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Job satisfaction is defined as the availability of; or lacking of contentment at the job that a

certain person work in. it arises the outplay of the employees response to the job whether in a
positive or a negative way.
This definition indicate that the term used job satisfaction is not really relating to satisfaction
where also it can relates to dissatisfaction. Such a definition directly relates satisfaction to
workplace and we can understand that the factors playing role in it are mostly internal factors
and has no relationship to external factors or to what is taking place away from the company.
Job satisfaction has a very big importance because we spend almost one third of our lives
working in each day and its importance is that it could affect even what is happening with us
apart from work in few times it is affected by it. This implies that it is very important to care for
job satisfaction and gives it the importance it deserves. It is important for the organization also
because the person who is satisfied at work place indirectly helps the company in creating a
better work place and a better working environment. On the other side the dissatisfied
employee would trace a very negative effect on the working environment where the negative
attitude he has may be transmitted to his fellow employees and thats why companies should
consider the importance of job satisfaction. Job satisfaction also can be related to factors that
the working environment is not discriminating where in some cases the reasons can be mainly
related to the employee himself and because of his finding difficulties in performing in a good
way or achieving the tasks assigned to him. The role of the company here is to identify the
reasons and start motivating the employee with the proper ways if they see that they can
expect much more from him in achieving the goals of the company.
Many factors play a role in making the employee satisfied or dissatisfied at workplace where
the first thing is the job rotation. In order to make the employee exposed to more experiences
and more tasks that aim to improve the workflow the company may use job rotation in a timely
and planned manner and as a part of the preparation of the employee to handle more
responsibilities and to identify where he can perform better. Another way is the job
enlargement, which involves adding more responsibilities and duties to the job description of
the employee without any change of the position or the salary of the employee. Job
enlargement is mainly followed in companies that witness expansion of their operations
without having the will to hire more staff or promote their current people working for them
and in most cases; the effect of job enlargement on employees is very negative. Job enrichment
means that a company grant the employee the opportunity to use his skills and abilities in order
to identify whether he can perform well in a promised job. Job enrichment in most cases has a
positive impact on the satisfaction of employees.
In my opinion, I consider that job rotation and job enrichment are much better than job
enlargement because their effect is positive. Here when comparing both the rotation and
enrichment I would prefer the second one because it is mostly linked with an opportunity that
may come after and employees tend to work harder than they do in job rotation. The first one
is mostly used to shape the career path of the employee while the second one is used to meet a
future perspective.

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