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1. At the center of a brands characteristics is the following:
a. Identity
b. Image
c. Value
d. None of the given options
2. Brand management came into being for which of the following reasons:
a. Companies wanted to achieve scale economies.
b. It supplemented financial management practices
c. It suited production and operations personnel
d. Companies wanted to differentiate their products and highlight distinctions in a
competitive environment.
3. Brands lie to sta! contemporar! because of:
a. Others do it
b. Staying attractive
c. "pholding the contract
d. None of the given options
#. $eatures and attributes of brands translate into benefits and %%%%%%%%%%%%% are also
fulfilled along with these benefits.
a. Customer values
b. Brand values
c. Organizational goals
d. Brand associations
&. A good brand contract:
a. Keeps customer perspective in view
b. elivers promises made with customers
c. !nearths negative promises
d. All of the given options
'. Continuousl! renewing the difference maes !our product %%%%%%%%%%%%.
a. "oo# superior
b. $ighly unacceptable
c. Not conforming with mar#et standards of evolving changes
d. Conforming to the changing behavior and beliefs of customers
(. A brand)based model reveals the following:
a. %hy customers buy the brands they buy&
b. %hat are the underlying motives for their purchasing brands of their preference&
c. %hy companies #eep their brands contemporary&
d. All of the given options
*. +he most important factor in brand management is to ensure that !our %%%%%%%%%%%
must be matching with consumers perceptions.
a. Brand pinnacle
b. Brands persona ,pet-
c. Brand associations
d. Brand value
.. /hile developing the brand picture0 first of all0 !ou envision:
a. 'ttributes
b. Obsessions
c. Benefits
d. All of the given options ,pet-
11. +o have value0 a brand must offer which one of the following2
a. ' simple product range with a defined set of features
b. ' comple( product range with a defined set of features
Page 1 of 20
c. Consistenc!0 a reduced level of perceived ris for the bu!er0 and a range of
functional and emotional attributes which are of value to buyers
d. 'n identity through which the customer can trace the party responsible for supplying
the product
1. +he elasticit! of sales to sales promotion is %%%%%%%%%% that of advertising.
a. "ess than
b. )*ual to
c. 3reater than ,pet-
d. Inversely proportional to
2. A mi4 of different communication tools has a better chance of achieving:
a. Ob+ectives
b. 5!nerg! ,pet-
c. )fficiency
d. )ffectiveness
3. 6f two different brands are distributed b! one compan!0 it is considered under:
a. %holesale
b. Co)branding ,pet-
c. ,oint venture
d. -erger
#. A compan!s own retail outlets are meant:
a. .o avoid the threat of distributors/ power
b. +o own and batter control the distribution channel
c. istribution0 itself0 is a good business
d. All of the given options
&. $or communication to be effective it should be:
a. 1epetitive
b. 1einforcing
c. Both of the given options
d. None of the given options
'. +he power based on a channel members superior nowledge and information about his
products is called:
a. 74pert power
b. "egitimate power
c. Coercion
d. 1etailer power
(. A good channel s!stem must automaticall! offer %%%%% to the customers.
a. .ransaction services
b. 'fter2sales services
c. Both of the given options
d. None of the given options
*. Advertising %%%%% is capable to attract consumers onl! if it is based on their needs.
a. 1each
b. Cop!
c. 3re*uency
d. -edia
.. 8areting communication is done to achieve the ob9ective of:
a. Building awareness
b. Stimulate action
c. Both of the given options
d. None of the given options
11. 8ostl!0 the ma9or source of power throughout the distribution channel is:
a. .he company
b. +he brand
c. .he distributor
d. .he customer
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1. A great effort in terms of time and mone! is re:uired for %%%%%%%%%%; and despite the
effort0 results are not guaranteed.
a. 3rowth ,pet lec 1-
b. 4rofitability
c. Branding
d. 4romotion
2. Brands are born out of the following strategies:
a. 5egmentation and differentiation strategies
b. 4romotion strategies
c. 5ood purchasing and supply chain strategies
d. 'll of the given options
3. Brand identit! is followed b! %%%%%%%%%0 which is a reflection of what mareters planed
to send to the public.
a. Brand value
b. Brand image
c. 'dvertising
d. Brand personality
#. <ight branding increases %%%%%%%%%% of the product0 which should be more than that of
the generic product.
a. Consumer revolt
b. -ar#et share
c. 4rofit
d. Value
&. %%%%%%%%% are incurred b! brands because of failures and :uestionable business
practices that ma! increase costs and liabilities.
a. Brand assets
b. Brand liabilities
c. Brand e*uities
d. -ar#et failures
'. 6ntroduction of more brands and e4tensions leads to %% with no new benefits to consumers.
a. $igher cost
b. 5reater revenue
c. Brand proliferation
d. Increased competition
(. /hile defining the industr! during the anal!sis0 brand managers must consider:
a. .he range of products and services offered by the industry
b. ' picture of the geographic scope of the industry
c. Both of the given options
d. None of the given options
*. +he difference between compan!s present financial position and the financial
ob9ectives is nown as:
a. Contribution gap
b. Contribution margin
c. 3inancial ob+ectives/ failure
d. "ow demand in mar#et
.. A %%%%%%%%%%% has to answer the :uestions lie what would be the short of maret if
our brand is not there.
a. Brand image
b. Brand picture
c. Brand manager
d. Brand association
11. Brand assets include:
a. .he name of the brand
Page 3 of 20
b. <eputation0 relevance0 and lo!alt!
c. "ess *uality complaints
d. 'll of the given options
1. A change in positioning ma! cause %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% in price.
a. 'n upward change
b. ' downward change
c. Both of the given options
d. None of the given options
2. %%%%%%%%%%%%%% occurs b! maintaining the brand contract while undergoing innovations
and modifications to sta! current.
a. Sustainability
b. 3it
c. !ni*ueness
d. Credibilit!
3. /hen we eep the same brand name of new offerings so that customers ma! develop an
immediate familiarit!0 the resultant phenomenon is nown as:
a. =everaging
b. )(tension
c. iversification
d. Stretching
#. 6ntroduction of another strength of a medicine b! a pharmaceutical compan! is an
e4ample of:
a. Brand e(tension
b. =ine e4tension
c. Brand diversification
d. 'll of the given options
&. Brands are diversified because:
a. It is essential for brand survival
b. Some brands have such a high awareness that those are perceived by customers to
be in categories where they are not present.
c. Cost2cutting is possible by advertising products with the same brand name
d. All of the given options
'. +he %%%%%%%%%% relates to e4tra benefits that a brand offers to its customers.
a. )ntire positioning
b. >oint of difference
c. efinition of business
d. Innovation
(. Benefits of having different brands include all of the following e4cept:
a. 6uic#ly respond to retailers/ need
b. )ffectively compete in mar#et
c. Save the actual brand image
d. $ill all the gaps in maret
*. /hen the same brand name holds several products in different marets0 it is nown as the
a. "mbrella brand
b. Source brand
c. -ulti2brand
d. 1ange brand
.. $actors affecting the choice of distribution channel include:
a. Customer value
b. Sales revenues
c. Both of the given options
d. None of the given options
11. %%%%%%%%%%% provides a good :ualit! of service because of a direct interface with the
customers0 but it is e4pensive.
a. irect sales
b. .elemar#eting
Page 4 of 20
c. )2mar#eting
d. All of the given options
1. 6n a specific strategic maret plan0 a profit centre that is self)supporting in terms of sales0
marets0 production0 and other resources is nown as:
a. 4rofit unit.
b. 5trategic business unit
c. -ar#eting unit
d. Small business unit
2. Clarit! about dimensions of brands means the clarit! in:
a. .he functions of brand
b. .he aspects of differentiation
c. Both of the given options
d. None of the given options
3. +he drivers of change include all of the following e4cept:
a. ownfall in industry
b. Consumer behavior
c. 8aret anal!sis
d. 'n investment by a foreign firm in local mar#et
#. 5han $oods is involved in selecting and anal!?ing a target maret and developing a
mareting mi4 to gain long)run competitive advantages. Based on this e4ample0 5han
$oods is creating a:
a. Corporate strategy
b. .arget design
c. -i( strategy
d. 8areting strateg!
&. /hich of the following is not a reason of @selling a service is difficultA2
a. Competitors can copy services very easily
b. It is hard to summarize and communicate services
c. Standardization among services is difficult
d. Customer can never be satisfied with a service
'. Bften0 the direct consumers of a nonprofit organi?ation are its:
a. Consumer public
b. -ember public
c. Client public
d. Nonbusiness public
(. A %%%%%%%%%% organi?ation is customer)centric0 and all the decisions it maes are based
on involvement of all in the organi?ation.
a. Brand based
b. Consumer based
c. -ar#eting
d. Competition based
*. 8easuring !our brands performance means !ou are:
a. 8anaging !our brand right
b. -easuring your strategies
c. -aintaining your brand position
d. -aintaining your brand picture
.. Critical success factors for a firm include:
a. Changing lifestyles and attitudes
b. =ow)cost production efficienc!
c. Both of the given options
d. None of the given options
11. >6A runs a series of television commercials that show its staff going out of their wa! to
help customers. An important secondar! audience for these ads is:
a. .he civil aviation authority
b. Competitors
c. >6A emplo!ees
Page 5 of 20
d. 'll air travelers
1. /hich one of the following form of asset the brand has %%%%%%%%%%2
a7 .angible assets
b- 6ntangible assets
c7 Current assets
d7 3i(ed assets
2. +he functional ris of brand is related to %%%%%%%%%%.
a7 4rice
b- >erformance
c7 Social image
d7 Our self concept
3. /ith the effort of team of professionals in a compan!0 produce end product which is
related to the %%%%.
a- Brand creation
b7 Idea creation
c7 Brand management
d7 -ar#eting management
#. A differentiated product ma! be uni:ue in the maretplace0 but it will onl! be successful
under which of the following circumstances2
a- 6f it satisfies customersC needs
b7 If the price differential is minimal
c7 If the brand can be classed as aspirational
d7 ifferentiated products will always be successful
&. Choosing a suitable international brand name is an important0 but often difficult0 part of
the process that creates a strong and distinctive brand. /hich of the following
statements about choosing a name for a new soft drin is "D+<"72
a7 .he name should be memorable and easy to pronounce
b7 .he name must be chec#ed by e(perts to ensure it doesn8t infringe on another company8s
brand name
c7 .he name should have positive associations with the benefits and features of the product
d- +he brand name must be modern and contemporar!
'. /hich of the following is the indicator of brand strength2
a7 Brand reputation
b7 4atents and rights
c7 4erceived brand values
d- 3rowth rate
(. +here are lot of customers have the nowledge of brand. +he! are inclined to be bound
into a contract. A customer bound b! a contract is nown as %%%%%%%%%%.
a- =o!al customer
b7 ifficult customer
c7 4otential customer
d7 3inic#y customer
*. /hich one of the following is the best e4ample of implicit promise2
a7 4ersonal computer
b7 3urniture
c- 3reen tea
d7 Croc#ery
.. @Eeveloping budgets and steering resources into strateg! are critical areas of success0A
Correlates which of the following strateg!.
a7 Crafting strategy
b- 6mplementing strateg!
c7 )valuating strategy
d7 4erforming strategy
11. +he process of establishing and maintaining a distinctive place in the maret for an
organi?ation or its specific product offers is nown as %%%%%%%%%%.
Page 6 of 20
a7 4rofiling b7 4rofiling Segmentation
c7 Segmentation d- >ositioning
F.1 %%%%%is ether the head of mareting department or a ma9or brand and is responsible for
the brand strateg! and its implementation0 important for complete
performance of the brand.
a- Chief Branding Bfficer
b7 Chief )(ecutive officer
c7 4resident of company
d7 irector of Company
F.2 %%%%%%%%%% shows how consistent customers are in bu!ing !our brand0 how long the!
have been bu!ing and how long the! ma! bu!2
a- Customer lo!alt!
b7 Brand loyalty
c7 4roduct loyalty
d7 Company loyalty
F.3 +he brand stature construct is e:uivalent to:
a- 7steem multiplied b! nowledge
b7 ifferentiation multiplied by #nowledge
c7 Knowledge multiplied by relevance
d7 )steem multiplied by differentiation
F.# +his pricing model offers opportunit! to set different levels of pricing for different needs
is nown as %%%%%%%%%%.
a- 5egment pricing
b7 S#im pricing
c7 9alue2in2use pricing
d7 Strategic account pricing
F.& 6f a compan! introducing a new brand under the source brand or endorsing brand
strateg! to gain the benefits of brand power0 !ou again are in a position to charge a %%.
a- >remium price
b7 S#imming price
c7 -ar#et based price
d7 1etail price
F.' %%% is a mode of direct mareting owes to well structured communications in the form of
a- +elemareting b7 Sales promotion
c7 'dvertising d7 4ublicity
F.( Advertising is part of sales promotion b! creating awareness and comprehension that
form a level of %%%%%%%%%%.
a- Customer pull
b7 Customer push
c7 Customer loyal
d7 Customer image
F.* %%%%% of ad means how man! times !ou should e4pose !our target customers to !our
a- $re:uenc! b7 Copy
c7 Copy strategy d7 -edia
F.. /hat purpose does an advertising cop! serves2
a7 4rovides a degree of continuity in a brand/s advertising
b7 $elp a brand achieve distinctiveness
c7 4rovides a common benchmar# on which all concerned in the company and the agency can
evaluate the merits of advertising submissions
d- All of the given options
F.11 +he image of brand is the %%%%%%%%%% with customer.
a- Actual association
b7 9ision
c7 4ositioning
Page 7 of 20
d7 4ersonality traits
F.1 A brand based organi?ation provides which of the following benefits2
a7 Clarity of role b7 Commitment to brand growth
c7 ' collective responsibility d- All of the given options
F.2 %%%%% lets !ou to have !our lo!al customers lifetime worth in terms of !our brands
a- =ifetime value of a customer b7 "ifetime value of a brand
c7 "ifetime value of a company d7 "ifetime value of a mar#et
F.3 %%%%%%%%%% lets !ou to have a clear picture of the number of customers or usage of !our
brand in comparison with competition.
a- 8aret share b7 Brand share
c7 4roduct share d7 Customer share
F.# %%%%%%%%%%% wors best under the circumstances of high differentiation that gives !ou a
sustainable advantage in a :ualit! conscious maret.
a7 9alue2in2use 4ricing: b- 5im >ricing
c7 Segment pricing d7 Strategic account pricing
F.& /hich of the following strateg! give the benefit of premium pricing2
a- "mbrella strateg! b7 "ine brand strategy
c7 4roduct brand strategy
d7 Branding strategy
F.' Eeliver! services offered b! restaurants and other food chains in our maret on phone
calls are e4amples of:
a7 Sales promotion b- Eirect mareting
c7 4ublicity d7 4ersonal selling
F.( Euration of %%%%%%%%%% should be short and should not be repeated too often.
a- 5ales promos b7 -ar#et promos
c7 Brand promos d7 4roduct promos
F.* An effective advertising campaign:
a7 1evolves around a strong single idea b7 Should appeal to self interest of customer
c7 -ust not wander off d- All of the given options
F.. +he term @stor! boardA is specificall! related to:
a- +V commercial b7 Newspaper )ditorial
c7 -agazine ad d7 4ress release
F.11 %%%%%%%%%% evoes a hierarchical set of customer response effects G i.e. building
awareness0 comprehension0 intentions0 and actions.
a7 istribution b- Communication
c7 -erchandizing d7 Branding
F.11 +o eep !our brand into recognition0 it is important to %% according to an effective
through plan.
a- Advertise b7 4osition
c7 4lace d7 -ar#et
F.12 6n%%%%%%%%%%0 internal worshop consisting of important aspects of Hdetailed strategic
definition and Hob9ectives of the brand is arranged.
a- Brand chartering b7 Brand planning
c7 Brand e(tension d7 Brand e*uity
F.13 Apart from the Hfour >s of mareting mi40 the three additional elements of service
brands are people0 process0 and%%%%%%%%%%.
a- >h!sical evidence b7 4hysiological evidence
c7 4sychological evidence d7 4ac#aging
F.1# A %%%%%%%%%% organi?ation is customer)centric0 and all the decisions it maes are
based on involvement of all in the organi?ation.
a- Brand)based b7 Customer2based
c7 4roduct2based d7 None of the given options
6.;< 'ccording to researches0 the highest brand loyalty of customers is among:
a7 Coffee
Page 8 of 20
b7 Shampoo
c- Cigarette
d7 .ea
1. A personal computer with features relating processors specifications0 the si?e of the hard
dis and capacit! of <A8 is an e4ample of:
A. 74plicit promise
B. Implicit promise
C. 4ositive promise
. Negative promise
2. All of the following statements would be considered to be +<"7 regarding compan!
vision statements 7IC7>+:
A. Vision statements are never presented with an organi?ationCs mission statement
B. 9ision statements are often combined with the mission statement
C. 9ision statements are often designed to be memorable0 one2line statements
. 9ision statements reflect an organization8s strategic intent
3. 8aret is divided into groups on the basis of age0 famil! si?e0 gender0 income0 occupation0
education0 religion0 race0 generation0 nationalit!0 or social class is the best description of
which of the following2
A. Eemographics
B. 4sychographics
C. Behavioral
. 5eographic
#. Building the brand vision is ver! serious matter and cannot be decided b! 9ust one
manager because of the issue of:
'. -ar#eting B. $inance
B. 4roduction . 4romotion
&. /hich of the following is considered the first step of the strategic brand management
'. Building brand mission
B. Building brand vision
C. Building brand ob+ectives
. Building brand picture
'. /hich of the following author states that benefits are wea unless the! relate to the
customers central values and beliefs2
'. ,ean2Noel Kapferer
B. 5cot 8. Eavis
C. 4hilip Kotler
. 5eoffrey 1andall
(. /hat approach should a brand manager adopt to now the status of a brand stands in
terms of consumer perceptions2
'. Compare two or three brands B. 'nalyze the mar#et segmentations
B. Select the potential target mar#ets C. !nderstanding customer/s needs
*. /hile determining levels of preferences of consumers in relation to the criterion0
researchers come to now that mostl! consumers give priorit! to the brand due to its:
'. Customer service
B. Consistent performance
C. 4rice value relationship
. 'ccessibility
.. A sound mission and value statement must have all the attributes 7IC7>+:
'. -emorable
B. 4ragmatic
C. =ength!
. Inspiring
11. Brand picture is based on which one of the following2
'. Brand value
B. Brand mission
Page 9 of 20
C. Brand vision
E. Brand image
1. +he uni:ue selling proposition ,"5>- was started in:
'. 'dvertising era
B. Image era
C. >roduct era
. .he positioning era
2. An apparel mareter is planning to launch an e4isting brand name into a new product
categor!. /hich brand development strateg! is being implemented2
'. "ine e(tension
B. -ultibrand
C. Brand e4tension
. 1ebranding
3. /hich of the following is one of the mareters ma9or positioning tools0 which has a direct
impact on product or service performance; thus0 it is closel! lined to customer value and
'. Social mar#eting
B. >roduct :ualit!
C. Specialty mar#eting
. 4osition mar#eting
#. Bpportunities for growth and e4pansion are identified b! finding:
A. Customers beliefs about the segment
B. Customers believe about our competitors
C. Customer/s perceptions about the brand
. Customer/s response about the products
&. According to 5cot Eavis0 how man! !ears are re:uired to change the brand positioning2
'. .wo to five years
B. .hree to si( years
C. .wo to si( years
E. +hree to five !ears
'. /hich of the following is basicall! getting into different versions of the same base product
on the same maret2
'. 4roduct e(tension
B. Brand diversification
C. -ar#et e(tension
E. =ine e4tension
(. /hich of the following is a @concise statement that summari?es brands commitment or
promise to target consumers and activel! communicates the advantage over competing
'. 9ision statement B. -ission statement
B. >ositioning statement E.9alue statement
*. /hichever positioning !ou ma! lie to choose0 it has to stem from which one of the
following point of view so that the! can own it2
A. Customers
B. Competitors
C. 5eneral -anagers
. Brand owners
.. /hich one of the following is DB+ considered as competitive differentiation2
'. 4roduct
B. 5ales
C. Service . Image
11. 8areters need to position their brands clearl! in target customers minds. +he strongest
brands go be!ond attributes or benefit positioning. +he! are positioned on the basis of
which of the following2
'. esirable benefit
Page 10 of 20
B. 5ood pac#aging
C. 5trong beliefs and values
. Service inseparability
Question # 1 of 20 ( Start time: 07:29:26 PM ) Total Marks: 1
The business growth that takes place because of the internal working of the different parts within an
organization is known as which of the following?
Organic growth
!a"i# $ro%t&
Question # 2 of 20 ( Start time: 07:(0:)9 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Which of the following is the characteristic of personality of a brand?
Question # ( of 20 ( Start time: 07:(2:)7 PM ) Total Marks: 1
A strong brand refers to which one of the following?
Offers greater potential to charge a premium price
+el"s to reco,er #e,elo"ment an# launc& costs
Pro,i#es lar$e -ase of customers
All of t&e $i,en o"tions
Question # / of 20 ( Start time: 07:(/:00 PM ) Total Marks: 1
A fashion clothing company getting into perfumes refers to the example of:
Percei,e# #ifficult. of manufacture
1no%2&o% transfera-ilit.
A%areness an# re"utation of t&e "arent
Question # ) of 20 ( Start time: 07:():/0 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Which of the following brand strategy which gi!es you the benefit of premium pricing?
"mbrella brand strategy
'ine -ran# strate$.
Pro#uct -ran# strate$.
3amil. -ran# strate$.
Question # 6 of 20 ( Start time: 07:(7:00 PM ) Total Marks: 1
4f a com"an.5s customers are concentrate# in a small $eo$ra"&ic area an# t&e com"an. sells tec&nical
"ro#ucts6 %&ic& "romotion met&o# %ill it most likel. use7
Question # 7 of 20 ( Start time: 07:(0:)0 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Which of the following is a set of promises that the brand makes to customers?
#rand contract
8ran# association
8ran# "ersona
8ran# euit.
Question # 0 of 20 ( Start time: 07:(9:)7 PM ) Total Marks: 1
When brand management becomes the heart of marketing then which one becomes the heart of
brand management$
9%ner:s euit.
Page 11 of 20
#rand e%uity
8ran# assets
8ran# ,alue
Question # 10 of 20 ( Start time: 07:/1:)) PM ) Total Marks: 1
To be successful& the company must ha!e all its '''''''''' at work to deli!er superior !alue$
Question # 11 of 20 ( Start time: 07:/(:10 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Which of the following is created by management for the consumer and for the company through good
Question # 12 of 20 ( Start time: 07://:06 PM ) Total Marks: 1
When two brands *oin hands to create one brand by using the strong expressions of both& this is
known as:
8ran# mana$ement
8ran# euit.
Question # 1( of 20 ( Start time: 07:/):1( PM ) Total Marks: 1
#uilding the brand !ision is !ery serious matter and cannot be decided by *ust one manager because
of the issue of:
Question # 1/ of 20 ( Start time: 07:/6:17 PM ) Total Marks: 1
(, stands for what?
ustomer response effect
*ustomer relations&i" effect
*ustomer res"onsi-ilit. effect
*ustomer resource effect
Question # 1) of 20 ( Start time: 07:/7:(0 PM ) Total Marks: 1
-.ntel inside/ is a classic example of which one of the following?
.ngredient co0branding
<oint ,enture
;ffecti,e "acka$in$
Question # 16 of 20 ( Start time: 07:/0:/9 PM ) Total Marks: 1
The prices of luxury product fall under:
Plus2one "ricin$
1kim pricing
Page 12 of 20
Strate$ic account "ricin$
Se$ment "ricin$
Question # 20 of 20 ( Start time: 09:0/:11 PM ) Total Marks: 1
.ntroducing additional items in the same product category by adding new fla!ors& forms& colors&
ingredients or package sizes& under the same brand name& is known as:
2ine extensions
Pro#uct mi=
4nteracti,e marketin$
Ser,ice intan$i-ilit.
Question # 1 of 20 ( Start time: 07:29:26 PM ) Total Marks: 1
The business growth that takes place because of the internal working of the different parts
within an organization is known as which of the following?
Organic growth
!a"i# $ro%t&
Question # 2 of 20 ( Start time: 07:(0:)9 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Which of the following is the characteristic of personality of a brand?
Question # ( of 20 ( Start time: 07:(2:)7 PM ) Total Marks: 1
A strong brand refers to which one of the following?
Offers greater potential to charge a premium price
+el"s to reco,er #e,elo"ment an# launc& costs
Pro,i#es lar$e -ase of customers
All of t&e $i,en o"tions
Question # / of 20 ( Start time: 07:(/:00 PM ) Total Marks: 1
A fashion clothing company getting into perfumes refers to the example of:
Percei,e# #ifficult. of manufacture
1no%2&o% transfera-ilit.
A%areness an# re"utation of t&e "arent
Question # ) of 20 ( Start time: 07:():/0 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Which of the following brand strategy which gi!es you the benefit of premium pricing?
"mbrella brand strategy
'ine -ran# strate$.
Pro#uct -ran# strate$.
3amil. -ran# strate$.
Question # 6 of 20 ( Start time: 07:(7:00 PM ) Total Marks: 1
.f a company4s customers are concentrated in a small geographic area and the company sells
technical products& which promotion method will it most likely use?
3ersonal selling
Question # 7 of 20 ( Start time: 07:(0:)0 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Which of the following is a set of promises that the brand makes to customers?
#rand contract
8ran# association
Page 13 of 20
8ran# "ersona
8ran# euit.
Question # 0 of 20 ( Start time: 07:(9:)7 PM ) Total Marks: 1
When brand management becomes the heart of marketing then which one becomes the heart
of -ran# mana$ement>
9%ner:s euit.
#rand e%uity
8ran# assets
8ran# ,alue
Question # 10 of 20 ( Start time: 07:/1:)) PM ) Total Marks: 1
To be successful& the company must ha!e all its '''''''''' at work to deli!er superior
Question # 11 of 20 ( Start time: 07:/(:10 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Which of the following is created by management for the consumer and for the company
through good brands:
Question # 12 of 20 ( Start time: 07://:06 PM ) Total Marks: 1
When two brands *oin hands to create one brand by using the strong expressions of both& this
is known as:
8ran# mana$ement
8ran# euit.
Question # 1( of 20 ( Start time: 07:/):1( PM ) Total Marks: 1
#uilding the brand !ision is !ery serious matter and cannot be decided by *ust one manager
because of the issue of:
Question # 1/ of 20 ( Start time: 07:/6:17 PM ) Total Marks: 1
(, stands for what?
ustomer response effect
*ustomer relations&i" effect
*ustomer res"onsi-ilit. effect
*ustomer resource effect
Question # 1) of 20 ( Start time: 07:/7:(0 PM ) Total Marks: 1
-.ntel inside/ is a classic example of which one of the following?
.ngredient co0branding
<oint ,enture
;ffecti,e "acka$in$
Question # 16 of 20 ( Start time: 07:/0:/9 PM ) Total Marks: 1
The prices of luxury product fall under:
Plus2one "ricin$
1kim pricing
Strate$ic account "ricin$
Se$ment "ricin$
Question # 20 of 20 ( Start time: 09:0/:11 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Page 14 of 20
.ntroducing additional items in the same product category by adding new fla!ors& forms&
colors& ingredients or package sizes& under the same brand name& is known as:
2ine extensions
Pro#uct mi=
4nteracti,e marketin$
Ser,ice intan$i-ilit.
Ad!ertising is a ma*or promotion mix ingredient that is a:
Pai# form of "ersonal communication
3aid form of non personal communication
?on "ai# form of "ersonal communication
?on "ai# form of non "ersonal communication
Which of the following statements about 3lace5Distribution decisions is O((,T?
Pro#uct classes are not relate# to Place o-@ecti,es
T&e "ro#uct life c.cle is not relate# to Place o-@ecti,es
Place #ecisions are s&ort2term #ecisions t&at are eas. to c&an$e
Different market segments may re%uire separate 3lace arrangements$
Which one of the following is indicator of a company6s desire to better meet the demands of
the market& not only through differentiated products but also through different brands and
there fore different identities?
8ran# "ortfolio
8ran# e=tension
'ine e=tension
8ran# #i,ersification
Which one of the following pricing model is suggested during the decline stage of brand?
+ar,est "ricin$
Penetration "ricin$
*ost -ase# "ricin$
Market -ase# "ricin$
Which one of the following brand layer is slightly wider than line brands?
3amil. -ran#s
!an$e -ran#s
Am-rella -ran#s
Pro#uct -ran#s
#ased on !arious researches& which of the following is 7OT T(", about brand perception?
Peo"le "ercei,e t&e -ran# as a %&ole
Perce"tion is com"re&ensi,e
*onsumers: "erce"tion is t&e realit.
T&e -ran# &as a "ersonalit.
#ased on !arious researches& which of the following is 7OT T(", about brand perception?
Peo"le "ercei,e t&e -ran# as a %&ole
Perce"tion is com"re&ensi,e
*onsumers: "erce"tion is t&e realit.
T&e -ran# &as a "ersonalit.
Whiche!er positioning you may like to choose& it has to stem from the point of !iew of which
one of the following so that they can own it?
Page 15 of 20
Beneral Mana$ers5
8ran# o%ners5
Which of the following is one of the marketer6s ma*or positioning tools& that has a direct
impact on product or ser!ice performance8 thus& it is closely linked to customer !alue and
Pro#uct ualit.
Social marketin$
S"ecialt. marketin$
Pro#uction ualit.
To update brand position is !ery necessary and there are different criteria to update it$ 9ow
many criteria are adapted to *udge if there is need for updating?
The distribution channel6s performance depends on all of the following ,:,3T:
*ustomer reac&
9"eratin$ efficienc.
Ser,ice ualit.
Place of #istri-ution
Addition of ;$;< liter bottle by oca ola will cause to:
4ncrease customer -ase an# usa$e
;n&ance customer lo.alt.
Benerate more "rofit
Ce,elo" -ran# ima$e
.f a company introduce same brand name for se!eral product in different markets then
company is applying which one of the following brand strategy?
Pro#uct -ran# strate$.
'ine -ran# strate$.
!an# -ran# strate$.
Am-rella -ran# strate$.
ommunication through a news story regarding an organization and5or its products that is
transmitted through a mass medium at no charge is which one of the following?
Sales "romotion
Personal sellin$
Which of the following leads us to determine why customers buy what they buy?
*ustomer nee# anal.sis
8ran#2-ase# customer mo#el
Boo# -ran# "romise
8ran# mana$ement "rocess
One member of an organization has the ability to control resources and change beha!ior of
the other$ .t is an exercise of which one of the following?
*oerci,e "o%er
!e%ar# "o%er
Page 16 of 20
'e$itimate "o%er
;="ert "o%er
A personal computer with features relating to processor6s specifications& the size of the hard
disk and capacity of (A= is an example of:
4m"licit "romise
;="licit "romise
Positi,e "romise
?e$ati,e "romise
The more the customers are knowledgeable of a brand6s promises& the more they are inclined
to be bound into a:
Fuestion J 1 of 11 /hich of the following is @a concise statement that summari?es brands
commitment or promise to target consumers and activel! communicates the advantage over
competing brandsA2
4ositioning statement
9ision statement
-ission statement
9alue statement
Fuestion J 2 of 11 /hen an! brand of cooing oil is launched with new formula ,for more
safet! of health-0 it is the e4ample of which of the following2
)(tending your target mar#et
)(tending the definition of business
)(tending your point of difference
)(tending the entire positioning
Fuestion J 3 of 11 Kou do not give the same treatment to a fae brand even if it carries the
label that ma! loo genuine because:
.he actual brand is not there
.he actual product is not there
.he actual brand is there
'ctual product is there
Fuestion J # of 11 /hen we sa! that brands are sta!ing contemporar! than it means:
Bringing about innovations
"iving up to consumers/ li#es and e(pectations
)ngaging into a brand contract
'll of the given options
Fuestion J & of 11 /hich of the following has to generate revenues0 profits and net earning0
whether establish through organic growth or ac:uisition.
Brand management
Page 17 of 20
Brand e*uity
Fuestion J ' of 11 /hich one of the following is the part of brand management process2
-anage product
-anage categories
-anage brand
-anage customer
Fuestion J ( of 11 All of the following are the primar! component of positioning0 7IC7>+:
Company business
.arget mar#et
4oint of difference and #ey benefits
Customer/s analysis
Fuestion J * of 11 /hich of the following can be defined in terms of needs0 segmentation
and geograph!2
Fuestion J . of 11 6n uncover bad promise one must convert the shortcomings into:
Fuestion J 1 of 11 A brand contract ma! also contain %%%%%%%%%% but it must be eradicated
from the contract2
Negative promises
4ositive promises
oubtful promises
Implicit promises
Fuestion J 2 of 11 +he whole e4ercise of creating the right picture is to create meaningful
parallels between the brands identit! and its:
Fuestion J # of 11 /hich one of the following is DB+ the basic determinant of the
consumers bu!ing action2
Fuestion J & of 11 +he more customers are nowledgeable of a brands promises0 the more
the! are liel! to be:
Fuestion J ' of 11 /hich of the following is driving force for customers focal point2
Brand picture
Brand image
Brand value
Brand persona
Fuestion J ( of 11 %%%%%%%%% is basicall! getting into different versions of the same base
product on the same maret.
Page 18 of 20
"ine e(tension
4roduct e(tension
Brand diversification
-ar#et e(tension
Fuestion J . of 11 5trong brand positioning is driven b! which one of the following
Fuestion J 11 of 11 6f a maret is ver! mature0 the challenges are:
1. +he uni:ue selling proposition ,"5>- was started in:
'. 'dvertising era
B. Image era
C. 4roduct era
. .he positioning era
2. An apparel mareter is planning to launch an e4isting brand name into a new product
categor!. /hich brand development strateg! is being implemented2
'. "ine e(tension
B. -ultibrand
C. Brand e(tension
. 1ebranding
3. /hich of the following is one of the mareters ma9or positioning tools0 which has a direct
impact on product or service performance; thus0 it is closel! lined to customer value and
'. Social mar#eting
B. 4roduct *uality
C. Specialty mar#eting
. 4osition mar#eting ===..
#. Bpportunities for growth and e4pansion are identified b! finding:
'. Customers/ beliefs about the segment
B. Customers believe about our competitors
C. Customer/s perceptions about the brand
. Customer/s response about the products
&. According to 5cot Eavis0 how man! !ears are re:uired to change the brand positioning2
'. .wo to five years
B. .hree to si( years
C. .wo to si( years
. .hree to five years
'. /hich of the following is basicall! getting into different versions of the same base product
on the same maret2
'. 4roduct e(tension
B. Brand diversification
C. -ar#et e(tension
. "ine e(tension
(. /hich of the following is a @concise statement that summari?es brands commitment or
promise to target consumers and activel! communicates the advantage over competing
'. 9ision statement
B. -ission statement
C. 4ositioning statement
. 9alue statement
Page 19 of 20
*. /hichever positioning !ou ma! lie to choose0 it has to stem from which one of the
following point of view so that the! can own it2
'. Customers
B. Competitors
C. 5eneral -anagers
. Brand owners
.. /hich one of the following is DB+ considered as competitive differentiation2
'. 4roduct
B. Sales
C. Service
. Image
11. 8areters need to position their brands clearl! in target customers minds. +he strongest
brands go be!ond attributes or benefit positioning. +he! are positioned on the basis of
which of the following2
'. esirable benefit
B. 5ood pac#aging
C. Strong beliefs and values
. Service inseparability
Page 20 of 20

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