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"#$%&'$ (&) *+,'+-

*Nake suie you iegistei foi youi FREE viueos at

We will be senuing you seveial fiee viues fiom theie, foi you to mouel you'ie youi own
PPC account.

The paiticulai viueos we maue, weie chosen to help you in the aieas of gieatest
stiuggle when it comes to PPC.


.&&/0$ *12+34 *$5)$63$-

1.) 7'28$ 9$,'34:;,9$< +',%%23 26+& =&)' >,'?$+26/ %)66$0 )926/ @A,=:A$':B023?C
>,'?$+26/D otheiwise known as PPC.

2.) @E$+9 ;$ %'2$6<9C $>,20 - (email ueliveieu to funnel fiienus into youi social meuia

S.) A);0294 3&6+$6+ +& 26+$'6$+ - (ex: Youtube, Aiticles, Piess Releases, etc)

4.) F&+2%= =&)' @266$' /'&)G &% %'2$6<9C to check out youi new post anu tell you what
they likeu. (pioviue a link uiiectly to the content)

S.) A&9+ +4$ 3&6+$6+ +& =&)' ;0&/.

6.) F&+2%= ,00 =&)' %&00&1$'9 of youi new blog post by email anu all social meuia
platfoims. (again, invite them to engage in conveisation with you - by commenting)

7.) Repeat.

!"# Continue to !"#! #%&&'() *+%,,'- '.*/ 0/"+ 1)%2 2%*%3%&) 4'*5 667 #%+8)*'.9"




HIJ @E$+K9 ;$ %'2$6<9C $>,20


This is the *most impoitant* pait in implementing the "uoogle Switch".

(.well, "most-impoitant" aftei tuining on youi "Pay-Pei-Click TRAFFIC FA0CET")

The "let's be fiienus" email is the email iefeienceu in the "uoogle Switch" iepoit - that
you have sent out - in the S
oi so uay in youi email autoiesponuei seiies.

Theie shoulu %&' be any othei content oi iefeiences in this email. }0ST TBE FRIENB
REQ0EST! .This is not a time to sell anything!

You simply want to plug them into youi 0TBER communication meuiums.

This way, you benefit in 2 ways.

You can still maiket to them, even if the 0NS0BSCRIBE fiom youi email

You gain anu leveiage auuitional momentum in youi social meuia platfoims.

This peison will gain you contacts, fans anu customeis. even if they themselves, nevei
become one :-)

P$'$K9 +4$ >$99,/$ +& +&99 9&>$14$'$ ,'&)6< @<,= QC 26 =&)' ,)+&'$9G&6<$'R



S>,20 ,)+&'$9G&6<$' >$99,/$ T ("Let's be fiienus" email)

*M#USBO- we aien't fiienus

Bey {!fiistname_fix}.. you may finu this uistuibing...

I just was in my Facebook piofile, anu coulun't finu you...
I uon't think we aie fiienus yet, unless I'm mistaken.

Anyway, go heau anu auu me...

**(tiickeu you with the email title huh. 0f couise I'm youi fiienu you uoik ;p

0hh. anu you can follow me on Twittei heie if you want:

Sometimes I ieveal cool things, like what I hau foi
bieakfast ;-)

Talk tomoiiow...




N$>26<$' @0$+K9 ;$ %'2$6<9C $>,20-

*Senu a ieminuei email about a week latei in youi autoiesponuei pipeline;

**Copy n' paste the same email above, anu change "subject" line to:

*);V$3+- Re: (ieminuei)

Bey, wasn't suie if you ieceiveu my email last week.

Anyway, no woiiies eithei way. just wanteu to make suie we'ie fiienus :p

Beie's the last email I sent you.



WIJ S>,20 ;'&,<3,9+ >$99,/$ T +& G);0294$< 3&6+$6+ &6026$


Aftei you've uploaueu youi contentmaiketing piece to the net, it's time to get some
goou ole' "social pioof" influencing comments anu view counts on youi fieshly
publisheu content.

So, all you uo is shoot this message below - INNEBIATELY - aftei publishing youi
content to the web, on youi chosen maiketing netwoik. (aiticle uiiectoiy pi uiiectoiy,
youtube, in a foium, etc.)

You want to make suie you notify youi closest followeis as soon as possible foi
maximum effectiveness. (piefeiably subsciibeis that have ALREABY bought fiom you,
oi joineu youi team, anu aien't likely going to get uistiacteu anu get suckeu up by
competitois contentaus.)

*Remembei, this content is hosteu on public maiketing meuiums anu contains 0TBER
NARKETERS content anu sales shenanigans. :p

Also, it's not totally necessaiy to blast a big list. even messaging 1u people that aie
iesponsive is sufficient, although you wont get the high view count.

Eithei way, just uo it! :-)

P$'$K9 +4$ >$99,/$R


S>,20 ;'&,<3,9+ >$99,/$ X+$>G0,+$J-

*M#USBO- Re: neeu youi opinion ieal quick...

I just posteu this (aiticle, youtube viueo, piess ielease, etc) online.

Shoot me youi thoughts at the bottom of that post ieal quick,
I'u ieally like to see 14,+ =&) 02?$< ,;&)+ 2+ >&9+..

I think you'll get a kick outta this one :p




QIJ S>,20 ;'&,<3,9+ >$99,/$ : +& =&)' 6$1 ;0&/ G&9+


It's impoitant to ALS0 post youi content to youi blog - if it's valuable foi subsciibeis -
because you uon't want to be uiiving tiaffic AWAY fiom Y00 - to anothei content
outlet, if you uon't have to. (we'ie iefeiiing to youi C0RRENT subsciibeis)

It's also easiei to influence "shaiing" of youi content with people ()* +,- ./01.23
4*5+4 6+78 of youis. theiefoie, fiom youi 0WN blogplatfoim - wheie you contiol the
"shaiing" icons.

0k, so aftei you've uploaueu youi content to youi blog, again, you want to get some
comments anu viial exposuie - by getting youi ieaueis to INTERACT.

Youi goal is to have them comment anu also "shaie" youi post.. Whethei that be with
Facebook, Twittei, theii list. whatevei be the case.

By letting them know you'u like them to talk to you. anu at the same time, letting them
know that you value theii opinion, you aie also making them feel like they aie pait of
youi "in-ciowu", oi "innei gioup of subsciibeis".

Anu iightfully so. these people aie youi most loyal fans of all, anu 94&)0< %$$0 9G$32,0.

0nlike soliciting comments on posteu content elsewheie, that you put up to get tiaffic &
money, youi blog is uiffeient.

You want to influence activity, whethei that be with comments oi "shaies", because
each occuiience influences the next ieaueis. anu possibly the "new ieauei's" that
lanus on youi blog foi the fiist time.

.But moie than that, youi #1 goal is to satisfy youi C0RRENT subsciibeis & followeis
by ueliveiing youi stuff in a moie intimate way, 1420$ ,01,=9 ?$$G26/ +4$2'
G$'3$G+2&6 &% =&) ,>G02%2$<I

*If the content wont achieve this, then we woulun't post it. Peiiou.

R0LE: Loyal, existing fans, aie youi most piecious asset - N0T new ones!

&79- 5*:, 9*7;-7; <8 =*8;-> ;* 5*:, ?4*@A 7*;<65 5*:, 4<8; (<;) +7 -B+<4"

]$K8$ 2630)<$< +1& &% U2>K9 ;$0&1R



S>,20 ;'&,<3,9+ >$99,/$-

(This message helps gain comments on }im's blog - ieceiving SS total)

*M#USBO- PPC questions answeieu...


A few uays ago I was swampeu with questions about people's PPC campaigns. So I
suggesteu that eveiyone shoulu post theii PPC woes on the }im's Coffee Auventuies
blog--anu I'u take caie of them.

Well, as you can imagine, I embaiiasseu myself!

0nly 4 people took me up on the offei. Foi those 4 people, I thought I'u take a little
effoit anu put togethei a viueo answeiing them. Beie it is:

If you have ppc questions of youi own, go aheau anu post them on the blog (not on
Facebook) so I have something to say next time, aliight.




*P$'$ 29 , W
>$99,/$ }im sent, along with a link to the post, that encouiageu "shaies",
paiticulaily, in the foim of "ie-tweets" on Twittei.

Now, the "tweet" amount isn't what's so stimulating. It's the fact that this simple email
anu blog post - iesulteu in ovei $9,uuu in affiliate commissions fiom stiangeis!

That means people shaieu }im's affiliate link - when they coulu have shaieu theii own.

C.7> ;)- 9*BB<88<*78 =,<B+,<45 9+B- 6,*B =-*=4- %&' 8:?89,<?-> ;* )<8 ?4*@D

Neaning, the "viially inviteu" people showeu up happily anu ueciueu they wanteu }im to
have some money :-)

P$'$ =, /&R



S>,20 ;'&,<3,9+ >$99,/$-

(this message uiiecteu subsciibeis to a post of }im's that ieceiveu ovei Su "shaies" anu
geneiateu ovei $9,uuu.uu in affiliate commissions.)

*M#USBO- Re: what the pos*um!


Buue, in Kansas, I have to tell you theie was nevei a uay without some kinu of
weiiu anu out of this woilu auventuie.

What with a possum that attackeu one of oui stuuents who was actually
iecoiuing a viueo showing off about making a 1uu g's a month because he's a
winnei anu eveiyone else a losei lol...anu the 0F0 Baviu Schwinu sweais he
witnesseu out of the beuioom's winuow...

All stoiies i'll shaie with you

But what I wanteu to tell you about was this viueo we shot foi you befoie
we left Kansas to go woik on oui next big pioject:


We hau no sleep foi 6 uays. So please, befoie you watch it, please be
waineu that this is a little embaiiassing...we might have saiu some things...

Anu if you see me ciack up foi no goou ieason, that's piobably because I
iemembeieu the funny possum attack aiounu the fiie.




^IJ A'$99 N$0$,9$ T (iesponsible foi getting Baviu 82 fiee leaus in one uay)


0nce youi piess ielease is LIvE, infoim youi email list - that is N0ST CL0SELY
RELATEB - to the topic at hanu.

Bon't just senu anyone, oi youi whole list to an iiielevant piess ielease.

Anu iemembei, mainly what you want to shoot foi on piess ieleases - is instantaneous

P$'$ 29 +4$ $_,3+ G'$99 '$0$,9$ 7,82< 9);>2++$< +4,+ $,'6$< 42> 4)6<'$<9 &%



@` E)3',+28$ `0+$'6,+28$ O& O4$ a$0+26/ a&'+/,/$ Z6<)9+'=C

"A massive shift is cuiiently unueiway in the moitgage inuustiy that is quickly gaining
national attention among top financial piofessionals. "

Fiustiateu, uisappointeu, unuei paiu Noitgage piofessionals that aie tiieu of woiking
longei anu haiuei to make less anu less money in an inuustiy that has been cut uown at
the knees with absolutely no signs of iecoveiy, can enu theii woiiies iight now by
obseiving a new shift that's cuiiently taking the inuustiy by stoim.

Now feu up Noitgage piofessionals can leain how the best of Coipoiate Ameiica, the
best of Wall Stieet anu the best of the Biiect Naiketing inuustiy have come togethei foi
the fiist time evei to cieate the "peifect stoim" of business oppoitunities foi the
alieauy successful financial piofessionals who want to eain unlimiteu income that is
unaffecteu by economic conuitions.

To see what all the fuss is about, visit:

Baviu Schwinu is a piofessional maiketei anu online business ownei. To leain moie
about this massive shift foi moitgage piofessionals, visit



bIJ `'+230$ T (iesponsible foi eaining Baviu ovei $1uu,uuu in puie piofit)


It's vERY impoitant when submitting youi aiticles - to get tiaction INNEBIATELY.

Notify youi list of biggest fans, piefeiably fans that ALREABY aie on youi team, oi have
bought youi stuff.

We say this because you want to Av0IB senuing "potential customeis" oi new
subsciibeis to any meuiums wheie 0TBER PE0PLES stuff is also hosteu.

Similaily, the views aie impoitant on aiticles, but it's the "comments" that ieally
ueteimine it's peiceiveu value to each ieauei theieaftei.

P$'$ 29 +4$ ,'+230$ '$%$'$63$ 26 +4$ @.&&/0$ *12+34C +4,+ ;'&)/4+ 7,82< &8$'
cHddDdddIdd 26 G,9928$ 263&>$RI



:;()+0 <%9.)*'- =)%2)+ >%& ?;@A B>CDE

If you haven't ieau this, you shoulu be ASBANEB of youiself.

Ze> 9$'2&)9, you shoulu know this... anu if you uon't, it's ok... you can ieueem youiself
by ieauing this entiie aiticle...

So last week... I was at a Texas aiipoit, uiinking my Nocha, getting ieauy to fly back to
Califoinia, when I puichaseu a small book befoie boaiuing my plane calleu "Ninute
Notivatois Foi Leaueis".

Now the infoimation wasn't ieally anything new, but it was fun anu inspiiing. It uiu
howevei, ieminu me of something I know to be tiue fiom psychological stuuies...

Theie aie S Najoi ways to motivate people... 2 of which, I've alieauy talkeu about in
pievious aiticles which weie "flatteiy" anu "inspiiation". I've talkeu about ways to
implement those methous in youi aus & maiketing foi maximum iesponse.

The thiiu one is a bit uiffeient though, but vERY fascinating, anu vERY poweiful.
It shoulu not be taken lightly... anu that's f/)20+f.

Piimaiily guilt by association... oi lack theie of.

Let me explain...

(This is what eveiy Nagnetic Leauei knows oi has ieau...)

fS8$'= &6$ &% )9 1,6+9 +& 1&'? 12+4 ,6< 0$,'6 %'&> +4$ ;$9+If

Anu theie is some "extenueu- tiuth" to that statement... Eveiyone, (incluuing You), also
wants to be "associateu" with the best.

That's what put you RIuBT BERE ieauing these veiy woius! ...Whethei you iealize it oi

#)+ 2+e9 +')$III

We ALL want to belong, even you anu me. We all want to be apait of the "insiueis
ciicle". We want to leain, know anu "uo" as the leaueis uo. Anu most of all... we want to
be iecognizeu as a pait of it.

This iecognition will stem fiom oui "association", which is wheie we sub-consciously
know oui iecognition is going to be awaiueu.

So in essence, oui association is wheie oui motivation lies. All people want to be
associateu with the "supieme" of theii inuustiy.

C*F& '.&*'-*'()G

Now the funny thing is it's this "instinctiveness" that compelleu you to click on this
aiticle, anu it's the "guilt factoi" that causeu you to begin ieauing it.

But the funniei thing is how I uiu it.

I simply iemoveu "you" fiom the "insiueis ciicle". I iemoveu you fiom the "gioup of
leaueis". Not liteially, but with my title, I iemoveu youi "association" anu you sub-
consciously uiun't like it!

(&) 6$$<$< +& f'$:$6/,/$If

To simplify... I useu "guilt anu association" to foice you into ieauing this aiticle. Anu it
was foi a goou cause... as to teach you... I have to uemonstiate fiist hanu.

I hope you'ie not mau. ;)

Let me show you exactly what I mean... anu why this woikeu on you...

HIJ The title contains a blatant embeuueu commanu uesigneu to catch the "seaiching
eye"... fNS`7 OPZ*f. See it at the enu of the title. It's even SB00TINu in all CAPS! But it
still appeais subtle.

WIJ fS8$'= a,/6$+23 E$,<$' P,9 NS`7 OPZ*f. - This implies that "magnetic leaueis"
know something you may not, anu if you belong to theii gioup, then you N0ST REAB it
too! It also might make you "uncomfoitable" feeling possibly 'out of the loop' if you
consiuei youiself to be a 'magnetic leauei'.

See how I spaikeu youi animosity. Neat ay.

So when wiiting youi aus, iemembei association anuoi guilt can be vERY P0WERF0L
motivatois to get piospects attention!

Aftei all... it woikeu on Y00! :p

}ust be suie to use it in a positive context ...oi you will be banneu fiom the "ciicle of
leaueis". ;)

Well, I hope you founu this aiticle uelightful, that's it foi touay!

Think up some ways to use "guiltassociation" in youi own aus anu go spin some heaus!
uoou luck! :)



AI*I I foigot to mention that eveiy leauei has visiteu my website {LINK}. If you'ie a
leauei, you will too, NZ.POg ;)



".$+ (&)' h'$$ AAB i2<$&9 ,+-




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