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30 MIN

Selling can best be defined as:

The ability to create a desire for someone to want
what you are offering through the art of persuasion.
Contrary to popular belief we are all born with the ability to sell. Even as
a child we were constantly trying to get our parents to buy us our favorite
toy or take us to our favorite hang out.
Ex: Mom please, I promise Ill do all the dishes this week and take out
the trash. I really need this Magazine If not Ill die.
The true challenge at hand is how to unlock this skill and use it to our
Lets take some key words from the definition of selling:
Desire ! we as sales reps must create the desire through building
rapport and creating a want for the product.
Art ! selling is an art form no different from "icasso and his
paintings. #e must fine tune and develop these skills through
training and practice
Persuasion ! Like when we were kids$ we must be persistent and
believe in what we are trying to accomplish. %incerity is key in this
To achieve success one must follow the following formula:
10 Min
Ability x Desire =Success &t is important to multiply in this e'uation
because with ( desire you will receive ( success and vice versa. )ou
must have both in order to succeed in anything you do.
Conversion VS Contacts
%.".*. +sales per hour, is driven by contacts and conversion rate. &t is
important to be able to read the numbers when managing your reps. -
high contact rate with low conversion usually means leads are being
burned. The agent is lacking in closing ability or sales skills. -n agent
that has a high conversion rate and low contact rate usually means they
have strong closing abilities and are getting sales.
Ex: Agent A has a conversion rate of .(/ with a contact per hour of 0(.
-gent - has 0 %ales.
Agent B has a conversion rate of 1/ and a contact per hour of 2(. -gent
3 has ..1 sales for the hour.
-s you can see even though agent - had fewer contacts they still ended
the hour with more sales.
#hich leads us to4

40 Min
1 Introduction ! !
"ost i"#ortant #art of a call$ #*)5 #e have 2
seconds to make a good impression. Building rapport is the most important
skill. -cknowledge the response and respond appropriately. 6emember when
trying to build a house one must start with a good foundation. &f not the house
will surely crumble. %o we can consider the &ntroduction as our foundation
for a sturdy and sure %-LE.
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Ex: &f you knew you were on your way to meet your &n!laws for the first time how
would you dress and more importantly how would you present yourself in order for
them to BU your acceptance@5
-lways remember you will not get a 0
chance to make a good first impression.
Aey factors to remember:
3e sincere
Control your pauses
*ave a sense of urgency
-lways be smiling
-nd always remember the house will fall with out a good foundation.
B( >in
! Bod% ! !aving pro"essional enthusiasm is the most important part!your
enthusiasm creates the desire to buy. Customers remember only .(!.1/ of
the call!make it benefitsC %elling skills needed

&onfidence' #e must be sure of the product and ourselves before we are able
to create the desire in the customer to want what we are offering.
Asserti(eness ! 3e sure and stay in control of the call. )ou as the sales rep
must be able to lead the call to the direction you want to go.

Sincerit%' &f customer does not feel you are being sincere with what you are
offering they will surely not want to proceed with the call. #e must believe
in what we are offering.
&on(ersational' %tay in control but also be sure that customer is involved.
9ont talk to the customer speak #ith the customer.
Ex: >r. Customer &m sure you can see the benefits of that. 6ight5
&ontrolling #auses ! 3e sure and not pause for too long because that gives the
customer the opportunity to finish the call.
Stress Benefits Slo# it do#n and stretch it out ' 6emember customers only
remember about .(!.1/ of the call. 3enefits are .(!.1/ of the callD make
sure thats what the customer remembers. &m sure you have heard the saying
&ts not what you say its how you say it@ always remember to pace your self
and smile. #e must be sure and control our pitch. Ex: &f a doctor is working
on a patient and the line on the machine goes flat that means the patient is
dead and thats were your call will be. %o be sure and control your pitch
30 Min
3 &lose ! Most i"#ortant #art of call$$$
#hy -gents dont close: -fraid of reEection5 7ot confidant5 Customers
dont like to make decisions over the phone!#e make the decision for them.
3e positive assumptive!assume they want itCC :se 8A@ or go directly into
the application.

>ore and more we fall into the trap of asking the customer for the sale this is called
an in)uisiti(e close. 6emember to always assume the customer will be happier with
the product you are offering. No one li*es to "a*e decisions o(er t+e #+one ,e
+a(e to "a*e t+at decision for t+e custo"er. %tress the benefits and close the sale.
This separates the top sales reps from the agents Eust coming in for a paycheck.
Ex: >r. Customer & show your address$ as .02 main streets. &orrect =reat with
your permission what &ll do is tape record the confirmation4
*ere we assume the customer will take the product because it is the best for him or
her or the business.

30 Min
4 -ransition ' >oves you from one point to another within the script. -
transition is used to create a smooth flow to a positive answer. Think of
crossing a river$ the only way you have to cross is by building a bridge. The
bridge represents the transitional phrase you will use to put the customer at
ease and turn the negative into a positive.

Two step process:
Agree! & understand@ +show empathy,
Change the Sub$ect! but@ or however@
EF: 7ow >r.<>s. GGGGGGG$ & understand 4 but<however4@
4. Min
. !
Efforts/0ebuttal ' :sed to recreate desire. HB/ of sales are made off of
second efforts. :se the same amount of enthusiasm as in the body.
;our step process:
.. -gree! >r. Customer & understand what you are saying@
0. Change the subEect but with our product you will get@
2. %ell additional benefits and remember that we offer you@
I. CloseC now & show your address as .02 main streetJ. &orrect$@

#e all remember the story of 6ocky. *e was a loan shark that had all the odds
against him$ still he tried. *e ran every day and chased down a chicken in a coupe
and spent his day pounding on slabs of meat. *e still overcame and fought a great
fight4 but still lost. #hen the se'uel came out he trained even harder$ ran faster$
hit bigger slabs of meat$ chased down an even faster chicken and was finally able to
do what no one thought possible. 3ecome a Champion$ all because he never gave
10 Min
1 Bu%ing Signs' 8ccur when a customer shows interest or asks a 'uestion
about the product. ;or Ex: if you went to a clothing store and saw a hat you
were not interested in. #ould you take it to the clerk for a price check or Eust
leave the store5 The answer is obvious$ any time a 'uestion is asked$ that is the
customer showing interest in what you are offering$ they Eust need more
information. #e can handle this situation with this
;our step process:
Compliment the %uestion +i.e. Thats a good 'uestion$ &m glade you
Ans#er the %uestion
Stress additional bene"its

&f followed correctly this will increase your sales by 1(/ otherwise you will still be$
at best$ a mediocre sales rep.
!0 Min
2 &onfir"ation 34erbati" Disclosure5: Legal$ 3inding Contract.
8ne word can change the entire meaningCC The proper confirmation of a sale greatly
reduces the cancellation +reEection, of salesCCC 7ot following the script verbatim is
almost like a 'uarterback throwing a deep *ail >ary pass and completing it for the
winning touchdown and its called back for a penalty.

9ont underestimate the confirmationD it must be read verbatim in order for the sale
to go through. -lso remember whenever asked a 'uestion during the confirmation
you must answer appropriately and go back to where you left off.
1. Min
6 &ourtes% &lose! Must be read 4erbati"7 e(en if a custo"er +angs u#7 in
e(er% call t+at %ou "ention a5 %our na"e and/or b5 t+e co"#an% na"e Be
sincere and #olite8 re"e"ber #eo#le +a(e a negati(e (ie, of t+e
tele"ar*eting industr% 9ere is our c+ance to turn one o#inion in our
fa(or I guarantee %ou t+e next ti"e t+at custo"er is called t+e call ,ill be a
lot "ore #leasant

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