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Intro to living cell

Phospholipid: Head = hydrophilic, polar. Tail (F.A)= hydrophobic, non-polar

Integral prot= intrinsic, peripheral mem prot.=extrinsic
Membrane Trafficking:- vesicles with phospholipid bilayer as mem. and mem. prot. In layer
budded off donor compartment and contains lumenal contents. The vesicle is transported in
cytoplasm to target compartment where it fuses. Target compartment now has contents
and mem.prot
Apoptosis triggered by specific localised signal that cause activation of class of proteases =
14C used to date cells, close to that of atoms in DNA
DNA molecule doesnt turnover as v. stable
Fibroblasts = roving cells inv. In wound repair, cell surf. Recp. In mem. Processes sense chem.
Emanating from wound which attract fibroblast (chemotaxis)
Cell surf. Recep. In pl.mem. identify markers on cells destined for removal, macrophages
remove old/dead cells
Cytoskeleton determines overall shape of cell
Gap junc = allow neighbours to share some materials, desmosomes = linked to IF to prov
high tensile strength
Dif. Cell express dif. Genes so make dif. Prot.--- prod. Some and not others
Endosomes mature to lysosomes
F.As comp of cell mem = hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions = amphipathic
Role of ATP = Catabolic reaction (nutrients broken down) where ADP -> ATP and anabolic
where ATP-> ADP
Passive Transport
Passive transport molecules move down concentration gradient no e. req.
Active transport molecules move against concentration grad. E.. req.
4 Passive transport Process: -
1. Diffusion concentration grd.
2. Convection pressure grad. E.g. blood flow from heart to bl .v
3. Osmosis osmotic pressure
4. Electrochemical flux electrical and concentration grad
Rate of diffusion = e. dif / resistance of transport
Diffusion = random, un-directional thermal motion of molec. ( Bowmans Motion), no input
from any other cell
how fast => t=x
/ 2D D = diffusion coeff.. Speed of diffusion decreases with increases
dist.. diffusion only useful for short distances
Convection transport = pulmonary ( to pulm.. vein) and systemic ( aorta to vena
Ficks Law: steady state diffusion decr.. constant conc.grd
- Solute movem.. how much moved per unit time :-- Js = DA(change in concentration)/x
Js = DA (c1-c2)/x
- Change in conc,/x = conc.grad.
- D = coeff. Of solute- solute size small = faster
Ability of molecule to cross mem. relates to its permeability (P) Js = PA(change in conc.)
Pa.dif.. reg. by solute size, capillary density, small distances and changes in metabolism
PT = facilitated diffusion as powered by thermal e. of diffusing molec. (not cellular e.)
Cell + Organisatiom of tissue
Cell mem. :- all organelles + cell pl.mem.- bilayer transport of chem. btwn EC env. + IC of
Mem.Lipids:- Phospholipids4 typesabundance of each in upper and lower layer alters
prop. of mem. Cholesterol mem--- acts to limit movement of phosphor. Making mem,
more rigid glycolipid outer surf.. of mem., w/ ass. Sugars, inv. In IC communication.
Phospbilayer can move in relation to one another----- aids cell motility, breaks and tears
sealed quickly, large molec. Can be embedded
Centriole:- 9 sets of 3 microtubules, arranged right ang. to one another, in pairs, found in
centrosome, roles--- organises microtubular n/w w/I cell, organises development of
microtubules in cilia
sER:- ER transport vesicle, cisternae of sER, irregular n/w of tubes and vesicles continuous w/
rER, lipid biosyn, prot. Processing, IC transport by packaging of prod. Into vesicles
rER:- ribosomes, cisternae of rER, n/w of tubules, vesicles and flattened cisternae,
continuous w/ nucl.env, prot syn and modification of newly syn. Prot. By glycosylation and
struc. Changes
Ribosomes:- 2 s-u, mRNA translation for prot. Syn site, occurs either in cytosol (cell prot.
Syn) or attached to ER(mem./secretion prot. syn)
Golgi.A:- trans face, cis face, golgi stacks, golgi transport vesicle, modification of prot. By
addition of sugars, proteolysis (, activation of peptides), sorting and packaging of macromol.
Into vesicles for transport w/ cell and for secretion
Microtubules:- 13 profilaments ( alpha (- end) and beta( + end) tubulin, alternate
spontaneous binding == profilament), 24/25 nm in diameter, one beta and one alpha =
heterodimer, greater tendency to add at pos. end where beta is exposed, alpha has bound
GTP which is not hydrolysed, beta may have GTP/GDP (under certain condition will excha.
GDP for GTP as hydrolyses GTP to GDP+ Pi) constantly forming and unforming, grows out of
centrosome and stabilised by ass. w/ various patterns, intracellular transport, pres in cilia
and flagella, form cell cytosk., form filaments of mitotic spindle, form centrioles and basal
bodies, helical arrangement, dissociation of tubulin at -ve end, thickest
Intermediate Filaments:- vary in cells, cytokeration = epithelial type of IF, composed of
variety of prot. Expressed in dif types of cell, 5 types,
Microfilaments:- made of Actin, twisted 2 stranded fil., smallest, majority occur below cell
mem where form crosslinked mesh which prov, mech. Support to cell mem., actin molecule
form bundles which protrude out of cell mem forming microvilli, some cells actin interacts
w/ myosin to generate movement
Microvilli:- fingerlike projections found on apical surf. Of most epithelial cells, no. + shape
correlates w/ absorp.. capacity of cell, incr. SA of cell
Mitochondria:- intermem. Space (nucleotide phosphorylation), outer mem. (lipid syn.),
matrix (site of krebs cycle), inner mem.( ETC), Cristae ( incr. SA), prov. e. to cells t/
oxid.phosph, not present in RBC , pres. In all others, own DNA and syn. Prot.
Nucleus:- nucleolus = site of transcription and processing of ribosomal s-u before export,
nucleoplasm, pores, nuclear env- inner + outer mem, contain, cell DNA, site of transcription
Epithelia:- sheets of epithelial cells, cover o/s body, line many hollow organs, can have
secretory and absorptive func,
Squamous epithelium - squamous cells, skin and lining of some hollow organs, Types -
stratified (many layers) and simple(= single layer)
Glandular cells glands and lining of some hollow organs, Types- cuboidal, columnar
Transitional cells adapted to lining kidney, bladder and rest of urological tract.
Squamous epithelium:- multiple layer of squamous cell, joined by desmosomes, upper part
of some= cells filled with large am. Of keratin= surf. Hard wearing, found in some organ
linings e.g.mouth, oesophagus, anal canal and vagina
Skin- epidermis = stratified squamous epithelium, dermis = fibrous CT

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