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University of Colorado Denver

Guidelines for Fluid Administration and Blood Collection

Modified: 1/10/2011
Maximum Injectable Volumes Per Route of Injection
Species IP IM SC IV ID
Mouse 2.0 mL 0.05 mL 3 mL 0.2 mL N/A
Rat 5 mL 0.1 mL 5 mL 0.5 mL 0.05 mL
Guinea Pig 10 mL 0.3 mL 5 mL 0.5 mL 0.1 mL
Hamster 4 mL 0.1 mL 3 mL 0.3 mL 0.05 mL
Gerbil 3 mL 0.1 mL 3 mL 0.3 mL 0.05 mL
Rabbit 50 mL 1.5 mL 100 mL 5.0 mL 0.1 mL
(Abbreiations! "P#intra$eritoneal% "M#intramus&ular' ()#sub&utaneous%
"*#intra+ermal% ",#intraenous-
Common Venous Access Points for Injection or Blood Collection
Mouse: subman+ibular ein' +orsal $enile ein' lateral sa$.enous ein' lateral tail ein
Rat: sublingual ein' /ugular ein' +orsal $enile ein' lateral sa$.enous ein' lateral tail
Guinea pi: sublingual ein' +orsal $enile ein' lateral metatarsal ein
!amster: /ugular ein' lateral sa$.enous ein
Gerbil: /ugular ein' lateral sa$.enous ein' lateral tail ein
Rabbit: lateral ear ein' /ugular ein' &e$.ali& ein' lateral sa$.enous ein
Blood Collection Volumes
0.e total bloo+ olume in an a+ult mammalian laborator1 animal s$e&ies is
a$$ro2imatel1 34 o5 bo+1 6eig.t. 0.e olume o5 bloo+ &an be remoe+ at one
&olle&tion s.oul+ not e2&ee+ 104 o5 total bloo+ olume 6it.out &are. 782am$le!
25 g mouse # 0.135 mL' 200 g rat # 1.4 mL' 35 g .amster # 0.52 mL' 4 9g rabbit # 2:
154 o5 bloo+ olume &an be remoe+ at one time i5 &olle&te+ slo6l1' an+ 6arm
re$la&ement 5lui+s are a+ministere+ ()' "P' or ", to re$la&e t.e bloo+ olume
<or re$eate+ bloo+ sam$ling' u$ to 3.54 o5 t.e total bloo+ olume &an be ta9en
$er 6ee9' or 104 o5 t.e total bloo+ olume ma1 be remoe+ eer1 t6o 6ee9s.
0o &olle&t bloo+ at a more 5re=uent interal or in larger olumes' a leel o5
$.1siologi& monitoring 6ill be re=uire+' an+ a$$roe+ b1 t.e "nstitutional Animal
>are an+ ?se >ommittee.
More $re&ise +ata e2ists on t.e total olume o5 bloo+ e2ists in t.e t1$i&al A*?L0
laborator1 animal s$e&ies. <or t.e &olle&tion o5 bloo+' 104 o5 total bo+1 bloo+ olume
&an also be &al&ulate+ base+ on t.e 5ollo6ing alues% Mouse! 1@2.35 mL% Rats! A4
mL/9g% Guinea Pig! 35 mL/9g% Hamster! 3: mL/9g% Gerbil! AA@3: mL/9g% Rabbit! 53@A5
"ral#Gastric Ga$ae
Bral gaage is t.e a+ministration o5 5lui+s +ire&tl1 into t.e lo6er eso$.agus or stoma&.
using a 5ee+ing nee+le intro+u&e+ into t.e mout. an+ t.rea+e+ +o6n t.e eso$.agus.
<ee+ing nee+les .ae a stainless steel ball@ti$ ma9es t.em atraumati& on +eli&ate
oral an+ eso$.ageal tissues an+ re+u&es t.e &.an&e o5 intro+u&ing t.e ball@ti$ in t.e
tra&.ea. 0.e gui+eline 5or olume o5 a+ministration is 10 mL/9g in t.e mouse an+ 20
mL/9g bo+1 6eig.t in t.e rat.
1. Hra$9ie6i&C' D.' Me+ina' L.' an+ Holmes' *. >lini&al Laborator1 Animal Me+i&ine! An
"ntro+u&tion. 2
8+. "o6a (tate Press' 1EE:.
2. Ha69' >.0.' Lear1' (.' Morris' 0. <ormular1 5or Laborator1 Animals. 2
8+. "o6a (tate
?niersit1 Press' 1EEE.
3. Fol5enso.n' (. an+ Llo1+' M. Han+boo9 o5 Laborator1 Animal Management an+
Fel5are. 2
8+. Gla&96ell (&ien&e' 1EE:
4. Hulin' M. et al. Laborator1 Animal *ata! )ui&9 Re5eren&e Gui+e <or Resear&.ers.
Ameri&an Asso&iation o5 Laborator1 Animal (&ien&e' 2002.
5. 666.&iti$ +o6nloa+e+ E/22/2010
A. +o6nloa+e+ 10/4/2010

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