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Environmental, Health & Safety

Management System Manual

Table of Contents
1.0 Purpose................................................................................................................................................. 1
2.0 Scope..................................................................................................................................................... 1
3.0 Issue and Update................................................................................................................................... 1
4.0 Environmental and Safety Policies......................................................................................................... 2
5.0 Environmental Aspects.......................................................................................................................... 2
.0 !a"ard Identification# $is% Assessment and $is% &ontrol.....................................................................2
'.0 (e)al and *t+er $e,uirements.............................................................................................................. 3
-.0 *./ectives and 0ar)ets.......................................................................................................................... 3
1.0 Environmental and *!2S 3ana)ement Pro)rams................................................................................ 3
10.0 *r)ani"ational Structure and $esponsi.ility........................................................................................ 4
11.0 0rainin)# A4areness and &ompetence................................................................................................ 4
12.0 &ommunication.................................................................................................................................... 4
13.0 E!2S 3ana)ement System 5ocumentation....................................................................................... 5
14.0 5ocument &ontrol................................................................................................................................ 5
15.0 *perational &ontrol.............................................................................................................................. 5
1.0 Emer)ency Preparedness and $esponse...........................................................................................
1'.0 3onitorin) and 3easurement..............................................................................................................
1-.0 Accidents# Incidents# 6onconformance and &orrective and Preventative Action.................................
11.0 $ecords............................................................................................................................................... '
20.0 3ana)ement System Audits................................................................................................................ '
21.0 3ana)ement $evie4........................................................................................................................... '
22.0 $ecord of $evisions............................................................................................................................. -

Issue 5ate7 1825801 i $evision 5ate7 182-805
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Environmental, Health & Safety
Management System Manual
1.0 Purpose
0+is manual defines t+e scope of Spartan Steel &oatin)9s :Spartan; Environmental# !ealt+ 2 Safety
:E!2S; 3ana)ement System and provides a lin%a)e of system documents to t+e various elements of t+e
IS* 140017111 and *!SAS 1-00171111 standards.
0+e principal elements of t+e system descri.ed in t+is manual are7
Environmental 2 *!2S Policies
Environmental Aspects
!a"ard Identification and $is% &ontrol
(e)al and *t+er $e,uirements
*./ectives and 0ar)ets
Environmental and *!2S 3ana)ement Pro)rams
*r)ani"ational Structure and $esponsi.ility
0rainin)# A4areness and &ompetence
&onsultation 2 &ommunication
5ocument &ontrol
*perational &ontrol
Emer)ency Preparedness and $esponse
3onitorin) and 3easurement
Accidents# Incidents# 6onconformance and &orrective and Preventative Action
System Audits
3ana)ement $evie4
.0 S!ope
(ocated /ust off I<'5 in 3onroe# 3ic+i)an# Spartan Steel &oatin) processes our customer9s flat rolled steel
into +ot dipped )alvani"ed and )alvannealed coils for various end uses. 0+e Spartan E!2S mana)ement
system provides a mec+anism for environmental# +ealt+ and safety mana)ement t+rou)+out all areas of
our operations. 0+e system is desi)ned to cover environmental aspects and +ealt+ and safety ris%s t+at
t+e facility can control and directly mana)e# and t+ose t+at it does not directly control or mana)e .ut over
4+ic+ it can .e e=pected to +ave an influence.
".0 #ssue an$ %p$ate
0+e control of t+is manual is in accordance 4it+ Spartan9s procedure S*P<*S<50# 5ocument &ontrol.
&opies of t+is manual are controlled usin) color +eaders and footers. >lac% and 4+ite copes are
considered uncontrolled and s+ould .e used for reference purposes only.
Amendments to t+is manual 4ill .e issued .y t+e 3ana)ement $epresentative or desi)nee follo4in)
approval .y t+e *perations 3ana)er.
Issue 5ate7 1825801 1 $evision 5ate7 182-805
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Spartan Steel Coating EH&S Manual
&.0 Environmental an$ Safety Poli!ies
Spartan9s *peratin) Policy :policy; covers all activities at t+e facility# includin) safety# environmental
compliance# ,uality assurance and .usiness development. 0+e policy includes a commitment to
continual improvement and prevention of pollution# as 4ell as a commitment to meet or e=ceed relevant
environmental le)islation# re)ulations and ot+er re,uirements. 0+e policy 4ill .e revie4ed annually .y top
mana)ement# communicated to all employees and made availa.le to t+e pu.lic in accordance 4it+ t+e
&ommunications procedure. *./ectives and tar)ets are created to support policy commitments and 4ill
.e re)ularly revie4ed to ensure on)oin) support of t+e policy.
'eferen!e Material
IS* 14001 Standard# Section 4.2
*!SAS 1-001 Standard# Section 4.2
(ppli!able )o!uments an$ Pro!e$ures
Spartan *peratin) Policy
S*P<*S<14# &ommunication
*.0 Environmental (spe!ts
Spartan9s &ross<functional 0eam :&?0; identifies t+e environmental aspects t+at t+e facility controls and
over 4+ic+ it may .e e=pected to +ave influence# and determines 4+ic+ of t+ose aspects are considered
si)nificant. 5iscussions re)ardin) si)nificance are recorded in &?0 meetin) minutes. 0+ese aspects are
revie4ed at least annually .y t+e &?0 or 4+en t+ere is a ne4 or c+an)ed process or activity at t+e facility.
0+e 3ana)ement $epresentative maintains &?0 meetin) minutes and ot+er records.
'eferen!e Material
IS* 14001 Standard# Section 4.3.1
(ppli!able )o!uments an$ Pro!e$ures
S*P<E!<02# Environmental Aspects# *./ectives and 0ar)ets# and 3ana)ement Pro)rams
S*P<E!<02A# Environmental Aspects
S*P<E!<03# Environmental $evie4 of Pro/ects
+.0 Ha,ar$ #$entifi!ation, 'is- (ssessment an$ 'is- Control
Spartan uses a cross<functional team approac+ to identify +a"ards# assess t+eir ris%s and implement
necessary control over all activities and areas of our facility. 0+is approac+ is defined in our Safety ?3EA
procedure :S*P<*S<'3;. E=istin) /o. safety analyses :@SAs; +ave .een converted to S?3EAs# 4+ic+
include ran%in)s of severity# pro.a.ility and control and t+us provide relative measures of ris%. 0+ese
s+eets document operational controls and provide a means for trac%in) recommended actions.
$ecommended actions may .e su))ested .y any employee at any time# and are monitored .y t+e Safety
&ommittee. S?3EAs are included in /o.<specific trainin) and also incorporated into annual trainin)
'eferen!e Material
*!SAS 1-001 Standard# Section 4.3.1
(ppli!able )o!uments an$ Pro!e$ures
S*P<*S<'3# Safety ?3EA
Issue 5ate7 1825801 Pa)e 2 $evision 5ate7 182-805
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Spartan Steel Coating EH&S Manual
..0 /egal an$ 0ther 'e1uirements
Spartan +as esta.lis+ed a procedure for t+e purpose of identifyin)# accessin) and communicatin) le)al
and ot+er re,uirements t+at are applica.le to t+e facility. Additional information is also availa.le t+rou)+
le)al pu.lications. 0+e Environmental &oordinator is responsi.le for compliance 4it+ environmental
re)ulatory and ot+er re,uirements. Safety re)ulations and ot+er re,uirements are t+e responsi.ility of t+e
Plant Superintendent. At least annually# t+ey 4ill revie4 t+e most current national# state and local le)al
and ot+er re,uirements as applica.le to Spartan.
'eferen!e Material
IS* 14001 Standard# Section 4.3.2
*!SAS 1-001 Standard# Section 4.3.2
(ppli!able )o!uments an$ Pro!e$ures
S*P<*S<12# $e)ulatory &ompliance
EA<*S<01# Environmental (e)al $e,uirements
EA<*S<02# $e)ulatory $eportin) $e,uirements
EA<*S<03# Safety $e)ulatory $e,uirements
2.0 0b3e!tives an$ Targets
0+e 3$0 is responsi.le for determinin) annual operational o./ectives and tar)ets. *./ectives and tar)ets
are developed for all aspects of operations. E!2S o./ectives ta%e into consideration environmental
aspects# *!2S +a"ards and ris%s# tec+nolo)ical options and financial# operational# and .usiness plans#
as 4ell as vie4s of interested parties.
Pro)rams for ac+ievin) o./ectives and tar)ets are defined and documented t+rou)+ Spartan9s &ontinual
Improvement process. 0+is process desi)nates responsi.ility and defines t+e means and timeframes for
ac+ievin) tar)ets. Pro)rams 4ill .e amended as necessary to include ne4 pro/ects# activities# products
and services# as appropriate.
'eferen!e Material
IS* 14001 Standard# Section 4.3.3
*!SAS 1-001 Standard# Section 4.3.3
(ppli!able )o!uments an$ Pro!e$ures
S*P<E!<02# Environmental Aspects# *./ectives and 0ar)ets# and 3ana)ement Pro)rams
S*P<E!<02A# Environmental Aspects
S*P<E!<03# Environmental $evie4 of Pro/ects
S*P<*S<'3# Safety ?3EA
4.0 Environmental an$ 0H&S Management Programs
Environmental and *!2S mana)ement pro)rams are developed t+rou)+ Spartan9s &ontinual
Improvement pro)ram as a means for ac+ievin) o./ectives and tar)ets. 0+ese pro)rams define t+e
principal actions to .e ta%en# t+ose responsi.le for underta%in) t+ose actions# and t+e sc+eduled times for
t+eir implementation. &I pro/ects are developed .y t+e pro)ram mana)er and revie4ed .y t+e &?0 or
Production Broup# and serve to demonstrate continual improvement of t+e system.
'eferen!e Material
IS* 14001 Standard# Section 4.3.4
*!SAS 1-001 Standard# Section 4.3.4
Issue 5ate7 1825801 Pa)e 3 $evision 5ate7 182-805
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Spartan Steel Coating EH&S Manual
(ppli!able )o!uments an$ Pro!e$ures
S*P<E!<02# Environmental Aspects# *./ectives and 0ar)ets# and 3ana)ement Pro)rams
S*P<E!<02A# Environmental Aspects
S*P<E!<03# Environmental $evie4 of Pro/ects
S*P<E!<03A# Pro/ect Environmental &+ec%list
S*P<*S<'3# Safety ?3EA
S*P<*S<31# &orrective and Preventative Action and &ontinuous Improvement
10.0 0rgani,ational Stru!ture an$ 'esponsibility
E!2S mana)ement system roles# responsi.ilities and aut+orities are defined at relevant functions and
levels 4it+in t+e or)ani"ation t+rou)+ system manuals# procedures and 4or% instructions. Plant
mana)ement provides t+e resources essential to t+e implementation and control of t+e E!2S
mana)ement system# includin)7 trainin)# +uman resources# specialty services# financial resources# and
tec+nical and information services. 0+e 3ana)ement $epresentative +as primary responsi.ility for
esta.lis+in)# operatin)# maintainin)# and reportin) on t+e performance of t+e E!2S mana)ement system.
'eferen!e Material
IS* 14001 Standard# Section 4.4.1
*!SAS 1-001 Standard# Section 4.4.1
(ppli!able )o!uments an$ Pro!e$ures
Spartan *r)ani"ation &+art
Emer)ency Action Plan 3anual
S*P<*S<10# Spartan *peratin) System 3ana)ement
S*P<*S<11# 0rainin)# A4areness 2 &ompetence
11.0 Training, (5areness an$ Competen!e
Spartan identifies# plans# monitors and records trainin) needs for personnel 4+ose 4or% may create a
si)nificant impact upon t+e environment or t+e +ealt+ and safety of t+e 4or%place. Spartan +as a
procedure to train employees at eac+ relevant function and level so t+at t+ey are a4are of t+e operatin)
policy# si)nificant environmental aspects and 4or%place +a"ards# t+eir roles and responsi.ilities in
ac+ievin) conformance 4it+ t+e policy and procedures# and 4it+ t+e re,uirements of t+e E!2S
mana)ement. 0rainin) records are maintained .y !uman $esources. Appropriate records are monitored
and revie4ed on a sc+eduled .asis. &ompetency is determined .y t+e employee9s supervisor as
specified in S*P<*S<11# 0rainin)# A4areness and &ompetence.
'eferen!e Material
IS* 14001 Standard# Section 4.4.2
*!SAS 1-001 Standard# Section 4.4.2
(ppli!able )o!uments an$ Pro!e$ures
S*P<*S<11# 0rainin)# A4areness 2 &ompetence
S*P<*S<14# Environmental &ommunication
1.0 Communi!ation
Spartan +as esta.lis+ed and 4ill maintain a procedure for internal and e=ternal communications re)ardin)
environmental# +ealt+ and safety information. 0+is procedure addresses communication 4it+in Spartan#
as 4ell as receivin)# documentin) and respondin) to relevant communication from e=ternal interested
parties. Employees 4ill .e informed of all environmental# +ealt+ and safety related issues and involved in
Issue 5ate7 1825801 Pa)e 4 $evision 5ate7 182-805
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Spartan Steel Coating EH&S Manual
processes to improve performance and reduce ris%s. Information 4ill .e s+ared 4it+ e=ternal parties as
re,uired .y la4 and in accordance 4it+ our commitment to )ood corporate citi"ens+ip.
'eferen!e Material
IS* 14001 Standard# Section 4.4.3
*!SAS 1-001 Standard# Section 4.4.3
(ppli!able )o!uments an$ Pro!e$ures
S*P<*S<14# &ommunication
1".0 EH&S Management System )o!umentation
0+is manual and t+e 3aster 5ocument (ist identify all documents relevant to t+e E!2S mana)ement
system. 5ocumentation is availa.le electronically t+rou)+out t+e facility. A copy of system documents#
ot+er t+an completed records# can .e o.tained from t+e 3ana)ement $epresentative or desi)nee.
$ecords are maintained .y t+e appropriate department.
'eferen!e Material
IS* 14001 Standard# Section 4.4.4
*!SAS 1-001 Standard# Section 4.4.4
(ppli!able )o!uments an$ Pro!e$ures
3aster 5ocuments (ist
1&.0 )o!ument Control
Spartan maintains a procedure for controllin) all documents relatin) to t+e E!2S mana)ement system.
0+is procedure 4+ere documents can .e located and +o4 and 4+en t+ey are revie4ed. 0+is
procedure ensures t+at current versions are availa.le and t+at o.solete documents are promptly removed
from use or are identified. &ontrolled documents can .e o.tained from t+e 3ana)ement
$epresentative or desi)nee.

'eferen!e Material
IS* 14001 Standard# Section 4.4.5
*!SAS 1-001 Standard# Section 4.4.5
(ppli!able )o!uments an$ Pro!e$ures
S*P<*S<50# 5ocument &ontrol
3aster 5ocuments (ist
1*.0 0perational Control
0op mana)ement is responsi.le for identifyin) operations and activities associated 4it+ si)nificant
environmental aspects and ensurin) t+at t+ere are sufficient controls in place# eit+er t+rou)+ en)ineerin)
desi)n# procedures or 4or% practices. C+enever possi.le# cross<functional teams 4ill .e used to
determine appropriate controls. 5ocumented procedures define t+e mec+anisms for t+e esta.lis+ment#
implementation and maintenance of t+e E!2S mana)ement system and ensure t+at t+e system is
maintained in accordance 4it+ t+e environmental policy and o./ectives and tar)ets# reduces ris%s to
personnel and t+e environment 4+erever possi.le# and communicated ris%s to suppliers and contractors.
*perational controls are summari"ed on t+e Environmental Aspects and Safety ?3EA forms.
Issue 5ate7 1825801 Pa)e 5 $evision 5ate7 182-805
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Spartan Steel Coating EH&S Manual
'eferen!e Material
IS* 14001 Standard# Section 4.4.
*!SAS 1-001 Standard# Section 4.4.
(ppli!able )o!uments an$ Pro!e$ures
S*P<E!<02A# Environmental Aspects
S*P<*S<'3A# Safety ?3EA
1+.0 Emergen!y Prepare$ness an$ 'esponse
Spartan +as a plan to identify t+e potential for and respond to accidents and emer)ency situations# and
for preventin) and miti)atin) t+e environmental impacts t+at may .e associated 4it+ t+em. 0+e
Emer)ency Action Plan is developed# tested and revie4ed in accordance 4it+ t+e desi)nated procedure.
'eferen!e Material
IS* 14001 Standard# Section 4.4.'
*!SAS 1-001 Standard# Section 4.4.'
(ppli!able )o!uments an$ Pro!e$ures
Emer)ency Action Plan
S*P<*S<13# Emer)ency Preparedness and $esponse
1..0 Monitoring an$ Measurement
Spartan +as esta.lis+ed a procedure to monitor and measure t+e %ey c+aracteristics of its operations and
activities t+at can +ave a si)nificant impact on t+e environment or t+e +ealt+ and safety of our personnel
:see S*P<*S<32;. 0+is procedure includes cali.ration and maintenance re,uirements and ensures t+at
records 4ill .e retained. Dey c+aracteristics are defined under E!2S on t+e &ontrol Plan.
Spartan +as also esta.lis+ed a $e)ulatory &ompliance Pro)ram. Procedure S*P<*S<12 outlines t+e
re,uirements of t+e pro)ram to mana)e environmental compliance. $esults are reported to mana)ement
on a periodic .asis as specified in S*P<*S<30# System and &ompliance Audits# and S*P<*S<10#
Spartan *peratin) System 3ana)ement.
'eferen!e Material
IS* 14001 Standard# Section 4.5.1 2 4.5.2
*!SAS 1-001 Standard# Section 4.5.1
(ppli!able )o!uments an$ Pro!e$ures
&ontrol Plan
S*P<*S<10# Spartan *peratin) System 3ana)ement
S*P<*S<12# $e)ulatory &ompliance
S*P<*S<30# System and &ompliance Audits
S*P<*S<32# Process and E,uipment &ontrol
12.0 (!!i$ents, #n!i$ents, 6on!onforman!e an$ Corre!tive an$ Preventative
Spartan +as a procedure for +andlin) and investi)atin) accidents and incidents. 0+is procedure defines
roles and responsi.ilities and includes instructions for completin) necessary paper4or%. C+ere
nonconformances occur# Spartan +as a procedure for definin) responsi.ility and aut+ority for +andlin)
and investi)atin) t+em# for ta%in) action to miti)ate impacts# and for initiatin) and completin) corrective
Issue 5ate7 1825801 Pa)e $evision 5ate7 182-805
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Spartan Steel Coating EH&S Manual
and preventative action. Any c+an)es in procedures resultin) from corrective and preventative actions
are implemented and recorded on t+e applica.le procedure. 0+e 3ana)ement $epresentative maintains
t+ese records.
'eferen!e Material
IS* 14001 Standard# Section 4.5.3
*!SAS 1-001 Standard# Section 4.5.2
(ppli!able )o!uments an$ Pro!e$ures
S*P<!$<02# Accident and Incident Investi)ation
S*P<*S<31# &orrective and Preventative Action and &ontinual Improvement
P?<1-# &orrective8Preventative Action and &ontinual Improvement
14.0 'e!or$s
Spartan +as a procedure for t+e identification# maintenance and disposal of records. 0+ese records
include trainin) records and t+e results of audits and revie4s. 0+ey are readily retrieva.le# and protected
a)ainst dama)e# deterioration and loss. $ecord and document retention is also specified in t+is
'eferen!e Material
IS* 14001 Standard# Section 4.5.4
*!SAS 1-001 Standard# Section 4.5.3
(ppli!able )o!uments an$ Pro!e$ures
S*P<*S<51# $ecord%eepin)
0.0 Management System (u$its
Periodic system audits are conducted to ensure t+at t+e E!2S mana)ement system +as .een properly
implemented and maintained# t+at operations are .ein) performed in accordance 4it+ planned
arran)ements# and t+at t+ose plans are effective. 0+e results of t+ese audits are provided to
mana)ement. Audits are performed accordin) to a sc+edule# 4+ic+ is .ased on t+e relative ris% and
importance of t+e activity# results of previous audits# and t+e audit sc+edule. All auditors are trained and
audit records are %ept .y t+e 3ana)ement $epresentative.
'eferen!e Material
IS* 14001 Standard# Section 4.5.5
*!SAS 1-001 Standard# Section 4.5.4
(ppli!able )o!uments an$ Pro!e$ures
S*P<*S<30# System and &ompliance Audits
1.0 Management 'evie5
0+e 3ana)ement $evie4 0eam :3$0; periodically revie4s t+e E!2S mana)ement system to ensure its
continuin) suita.ility# ade,uacy and effectiveness. 3ana)ement revie4 activities are summari"ed on
S*P<*S<10A. 3eetin) minutes record t+ese revie4s and are %ept .y t+e 3ana)ement $epresentative or
'eferen!e Material
IS* 14001 Standard# Section 4.
Issue 5ate7 1825801 Pa)e ' $evision 5ate7 182-805
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Spartan Steel Coating EH&S Manual
*!SAS 1-001 Standard# Section 4.
(ppli!able )o!uments an$ Pro!e$ures
S*P<*S<10# Spartan *peratin) System 3ana)ement
EA<*S<10A# 3$0 Input Summary
.0 'e!or$ of 'evisions
'evision )ate )es!ription Se!tions (ffe!te$
4<1<01 $emoved references to appendices. All
'<12<01 Added reference to &ontrol Plan and clarified procedure
references in 1.0. &+an)ed procedure in 1-.
1.0# 1-.0
-<14<01 &orrected document on EA<*S<11A. 10.0
10<15<02 '.0 revised to reflect modifications to o./ectives and tar)ets
and E3Ps.
11<1'<03 -.0 included &ontinual Improvement and 12.0 included
3aster 5ocument (ist.
-.0# 12.0
-811804 3inor )rammatical corrections and addition of references to
P?<1- and EA<*S<10A.
11820804 Incorporated elements of *!SAS 1-001. All
182-805 3inor modifications for 1400172004 revision. Updated scope
and references to sections follo4in) 4.5.2 for ne4 num.erin).
2.0# 1'.0# 1-.0# 11.0#
Issue 5ate7 1825801 Pa)e - $evision 5ate7 182-805
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