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You made it through your first week of Freeletics. Probably also through sore muscles and
dizziness after working out. Congratulations!

Besides the workouts, Freeletics also contains so called MAX:
At MAX, you do as many repetitions of a certain exercise as possible in a given amount of time
(100sec or 300sec). Two MAX are part of the Freeletics basic package.
Push-ups for 100 seconds. No breaks. As many repetitions as possible.
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Start: Start from a lying position. Chest touches the ground. Feet are no more than shoulder width
apart. The angles at your elbows may not exceed 90
Movement: Push up until your arms are completely locked.
End: Return to starting position to complete one repetition.
Additional remarks: Your hands have to leave the ground before every repetition. Your body has to
be in a line throughout the upward movement. Particularly, your chest may not leave the ground
before your hips and legs. Keep your abs and butt tight.
Modified Version: If push-ups are or become too difficult, do the modified version:
Perform the exercise from your knees.
Squats for 300 seconds. No breaks. As many repetitions as possible. open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
Start: Start from a standing position. Knees, hips and shoulders are in a vertical line.
Movement: Lower your hips below your knees.
End: Return to starting position to complete one repetition.
Additional remarks: Make sure to keep your weight on your heels, your chest up and your back
flat. Push your knees out and keep your torso as vertical as possible.
Modified version: If squats are too difficult or become too difficult during the workout, do the
modified version.
Lower your hips as far as you can instead of lowering them below your knees.
As we already said, we recommend you to train Freeletics at least four times per week. Use both
of the MAX as well as Aphrodite. If you cant remember Aphrodite, look up the details in our email
from last week. open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API

Just like with workouts, your best performance of a certain MAX is called PB. You also receive a
*, if you complete a MAX without modified repetitions. If you do a MAX, we recommend you to
choose whether you do it with or without * up front. Then do all repetitions in the according

We recommend you to warm up before every MAX session and to stretch afterwards. Jogging,
jumping jacks, arm circles, light stretching and the like are suitable to warm up.

You know the game by now: Quitting? Not an option.
Have fun!
Freeletics Instructor Team open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
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pursue thi s goal anymore, you can unsubscribe from this list or update subscription preferences.

Disclaimer: The advi ce and i nformati on contai ned i n thi s emai l may not be appropri ate for al l i ndi vi dual s. Therefore
Freel eti cs i s not responsi bl e for any i nj uri es or heal th condi ti ons that may resul t from advi ce, opi ni ons, and programs
represented i n thi s emai l . The i nformati on i n thi s emai l i s not a repl acement for medi cal advi ce. You shoul d consul t a
physi ci an before starti ng any di et or exerci se program. We cl ai m no responsi bi l i ty for any i nj uri es you mi ght sustai n. It i s
your responsi bi l i ty to warm up properl y, perform each movement correctl y, and ul ti matel y to deci de whether or not you
are capabl e of performi ng the exerci se/workout wi thout sustai ni ng i nj ury.

Copyri ght 2013 Freel eti cs, Al l ri ghts reserved.
Freel eti cs | Hestr. 89 | 80797 Muni ch, Germany

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