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Clouds Of Doom

As I write this, a cloud of radioactive fallout from a still-burning nuclear rea

ctor in Japan is drifting over the Pacific to the West Coast of America. There a
re monitoring stations that will detect the radiation, pills that humans can tak
e to prevent uptake of radioactive iodine by their thyroids, and plans to evacua
te population centers if that should be needed. But nothing can be done to stop
the deadly cloud. Nothing can be done to protect the ecosystems in the path of t
he rain of death from the skies.
Nothing, that is, but one thing: A forgotten machine, invented by a long-dead, d
isgraced and forgotten scientist. A machine whose few operators, long disgraced
and ignored, hold the life of a world in their two, too mortal, hands.
If that sounds like a blurb for a bad Sci-Fi movie, well, I can`t help that. It
happens to be the reality. There is nothing known to orthodox, mainstream scienc
e that can do anything about a radioactive cloud circling the earth. But the clo
udbuster can do something about it.
In a saner world, the official agencies charged with protecting the public healt
h would swing into action, building cloudbusters, moving them into place, transp
orting experts to the right places, and all the rest of the things only an offic
ial effort can do. Unfortunately, in the real world, there is a social stigma at
tached to cloudbusting that prevents any of this from happening. There will be n
o official action taken that includes cloudbusters.
But there almost certainly WILL be some action taken by private individuals. The
re is bound to be some cloudbusting done by some of the hundreds of people who a
lready have cloudbusters or have used them in the past and could easily reconstr
uct them. Plus, there are several websites that give instructions on how to buil
d one in enough detail that almost anyone can do so.
And none of those websites says ANYTHING about how to use it properly. It is as
if someone gave away scalpels to everyone on the street and urged them to do sur
gery, but without giving them any instructions on how to do surgery.
Right after the Chernobyl melt-down in Ukraine, there was a network of six cloud
busters operating in Germany and one in southern Sweden, that were trying to div
ert the cloud of radioactive material away from the areas where they were locate
d. At the same time, unknown to them, there was a cloudbuster located in Norther
n Ireland trying to keep that same cloud away from the British Isles. The result
was a long, meandering track, with the fallout cloud reversing direction over S
candinavia and going back toward where it came from, exposing some areas to a do
uble dose of fallout along the way.
It is very likely that at least one or two cloudbusters located on the West Coas
t are already in operation. And it is at least as likely that the operators are
pig-ignorant of how to use a cloudbuster. But even if the operators were all kno
wledgeable about how to use a cloudbuster, a skill that takes months, if not yea
rs, to acquire, that would still be no guarantee that there would be no problems
. Because it is almost certain that most of the operators will not know about ea
ch other.
Operations will therefore be conducted in the dark, so to speak, without the ope
rator knowing who is doing what just over the hill. This is about as likely to p
roduce good results as two surgeons operating on the same patient without either
knowing about the other. Mutual interference with each other`s operations is al
most assured.
But the social situation of orgonomy ensures that this will be the case. Inducin
g some of the operators to work with some of the others is a hopeless task indee
d. Hopeless, but upon it may depend the future of the life energy of the earth.
This was posted on the Paranoia Magazine website.

The main purpose of a cloudbuster is to remove DOR
Posted by Joan d'Arc at 8:27 PM
A cloudbuster is NOT "a device to facilitate, modify or change weather". It is a
device that CAN have these effects as a side effect, but that is NOT the purpos
e of a properly done cloudbusting operation.
There is a very serious transformation underway in the atmosphere of this planet
. It is a build-up of DOR all over the earth. DOR is a stagnant, highly toxic fo
rm of orgone, caused by the irritation of the global energy field by nuclear tec
hnologies, and it is responsible for an ongoing global breakdown in weather patt
The main purpose of a cloudbuster is to remove DOR, to drain it off, or ground i
t, and permit new, fresh orgone to flow into an area, revitalizing the area and
restoring the normal pulsation of the energetic environment. One of the side eff
ects of this process is that weather patterns tend to return to normal, includin
g more-or-less regular, recurrent rainfalls at the historically normal season an
d in the historically normal amounts.
Of equal or greater importance, the biochemical and metabolic condition of all o
rganisms in the affected area tend to stabilize and return to an optimum state,
restoring health to entire populations of all species. This, not "modifying weat
her", is the goal of any properly done cloudbusting operation.
To introduce people who are unfamiliar with the underlying concepts to cloudbust
ing by telling them cloudbusters are a "device to facilitate, modify, or change
weather" is to mislead them.
It is this very misconception, that cloudbusting can be done without regard to b
iological factors, that has made cloudbusting an environmental menace instead of
the boon to the earth it could have been if it had not fallen into the hands of
control-freaks who want to misuse it to "control weather" instead of to restore
an ecological balance that has been disrupted by human interference already. Ad
ditional interference by humans, in the form of cloudbusting to " modify weather
" will only make things worse.
I think it is highly irresponsible to post instructions on how to build a cloudb
uster on a public website without including a long, detailed explanation of erro
rs to avoid and explaining what the atmospheric situation is today and why, and
what the true function of cloudbusting should be. Encouraging misguided people t
o think of cloudbusting as a way to change weather instead of a way to practice
atmospheric medicine on a damaged environment, is only another form of vandalism
of this planet.
And if cloudbusting is used with the goal of modifying weather instead of removi
ng DOR and restoring atmospheric self-regulation, cloudbusting is only another f
orm of pollution. The Trevor Constable Story

In 1969-1972, Trevor Constable was employed by the ACO as their West Coast cloud
buster operator, doing many orops under ACO auspices, with their funding. He was
nominally under Blasbands supervision, and was helped by a woman named Mary Poe
, who was in therapy with Dr. Albert Duvall.

On one occasion, while Blasband was visiting, Constable did an operation to demo
nstrate a new cloudbusting technique he had developed. The success of the operat
ion was documented by the news report next day: Storm Hikes State Death Toll To
67 on Rain-slicked Freeways.

On another occcasion, one of his orops was similiarly documented by a news headl
ine: 9-year-old Boy Swept Out To Sea By Sudden, Unexpected Storm. Both of these
news headlines were known to Blasband at the time, but there is no record that h
e ever raised any objection to this murder by cloudbuster with ACO funding and s

When I met Constable, in Dec., 1971, he told me Reich was not the real inventor
of the cloudbuster, he was a re-incarnated Atlantean who remembered how the Atla
nteans had used cloudbusters. He told me the cloudbuster used by the Atlanteans
was exactly the same design, and they had fought a war with them which sank Atla
ntis. When I asked how he knew all this, he Said, "I'm clairvoyant".

Constable told me he was an ocultist, urged me to read Rudolph Steiner, and said
Reich was "blocked against mysticism". More to the point, he also said the way
to convince people cloudbusting worked was to go for breaking the rainfall recor
d everytime he operated. He said he was going to "bring storms into Los Angeles
that would turn the place inside out".

Later, when I obtained documentation in the form of a letter in which he said th
e exact same thing, I showed the letter to Jerome Eden, who got very excited and
sent it to Ellsworth Baker. The ACO had an emergency Board of Directors meeting
and Constable was fired, but over the strong objections of Blasband, who argued
that Constable did good work. Baker told me a short time after that, "I'm worri
ed about Dr. Blasband".

Constable, according to his book, Loom of the Future, had been a campaign worker
for the 1968 presidential campaign of George Walace, who ran on a racial segega
tion platform. That, along with his mysticism, was known to Blasband at the time

Constable had formed a bad impression of me when I visted him because a Black fr
iend of mine, Larry Diggs, a well-known San Francisco disk jockey, had gone alon
g with me to see him. Constable was friendly and polite, but afterwards sent a l
etter to several orgonomists warning them I was "associating with Black magician

Mary Poe has told me that Constable had figured out how to direct a lightning st
rike with a cloudbuster and had demonstrated the technique. A short time later,
when she had an argument with Constable and quit as his assistant, there was a t
remendous unforecast thunderstorm that night, with numerous lightning strikes ri
ght near her home and none anywhere else. She is convinced he was trying to kill
her. Since I have tested out the technique and confirmed that it works, I am in
clined to believe her.

At the time Constable got fired from by the ACO, Blasband offered to resign from
the ACO and go into the commercial cloudbusting business with him, but Constabl
e told him to stay with the ACO so he could keep Constable informed of what the
ACO was doing. In other words, Blasband was to become a spy in the ACO for Const

Blasband was angry at me for blowing the whistle on his friend, and when I asked
him why he had not, as an orgonomist, considered Constables mysticism pathologi
cal, he said that Constable does good work and I was a biggot to hold the mans r
eligion against him. It is not surprising that Blasband later became involved wi
th another mystical guru, Levashov, and has come to believe in a mystical theory
of the functioning of the cloudbuster instead of the orgonomic theory of Reich.

That a mystical.minded person like Constable could be accepted by the ACO as fi
t to do cloudbusting is enough to raise questions about their competence as psyc
hiatrists in itself, but that they had accepted for a highly responsible positio
n, a position in which the lives of unsuspecting members of the public could be
put at risk, a man who had worked for the election of a presidential candiate wh
ose main issue was racial segregation, says all I need to know about the ACO. On
e must be very far to the right indeed to consider racism a respectable politica
l position.

At the time, I was told by Ellsworth Baker that the next issue of the Journal of
Orgonomy would contain an article explaining why Trevor Constable was no longer
working for them. I am still waiting for that article. The ACO has never formal
ly repudiated Constable, leaving people who do not have access to personal conve
rsations with insiders to assume he is still connected with the ACO.
The Trevor Constable Story
Trevor Constable is in his 80s and retired now, but has left a legacy of younger
imitators and groupies who look up to him as a great alternative science resear
cher and innovator. Several of them are actively trying to copy his methods of "
weather engineering" using the equipment and methods he devised. This is highly
unfortunate. Even one Trevor Constable is at least one too many.
Far from being the benevolent humanitarian the deluded groupies think he is, Mr.
Constable shows some truly alarming tendencies. He was a campaign worker in the
1968 presidential election campaign for George Walace, who ran on a platform of
strict racial segregation. He later said that he wanted Walace to first win, th
en get asassinated soon after, so his running mate, General Curtis LeMay would b
ecome president.
Constable went on to later become a close friend of LeMay, and on his behalf, Le
May at the time of his death was lobbying his former associates in the Pentagon
to look into the weather control methods developed by Constable. Apparently neit
her of them knew the United States is a signatory to a United Nations Convention
banning weather modification as a weapon or any military research on weather mo
dification, so what LeMay was doing was urging his former co-workers to commit a
war crime. This could be regarded as treason.
Constable has written several highly laudatory biographies of World War Two Germ
an and Japanese war heroes, stated that Lee Quan Yu, the former dictator of Sing
apore,best known for advocating beatings with a cane as a punishment, is the gre
atest political leader of the 20th century, and once told a radio talk show audi
ence on the Art Bell Show, that we should not show any sympathy for crippled chi
ldren because they must have done something in a past incarnation to deserve bei
ng crippled.
Constable is very mystical, and especially influenced by Rudolph Steiner, an Aus
trian folklorist, philosopher, and theologian whose highly mystical ideas are of
ten incorrectly thought by mystical-minded people to resemble those of Reich. In
fact, there is no resemblance at all and Steiner was about as far from being a
scientist as it is possible to get. It is hard to imagine any set of ideas farth
er removed from the meticulous natural science of Reich than the near-total reli
ance on intuition and folklore of Steiner.
In an article in the Journal of Borderland Research, What The Financial Newslett
ers Leave Out, he once claimed that the real conspirators behind the conspiracie
s the conspiracy theorists talk about are not human; they are Arimanic entities
on the Astral Plane, and they use astral radionics machines to influence the min
ds of people here on earth.
In a conversation with me, he once stated that "Reich did not invent the cloudbu
ster. He was a re-incarnated Atlantean, and remembered how they used to build th
em in Atlantis. They fought a war with them and sank their continent." When I as
ked him how did he know that, he said he was clairvoyant.
In a letter to Dr. Richard Blasband, then Director of Research of the American C
ollege of Orgonomy, which at the time was funding his cloudbusting efforts, Cons
table asked Blasband to hold onto a check for money they owed him because he was
in the process of a divorce and wanted to wait to claim the money until after t
he judge had examined his finaces so his disabled soon-to-be-ex-wife, the mother
of his two children, would not be able to get her hands on it.
This from the man who once stated, "Inherent in the Anglo-Saxon race is the spir
it of fair play. It is a part of their structure."
It is with this background in mind, that we must look at the statement he made i
n a letter to Jerome Eden, published in the C.OR.E. Manual, by Jerome Eden, to "
Take the orgone by the balls and it will talk. Any other approach and it laughs
at you". Eden commented, "That's how you torture somebody!"
According to Mary Poe, who was his assistant, when she quit, shortly after he ha
d discovered how to direct a lightning strike to a selected target, he tried to
kill her with directed lightning bolts.
In his published writings on his weather control work, Constable often used expr
essions like "Shoving millions of tons of air around", but in all his published
writings, spanning over 40 years, he never once mentioned any such concept as se
lf-regulation of the atmosphere, or suggested there was some sort of cause for t
he droughts he constantly attempted to break.
In fact, he never even mentions DOR, the stagnant, unhealthy state of orgone, wh
ich according to Reich and almost every other worker in the field, is the underl
ying basis for droughts and must be carefully removed before attempting to bring
rain to a drought-stricken region. He told me that thinking about DOR causes it
, so he tried not to think about it. He said Dr. Richard Blasband was "socking i
n the whole East Coast with DOR by worrying about it all the time".
One result of this conflating cloudbusting with mysticism was that, since he did
nothing to remove the DOR blockage that was causing the droughts, every time he
"ended" a drought, the drought soon returned again right after he ceased workin
g. Time after time, Constable succeeded in bringing rain in the mist of a drough
t, or in a desert area, but in not one single instance did the rains continue fo
r long after he stopped operating.
His sole criteria for the success of an operation was the amount of rain that fe
ll, not the impact that rain had on the place where it landed. He often trumped
his "great results" by documenting them with first, the original weather forecas
t from the previous day, then the news story about the rain the next day, to dem
onstrate how he had caused the forecast to be wrong.
One of the operations he did was thus documented by the news headline: 9-Year-Ol
d Boy Swept Out To Sea By Sudden Unexpected Storm". Another was documented by th
e newspaper headline: "Storm Hikes State Death Toll To 67 On Rain-slicked Freewa
It should be noted that this particular operation was not conducted to break a d
rought or because there was any need for rain, but merely to demonstrate a new t
echnique he had discovered to Dr. Blasband, who was visiting. Blasband did not r
aise any objections to this killing people for the sake of a demonstration.
In another instance, Trevor Constable was asked at an alternative science confer
ence about one article of his in which the "beneficial" results were accompanied
by a news story of 6 field hands being struck by lightning. He shrugged it off
with, "Well, if they don't believe in it, they can't sue me, can they?"
Now there is a reason I am going into all this material that sheds light on the
character of Trevor Constable. That reason is that recently an Australian admire
r of Trevor Constable, Ash Palise, has taken up cloudbusting as a hobby, and alr
eady has bungled several operations, inflicting more damage on Australia than Tr
evor Constable managed to inflict on the entire earth in his entire 40-year care
er. And Mr. Palise has been trying to emulate his hero, Trevor Constable, using
his variation on the cloudbusting equipment first invented by Reich in 1952, and
operating it according to the theories and concepts he has picked up from Const
One result has been the recent floods in Queensland, the worst flooding in Austr
alian history. Hence the need for a full-length disertation on the misconception
s of cloudbusting promulgated by Trevor Constable and now, unfortunately, being
continued by Ash Palise with truly disasterous re"New, Improved", Models Of Clou
The issue as I see it, is not if the cloudbuster can be improved or not, but if
the operator can be improved. We do not need better equipment; what we need is m
ore information on how the atmosphere functions and how to make better use of th
e equipment we have.
A properly-trained surgeon, knowing the anatomy of the human body, can do surger
y successfully with stone-age tools, but a person who does not know anatomy cann
ot do successful surgery with a modern, fully-equipped hospital operating room.
Ideally, a full-scale training program for cloudbuster operators, comparable to
medical school training required to practice medicine, would be a basic requirem
ent to do cloudbusting.
Many ideas have been proposed for "improvements" in the cloudbuster. Most of the
m seem to think that it could or should be made "more powerful". The idea that m
aking the draw more "powerful" would be better is a fundamentally wrong one. The
cloudbuster does not drag the air masses around by brute force. It draws only a
very small portion of energy from a highly localized spot in the atmosphere, an
d the orgonomic potential is what does the rest. A stronger draw would not help
anything. Anyone who claims to have a way to make the cloudbuster "more powerful
" is simply displaying his authoritarianism. Such people should not do cloudbust
ing. The wish to "overpower" the atmosphere and FORCE it to do this or that is e
xactly the wrong way to go about cloudbusting.
The response of the orgone atmosphere to cloudbusting is like an allergic reacti
on by the body. A very small grain of pollen can cause a very large man to convu
lse in a fit of sneezing. More pollen will not cause any more violent a sneeze.
The reaction by the body is not in proportion to the stimulus. It is far greater
than the mere amount of the stimulus would suggest.
Cloudbusting can also be compared to sexual stroking and foreplay. Very gentle s
troking at the right spot and at the right rate will accomplish the desired resu
lt far better than "powerful" rubbing will. In fact, the way a person behaves in
bed with a lover is a prototype of the way that person will behave towards the
atmosphere when doing cloudbusting. Someone who goes in for whips and chains in
the bedroom will not be likely to show the proper respect and concern for the at
mosphere when cloudbusting either. And the probable results will likewise be les
s than optimum.
The usual "improvements" suggested for the cloudbuster generally fall into certa
in classes: the attachment of some electrical device to the cloudbuster, some fo
rm of geometrical shape, or some magnet, crystal, coil, or other attachment rega
rded as having some special properties. All of these suggestions show a lack of
understanding of how a cloudbuster works.
Any form of electrical stimulation of the field of the cloudbuster will cause a
increase in the most popularized visual effect of a cloudbusting operation, the
breaking up of clouds directly overhead. This impresses a lot of people who do n
ot realize that breaking up clouds is not what a cloudbuster does. The name "clo
udbuster" is highly misleading in this sense; it reflects the historical fact th
at that was the first effect noticed by Reich, but does not suggest to someone u
nfamiliar with that history the wide range of things a cloudbuster can do or how
it does them.
The expansion from over-excitation of the field of the cloudbuster is transferre
d to the atmosphere and causes an expansion of the atmosphere, breaking up cloud
s overhead. It also increases drought tendencies, and prevents the contraction p
hase of the pulsation of the atmosphere. If a drought tendency already exists, i
t will become worse and the continued operation of the cloudbuster will only pro
long the drought.
This has happened several times when the remote-controlled cloudbusters used by
Blasband, DeMeo, and Eden were used in areas on the West Coast, where a chronic
drought tendency exists. Blasband invented the idea of using 12-volt D.C. servo
motors to move the pipes around from a safe distance to avoid the DOR that is at
tracted to the cloudbuster in a drought atmosphere from affecting the operator.
It worked fine on the East Coast, where the atmosphere is much more moist and mo
bile, but on the drier West Coast, it only resulted in increased drought tendenc
Electrical current, as produced by batteries or generators, is what Reich called
"secondary energy", and any application of any form of secondary energy to the
primary energy, the orgone, will have the same effects. It makes no difference w
hat "voltage", what "amperage", or what "frequencies" or any other minor variati
on on the basic theme there may be, it is secondary energy, and therefor it will
trigger a mild oranur effect. This mild oranur effect will normally be much les
s than the intense oranur effect caused by radioactive materials, but it is of t
he same basic nature.
Trevor Constable and some others have sought to "improve" the basic cloudbuster
design by incorporating various new-age junk like coils, magnets, pyramids, etc.
into the design. So far, none of these innovations has really done anything muc
h except confuse people who do not realize what it is that a cloudbuster is supp
osed to do.
Constable himself did not really believe most of what he claimed in his promotio
nal articles. He deliberately lied about how he got his results because he was m
ainly interested in commercializing cloudbusting, not in advancing scientific kn
owledge, and had a commercial motive to keep information secret so his prospecti
ve customers could not just go out and do it themselves instead of hiring him.
Most of the "new, improved" designs he published photos of over the years were n
othing but decoys, stage props intended to distract attention from how he was re
ally getting his results. He would put on a show for his prospective customers w
ith these props, while at some distance away, out of sight, an accomplice would
be doing the actual cloudbusting with the original Reich-style equipment, at his
directions, passed on by phone.
I know this because it was my own idea, which I used in Australia and told him a
bout when I got back from my expedition to Queensland. Later, when he started sh
owing off his "new, improved" models of cloudbusting equipment, I recognized my
own scam when I saw it. I later was able to confirm that by talking to an old fa
rmer in Bakersfield, California, who told me he had operated some equipment for
Trevor when Trevor had phoned and told him when to operate it and what direction
to point it. When I asked him what the equipment looked like, he answered, "It
was just some lengths of irrigation pipe stuck in a barrel of water with a hose
going into it and the water overflowing".
The use of fast-moving orgone accumulators, of whatever shape, on cars or airpla
nes, does have an effect on the atmosphere, and such fast-moving orgone concentr
ations do not need to be grounded to have an effect, but the effect of any ungro
unded accumulating device will be only partial. It will stir up and break up a D
OR barrier, true enough, but it still does not get rid of DOR as well as drawing
it into a large body of moving water will. There are some situations where it m
ight be helpful to break up a DOR blockage that way, but in other situations, it
might be better to use water-grounding.
Constable does not even mention DOR at all in any of his books or numerous artic
les because he thinks thinking about it causes it! He once told me Blasband was
"socking in" the whole East Coast with DOR by worrying about it all the time! So
when it comes to DOR-removal and what to do about DOR, we cannot expect to lear
n much from Constable. He won't even think about it for fear of attracting it.
Again, we do not need to learn any more about how to construct cloudbusters. The
original device works perfectly well enough. What is needed, what the direction
of research ought to be, is learning more about how the atmosphere normally fun
ctions, how it malfunctions and how it reacts to the stimulus from a cloudbuster
, in the context of how the orgone atmosphere reacts to any type of stimulus, no
t just from cloudbusting.
When we know enough about the atmosphere, then we will be able to do whatever we
need to do with a cloudbuster, without needing any "new, improved" models of eq
uipment being operated by the same old, ignorant operators.

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