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asis basic material

Work process
A. All the process which handles by the use task based on the type of the user request.
B. Types of work process
1.Dialog work process
2.Background work process
3.Update work process
. !essage ser"er
#.$nqueue ser"er
C. )hat are the different types of work process in *+3,
Dialog -D./ Update -0./ $nqueue -$./ Background -B. and (pool-(.
Dialog work process (D)
A. Dialog work process is used to handle by the user request only
B. Dialog work process para1eter na1e is 2 rdisp3wp4no4dia52
C. Dialog work processes are 1ini1u1 2
6ne is user request running another one is distributing the work process
D. $ach request occupies '#1b to 1#71b
E. Dialog work process is 1ultiple8i"e
!ultiple8i"e 1eans at a ti1e one -or. 1ore use request is running
F. The user request handle by the dialog work process 1a8i1u1 up to 1977 seconds
G. :f the user request %77 seconds default in that ti1e data is not co1pleted then user request
session is ter1inated
H. ;o of Dialog work process <5 ;o of non Dialog work process
I. Dialog work process ti1e out para1eter is
rdisp\ma!wp!r"#!timeo"t$%&& to '(&&
). 6ne dialog work process 1a8i1u1 up to 32 users are we can create
*. 6ne application ser"er 1a8i1u1 up to 177 work process we can create
+. )ork process statuses are
=ri"ate 1ode> Dedicated to the particular user
(leep> )ork process is running but not responding
)hy> )aiting for resources
,. :n sap le"el work process o"er"iew 2 -,.&
/. :n sap le"el global work process o"er"iew 2 -,%%
0. :n 6.( le"el work process o"er"iew 2 dpmo#
Dp1on> when the user could not login to the sap syste1
1. :n sap le"el display a list of application ser"er 2 -,.'
2. :n s1#1 transaction to identify the *eleasenote/ the *+3 kernel/ D+B kernel/ 6.(. ?ernel and
packages infor1ation
3. :n sap le"el "ersion statuses are 2 s4stem 5556 stat"s
-. :n 6.( le"el "ersion we can see 2 disp7work
8. @ow do user request flow,
User request AAA< dispatcher AAA< work process AAA< dialog work process AAA< update the tables
Backgro"#d work process (B)
A. The background work process handle by the long running Bobs.
:n the background work process that process can be e8ecuted without the user interaction.
Background Bobs are progra1s/ printing specification and interacti"ely can be run
auto1atically by the
background processing syste1
B. Background work process para1eter na1e is 2 rdisp\wp!#o!btc$9
C. During the installation 1ini1u1 of 2 background work process
6ne is defining and another one is e8ecuting
D. (cheduling the background Bob is 2 -,:%
Cob na1e should start either with D or y.
!a8i1u1 32 characters are allowed in the na1e.
E.(tart conditions
3.After Bob
.After e"ent
#.At operation 1ode
F. Background Bob steps
'.ABA1 program> :t is a standard progra1 -or. custo1iDed progra1 which will e8ecute by
0ariant> :t is a progra1 selection criterion to pro"ide the inputs during the runti1e -or.
e8ecution of the
0ariants are stored in the table is T0A*0
)e can create the "ariant fro1 ($39
9.Eter#al comma#d> :t is used for pre defined input by syste1 ad1inistrator.
$8ternal co11ands are defined in (!E -or. (!%E
$8ternal co11ands F e8ternal progra1 are e8ecuted by (A=G& progra1
:.Eter#al program> :t is used for direct co11and input by syste1 ad1inistrator
G. Background Bob is e"ery %7 seconds default ti1e is 2 rdisp\btctime$%&sec H :t stored in the
H. )hat is the background Bob scheduler e"ery %7seconds
I. :n 6.( le"el background work process stored in global directory "sr\sap\<-id6s4s\global
). (i1ple Bob selection is -,:=
*. Cob statuses are
1.(cheduled> )hene"er Bob is defined in that ti1e Bob status scheduled.
2.*eleased> )hene"er we specify date F ti1e to schedule Bob.
3.*eady> )hen the ti1e is elapsed.
.Acti"e> Cob status is running.
#.Iinished> All the Bob steps are co1plete successfully.
%.Jancelled> There was an error and Bob has been ter1inated/ as 1entioned in the Bob log.
+. Background Bob table is 8B8C>
TBTJT table is used for Bob scheduler
TBTJ( table is used for Bob ti1e table
,. Background Bob status fro1 release to ready progra1 is 2 -A1,--;?F
/. )hat is the difference between -A:( and -E:(,
-A:( is only we can e8ecute a progra1 and -E:( is we can createK edit a progra1/ changing
and docu1ents for the progra1
0. :f we want suspend all the background Bobs are using B8C83A/-' report
1. :f we want resu1e all the background Bobs are using B8C83A/-9 report
To e8ecute these reports and progra1s fro1 -A:( -or. -E:(
2. :f you ha"e a long running Bob/ how do you analysis, -6r. @ow to analyDe long running Bob,
Using the transaction code is 2 -E:&
3. (tandard background Bobs -or. @ousekeeping Bobs are sap4reorgL
=rogra1> *((;A=DM
-ap!reorg!batc@i#p"t> This Bob is used for delete batch input files
=rogra1> *(BDJ*$6
-ap!reorg!Aobs> This Bob is used for delete old background Bobs
=rogra1> *(BTJD$M
-ap!reorg!statististics> This Bob is used for run the statistics of sap tables
=rogra1> *(B=(TD$
-ap!reorg!spool> This Bob is used for delete the old print request.
=rogra1> *(=6771
-ap!reorg!"pdaterecords> this Bob is used for delete the old update records
=rogra1> *(!13772
-. Background Bob issues -or. )hy background Bob is cancelled,
1.Iile syste1 is not accessible.
2.User id F password 1ay be e8pired.
3.Dependent Bob 1ay ha"e failed.
.*IJ connection is failed.
#.:ncorrect in puts.
%.!ay be files corrupted at 6.( le"el.
'.(pace issues in database le"el.
9.!e1ory issues.
E.6raAarch director is 1ay be full.
17.:n"alid file for1ats.
Bpdate work process (C)
A. :t is used to update the database by reading fro1 the te1porary tables. :t canNt co11unicate
with user
B. There are 2 types of update work process. They are "1 and "2
01 update is used for critical Bobs and 02 update is used for non critical Bobs
C. )e need at least one update work process per sap syste1 and we ha"e 1ore than per
D. The update profile para1eter na1e is rdisp\wp!#o!DbE rdisp\wp!#o!Db9
E. Update 1onitoring is 2 -,':
@ere we can check critical and non critical updates. )e can specify date and ti1e
F. Update progra1 ad1inistration 2 -,'F
This transaction code is used for acti"e to deacti"ate F deacti"ates to acti"ate update request
and you
configure the update ser"ers/ update groups and display F 1onitoring update para1eters.
G. Update te1porary table is 0BL
0b1od 2 update function 1odule
0bdata 2 update data
0berror 2 update error infor1ation
0bhdr 2 update header
0bwrk 2 work list for 1ass processing at a ti1e ha"e update
H. Update status are
:nit 2 the status will be initial.
*un 2 update is started in 1ain database.
$rror 2 update is thrown into error.
Auto 2 update is thrown into error due to proble1 in database space.
I. Update tables are stored in 8B+0D
). -A1,CF.A> which update work process is going on,
*. Update types are 3> they are
1.+ocal "pdate> Dialog work processes update the directly in Database that is called local
2.-4#c@ro#o"s> Dialog work processes update goes to the te1porary table that is called
3.As4#c@ro#o"s> te1porary table goes to database that is called asynchronous
+. Update statistics are > they are
*ead/ )rite/ $8ecute and Delete
,. Update para1eters
'.rdisp\Db!stop!actiDeG (et to O7P so that update can be deacti"ated. :f the "alue is set to be
O1P update
can be acti"ated.
9.rdisp\DbdeleteG This para1eter is used to delete the old update requests based on the no. of
days. :t
will delete default #7 days.
:.rdisp\DbmailG :t is used to send an e1ail. :t update thrown an error which can be "iewed in
-Osap business workplaceP. based on your user -set to O7P or O1P..
F.rdisp\Db#ame G ;a1e of the ser"er running where update are processed
..rdisp\DbreorgG :t is used to delete the inco1plete update request.
15delete/ 75no/ we can also schedule a background Bob O*(!13772P but it will delete the
request which are in co1pleted it will be deleted after restarting.
%.rdisp\Db!delete!aHter!eec"tio#> :t is used to delete the update request soon after the
e8ecute of
the update. (et it toP1P to delete the record -or. O2P to the record will not be deleted. :f it is
set to O1P
the background Bob O*(!13772P is not required. :f not schedule periodically daily during off
E#I"e"e serDer (E)
A. $nqueue ser"er handles by the locking and unlocking 1echanis1
B. The $nqueue ser"er para1eter na1e is 2 rdisp3wp4no4enq
C. $nqueue ser"er table siDe is 1ini1u1 of !B
D. )e can increase the 1a8i1u1 of siDe is 177!B
E. $nqueue table siDe is enq3table4siDe51b to 1771b
F. $nqueue ser"er log files will be stored in 6.( le"el Usr3sap3Q(id<instanceQnu1ber<3log
G. The $nqueue ser"er work process ad1inistrators a lock table in the shared 1e1ory area
@. $nqueue ser"er types they are
-@ared locks> one user can read the tables and another one user can write the tables
Ecl"siDe locks> only a particular user can read it/ nobody else can access it
C"m"latiDe locks> The sa1e user with different transaction accessing the sa1e table then the
lock will
be shared with user transactions
0ptimistic locks> 6ne user lock the table and another user doesnNt ha"e read F access the
I. (elect lock entries 2 -,'9
Rou can check -or. released the locked entries using transaction is s112.
:f there is a sudden power failure. (o1e of the users update entry 1ight still be locked. :f
possible asked the user to logoff first/ before deleting the lock entries
). Transaction codes> locks and unlocks 2 -,&'
*. $nqueue ser"er lock tables are stored in 8+0C*
,essage serDer (,)
A. !essage ser"ers handle by the load balancing. :t distributes the dispatcher where the load
balance is less.
B. !essage ser"er log files are stored in 6.( le"el D$04!(
=ath is 2 usr3sap3Q(id<Qinstance -nu1ber.<3work3de"41s
C. :n 6.( le"el 1essage ser"er 1onitoring is 2 1s1on A<c1d
D. !essage ser"er port nu1ber is 2 :%<i#sta#ce #"mber6
E. :nternal port nu1ber is 2 :J<i#sta#ce #"mber6
F. ;6T$> sap ser"er has only one 1essage ser"er and enqueue ser"er.
G. ;6T$> application ser"er or dialog instance are sa1e. And central instance is different
Gate wa4 (G)
A. :t is used to co11unication between the sap syste1 to non sap syste1
B. There will be only 1 gate way for each instance.
C. :n sap le"el gateway 1onitoring is A (!&)
D. :n 6.( le"el gate way 1onitoring is 2 D$04*D
=ath is 2 usr3sap3Q(id<Qinstance -nu1ber.<3work3de"4rd
E. )e can check also DEC!DI-1/ i.s dispatcher for log files
F. usr3sap3Q(id<3instanceQnu1ber<3work AAAA< work directory stores log of the work process
in the for1at of D$04)L
-pool (-)
A. :t is used to print the docu1ents to a printer
B. There should be at least 1 spool process in the entire syste1
C. The spool profile para1eter na1e is 2 rdisp\wp!#o!spo
D. Dialog work process -or. background work process are creates a spool request. i.e. to print the
E. :n 6.( le"el spool request are stored in global directory "sr\sap\<-id6\s4s\global
F. The storage location specific para1eter na1e is 2 rdisp\store!locatio#
G. This para1eter has 2 "alues they are global!G and database!DB.
H. & 1eans it stored in global directory DB 1eans it stored in database tables are O8-8&'P and
I. The spool request is also referred as 8E,-E
Te1se is used for te1porary sequential obBects
). Access 1ethod> :t is connection to spool ser"er to 6.( spool.
Access 1ethods are 3 types
1.+ocal access met@od> the spool process and the spool host -printer spool. reside on the
sa1e syste1.
Access 1ethod type M is used for U;:G 6.( and J is used for windows 6.(
2.3emote access met@od> the spool process and the spool host reside on two different
syste1s. Access
1ethod type U is used for U;:G 6.( and ( is used for windows 6.(
3.Fro#t e#d met@od> access 1ethod p is the printers are connected to end users desktop do
not configured to 1any front and printers I and &
*. )e can see all the clients and users spool request T4Jode is 2 -1&'
+. )e can see specific client and user spool request T4Jode is 2 -1&9
,. (pool ad1inistration is A -1AD
/. Default printers are 2 -WI/E -A1WI/
3FC K 3emote F"#ctio# Call
A. *IJ is using connect to the one sap syste1 to another sap syste1.
B. (ap gate way is using of *IJ
C. *IJ connections are types
1.As4#c@ro#o"s 3FC> User doesnNt get the any acknowledge1ent. )hene"er using the
rfc between the two sap syste1s
2.-4#c@ro#o"s 3FC> User gets the acknowledge1ent. )hene"er using the asynchronous
*fc between
the two sap syste1s
3.8ra#sactio#al 3FC> User doesnNt get the any acknowledge1ent .$ach request send to the
transactional :D/ but there is no order deli"ered
:t is asynchronous *IJ e8tended to the transactional *IJ
.2"e"ed 3FC> User gets the acknowledge1ent. $ach request sends to the user request one
by one
order. (end to the for1 of logical unit of work
D. Transactional *IJ T4Jode 2 -,.(
E. Jonfiguration of *IJ Jonnection is 2 -,.J
F. 3FC Co##ectio# Type Co##ectio#
Abap connection 3 Abap to Abap connection
@TT= connection to e8ternal syste1 & web browser to non sap syste1
@TT= connection to Abap syste1 @ web browser to any Abap syste1
:nternal connection : within the syste1
TJ=+:= connection T Abap to Ba"a connection
G. -,2' is 1onitor for the outbound queue. 6utbound queue 1eans sending the request.
H. -,29 is 1onitor for the inbound queue. :nbound queue 1eans sending the request.
I. Default co11unication user 8,-AD,
). Default the *fc connection is 2 8,-AD,L<-ID6.D0,AI/!<-ID6
*. @ow 1any types of connection in *fc, 2 17
+. *fc connections are stored in table is 3FCDE-
,. )here we ha"e to create the trusted syste1,
:n (!#E click on logon security. )e can create the trusted syste1.
/. )hy we need the trusted syste1,
To co11unication for business require1ent
0. )hat is the transaction code 3?'9,
:t is used to define the *IJ (er"er groups and Assign the instance
1. )hich user is used when you create *IJ,
2. @ow to create the *IJ connection between source client F target client
1.Mogin with target client
2.Using the transaction code (!#E
3.Jreate the connection type
.&i"e the *IJ destination/ description F connection type and click on ad1inistration
#.Jlick on technical settings
%.&i"e the target hostna1e and syste1 -instance. nu1ber F select host na1e option
'.Jlick on logon security tab
9.&i"e source client details like nu1ber/ userna1e F password
E.Jlick on sa"e button
17.Destination will be sa"ed
11.Jlick on Unicode test button
12.Jlick on re1ote logon buttonN
13.Jlick on start sap easy access button
1.@ere we can find that client nu1ber111 -we logged 222 in client.
1#.Jlick on logoff button Se8it fro1 111 clientsT
3. *fc issues -or. )hy *fc connection failure
1.Target syste1 to source syste1 does not 1atch like "ersion/ production and co1ponent.
2.!ay be target syste1 is down.
3.!ay be authoriDation proble1s.
.!ay be incorrect credential of the target syste1
0peratio# mode
A. )hat is operation 1ode,
(witch the dialog work process to background work process "ice "ersa using operation 1ode.
B. 3?&F is for 1onitoring the operation 1ode F instances. Jreate the operation 1odes and
delete the
operation 1odes.
C. -,%: is used ti1e table for operation 1ode
D. 3?&: is used to switch the operation 1ode.
E. @ow to create the operation 1ode,
!aintain the operation 1odes T4Jode is 2 *U7.)e assign ti1e table for the operation 1ode
T4Jode is
2 s1%3.Then assign the instance.
F. @ow to delete the operation 1ode,
Iirst delete the ti1e table and sa"e e1pty. Then operation 1ode using *D7
G. )hat is e8ceptional operation 1ode,
)e need e8tend the 1aintains Vday/Aday and date/ we will do it
H. 6peration 1odes switch auto1atically at the ti1es defined in the ti1e table 2 using the
syste1 progra1 is
I. ;o acti"e operation 1odes 2 using progra1 is 2 (A=!((R%
A. )hat is the profile,
A profile is in the sap syste1 is an operating syste1 file containing para1eter and
infor1ation of an instance.
B. )hy profile,
:t pro"ide for the go"ernance of the sap syste1
C. The profile files are located under the directory 2 "sr\sap\<-id6s4s\proHile
D. =rofiles are 3 types they are
1.-tart"p proHile> The startup profile is an operating syste1 file. That defines which *+3
ser"ices are
The na1ing con"ention startup profile is start4:nsatncena1e4@ostna1e
2.DeHa"lt proHile> Default profile contains global para1eters for all sap application ser"ers.
The na1ing con"ention instance profile is default.pfl
3.I#sta#ce proHile> instance profile contains instance specific para1eter
The na1ing con"ention instance profile is (:D4:nsatncena1e4@ostna1e
E. :n what sequence are profile para1eters read,
(tart profile AAA< default profile AAA< instance profile
F. )hen sap syste1 starts/ which profile it reads first,
(tartup profile
G. :f you want 1odify any syste1 para1eters wide/ which profile you/ will see,
Default profile
H. )here we can see all para1eters in 6.( le"el,
W (appfpar all
I. )here we can see all para1eters in sap syste1,
*(=A*A! 2 -A:( -or. -E:(
). )hat is the difference between *U17 F *U11,
1.*U17 we can change all the profile para1eters and we ha"e to restart the sap syste1. :t is a
2.*U11 we can change only dyna1ic profile para1eters and we donNt need restart the sap
syste1. :t is a
dyna1ic profile
$8> *un ti1e para1eter can change in rD11
*. )hat are the edit profiles in *U17,
1.Ad1inistration data
2.Basic 1aintenance
3.$8tended 1aintenance
+. )here you can see the =rofiles,
1.-ap leDel 2 transaction code is *U17 F *U11
2.0- leDel 2 usr3sap3Q(id<3sys3profile
3.DB leDel 2 =A@1/ T=IR=*6ITR/ T=I$T/ T=I@*
,. U($*(>
During the sap installation for windows 6.( default users are Q(id<ad1/ sap ser"iceQ(id<.
During the sap installation for U;:G default users are Q(id<ad1/ sap ser"iceQ(id</
1.Q(id<ad1> :t owns the sap syste1 and start and stop done by Q(id<ad1.
2.(ap ser"iceQ(id<> :t is used to start and stop the ser"ices.
$8> SsapQ(id<477/ sapQ(id<471X..T
3.6raQ(id<> :t is used to owner to work on database
(A= &U: default users are 2 DD:J F sapL
After installation database users are 2 sys/ syste1
Database sche1a users are> Abap le"el 2 (A=(*3/ Ba"a le"el 2 (A=(*3DB
Jo11unication user is (A= C(I
Default users are> DD:J is 7%7'1EE2/ (apL is 1EE27'7%
/. Default ser"ices are
a. (ap 6( Jol> sap 6( Jol collector which is used to collect the 6.( resources that are
required to start
the installation.
b. 6ra T;( Mistener> 6ra T;( listener ser"ice should be started on the specified port nu1ber
is S1#21 2
c. 6racle ser"iceQ(id<> This is required for the database.
d. (ap ser"ice hostna1eQ:nstance nu1ber<>
1.)hether syste1 is down we ha"e to check whether these ser"ices -or. not
Jlick on ser"ices 2< start
2.-erDices.msc 2 windows 6.( -or. start 2< settings 2 control panel 2< ad1inistrati"e tool 2
3.=s 2ef3grep oraL A U;:G 6.(
0. @ow to check whether the sap is running or not on U;:G le"el,
W =s 2$f3grep D) Scheck is sap is running or notT
W ps 2 $f3grep ora Scheck oracle statusT
1. @ow 1any initialiDation files for sap &U:,
2. @ow you can start F stop the sap syste1 on windows,
&o to login as Q(id< ad1
=assword> 1aster password
Jlick on !!J icon on the desktop
Q(id< right click
(tart or stop
3. @ow you can start F stop the sap syste1 on U;:G,
&o to login as Q(id< ad1
=assword> 1aster password
SJo11andT S(A=T
(top sap AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA< *3 F DB S@ere syste1 is downT
-. @ow to start only sap/ when DB is up,
(tartsapr3 2AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA< to start only *+3 syste1
(topsapr3 2AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA< to stop only *+3 syste1
8. Dispatcher port nu1ber is 2 32Qinstance nu1ber<
B. &ate way port nu1ber is 2 33Qinstance nu1ber<
C. !essage ser"er port nu1ber is 2 3%Qinstance nu1ber<
W. ;a1ed pipe> na1ed pipe is used to connect between the !!J and (A=.
M. Default profile para1eters>
1.Mogin3syste14client 5 771 2 the nu1ber of the client to display by default for all the users.
2.Ucca3syste14language 5 2 to specify the language during logon
3.Mogin3no4auto1atic4user4sapstar 5 1 2 by default this para1eter "alue is 7 then we can
change the
para1eter "alue is 1 because if any user -or. client you can login with para1eter
;. The background process is running when !!J connect to the (A=
igswd.e8e AAAAAAAAA< :&( 1eans internet graphical ser"ice
(tart J.: stop
-8,-G -ap 8ra#sport ,a#ageme#t -4stem
A. )hat is the transport,
Transport is used to 1o"ing the obBect fro1 one sap syste1 to another sap syste1 in the
$8port the change request F i1port the transport request
B. The transport obBects are di"ided into 2 types they are $8port F :1port
D$0 YA( =*6
$8port :1port
Jentral T.= Deli"ery at 6.( le"el
C. )hat is do1ain controller,
Do1ain control is a control all the syste1s in the landscape. :t is used to 1anage all the
para1eters in the landscape. :n the 1ost of the en"iron1ent there will be only one do1ain
D. )hat is Transport do1ain controller,
:t is created as part of the post installation acti"ity.
E. )hat is the transport do1ain F do1ain controller,
At the sap le"el it is called as transport do1ain and at 6.( le"el it is called as do1ain
F. @ow to configure the do1ain controller,
1.Iirst decided which syste1 you could like to define do1ain controller
2.Mogin to the sap syste1 with DD:J in client 777
3.&o to ($7%
.Jlick the post installation acti"ity
#.&o to (T!(
%.:t will ask for the do1ain controller na1e
'.$nter syste1 :D of the do1ain controller
9.$nter do1ain4Q(id< as do1ain controller na1e and enter the description
E.Jlick sa"e button
G. (teps to add the other syste1 with do1ain controller
17. Mogon do1ain controller syste1
11. Appro"e the added syste1
H. )hat is landscape,
Mandscape is arrange1ent of group of syste1 to flow the obBects
Based on the custo1er require1ents we can define the single/ two/ three and 1ulti syste1s .in
I. :n order to define landscape we need syste1
1.Transport layer
2.Transport root
3.Transport group
.Transport target group
#.Transport layer> transport layer is used to 1o"ing the obBect path fro1 one syste1 to another
within the landscape.
Transport layers are 2 types they are
UQ(id< 2 custo1iDing obBect 1o"e the UQ(id< layer
(A= 2 repository obBects 1o"e the sap layer
Transport routs> which shows fro1 the transport direction to the target syste1,
:n three syste1 landscape
De" AAAAA< integrated syste1
Yas AAAAA< consolidated syste1
=ro AAAAA< deli"ery syste1
Transport routs are 2 types they are
Jonsolidated route> the route between de"elop1ent syste1 to quality syste1 is called
consolidated route
Deli"ery route> the route between quality syste1s to production syste1 is called deli"ery route
;6T$> :n a two syste1 landscape deli"ery route is not a"ailable
Transport group> The syste1s which are shared a Trans directory is called
Transport target group> 1ore than 3 syste1s F 1ultiple clients it workNs on e8tended
transport controller
is called transport target group
$8tended transport controller> it is used to transport obBects within the client F syste1
). )hat is the backup do1ain controller,
)hene"er pri1ary do1ain controller is failed. :n that ti1e it will care of the transportation
*. )hat is work flow,
To set off the auto1atic process F responsibility of quality syste1
+. Transport background Bobs are *DD:!=D=/ *DD;$)D=
,. Transport request are stored in T*BAT F T*C6B
/. All the change requests are stored table is $7'7
1.$7'7 2 Jhange request headers
2.$7'1 2 change request obBect lists
3.$7'1k 2 obBect key contained within transports
0. At end of the i1port/ transport specific the return codes
1.777> i1port the finished with successfully
2.77> i1port finished with warnings
3.779> so1e obBects are not transported
.7712> critical transport errors
1. )hat is the change request,
)hene"er we can create a request that is called a change request
2. )hat is the transport request,
)hene"er we will release the change request that is called transport request
3. )hich syste1 we can configure the do1ain controller,
De"elop1ent syste1
-. )hat is transport do1ain -or. integrated syste1,
De"elop1ent syste1
8. 3-818E-8> A Jan be e8tended if there are any proble1s with T= -or. *+3 instance.
B. @ow to check the consistence of (T!(,
Using the transaction code is (A39 -or. ($39 and run the report is *(T=T$(T -it will check
the if any
errors in (T!( or not.
C. User locks the transaction code is $)U# at sap le"el and in 6( le"el we can lock the syste1
by using Tp
W tp lock sysQ(id< -or. tp un lock sysQ(id<
W. )hat is the na1ing con"ention of the transport request,
Q(id<kEQ# digits<
M. @ow 1any types of editors,
1.&raphical editor
2.@ierarchical editor
;. Transports are 6.( and Data Base :ndependent but *+3 syste1 is dependent
?. )hat is r:tra#s Kd,
r3 trans 2d is used to check the *3 trans connecting to the DB -or. not.
A. Trans directory path is 2 "sr\sap\tra#s
B. Transport request types are 3 they are
1.? type 2 with change in integrated syste1 to consolidated syste1
2.J type 2 without change in integrated syste1 to consolidated syste1
3.T type 2 1o"e the one syste1 to another syste1
C. 8ra#Ns director4 str"ct"re is
Bin buffer cofiles date eps etc log sapna1es t1p
1.Bin> it consists of do1ain configuration files and transport profile para1eters.
Tp4do1ain. Q(id<.pfl/ do1ain.cfg
2.Buffer> buffer contains transport request ready to i1port
Transport request are 2 types they are
3.Jofiles> A cofiles contains control infor1ation of the transport request. cofiles start with ?
.Data files> A data file contains data infor1ation of the transport request. Data files start with
#.$=( S$lectronic panel ser"iceT> which is used to store the support packages,
%.Mog> it rides the log files during the change request
A log> it contains the infor1ation about the transport request. )ho is the transport request
and na1e of
the consultant,
( log> ( log files are stored in transport request of specific syste1
U log> U log 1eans it contains the transport co11and that are e8ecuted at 6( le"el
'.(apna1es> the owner of the change request is docu1ented here
D. @ow to disable the fully loaded truck,
&o to (T!( AAA<o"er"iew AAAA< syste1 AAAA< double click syste1 -$8> de". AAA< go to
transport tool
tab AAAA< insert row AAAA< ;74:!=6*T AMM 5 1 2 this is used to disable the fully loaded truck
E. @ow to create the -8,-,
Mogin to the syste1 with DD:J in client 777
&o to the T4Jode (T!( AAAA<configured AAAA<standard configured AAAA< single syste1/
syste1/ three syste1 in group
&o to the T4Jode (T!( AAAA<o"er"iew AAAA< syste1s AAAA< sap syste1s AAAA< e8ternal syste1
then we ha"e to gi"e the syste1 na1e/ Q(id<
F. @ow to create the transport route,
6"er"iew AAA< transport route AAA< change button AAA< click the D$0/ YA( F =*6 AAA< here
click the
add transport route tab AAA< then we ha"e to gi"e the Q(id</ transport layer/ syste1 na1e.
G. @ow to create the change request,
Using the transaction codes are ($71/ ($7E and ($17
H. @ow to i1port the change request,
&o to (T!( AAA<o"er"iew AAA< i1port -or. i1porto"erciew 2 button
I. @ow 1any types of change request,
Iour they are
1.Justo1iDing request> custo1iDing request containing client specific obBect
2.)orkbench request> workbench request containing cross client obBects F repository obBects
3.Transport of copies> transport of copies is used for 1ore the tables for user date. This is used
for DB
refresh F Jlient refresh
.*elocation> relocation obBect is used for changing the location of obBect fro1 one syste1 to
another syste1
). )hat are the steps for i1porting at co11and le"el,
Mogin to target syste1 at 6( le"el using Q(id<ad1
Type WAdd to buffer Qtransport request nu1ber<Q(id< -enter.
:t should pro"ide you return code 7
Type Wi1port Qrequest nu1ber<JM;TQclient nu1ber<Q(id< U1
;ow look for return codes 7/ /9/12
:f *J<9 then look for proble1s with data files F cofiles. Jheck per1issions/ check data
creation/ siDe.
*. Transport at 6( le"el
*equesting add to buffer> W tp add to buffer Qtransport request no< Qsap (id<
:1port request is> W tp i1portQtransport request no<Q(id<
Tp clean the buffer is Wtp clean buffer Q(id< AAA< to delete the request after co1pleted
Wtp del for1 buffer Qtp request no<Q(id< AAA< here we can delete the particular request
Wtp show buffer Q(id< AAA< display the buffer request
+. @ow do you i1port the transport request at 6( le"el,
W tp i1port Qtp request no<Q(id<JM;T 5 Qclient no< pf 5
,. @ow 1any types of transport request types,
They are 2 one is released and another one is locked
/. De" syste1 to Yas/ Yas syste1 to =rod that is called transport request
0. =rod syste1 to Yas syste1/ Yas syste1 to De" that is called transport of copies
1. ($71 2 transaction code is used for transport organiDation
2. ($7E 2 transaction code is used for workbench request
3. ($17 2 transaction code is used for custo1iDed transport request
-. Transport request na1ing con"ention,
Q(od<kEQ# digits<
Q(od<kEQ# digits<
1rereI"isites Hor ECC i#stallatio# steps
A. &o to ser"ice 1arket place 2 www.ser"
@ere it will ask for the user :D F password/ user :D 1ust start with s777LLLLLLL
B. )e can download the softwareNs they are
1.Ca"a core software B2sdk Ssun.Ba"a.co1T
2.(ap database software Swww.ser"
3.(ap installation 1aster D0DN( Swww.ser"
.(ap kernel software Swww.ser"
#.6racle client software Swww.ser"
%.(ap e8port software Swww.ser"
'.(ap Ba"a base software co1ponents Swww.ser"
9.CJ$ policy.Dip software Ssun Ba"a.co1T
C. 0erify the software by using lable.asc
D. Define a host na1e and := address 2 windows3syste1323dri"ers3etc
E. =A! -product a"ailable 1atri8. 2 co1patibility of 6.(/ DB F (A=
F. Ca"a core software installation 2 set the en"iron1ent "ariables
@ow to the set en"iron1ent "ariables,
&o to 1y co1puters AAA< properties AAA< ad"anced -here click the en"iron1ent "ariables. AAA<
here we
ha"e to gi"e the user "ariables F syste1 "ariables
G. :nstall the database software along with necessary patches.
@ere we ha"e to gi"e the particular dri"e F syste1 :D
H. )e can set the "irtual 1e1oryA Ior 32 bit 3Lra1 siDe
A Ior % bit 1a8i1u1 27&!
I. $nsure that installation port nu1ber is 2 21212/ 21213 blocked or not
SW net stat 2aT
). $nsure that ser"ice port nu1ber is 2 32Qinstance nu1ber</ 33Qinstance nu1ber</3%Qinstance
'Qinstance nu1ber</ 9Qinstance nu1ber< series blocked or not
*. :nternet is a"ailable for resol"e the issues.
+. )e can generate the license key based on the syste1 details like Q(id</ instance nu1ber and
host na1e
in the landscape.
1.)hy we need "irtual 1e1ory,
To decrease the load on the *A!
ECC 1ost I#stallatio# -teps
A. (:J? -or. (!29 2 (A= installation check consistency
To check the co1patibility between 6.(/ DB F *+3
B. (licence 2 to get the hardware key saplicence 2get -c1d.
C. -E&% 2 perfor1 the post installation acti"ity and it is used for syste1 le"el control
D. -8,- 2 sap transport 1anage1ent syste1
1.Mogin to the sap syste1 with DD:J in client 777
2.&o to (T!(
3.:t will ask for the do1ain controller na1e
.$nter syste1 :D of the do1ain controller
#.$nter do1ain4Q(id< as do1ain controller na1e and enter the description
%.Jlick sa"e button
E. -E&: 2 syste1 set to 1odifiable or not
F.3?'& 2 i1port fro1 the 6.( le"els to (A= le"el
&o to utilities AAA<i1port AAA<of acti"e ser"ers
G. -CCF 2 create the client
H. -B&' 2 create the users
I. -A+E 2 create the logical syste1
). -,+8 2 install the language
*.DB': 2 database back up
+. -GE/ 2 we edges the software co1ponent. All the progra1s are co1piled
,. -3': 2 display of the library configuration
Dyna1ic help
=lain ht1l http
=lain ht1l file
@t1l help file
/. Jheck the house keeping Bobs
Cersio# oH -A1
A. .' 2 '7 is kernel "ersion
B. .'$$ 2 %27 is kernel "ersion
C. ;)7 sr1/ sr2 2 %7 is kernel "ersion
D. ;)277(sr12 '77 is kernel "ersion/ patch le"el 2 %
277(sr2 2 '77 is kernel "ersion/ patch le"el 2 E
277(sr3 2 '77 is kernel "ersion/ patch le"el 2 1
E. $JJ #.7 2 %7 is kernel "ersion
:t is also called as $*=277 (r1/ (r2
F. $JJ %.7 2 '77 is kernel "ersion S$JJ 1eans enterprise central co1ponentT
:t is also called as $*=277# (r1/ (r2 and (r3
G. :s it possible to install $JJ#.7 as a test syste1 and not production/ without installing solution
During the installation you will be asked for a key/ which can only be generated by the
solution 1anager.
W@at is t@e diHHere#ce betwee# /et weaDer a#d ECC (or) E31O
'. ;et wea"er is Abap stack F Ba"a stack
$JJ is also Abap stack F Ba"a stack
9. ;et wea"er is soft ware co1ponents they are (A=4BA(:(/ (A=4ABA/ =:4BA(:(/ (A= 4
$JJ%.7 is 3#V software co1ponents F $JJ#.7 is 2#V software co1ponents
-@ere $JJ application software co1ponents 1ainly.
a. ;et wea"er software co1ponents
(A=4BA(:(/ (A=4ABA/ =:4BA(:( 4 (A= 4 B)
b. Application software co1ponents
(A=4A=/ (A=4A==M/ (A=A@*
c. $nterprise software co1ponents
$A4@$/ $A4A==M/ $A4*$TA:M/ $A4=( -public sector.
d. :ndustrial software co1ponents
:A46:M/ :A4=@A*!A $8tX..
:. Ca"a stack 2 $=/ Gi+=i/ B)+B:/ !:+?!
a.)hene"er you install the $= 2 $= J6*$/ A( CA0A
b.)hene"er you install the !: 2 A( ABA=/ A( CA0A
c.)hene"er you install the =: 2 A( ABA=/ A( CA0A
d.)hene"er you install the $= J6*$ 2 A( CA0A
e.)hene"er you install the B: CA0A 2 A( CA0A/ $=/ $= J6*$
H.)hene"er you install the D: 2 A( CA0A
&'. )hat is client,
Jlient is an independent business entity that represents a co1pany
&9. @ow 1any types of clients,
Jlients are three types they are
Mocal client copy
*e1ote client copy
Jlient transport
+ocal clie#t cop4> we can copy the client data one data to another data within the sap
3emote clie#t cop4> we can copy the client data fro1 one sap syste1 another sap syste1 in
Clie#t tra#sport> we can copy the client data copy with -or. without the landscape
&:. )hat are the client dependent and client independent,
Jlient dependent is only custo1iDing obBect/ client independents are cross client obBect and
&F. @ow to create a client,
Using the transaction code is -CCF
Jlick on change button
:t gi"es the infor1ation/ click on continue
Jlick on new entries option
&i"e the client nu1ber/ client na1e/ city/ std currency and client role
Jlick on sa"e button
Data will be sa"ed
Jlick on back button
:t shows the newly created client in the list.
&.. @ow 1any types of client roles,
T$(T SDe"elop1ent test clientT
YT(T SYuality syste1T
JU(T SJusto1iDingT
=*6D S=roductionT
(A;D S(andbo8 clientT AAA< * F D =urpose -*esearch F De"elop1ent.
T*;& STraining clientT
&%. )hat are the changes and transports for client specific obBects,
Jhanges without auto1atic recording
Auto1atic recording of changes
;o changes allowed
Jhanges w+o auto1atic recording/ no transport allowed.
&=. )hat are the cross client obBect changes,
Jhanges to *epository and crassAclient Justo1iDing allowed
;o changes to crassAclient Justo1iDing obBects
;o Jhanges to *epository obBects
;o Jhanges to *epository obBects and crassAclient Justo1iDing obBect
&(. @ow 1any types of Jlient properties, -protect client copier and co1parison tool.
7 2 ;o restrictions
1 2 ;o o"erwriting
2 2 ;o o"erwriting/ no e8tended a"ailability
&J. )hat is the purpose of T777,
Mist of clients defined in this T777 table. )hich we can 1aintain with transaction (JJ
'&. @ow to lock a client,
:n ($3' Iunctional 1odule people we ha"e to gi"e the (JJ*4M6J?4JM:$;T then click on
button. &i"e the client nu1ber you want to lock and click on sa"e button. Then client locked
''. )hat are the profiles,
-A1!A++> all client specific data without change docu1ents
-A1!A11+> custo1iDing and application data w+o change docu1ents
-A1!A11M> (A=4A==M w+o authoriDation profiles and roles
-A1!CB-8> custo1iDing
-A1!CB-C> custo1iDing and user "ariants
-A1!BC-3> custo1iDing/ user 1aster record and user "ariants
-A1!BCB-> custo1iDing F user 1aster records
-A1!B0/+> user w+o authoriDation profiles and
-A1!B-E3> user 1aster records and authoriDation profile
'9. )here we can see list of clients a"ailable in syste1,
Transaction code is 2 ($1% or ($1%; or ($1' or (!37 or (!31 gi"e the table na1e t777
and click
on table content button after that it displays list of clients a"ailable in the syste1
Transaction code is ( displays list of clients a"ailable in the syste1
':. )hat is the difference between (i1ulation F *esource check,
(i1ulation is only read the data but not write in to the database. *esource check read the data
F writes
the data in to the database.
'F. )hy we ha"e to login with target client,
Jlient copy is based on pull 1echanis1s. )e always log in with target client
'.. )e are client copy in that ti1e client lock so what we ha"e to do,
Mock due to client copy
'%. )hat is the field for client nu1ber,
'=. @ow to protect the client,
Jhange the client properties into O;6 J@A;&$ !6D$P
'(. )hat is the file syste1,
The files are organiDed in ter1s of docu1ents and directories
'J. @ow 1any client copies you perfor1 the regular basis,
Depends on business require1ent. :t is not a regular task
9&. Jlient $8port F :1port/ *e1ote client copy so which one is better,
Jlient e8port F i1port is better
!ay be *IJ connection is failed in re1ote client copy. And also it will take long ti1e to
process the
client copy because depending on the net work proble1s.
9'. @ow do you 1o"e the transport request different clients within the syste1,
Using the transaction code -CC'
99. @ow do you find out the client siDe,
Using the transaction is (A39 -or. ($39 and run the report is 3--1ACECHEC*
9:. @ow do you find out the table siDe,
Using the transaction code (A39 -or. ($39 an run the report is 3-8AB+E-I?E
9F. @ow 1any clients you can create on the sap syste1,
EE' clients we can create
9.. @ow 1any clients we can create,
)e can create the up to 1777 clients S777 to EEET
9%. )hat are the default clients after installation of sap syste1,
Three/ they are
777> it is standard client -or. 1aster client. :t contains client independent settings and it is
used for
applying the patches/ addAons and transport 1anage1ent configuration
771> it is a backup of the O777P client can be considered for working as production syste1
7%%> $arly watcher F alert reports 2 :f there is any proble1 with sap syste1 then the early
watch client
throws the alerts.
9=. @ow do you disable 1ultiple login in the sa1e client,
To disable 1ultiple users login within the sa1e client i1ple1entation this para1eter in the
instance profile
login3disable341ulti4gui4login 5 1
9(. $8ception login,
:n case you are wondering how to allow 1ultiple login for certain key users you can
para1eter login31ulti4login4users 5
9J. Mogin3syste14client 2 it is used for when the open the screen we will get this client nu1ber
whate"er we
set in the default profile para1eter
:&. @ow to delete the client deletion,
Mogin in the client which you want to delete
Using the transaction code (JJ#
Jheck delete entry fro1 T777 option F click delete in background Bob button
Double click on ser"er na1e
Jheck i11ediately option F click on schedule Bob button click on continue button
&o to the transaction code (JJ3 to see log analysis
After taking so1e ti1e status beco1e success fully co1pleted
:'. Tell the steps for a local client copy,
Mogin with sapL F password pass in newly create client
Using the transaction code is (JJM
Target is displayed
(elect the profile which you want to you copy
(elected source client
(elect on start i11ediately button -or. schedule as background Bob
Jlick on continue button 2 to continue the client copy
:9. Tell the steps for re1ote client copy,
Using the transaction code in target client
Target client is displayed
(elect the profile which you want to you copy
Jlick on *IJ connection which related to target F source client
Jlick on *IJ syste1 co1parison button
:t displays the statistics about copy
Jlick on i11ediately -or. schedule as background Bob
Jlick on continue button
::. )hat are pre requisites for client $8port F :1port,
*eorganiDe which is source syste1 F which is target syste1
$stablish the *IJ connection between source syste1 and destination syste1
Jheck the a"ailability of background work process -1ust needs one work process.
)e need to check the source client siDe
)e need to check the spaces at sap le"el F 6.( le"el
:F. Tell the steps for client e8port F i1port
Mog on to the source client -in source syste1.
Using the transaction code is (JJ9
(elect the profile which you want to e8port
(elect the target syste1
Double click on the syste1 na1e
Jlick on copy button
Jlick on *IJ syste1 check
(elect *IJ connection F click on choose button
Jlick on continue button
:t displays if any inconsistencies
Jlick on schedule as background Bob button
Double click on selected ser"er
(elected i11ediate option F click on schedule Bob button
6nce "erify all the "alues F click on continue button
Using the transaction code (JJ3
Jlick on e8port button
Jopy $8> *T7119.$JJ fro1 D>3user3sap3trans3data
Jopy $8> ?T7119.$JJ fro1 D>3user3sap3trans3cofiles
Mog on to target client -in target syste1.
Using the transaction code (T!(
&o to o"er"iew tab and click on i1port option
Double click on our syste1
&o to e8tras AAA< other request AAA< add
(elect our transport request nu1ber F click on copy button
Jlick on continue button
(elect our request nu1ber click on i1port requestSse1i loaded truckT option.
;6T$> here transport request status is stopped-red color.
(elect the target client F click on choose button
Jlick on i1port button
&i"e the target client nu1ber/ user na1e F password
@ere transport request status is running -truck button.
Jlick on continue button
:.. =ost client copy>
Using the transaction code scc'-in target client.
Jlick on schedule as background Bob button
Double click on selected ser"er
(elected i11ediately option F click on schedule Bob button
6nce "erify all the "alues F click on continue button
Using the transaction code (JJ3
Double click on our Bob log
:t displays i1port successfully
:%. Using the logical syste1 transaction code is -A+E
:=. )hat is logical syste1,
To identify the client in the landscape .it is unique identified
:(. )here we ha"e to store the logical syste1,
:J. )hat is the na1ing con"ention of logical syste1,
Q(id<clientQclient nu1ber< $8> B=DJM;T###
F&. BD+- 2 Tool> con"ersion of logical syste1 na1es
F'. @ow to assign the logical syste1 to client a client,
Using the transaction code -A+E
Jlick on Basis settings AAA< logical syste1 AAA< assign the logical syste1 to client
Double click on the client which you want to assign the logical syste1
(elect the logical syste1 F click on copy button
Jlick on sa"e button
Data was sa"ed that 1eans logical syste1 assigned successfully
Using the transaction is (JJ is also we can assign the logical syste1 to client
-"pport packages
A. 1atc@esG To fi8 the bugs/ to get the functional enhance1ent and To upgrade the syste1 to
ne8t le"el
B. -/08E> (;6T$ is the single obBect correction. They are 2 types
!anual note> the note is pro"ided the runti1e issues.
Jorrecti"e note> The note is pro"iding the functional enhance1ent and fi8es the bugs.
C. The process of applying ;6T$ got to the transaction is -/08E
D. )hat is the process for applying -A1 /08E- to sap syste1,
&o to transaction code (;6T$ AAA< go to 1enu AAA< download sap note AAA< gi"e the ;6T$
nu1ber A
AA< after downloading check the status. :f it shows that it can be i1ple1ented then select the
;6T$ go
to 1enu (A=;6T$ AAA< i1ple1ent note
E. @ow to install the AddAons,
Using the transaction code 2 -AI/83
F. -"pport packages> support packages are 1ultiple of obBect corrections
(upport packages contain the set of patches. (upport packages we should apply on sequence
G. The support packages status are stored in O1A8&'P table and O1A8&:P
H. @ow do you get latest kernel/ support packages F AddAons,
(er"ice 1arket place Swww.ser"
I. )hile applying support packages. :f users accurse in (=AU F (=DD phases then what will
you do,
(=AU in proble1s accurse : can skip the proble1. :f it is (=DD in proble1s accurse : can
technical people.
). -1DD F -1AB AAA< please infor1 the custo1er to take care. :f locked obBects found can be
using the transaction code is ($73
*. )hat is na1ing con"ention for support packs,
+. )hat is the difference between sap note F support packages,
-/08E 2 single obBect correction
-"pport package 2 1ultiple obBect correction
,. )ith solution 1anager can : apply support packages in J.: F D.:,
Res/ : can
)e can install the J.: F D.: on the host and on the sa1e Q(id< can apply support packages.
/. Usr3sap3trans3eps3in>
This directory stores uncar patches which are download fro1 the ser"ice 1arket place
0. Table O81FE8P is used for store the para1eter "alues along with patches
1. ?ernel patch latest nu1ber> 1#%+2E1
2. (upport package highest le"el> 2%
3. 1atc@> &roup of ;6T$( is called patches
-. 1ackages> &roup of patches is called packages
8. -tacks> &roup of packages is called stacks
B. @ow to uncar .car+.sar files in U;:G single shot,
W Zfor : in L/ (A*> do (A=JA* 2G0I Z:> done
C. )e canNt able to see uncar files in $=( directory then what will you do,
!ay be file corrupted
(ap car 1ay old "ersion
W. Jan you apply the support packages in Ca"a syste1,
Res/ through (D! and C(=!
M. )hy we required 2 background work process in support packages,
(upport package is the ti1e taking process in this process due to so1e proble1s. :f one Bob is
another one Bob is take the backup.
;. )hat are prerequisites for applying support packages,
$nsure that (=A!+(A:;T "ersion is updated to the current "ersion.
$nsure that "alid backup is a"ailable
$nsure that (T!( is consistence checked
$nsure that at least two background work process are a"ailable
$nsure that O*DD:!=D=P Bob schedule in the background in client O777P with user ODD:JP
=atches should be applied in the sequence (A=4BA(:(/ (A=4ABA=/ (A=4A==M/ (A=4@*
$nsure that there should enough space in the Database
$nsure that there should be enough space in the usr3sap3trans3eps3in directory
Apply the patches in the client 777 with user like DD:J
)e need lock the users in the sap syste1 and also we need to inti1ate then well ad"anced
before applying
support packages using (!72
$nsure that internet connection is a"ailable to resol"e the issues
:f the support packages are 1ore than 17!B apply through application ser"er/ if not then
Download the support packages fro1 www.ser"
After April 1st 277' can be downloading only through solution 1anager
Apply the patches in the landscape sequence. That is -D$0 2 YA( 2 =*D.
6nce support packages applied canNt be re"erted back
The patches co1es in the for1at .sar -or. .car
Download the patches into TranNs directory and uncar the file using this co11and (ap car 2
Qfilena1e< 2*
:t will check for eps3en directory for1at is .ATT and .=AT files
?. @ow to apply the support packages,
Download the (A=? files
Uncar into the $ps3:n directory
&o to (=A!
Moad the packages fro1 front 2 end -or. application ser"er
Display define the Yueue
:1port Yueue
The i1port can be scheduled i11ediately -or. background i11ediately -or. at later ti1e
during off peak
1@ases oH t@e -"pport 1ackage ,a#ager
'. The (upport =ackage !anager runs through a series of phases when it i1ports (upport
=ackages. :f you
want to know which phases were perfor1ed for which scenario -test scenario or standard
e8ecute progra1 *((=A!17.
9. The following list pro"ides an o"er"iew of all the 1odules and phases and list the1 in the
order in which
they are e8ecuted by the (upport =ackage !anager>
,od"leG 1reparatio#
'. 130+0GBE
This phase checks if you are authoriDed to i1port (upport =ackages.
9. CHEC*!3E2BI3E,E/8-
This phase checks "arious prerequisites for i1porting (upport =ackages such as the tp logon to
:. DI-A--E,B+E
This phase disasse1bles/ or unpacks/ the data files fro1 the rele"ant $=( parcels and copies
the1 to the
transport directory.
This phase copies the queue to the transport buffer of your syste1.
.. ,0DIF;!BBFFE3
:n this phase/ the transport buffer is prepared for correct processing of the following i1port
%. I,1038!0B)EC8!+I-8
This phase i1ports the obBect lists of the (upport =ackages in the queue into the syste1.
=. 8E-8!I,1038
This phase perfor1s a test i1port for the current queue using tp. :t checks if there are obBects
that are in
open repairs and will be o"erwritten during the i1port/ or if any other circu1stances are
pre"enting an
obBect fro1 being i1ported successfully.
(. 0B)EC8-!+0C*ED!O
This phase checks if there are obBects that will be o"erwritten by the (upport =ackage/ and that
are still in
requests that ha"e not yet been released.
J. ADD0/!C0/F+IC8-!O
This phase checks if there are conflicts between the obBects in the queue and the installed addA
'&. -CHEDB+E!3DDI,1D1
This phase schedules the transport dae1on -progra1 *DD:!=D=..
,od"le Import '
''. C3EA8E!CE3-!BEF03E
This phase generates "ersions of the obBects in the (upport =ackages that are in the queue.
'9. -1DD!-1AB!CHEC*
This phase checks if a 1odification adBust1ent is necessary -Transactions (=DD+(=AU..
':. DDIC!I,1038
This phase i1ports all ABA= Dictionary obBects in the queue.
'F. AB80!,0D!-1DD
This phase checks if 1odifications to ABA= Dictionary obBects can be adBusted
'.. 3B/!-1DD!O
This phase pro1pts you to adBust your 1odifications to ABA= Dictionary obBects with
'%. +0C*!EB -Ior :1port !ode Downti1eA!ini1iDed 6nly.
This phase locks the de"elop1ent en"iron1ent.
'=. I/AC8ICE!I,1038 -Ior :1port !ode Downti1eA!ini1iDed 6nly.
This phase i1ports progra1 code and progra1 te8ts in an inacti"e state.
This phase acti"ates the i1ported Data Dictionary obBects.
'J. I,1038!1301E3
This phase i1ports all *epository obBects and table entries/ pro"ided they ha"e not already
i1ported during the phase :;AJT:0$4:!=6*T. This is preceded by actions such as table
and acti"ation of the na1e tabs
9&. 13E1A3E!M13A
This phase prepares the G=*As and afterAi1port 1ethods to be e8ecuted.
9'. B/+0C*!EB -Ior :1port !ode Downti1eA!ini1iDed 6nly.
This phase unlocks the de"elop1ent en"iron1ent.
99. AB80!,0D!-1AB
This phase checks whether 1odifications can be adBusted auto1atically.
9:. M13A!EMECB8I0/
This step e8ecutes the G=*As and the postAi1port 1ethods.
9F. ABA1!GE/E3A8I0/
This phase generates runti1e obBects for the i1ported *epository obBects -ABA= source te8ts
9.. 3B/!-1AB!O
This phase pro1pts you to adBust your 1odifications to *epository obBects with transaction
9%. C+EA3!0+D!3E1038- -Ior :1port !ode Downti1eA!ini1iDed 6nly.
This phase deletes obsolete "ersions of the progra1 code and progra1 te8ts in the database.
9=. E1I+0GBE
This phase co1pletes the i1port of the (upport =ackage. :t also checks if the queue was
*er#el patc@ "pgrade
A. )hat is the kernel patch upgrade,
?ernel patch upgrade is a process of upgrading the e8ecutables files in the run directory with
B. )hat are prerequisites for applying kernel patch upgrationad,
1. Before applying kernel patch we ha"e to take online backup -or. off line backup of the
2. Before applying kernel patch we ha"e to take backup of this folder
3. (top the sap syste1 and stop all the sap ser"ices
. Download the current kernel fro1 www.ser"
#. Download the kernel files they are Database :ndependent F Database dependent
%. After downloading this files with get the file -or. .sar files
t $8> file for1at is (A=$G$4=atchle"el.sar -DB independent./ file for1at
-DB dependent.
'. $8tract the downloaded files fro1 by using following co11and
(A=JA* 2G0I Iilena1e.sar new folder
(A=JA* 2G0I (A=$G$4=atchle"el.sar
(A=JA* 2G0I (A=$G$DB4=atchle"el.sar
9. The files will be in the for1at of .$G$ -or. .DMM -or. .DB XX..e8t
C. @ow to apply the kernel,
Take the e8tracted files fro1 new folder and replace the e8isting kernel
with newly e8tracted files
6nce replace1ent has finished we need to start the ser"ices
&o to ser"ices.1sc then select the following files are started
&o to !!J select the instance click the start button
6nce sap syste1 is up F running check the kernel "ersion
&o to c1d pro1pt AAAAA< dispVwork -it will show the upgrade kernel "ersion.
D. @ow to get the sap kernel files,
Mogon 1arket place AAA< s+w downloads AAA< entry by application group AAA< additional
co1ponent AAA
< click7n sap kernel -32 bit uc/ % bit uc/ 32 bit nuc/ % bit nuc..
6nce database independent is co1pleted after that Database dependent co1pleted
E. usr3sap3Q(id<3sys3e8e3uc3nti39%3run
*un directory is called as a kernel directory
This stores all the e8ecutables through which sap runs
F. ?ernel is pro"ided the co11unication between (A=/ DB F 6.(
-,+G K +ogo# load bala#ci#g
A. !ore than one instance we can configured the in that ti1e we can use logon load balancing
B. Decreasing the load balancing on the J.:
C. $ffecti"e utiliDation of buffers
D. )e can create and delete groups entire syste1
E. :f the one instance is failed then the request goes to another instance failo"er
F. @ow to create the logon load balancing,
Using the transaction code 2 (!M& AAA< click on the create button AAA< here we ha"e to gi"e
the logon
group and instance AAA< copy AAA< after open the &U: pad AAA< click the ;$) :T$! AAA< ne8t
here we ha"e to gi"e the connection type -group ser"er selection. AAA< we ha"e to the
application ser"er/ syste1 nu1ber/ syste1 :D AAA< ne8t AAA< finish
-ap start"p problems
A. (er"ices 1ay be stopped
B. !aybe no spaces at work directory in 6.( le"el 2 de"41s/ de"4disp/ sapstart.log/
sapstartsr".log/ (TD.
C. !ay be proble1s in startup/ instance F default profile para1eters
D. )ork process 1ay be crossed 177
E. !essage ser"er hostna1e 1ay be changed
F. )e ha"e to check whether logged Q(id<ad1 -or. not
G. )e ha"e to check the oracle status up -or. not
J1d 2 sqlplus +as sysdba -enter.
(YM >< select status fro1 "Z instanceK
6pen -or. 1ount -or. no 1ount -or. not a"ailable
H. :f oracle is not co1ing up we need to start it
(YM >< startup Sto open the oracleT
I. 6racle blocks 1ay be corrupted -we need to reco"er the dataT
). 6ra arch directory 1ay be full Sbackup F delete the old dataT
*. Table space issues -or. space issues at 6.( le"el Sthen increase the table space issues -or.
increase 6.(
le"el spacesT
+. Dispatcher is not co1ing up in that ti1e we ha"e to check the listener
J1d> lsnctl -enter.
Mistener >< status -to check whether it is started or not
Mistener >< start Sto start the listenerT
Misteners >< stop Sto stop the listenerT
,. :f syste1 is not co1ing up then change in instance profile that is rdisp3trace 5 7/ 1/2/3/ then
start sap
again it will writes the logs into work directory -after starting sap syste1 we need to change
the trace
le"el 5 O7P.
STrace 5 7 2 no trace is written to filesT
STrace 51 2 write error 1essages in the trace fileT
STrace 5 2 2 write the full traceT
STrace 5 3 2 write the full trace including data blocksT
A. -8&' 2 syste1 trace
@ow to identify the e8pensi"e (YM state1ent,
)e can identify the e8pensi"e (YM state1ents in st7#
)e can check kernel functions and authoriDation checking
(YM trace/ buffer trace and *IJ also we can check here
B. -8&9 2 buffer swap
)hat is the sap 1e1ory 1anage1ent,
*oll area/ page area/ e8tended 1e1ory/ heap 1e1ory
C. -8&: 2 workload analysis
Database perfor1ance and 1onitoring/ workload collector F statistic records are based on
day/ weekly
F 1onthly we can see
@ow to delete the entire in table !6;:
loss the perfor1ance the data
(T73 2 go to AAA< perfor1ance DB AAA< clients of DB
D. -8&F 2 database o"er"iew
)e can check database buffer/ shared pool/ log buffer/ ti1e statistics F redo logs
E. -8&. 2 perfor1ance analysis
)hat is (YM trace,
To identify the e8pensi"e (YM state1ent path enqueue trace
$nqueue ti1e goes to behind threshold "alue occurs
1 1illiseconds on central instance
# 1illiseconds on database instance
*fc trace> *fc ti1e e8ceeds threshold "alue occurs F *fc ti1e is 17 to 7[ a"erage of
responsibility of
ti1e table buffer trace
Moad generation ti1e e8ceed the threshold "alue occurs ti1e is 277 1illiseconds
F. -8&% 2 6( 1onitoring
:t is used for J=U utiliDation/ nu1ber of J=UN( physical 1e1ory a"ailable and utiliDed
:t is used to start F stop the sap 6( Jol ser"ices. Jlick on detailed analysis 1enu to display
the top J=U
:f fetches the data using ser"ice saposcol and it displays
!e1ory utiliDation
Disk response ti1e
J=U idle ti1e not less than 37[ Sfor portal up to 97 to 9#[T
This transaction code is also used start F stop the sap operating syste1 collector
Jlick on MA;J@$J? by ping to check the nu1ber of presentation ser"er. Rou can ping to
the ser"ers
-or. to a specific := address
;6T$> 6(col brings the 6( infor1ation into (T7%. :f 6( call not stared (T7% will be blank
)e can check top J=U utiliDation for the current last 2 hours
G. -8&= 2 application 1onitoring
@ere we can see how 1any users are log/ nu1ber of ser"ers/ clients F work process
it is used to identify whether the syste1 is opti1ally designed or not/ this is also used to
identify the buffer
utiliDation F response T:!$
H. -8'' 2 it is used to display the de"eloper traces of work directory 3usr3sap3Q(id<3sys3work
I. @ow to delete the statistics of file *+3,
(o1eti1es deleted 1anually
Using (T73 or (T73;
6( le"el> D0$B!&(+data file
E1 (E#terprise 1ortal)
A. =ortal co1ponents are as Ba"a/ $=/ $= Jore
B. =ortal syste1 logon U*M> http>++hostna1e>#Qinstance nu1ber<77+irB+portal
irB 5 i"iew runti1e Ba"a
C. :n Ba"a login U*M>http>++hostna1e>#Qinstance nu1ber<77
D. Ba"a users are 2 B2ee4ad1in and ad1inistrator
E. )hat is the use of portal syste1,
=ortal is the 1iddle ware technology
:t is a web based technology based on web site
F. )hat is purpose of collaboration,
Jhat with in the co1pany/ the people who are under the co1pany
G. )hat is knowledge 1anage1ent,
)e are storing the sap docu1ents in the co1pany. :t gets fro1 the B) syste1.
H. $= post installation steps>
1.!aintain the C0! settings in config tool
2.Jonfigure the (MD for portal syste1
3.Jonfigure the single sign on
.Jreate the CJ6 *IJ destination between portal and backend syste1s
#.:nstallation the license for the portal syste1
%.Jonfigure the backup for portal syste1
I. )hen we login to the portal syste1 the tables are
1.Jontent ad1inistration
By using this we configure the portal content like i"iew/ work sets F pages
2.User ad1inistration
By using this we can create the portal users assign the portal roles to particular users and
e8port i1port
of the roles/ users
3.(yste1 ad1inistration
By using this we can configure the ((6 and key store ad1inistration F U)M Suni"ersal
work list
). @ow to start the Ba"a syste1,
DB/ (J(/ J.:/ D.:
*. )ork process o"er"iew 2 )C,0/
Co#Hig tool
A. To logon the config tool database should be up but their Ba"a is not 1andatory
B. )ithout user :D F password we can log in the config tool
C. :f you change this config tool then we can restart the sap syste1
D. Jonfig tool path is 2 usr3sap3Q(id<3Qinstance nu1ber<3B2ee3config tool3 config.bat AAA<
windows 6( AAA< U;:G.
E. 6ptions>
1.Jluster data
2.(ecure store
3.U!$ MDA= Data
Cl"ster dataG
&lobal dispatcher configuration
&lobal ser"er configuration
:nstance 2 id %7%% AAA< for a specific instance changes of para1eters
:f we change in the global that effect to instance
:f we change in the instance that effect to that instance only
C0! settings
(ecure store area
Default logon tickets
:f we want to add one 1ore ser"er node -or. ser"er process click on instance AAA< click on add
button using config tool we can change the C0! settings
-ec"re store areaG
)e can change the para1eter in security in config tool
(ecure store we can change the password -ad1inistration user password.
)e can 1aintain the ad1inistration and Ba"a sche1a user F password in secure store area
using config
)hene"er we want to change the password we ha"e to restart the sap syste1"ice
1. U1e.saperad1in.acti"e
2. U1e.logon.logon4help
?ey store AAA<default log on tickets.
B,E +DA1 DateG
1. :n the config tool we can updated the MDA= Data ser"er infor1ation if we are using acti"e
for the user connection
MDA= AAA< M:&@T )$:@T DATA AJJ$(( =*6T6J6M
2. To fetched the data fro1 acti"e ser"ers using MDA= Data
3. (er"ices>
Micensing ser"ice
Mocking ser"ice
Mog "iewer ser"ice
Mog configure ser"ice
CJ6 *IJ ser"ice
(ecurity ser"ice
(MD ser"ice
((M ser"ice
. !anager>
Jonfiguration 1anager> it process the configuration data fro1 relationship of database
Jluster 1anager> it 1anage the co11unication b+w C2$$ engine cluster ele1ents
(er"ice 1anager> it pro"ides runti1e ele1ents of the C2$$ engine
Thread 1anager>
=ort 1anager> it 1anages the process of pooling Ba"a obBect.
Mong 1anager> it 1anages process of logging syste1
Cis"al admi# tool
A. To login to the "isual ad1in tool data base and Ba"a syste1 1ust be up
B. )e need user :D F password for login to the "isual ad1in tool
C. :f you change this "isual ad1in tool then we donNt need restart the sap syste1
D. 0isual ad1in tool path is 2
E. 0isual ad1in tool port nu1ber is> #Qinstance nu1ber<7
F. Destination for Ba"a syste1> Sdestination -or. target syste1T Sone Ba"a is connected to another
Ba"a syste1T
G. Micensing adapter> after downloading the 1arket place we gi"e license here
H. CJ6*IJ =ro"ider
This is used for connecting the Abap syste1 and Ba"a syste1
1.=rogra1 2 ((6
2.&wser"ice 2 sapgw77
3.(er"er count 2 2
.Application ser"er host 2
#.(yste1 no 2
%.User :D 2
'.=assword 2
9.Mog "iewer 2 here we can see all the logs
I. All the runti1e errors we can check in the file Default. Trace file
Usr3sap3Q(id<3Qinstance nu1ber<3C2$$3cluster3security3log
). !onitoring ser"ices>
These used for 1onitoring the Ba"a syste1
*. ?ey store ser"ices> these are the ser"ices we can to create the sap logon tickets. These log on
used for authoriDation and security for Ba"a syste1.
-D, (-oHtware Deplo4me#t ,a#ager)
A. )hat is the (D!,
(D! is only for the J.:/ there is no (D! for dialog instance
B. (D! tool is used for deploy -or. un deploy the Ca"a patches
1. Deploy> :t is using their ser"ices we can start F stop the application ser"er runti1e. Ca"a
e8tension .(JA -or. .(DA
(JA> co1ponent archi"e
(DA> software deploy1ent archi"e
2. Un deploy1ent>
Jlick on un deploy1ent tab
(election file
(tart un deploy1ent
C. Ior up to %7 kernel for deploy1ent F un deploy1ent
D. (D! path is 2 usr3sap3Qinstance nu1ber<3(D!3progra13re1otegui.bat
E. (D! port nu1ber is 2 #Qinstance nu1ber<19
F. (D! we can run in two 1odules
1.(tand alone 1ode> whene"er we start the syste1 then we ha"e to start the (D! separately
2.:ntegrate 1ode> the (D! auto1atically started
)-1, ()aDa -"pport 1ackage ,a#ager)
A. C(=! is used for deploy1ent of the patch of Ba"a syste1 fro1 '77 kernel on words
B. C(=! =ath is 2 usr3sap3Q(id<Qinstance nu1ber<3B2ee3C(=!3go.bat
C. Download the support patches put in usr3sap3trans3eps3in
D. C(=! contains are
1.(upport stack
2.(ingle support stack
3.;ew s+w co1ponent
.Business packages
E. @ere no need to apply the support packages in sequence
F. :f we want login the C(=! it asks the password then we 1ust gi"e the (D! password
G. Before applying the C(=! we need to check the trance directory is full -or. not
H. @ow to apply the support packages in C(=!,
Download the Ba"a support pack stack fro1 the 1arket place
?eep the stack files under usr3sap3trance3eps3in
I. )e can apply the kernel patches also using the C(=!
-I/G+E -IG/ 0/ (--0)
A. (ingle sign on setup as following steps>
Jreate Backend syste1 in portal.
Jreate (yste1 alias na1e
Download portal certificate fro1 portal.
:1port portal certificate in portal
Jreating connections to backend syste1s>
1. Under (yste1 Ad1inistration \ (yste1 Jonfiguration \ (yste1 Mandscape/ search for the
$*= folder
in the =ortal Jatalog. Under ](yste1sN/ create a new syste1 by rightAclicking on the folder
selecting new syste1 fro1 te1plate
2. Rou will be taken to an i"iew creation wiDard.
(elect (A= syste1 using dedicated application ser"er.
3. $nter required infor1ation> (yste1 na1e/ (yste1 :D -sa1e as na1e./ syste1 id prefi8
(yste1 Description -as seen fro1 (A=&U: pick list.. @it ];e8tN when done.
. *e"iew the infor1ation gi"en/ then hit ]IinishN
#. 6pen the newlyAcreated syste1 for editing
%. (elect property category connector and gi"e all backend syste1 details
;a"igate to the syste1 obBect you want to add the syste1 alias>
(yste1 Ad1inistrationA<(yste1 JonfigurationA<=ortal JontentA<$*= JontentA<(yste1sA
<*ight click
on syste1 obBectA<6penA<(yste1 Aliases
Type the new syste1 alias/ Add/ then (a"e.
download portal certificate
As a user with ad1inistrator pri"ileges/ logon to the portal and na"igate to (yste1
Ad1inistration \
(yste1 Jonfiguration
:n the left na"igation tree/ choose ?ey store Ad1inistration
:n the Jontent tab/ choose the right certificate download the "erify.der file on your =J
The following profile para1eters should be defined for all para1eter files in backend syste1
login+create4sso24ticket 2
login+accept4sso24ticket 1
:1port =ortal Jertificate
Mogin to target (A= syste1 and run transaction (T*U(T((62.
:n the left na"igation tree/ under the (yste1 =($ node/ double click on the syste1 =($.
:n the right panel/ click on :1port Jertificate button .
:n the :1port Jertificate screen/ browse to the =ortal certificate file -the one sa"ed and
e8tracted in step
W na1ed "erify.der. and click 6pen.
!ake sure that OBinaryP is selected as the Iile for1at. Jlick on green check 1ark.
Jlick on Add to Jertificate Mist button/ ;otice that the =ortal Jertificate is now added to the
list of
Jlick on Add to AJM button. )hen pro1pted/ fill in the )=( (yste1 with the (:D of =ortal
and )=(
Jlient to 772.
Mogin to portal click on syste1 ad1inistrator AAA< syste1 configuration AAA<portal contentA
<$*= folderA<
(yste1 right click on connection test
A. )hat are ora 2 71### errors,
This is also called read in consistency error. This is called Osnapshot too old Ocreate so1e
1ore roll back
seg1ents to a"oid this error.
B. DB':> define backup schedule
Jlick on dat
e and select backup 2 type Soffline+onlineT and sa"e
C. $rror codes>
T;( 12#%7 2 listener proble1s
6*A 2#3/ 2## 2 oracle struck
6*A 7173 2 no co1parable error
D. )hat is sap scheduler,
DB calendar -DB1.
E. )hile starting sap/ : get an error/ how to sol"e the proble1s,
Mogin as Q(id<ad1
Wr3trance 2d
(hould returns you 7777 return codes if it is 7712/ then look for trans+log file for detail error.
I. B3800+-
Br tools read the para1eter initQ(id<.sap
G. B3C0//EC8G
:t is used to connect the database and perfor1 the "arious ad1inistrati"e tasks
W Brconnect 2f check> to check the database and writes the logs into sap check directory
W brconnect 2f stats> it is used to run the database statistics. :t identifies the tables whose
statistics are out
based and update the1.
W Brconnect 2f cleanup> it is used to clean the old log files fro1 sap trace F sap check
W Brconnect 2f ne8t> ne8t e8tents can be increase auto1atically
H. Db optimiPer> all the tables F inde8es will be stored known as a DB opti1iDer
I. Br K back"p> it is used to take the take the backup of the database. These are 2 types
6ffline backup> the database is down during backup F no transaction is allowed
6nline backup> the database is up F running without effecting the user transaction
*edo logs the generate during the back up
=artial backup> it is taken for a specific table is during the patch
Jo1plete backup> take the full backup of syste1 without catalog infor1ation
)holes AAA< take the backup with catalog infor1ation
:ncre1ental> for incre1ental backup/ first take the full backup syste1 S$8> 1 2 3 / add the
# % then
). =ara1eters>
Backup41ode 5 all
Backup4type 5 off line
Backup4de"4type 5 tape -or. disk
Backup4root4dir 5 e>3oracle3Q(id<3sap backup
*. Br archi"e> it is used to backup the offline redo log file to tape -or. disk fro1 ora arch
directory to tape
-or. disk
AAA< when online redo logs are full then ora arch writes contents to ora arch -offline redo logs.
the content
of ora arch is reference of off line redo logs
+. *estore database 2 fro1 database back up
,. *estore database 2 fro1 redo log backup
/. @ow to sap is independent of database,
There is a 1ediator is called DB client with the help of DB client. :t beco1es as database
0. )hat is database client,
Database client is used to con"ert the open (YM state1ent into nati"e (YM state1ent and "ice
1. @ow to db client connect to oracle,
M:(T;$* will pro"ide the connecti"ity between the sap syste1 and database during startup of
sap syste1
During the starting of sap syste1 M:(T;$* will create shadow process in the ratio of 1>1 to
connect to
2. M:(T;$*> create the shadow process which are going to connect the database table
O(A=U($*P by
using opsZ 1echanis1
6psZ 1echanis1 contain the one table in database/ that table is O(A=U($*P this table
contains sche1a
owner na1e F password. (hadow work process get the sche1e owner na1e F pass word/
-choose connection database. the database.
(hadow process again connects to database by using sche1a owner na1e F password.
3. )hat is the opsZ 1echanis1>
The user who is authoriDed at o.s le"el is auto1atically authenticared at Database le"el. That
1eans no
user :D F password is required to login to Database
:t is pro"ide the 2 para1eters are contained in *U17 T4Jode
6(4authent4prefi8 5 opsZ
*e1ote46(4authent 5 true
9223'E support package know proble1s
-. (&$; is running one background progra1 is 1A3AGE/E3(
8. )hich perfor1ing the client copy =(A=U;D6 table space will be increase
;6T$> :f there is no space in space in =(A=U;D6 table space (;A=(@6T too old du1p is
into (T22 then we need to lock after the O=(A=U;D6P table space
B. JATT> co1puter Aided Test tool
A. )hat is database,
:t is used to store the data in tables
Table contains of *ows F Jolu1ns
)here colu1n represents fields F row represents
Jross client obBect changes>
Jhanges to repository and cross client custo1iDing allowed
;o changes to cross client custo1iDing obBects
;o changes to repository obBects
;o changes to repository and cross client custo1iDing obBects
B*BAJ?U=> Backup of data files/ control files and online redo log files
B*A*J@:0$> Backup of offline redo log files
B**$(T6*$> *estore the data files/ control files/ online redo log files F offline redo log files
B**$J60$*R> :nteracti"e tool for database restore F reco"ery
B*J6;;$JT> DBAA instance 1anage1ent/ space 1anage1ent and *eorganiDation
V> control file 2 the action is co1pleted
A > control choice list 2 you can choose -or. e8ecute this now
L> control :+= 2 you canNt choose -or. e8ecute this now
A> :+= 2 you can choose this para1eter
;> :+= 2 you can choose this option para1eter
(top> all 1enus 2 this cancel the progra1
@elp> all 1enus 2
Back> all 1enus 2 go back
Jontinue yes> all 1enus 2 continue to ne8t 1enu
;o> not used 2 skips the following actions to nar1al progra1 stepsKit is recorded is :*7%'%1 in
the detaillog
5> conrol choose list 2 this is the initial default choice with yellow background
,> :+= 2 you 1ust enter a "alue for this para1er
W> control :+= 2 you canNt 1. $8ecute this action 2. Jhange this para1eter
Jhanging the password of sap owner>
6ption9> additional progra1
1 2 (how profile F logs
2 2 Jlean up DBA logs F tables
3 2 Adapt ne8t e8tents
2 Jhange password of DB User
# 2 create+change synony1s for DBA tables
% 2 *eset progra1 status
6ption choice
!odification of original obBect is called correction
:f Mot of achie"e Mogs are getting generated in 1inutes then what will do,
:ncrease the redo log file siDe
*eorganiDation> reconstruction of obBects in the database
*e org Bobs> table contains the infor1ation of the standard background Bobs
6racle listener> it is used to connecting the *+3 work process and shadow process
3 6.( files are used configuration
@ere listener address 5 := address or hostna1e
=ort nu1ber 5 1#21 to 1#2E
*estore fro1 the database backup reco"er fro1 the redo log files/ alter database backup fro1
control file to trace
Iour housekeeping Bobs>
Brconnect 2f check
Brconnect 2f status
Brconnect 2f ne8t
Brconnect 2f cleanup
Buffer siDe will be 1#71b by default we can increase up to %77 &B
Buffer settings which can be 1odified ($13
W (YM >< delete fro1 sapar3.usr72 where bna1e 5 sapL and 1andt 5 client nu1ber
*oll in> the process of copying the user related infor1ation in to work process handler
The work process continues to process the user request and response back to the user
*oll out> the process of copying the user related infor1ation into user conte8t
User conte8t displayed the transaction code is 2 (U#%
(A= U($*> sap user is the table which contains database sche1e user :D F password
Data dictionary is stored in DD 2 cache
:nit Q(id<.ora AAA< it is store the para1eter related the B*T66M(
The user co1plaints that he could not log into the syste1 in our glass 1ode,
)ork process in to pri"ate 1ode
Archi"e struck
The user could not update any record and result in our glass 1ode
Buffer hitratioo> sap reco1anded the "alue to be around E9[
Ior e"ery 177 request the 2 request goes to database and re1aining shoud be for1 the buffers
D(DM6&> buffer synchronous table
*+3 1e1ory 1anage1ent>
User needs 2 kind of 1e1ory
*+3 buffers> S1e1ory accessible for all usersT 2 progra1s/ table and field definition/ custo1iDing
User conte8t> S1e1ory attached indi"idual usersT 2 "ariables/ lists/ internal tables/ ad1inistration
data -authoriDations.
Mocal 1e1ory> local 1e1ory is associated with indi"idual work process/ local 1e1ory is
e8ecutables/ data/ stack/ buffer for data transfer/ local roll area/ local paging area.
(hared 1e1ory> shared 1e1ory is associated with all the process of one instance *+3 buffer
contains global obBects for all users and work process such as progra1s and custo1iDing tables.
@eap 1e1ory> it contains user conte8t/ when e8tended 1e1ory is full. :t is called and released
on de1and.
The si8 *+3 1e1ory areas are>
Buffers/ e8tended 1e1ory/ heap 1e1ory/ roll 1e1ory/ *+3 paging 1e1ory/ local work process
)hat is roll area F page area,
*oll area> user conte8t data is store of that is authoriDations/ set+get para1etes/ internal tables and
report lists.
=aging area> which stores application progra1 data that corresponding to specific Abap
Utta+roll4first 2 define first port of the roll area set to 1.1'kb to .%
Utta+roll4e8tention 2 e8tended 1e1ory
Utta+roll4area 2 total roll area for work process
Utta+roll4sh1 2 the siDe of the roll buffers
Utta+roll41a8fs 2 the siDe of the roll buffers and roll file
$1+intial4siDe41b 2 the fi8ed siDe of e8tended 1e1ory
$1+address4space41b 2 a1ount of e8tended 1e1ory for work process
Abap+heap4area4total 2 total a1ount of heap 1e1ory allocated to all work process
Abap+heap4area4dia 2 li1it for the a1ount of local 1e1ory allocated to dialog work process
Abap+heap4area41edia 2 a1ount of local 1e1ory allocated to dialog work process
Abap+heapli1its 2 1a8i1u1 heap li1it 2 if it is reached the work process is flogged for restart
@eap 1e1ory is released after use. After ending the transaction the heap 1e1ory is
auto1atically released and the work process restarted to release the swap 1e1ory.
6racle startup options> startup no 1ounts> oracle is not operational and oracle background
process is not started. :t will used to create the control file.
(tartup 1ount> oracle is not open and not operational. 6racle background process is started. (&A
is created S(&A 1eans shared global areaT
(tartup> oracle is open and operational
6racle shutdown types the are
Abort> here we forcefully shutdown the database without inti1ating any users. The total cache
infor1ation in the lost and (!6; can reco"er the infor1ation fro1 online redo log files
whene"er syste1 is restarts
:11ediate> the co11itted transactions are updated in to the database. the database open
transactions are rolled back
Transactional> open transactional are successfully updated in to the database. ;o need
connections are not allowed. (hutdown is nor1al transactions are also not allowed.
;or1al> no connections are allowed e8ist user can perfor1 transaction till co1plete the task
6racle files structure>
6racle 2 sid 2 sapdata1
6racle 2 sai 2 sapdata2
6racle 2 sai 2 sapdatan
6racle 2 sid 2 sap backup
6racle 2 sid 2 sap arch Sreco"er purpose dataT
6racle 2 sid 2 sap trace 2 user trace 2 trace file
6racle 2 sid sap trace 2 background trace 2 alter4Q(id<.trace Sit contain all profile in for1ation
about oracleT
6ra"le 2 sid 2 orig log A Sonline redo log files F control filesT
6ra"le 2 sid 2 orig log B Sonline redo log files F control filesT
6racle 2 sid 2 1irror log A S1irror of orig log filesT
6racle 2 sid 2 1irror log B S1irror of orig log filesT
6racle 2 sid A 6ra arch Soff line redo logs
Jontrol file> it contains the oracle structure. :t is a binary file. :t can be updated only oracle. )e
canNt edit 1anually.
:f lot of achie"e logs are getting generated in 1inutes then what do we do,
:ncrease the redo log file siDe
)hat is your database siDe,
(tart fro1 #77 &B
)hat is your database growth,
!onthly 27 &B -or. 37 &B growth
)hat do you check in DB72,
Table space utiliDation/ space critical obBects and table space growth
)hat is your action/ if any space critical obBects are there,
&o to DB72/ click on space critical obBects/ then note down the obBects/ go to (A=DBA/ go to
reorganiDation -option d./ then use option b AAA< show e8tent AAA< resiDe the e8tent -take the
reco11ended "alue.
@ow do you check the backup log,
:n sap le"el 2 DB12
:n 6( le"el -log in as Q(id<ad1.
&o to oracle+Q(id<+sap backup
W Tail backQ(id<.log
)hat is sap scheduler -or. database backup,
DB calendar -DB13.
)hat file is responsible for sap backup,
)hat is your backup strategy,
)e do daily on line backup on all ser"ers and weekly offline backup on D$0 and Yuality
)hy 1apping,
The user :DNs are particular syste1 F back end syste1 are different then we need to perfor1 the
user 1apping
DB72> this transaction is used for checking the database table space
)hat are the table spaces,
(yste1 2 oracle table spaces
(ysau8 2 oracle table spaces
=sapsr3 2 co1ponent specific
=sapundo 2 for roll back infor1ation
:f abapVBa"a stack are one 1ore table is added
Db backup calendar transaction code is 2 DB13
Db backup logs transaction code is 2 DB12
Data base log F B*T66M( logs transaction code is 2 DB1 F DB2
To check the perfor1ance of the Database transaction code is 2 (T7
@ow to add the data files for database table space,
Brspace 2f tse8tended 2t Qtablena1e< -enter.
)hat are the database initialiDation files,
:nit Q(id<.ora AAA< p file
(p fileQ(id<.ora AAA< sp file
)hat is the difference between p file F sp file,
= file is the static file/ it is a test file and we can edit 1anually by using notepad.
(p file is ser"er para1eter file. :t is a binary file and we canNt edit the 1anually. :t can 1odified
with the AMT$* (R(T$! ($T co11and
W alter syste1 set ti1ed statistics 5 true scope 5 bothK
:nit Q(id<.sap is used for generation of B*T66M( option
Database locks transaction code is 2 DB71
)orkload analysis transaction code is 2 (T73 F (T73;
@ere we can see database response ti1e 1#71illisecinods
J=U response ti1e is 1#71s
*ollin+rollout response ti1e #71s
&U: response ti1e 2771s
*IJ response ti1e 2771s
Mog4archi"e4start 5 true AAA< indicates to auto1atically start the archi"e process when the
database is start
Mog4archi"e4dest AAA< archi"ing directory for offline redo log files
Db4block4siDe AAA< specifies the siDe of the oracle block in bytes
Db4block4buffer AAA<total no. of data buffer in (&A
(hared4pool4siDe AAA< specifies in bytes the a1ount of space that (&A reser"ed to cashed F
(YM start
Mog4buffer AAA< space allocated to the redo log buffers
Disk4copy AAA< it is used for copying the database to disk
)hy we need to DB refresh,
To test the obBect or changes which are 1ade to syste1 like production en"iron1ent. )e need to
restore the production data to YA( data.
)hat are ho1ogeneous syste1 copy F heterogeneous syste1 copy and how you will do that,
A syste1 copy without a change in the database type and the 6( is called a ho1ogeneous syste1
A syste1 copy with a change in the database type and the operating syste1 is called a
heterogeneous syste1 copy
)hat is db refresh,
:t is the process of refreshing the data of one syste1 by another syste1 S6(/ DB F *3T re1ains
the sa1e but only database is refreshed
=re steps for db refresh,
Jreate the transport of copies by using ($71 and specify the following tables are U(*71/
U(*72/ *IJD$( and TBDM(. Then we need to release the transport of copies.
Jopy the cofiles F datafiles in usr3sap3Q(id<3trans
Take the screen shots of (!#E/ BD#/ DB13/ (!3'/ AM11/ (!M&/ *U12/ *U7/ (JJ F
And then we need to delete all the datafiles related to YA( syste1. Data1/ Data2 AAAA e8t first we
need to stop the oracle ser"ices/ the structure should re1ain sa1e
Directories like sapdata1 data n
!irror log b
6rig log a
6rig log b
Jopy the sap back up folder fro1 =*D/ along with the control.sql file pasted on the desk top to
YA( -3oracle3YA(3sap backup.
6pen the .afd+.and backup file -e8> bdB"uBu8.afd. present in sap directory. *eplace the =*D with
the YA( and sa"e it
&o to 3oracle3YA(3sap backup3LLLL -e8> bdB"u8.afd. backup filena1e folderK location rena1e
the files with =*D to YA(
(tart AAA< run AAA< c1d goes to the location 3oracle3YA(3sap backup and type
Brrestore 21 full 2b Qfile na1e<.afd 2c -backup is restored success fully.
Jheck the present of the paths for the creation of the control file oracle
36racle3Yas3orig log A3cntrl
36racle3Yas3orig log B3cntrl
:f one of these path is not created . then create it
(tart the oracle ser"ices
6racleQYas172<(YML plus
6racle ser"ice Q(id<
Mogin to (YM fro1 the location where the control (YM file is located.
$>3oracle3Yas3sapbackup3< sqlplus O+as sysdbaP
(YM> < select status fro1 "Z instanceK
(YM> < startup no1ountK
6racle instance is started
Archi"e to carried on =*D syste1
1. take the backup using B*T66M(
@ere : ha"e considered off line back upSco1pression 1odeT
Jlick start AAA< run AAA< type AAA< B*T66M( and click ok
1. instance 1anage1ent
2. space 1anage1ent
(eg1ent 1anage1ent
Backup and database copy
*estore and reco"ery
Jheck and "erification
Database statistics
Additional functions
$8it progra1
AAAA< enter choice
Database backup
Archi"e log backup
database copy
Archi"e log backup
Database copy
;on database copyAAAAAe8t
*eset progra1 status
$nter your choice 1 AAA< c AAA< c AAA< c AAA< c
The abo"e window denotes that the backup has stored and being sa"ed in the location
D>3oracle3=*D3sap back up
@ere the backup file na1e is Qfile na1e<.afd
:f shows down the database instance as we are taking on offline backup -then backup has been
co1pleted success fully.
$8it fro1 the B*T66M( by selecting option ( and then select the option y
Jreate a control file
Jlick start AAA< run AAA< type AAA< sqlplus Oas sysdbaP and click ok
(YM> < alter database backup control file to traceK Sthen database alertedT
Rou can find the trace file in the following location Od>3oracle3Q(id< -=*D.3sap trace3user traceP
Sthen check the latest file that is generatedT
Jopy that file and paste it onto the desktop and rena1e it with control.sql
6pen the control.sql file and perfor1 the following
*e1o"e the lines present abo"e Ostartupno1ountP and below OcharactersetutfsP and sa"e the file
*eplace the Qsource (:D< with Qtarget (:D<
$8a1ple> here it is fro1 =*D to YA(
*eplace *$U($ with ($T
*eplace ;6*$($TM6&( with *$($TM6&(
*eplace A*J@:0$M6& with ;6A*J@:0$M6&
After control file is created / the oracle is in 1ounted state
(YM> < select status fro1 "Z instanceK
(YM> <alter database open reset logsK Sthen database is alerted
(YM> <select status fro1 "Z instanceK
;ow the database is open status
(YM> < select userna1e fro1 dba4usersK
U($* ;A!$
AAAAAA E rows selected
Rou can "iew the =*D opZ users in the abo"e screen
&o to location> c>3progar1 file3sapinst4instdir3$*=3syste13ora3central3as copy the
6*ADBU($*.(YM file and past it in 3oracle3YA(3sap backup3
$8ecute the 6*ADBU($*.(YM file and pro"ide the inputs as follows
$nter "alue for 1> (A=*3
$nter "alue for 2> ;T
$nter "alue for 3> Target host na1e
$nter "alue for > targetQ(id< i.e.YA(
Mogin to (YM and check the users
(YM> < select user na1e fro1 dba4usersK
AAAAAAAA< 12 rows selected
Drop the source syste1 users. i.e =*D users
D>3oracle3qas3sap backup3sqlplus Oas sysdbaP
(YM >< drop user OopsZQhost na1e<3sap ser"iceQ(id<P -=*D. cascadeK
User dropped
(YM >< drop user OopsZQhost na1e<3Q(id<ad1P cascadeK
User dropped
Below screen displays the list of users a"ailable after dropping =*D users
(YM> < select user na1e fro1 dba4usersK
AAAAAAAA< 17 rows selected
=ro"ide per1issions to the following YA( users as 1entioned in the bellow screen
(YM> <select status fro1 "Z instance
(TA*T T@$ (A= :;(TA;J$ 6* !!J
:nstall the license for YA( syste1 and re1o"e the =*D syste1 license
(aplicence 2show -display the license of both YA( and =*D syste1.
(aplicense 2delete -delete the =*D syste1 license.
(aplicence 2install -install license for the YA( syste1.
=erfor1 post installation acti"ities as shown bellow
($6% and select Odatabase copy or database 1igrationP option click perfor1 post installation
action AAA< yes AAA< accept the source syste1 AAA< yes accept AAA<3yes AAA< yes AAA< yes
Jonfigure the (T!(. *un the transaction code is (T!(
;ote> here we are considering the syste1 as -;A&. do1ain controller. :f it is a child syste1/
including that syste1 in to the do1ain controller as per bellow screen that syste1 in to do1ain
controller as bellow per screen
*un the transaction code is *U17
(elected e8tended 1aintenance and click F display button
To delete profile of =*D syste1 for that follow to bellow path
=rofile AAA< delete AAA< all "ersions AAA< of a profile AAA< click yes AAA< no AAA< click on continue
AAA< si1ilarly delete start profile F delete profile as shown screen
After deleting all profile of the =*D syste1 then i1port profile of ;A& syste1 by using bellow
path go to utilities AAA< i1port profile AAA< of acti"e ser"ers
(eo% 2 post installation action for transport organiDer
(tandard installation
Database copy or database 1igration
=erfor1 post installation actions
)here we ha"e to see the user list,
(elect B;A!$/ UIM6& fro1 sapsr3.usr72 where !A;DT 5 O777P
:n one client all the users are locked. @ow you can login the particular client,
Mistener path>
6racle3Q(id<3instance nu1ber<3Q;$T)6*?3AD!:;3listner.ora
startup pf 5 d>3oracle3de"31723database3initde".ora
@ow to increase the table space,
Using the (YM> < create sp file fro1 p fileK Sthen file is createdT
Using the (YM> < create p file fro1 sp fileK Sthen file is createdT
:n B*T66M(
&o to B*T66M( AA< option 2 AA< option 1 AA< option 3 AA< =A(=(*3 AA< c AA< c
DBAJ6J?=:T 2 table space 1onitoring/ 1issing inde8es 1onitoring/ perfor1ance 1onitoring
e"erything belongs to database.
*edo log full siDe is #7!B
Backup 1ode> -all/ full/ table space/ incre1ental Xetc.
Db client> co11unication with database and nati"e language
User buffer 2 once we log off e"ery thing os rolled off
=ublic buffer 2 until the instance is restarted
AAA< Block 2 9 kb 1ini1u1
&roup of blocks is called 2 e8tent
&roup of e8tent is called 2 seg1ent
&roup of seg1ent is called 2 table space
Database copy> when a syste1 is setup as a copy of production
:nter1ediate buffers> Irequently accessed content to reduce the load on the data base ser"er
Database client to co11unicate with DB ser"er
Buffer> buffer is used to stored frequently accessed data
)here you ha"e to check the Ba"a software status and Ba"a "ersion,
W Ca"a c
W Ca"a 2"ersion
DB71 2 database locks
DB72 2 database perfor1ance> table F inde8es
Jhoose> space statistics/ free space/ statistics/ 1issing inde8es/ space critical obBects current siDes
DB79> para1eter changes are here
DB11 2 select database connection.
DB12 2 backup logs
*edo log backup and database
DB13 2 planning calendar
DB1 2 B* tools logs
DB1# 2 tables F archi"ing obBects
DB1% 2 database check
Iind out the errors F warnings
:nter"iew question
@ow 1any users you ha"e,
77 users
)hat is your tea1 siDe,
Basis we ha"e and security we ha"e 2 in current proBect
@ow 1any ser"ers you ha"e,
Iour (er"ers
(ap all tables are stored in DD72M
)here we ha"e to see all the transaction codes,
($E3/ Table le"el T(TJ
@ow can you confir1 the patch le"el for (A= &U:,
Mog in to sap &U:/ and hit alt 2 f12 A< about patch le"el infor1ation.
)hat is the difference between central instance F dialog instance,
:nstance where 1essage ser"er and enqueue ser"er is present that is called central instance
)hich doesnNt contain 1essage ser"er and enqueue ser"er that is called dialog instance
@ow to connect to sap ser"er,
As Abap AAAAA< (A= &U:
As Ca"a AAAAAA< )eb browser -@T!M.
)hat is the latest "ersion in sap,
$JJ%.7 -or. $*=277# (r1/ (r2/ (r3
)hat is the user to co11unication between ABA= F CA0A,
)hat is the connection between presentation layers to application layer,
D:A& =rotocol
)hat is your landscape,
Three syste1 landscape
)hat syste1 landscape you ha"e,
*+3 syste1/ $= syste1 F B: syste1
)hat are 1odules configured,
)e ha"e $JJ%.7/ $= and B:
)hat operating syste1 you worked on,
)indows 2773
)hich database you worked on,
6racle 17g with patch'
(!27 transaction code is user for user login details in 1onth
)hat is the difference between $JJ#.7F .'$$,
$JJ#A7 is used for installation 1aster -sapint.e8e.
.'$$ is used for setup.c1d
(!%2> e"ent history
)hat syste1 you installed,
$JJ%.7/ ;et wea"er
)hat is sap net wea"er,
(ap net wea"er is a as Ca"a/ $= and $= core
Any idea about $JJ#.7,
$JJ 2#V co1ponents we can use
@ow to delete 1777 users of a particular client,
(JATT> sap co1puter aided tasting tool
M(!)> legacsy syste1 1igration workbench
These 3 are used to ad1inistrati"e users 1assi"ely Sdeletion/ 1odification and creation
@ow to assign sa1e role to 277 users,
Using =I&@ transaction code AAA< enter a role AAA< change AAA< go to user tab AAA< past the users
AAA< click on co1parison AAA< co1plete co1parison AAA< sa"e the role.
(cripts -or. for1s a"ailable 2 ($'1
De"elop1ent packages are defined in ($97+($9
Justo1iDing proBect 2 sp27
Justo1iDing 2 a custo1erNs needs by adBusting para1eter F settings
)hat is difference between sapL F DD:J,
(apL> sapL does not contain any user 1aster records. :t will be adBusted at kernel le"el. :f you
delete sapL then it will be auto1atically with password =A((
(apL contains only sap4all profile only
DD:J> DD:J is the data dictionary incharge it will contains the all authoriDation F profiles
DD:J contains (A=4AMM F (A=4;$)
)here to check for syste1 logs of sap application at 6( le"el,
The syste1 logs of (A= application at 6( le"el can be checked at sap !!J AAA< sap syste1 AAA<
Q(id< AAA< sys log
(A= *+3 log on appears fields 2 client/ user/ password/ language
(A=!JJ!(*> is used for runti1e Ba"a F Abap connection ser"ices
)hat is the difference between (T22 F (!21,
(T22 (!21
=rogra1 errors (T22 and e8tra in work process errors
(yste1 errors (tartup errors
Jritical F non critical update request errors
Update de acti"e 1echanis1
Ti1e out error
!e1ory related issues with error logs
$nqueue table o"erflow
:llegal ti1e
(!72 2 this transaction is used for syste1 1essages
Application ser"er na1ing con"ention
Q=roBect na1e<$JJ(A=J.:
)hat is the difference between Unicode F non Unicode,
Unicode 1eans it will support for all the languages and code pages
;on Unicode 2 it will not support all the language e8cept $nglish F ger1en
)hat is the difference between typical F custo1,
Typical> typical is nothing but the syste1 will take auto1atically the installation dri"ers
Justo1> Justo1 is nothing but it will ask for the installation dro"ers
:= address we need to check the syste1 status
&o to c1d AAA< ping 17>11>129>137 S17>11 is 1andatoryT
:f the ping is unsuccsesfull. :t will show request failed or request error
To check the := address of the ser"er.
&o to c1d AAA< ipconfig Sip 1eans internet protocolT
\ we donNt install $JJ syste1 and net wea"er is one syste1. :f any proble1s accures we ha"e to
restart the syste1. At that ti1e along net wea"er syste1 and $JJ syste1 will also turn of then
business will lose
)hat is software co1ponent,
(oftware co1ponent is which including the all applications is called software co1ponent
)hat is 6(( connection, Sonline support ser"icesT
This connection is used to connect the sapser"er to business peoples
AAA< before going to the sap installation/ first insatall operatin syste1 and database
AAA< hard ware siDing based on the end users using OYU:J? (:U$ T66MP
)hat is siDing,
The sap basis consultant should decided the hard ware capacity on the end users this concept is
?nown as (iDing. :t will done by Oquick siDe toolP
(ingle &U: to access all the sap application S$*=/ J*!/ (J!/ G:/ =:/ B: F (*!T
:nstance type>
Jentral instance
Dialog instance
Database instance
;on ides Sinternational de1o educational syste1T
:des additional client 2 977/ 911/ 912 clients are a"ailable
:nstallation logs>
(apinst.log 2 specifies installation success or failure
(apinst4de".log 2 installation is aborted
.tsk 2 specified the table+inde8es Xe8t
?eydb.81l 2 kernel to restart installation fro1 the point where it is failed
AAA< create local groups and global groups and assigns the1 to users
Mocal group 2 locally
&lobal group 2 do1ain le"el
AAA<in the production syste1 ne"er changes 1ade
A @ow to check the syste1 a"ailability,
Using the transaction code *U27 -or. a"ailable.log file on windows
)ork directory> this stores startup and error logs
@ow to lock F unlock the users,
Alter user Quser na1e< unlock accountK
(yste1 logs at 6( le"el AAA< !!J AAA< (A= syste1 AAA< Q(id< AAA< sys log
B/IM comma#dsG
Ms 2ll AAA< long list of file
=wd AAA< present working directory
)hoa1i AAA< which is user you login currently
Jdpro AAA<profile directory
Jd Qdirectoryna1e< AAA< change directory
Jat Qfilena1e< AAA< to open the file F read the files
*i Qfile na1e< AAA< if you want 1odify any file it is use full
(u Qfilena1e< Qtarget location< AAA< to 1o"e the other directory or rena1e the file
Jp Qfilena1e< Qtarget location< AAA< to copy one location to another location
*n Qfile na1e< AAA< re1o"e the file
*1 2r Qdirectory na1e< AAA< to re1o"e the directory and sub folder
U;:G co11ands>
=s 2ef AAA< to know all process
?ill pid AAA< to till particular process
?ill AEpid AAA< to kill process forcefully
Ms 2ll AAA< gi"e full infor1ation of files and directories
ls 2a AAA< display hidden files
ls 2p AAA< shows difference between files and directories
(!#1 (A= (er"ers >
1A Jheck A"ailability of All (er"ers
2A Jheck =rocess Mists for All (er"ers for Unusual =rocesses or Acti"ities -e.g. $8traAlong
e8ecution ti1es/ too 1any errored processes/ too 1any sequential reports.
(!%% &lobal =rocess !onitor>
1A Jheck for o"erAall syste1 process utiliDation
2A Are Batch id^s taking up too 1any D:A processes
3A :s one user running too 1any B&D Bobs for the sa1e report
A :s one ser"er being used hea"ily co1pared to others
(!21 (yste1 Mogs>
1A :s there any repetiti"e errors in the syste1 log
2A Any unusual repetiti"e failed login atte1pts
(T22 (hort Du1ps>
1A $8cept ^Ti1eA6ut^ errors/ is there any short du1ps.
(!M& Mogon &roups>
1A Jheck load distribution -!enu> &otoAA<Moad Distribution.
2A Are ser"er response ti1es acceptable, -Q 2 sec.
3A :s user distribution e"en a1ong acti"e ser"ers
(T73; )orkload Analysis>
1A Jheck is daily/ weekly and 1onthly totals are being calculated for each ser"er
2A Jheck for A"g. Dialog *esponse Ti1es. :s it below 2 secs
(!12 Mock 6"er"iew>
1A Jheck for outdated lock records
2A 0erify that these lock records are not acti"ely being used and delete these lock records if they
are obsolete
(!13 Update *ecords>
1A Jheck if the ^Update (yste1^ is acti"e.
2A :f not acti"e/ in"estigate what happened
3A Acti"ate ^Update (yste1^ after fi8ing the proble1
A *e"iew update records of past two days and delete if errored or obsolete
(!3' Background Cob log>
1A Jheck if the are any critical Bobs that were canceled
2A :dentify+Ii8 the proble1
3A Jontact canceled Bob user for details
A *eschedule if needed
(=71 (pool *equest o"er"iew>
1A Jheck if there unusual nu1ber of errors in spool -<177.
2A Jheck if there are spool request with 1ore then 277 pages
3A (hould not be a need to delete any as the daily Bob should handle/ unless too 1any spools are
(T7 Database Acti"ity !onitor>
1A Jheck ^Data Buffer^ and ^(hared =ool Jache^ quality
2A :n"estigate and 1ake suggestions to the tea1 to i1pro"e quality of these buffers
DB72 Database =erfor1ance>
1A Jheck ^Jurrent (iDes^ to see if any tablespace is abo"e [E7
2A Add new datafile to the tablespace if needed
3A Jheck if there is spaceAcritical obBects
A Jheck if there is any 1issing obBects in DB or *+3 Data Dictionary
DB1% Database Jheck/ 6"er"iew of 1essage>
1A Jheck if there is any 1essages
2A Take i11ediate action to fi8 the proble1
3A ;otify the tea1 if there is any para1eter changes or assistance needed for =roduction (yste1s
DB2 Database 6perations Mogs>
1A Jheck if all DB 6perations are e8ecuted
2A Jheck if any of the operations generated any errors
3A Ii8 the proble1. ;otify tea1 if needed
DB12 Database confir1 backup success>
1A Jheck to see that the pre"ious backup was successful
2A :f a backup is currently running check its status
3A :f the last backup failed / check the reason correct and resub1it.
(T7% 6( !onitor>
1A Jlick on ^Detailed Analysis 1enu^
2A Jlick on ^J=U^ in ^=re"ious @ours^ &roup
3A Jheck if at any past hoursis < [97
A ;otify Tea1 if there is any such case
The Iollowing are the transaction codes used for the (yste1 !onitoring>
This Traction is used for Jheck for Mock $ntries. There 1ay be old locks still in place fro1
transactions that did not release/ or fro1 when the user was cut off fro1 the ;etwork. :f any lock
entries are e8ist then we ha"e to check since how long this lock e8isting. :f/ this lock e8isting
fro1 1ore than one day then we should check that particular User is a"ailable or not -By using
the Transaction Jode AM79.. :f he is not a"ailable then Delete that lock. 6therwise we should
wait 1 or 2 Days.
(!13 >
This Transaction is used for Jheck for any $rrors in Update *ecords. A failed or OUpdate
Ter1inateP is an update to the failed database. These failed Updates occurs when a user entry or
transaction is not entered or Updated in database. And we should check )hether Update is
AJT:0$ or not. And also we should check any Update *ecords are ter1inated.
(!21 >
This Transaction is used to check (yste1 Mogs. After hitting the traction we should goto (yste1
logAA< Jhoose\ All *e1ote (yste1 logs/ and set Date and ti1e to before the Mast log re"iew.
And we should check whether any $rrors/ )arnings/ (ecurity !essages/ Database/ Abends/ Any
other different $"ents are there.The log is i1portant because une8pected or unknown warnings
and errors could indicate a serious proble1.
(!#1 >
This Transaction is used to check that all Application (er"ers are U=. And also This transaction
is a central transaction fro1 which you can select the instance to be 1onitor.
(!#7 >
This Transaction is used to check )ork =rocess 6"er"iew and for (yste1s with out (er"ers.
@ere all work processes with a O*unningP or O)aitingP (tate. :f Batch Cobs are not *unning/ :f
all the work processes are in use/ this transaction pro"ide a hint of this proble1.
(T71 >
This Transaction is used for (yste1 Trace. By this transaction we can trace that what are the
operations perfor1ed on particular file by particular user on which dates.
(T72 >
This transaction is used for Buffer tuning or Buffer (tatistics. And it is used to tune Buffer
pera1eters of *+3. The Buffer is i1portant because significant buffer swaping reduces
perfor1ance. Mook under O(wapsP for *ed $ntries. *egularly check these entries to establish
trends and get a feel of the Buffer beha"iour. And in this transaction we should !aintain O@it
*atioP is in between E7 2 177[ for all / and O@eap !e1oryP allocated should be O7P / and
O(wapsP is 7.
(T73 >
This Transaction is used to Jheck )ork Moad Analysis of. )orkload Analysis is used to
deter1ine (yste1 perfor1ance. Jheck (tatistics and *ecord Trends to get a feel for the
(yste1Ns Beha"iour and =erfor1ance. Understanding the (yste1 when it is running well helps
us to deter1ine what changes 1ay need to be 1ade when it is not.
(T7 >
This Transaction is used for Database =erfor1ance Analysis. This transaction pro"ides the
ability to !onitor the Database in related to 1. :n (hared =ool O(YM Area &et *atioP should be
E7 2 E#[ 2. :n Mog Buffer Allocation *etries + $ntries Q1[ 3. :n Data Buffer OYualityP should
be in E7 2 E#[ . :n (orts Disk + !e1ory Q1[ #. :n Table (can F Ietches OMong Table (cansP
should 1aintain as 1ini1u1 as possible. And we should check Detailed Analysis then we
should hit ODetailed Analysis 1enuP Button in this screen. :n that we can check Database
6"er"iew like O$8clusi"e Mock )aitsP / O)ait $"entsP/ OBuffer Busy )aitsP/ O Iile (yste1
*equestP/ O Database !essage logsP/ O (YM *equestsP/ (u11ery *eport for all acti"ities/ etc
(T22 >
This Transaction is used to Analyse ABA= Du1ps or (hort Du1ps. This transaction is also used
for Analyse and Deter1ine why the error occurred and take correcti"e action. :t looks for an
e8cessi"e nu1ber of du1ps/ and also du1ps of an unusual nature. A ABA= du1p is generated
when a report or transaction ter1inates as a result of a serious error. The syste1 records in the
(yste1 Mog-(!21. and writes a snapshot of the progra1 ter1inate to a special table.
DB72 >
This transaction is used to check all table (paces and :nde8es. @ere we should check table spaces
siDes. :f any table used space is 5<EE then we should increase add the space for particular table
space. And this transaction is pro"ides a way to e8a1ine database allocation. And this
transaction is allows us to 1onitor ite1s such as> a. DB (pace @istory b. DB Analysis By this
transaction we can "iew Database history by Dates and Ti1es.
DB12 >
This Transaction is used to check database Backups. And in this we should we see successful
Backups and Unsuccessful Backups list
AM79 >
This transaction is used to Jheck the users on the (yste1. This transaction displays User :ds and
Ter1inal ;a1es who are currently logged on the syste1.
(!3' >
This transaction is used for !onitoring Background Cobs. Background are batch Bobs scheduled
to run at specific ti1e during the day. @ere we should check for cancelled Bobs. @ere :f we want
to check particular Bob then/we should enter the Cob ;a1e and enter User na1e in User na1e
field or ]LN and hit e8ecute Button. And "erify that all critical Bobs are successful.
T4Jode Description Action
(!%% 1. Jheck Mong running Bob. -Cob running for 1ore than 12 hours -3277(ecs.
2. Jheck the status for all work processes. There should not be lot of dialog work processes in
=*:0 1ode. 1 Rou can (end a 1ail to user confir1ing the runti1e for the sa1e.
2. Ior dialog work process in =*:0 1ode for 1ore than 12 hrs contact the user and take
confir1ation and kill the sessions.
(!#7 Jheck for the long running work process :f you find any ano1alies/ Jontact the user and
check whether we can kill the process. 6nce user gi"es the confir1ation/ kill the )= without
(!#1 1. Jheck if all application ser"ers are running. Double click on each application ser"er
and check whether you are able to login 1. :f you find proble1s in logging to application ser"ers/
login to 6( le"el of the app ser"er and check the wps using dp1on.
(!21 1. Jheck for Database errors/ 6racle error/ (yste1 $rrors etc.
2. *efer to _(ys log Jodes_ (heet for errors
;ote> =lease check the syste1 log starting fro1 yesterday 77>77>77 till Jurrent ti1e. This
should help to see the errors which occurred yesterday 1. Analyse F take appropriate action
(!12 1. Jheck for old lock entries -&enerally 1 day old. 1. Jheck if there is any acti"e Bob
running for that user using (!%%. :f not then write e1ail to user and take the confir1ation for
clearing old lock entries after confir1ation fro1 user.
2. ;ote down the actual utile "alue. This "alue should be Q5 97[ of
(!13 1. Jheck for _ Update is acti"e _ 2. Jheck for Update failures.
1. ;ote down the nu1ber of 01 and 02 update failures
(T72 1. $nsure @it ratio for each buffer is 1ore than E# [.
2. (o1eti1es if hit ratio is below E# [ F no (waps you can ignore it.
3. $nsure e8tended 1e1ory should not cross 1ore than 97[ use.
. =lease check the following thresholds for ()A=( for indi"idual 1. ;ote down the buffer and
"alue if hit ratio is QE#[
2. ;o action to be taken if so1eti1es hit ratio is QE#[/
(T73; 1. Jheck and note the following para1eters.
Dia. *esponse ti1e
DB *esponse Ti1e
Jo1pare all these ti1es with pre"ious data. :f there is sudden increase then analyDe F correcti"e
2. Jheck for collector status. 1. ;ote down the "alues for all application ser"ers -yesterday^s
"alue. and analyDe. :f the response ti1e is abo"e 1277 1s then detail analysis is required
2. Ior (A=Astandard e8pensi"e transactions check for (A= notes and for UAtransactions check
with AB
(T7% Jheck for following utiliDation in all instances
1. J=U UtiliDation. :deally %7 [ should be free.
2. =age out+s should be 7.
3. Jheck for (A=6(J6M (tatus 1. ;ote down the idle a"g "alue for yesterday . (T7% A< Detail
Analysis A< Jo1pare recent days . Use ;e8t ser"er tab and note down the "alues for each
application ser"er.
2. :f (A=6(J6M is not running. check the sa1e at 6( le"el.
(T22 1. Jheck for the du1p which is appearing 1ore than 27 ti1es
2. Jheck for du1ps appearing 1ore than 177 ti1es. 1. AnalyDe the Du1p.
2. :f Du1p is caused by the progra1+auth.obBect send a 1ail to respecti"e tea1
3. ;ote down the total nu1ber of du1ps -yesterday^s "alue.
(T7 Jheck following settings for all instances
1. Jheck for Data Buffer quality. :t should be abo"e E# [.
2. Jheck for DD Jache quality . :t should be abo"e E' [.
3. Jheck for *ead+User Jalls. :t should be below 37.
. Jheck for Alert log file Detail 1. ;ote down data buffer "alue . :f "alue is less than E# [
check for e8pensi"e (YM state1ents in (T7.
2. ;ote down DDAcache "alue. :f "alue is less than E' [ check for e8pensi"e (YM state1ents in
3. ;ote down the *ead+user calls . :f this "alue is abo"e 37
DB71 1. 6racle Mock !onitor. There should not be any entry 1. Jheck the =:D which is holding
the lock. Jheck for user na1e in (!%% for this =:D. (end e1ail to this user infor1ing about the
wait locks+ deadlocks.
1.Jheck the free siDe of the tablespace 1.Jheck the free siDe of tablespace and add the datafile
"ia B* tools and send a e1ail to Basis (upport group/ 1entioning the details of the tablespace.
2.$8ecute t8n code DB72 and click on J
DB12 1. Jheck the Mast successful backup 2.Archi"e
directory status-Iree space.. if you find any failed backups send e1ail to operations tea1.
DB1% 1. Jheck for $rrors or warnings F take correcti"e actions. &oto DBA operations . (elect
All operations. Jheck the detail logs for all the operations -yesterday V today. if you find any
failed backups send e1ail to operations tea1.
(!3' 1. Jheck long running acti"e Bobs running for 1ore than 17777 secs-Jheck for last one
2. Jheck for repetiti"e cancelled Bobs
3. Jheck if standard house keeping Bobs are running 1. *un a checkAstatus for that Bob. To do
check status (!3' . (elect Bob Cob A< check status. :f Bob still continues to re1ain in acti"e status
then check last successful run for that Bob -ti1e taken.. :f current Bob is taking 1ore ti1e then
check with
AM79 1. Use this transaction if you want to find out user across the application ser"ers
(!M& (!M&. &o to A< load distribution 1. :f response ti1e + nu1ber of users is high on
specific one ser"er then check (!%% to see what Bobs are e8ecuting and analyse the1.
*U73 1. Use this transaction for analysis purpose -To check trace file F logs. =ath> (elect ser"er
na1e AA< Utilities AA< Trace files AA< (tartup log file
=ortal (yste1
(.no Description Action
1 Jheck =ortal is a"ailable "ia :nternet $8plorer $nter portal U*M
http>++sEca1.corp.wrgrace.co1>#1%77+irB+portal check whether you are able to get to the login
2 Jheck (er"er =rocesses "ia :nternet $8plorer login to ;)A url
http>++sEca1.corp.wrgrace.co1>#1%77+nwa Ad1inistration A< (yste1s A< Jlick on CJE to
e8pand. Jheck both ser"er processes are running and dispatcher is 6?.
3 Jheck logs "ia :nternet $8plorer login to ;)A url
http>++sEca1.corp.wrgrace.co1>#1%77+nwa !onitoring A< Mogs and traces A< (A= Mogs
Jheck *esource consu1ption "ia :nternet $8plorer login to ;)A url
http>++sEca1.corp.wrgrace.co1>#1%77+nwa !onitoring A< Ca"a (yste1 reports
Database Jhecks
1 *un+*e"iew Database Jheck Bob "ia B* tools *un the database check Bob. This will highlight
any errors that ha"e turned up in the oracle alert logs/ table space proble1s/ statistics etc.
Mogon as oraepp user to the DB ser"er
*un brtools
% A Jheck and "erification/ continue
1 5 Database syste1 check/
2 Jheck Database backup and *edo log backups "ia B* tools Jheck the status of the B*
backups+ B* Jonnect and "iew the log if required.
Mogon as oraepp user to the DB ser"er
*un brtools
9 A Additional functions
1 5 (how profiles and logs
(elect either
3 A B*BAJ?U= logs
A B*A*J@:0$ logs

Jheck Table space Iree space "ia Br tools Jheck the free space left in the table spaces>
Mogon as oraepp user to the DB ser"er
*un Br tools
2 A (pace 1anage1ent
' A Additional space functions
1 5 (how table spaces
'.W@at are t@e most HreI"e#t errors w@ile doi#g 8ra#sports.
*eturn code-.> :1ported with errors
*eturn code-9.> ;ot i1ported but ended with warning
*eturn code-12.> :ndicates i1port is cancelled
*eturn code-1.> :ndicates i1port is cancelled
9.W@at is t@e diHHere#ce betwee# As4#c@ro#o"s a#d -4#c@ro#o"s tra#sport
(ynchronous> Dialog or Batch process is blocked until i1port is ended
Asynchronous> Dialog or batch process is started after i1port is started
:.+ist t@e Ho"r t4pes oH 8ra#sport reI"ests
C"stomiPi#g 3eI"estG changes to client specific custo1iDing obBects are recorded
Work be#c@ 3eI"estG changes to cross client custo1iDing obBects and repository obBects are
Transport of copies> The obBects are transported with the "ersion they ha"e in the current
syste1.The original location of the obBects re1ain unchanged.There is no deli"ery to
another syste1.
3elocatio#sG )e can use this request if we want to de"elop obBects in another syste1
on a te1porary basis.$8>)e 1ay want to 1ake special cde"elop1ents in a seperate (A= syste1
so as not to interfere with the de"elop1ent process.
F.How do we do 3ole 8ra#sports a#d @ow do we import t@at role
Jreate role with =IJ& and ne8t select truck sy1bol.:t asks for new T*.Jreate new one and
release in ($71.MogAin to target client and hit transaction (JJ1 and gi"e the proper T* nu1ber
..How do o#e ca# disable t@e QI,1038 A++Q b"tto# o# -8,- Hor t@e 2"e"es
MogAin to your DJ-Do1ain controller..*un (T!(A<6"er"iewA<(yste1.Jhoose the syste1 you
want to disable :!=6*T AMM.&oto transport tool tab.Add+create para1eter.
%.How do 4o" Hi#d iH serDer is prod"ctio#
&oto (T!( and fro1 top pulldown 1enu select the syste1.:t will display syste1s in your
landscape.(elect the =*D to find out all infor1ation about your production syste1
=.How to tra#sport a si#gle c@a#ge reI"est to m"ltiple clie#ts
)e need to create transport route-e8tended transport routes..Jreate transport group and add
syste1s and clients.Jreate transport to targeted group.
(.W@at is t@e biggest drawback oH tra#sports
The biggest drawback is that the changes we 1ake cannot be undone i.e. after i1port gets wrong
usually full syste1 restore is needed.
J.How ma#4 Hiles a tra#sport reI"est @as a#d w@at are t@e4.
Total fi"e
Data files>Actual data to be transported.
JoAfiles>Jonatins info on change request i.e. different steps of a change request
=rofile files>: t contains profile para1eters
Transport log>Mog/trace filesFstatistics
(upport packs>contains update and enhance1ent related files
'&.W@at is t@e Aob t@at r"#s i# t@e backgro"#d Hor 8ra#sports
''.+ocatio# oH tra#sport proHile a#d 1arameter Hor tra#sport proHile
8@e #ame oH t@e tra#sport proHile depe#ds o# wet@er we @aDe co#Hig"red 8,-.
)hen using T!(>T=4D6!A:;4.=IM
)hwn not using T!(>T==A*A!
'9.-teps to co#Hig"re Domai# Co#troller.
Iirst decide on the syste1 to be the do1ain controller.
MogAin to the client 777 in the (A= syste1 that you want to configure as the transport do1ain
controller.$nter TAcode (T!(.T!(>configure transport do1ain-this dialog appears if we ha"e
not configured a transport do1ain..$nter the na1e and short description of the transport
do1ain.The na1e of the transport do1ain 1ust not contain blank characters.)e cannot change
the na1e of the transport do1ain afterwards without reconfiguring the do1ain controller and
there by the entire transport do1ain.:f your (A= syste1 consists of 1ultiple ser"ers you can
choose one ser"er for the T!(.(a"e entries.The following actions are auto1atically perfor1ed
in your syste1.The user T!(AD! is created.The *IJ connections required for T!( are
generated.The T!( configuration is stored in transport directory.the transport profile for the
transport control progra1 T= is generated.the (A= syste1 is configured as a single syste1.
':.How to tro"bles@oot w@e# a tra#sport is r"##i#g Hor "#"s"all4 lo#g d"ratio# a#d #ot
getti#g completed or termi#ated
&oto TAJode (T!(4:!=6*T and identify the transport which is running for long duration.
*easons>;onAa"ailability of space to perfor1 the operation i.e.file syste1 or tablespace is
*DD:!=D= Bobs are not running in (A= syste1.
Update got deacti"ated
There are no free background work processes.
'F.W@at do 4o" do w@e# 4o" do#t Hi#d a#4 tr"ck b"tto# i# -8,-
MogAon to DJ-do1ain controller..&oto syste1 o"er"iew/select do1ain controller/goto transport
tool.re1o"e ;64:!=6*T4AMM
'..W@at is C8-7O
JT(-change and transport syste1. is the transport capability of the (A= netwea"er
A(ABA=.This capability has been enhanced and now the transport of nonAabap obBects is
possible as well.The ^V^ or ^enhanced ^has been added to e8press this
'%.Error messageG+ogs #ot Ho"#d d"ri#g t@e tra#sport.W@at co"ld be t@e reaso#O
This is usually caused by incorrect 1aintenance of the setting for the transport directory.Jheck
inparticular the para1eters D:*4T*A;( and T*A;(D:*
'=.How to see old tra#sportsO
:n ($73>request+tasksA<find requests.)e can find requests to search with user range/date range
and request range
1.All the work processes are occupied.How can you increase the instance number
There are two ways of increasing the instance number.Either with RZ10 transaction or through
RZ04(operation modes).
2.What is the background Work process parameter name?
3.What are the start conditions?
Choose the type of start condition you want to use (Immediate, Date/Time, After job, After
event, or At operation mode) and complete the start time definition in the screen that
appearsThe job cannot be started unless it is releasedThe scheduled job can only be released
by an system administrator or by an user with appropriate authori!ations
4.What are the background job steps?
ca## T$code %&'()*i+e a name to the ,ob)set the priority(-).or /).#ea+e the target ser+er fie#d
empty for the #east #oaded ser+er to be used.#ist the spoo# receipents who want the
output.0efine when the ,ob is to be wether the ,ob to be repeated or
periodic.0efine the ,ob steps by chosing step)then specify the -.-1 program)e2terna#
command or e2terna# and re#ease the ,ob to get started.
.What is the background job scheduler !or e"ery #$sec?
- parameter which reads rdisp/btcwptime!(0sec is responsib#e for the abo+e said condition
#.%n %perating system le"el &ack ground process will be stored in which location?
'.What are the di!!erent job status?
(.What is the background job )able?
T.T/6$this tab#e get updated whene+er there is a change in ,ob staus.
T.T/1$the ,ob step tab#e
T.T/%$the contro# tab#e for the time dri+en ,ob
.T/E7T86.$,obs schedu#ed to wait for an e+ent
*.What is the di!!erence between +A3( and +,3(?
%-'9 $here we can run )see or e2ecute a program(,obs in dia#og or bac4ground mode)
%E'9 $here we can create or change the source code apart from e2ecuting(most#y assingned to
1$.Waht are the steps to suspend and resume all the &ackground jobs at once?
.T/TR:%1$for unschedu#ing(through %E'9)howe+er R003&101(program which run for
transport) wi## not be affected
.T/TR:%5$for reschedu#ing(through %E'9)
11.How to analy-e a long running .ob?
12./i!!erence between standard and house keeping jobs
13.A background job is cancelled.What are the issues?
14.How to kill a background job which is not showing any 01/ in +2$?
1.3ariants are stored in which table?
-A1 Bser 84pes
Bser t4pes
Dialog QAQ
A nor1al dialog user is used by e8actly one person for all logon types.
Dialog logons are checked for obsolete+initial passwords which 1ust be changed.
!ultiple dialog logons are checked and logged.
-4stem QBQ
Use the user type (yste1 for dialogAfree co11unication within one syste1. -for *IJ or J=:J
ser"ice users. or for background processing in one syste1.
Dialog logon is not possible.
A user of this type is e8cluded fro1 the standard settings for password "alidity period. The
password can only be changed by user ad1inistrators or in transaction (u71 -&oto A< Jhange
Comm"#icatio# QCQ
Use the user type Jo11unikation for dialogAfree co11unication between syste1s -for *IJ or
J=:J ser"ice users of different applications/ for e8a1ple/ AM$/ )orkflow/ T!( UB0..
Dialog logon is not possible.
-erDice Q-Q
A user of type (er"ice is a dialog user a"ailable to a large anony1ous set of users. :t usually has
closelyArestricted authoriDations.
(er"ice users are e.g. used for anony1ous syste1 access "ia an :T( ser"ice. Rou can change a
session which began as an anony1ous session with a ser"ice user into a personal session under a
dialog user with an indi"idual authentification.
There is no check for obsolete+initial passwords at logon. 6nly the user ad1inistrator can change
the password.
!ultiple logon is allowed.
3eHere#ce Q+Q
A *eference user is a general i1personal user like the (er"ice user. Rou cannot logon with a
*eference user. The *eference user is to gi"e :nternet users identical authoriDations.
Rou can specify a *eference user for additional dialog user authoriDations/ in the *oles tab. The
application generally controls the assign1ent of *eference users. The na1e of the *eference
user can be assigned in "ariables which should begin with _Z_. The assign1ent "ariableA
*eference user is 1ade in the transaction (U4*$IU($*0A*:ABM$.
This assign1ent applies to all syste1s in a JU! landscape. :f the assigned *eference user does
not e8ist in a JU! subsidiary syste1/ the assign1ent is ignored.
Use the user type (yste1 for dialogAfree co11unication between syste1s -for *IJ or J=:J
ser"ice users. or for background processing in a syste1. Dialog logon is not possible.
A user of this type is e8cluded fro1 the general password "alidity period settings. The password
can only be changed by the user ad1inistrator in the transaction (U71 under &oto A< Jhange
B/IM Comm#ads Hor BA-I-
J*$AT:;& A;D D$M$T:;& I:M$(
cat < filena1e
file will be created
cat << filena1e
append contents to e8isting file.
touch file1 file2
no.of files will be created.
r1 filena1e
file will be deleted.
J*$AT:;& A;D *$!60:;& D:*$JT6*:$(
1kdir dir1 dir2 no.of directories will be created.
r1dir dir1 dir2 no.of e1pty directories will be deleted
r1 2rf dir1 it re1o"es directories with contents.
cd to change one directory to another directory
pwd to know present working directory.
ps 2ef to know all processes.
kill pid to kill particular process.
kill 2E pid to kill process forcefully.
"i filena1e to edit file in "i.
ls filena1e Mists all files and directories.
ls 2l it gi"es full infor1ation of files and directories.
ls 2a it displays hidden files
ls 2p shows difference b+w files and directories.
ls 2i Displys inode no of files and directories.
I:M$ =$*!:((:6;(
)e ha"e two ways to assign per1issions to files
1. ;u1eric 1ode
2. (y1bolic 1ode or relati"e 1ode
1.;u1eric 1ode
)e assign nu1erics to per1issions like
write 2
e8ecute 1
ch1od ''' filena1e+dirna1e
assign full per1issions to all users.
ch1od %%% filena1e+dirna1e
it assigns read and write per1issions to all users
chgrp newgroupna1e file+directory
it changes groupna1e for file or directory.
chown newownerna1e file+directory
it changes owner for file or directory.
2.(y1bolic 1ode or relati"e 1ode
@ere we assign sy1bols to users.
owner u
group g
others o
all a
read r
write w
e8ecute 8
adding per1issions V
re1o"ing per1issions A
To assign per1issions A ch1od ugoVrw8 file+dir.
To re1o"e per1issions A ch1od ugoArw8 file+dir.
;etwork co11unication
:n hetrogenous and ho1ogenous en"iron1ent
telnet ipaddress A it connets to re1ote syste1
ftp ipaddress
scp +dir ipaddress>+dir
it copies date fro1 source syste1 to target syste1
ssh ipaddress>1kdir +dir A it e8ecutes co11ands in re1ote syste1.
6nly in ho1ogenous en"iron1ent
rlogin ipaddress
rcp +dir ipaddress>+dir
rsh ipaddress>r1 +file
User co11ads
useradd 2u uid 2g gid 2& gid 2d ho1edirecory 21 2s sh userna1e
it adds user g for pri1ary group
& for secondary group
d/1 for ho1edirecoty
s for default shell
u user id
su 2 userna1e to swith fro1 one user to another user.
who displays all users who are currently logged in syste1.
who a1 : displays detailed infor1ation about current logged in user.
last displays infor1ation about when syste1 is lastly
finger infor1ation about current logged in user.
it displays all filesyste1s with siDes
df 2h
it displays all filesyste1s with hu1an readable for1.
du to know disk utiliDation
(hutdown co11ands
init 7
like shutdown
init 1
single user 1ode
init %
like reboot
copy or 1o"e
To copy a file
cp sourcefile targetfile
To copy e1pty directory
cp sourcedir targetdir
To copy directory with all contents
cp 2r sourcedir targetdir
To 1o"e file
1" sourcefile targetfile
To 1o"e directory
1" sourcdir targetdir
creating links
To link file or directory in sa1e filesyste1
ln soucefile+dir targerfile+dir
this is called hard 1ounting
:f you link souce file or dir with another file which is in different file syste1 that is called soft
ln 2s sourcefile+dir targetfile+dir
Ior help
1an co11and
=attern search
To seach for a single word in a file
grep word filena1e
it displays all lines which contains this word
To seach 1ultiple words
egrep word1 ` word2 filena1e
To seach for a te8t
fgrep te8t filena1e
searches in current directory for file or directory.
find . 2na1e O+P 2type f+d Aprint
type options>
b block -buffered. special
c character -unbuffered. special
d directory
p na1ed pipe -I:I6.
f regular file
l sy1bolic link
to search files e8act n th day old fro1 now
find . 2na1e O+P 21ti1e n 2print
to search files 1orethan n days old fro1 now.
find . 2na1e O+P 21ti1e Vn 2print
to search files fro1 n days old fro1 now.
find . 2na1e O+P 21ti1e An 2print
for searched files in range- fro1 1ore than % days old to E# days old.
find . Ana1e _L_ Aa _-_ A1ti1e V% Aa A1ti1e AE# _._ Ae8ec ll ab 3K
to know files in current directory which are 1ore than 17! siDe.
find . Atype f AsiDe V17! Ae8ec ls Al ab 3K -for files.
find . A8de" AsiDe V17777777c Ae8ec ls Al ab 3K -for files and directories.
cb^ for #12Abyte blocks -this is the default if no suffi8
cc^ for bytes
cw^ for twoAbyte words
ck^ for ?ilobytes -units of 172 bytes.
c!^ for !egabytes -units of 179#'% bytes.
c&^ for &igabytes -units of 17'3'192 bytes.
:f you want to see if you ha"e any directories with world write per1ission/ use>
find . Atype d Aper1 ''' 2print
Applicatio# +i#k E#abli#g (A+E)
Application Mink $nabling is a 1eans of creating and operating distributed applications. The
basic concept of Application Mink $nabling is to ensure operation of a distributed/ yet integrated
syste1 landscape. This in"ol"es businessAcontrolled 1essage e8change using consistent data
across loosely linked application syste1s. The applications are integrated through synchronous
and asynchronous co11unication/ not through a central database.
(yste1s that use AM$ to e8change data can be located at the sa1e co1pany/ or they 1ay belong
to different co1panies. 6ne of the characteristics of AM$ is that different syste1s are linked in
business ter1s through secure and consistent data transfer.
Rou could also describe AM$ as being co1posed of the ele1ents> who e8changes
which data when/ with who1/ and by what 1eans.
:1ple1enting AM$ therefore requires that you clarify the following points in detail>
1. :dentify the business process and the obBects in"ol"ed
2. :dentify the infor1ation to be trans1itted
3. (pecify the for1at for the data to be transferred
. Decide on the transfer technology to be used
#. Decide on the transfer type
%. (pecify the destination of the data transfer
The data is often identified within the (A= syste1 using a business obBect and its Business
Application =rogra11ing :nterfaces -BA=:s.. A BA=: is a 1ethod of a business obBect/ for
e8a1ple/ the 1aterial 1aster record. A per1issible 1ethod could be creating or changing the
1aterial 1aster data. BA=:s nor1ally enable you to edit all data belonging to the obBect.
The :Doc for1at describes the structure of .inter1ediate docu1ents.. There are "arious kinds of
:Doc for1ats for different types of data to be e8changed. Alternati"ely/ you can use AM$ to
transfer data in an agreed G!M for1at.
There are two basic transfer types> s4#c@ro#o"s a#d as4#c@ro#o"s.
(ynchronous transfer 1eans that the data is transferred at the ti1e of creation or change. Rou
can start asynchronous transfers at inter"als of your choice.
There are "ery few restrictio#s on the syste1s that can be linked. The syste1s in"ol"ed 1ust
ha"e the technical capability to recei"e the co11unications -*IJAenabled/ @TT=Aenabled. and
interpret the for1at transferred -:Doc/ G!M..
(A= syste1s of different releases can be linked using AM$.
I#trod"ctio# to Backgro"#d )obs
-Ior the Beginners.
A (A= backgro"#d Aob defines the progra1 or group of progra1s which are going to be
e8ecuted by the background work processes.
Compo#e#ts oH t@e Backgro"#d )obs
A background Bob has the following co1ponents>
d Job name. Defines the na1e assigned to the Bob.
d Job class. :ndicates the type of background processing priority assigned to the Bob.
d Target host. :t^s the (A= instance where the Bob will be e8ecuted.
d Job steps. A Bob step defines the progra1 -either ABA= or e8ternal. which will be e8ecuted.
d Start time and repeat interval. Define when the Bob will be started and whether it should
be periodically e8ecuted.
d Job print lists. These lists specify the printing para1eters for the Bob output.
d Job log. The logs for the Bobs include log infor1ation about the Bob e8ecution such as starting
ti1e or any other infor1ation coded in the progra1s.
d Job spool recipient list. A recipient list can be used for specifying one or 1ore recipients
who will recei"e auto1atically the spool list generated by the Bob.
-tarti#g Backgro"#d 1rocessi#g
(tarting background processing 1eans to reach any type of Bob definition screen in order to
specify the needed data for the background e8ecution of progra1s. There are se"eral ways to
start the background processing syste1>
d Iro1 the initial Bob definition screen
d Iro1 the ABA= reporting ser"ice screen. Iro1 any 1enu/ you can select (yste1 (er"ices
*eporting/ then enter the report na1e. The reporting screen includes the option for
background e8ecution by selecting =rogra1 Background fro1 the 1enu.
d Iro1 the ABA= workbench editor. 6n the editor initial screen/ enter the na1e of the progra1
in the input field and select =rogra1 $8ecute Background fro1 the 1enu.
d (o1eti1es working with business applications/ especially na"igating through the 1any
infor1ation syste1 and reporting functions/ the syste1 allows for background e8ecution.
The last three 1ethods 1entioned are "irtually the sa1e thing/ though the syste1 can display
different selection screens. )ith these three 1ethods of starting background processing/ after
indicating background e8ecution/ the *+3 syste1 displays the $8ecute report in background
screen. The Bob will ha"e auto1atically included the report as the first Bob step/ whereas the user
has to enter additional Bob definition fields/ such as the Bob class/ target host/ start ti1e/ and so
Data Arc@iDi#g 5 A#al4sis
During the analysis phase you must first identify the size of the database and analyze
the growth of the database tables. This will help you recognize which data you need
to archive from which tables. Based on this information, you select the archiving
objects with which the contents of the most critical tables can be archived.
There are several tools you can use to help you during the analysis phase. It is
however necessary for you to be familiar with these tools and how to interpret the
data they produce.
Database Monitor
You can use the database monitor transaction DB02! to determine the size of
different tables and display their growth in the past. "sing the transaction you can
view important statistics about the database. The display of the database monitor
depends on the database system you are using. #or an $racle database, for e%ample,
the amount of free table space or the size and growth of individual tables and
In addition to the database monitor you can also use SAPDBA and the &erformance
'onitor ST03!, for other indicators in the conte%t of data archiving. The function
Tables and Archiving Objects see below!, which can be reached via the Disc Space
(Statistics) push button, also provides information on dis( space.
Table Analysis
You can use this function transaction TAANA! to analyze database tables based on
specific fields or a field value combination. This is done using analysis variants that
contain corresponding field lists. The analyses help you determine which archiving
objects you should use and can indicate which selection criteria would produce the
best results during archiving. It helps you avoid, for e%ample, e%amining archiving
objects or organizational units that would contribute little to the data volume in your
Tables and Archiving Objects
)fter you have identified the critical tables, you need to identify which archiving
objects are responsible for these tables. You can do this with the help of the Tables
and Archiving Objects function transaction DB1!.
This function shows which tables are assigned to which archiving objects and vice
versa. This allows you to identify a specific archiving object for archiving the data
from the tables that were identified in the first analysis phase.
-A1 -tart )ob Co#ditio#s
This job will start as soon as possible, subject to job priority and the availability of
background work processes. Users granted the appropriate authorizations for background
processing can have their jobs released automatically as soon as they are scheduled,
without special attention from a system administrator.
The job will start at the date and time specified, subject to job priority and the availability of
background work processes. You can further define a time frame in which the job will run by
specifying a time later than which a job will not run. One use of this feature is to prevent
periodic jobs from running when they should not. or e!ample, a routine clean"up job
scheduled to run only at night is delayed. #y defining a start"time window, you will keep this
job from being started during the day, when dialog users are active and fewer system
resources are available.
After Job
The job will start on the completion of the specified job. You can specify whether the
preceding job must complete successfully or not. $obs scheduled to start when a preceding
job completes cannot be specified as %&eriodic jobs%.
After Event
The job is triggered by the specified event, descriptions of which follow. This start condition
lets you define a se'uence of individual jobs to model comple! activities in your system. or
e!ample, a data transfer program that generates a batch"input session can, once the
session has been completely generated, use an event to trigger another job that processes
the session.
At operation mode
The job will start when the specified operation mode becomes active in the ()& (ystem.
Workday/Time (>>)
The job will start on the specified day of the month *for e!ample, the third to last day of the
#y specifying the appropriate ()& factory calendar, your scheduling can accommodate the
occurrence of holidays or other non"workdays. You can further specify how the job should
be handled if the start day lands on a non"working day. or e!ample, you can have the job
started on the workday before or after the actual scheduled date, or allow the job run in
anyway, or have the job be skipped on that day entirely. ,erify that the calendar you
choose has been correctly defined. -f, for e!ample, the calendar ends with the current year
and your job is to be started ne!t year, the job will terminate abnormally. -f a calendar
problem occurs, you can review system.s error messages in the job log of the terminated
-A1 -ta#dard Backgro"#d )obs a#d )ob ,o#itori#g
There are a range of bac(ground jobs that must run regularly in a production system,
to, for e%ample, delete obsolete jobs or spool objects. You should schedule the
following jobs in the job definition transaction *'+,, so that they are automatically
started at the specified fre-uency.

Progra! Na!e " #ob Na!e $e%etition
/*BT0D12 3
daily Deletes old bac(ground
/*BD0/1$ 3
daily Deletes old batch input
/**8)&D2 3
daily Deletes old )B)& dumps
/*B&*TD1 3
monthly Deletes old job statistics
/*B&0$22 3
daily 0reates job statistics
/*0$2299 3
hourly *tarts data collectors for
)B)& statistics records
hourly *tarts data collectors for
non:)B)& statistics
records Distributed
*tatistics /ecords, D*/s!
/*;'I2$5/1$/5 3
wee(ly Deletes obsolete entries
in the ;'I log
hourly *tarts long:running data
collectors that report
values to the monitoring

daily Deletes obsolete spool
re-uests to reduce
system load

daily 0hec(s the consistency
of the spooler and of the
Tem*e and evaluates the
results if necessary

monthly /eorganizes the print
parameters across

You can monitor jobs in the following ways.
You can call the 6ob *election transaction transaction *'+>! and chec( whether
the jobs actually ran without errors.
You can use the job monitoring of the )lert 'onitor transaction /?@9! to monitor
the jobs. You can set up job monitoring so that you are automatically notified if an
error occurred.
Aith job monitoring, alerts are displayed if errors occurred. If you assign an Bauto:
reaction methodB to these alerts, you are notified, for e%ample, by *'* or by e:mail if
problems occurred during the e%ecution of the jobs.

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