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A Cycle of Copper Reactions

Valentin Uzunov (author) & Gavin Koenig (lab partner)

PSU ID#: 96!""#$$
%&' (($ (6! ()ue: *:"" + !":,")
)he purpo-e o. thi- e/peri0ent 1a- to ob-erve 2i..erent t3pe- o. a4ueou- ba-e2 5he0i5al rea5tion-6
an2 relate the un2erla3ing 5he0i5al 5hange- to ob-ervable 5hange- in the ph3-i5al propertie- o. the
-olution (or pre5ipitate)7 In thi- e/peri0ent a 1eighe2 a0ount o. 5opper 0etal i- 535le2 in .ive
2i..erent rea5tion-7 )here 1ere ( o/i2ation8re2u5tion rea5tion- bet1een a 0etal an2 non 0etal
being o/i2ize2 or re2u5e2 re-ulting in a -olution 5olor 5hange an2 ga- .or0ation7 9n a5i2 ba-e2
ba-e rea5tion bet1een -ulphuri5 a5i2 an2 -oli2 5opper(II) o/i2e6 .or0ing a -oluble -alt an2 1ater7 9
ther0al 2e5o0po-ition rea5tion o. 5opper(II) h32ro/i2e in a4ueou- -olution7 Upon heating the -oli2
2e5o0po-e- to 5opper(II) o/i2e -ettling at botto0 o. rea5tion ve--el6 an2 la-tl3 a pre5ipitate
rea5tion6 in 1hi5h a -oli2 pre5ipitate 5o0e- out o. the a4ueou- -olution 0i/ture7 In the .inal rea5tion
the original 5opper i- re5overe27 )he per5ent re5over3 1a- #67$:7 )he poor re5over3 3iel2 1a-
attribute2 pre2o0inantl3 to 5opper 5o0poun2 lo--e- 2uring 2e5anting an2 in5o0plete rea5tion-7
94ueou- -olution- provi2e an i2eal 0e2iu0 .or 0an3 5he0i5al rea5tion- to ta;e pla5e7 Su5h
rea5tion are 5o00on an2 -tu2ent- nee2 to un2er-tan2 the un2erla3ing 5he0i-tr3 o. -u5h t3pe-
rea5tion- an2 be able to a--o5iate un2erla3ing 5he0i5al 5hange- 1ith ob-ervable 5hange- in the
ph3-i5al propertie- o. the -olution (or pre5ipitate)7 In thi- e/peri0ent the-e 5on5ept- 1ere e/plore2
b3 535ling 5opper through a -erie- o. , 2i..erent a4ueou- rea5tion-7
U-ing a 1eighe2 a0ount o. pure ele0ental 5opper6 the rea5tion 535le o. thi- e/peri0ent
pro5ee2e2 b3 rea5ting ele0ental 5opper 0etal an2 5on5entrate2 a4ueou- nitri5 a5i2 -olution in an
a4ueou- ba-e2 o/i2ation8re2u5tion (re2o/) rea5tion7
(a4) > %u (-) ? %u(<=
(a4) > ( &
= (l) > ( <=
(g) @r/n !A
In thi- thi- rea5tion 5opper 0etal 1a- o/i2ize2 to 5opper(II) ion-6 2i--olving in -olution6 a-
-i0ultanou-l3 the nitrate (<=
) ion- .ro0 .ro0 the nitri5 a5i2 -olution are re2u5e2 to pro2u5e
nitrogen 2io/i2e ga- an2 1ater7
Bea5tion ( 1a- a pre5ipitate rea5tion pro2u5e2 1ith the a22ition o. -o2iu0 h32ro/i2e to the
pro2u5t a4ueou- -olution .ro0 @r/n !A an2 re-ulting in the .or0ation o. an in-oluble pre5ipitate o.
5opper (II) h32ro/i2e 1hi5h 5o0e- out o. -olution a- a -oli27
(a4) > ( <a=& (a4) ?C%u(=&)
(-) > ( <a<=
(a4) @r/n (A
Bea5tion # 1a- a 2e5o0po-ition rea5tion o. 5opper(II) h32ro/i2e to 5opper(II) o/i2e7
)he 5opper(II) h32ro/i2e pre5ipitate .or0e2 in @r/n (A6 i- ther0all3 un-table6 1hi5h 0ean- it 1oul2
-lo1l3 being to 2e5o0po-e overti0e to 5opper(II) o/i2e7 )he rea5tion 1a- a55elerate2 b3 heating
the pre5ipitate u-ing a hotplate a- a heat -our5e7

(-) > heat ?C%u= (-) > &
= (l) @r/n #A
Bea5tion 1a- an e/a0ple o. an a5i28ba-e 0etathe-i- rea5tion (a;a 2ouble 2i-pla5e0ent
%u= (-) > &

(a4) ?C%uS=

(a4) > &

= (l) @r/n A
In thi- rea5tion 5opper o/i2e an2 -ulphuri5 a5i2 e/5hange bon2- bet1een rea5ting 5he0i5al -pe5ie-7
)hi- re-ult- in the 5opper(II) o/i2e 4ui5;l3 2i--olving6 a- a blue -olution 2evelope27 %opper(II)
-ulphate -oluble in 1ater an2 thu- the ion- -ta3 2i-a--o5iate in -olution7
Bea5tion , 5o0plete- the 535le in a t1o -tep pro5e--7 Din5 1a- a22e2 to the -olution .or0
@r/n A -tarting another re2o/ rea5tion6 1ere zin5 an2 5opper e/5hange ph3-i5al (an2 o/i2ation)
-tate-7 Din5 began to be o/i2ize26 relea-ing -oluble zin5(II) ion- in -olution an2 the 5opper(II) ion-
are re2u5e2 ba5; into the initial 5opper 0etal u-e26 1hi5h 5o0e out o. -olution an2 -ettle- a-
2epo-it at the botto0 the .la-;

(a4) > Dn (-) ?CDnS=

(a4) > %u (-) @r/n ,aA

)o en-ure the rea5tion goe- to 5o0pletion6 h32ro5hlori5 a5i2 1a- a22e2 to the -olution6 in or2er to
2i--olve an3 re0aining zin56 1hi5h 0a3 not have rea5te2 1ith the 5opper(II) ion- le.t in -olution7
Dn (-) > ( &%l (a4) ?CDn%l
(a4) > &
(g) @r/n ,bA
)he re5overe2 5opper 1a- .inall3 1a-he2 1ith 1ater an2 ethanol6 2rie2 on a hot plate6 an2 1eight
.or 5o0pari-on7
Table 1 - %opper 535le rea5tion ob-ervation-
Reaction 1 &<=
(a4) > %u (-) ? %u(<=
(a4) > ( &
= (l) > ( <=
Observations Initial 0a-- o. %opper u-e2: "7,"$ g %u
=n 0i/ing 5opper 0etal an2 nitri5 a5i2
I7 Spontaneou- rea5tion6 .izzing -tart- an2 bro1n ga- i00e2iatel3 1a- .or0e2
II7 Solution turne2 green ? 2ar; greenEbro1n in 5olor
III7 Fotto0 o. .la-; heate2 up in2i5ating an e/other0i5 rea5tion
IV7 Ga- 5oul2 be poure2 out (2en-er than air)7
V7 Solution turne2 gra2uall3 to 2ar; a4ua blue 5olor overti0e
Gater a22e2
I7 Solution turn- to a 0u5h brighter blue 5olor6 t3pi5al o. 5opper(II) ion
Reaction 2 %u(<=
(a4) > ( <a=& (a4) ?C%u(=&)
(-) > ( <a<=
Observations =n a22ing -o2iu0 h32ro/i2e to -olution .ro0 rea5tion !
I7 Hor0ation o. ligh blue gelatinou- -oli2 (pre5ipitate .or0-)
II7 Hla-; heate2 up
Reaction 3 %u(=&)
(-) > heat ?C%u= (-) > &
= (l)
Observations %opper(II) h32ro/i2e 1a- heate2 on a hot plate at (""I% over $0in
I7 Fla5; 5r3-tal- o. %opper(II) o/i2e being to .or0 -lo1l36 repla5ing the h32ro/i2e
II7 Fla5; 5r3-talline po12er -ettle2 at botto0 o. bea;er
De5anting -upernatant li4ui2 (1ater)
I7 2uring 2e5anting a .ine po12er o. %u= .loating in 1ater 1a- lo-t7 =ver ti0e in the
2e5ante2 li4ui2 noti5eable 4uantitie- o. %u= ha2 -ettle2 to the botto07 Poor
2e5anting te5hni4ue
Reaction 4 %u= (-) > &

(a4) ?C%uS=

(a4) > &

= (l)
Observations =n a22ition o. -ulphuri5 a5i2
I7 %opper(II) o/i2e 2i--olve2 (5o0pletel3)
II7 Solution turne2 bright blue6 t3pi5al o. %u
(a4) ion
III7 Hla-; heate2 up (e/other0i5) (5are.ul to interpret6 0a3 have been -till hot .or0
heating over hot plate 2uring @r/n (A
Reaction 5b %uS=

(a4) > Dn (-) ?CDnS=

(a4) > %u (-)

Observations =n 0i/ing zin5 an2 5opper -ulphate -olution
I7 I00e2iate .izzing6 -pontaneou- rea5tion
II7 So0e .or0ation o. bro1n ga- li;e <=
III7 Solution turne2 .ro0 blue ? gra36 0ur;3 5olor
IV7 Hla-; heate2 up (e/other0i5)
V7 Be26 bul;3 -oli2 .or0- an2 i- 2epo-ite2 at botto0 o. .la-;7
De5anting -upernatant li4ui2
I7 De5ante2 -olution 1a- pale blue in 5olor6 in2i5ating the pre-en5e o. %u
(a4) ion7
922ition zin5 1a- a22e2 to 2e5ante2 li4ui26 an2 5o0bine27
&%l a22e2 (!0J)7 Bea5tion per.or0e2 t1i5e6 -till blue in -olution pre-ent a.ter 2e5anting7
Bunning out o. ti0e6 le.t blue in -olution ('aKor -our5e o. error in %opper 5olle5tion)
)he 5opper 5olle5te2 1a- pre2o0inantl3 in the .or0 o. bro1ni-hEre2 -oli27 So0e -hinn3
5opper pie5e- noti5eable7
'a-- o. 5opper 5olle5te2: "7!*6 g %u
Reaction 5b Dn (-) > ( &%l (a4) ?CDn%l
(a4) > &
Observations Upon a22ing h32ro5hlori5 a5i2 to rea5tion ,a
I7 Hizzing E bubbling
II7 Bea5tion -ee0e2 to go .a-ter
)able ( + =b-ervation- -ugge-ting a 5he0i5al 5hange too; pla5e in rea5tion
Obser"ation Reaction E#planation
$as pro%&ce%
@r/n !A
@r/n ,A
1a- pro2u5e2 2ue to the re2u5tion o. the nitrate ion
o/i2ize2 b3 the 5opper 0etal6 Given b3 the hal. e4uation-7
%u (-) ? %u
(a4) > ( e
( <=
(a4) > ( e
? ( <=
@r/n ,A
&32rogen ga- 1a- pro2u5e2 a55or2ing the balan5e2 5he0i5al
rea5tion6 ho1ever it 1a- not ob-erveable7 )he bubblingE.izzing o.
the -olution 5oul2 be the re-ult .or the h32rogen ga- .or0ation6
or <=

Color c'an(e
@r/n !A
9- the 5opper o/i2ize-6 the -olution 1a- intiall3 -aturate2 1ith
an2 <=
giving the -olution 2i-pla3ing at .ir-t- a green6
an2 then a 2ar;er greenEbro1n 5olor7 9- the buil2 up o. 1ater
a55u0ulate-6 nitrate ion- 5on5entration 1a- 2ilute27 )he 1ater
0ole5ule- eventuall3 2i-pla5e the nitrate ion- .ro0 the 5oor2inate
-ite- aroun2 the 5opper ion-6 an2 the -olution 5hange2 5olor to a
bright blue -olution
@r/n #A
pre5ipitate 2e5o0po-e- in heat into 5opper(II) o/i2e6
1hi5h i- in-oluble in 1ater6 an2 pre5ipitate- out a- a bla5; -oli27
@r/n A
Sulphuri5 a5i2 -olution i- 5olourle--6 1hen rea5te2 1ith the %u=
it turne2 blue6 in2i5ative o. the %u
)eat (i"en off
@r/n !A6
@r/n (A6
@r/n A &
@r/n ,A
)he .la-; be5o0e noti5eabll3 1ar0er 2uring the rea5tion-7 )hi-
i- believe2 to be 2ue to the brea;ing an2 .or0ing o. bon2- 1hi5h
relea-e- ther0al energ3 into the -urroun2ing-7
@r/n (A
<a=&(a4) 2i--a-o5iate- in a4ueou- -olution to -o2iu0 an2
h32ro/i2e ion-7 )he h32ro/i2e ion- 1hen rea5te2 1ith 5opper(II)
ion- bin2 .or0ing 5opper(II) h32ro/i2e 1hi5h i- in-oluble in a
a4ueou- -olution7 )he pre5ipitate that .or0- 1a- 5opper(II)
@r/n #A
%opper(II) h32ro/i2e 2e5o0po-e- 4ui5;l3 1ith heate2 to .or0
5opper(II) o/i2e 1hi5h i- an in-oluble bla5; -oli2 that 5o0e- out
o. -olution
Din5 0a-- u-e2 (total): !79*$ g
*ercent of Copper Reco"ere% : #67$:
9n a4ueou- rea5tion- are 5he0i5al rea5tion that ta;e pla5e in an a4ueou- -olution (1ater i-
-olvent)7 Su5h rea5tion- are o. parti5ular i0portan5e6 a- all 5he0i5al rea5tion- in living -3-te0-
ta;e pla5e in an a4ueou- 0e2iu07 )here are al-o a tre0en2ou- a0ount o. a4ueou- ba-e2 5he0i5al
rea5tion .oun2 in nature out-i2e o. living -3-te0-7 )he ;e3 to a4ueou- -olution- i- the 1ater
0e2iu0 1hi5h a5t- are a -olvent6 .or 0an3 o. the rea5tion to ta;e pla5e7 Su5h rea5tion- 5an al-o be
5la--i.ie2 into 2i..erent t3pe- 2epen2ing on their 5hara5teri-ti5 propertie-: pre5ipitation rea5tion-6
o/i2ation8re2u5tion rea5tion-6 a5i28ba-e rea5tion-6
9 pre5ipitation rea5tion- o55ur- 1hen t1o a4ueou- -olution- are 0i/e2 an2 an in-oluble
5o0poun2 .or0-7 )hi- 5o0poun2 i- the re-ult o. the ion- pre-ent in the -olution rea5ting 1ith ea5h
other6 i. an in-oluble 5o0poun2 .or0- 1hi5h 2oe- not 2i-a--o5iate in 1ater6 -o it 5o0e- out o. the
-olution a- a -oli26 1hi5h i- 5alle2 a pre5ipitate7 In thi- e/peri0ent r/n ( ()able () i- 5la--i.ie2 a-
pre5ipitation rea5tion a- -oli2 5opper(II) h32ro/i2e 5o0e- out o. the -olution
=/i2ation8re2u5tion are another t3pe o. a4ueou- rea5tion-6 5hara5terize2 b3 the o.
ele5tron- .ro0 one rea5tant to another7 In -u5h rea5tion- one rea5tant i- al1a3- o/i2ize2 an2 another
re2u5e27 )he o/i2ize2 -ub-tan5e i- -ai2 to lo-e ele5tron- an2 the re2u5e2 -ub-tan5e gain- ele5tron-6
1hi5h i- re.le5te2 in the o/i2ation -tate-7 )hi- t3pe o. rea5tion are 5o00onl3 bet1een a 0etal an2 a
non 0etal6 1hi5h involve the .or0ation o. ioni5 bo2-6 an2 thu- ele5tron tran-.er7 )he ele5tron 5an al-o be onl3 partial it 2oe- not nee2 to be 5o0plete6 in either 5a-e a re2o/ rea5tion i-
-ai2 to o55ur7 Fe5au-e ele5tron 5annot be ob-erve- 1ith the na;e2 e3e6 to 2eter0ine i. it ha-
ta;en pla5e6 it- i0portant to ;eep tra5; o. the o/i2ation -tate- o. rea5ting -pe5ie-7 In thi- e/peri0ent
rea5tion- ! an2 ,a6b are i2enti.ie2 a- being re2o/ rea5tion- ()able ()7 In ea5h e4uation the 0etal
rea5tant- (5opper or zin5 0etal-) 1ere o/i2ize2 1hile 2i..erent non80etal- 1ere re2u5e27
9nother ver3 i0portant t3pe o. a4ueou- ba-e2 5he0i5al rea5tion- i- a a5i28ba-e rea5tion7 9-
the na0e -ugge-t- in -u5h rea5tion- an a5i2 an2 ba-e rea5t .or0ing a -alt an2 1ater a- pro2u5t-7
U-ing the 9rrheniu- 2e.inition-6 an a5i2 i- 2e.ine2 a- a -ub-tan5e that pro2u5e- &
ion- in a4ueou-
-olution-6 1hile a ba-e2 pro2u5e- =&
ion- in a4ueou- -olution7 In thi- e/peri0ent r/n i-
5la--i.ie2 a- a a5i2 ba-e rea5tion ()able ()6 1ith -ulphuri5 a5i2 being the a5i26 an2 the %u= a5ting
a- ba-e6 1ith a -alt o. 5opper(II) -ulphate .or0ing an2 1ater (1hi5h 1a- not 2ire5tl3 ob-erve2)
9 5ouple o. a22itional intere-ting ob-ervation- 1ere 0a2e in rea5tion ,7 )he 5opper to 5o0e
out o. -olution in r/n ,a6 2i2 not loo; a- it 2i2 in the begin o. e/peri0ent7 )he -tate o. the 5opper
5olle5te2 i- believe to have i0puritie- o. 5opper(I) o/i2e (%u
=)6 1hi5h ha- the 5hara5teri-ti5
bro1ni-hEre2 5olor ob-erve26 it i- in-oluble in 1ater6 an2 i- pro2u5e- in the re2u5tion rea5tion- o.
5opper(II) -olution- (#)7
9n2 la-tel36 1a- the the ther0al 2e5o0po-ition o. 5opper(II) h32ro/i2e to 5opper(II) o/i2e
()able !)7 %opper(II) h32ro/i2e i- ther0all3 un-table an2 it- 2e5o0po-ition to 5opper(II) o/i2e i-
.avourable un2er -tan2ar2 5on2ition-7 F3 heating the rea5tion6 2e5o0po-ition i- a55elerate2 an2 the
rea5tion ta;e- pla5e 0u5h .a-ter
It 1a- al-o ob-erve2 that <=
1a- al-o pro2u5e2 in the beginning o. r/n ,a 2e-pite there
being no nitrate ion- pre-ent ()able !)7 )hi- 1a- li;el3 2ue to nitrate i0puritie- tran-.erre2 bet1een
rea5tion-7 During the rea5tion the-e ion- are re2u5e26 pro2u5ing the ga- an2 1ater7 Hinall3 in r/n ,b
the a22ition o. &%l -ee0e2 to 0a;e the rea5tion o55ur .a-ter7 )hi- i- believe2 to be be5au-e a-
zin5(II) 2i-pla5e- 5opper(II) .ro0 it- o/i2e it .or0- po--ibl3 a zin5 o/i2e or zin5 h32ro/i2e
preventing the a5tual zin5 0etal po12er .ro0 rea5ting 1ith re0aining 5opper(II) ion-7 )he a22ition
o. &%l 2i--olve- thi- 5oating e/po-ing a greater -ur.a5e area o. the zin5 po12er to the 5opper(II)
-ulphate -olution7
)he 5opper re5overe2 in the en2 o. the e/peri0ent a0ounte2 to #67$: o. the original
4uantit3 u-e27 )he lo1 per5ent re5over3 i- attribute2 pre2o0inantl3 to loo-e- o. 5opper(II)
pro2u5t- 2uring 2e5anting in in r/n # an2 r/n ,7 In r/n # .or e/a0ple -igni.i5ant 4uantitie- o.
5opper(II) o/i2e 1ere ob-erve2 to have -ettle2 at the botto0 o. the the 2e5ante2 li4ui2 -olution b3
the en2 o. the e/peri0ent7 =n top o. that in r/n ,6 the e/peri0enter- ran out o. ti0e to 5o0pletel3
rea5t all the 5opper .ro0 the -olution leaving %u(> ion- in the 2e5ante2 li4ui2 -olution6 2e-pite
repeating the pro5e2ure on the re5overe2 2e5ante2 -olution- -everal ti0e- 1ith the a22ition o.
a22ition zin5 an2 h32ro5hlori5 a5i27
)he .inal a0ount 5olle5te2 i- al-o li;el3 an overe-ti0ation6 be5au-e 2ue to ti0e re-train-6
the 2r3ing o. the 5olle5te2 -a0ple 1a- ru-he26 an2 ver3 li;el3 -o0e o. the 5olle5te2 5opper 0a--
1ill be 2ue to 1ater an2 other a55ounte2 i0puritie-7
! 8 Fou2reau/6 Kevin7 L%opper > <itri5 95i27L6De0on-tration-7 <7p76 n727 Geb7 (6 =5t7 ("!#7
( 8 Sheagle36 Pri56 an2 Dean 9t;in-on7 L9 %35le o. %opper Bea5tion-7LGeneral %he0i-tr3 Jab-
'anual7 Portlan2: Portlan2 State Univer-it36 ("!#7 #7 Print7
#8L%opper(I) =/i2e7L Gi;ipe2ia6 n727 Geb7 (6 =5t7 ("!#7

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