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International College of

Business & Technology Ltd.

STUDENT NAME: ___________________________________________________
BTEC REGISTRATION NO: ____________________________________________________
UNIT NO/TITLE: 4 / Database Design Concepts & 13 / Data analysis and design
BATCH NO: HND-Networking 02
ASSIGNMENT TITLE: Prodcts and order syste!"
4 P# $nderstand database en%iron!ents
4 P2 $se and !aniplate appropriate database so&tware
4 P' Design a database
4 P4 De!onstrate t(e se o& a database"
#' P# $nderstand data !odels and database tec(nology"
#' P2 Design a relational database to !eet ser re)ire!ents
#' P' $se !aniplation )ery tools and tec(ni)es
#' P4 *!ple!ent and test database design"

ASSIGNMENT : *ndi%idal
DATE SET: 09/12/2012 DATE DUE:05/05/2013(No la!
"#$%&""&o'" (
OUTCO!"/G#$%! %!"C#I&TO#" $C'I!(!% )*lease tic+ ,hen achie-ed.

Page 2
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A""!""o+ Co%%!'":
$ssessor: "ignature: %ate:
I'!+'al V!+&.&!+/" Co%%!'":
Internal (erifier: "ignature: %ate:
+tate!ent o& originality o& sb!itted work
*,----------------------------"". +tdent Na!e/
+tdent *D N!ber ---------------------------"
0odle n!ber-----------------------------
Here by con&ir! t(at t(e work presented (ere in t(is report, and in all ot(er associated !aterial, is w(olly !y
own work, and * agree to assess!ent &or plagiaris!
Page '
Custo3ers4 &roduct and Orders scenario
1(e &ollowing data !odel is designed to (old in&or!ation relating to Csto!ers 2rdering Prodcts" 3or t(is
scenario we need to de&ine t(e &ollowing &acts:
1(ese &acts de&ine t(e re)ire!ents w(ic( t(e Database !st !eet and s(old be agreed between t(e
Database $ser and t(e Database Designer prior to p(ysical creation"
1(e dra&t &acts (a%e been de&ined as:
1(e 4ntities re)ired s(old inclde and additional entities yo s(old add wit( related attribtes and
1(e 4ntities are related as &ollows:
6n Csto!er can (a%e 2ne or 0any 2rders
6n 2rder can contain 2ne or 0any Prodcts .2rder5ines/
6 Prodct can be associated wit( 2ne or 0any 2rders
6 +pplier can spply 2ne or 0any Prodcts
1(e design allows a Csto!er to place 7ero, one or !any 2rders" 6n 2rder can be &or one or !any Prodcts,
and t(is Prodct can be associated wit( 7ero, one or !any 2rders .t(e reason &or t(e 5ink_2rderProdct
5ote: 0ention yor %alid ass!ptions clearly"
#" Design t(e database wit( t(e constraint t(at t(e a%ailable tec(nology is relational" 8or design s(old :
#"#" 49plain w(at is data !odel, 4%alate di&&erent data !odels e9plain w(y older data !odels are being
replaced by new data !odels.P":"#/
#"2" 6nalyse t(e case stdy and identi&y t(e ad%antages and disad%antages o& (a%ing a database approac(
&or t(e co!pany.P#"#,P#"2,P#"'/
#"'" ;rie&ly e9plain t(e concept o& database !anage!ent syste! and its i!portance sing e9a!ples &ro!
di&&erent database en%iron!ent.P":"'/ .P#"#,P#"2,P#"'/
#"4" Draw an entity relations(ip diagra! wit( proper standards "*denti&y i!portant keys, cardinalities and
represent di&&erent types o& attribtes and relations(ips" .P<"#/ .P'"2/
#":" Draw =elational +c(e!as" 4&&ecti%ely !ap conceptal data !odels wit( relational database sc(e!a
according to t(e !apping algorit(!" 6ll t(e steps s(old be clearly !entioned .P<"2/ .P'"2/ .P2"#/
#"<" >(at is data nor!ali7ation? @et nor!ali7ed relational sc(e!a diagra!" .P<"'/ .P'"#/
#"A" Create t(e database sing 0+ 6CC4++" .P2"'/
#"B" Create appropriate !anage!ent )eries .P2"2/
#"C" Create sitable reports and &or!s sing 0s access" .P2"2/
#"#0" Create t(e database sing +D5 ser%er" .PA"#/
#"##" Describe w(at database is testing and e9plain w(y it is i!portant in yor data base design" .PB"'/
#"#2" 49plain t(e access rig(ts to %arios type o& sers .PB"2/
Page 4
#"#'" >rite s)l )eries &or below )estions".PA"'/
#" >(ic( Prodcts (a%e been 2rdered by a Csto!er
2" >(at date/ti!e was a particlar 2rder dispatc(ed
'" How !any open 2rders do we (a%e in t(e syste!
4" >(at is t(e 1otal 2rder Cost &or a certain 2rder
:" >(ic( +pplier spplies a particlar Prodct
<" How !any o& a certain Prodct do we (a%e in stock
A" >(at is t(e !ark-p on a certain Prodct
#"#4" Eeri&y t(e correctness o& yor triggers .PB"2/
#"#:" @enerate t(e sitable report o& t(e co!pany sing grap(ical &or!at .PA"2/
#"#<" Create a proper doc!entation to e9plain t(e way yo create t(e database and doc!ent all t(e
abo%e tasks" Doc!entation s(old inclde t(e printed screen s(ots to &rt(er clari&y certain design
decisions !ade, printed e9a!ples o& reports" .PB"#/ .P4"#,P4"2,P4"'/
2" ;rie&ly e9plain data ware(ose and data !ining, t(en discss w(at are t(e possibilities o& apply abo%e
concepts into yor database".P:"2/
Page :
G#$%! %!"C#I&TO#" 6 1(is assign!ent pro%ides opportnities to ac(ie%e a tick in all t(ree !erit grade descriptors and all t(ree distinction grade
.4/ 2tco!es & 6ssess!ent criteria .DDC/ Page No 1tor co!!ents
#" $nderstand database en%iron!ents
#" pro%ide e%idence to spport a
knowledge and nderstanding o&
database en%iron!ents
2" e9a!ine a range o& isses t(at are
integral to database en%iron!ents
sc( as t(e end ser, se across
di&&erent plat&or!s and co!patibility
'" identi&y t(e i!portance o& D;0+ in
co!!ercial and non-co!!ercial
2" $se and !aniplate appropriate database
#" se database or database &nction
applications so&tware
2" De%elop a range o& sa!ple inpt and
otpt screens eg tables, &or!s and
'" criti)e t(e so&tware sed and state
(ow it will be sed to de%elop yor
own database design
'" Design a database
#" apply nor!ali7ation tec(ni)es to a
gi%en data set
2" se a range o& database tools and
'" design a &lly working database
Page <
4" De!onstrate t(e se o& a database
de!onstrate t(e database design to a
t(ird party
pro%ide clear Fsti&ications as to t(e
strctre o& t(e database or t(e se o&
particlar tools and
pro%ide spporting doc!entation to
co!ple!ent t(e design
Outco3es/Criteria for &$"" &age 7eed8ac+
(13( Understand data 3odels and data8ase
technology" .D6D/
P#"#/ pro%ide e%idence to spport an
nderstanding o& di&&erent data !odels"
co!pare and contrast di&&erent data !odel
strctres and e9a!ine t(eir contribtion to
database de%elop!ent
P#"2/ e9a!ine case !aterial t(at &ocses on
de%elop!ents sc( as data !ining and data
P#"'/ analyse t(e di&&erent approac(es to
database design
Page A
P0 %esign a relational data8ase to 3eet
user re9uire3ents
P2"#/ apply data analysis and design
tec(ni)es to de%elop a &lly relational
database wit( !ini!! o& si9 tables"
P2"2/ %eri&y t(at a design !eets ser
re)ire!ents and pro%ide Fsti&ication o& t(e
database design
P2"'/ se a range o& database tools and
tec(ni)es to de!onstrate a !ore ad%anced
le%el o& nderstanding and application
P7 Use 3ani*ulation and 9uery tools and
P'"#/ incorporate a )ery
langage/langages into t(e database design
P'"2/ se a range o& %isal tools to en(ance
t(e database design
P'"'/ de!onstrate t(e e9traction o&
!eaning&l data t(rog( t(e se o& )ery
Page B
&: !-aluate the infor3ation syste3s
,ithin an organi;ation
P4"#/ Pro%ide doc!entation to spport t(e
data base i!ple!entation
P4"2/ De!onstrate t(e ways in witc( t(e
database (as considered t(e areas o&
%alidation and %eri&ication
P4"'/ e%alate a range o& testing tec(ni)es
and apply one to yor own database design
Grade %escri*tor for !#IT &ossi8le e-idence 7eed8ac+
1 Identify and a**ly strategies to
find a**ro*riate solutions
1.1 4&&ecti%e Fdg!ents (a%e been !ade"
4&&ecti%e Fdg!ents (a%e been !ade
by )eries"
0 "elect / design a**ro*riate
3ethods / techni9ues
0.3 6 range o& sorces o& in&or!ation (as
been sed
Proper re&erences (a%e been inclded
in t(e doc!entation
3 &resent and co33unicate
a**ro*riate findings
3.1 t(e appropriate strctre and approac( (as
been sed"
Doc!entation is well strctred"
Page C
Grade %escri*tor for %I"TI5CTIO5 &ossi8le e-idence 7eed8ac+
%1 Use critical reflection to e-aluate
o,n ,or+ and <ustify -alid
%1.1 conclsions (a%e been arri%ed at t(rog(
synt(esis o& ideas and (a%e been Fsti&ied
=eport: s(own in t(e sel& re&lection section .conclsion/"
%0 Ta+e res*onsi8ility for 3anaging
and organising acti-ities
%0.3 acti%ities (a%e been !anaged
6ssign!ent acti%ities (a%e been planned, !anaged and
organi7ed according to a sc(edle"
4g: @antt C(art
%3 %e3onstrate con-ergent / lateral /
creati-e thin+ing
%3.1 inno%ation and creati%e t(og(t (a%e been
*nno%ati%e and creati%e t(inking (a%e been applied &or 4ntity
relations(ip diagra!"
Paper Size A 4
Printing Margins LHS ; RHS 25 mm 25 mm
Printing Single Sided
Basic Font Size 12 Point
Fonts Ariel or Times e! Roman
Page #0

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