. 'he second member of the Godhead then becomes
irrele*ant and all that really matters is his 'R95 name, !/! #for
that is the name that ruled from the beginning and that will rule again
once all authority has been placed under the name $esus%.
If what the trinity does to the S5C,(4 "5"75R of the Godhead is
bad, what trinity does to the '!IR4 "5"75R "God the !oly Spirit" is
an outright atrocity. /hile $esus is specifically seen recei*ing
/,RS!I. and his name is "e)alted" abo*e all other names, the third
member of the trinity "God the !oly Spirit" does (,' recei*e worship,
is not e)alted in any scripture, no crowns are thrown at the feet of the
third member of the Godhead #as they are for the second member in
Re*elation%. 'he !oly Spirit is literally a "third class" citi+en of the
Godhead. !e;s not /,RS!I..54 as G,4 #as is the second
member%. !is name does not e*en come in '!IR4 #in fact !oly Spirit
does not e*en ha*e a second name as does the Son%. 'he !oly
Spirit is a "half power" God. !e #the !oly Spirit% is subser*ient to the
Son in e*ery way and in fact, the Son states that "all" that !/! the
1ather has belongs to the S,( #not the !oly Spirit% and that when the
!oly Spirit comes he shall take what belongs to the Son #from the
1ather% and shall show it unto us6
2ohn 1":
14 5owbeit when he, the -pirit of truth, is co!e, he will guide you into all
truth: for he shall not spea) of hi!self but whatsoever he shall hear, that
shall he spea): and he will shew you things to co!e.
14 5e shall glorify !e: for he shall receive of !ine, and shall shew it unto
15 All things that the #ather hath are !ine: therefore said %, that he shall
ta)e of !ine, and shall shew it unto you
So, the third member of the trinity is reduced to a "lackey" or a
"deli*ery boy" within the Godhead a person who ser*es both !/!
the 1ather and !/! the Son.
If this weren;t bad enough, according to Christian tradition, the !oly
Spirit will "*anish away" when Christ brings his "perfect kingdom6"
Christians unanimously &uote = Corinthians chapter =0 and state that
there comes a day when "the re*elatory knowledge" comes to an
end. 'hey who teach this are often called cessationists.
Some Christians #dispensationalists% teach that day happened when
the 7ible was finished.
5*en if you aren;t a cessationist, or a dispensationalist, if you are a
trinitarian, there is no escape from the ob*ious conclusion that the
19(C'I,( of the !oly Spirit will "*anish away" according to =
Corinthians chapter =0. 'hus, the third member of the trinity will
cease to ha*e a function or a purpose once "perfection" comes in.
-et;s read those *erses now3
1 Corinthians 14:
, Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail
whether there be tongues, they shall cease whether there be )nowledge, it
shall vanish away.
0 #or we )now in part, and we prophesy in part.
11 *ut when that which is perfect is co!e, then that which is in part shall
be done away.
11 &hen % was a child, % spa)e as a child, % understood as a child, %
thought as a child: but when % beca!e a !an, % put away childish things.
1' #or now we see through a glass, dar)ly but then face to face: now %
)now in part but then shall % )now even as also % a! )nown.
I know many of you are reading the abo*e *erses and it is probably
escaping you how I ha*e concluded these *erses mean that the third
member of the trinity will "*anish away" some day. 'hat is probably
because you are not considering how the scriptures themsel*es tell
us we "recei*e" knowledge and "prophecy."
'he abo*e *erses clearly state that prophecy shall cease #some day%,
that knowlege will *anish away, and that we only know I( .2R' right
now, but when the .5R15C' BI(G4," comes, that which is in part
#our knowledge% is done away with.
"y friends, the 2postles taught that our knowledge and the
prophecies come to us 7 '!5 !,- S.IRI'6
' /eter 1:
1$ #or he received fro! God the #ather honour and glory, when there
ca!e such a voice to hi! fro! the e+cellent glory, (his is !y beloved -on,
in who! % a! well pleased.
1, And this voice which ca!e fro! heaven we heard, when we were with
hi! in the holy !ount.
10 &e have also a !ore sure word of prophecy whereunto ye do well that
ye ta)e heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dar) place, until the day
dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:
'1 6nowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private
'1 #or the prophecy ca!e not in old ti!e by the will of !an: but holy !en
of God spa)e as they were !oved by the 5oly Ghost.
2ll of our "knowledge" and e*ery "prophecy" comes from the !,-
S.IRI', yet .aul says that those things shall one day "be done away"
with. Some day, God will be "all in all" and there will be (, ",R5
(554 for the "function" of the third member of the trinity6 /e will no
longer (554 the !,- S.IRI' to gi*e us knowledge #for that
knowledge is only "in part" anyway according to the 2postles%.
'hus, the third member of the trinity;s authority and rule as G,4 is
only "in part."
'he !oly Spirit, therefore only rules for "half the time,"or "a partial
4aniel, when speaking of the coming antichrist said a most curious
7aniel $:
'5 And he shall spea) great words against the !ost 5igh,
and shall wear out the saints of the !ost 5igh, and thin)
to change ti!es and laws: and they shall be given into his
hand until a ti!e and ti!es and the dividing of ti!e.
'hen, later 4aniel says "time, times and half of a time."
7aniel 1':
$ And % heard the !an clothed in linen, which was upon
the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand
and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by hi! that
liveth for ever that it shall be for a ti!e, ti!es, and an
half and when he shall have acco!plished to scatter the
power of the holy people, all these things shall be
In Re*elation =? the woman #bride of Christ%, after she brings forth
"the manchild" she flees into the wilderness, where she is protected
for a "time, times and half of a time."
8evelation 1':
14 And to the wo!an were given two wings of a great
eagle, that she !ight fly into the wilderness, into her
place, where she is nourished for a ti!e, and ti!es, and
half a ti!e, fro! the face of the serpent.
2gain, three distinct periods of time are mentioned. 'he number
'!R55 continuing to pop up o*er and o*er again. Could the
prophets be trying to tell us something about the antichrist8 Could
the false Christ and the number '!R55 #trinity% ha*e some sort of
/hen we consider that, under trinity, there are '!R55 .5RS,(S in
the R9-I(G 7,4 ,1 '!5 G,4!524, and when we further
consider that these three persons all ha*e 4I115R5(' 2",9('S of
'I"5 as the R9-I(G 29'!,RI', we can start to make sense of the
"time, times and half #di*ision% of time."
'!5 R9-5 ,1 /!/ '!5 12'!5R C 2-- 'I"5 #'I"5%
'!5 R9-5 ,1 !/! '!5 S,(C 'I"5S #-2S' 'I"5S ,R -2S'
'!5 R9-5 ,1 !/! '!5 !,- S.IRI' C !2-1 '!5 'I"5
'his term, "time, times, and half a time" clearly describes the R9-I(G
!5IR2RC! of the 'RI(I' G,4!524.
I do not belie*e this is a coincidence6
"ore tragic still is how the *ery ministry of eshua is diminished by
the teaching of trinity6
Certainly, if you ele*ate Christ to the status of "G,4 2-"IG!'"
then, on the surface, at least, bringing him back down "to earth" as a
man would appear to be "diminishing" him completely. 'hat is the
'RICB of the trinitarian and how they hide their own culpability in the
diminishing of Christ and point the finger at non>trinitarians.
If Christ is actually !/!, then just about e*erything that was said
about him is nullifed6 I will gi*e you a partial list of things that were
said directly about Christ which C2((,' be true and ha*e no real
meaning under 'RI(I'3
"Christ sits at the right hand of the father." #!e sits on the throne%
"God raised him from the dead." #!e raised !I"S5-1%
"'he works that I do are not my own." #!e did his own works,
!/!;s works%
"'he words that I speak are not mine." #!e spoke his own words,
!/!;s words%
"I can do nothing of myself." #!e;s !/! he does all things of
"'he 1ather is greater than I." #!e;s !/!, they are co>e&ual and
"I come in my 1ather;s name" and "I don;t come in my own name."
#!is father;s name is !/! and that is also !IS name, so he comes
in his own name, !/!%.
"'he works that I do shall he also do, and greater works" #If his works
pro*e he;s God incarnate, we cannot do his works%.
"!e that says he abides in him ought himself also so to walk, e*en as
he walked." #= $ohn ?3 D% #If he;s God come in flesh, we cannot walk
like he walks for we are not God in the flesh%.
"!e made himself of no reputation... but became a ser*ant" #'rinity
claims that he declared himself openly to be "the great I 2m" and
"omniscient" and "omnipresent" telling us to pray to him and he
himself would answer our prayers%.
"2s the 1ather has sent me, so I send you." #$ohn =E3 =F% #'rinity
teaches that he is G,4 sent to earth 7 G,4, in order for us to be
"sent" in the same way as him we;d ha*e to be G,4 sent to become
Christ came to be an "e)ample" for us to follow. If he;s really God
Incarnate possessing all the power of !/! himself, then /5
cannot hope to be like him, nor can we -I:5 like he li*ed6 It would be
impossible. In short, 'RI(I' destroys the *ery purposes for which
he died, namely to bring us the .,/5R.
/hen scripture says that God has highly e)alted Christ, those
scriptures mean absolutely nothing under the trinity teaching, for
Christ is !/! and has been "the most high" from the beginning.
'he Son of God would not need to be "e)alted." 'his is the biggest
way they diminish Christ.
/hen we teach that Christ was a "2( #and not God% we 5A2-' !I"
abo*e oursel*es by calling him "-ord of -ord and Bing of Bings." /e
do not 4I"I(IS! him in the least, but rather, we bring G-,R to his
name for he, as a man has gained the :IC',R o*er sin and death
where ,'!5R "5( like us ha*e 12I-546 !e then becomes our
G-,RI,9S 5A2-'54 -5245R whom we 1,--,/6
"aking him God only diminishes what he did, for, if he is God
incarnate then he achie*ed (,'!I(G in the flesh at all. ,f course
he li*ed sinless and perfect, he;s God. ,f course he was selfless and
forgi*ing, he;s God. ,f course he li*ed in power and might by the
!oly Spirit, he;s God.
'alk about "diminishing" Christ. "aking him God diminishes
e*erything about him6
/atchman 4ean

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