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Sasaran Prodi
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Jenjang S3 ini memiliki
target luaran berupa ilmuwan, praktisi dan/atau spesialis (tingkat dua) yang
berkualitas serta mampu berkontribusi secara aktif dan luas dalam
pengembangan bangunan keilmuan bidang kependidikan bahasa Inggris
dengan indikator sebagai berikut:
1. mampu mengkritisi dan secara inovatif mengembangkan teori,
ancangan, serta metodologi pembelajaran bahasa Inggris melalui kajian
dan/atau penelitian kependidikan yang inovatif
2. mampu mengkritisi dan secara inovatif mengembangkan kurikulum,
silabus, dan berbagai dokumen kelengkapan pembelajaran bahasa
3. mampu mengkritisi dan secara inovatif mengembangkan teori
pengembangan materi dan media pembelajaran bahasa Inggris
4. mampu mengkritisi dan secara inovatif mengembangkan mekanisme
evaluasi (asesmen) pembelajaran bahasa Inggris
5. menguasai dan mampu mengintegrasikan TIK ke dalam berbagai
bentuk penelitian kependidikan dan pengembangan pembelajaran
bahasa Inggris.
Struktur Kurikulum

Course Units for Doctorate Degree
1 2 3 4 5 6 Inti


T P Prasyarat

I. COURSES (24 credits)
1. Education Courses (9 credits)

IGK601 Philosophy of Science 2/2 X V 0.25



IGK602 Research Methodology in
4/4 X V 0.5 3.5 -

IGK603 Perspectives in Education 3/3 X V 0.5 2.5 -
2. English Language Courses (17 credits)

IGK604 Topics in Second Language
4/4 X V 0.5 3.5 -

IGK605 Topics in Foreign Language
4/4 X V 0.5 3.5 -

IGK606 Assessment Instrument
4/4 X V 0.5 3.5 -

IGK607 Schools of Linguistics 3/3 X V 0.5 2.5 -

IGK608 Topics of Research Interests 2/2 X V 0 2 -
II. RESEARCH (28 credits)

IGK650 Research Proposal Seminar 0/4 X X V - - -

IGK651 Doctoral Dissertation 28 (X)




V 0 28 IGK650

Total credits 54 13 13 {28}




Total matakuliah teori : 3.25 sks
Total matakuliah praktik : 50.80 sks
Total sks wajib tempuh : 54 sks
Deskripsi Matakuliah
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Strata 3)
IGK601 Philosophy of Science (2 credits/2 hrs)
This course critically examines the contentious notion of the divide between
science and non-science. The discussion will critically tap upon and/or into
and evaluate the issue of observation as the requirement for science (thus,
non-observational account is non-scientific), will lead the students to the
awareness of the notion that no single account of the difference between
science and non-science has been unanimously agreed on by
philosophers. The course will also touch on the issue of subjectivism as
reaction to objectivism of the positivists: the course is aimed at judicious
discussion of the two broad divide of objectivism and subjectivism.
Additionally, the course will cover the limits of scientific methods, issues of
scientific revolution, and the implications of scientific methods for the
IGK602 Research Methodology in Education (4 credits/4 hrs)
This course critically discusses the research designs and procedures
employed by researchers in the field of education: students evaluate
synthetic, analytic, heuristic, and deductive approaches to educational
research. At the end of the course, the students formulate and submit a
project for research in an area of their own interest.
IGK603 Perspectives in Education (3 credits/3 hrs)
This course critically examines such broad issues as what constitutes
upbringing and education, the limits of education as an academic discipline,
the tension between conservatism and progressivism, and the tension
between liberal education and vocational education. Other issues include
what makes the differences (and/or similarities) among, for instance,
tutelage, mentoring, training, teaching, indoctrination, enculturation, and
education. Since education is often a place for the contestation of diversity,
this course will also examine questions of ideological, political, cultural, and
racial differences in education and their potential implications, such as the
potentially-culturally-grounded tension between education for personal
development and education for citizenship.
IGK604 Topics in Second Language Acquisition (4 credits/4 hrs)
This course provides further opportunities for the students to enhance their
understanding on selected topics in second language acquisition. The
students are expected to read the reading materials and participate in class
discussions on topics such as theories in second language acquisition,
classroom process research, and current research findings in or related to
second language acquisition. By the end of the course, students are
expected to be able to demonstrate familiarities with the central issues in
SLA and discuss issues on research and teaching in second language
classroom which are important to support second language learning.
Evaluation of the final grade will be based on the quality of the students,
term paper and their participation in class discussions.
IGK605 Topics in Foreign Language Teaching (4 credits/4 hrs)
This course is aimed at discussing trends and issues in ELT which have
emerged in our field in the last 30 years and familiarizing the students with
current issues in ELT both global and national in scope. The course
emphasizes self-initiatives and self-activities in discussing and exploring
issues in ELT which are relevant to the students areas of interest.
IGK606 Assessment Instrument Development (4 credits/4 hrs)
The course is designed to enable students to have a more thorough and
comprehensive knowledge about the field of educational test and
evaluation in general with special emphasis on language testing (LT) with
its recent and advanced developments so that they can make a better and
more critical selection of different kinds of language tests, and
professionally develop language tests of their own, administer, analyze,
and use the results competently. More specifically the course is designed
to provide students with opportunity (1) to make a general review of LT
materials on educational test and evaluation, on language testing in
particular with its related aspects, which have presumably been discussed
in LT textbooks and studied in S1 and S2; (2) to make more thorough and
more elaborate studies of LT issues of importance or interest by
summarizing, reviewing, and commenting on LT journal articles relevant to
the issues, and (3) to develop students own language tests, applying the
basic principles and following the essential developmental steps down to
administration of try-out tests and analysis of their results.
IGK607 Schools of Linguistics (3 credits/3 hrs)
This course aims at providing the students with the knowledge of linguistic
thoughts, starting from the end of the nine teenth century up to the present,
particluraly from the period of paradigm crisis in linguistics, such that
linguistics adopted the paradigm that applied in biology and mechanistic
physics up to London school that emphasizes on language use. From the
outset, the students are reminded that the danger of studying schools of
linguistics is not the degree of difficulties in perusing the concepts but
rather the claims that one student or another claim himself to belong to a
certain school.
IGK608 Topics of Research Interests (2 credits/2 hrs)
This course is aimed to provide the students with a forum which allows
them to discuss their critical reading and critical written presentation of the
related literature pertaining to their research (dissertation).
IGK650 Research Proposal Seminar (2 credits/2 hrs)
This course is designed to facilitate the students to be well prepared to
embark on doctoral dissertation writing. Upon concluding the course, each
student is expected to have devised her/himself with a doctoral dissertation
prospectus or proposal showing that s/he is ready to proceed, with an
unflagging high degree of independence, with data collection and analysis
as well as research project report (dissertation).
IGK651 Doctoral Dissertation
This subject refers to students independent research project focussed on a
topic in the area of language and/or language education approved as a
doctoral dissertation by a board of examiners, the proposal of which should
be presented in a seminar as part of a qualifying examination for doctoral
candidacy. The completion of the dissertation should be carried out in view
of the publishability of the material. Doctoral dissertation is normally written
in around 80.000 to 100.000 words (excluding the appendices).

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